Course : Chem 401F

File: Chem(M) Syl-2005
Course Title
Theoretical Chemistry-III
Electrolyte solutions and Electrode
Advanced Chemical Kinetics
Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
Class Assessment –V
Physical Chemistry Practical –V OR
Thesis / Dissertation on topics of
Physical Chemistry
Unit Credit Marks
* Viva-voce examination includes the assessment of the students through oral
examination of all the courses.
** Laboratory courses include 30% (60) marks for continuous Lab. assessment.
** Thesis includes 30% (60) marks for oral examination on the thesis.
Syllabus for The Degree of Master of Science (M. Sc) in
Session: 2005-2006
Examination – 2006
Examination of the theory courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 4
(four) hours duration, and of the practical courses of 200 marks (1.0 unit, 4
credit) shall be of 24 (twenty for) hours duration (4 days). 30% marks of the
practical courses are assigned for continuous Lab. assessment. The students
shall submit a report after each Lab. class to the Lab. teacher(s) for evaluation.
(After evaluation the report shall be returned to the students). The lab. teacher(s)
shall submit the average marks of all Lab. evaluation in sealed envelopes to the
chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the
last lab. held.
The class assessment course include tutorial, terminal, home assignment, and /or
class examinations taken on theoretical courses by the relevant course teacher(s)
during the academic year. The class teacher(s) of each course shall submit the
average consolidated marks of class assessments in sealed envelope to the
Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the
last class held. The examination committee shall send a copy of consolidated
marks for each of the viva-voce examination, class assessment, lab. evealuation
and practical examinations to the controller of examinations
* No student shall be allowed to sit for the examination having less than 60%
class attendance.
Course : Chem-511F
Theoretical Chemistry-III
Examination - 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(80 lectures, 4 lectures per week, total 20 weeks )
Quantum theory of the chemical bond - diatomic molecules (20
lectures): Born-Oppenheimer approximation; nuclear motion in diatomic
molecules; the hydrogen molecule ion (H2+); approximate treatments of H2+
ground electronic state; molecular orbitals for H2+ excited states; molecular
orbital (MO) configurations of homonuclear diatomic molecules; electronic
terms for diatomic molecules; the hydrogen molecule (H2); valence-bond
(VB) treatment of H2; comparison of MO and VB theories; MO and VB
wave functions for homonuclear diatomic molecules; excited states of H2;
electron probability density; dipole moments; the Hartree-Fock method for
molecules; self-consistent-field (SCF) wave functions for diatomic
molecules; MO and VB treatments of heteronuclear diatomic molecules; the
valence electron approximation; configuration iteration (CI) wave
Quantum theory of the chemical bond - polyatomic molecules (20
lectures): Ab inito, density-functional, semiempirical and molecularmechanics methods; electronic terms of polyatomic molecules; the SCF MO
treatment of polyatomic molecules; basis functions; the SCF MO treatment
of H2O; population analysis; the molecular electrostatic potential and
atomic charges; localized MOs; the SCF MO treatment of methane, ethane,
and ethylene; molecular geometry.
-electron theory of organic molecules (10 lectures): Hückel MO theory;
the use of symmetry for determining Hückel orbitals; cyclic conjugated
polyolefins and Hückel’s 4n + 2 rule; aromaticity and antiaromaticity; nonclassical structures; heteroatomic molecules; the free electron model of electron molecules.
Statistical Mechanics and quantum statistics (20 lectures): Phase space
and the Liouville’s theorem; equipartition of energy. Quantum statistics:
Boltzmann statistics, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, comparison
of the three statistics; quantum statistics of weakly degenerate and strongly
degenerate ideal Fermi-Dirac gases, an ideal gas of photons (blackbody
radiation); the density matrix; the classical limit from quantum mechanical
expression for Q. Statistical thermodynamics of crystalline solids:
vibrational spectrum of a monatomic crystal, Einstein and Debye theories of
the heat capacity of crystals, lattice dynamics, phonons, and point defects in
crystals. Theories of liquids: The theory of significant structures and the
Lennard-Jones Devonshire theory.
Books recommended:
1. Ira N. Levine
: Quantum Chemistry
2. J.N. Murrel, S.F.A. Kettle & J.M. Tedder : Valence Theory
3. P.W. Atkins
: Molecular Quantum Mechanics
(3rd. edn.)
4. Donald A. Mc Quarric
: Quantum Chemistry
5. H. Eyring, J. Walter & G.E. Kimball
: Quantum Chemistry
6. R. Anantharaman
: Fundamentals of
Quantum Mechanics
7. A.K. Chandra
: Introductory Quantum
8. Donald A. McQuarrie
: Physical Chemistry,
A Molecular Approach
9. S. Glasstone
: Theoretical Chemistry
10. Donald A. McQuarrie
: Statistical Thermodynamics
11. Gurdeep Raj
: Advanced Physical Chemistry
Course : Chem-512F
Examination - 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(80 lectures, 4 lectures per week, total 20 weeks)
Raman spectroscopy (20 lectures): Classical and quantum theory;
rotational Raman spectrum; instrumentation; effect of nuclear spin;
molecules without a centre of symmetry; vibrational Raman spectra; mutual
exclusion principles; polarization of Raman lines. Group theoretical
analysis of vibrational spectra; vibrational analysis of single crystals;
determination of structure by the application of Raman and infrared
selection rules; vibrational-rotational Raman spectra; hyper Raman effect.
