Communications Strategy

Berneslai Homes Communication Strategy
2013 – 2015
Our vision, aims and corporate objectives
Purpose of the Communication Strategy
Our communication aims
Our principles of communication
Our audience and customers
Our communication channels
Marketing and Communication responsibilities
Partnership working
What the strategy means to people and services
Appendix 1 - Communication Channel Details
Appendix 2 – Marketing Plan 2014/ 15
Appendix 3 – Guide to communicate clearly
Appendix 4 – House Style Letter Writing
Appendix 5 – Press Protocol
Berneslai Homes’ Communications Strategy aims to help all employees of the
Company to promote effectively, all the information and excellent work
undertaken to a wide range of stakeholders. It will ensure that our stakeholders
receive the right information at the right time, in a way that meets their needs,
while ensuring value for money.
Stakeholders in the Company include: tenants; leaseholders; residents; the
Council and other partners; media; employees; Board Members; TARAs;
Councillors and local MPs.
Excellent communication is fundamental to the success of any company. It is
essential for understanding the needs of our customers and providing accessible
and responsive services.
Effective communication is everybody’s responsibility and we should ensure that
it is at the heart of everything we do.
Berneslai Homes is an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO)
responsible for managing homes on behalf of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough
Council. We manage approximately 18,500 properties and provide all the
landlord services to the council tenants in Barnsley. Our responsibilities include:
Income collection and financial inclusion;
Repairs and maintenance and regeneration;
Managing the waiting list and letting homes;
All tenancy matters;
Digital inclusion; and
Customer engagement.
Berneslai Homes are an independent company committed to working in
partnership with Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council and the communities in
which we work to deliver high quality housing services to local people.
Berneslai Homes came into existence in December 2002 and is a company
wholly owned by Barnsley Council but is overseen by a board of directors rather
than a committee of the council. The Board has 10 members made up of: a
Chair; 3 council representatives; 3 tenant members and 3 independent voluntary
members. In 2009 Berneslai Homes were awarded a three stars excellent rating
with excellent prospects for improvement by the Audit Commission following an
Listening and acting on customer views is at the heart of what Berneslai Homes
do. Berneslai Homes hold a regular Customer Panel to get customers views of
the service and how it can be improved and also work closely with Barnsley
Federation of Tenants and Residents.
Our vision, aims and corporate objectives
Barnsley’s Community Strategy 2011-15 sets out the need to create the social
and economic conditions that will place the borough in a position to realise its full
economic potential. Fundamental to this is the need to address the culture of
dependency. Two priorities have been identified to achieve this. They are:
Growing a 21st century economy.
Changing the relationship between citizens and the state.
Berneslai Homes are a valued partner to the Council and its other partners. To
achieve the ambitions for Barnsley we always need to adopt:
“A fresh approach to people, homes and communities”
and this is our mission statement.
In order to translate this mission into reality we have set four strategic objectives
for the company. These are:
 To deliver excellent customer services;
 To continue to deliver sustainable communities which are safe, healthy
and attractive neighbourhoods which are accessible to all;
 To actively contribute to and influence partnership working within Barnsley
and the sub region; and
 To be a successful, well managed company.
The purpose of the Communication Strategy
This strategy has been developed to help us achieve our vision and objectives
and improve the services we provide. It confirms our current practice and
identifies our:
communication aims;
principles for all communication;
audiences and customers;
channels of communication with local people;
guidance on communication issues;
Our forward plans for communications for 2014/15; and
How we measure communication.
Having a good Communication Strategy will contribute to Berneslai Homes being
a successful organisation, and will be one of the simplest ways to improve
satisfaction with our customers.
5. Our communication aims
1. To ensure that local people and stakeholders are aware of our vision and
plans for the future and performance against standards / offers have
agreed with them.
2. To promote Berneslai Homes’ reputation, locally, regionally and nationally.
3. To increase e-communications, targeted communications and social
networking and reduce printed literature. The aim is more cost effective
and environmentally friendly.
4. To have a consistent brand image and positive identity and increase the
understanding and awareness of Berneslai Homes and the services we
5. To involve tenants and the community in the decision making process and
to consult with them and listen to their needs and views.
6. To ensure an effective, aware and motivated workforce through good
internal communication within the organisation.
7. To communicate effectively with partners and ensure joined up
approaches to media and branding.
8. To develop communication channels which improve access to services for
all our customers.
