Franklin-Simpson Middle School Unit Planning Template Teacher Ashley Jones Subject Math – Unit 6 Graphing Timeline (Dates) November 3rd – 12th (8 Days) Demonstrators/ Exit Standards (Combined Curriculum) _CRSA/Program_of_ Studies_and_College _Readiness_Standard s_Alignment.pdf Program of Studies (Understand) Program of Studies (Skills) Core Content MA-7-DAP-U-1 Students will understand that quantitative literacy is a necessary tool to be an intelligent consumer and citizen. MA-7-DAP-S-DR1 Students will collect, organize, construct, analyze and interpret data and data displays in a variety of graphical methods, including circle graphs, multiple line graphs, double bar graphs and double stem-and-leaf plots MA-07-4.1.1 Students will analyze and make inferences from data displays (drawings, tables/charts, pictographs, bar graphs, circle graphs, line plots, Venn diagrams, line graphs, stem-andleaf plots, scatter plots). DOK 3 *Hold control and click above* MA-7-DAP-S-DR3 Students will compare data from various types of graphs. MA-7-DAP-U-3 Students will understand that the choice of data display can affect the visual message communicated. MA-07-4.1.2 Students will explain how different representations of data (e.g., tables, graphs, diagrams, plots) are related. MA-7-DAP-U-2 Students will understand that the collection, organization, interpretation and display of data can be used to answer questions. MA-7-DAP-S-DR4 Students will relate different representations of data (e.g., tables, graphs, diagrams, plots). MA-7-DAP-S-DR6 Students will make decisions about how misleading representations affect interpretations and conclusions about data (e.g. changing the scale on a graph). MA-07-4.1.4 Students will determine and construct appropriate data displays (bar graphs, line plots, Venn diagrams, tables, line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots), and will explain why the type of display is appropriate for the data. DOK 2 MA-07-4.1.5 Students will make decisions about how misleading representations affect interpretations and conclusions about data (e.g., changing the scale on a graph). MA-7-DAP-S-ES1 Students will pose questions; collect, organize and display data. MA-7-DAP-S-CD1 Students will make predictions, draw conclusions and verify results from statistical data and probability experiments. Essential Question(s) Connection of Learning to Living Guiding Questions: ( Learning Targets) How to use graphs to solve real world problems. How to use to use bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs to represent/display real world data. I CAN… Construct bar graphs Interpret bar graphs and double bar graphs Construct line graphs Unit Vocabulary bar graph, circle graph, line graph, pictograph, scale, interval, data, legend/key, multiple line graph, misleading graph 1 Franklin-Simpson Middle School Unit Planning Template Interpret line graphs and double line graphs Interpret circle graphs Construct pictographs Interpret pictographs Interpret misleading data What products will students create to show they understand? (Formative & Summative Assessments) Pretest Task Rotation Vocabulary Notebook ard/guides/explore Homework Class Work Group Work Quiz Review Quiz Post-test Vocabulary CODE C O Word Wall Key Vocabulary Organizer bularyCODEActivities.htm A collection of words A concept definition map that organized into categories and establishes the larger categories posted on the wall for students that key concepts fit into, to use in their reading and critical attributes, examples, writing. and related concepts. Please attach Open Response and Rubric. Open Response D Glossary Students keep a glossary of new words by defining them in their own words and including icons or pictures. Hook : E Vocabulary Games Bingo, Jeopardy, Word Baseball to review vocabulary. Vocabulary Quiz Students will test their understanding of vocabulary words by matching words with the correct definition. How will you introduce the unit to generate curiosity & excitement and connect to prior knowledge? Thoughtful Education Strategies *Hold control and click to link*T (Minimum 5 per unit) (20 different strategies per semester) Mastery 1. List the steps to make a bar Interpersonal 1. Ask 20 people what their favorite color is Understanding Self – Expressive Utility (Can be used in multiple styles) 1. Compare and contrast 1. Is graphing more like a a line graph and walk in a park, riding a 2 Franklin-Simpson Middle School Unit Planning Template graph. and make a bar graph of the results. 2. List each graph discussed in this section and give one characteristic of the graph. Turning Point Blogging 2. 2. Your friend hates graphs. Explain why using graphs are important. Why are they needed? EasiTeach EasiTeach pictograph. What can cause a graph to be misleading? bike, a sunrise/sunset, or mountain climbing. Explain your choice. 2. Draw a picture to illustrate the choice you made in #1. Technology (Minimum of three per unit)(5 Different per semester) Textbook Ancilary CD Interwrite Digital Story Telling Podcasting Interwrite Powerpoint Read Write Goal Powerpoint Enrichment/Challenge Pursue to Intensity Explore Laterally Construct Connections Acceleration Connections to Literacy Literacy includes, reading, writing, observing, listening, speaking, thinking, . Students will complete a journal entry at the conclusion of the section to reflect on what they have learned. Modifications Modified assignments Extended time Scribes Reader Students work in groups/pairs Read Write Goal Student Activities Day 1 Pretest Vocabulary Notebook Pass out Graphing Project Graphic Organizer Prompting and Cueing Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Bar Graph PP Line Graphs PP Class Work—E-45, Example 3 and 4 Double Graph Notes in class examples Circle Graphs PP Class Work—Circle Graph Homework Quiz 1 Pictographs PP Class Work—Using Pictographs & Name that Graph B and A Homework—Pictograph Class Work—E-41 and E-42 3 Franklin-Simpson Middle School Unit Planning Template Homework Modifications/Enrichments Student Activities Day 6 Misleading Graphs PP Class Work—Study Guide and Practice Skills 12-5 Day 7 Computer Lab – learn to create graphs on excel and on create a graph website Day 8 Review Quiz Review Game Day 9 Test Task Rotation Due Day 10 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Modifications/Enrichments Student Activities Day 11 Modifications/Enrichments Student Activities Day 16 Modifications/Enrichments 4