WNBA/Women's night - Amazon Web Services

Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
WNBA/Women’s night
The purpose of this night is to attract more women
and girls to Toros games. To do this, we would offer
all women a discounted ticket price.
The target audience for this night is women, so
personally invite local girls’ basketball teams and
offer them a team discount on their tickets.
As an incentive for people and an entertainment
factor, we could ask some of the players from the
Silver Stars to attend.
Possible ideas for how the WNBA players could be
Autograph Signings
Use WNBA players in shooting contests
during on-court timeouts.
Other Possible Options
We could offer the local girl’s basketball teams the chance to play before the
This night could be tied in with Breast Cancer Awareness night as it is
something that solely affects women. If you notify the breast cancer charity they
will send you promo items to hand out at the event.
Further things to do if this was to be a combined WNBA and breast cancer
awareness night:
“Think Pink”, get people to wear something pink in aid of breast cancer.
Place pink collection buckets around the stadium for people to donate money in.
(Available at http://www.enasco.com/product/C28251N)
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
College Night
The purpose of this night is to attract college kids to the games.
Affiliate with a well known college/frat bar which is close to the Austin Convention
Center (possibly get them to sponsor the whole night), and create a deal where anyone
who presents a Toros ticket at the bar after the game, gets half price beer or a free drink.
Make this a key point in our advertisements.
To attract more people, invite some UT players to the game. If possible get them to do
an autograph signing session.
Possible Promo Items:
Key ring bottle openers.
I-pod Case
Other Possible Options:
.We could partly make this a college career night, where in the price of the ticket
we offer college students the chance to come to an educational conference before
the game, and hear various members of the sports industry talking about the
possible careers you could choose within the industry.
We could do college vs. college on-court contests, particularly the relay type
Prizes for the winners of the on-court contests could be a $25 bar tab at the
affiliated bar after the game.
Create a fundraiser for frats/sororities to compete who can sell the most tickets to
the game. They would be allowed a cut of the proceeds which they got for the
ticket sales, and also whichever frat/sorority sold the most tickets would win a bar
NOTE: It is important on this night to collect email addresses from attendees, so we can
create a database of college email addresses, which will allow us to send them
information in the future regarding special offers.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Guys Night Out
This night would appeal to groups of guys, and they would incorporate going to see the
game into part of their night out.
Possible options:
Promote it as a “Friday night out on the town”. Watch the game then, meet the
Toro’s dancers at a bar after the game, and take advantage of drinks promotions at
that same bar (possibly use the same bar as we use for college night).
The price of a ticket would include:
Ticket to Toro’s game
Meet the Toro’s dancers and have pictures with the dance team
Free Dos XX pint glass (courtesy of our sponsors)
Entry to our exclusive Toro’s party
downtown (10-11.30pm)
Possible On-court contests:
Bungee Cord Challenge
Know Your Lyrics
Possible Promo Items:
Posters of Capital City Dance team
Sports Bottle
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Hispanic Heritage/Fiesta Night
The purpose of this night is a celebration of
Hispanic culture and also to attract an area
of the demographic which we haven’t really
targeted before. This night is especially for
the Hispanic community of Austin.
Possible Options:
We should specifically advertise this night
through the Spanish speaking radio stations
of Austin.
For half time or pregame entertainment we
could organize a mariachi band to play and
entertain the crowd.
Possible On Court contests:
Build el Burrito
Dress up relay (with Hispanic clothes, ie.
Sombrero etc)
Possible Promo Items:
Vouchers to “The Rio Grande” restaurant
Dos XX giveaways
Sombreros with Toros logo on.
Toros Maracas, to make lots of noise with.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Holiday Sweater Night
This night is a perfect chance to wear
your holiday sweaters to a Toros game.
A perfect theme for the festive season.
Possible options:
Those who wear a holiday
sweater get a discount on their
Those who wear a holiday
sweater get a free promotional
Toro’s Christmas Decoration or a Toros Santa hat.
We could possibly encourage people to donate any unwanted holiday sweaters,
which we could give to cloth the homeless and/or underprivileged children of
Possible On-Court contests:
“Know your Lyrics” but with Christmas songs.
Box game (see on court contests section)
Santa’s beard relay race.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Mardi Gras Night
This night would be suitable to do on a game in early February as this is the time when
the Mardi Gras is celebrated.
Possible Options:
We could bring in a Jazz band to provide
entertainment before the game and at half
time, to create the carnival atmosphere
within the conference centre
Possible Promo Items:
Mardi Gras, black and silver beads which
the Capital City dancers could throw them
into the crowd at half time, like a real
Mardi gras.