9. To recognise the value of the media as a means of providing information to
members of the public and promotion of Berneslai Homes; to be open and
proactive in our dealings with them.
Our principles of communication
Although our communication is undertaken through a variety of channels and
formats it should always be in accordance with certain general principles and be:
 Honest, open and accurate
 Accessible to all members of the community including hard to reach
 Clear, simple and user-friendly
 Consistent and relevant
 Timely and current. Please see Appendix 1 for a list of our publication
 Impartial
 Informative
 Legitimate - in accordance with relevant legislation, Codes of Practice and
within Berneslai Homes protocols and guidelines
 High quality
 Monitored and reviewed on a regular basis
 Value for money
 Plain English.
The success of our communication depends on the following:
 If it is to be effective, communication activity requires adequate resourcing
and must be given a high priority.
 Communication must be incorporated into early stages of the planning and
management processes.
 The Marketing and Communications Team should be involved at an early
stage of communication activity, to ensure an effective approach and
provide relevant advice.
 All employees have a role to play in communication. It must be owned by
the whole of Berneslai Homes and not seen as the domain of the
Marketing and Communications Team only.
 Methods and channels of communication have to be reviewed regularly
with appropriate alternative and new methods always considered.
 Messages must be consistent across the whole of Berneslai Homes.
 Communication cannot be considered as an external activity only – good
internal communication is key to an effective organisation and enhances
awareness and corporate learning.
7. Our audience and customers
Berneslai Homes communicates with a wide range of internal and external
stakeholders through a wide variety of channels.
Internal stakeholders
 Berneslai Homes employees and Senior Management Team
 Board Members
 Barnsley MBC employees (including Barnsley Connects)
 Trade Unions
External stakeholders
 Barnsley Federation of Tenants and Residents
 Tenants and Residents Associations across the Borough (TARAs)
 Tenants and applicants
 Leaseholders
 General public
 Press / media
 Community and voluntary groups
 Housing Associations
 Local MPs and Councillors
 Hard to reach groups which could include; ethnic minority communities
including gypsies and travellers, older and younger people, disabled
people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, people of faith
communities other than Christian and socially excluded groups.
 Partnering contractors and agencies (including PRIP partner Kier)
 National Federation of ALMOs
 Other ALMOs
 Central Government and Government Office.
Our communication channels
This strategy recognises that we need to communicate using a wide range of
communication tools, to both our internal and external stakeholders. Electronic
communications are developing, but there is a continuing need for written and
face to face methods. Listed are the communication channels available to us:
Open House newsletter annually in April
Annual Report to tenants and leaseholders
Twice yearly rent statements
Corporate literature (leaflets, posters and brochures)
Advertising in the press, TV and radio
Direct Mail
Positive Press releases (sent to the local, regional and national press, TV
and radio)
Media Statements – to respond to negative publicity
Letters – use reverse side for promotion
Public notice board in Barnsley Connects Offices
SEAP Surveys
Monthly Team Brief (internal only)
Plasma screen at Gateway Plaza & Carlton Depot (internal only)
Wage slip advertising (internal only)
E Communications/ Telecommunications
Berneslai Homes website
Berneslai Homes E-bulletin
Looking Local
You Tube
Barnsley Council website
In queue messages
Barnsley Connects telephone
Bulk Texting
Promobile - hand held mobile devices
Audio Visual Films
DVD Handbook
Annual Report to tenants
Linked In
Partner websites
Berneslai Homes Intranet (internal only)
Chief Executive Key Message (internal only)
Global emails (internal only)
Public meetings
Customer Panel
Challenge Berneslai Panels
Drop in sessions
National Customer Service Week (October)
Estate Walkabouts
Steering Groups
Local events (For example summer galas and fetes)
Mayors Parade (July)
Cultural Diversity Events
Road shows
Annual Garden competition
Housing Management Team visits
Public Consultations
Customer Training Programmes
Promotional Items
Regular team meetings (internal only)
Annual staff conference (internal only)
Personal Development Reviews (internal only)
Training courses/ staff induction(internal only)
One to ones with managers(internal only)
Further details and who to contact if you want to promote anything in any of the
communication channels is detailed in Appendix 1.
Berneslai Homes annual events and publications programme can be found in
Appendix 2. All Berneslai Homes events including Steering Groups and Estate
Walkabouts can be found in the events calendar on our website.
Berneslai Homes is committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to our
services. We will ensure that we help people whose first language is not English
understand our services and information. We will do this through telephone
interpreting services, face to face interpretation, type talk, British Sign Language,
large print and by translating our leaflets.