NMR spectroscopy (20 lectures): (a) 13C, 19F, 14N, 15N, 31P NMR
spectroscopy. (b) Multiple pulse NMR experiments with some simple
applications. (c) Some two-dimensional NMR experiments, CIDNP
Fluorescence spectroscopy (10 lectures): transition probabilities and
lifetime, quantum yield, fluorescence intensity and polarization,
fluorophores and fluorescence probes, fluorescence parameters, molecular
dynamics study.
Electron spin (paramagnetic) resonance spectroscopy (ESR / EPR) (10
lectures): Introduction; principles; instrumentation; spectrum; hyperfine
structure; radicals; anions of aromatic hydrocarbons; relation between
hyperline-splitting and unpaired electron density; interpretation of ESR
spectra; ESR spectra of transition metal complexes as single crystals;
Optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular dichroism (CD) (10
lectures): Optical activity and circularly polarized light; parameters for
optical activity; measurement of ORD and CD; physical basis of optical
activity; optically active chromophores; the use of CD to determine
secondary structures.
Mossbauer spectroscopy (10 lectures): Principles; experimental methods;
theoretical aspects; quadrupole splitting; magnetic hyperfine interaction;
internal magnetic field in molecules; applications.
Books recommended:
1. D.A. Skoog
2. B.P. Straughan & S. Walker
3. B.K. Sharma
4. C.N. Banwell
5. P.S. Sindhu
6. I.D. Campbell & R.A. Dwek
7. D. Freifelder
Principles of Instrumental Analysis
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
Molecular Spectroscopy
Biological Spectroscopy
Physical Biochemistry
electrolyte solutions, ion-ion interaction during diffusion of electrolytes,
diffusion potential.
Interfacial electrochemistry (20 lectures): Origin and thermodynamics of
electrode potential: potential differences in electrochemical systems,
electromotive force and electrode potentials as the sum of Volta potentials,
the nature of potential differences across phase boundaries, the Nernst
osmotic theory and the hydration theory of electrode potentials. Theories of
double layer formation at the electrode-solution interfaces: formation of the
double layer; the parallel plate condenser theory (Helmholtz double layer),
the diffuse layer theory (Gouy-Chapman double layer), the adsorption
theory (Setern’s treatment) of the double layer; recent developments in
double layer theory. Adsorption at electrode surfaces: isotherms and the
behaviour of reactant ions and molecules at electrodes – Langmuir
isotherm, Temkin isotherm and heterogeneity of interaction effects,
electrochemical isotherms for ion adsorption.
Kinetics of electrode processes (15 lectures): Electrode polarization and
overpotential; classification of polarization phenomenon, the concept and
theory of diffusion overpotential; diffusion-controlled reactions; principles
and applications of polarography; basic factors in ion discharge;
formulation of overall kinetic rate equation, concentration dependence of
rate of a discharge step, net currents and exchange currents; heats of
activation and frequency factors; activation controlled reactions; kinetics
and mechanism of some simple electrode reactions, viz., hydrogen
evolution at the cathode and oxygen evolution at the anode.
Some electrochemical systems of technological importance (10
lectures): Corrosion and passivation of metals, corrosion testing, corrosion
industries, theories of corrosion and methods of combating corrosion;
electrochemical energy conversion devices, primary and secondary
batteries, fuel cells, electroplating of metals, viz., Cu, Ni, and Cr; factors
governing the natuer of deposits; ornamental and porous deposits
Organic reactions at electrodes (20 lectures): The Electrolysis Cell;
choice of working and reference electrodes; selection of solvent and
supporting electrolyte. Reduction of functional groups: carbonyl
compounds, nitro groups, carbon-halogen bonds, unsaturated compounds,
carbon-nitrogen bonds, organosulfur compounds, organometallic
compounds, peroxides, reduction of carbon-nitrogen single () bonds.
Oxidation of functional groups: the Kolbe reaction, mechanism and role in
organic synthesis, oxidation of unsaturated compounds, anodic substitution,
alkoxylation, acetoxylation, cyanation and acetamidation; oxidation of
aromatic alcohols, anhydrides; oxidation of olefins; anodic halogenation.
Electrosynthesis of some compounds of commercial importance: propylene
oxide, hydroquinone, adiponitrile, tetraethyl lead etc.
---------------Course: Chem-513F
Electrolyte solution and Electrode Processes
Examination - 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(80 lectures, 4 lectures per week, total 20 weeks)
Structure and properties of electrolyte solutions (15 lectures): Structure
and properties of water; intermolecular forces; solubilization process;
solvation of ions – theories and energetics, determination of solvation
number; Debye-Hückel theory of ion-ion interactions in electrolyte
solutions, critical appreciation of Debye-Hückel theory; modification of
Debye-Hückel theory; activity coefficient and methods for its
determination; theory of ion association, ion association equilibrium.
