7th Grade Language Usage Prepositions Name Question #1: Which


7 th Grade Language Usage



Question #1:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

Scientists have led the way in the battle against the black fly.

A. Scientists

B. led

C. against

Question #2:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

Scientists have sprayed pesticides on rivers since the 1970s.

A. Sprayed

B. since

C. rivers

Question #3:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

Ninety percent of the areas sprayed have had no new cases of river flies.

A. areas

B. have

C. of

Question #4:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

In West Africa, most people still live in mud and thatched houses.

A. in

B. still

C. most

Question #5:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

Since they do not have running water, people go to the nearest stream for

A. do

B. for

C. go

Question #6:

Which of these answer choices is a preposition?

They must also find firewood beside the streams to build fires.

A. build

B. must

C. beside

Question #7:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

Subsistence farmers are barely able to grow enough food for their families.

A. farmers

B. families

C. barely

Question #8:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

Plantation farmers do well with their crops.

A. farmers

B. crops

C. do

Question #9:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

They lead the world in the production of coffee.

A. world

B. production

C. they

Question #10:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

Have you read about the Sahel droughts?

A. read

B. Sahel

C. droughts

Question #11:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

Overgrazing and drought have hastened the advance of the Sahara Desert into the Sahel.

A. drought

B. advance

C. Sahel

Question #12:

Choose the word that is the object of the preposition.

Until 100 years ago, people knew so little about

Africa that it was called "the dark continent."

A. continent

B. years

C. ago

Question #13:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Africa has some OF THE MOST DREADED

DISEASES known to man.

A. adverb

B. adjective

7 th Grade Language Usage



Question #14:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Early European explorers would not venture past the coast BECAUSE OF DREADED DISEASES.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #15:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb? Many

Europeans set up trading posts ALONG THE


A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #16:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Former American slaves settled IN LIBERIA.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #17:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?


COUNTRIES in Africa.

A. adjective

B. adverb

Question #18:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

BEFORE EUROPEAN COLONIZATION, there were no separate countries.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #19:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Nearly all of Africa belonged TO EUROPEANS in the nineteenth century.

A. adjective

B. adverb

Question #20:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

By the 1970s, most colonies had gained their independence FROM EUROPEAN DOMINATION.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #21:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Africans still use the language and customs OF THE

COUNTRIES which controlled them.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #22:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

The Nigerian government had used money FROM

OIL EXPORTS to develop industry.

A. adjective

B. adverb

Question #23:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?


Africa had been settled.

A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #24:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

Africans traded many types of goods TO THE


A. adverb

B. adjective

Question #25:

Is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?


Africans still live in small villages.

A. adverb

B. adjective

7 th Grade Language Usage


Answer Key

1. C -against

2. B -since

3. C -of

4. A -in

5. B -for

6. C -beside

7. B -families

8. B -crops

9. B -production

10. C -droughts

11. C -Sahel

12. B -years

13. B -adjective

14. A -adverb

15. A -adverb

16. A -adverb

17. A -adjective

18. A -adverb

19. B -adverb

20. B -adjective

21. B -adjective

22. A -adjective

23. A -adverb

24. A -adverb

25. A -adverb