Our Tenancy Pack and those we need for a long period of time are written in
Plain English and are crystal marked. (See Appendix 3 – A guide to
communicating clearly). We also have a Customer Approved logo which we
display on our literature which means that it has been checked and approved by
our customers.
Whenever a customer identifies a different communication need, we will do our
best to meet this need.
Marketing and Communication Responsibilities
Communication is at the heart of everything we do at Berneslai Homes and it is
all of our responsibilities. Listed below are the communication responsibilities of
the Marketing and Communication Team, Senior Management Team, Strategic
and Operational Managers, Staff and the Board.
Marketing and Communications Team
The Marketing and Communications Team is made up of a Marketing and
Communications Officer, a Graphics and Creative Design Officer and a ECommunications Officer. Provides advice, support and guidance on various
communication issues including:
 Website, Intranet, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Yammer and Linked In
 PR / dealing with the media – Draft press releases and copy and getting it
approved by the SMT.
 Direct mailings
 Marketing
 Publications
 Design and print
 Branding
 Events
 Actively seeking promotional activities from other members of staff
 Internal communications
 Accessibility - providing information in different formats
Senior Management Team (SMT)
 To oversee the annual events programme, Marketing Plan and
Communications Strategy and to ensure its delivery.
 At least one member of SMT should approve all positive press releases
and press statements.
 To make strategic decisions and inform the Marketing and
Communications Team of any future strategic decisions / cabinet reports
which the press may pick up on.
Strategic and Operational Managers
 To make staff aware of Chief Executive team briefs and key messages.
 To direct any press enquiries to the Marketing and Communications Team
and inform them of any possible negative publicity we may receive due to
policy changes or problems / accidents.
 To encourage staff to promote their service.
 Be proactive and aware of the events programme and encourage their
team to get involved.
 Identify future marketing opportunities and events and to inform the
Marketing and Communications Team so they can include this in the
Marketing Plan, website events calendar / latest news section and
 To agree communications protocol with partners to avoid mixed and
duplicate messages.
All Staff
To inform the Marketing and Communications Team of:
 Suggestions and ideas for positive, good news stories.
 Of all enquiries from the media and not to speak to the media over
anything relating to Berneslai Homes.
 Any developments, events or marketing opportunities.
The Board
 Approve the Marketing Plan and Communications Strategy and set the
marketing budget.
 Direct any press enquiry to the Marketing and Communications Team.
To ensure that our communication is effective and meets the principles in section
6, a range of guidance exists and corporate assistance is available to officers
involved in the communication process. Berneslai Homes Press Protocol has
been prepared to clarify good practice in terms of publicity and proactive and
reactive media work. It has been produced to provide specific guidance and
information for Berneslai Homes staff and Board Members and is available on the
Berneslai Homes intranet site.
For any written communication with customers, staff can refer to the
‘Communicating Clearly Guide’ (see Appendix 3), and ‘House Style Letter Writing’
(Appendix 4).
There are areas where it is unwise, and may even be unlawful, not to comply with
certain standards and codes of practice.
 Communications will be in accordance with the Government's Code of
Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity.
 To ensure consistency and legitimacy, the Marketing and Communications
Officer provides advice and acts as the 'keeper of corporate standards'.
 A Marketing and Communications Meeting is held, consisting of
representatives from all departments, members of Barnsley Federation
and the Board, and meets quarterly to ensure a consistent and corporate
approach to communication, share ideas and best practice.
 Communications will comply with current Freedom of Information and Data
Protection legislation.
 To ensure clarity, all communications are 'branded' in the appropriate way
in accordance with corporate design guidelines.
10. Branding
Although we deliver services on behalf of the council, as an ALMO, we have a
separate identity of our own. The Berneslai Homes brand is the way in which
we are distinguished from other companies and council services. It also plays
a big part in how we are perceived by our customers, partners, the housing
industry and the general public.
The Branding Guidelines in Appendix 6 is intended for use by employees,
partners and contractors, to ensure that the company’s visual identity is
professional, consistent, vibrant and engaging. We need all employees and
partners to become stakeholders in the Berneslai Homes brand, so that our
company values are communicated effectively.
Its success depends on:
 Key messages being consistent and having a high profile.