Diffusion in electrolyte solutions: Fick’s laws, application of Fick’s laws to
Books Recommended:
1. D. Eisenberg and w. Kauzmann
2. J.O’M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy
3. B.E. Conway
4. K.J. Vetter
5. G. Khortum
6. L. Anthrpov
7. W. Blum and G.B. Hogaboom
Kohler and Creighton
9. Mars G. Fontans and Greene
10. S.N. Banerjee
11. E. C. Potter
12. G. Mantell
13. M.R. Rifi and Frank H. Covitz
14. Demetrios K. Kyriacou
The Structure and Properties of Water
Introduction to Electrochemistry
Electrode Processes
Electrochemical Kinetics
Treatise on Electrochemistry
Theoretical Electrochemistry
Principles of Electroplating and
Electrochemistry –
Principles and Applications
Corrosion Engineering
An Introduction to the Science of
Corrosion and Its Inhibition
Electrochemistry –
Principles and Applications
Industrial Electrochemistry
Introduction to Organic
Basics of Electro-organic Synthesis
H + HBr = H2 + Br2); thermodynamic formulation of CTST; assumptions
and limitations of CTST; multiple crossing and the equilibrium hypothesis;
reparability of the reaction co-ordinate; quantum effects; extensions of
transition state theory; variational transitional-state theory; quantummechanical transition-state theory; microscopic reversibility and detailed
Theory of unimolecular reactions (10 lectures): Recapitulation of
Lindemann-Christiansen and Hinshelwood’s treatments. The RiceRamsperger-Kassel (RRK) treatment, Slater’s treatment, Marcus’s
extension of RRK treatment (RRKM); influences of foreign gases;
intramolecular and intermolecular energy transfer; laser-induced
unimolecular reactions; decomposition of ions; combination and
disproportionation reactions; mechanism of atom and radical combinations.
Elementary reactions in solution (20 lectures): Effects of solvents on
reaction rates; factors determining reaction rates in solution; collision theory
in solutions; transition-state theory for reactions in solution: influence of
internal pressure of the solvent, influence of solvation of reactants and
activated complex; reaction between ions: influence of solvent dielectric
constant on rates, pre-exponential factors of ionic reactions, single-sphere
activated complex for activated complex, influence of ionic strength, more
advanced treatments for ionic reactions in solutions; ion-dipole and dipoledipole reactions in solutions; influence of hydrostatic pressure on rates;
substituent and correlation effects on rates; diffusion controlled reactions:
full microscopic diffusion control and partial microscopic diffusion control,
reactions involving two ions.
Composite reactions (10 lectures): Rate equations for composite
mechanisms: simultaneous and consecutive reactions, rate-determining
steps, microscopic reversibility and detailed balance; chain reactions; some
inorganic reaction mechanisms: hydrogen-bromine reaction, hydrogenchlorine reaction, hydrogen-iodine reaction, comparison of hydrogenhalogen reactions formation and decomposition of phosgene, decomposition
of nitrogen pentoxide, decomposition of ozone, para-ortho hydrogen
conversion; mechanism of organic decomposition reactions: GoldfingerLetort-Niclause rules, molecular processes, decomposition of ethane and
acetaldehyde, inhibition mechanisms; mechanism of gas-phase combustion
of hydrogen and hydrocarbons.
Reaction dynamics (10 lectures): importance of reaction dynamics;
molecular-dynamical calculations of chemical reactions: the reaction H +
H2, the reaction Br + H2 and more complex reactions; chemiluminesence;
---------------Course : Chem-514F
Advanced Chemical Kinetics
Examination - 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(80 lectures, 4 lectures per week, total 20 weeks)
Energy of activation (20 lectures): Statistical distribution of molecular
energies: simple statistical expressions; Tolman’s theorem. Potential energy
surfaces: ab initio calculations of potential energy surfaces: treatments
based on London equation, variational calculations; semiempirical
calculations of potential energy surfaces: London-Eyring-Polanyi (LEP)
method, Sato method, modified LEP methods, bond-energy-bond-order
(BEBO) method; empirical treatments of activation energy.
Theories of Reaction rates (10 lectures): Conventional transition state
theory (STST); derivations of rate equation from CTST; symmetry numbers
and statistical factors; applications of CTST to reaction between atoms and
reactions between molecules with a few specific examples (e.g., the reaction
features of potential energy surfaces: attractive surfaces for exothermic
reactions, repulsive surfaces for exothermic reactions, surfaces of
intermediate types for exothermic reactions, selective enhancement of
reaction, disposal of excess energy, gradual and sudden surfaces, influence
of rotational energy; molecular beams: stripping and rebound mechanisms,
state-to-state kinetics.
Books Recommended:
1. P. W. Atkins
: Physical Chemistry (7th edition)
2. Keith J. Laidler
: Chemical Kinetics (3rd. edition)
3. S. Glasstone, K.J. Laidler & H. Eyring : The Theory of Rate Processes
4. K.J. Laidler and J.H. Meiser
: Physical Chemistry
scheme of a free radical polymerization process: methods of radical
production, efficiency of initiators, chain propagation, transfer and
termination. Kinetics of free radical polymerization, kinetic chain length
and average degree of polymerization; chain tansfer and incorporation of its
effects in ideal polymerization model; chain transfer constants; inhibition
and retardation; deviations from ideal kinetics.