Available at
Cost for 300 = $91.95
Throw mini stuffed Da Bulls into the crowd as well
(see Promo items section).
Possible on court contest could be the slingshot
launch (see on court contests)
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Go Green Night
The aim of this night is to bring awareness about looking after the environment to Toros
Possible Options:
We could get Home Energy Solutions and HEB to
sponsor this night.
HEB could give away free cloth bags for grocery
shopping. HES could set up a kiosk, providing information about how to create
an energy efficient home, and the services HES offer.
HEB will benefit from sponsoring this night and providing cloth bags to
giveaway, as it will encourage people to shop at HEB for their groceries as
opposed to their competitors.
We could offer people who “carpooled” to the game (
had 3 or people in the car going to the game) a
voucher for a buy one get one free ticket. These
vouchers would be distributed by garage and parking
lot attendants and would be valid for this game or
Another idea that could be linked with this game theme, is “Ride your bike to the
game”, which is a similar idea to the carpooling night. People who cycled to the
game got a buy one get one free voucher for their ticket (we would have to make
sure we had enough bike racks if we were to hold this event).
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Family fun in the SUNday/night
This game night theme is aimed at taking a “colder” day in December and turning into a
night of summer fun! It is also a family event so we would encourage families to attend
the game together.
Possible Options:
Toros beach balls and water bottles could be a possible
promotional item.
Possible on court contests could be “Beach ball battle” or
the “parent/child limbo contest”.
Just For Fun Rentals could provide boat hire for a day
free of charge for the winner of the limbo contest.
A local travel agency could also sponsor this night, and
offer a free vacation giveaway for the winner of one of
the on court contests.
To keep with the family theme, any on court contests
should be family based with family v. family relays for
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Shoeless Night
The main purpose of this night is to collect money and collect shoes for the children of
“Samaritans Feet” is an organization who hope to equip 10million children, with
10million pairs of shoes in the next 10 years.
People could show their support by attending the game in bare feet, or by bringing a pair
of children’s shoes with them.
Possible Options:
Try to get a shoe store like
DSW in Austin to sponsor the
night and donate some shoes.
On court contests such as “Bag
up shoes” and “Dress Up
relays” would be fun to do on
this night.
The benefit to the Toros of hosting a
night like this would be that it would bring in a lot of publicity, especially if Coach
Snyder agreed to coach for that particular game in bare feet, as previous coaches who
have done similar things have attracted a lot of media attention.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
“A” Special Night
This is a night to award students who achieved high grades in their class. Students would
bring their record card with them to the game, and if they have a certain grade average or
above they get in for free.
Possible Options:
We could give away our promo Toros
pens to every child who shows their
grade card.
Another promo item which we could give
away would be the Toros lunchbox.
This night would be most effective if it
took place at the end of a semester, in
December for example.
Possible sponsorship partners could be
local learning centers like Oxford
learning centers, or Sylvan learning
centers, or Kuman learning centers.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Healthy Heart Night
The focus of this evening would be to raise awareness
about heart disease, and also raise money for the American Heart Association.
Possible Ideas:
The American Heart Association could set up a kiosk with flyers and other
information on keeping a healthy heart.
We could giveaway free Austin Toros pedometers (see list of promo items for
supplier), to encourage people to walk 10,000 steps a day.
Encourage people to wear red to show their support for the American Heart
Get the Capital City Dancers to take around Red Buckets to collect donations for
the American Heart
The On Court Contests
should be relay based,
with the emphasis on the
fact that exercise can be
fun, and is good for you.
This night could be linked
in with a Get Fit Night,
where we could have a
local aerobics instructor
demonstrate some easy to do everyday exercises that people can do to keep
themselves fit and healthy.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Black History Night
This night is a chance to recognize the Black community of Austin and honor certain
recognized members of the community by inviting them and their families to the game,
and honoring them in front of the crowd.
Possible options:
We could have a choir singing the national anthem and providing half time
entertainment for the fans.
Possible Contests:
Trivia competition with the subject being black history. (See “Quoting Greatness
Quiz at http://www.biography.com/blackhistory/quoting-greatness-quiz.jsp where
you have to guess who said the famous quotes OR there’s a kids black history
quiz at http://www.infoplease.com/games/black-history-quiz.html)
Name that tune with songs from the appropriate era and culture.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Lance Armstrong Night
This night is used to raise awareness of the Livestrong Foundation, which raises money
and supports people who are fighting cancer.