 All published and electronic material being easily recognisable as originally
from Berneslai Homes in terms of visual identity and content. This includes
a corporate presentation template which should be used by staff for
PowerPoint presentations and is available on the Berneslai Homes Intranet
 The Berneslai Homes logo and strap line ‘A fresh approach to people,
homes and communities’ is used to reflect our corporate identity and brand
our services.
 The Marketing and Communications Team monitors the corporate identity
guidelines and advises employees on these matters.
We also have a corporate presentation and poster templates which can be used
by staff to ensure all communication is in keeping with our brand. This is
available on our intranet site.
11. Partnership Working
Berneslai Homes works in partnership with a range of organisations from large
established contractors to smaller community based organisations. Our key
partners are the Council, Kier and Barnsley Federation of Tenants and Residents.
It is important that partnerships in which we are involved communicate in an
effective way and our role and involvement should be reflected and
acknowledged appropriately. Partnership branding is also important. Again, its
aim is to reflect and acknowledge our involvement and also the involvement of
other organisations in initiatives which may have wide and complex
representation. Developing an agreed and standardised approach to
communication and branding at the start of a partnership can avoid confusion in
this area.
12. What this strategy means for people and services
We want to ensure that we communicate in the best way possible. If our
communication is effective it impacts on our customers and our staff who deliver
If you require this information contained in this strategy in another version
e.g. large print, Braille, tape or an alternative language, please telephone
01226 772779 or e-mail:
Appendix 1 - Communication Channel Details
Berneslai Homes Website and Intranet
Contact: Sarah Schofield Tel: 772779
Deadline for copy: Please send any changes or new additions as convenient to
give them enough time for the work to be carried out. Please also send details of
any events which Berneslai Homes are involved in to go onto the events calendar
on the website.
Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Linked In
Contact: Molly Howe Tel: 774379.
Deadline for copy: Please send any changes or new additions as convenient to
give them enough time for the work to be carried out.
Contact: Molly Howe Tel: 774379
Deadline for final copy: Week 4 of the month
Date distributed: First Friday of the month
Distribution: By email to all tenants who have given us their email addresses.
Format: E-newsletter.
Homeseeker advert
Contact: Molly Howe Tel: 774379
Deadline for final copy: Thursday morning
Date distributed: Weekly on Friday morning
Distribution: By email to all housing register applicants tenants who have given
us their email addresses. Sent in the post to every Berneslai Homes Tenant
Format: email.
Chief Executive Key Message
Contact: Janet Turner / Jayne Wilson Tel: 772725
Deadline for final copy: Weekly
Date distributed: Weekly
Distribution: Emailed to all Berneslai Homes staff.
Format: Email
Berneslai Homes Monthly Team Brief
Contact: Jayne Wilson or Janet Turner Tel: 772725
Deadline for final copy: At the end of each month.
Distribution Date: First week in the month.
Distribution: Through Strategic and Operational Managers in team meetings, by
email and available on the intranet.
Twice yearly rent statements
Contact: Amanda Glover / Simon Cole / Garry Micklethwaite Tel: 772722
Deadline for final copy: Two week prior to distribution.
Date distributed: Mid April and September.
Distribution: Sent in the post to every Berneslai Homes Tenant
Format: A4 Letter or an insert for example a mailer.
Annual Report
Contact: Sarah Schofield Tel: 772779
Deadline for final copy: end June
Date distributed: Annually end September
Distribution: Posted to all tenants and leaseholders.
Format: DVD
Open House Annual Newsletter
Contact: Sarah Schofield Tel: 772779
Deadline for final copy: End January
Date distributed: Annually mid April
Distribution: Sent in the post along with the rent statement to every Berneslai
Homes Tenant, PDF version available on the website and hard copies distributed
to Barnsley Connects Offices and partners.
Format: A4 Glossy 20 page magazine.
Berneslai Homes Plasma Screens at Gateway Plaza and Carlton
Contact: Sarah Schofield Tel: 772 779
Deadline for copy: Ongoing advertising opportunity, however send the information
to the Marketing and Communication Officer at least one week before you want it
to go live.
Format: Please send text and images and these will be copied onto a branded
PowerPoint slide.
For further details on any other communication channels listed in Section 8,
please contact the Marketing and Communications Officer on Tel: 772 779.
Appendix 2 – Marketing Plan 2014/15
Please see document attached.
Appendix 3 – Guide to Communicating Clearly
Please see document attached.
Appendix 4 – House-style letter writing
Please see document attached.
Appendix 5 – Press Protocol.