Chain growth copolymerization (10 lectures): Coplymerization models;
copolymer composition equation from simple (terminal) copolymerization
model; characteristics of monomer reactivity ratios; random copolymers,
alernating copolymers, formation of long sequences of one monomer unit;
azeotropic copolymerizatios; average composition of binary copolymers.
Determination of reactivity ratios. Reactivities of monomers and radicals:
resonance effects, polar effects and steric effects; the Q–e scheme, rates of
free radical copolymerization.
Biomacromolecules (10 lectures): Building-block molecules of biomolecules and their nature; simple ideas of structure and functions of
proteins / enzymes, lipids, carbohydrates, and DNA / RNA. Stabilizing
forces in biological macromolecules; native and denatured forms of
Specificity and modifications of proteins / enzymes (5 lectures): Trypsin;
chymotrypsin; elastage; carboxypeptidase; aminopeptidase; cyanogen
bromide cleavage; chemical modification of SH, -S-S-, NH2, imidazole and
–S-CH3 groups of proteins.
Isolation and purification methodology of proteins / enzymes (5
lectures): Chemistry of solubilization, precipitation and chromatographic
separation of proteins.
Characterization of proteins (12 lectures): Gel filtration (gel permeation
chromatography, GPC); Electrophoresis; 2D peptide mapping; N and Cterminal analysis; aminoacid analysis and degradation of proteins. Enzyme
nomenclature; cofactor; enzyme catalyzed reactions having one substrate;
Michaelis-Menten approach to enzyme kinetics; K m and Vm values and their
determination; enzymatic assay.
-------------------------Course : Chem-515F
Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
Examination - 4 hours
Full marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
80 lectures, 4 lectures per week, total 20 weeks
Introduction to macromolecules: (13 lectures): The macromolecular
concept; some basic terms and definitions: monomer, oligomer and
polymer; repeating unit; end groups; degree of polymerization. Polymer
molecular weights and distributions and their determination: osmotic
pressure measurements (Mn), Light scattering measurements (Mw),
sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium methods (M z),
viscosity and molecular weight (Mv); natural and synthetic polymers;
polymerization and functionality principle; linear, branched and crosslinked (network) polymers; thermoplastics and thermosets; elastomers,
fibres and plastics; copolymers; polymer nomenclature; isomerism in
polymers: positional, stereo and geometrical isomerism.
Condensation or step-growth polymerization (10 lectures): Various
types of condensation polymers: polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes,
polycarbonates, polyethers, and inorganic polymers. Kinetics of linear
condensation polymerization; relation between average functionality, extent
of reaction, and degree of polymerizatin: Carothers’ equation; bifunctional
systems; molecular weight distribution in linear condensation
polymerization; factors influencing maximum attainable molecular weight.
Addition polymerization (15 lectures): Comparison between step-growth
and addition polymerization processes; addition polymerization: free
radical, cataionic and anionic; monomers and initiators; effect of
substituents on the polymerization mechanism of vinyl polymers;n. Overall
Recommended Books:
1. Alfred Rudin
2. George Odian
3. Premamoy Ghosh
Paul C. Hiemenz
P.J. Flory
A. W. Lehninger
: The elements of Polymer Science and Technology
: Principles of Polymerization
: Polymer Science and Technology of
Plastics and Rubbers
: Polymer Chemistry the Basic Concepts
: Principles of Polymer Chemistry
: Principles of Biochemistry
R.C. Bohinski
G. Zubay
D. Freifelder
R.K. Scopes
C.N. Price & R.A. Dwek
Modern Concepts of Biochemistry
Physical Biochemistry
Protein Purification
Principles and Problems in Physical
Chemistry for Biochemists.
Course : Chem-511L
(Physical Chemistry Practical)
Examination - 24 (Twenty four) hours (4 days)
Full Marks: 200 (2 unit, 8 credit)
Experiment-140, continuos Lab. assessment-60
[N.B. In addition to the experiments listed below more experiments on physical
chemistry may be done subject to the availability of the Lab. facilities.]
1. Determination of the molar mass of a given polymer.
2. Determination of the limit of homogeneous phase in the three component
system: chloroform-acetic acid-water.
3. Determination of the rate constant and order of S2O82- in the reaction S2O822(aq)+29 (aq) 2SO4 +92(S)
4. Kinetic studies on the oxidation of ethanedioic acid.
5. Determination of the Avogadro constant.
6. Studies on the substituent effect on reactivity by measuring the rate of base
catalysed hydrolysis of methyl benzoate.
Determination of the G°, S°, H° & Cp° for the equlibrium reaction I2 +
II 3- .
Determination of the energy of activation for the reaction 5 KBr + KBrO3 +
2H2SO4 = 3Br2 +3K2SO4 + 3H2O.
Studies of adsorption on liquid surfaces by surface tension measurements.