If we contact them we will receive promotional items
which we can giveaway on the night, such as t-shirts,
rubber wristbands and t-shirts.
Possible Options:
We could create a yellow ring around the court by
giving those with courtside seats a yellow Lance Armstrong foundation yellow tshirt.
10% of all ticket sales could be donated to the Lance Armstrong foundation.
The P.A announcer could be given short facts to read out about cancer and coping
with cancer.
We could set up a small kiosk/stall with
information on about the Livestrong challenge in
Austin, where people could register for the event
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Hounds and Hoops night
The aim for this night is that fans bring their dogs to the game and can buy a special
ticket package, which includes:
Discounted game ticket
Game ticket for your dog
Preferred seating
Food voucher of some variety
Possible Options:
A “Paws for Pets” Pre-game show, with various dog and owner contests and
Some of the proceeds could go towards the “Fix Austin” campaign to stop the
killing of Austin’s sheltered pets.
Possibly have the night sponsored by a local pet store, examples: Bark N Purr pet
center; Petco ; Pet smart; OR Buddy’s chance LLC Dog training and behavior
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Live Music Series
This is a series of nights to showcase Austin’s musical talent. On different nights we
invite individual artists or groups to come and perform at a Toros game. They could
perform on the concourse for an hour before the
game, and possibly (depending on how good
they were) perform on court at half time.
Possible Options:
The night could be sponsored by ALM www.austinlivemusic.com or
unlockaustin.com which focuses on Austin’s live music scene.
If we had a “Know your lyrics” contest at half time or in between quarters, we
could incorporate the musician into the contest, possibly getting them to sing/play
the 1st part of the song.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Catholic School Night
This night coincides with Catholic school week, and we invite lots of children from local
catholic schools to come and watch the game.
We use dancers and cheerleaders from the schools to provide pre game entertainment,
and get two teams from some of the Catholic high schools to participate in the ‘Court of
We also use a pupil to sing the National Anthem before the game.
The main aim is to involve the children who attend as much as possible.
A list of the Catholic Schools in Austin:
Cathedral School of St. Mary
Holy Family Catholic School
San Juan Diego Catholic High School
St. Austin Catholic School
St. Gabriel Catholic School
St. Ignatius Catholic School
St. Louis Catholic School
St. Michael's Catholic Academy
St. Theresa's Catholic School
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Get Fit Night
This is a night to encourage people to get fit and healthy. The main sponsor of this night
is 24 hour fitness, who is one of main sponsors; however we do invite other corporations
to attend this event.
We invite other gyms to this event, also sports clubs,
physiotherapist practices, chiropractors etc. We offer them the
opportunity to set up a little stand advertising their company and what services they have
to offer.
Usually one of the gyms that we have invited provide a demonstration and entertainment
at half time with a dance routine, similar to those that you would do if you were to
participate in a fitness class at their gym.
Possible Options:
Possible promo items could include the Toros water bottle, Toros drawstring
backpack and the Toros I-pod protector case, all which could be used for a trip to
the gym!
We could make on court contests as active as possible, with lots of relay contests.
We could pit too muscular fitness instructors against each other in the bungee
chord challenge, or gym vs. gym tug of war.
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
All Star Games
This night will be for two game nights in the season, and it will feature the best youth
players from the area in two teams playing
against each other, those from the North of
Texas vs. those from the South. One night it
will be the boys All Star game and then the
other will be the girls All Star game.
The games will take place before the Toros
game, and all the families of the players will
be invited to attend both the All Star game and
the Toros game.
Get two Toros players or Coach Snyder and a player to coach the teams during
the game, for the girls possibly get two of the Silver Stars players to attend and be
the coach for each of the girl’s teams.
Get T-shirts for each All Star team, for them to both wear during the game and
keep as a souvenir from the event.
The winners of the All Stars game win mini trophies and the runners up receive
medals (again as a souvenir of their day).
Publicize this event to the local schools and encourage them to come and watch
the games and bring their students along to watch the best players from the local
high schools.
For the All Star game invite a local school cheer team to cheer and or a local
dance team to entertain the crowds during the All Star game.
Get local sports centers, and community centers to sponsor the night. For example
Promotional Nights for 2008/2009
Public Safety Night
This night raises awareness on public safety and also recognizes the people who work to
keep Austin’s community safe. We would invite firemen, policemen and paramedics
from the local community to the game and honor them.
Possible Options:
A public safety stand on the concourse with flyers and other information on
public safety, and what to do in the event of emergencies.
Hand out DWI goggles, to demonstrate the dangers of drink driving.