Verification of the formula of inorganic big molecules, e.g., KMnO 4 ,
K2Cr2O7 by the ebullioscopic / Cryoscopic methods.
Determination of percentage composition of a binary mixture of nonvolatile
nonelectrolyte, e.g., urea, glucose by ebullioscopic / Cryoscopic methods.
Determination of Vant Hoff factor of an electrolyte by ebullioscopic /
Cryoscopic methods.
Determination of the dissociation constant of a weak acid (e.g. acetic acid,
oxalic acid etc.) near 100°C/0°C by ebullioscopic / Cryoscopic methods and
estimation of pH of the solution.
Determination of the hydrolysis constant of a salt conductometrically.
Determination of activity coefficient conductometrically.
Kinetic studies on the saponification of an ester conductometrically.
17. Determination of the solubility product constant of a suitable salt
18. Determination of the standard oxidation –reduction potential of the
Fe2+/Fe3+ system.
19. Determination of the instability constant of the argentamine complex
20. Determination of the hydrolysis constant of a salt potentiometrically.
21. Determination of the mean activity coefficient of an electrolyte
22. Determination of the equilibrium constant of Sn4+ + 2 Fe2+
Sn2+ +
2 Fe potentiometrically.
23. Potentiometric titration of a dibasic acid with NaOH and determination of
the first and second dissociation constant of the acid.
24. Determination of Isobestic point.
25. Determination of the indicator constant of an indicator.
26. Study of the equlibrium in aqueous solution between ferric nitrate and
sodium thiocyanate spectrophotometrically and estimation of stability
constant and coordination number of Fe3+.
27. Determination of the solubility product constant of Cu(II) Iodate
Recommended Books:
1. D.P. Shoemaker et al
2. G.S. Weiss et al
3 A. Findlay
4. R.C. Das
5. J.N. Gurtu
6. K.K. Sharma
7. J.C. Muhler et al
8. J. Rose
9. J.B. Yadav
10. Newcomb, Wilson et al
11. Daniels et al
12. Brennan et al
13. S.R. Palit
14. C.D. Hodgman et al
15. R.C. West et al
L.A. Lange
Experiment in Physical Chemistry
Experiments in General Chemistry
Practical Physical Chemistry
Experimental Physical Chemistry
Advanced Experimental Chemistry
An Introduction of Practical Chemistry
Introduction to Experimental Chemistry
A Textbook of Practical Physical Chemistry
Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry
Experiments in Physical Chemistry
Practical Physical Chemistry
Experiments in Physical Chemistry
Practical Physical Chemistry
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry
Handbook of Chemistry
average consolidated marks of class assessments and attendance in sealed
envelope to the Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three
weeks from the last class held.
Course Title
Credits Marks
Methods and Synthesis
Synthetic Organic Chemistry &
Advanced Organic Spectroscopy
Industrial and Polymer Chemistry
Stereochemistry and conformations
Advanced Organic Reactions
Bioorganic Chemistry
Chem-521AH Class Assessment –V
Chem-521VH Viva-voce–V
Chem-521L** Organic Chemistry Practical –V OR
Viva-voce examination includes the assessment of the students through oral
examination of all the courses. No student shall be allowed to sit for the
examination having less than 60% class attendance.
Course : Chem-521F
(Organic reactions and stereochemistry)
Examination – 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures; 1 Unit; 4 Credit)
Purification and important uses of some solvents & reagents (20
Lectures): Methanol and ethanol, acetone, N,N dimethyl formamide
(DMF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), acetone, chloroform, dichloro
methane, benzene, ether, tetrahydorfuran, (THF) toluene, diethylene glycol
(DEG) BBr3, BF3 (etherate), AlCl3, dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCC),
Girad reagents, perbenzoic and periodic acids, N-bromosuccinimide (NBS)
polyphosphoric acid (PPA) trifluoroacetic acid (TFAA), trimethyl silyl
chloride (TMS), Raney nickel, Köser’s reagents, Dess Martin reagents triKöser’s reagents, triisobutyl tin hydride, thulliam trinitrate (TTN).
Redox reactions :
a) Oxidation reactions (10 Lectures): Oxidation of alcohols with Cr(VI)
with DMSO and DCC, oxidation with PCC, with Jone’s reagent, Collin’s
reagent. Allylic oxidation (SeO2 and Pb(OAc)4). Peracid and periodate
oxidation. Lemieux oxidation, Prevost and Woodward oxidation.
Chem-599*** Thesis –I (Organic / Industrial)
* Any one course shall be chosen out of the three optional courses subject to the
approval of the branch.
** Laboratory courses include 30% (60) marks for continuous Lab. assessment.
*** Thesis includes 30% (60) marks for oral examination on the thesis.
Examination of the theory courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 4
(four) hours duration, of 50 marks (0.5 unit, 2 credit of 2 (two) hours duration
and of the practical of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 12 (twelve)
hours duration (2 days). 30% marks of the practical courses are assigned for
continuous Lab. assessment. The students shall submit a report after each Lab.
class to the Lab. teacher(s) for evaluation. After evaluation the report shall be
returned to the students. The Lab. teacher(s) shall submit the average marks of
all Lab. evaluation in sealed envelopes to the chairman of the relevant
examination committee within three weeks from the last Lab. class held.
Class assessment course includes tutorial, terminal, home assignment, and /or
class examinations taken on theoretical courses by the relevant course teacher(s)
during the academic year. Class assessment comprises (a) 80% marks in tutorial,
terminal home assignment and /or class examinations and (b) 20% marks for
attendance in the class. The class teacher(s) of each course shall submit the
b) Reduction reactions (10 Lectures): Catalytic hydrogenation, metal
LiAlH(OC4H9)3], B2H6, DIBAL, Na-cyanoborohydirde, reduction with
dissolving metals, Birch reduction.
Alkylation of active methylene compounds (10 Lectures):): The
formation of enols and enolate anion and their importance, alkylation of
relatively active methylene compounds (C-alkylation and O-alkylation),
alkylation of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds, alkylation of ketones, the
formation and alkylation of enamines.
Interconversion and protection of functional groups (15 Lectures):):
Hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl, carboxyl, amino and thiol
Stereochemistry and Conformations (15 Lectures): Stereochemistry,
optical activity and chirality, cis-trans isomerism, conformational analysis,
strains, methods of correlation for configurations, ORD, CD, etc.
Conformation and stereochemistry of cholesterol, cholestane etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Adams (ed.)
2. H.O. House
3. Carruthers
: Organic Reactions (all volumes)
: Synthetic Application of Organic Reactions
: Some Modern Methods of
Organic Synthesis
H. Gilman
: Advanced Organic Chemistry, (Vol-1 to IV)
L.F. Fieser and M. Fieser
: Topics in Organic Chemistry
I.L. Finar
: Organic Chemistry Vol. 2
R.KJ. Mackil & D.M. Smith : A Guidebook to Organic Synthesis
P. Simpson
: Organometallic Chemistry of the Main
Group Elements
T.W. Green
: Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis.
iii) Insecticides : Sevin and Furadam
iv) Pyrifenox : 4-(dichloro metheylene)-2-[N-(ά-methyl benzyl )]imino-1,2-dithiolane.
b) Some important drugs: Salbutamol, trimethoprime, indomethacin,
acetazolamide, naproxen and tolmetin sodium.
Recommended Books:
1. E.S. Gould
: Mechanism and Structure in
Organic Chemistry
2. R.T. Morison & R.N. Boyd
: Organic Chemistry
3. S. Warren
: Disconnection Approach.
4. P. Simpson
: Organometallic Chemistry of the Main
Group Elements.
5. A. Kar
: Medicinal Chemistry
6. A. Burger
: Medicinal Chemistry vol. I & II
---------------Course: Chem-523F
(Advanced Organic Spectroscopy)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures; 1 Unit; 4 Credit)
Course: Chem 522F
(Synthetic Organic Chemistry)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures, 1 Unit, 4 Credit)
Multinuclear aromatic heterocycles (15 Lectures): General nature,
preparation and properties; Benzo-derivatives of furan, pyrrole and
thiophene; acridine, phenathridine and diazanaphthalenes.
Polycyclic aromatic compounds (10 lectures): General nature, structure,
reactions and synthesis of annulenes, rotanes, twist compounds, prism
compounds, propellanes,cyclophanes, crownethers.
Organometallic Chemistry (20 Lectures): Alkyl metal compounds of
alkali group, organo-copper compounds, organo-zinc compounds, organopalladium compounds, organo-silicon compounds, organomagnesim and
organoselenium compounds, preparation, properties and synthetic uses.
Designing organic synthesis (15 Lectures): Designing organic synthesis
involving one step disconnections: disconnection of simple alcohols,
olefins and ketones. Two group disconnections: -Hydroxy carbonyl
compounds, , -unsaturated carbonyl compounds and 1,3-dicarbonyl
Synthesis of (20 Lectures):
a) Agrochemicals:
i) Herbicides : Vegadex, Avadex, Eptam and Carbyne
ii) Fungicides : Vapam, Nabam and Zineb
NMR Spectroscopy (20 Lectures): 1H, 13C, 31P, 19F NMR spectroscopy:
preamble, principles of NMR, situation for other Nuclei, continuous wave
and pulsed NMR experiments, FID & processing FID, relaxation, chemical
shifts and factors influencing it, origin of coupling, long-range coupling,
coupling constant, Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR), integration of signals,
NOE, DEPT, APT; 2D NMR: basic of 2D NMR, general experimental
scheme for 2D NMR, COSY, SECSY etc.; Extensive application of NMR
to organic molecules.
UV- VIS (20 Lectures): Definition of some simple terms: hyperchromic
and hypochromic effect, bathochromic and hypsochromic effect,
chromophore; conjugation and wavelength shifting; solvent effect on UVVissble spectroscopy; Woodward, Woodward-Fieser and Nielsen’s rules for
the determination of max to different organic molecules; structural study of
simple and complex organic compounds and application to
macromolecules, qualitative and quantitative uses.
IR and RAMAN (20 Lectures): IR: Mode of vibration, overtone,
combination and difference bands in IR spectroscopy; influencing factors of
force constant, approach towards the analysis of an IR spectra; structural
study of simple and complex organic compounds and application to
macromolecules, qualitative and quantitative uses. Raman: Raman
techniques, stocks and anti-stocks lines, utility to organic molecules.
MS: GC-MS, LC-MS etc (20 Lectures): MS: Base peak, molecular ion
peak, metastable peak and their utility, fragmentation patterns to various
organic molecules, description of LIMA, SIMS and FAB techniques in
Mass spectroscopy; structural study of simple and complex organic
compounds and application to macromolecules. GC-MS, LC-MS: principle
and instrumentation of GC and LC; combined techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS)
for chemical analyses.
Recommended Books:
1. P.S. Sindhu
: Molecular Spectroscopy
2. J.D. Graybeal
: Molecular Spectroscopy
3. R.K. Harris
: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
4. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman
: Introduction to Spectroscopy
and G.S.C. Kriz
5. Y.R. Sharma
: Elementary Organic Spectroscopy
6. H.Gunther
: NMR Spectroscopy
7. J.K.M. Sanders and B.K. Hunter
: Modern NMR Spectroscopy
8. R.J. Abraham and P. Loftus
: Proton and Carbon-13 NMR
9. E.A.V. Ebsworth, D.W.H. Roukin & : Structural Methods in
S. Croadock
Inorganic Chemistry
10. I.D. Campbell and R.A. Dwek
: Biological Spectroscopy.
---------------Course: Chem-524F
(Industrial and Polymer Chemistry)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures, 1 Unit, 4 Credit)
Petrochemicals (15 Lectures): Definition, chemistry & technology of the
production of glycerin and chloroderivatives, detergents, hydrocarbon and
chemical solvents: SBP, white spirit, alcohols; the oxoprocesses, future
prospect of petrochemicals.
Coal (10 Lectures): Origin, classification, coke oven gas; the cooking
processes, high and low temperature carbonization processes. Analysis of coal;
sampling, proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value and ignition point.
Fermentation and enzymes (7 Lectures): Conditions for fermentation,
enzymes and their actions; production of industrial alcohol, purification, byproduct, production of absolute alcohol.
Fibers and dying (8 Lectures): Fibers: Natural and synthetic fibers
(cotton, silk, wool, jute, polyamides and polyesters); Dyeing: classification
of dyes based on chemical constitution and application; factors effect the
method of applying dye; basic operation of dyeing; techniques of dyeing.
General idea on polymer (10 Lectures): Introduction: idea of repeating
units, structure of polymers, classification of polymers, intermolecular
forces, biological and industrial importance of polymers, end group
analysis, polymer solutions: thermodynamics of polymer dissolution, size
and shape of macromolecules in solution.
Types and mechanism of polymerization (20 Lectures): Polymerization
techniques: bulk, solution, suspension, emulsion and gas phase
polymerization; types of polymerization reaction: chain polymerization
(free radical, ionic, coordination) step polymerizations (poly-condensation,
poly-addition, ring-opening); co-polymerization: copolymer composition,
monomer reactivity ratio; mechanism of each polymerization reaction; dead
and active polymers; microstructure of polymer: linear, branched, crosslinked and stereo-regular polymers & random, alternating, block and graft
copolymers, tacticity of polymer (iso-, syn-, atactic).
Polymer colloids (10 Lectures): Definition, latex, chemistry of polymer
colloid formation, strategies for imparting colloidal stability, application of
polymer colloids.
Recommended Books:
1. Royal Dutch (shell company)
2. Nelson
3. Lawry
4. R.N. Shreve
5. B. K. Sharma
7. V.R. Gowariker
8. George Odian
1. Fred W. Bill Maeyer
2. Robert M. Fitch
The Petroleum Handbook
Petroleum Refining Engineering
Chemistry for Coal Utilization.
Chemical Process Industries
Industrial Chemistry
Polymer Science
Principles of Polymerization
A Textbook of Polymer Science
Polymer Colloids: A Comprehensive
---------------Course: Chem-525F
(Stereochemistry and Conformations)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures, 1 Unit, 4 Credit)
Conformations of heterocyclic rings (15 Lectures): Six-membered ring
with one heteroatom; conformation of cholesterols, cholestenone etc.
Stereochemistry of macromolecules (10 Lecturer): Stereochemistry and
stereo chemical control of polymerization by Zieglar Natta catalysts
especially in polymerization of propylene, butadiene, isoprene etc.
Asymmetric synthesis using chiral reagents and achiral substrates (15
Lectures): Hydrogen transfer from chiral reducing agents; use of
asymmetric MPV reduction to determine the configuration of biphenyl
derivatives; use of asymmetric Grignard reagents in creating chiral centers
with stereoselectively.
The chemistry of organo transition-metal compounds (20 Lectures): Organotitanium compounds, the Tebbe reagent,. Acyl-iron complexes in
enantioselective synthesis and in ketone synthesis, alkyne-cobalt complex,
Pauson-Khand reaction in the synthesis of enones, telomerization from
conjugated dienes; chromium (Cr)-arene complexes and its synthetic
Stereochemistry of steroids (12 Lectures): Configuration of nucleus and
substituent groups; conformational analysis of steroids.
Stereochemistry of bi-cyclic systems (8 Lectures): 5-3, 5-4, 5-5 (vit.
biotin) and 6-6 (decalin) combinations.
Aliphatic and aromatic nucleophilic substitutions (15 Lectures):
Neighboring group participation, non-classical carbocation, nucleophilic
substitution at allylic carbon, aliphatic trigonal carbon, vinylic carbon,
reaction medium phase transfer catalysis, aimbident nucleophile,
regioselectivity, ambident substrates, reactive oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and
carbon nucleophiles.
Free radical Reaction (15 Lectures): Stability and structure, generation
and fate of free radicals, free radical mechanisms in general: substitution
mechanism, mechanism at aromatic substrate, neighboring-group assistance
in free radical reactions, reactivity for aliphatic substrates, reactivity at a
bridgehead position, reactivity in aromatic substrates, reactivity in the
attacking radical, effect of solvent on reactivity. Examples of free radical
reactions: (i) hydrogen as leaving group; (ii) allylic halogenation; (iii)
halogenation of aldehydes; (iv) substitution by oxygen; (v) hydroxylation at
an aromatic carbon and other free radical substitution effected by oxygen.
Photochemistry (10 Lectures) : Fluorescence, phosphorescence, singlet
and triplet states; photosensitization reactions. Examples of photochemical
reactions: (i) reactions involving conjugated and non-conjugated/isolated
olefinic double bonds; (ii) photorearrangement; (iii) photoaddition; (iv)
photosubstitution; (v) valence tautomerization; (vi) photooxidation/
photoreduction; (vii) photocyclization; (viii) photoelimination and
extrusion; (ix) photochemistry of aromatic compounds; (x) Norrish I and II
type reactions.
Electrochemistry (10 Lectures): Principles of electrochemistry, cell
parameters; electrochemical reactions: electroreduction of haloalkanes,
Electrooxidation: Electrooxidation of conboxylic acid salts, and some
aromatic compounds.
Recommended Books:
1. Adams (ed.)
2. H.O. House
: Organic Reactions (all volumes)
: Synthetic Application of
Organic Reactions
3. Carruthers
: Some Modern Methods of
Organic Synthesis
4. H. Gilman
: Advanced Organic Chemistry, (Vol-1 to IV)
5. L.F. Fieser and M. Fieser
: Topics in Organic Chemistry
6. L.L. Finar
: Organic Chemistry Vol. 2
7. R.KJ. Mackil and D.M. Smith : A Guidebook to Organic Synthesis
8. P. Simpson
: Organometallic Chemistry of the
Main Group Elements
9. T.W. Green
: Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis
10. R.O.C. Norman & J.M. Coxon : Principles of Organic Synthesis.
---------------Course: Chem-526F
(Advanced Organic Reactions)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures, 1 Unit, 4 Credit)
Reaction mechanisms and methods of determining them (20 Lectures):
Types of mechanisms, type and reactions, kinetic and thermodynamic
requirements for reactions, Hammond postulate, microscopic labeling,
stereochemical, kinetic evidence, isotopic effects, the effects of molecular
structure and environment on reaction rates in terms of reaction and
transition states, topic includes theories of reaction rates, reactive
intermediates, methods of elucidating reaction pathways, linear free energy
relationships and solvent, acid-base, salt and kinetic hydrogen isotope
effects. Application to selected reaction pathways.
Effects of structure on reactivity (10 Lectures): Resonance and field
effects, steric effects, quantitative treatments of the effect of structure
reactivity, Hammett equations, Taft equation.
Recommended Books:
1. Adams (ed.)
: Organic Reactions (all volumes)
H.O. House
H. Gilman
L.F. Fieser and M. Fieser
P. Simpson
T.W. Green
Synthetic Application of Organic Reactions
Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis
Advanced Organic Chemistry, (Vol-1 to IV)
Topics in Organic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry of the
Main Group Elements
: Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis
Course: Chem-527F
(Bioorganic and Food Chemistry)
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks : 100
(80 Lectures, 1 Unit, 4 Credit)
Recommended Books:
1. Seyhan Ege
2. R.K. Bakiaski
3. Harper
4. M. Swaminathan :
Organic Chemistry Structure & Reactivity.
Modern Biochemistry
Advanced Text book on Food and Nutrition, vol. I & II
---------------Course: Chem-521L
(Organic Chemistry Practical)
Examination : 24 hours
(2 Unit, 8 Credit)
Enzyme-catalyzed reactions (20 Lectures): Definition of enzyme,
coenzyme and apoenzyme properties, enzyme inhibitors, origin of enzyme
specificity, enzyme-catalyzed interconversion of acetaldehyde and ethanol,
ester and carboxylic acid. Enzyme catalyzed SN2 reaction in system living
system, transamination reaction to an imine. Enzyme catalyzed Aldol &
Claisen condensation reaction, Acyl transfer reaction in living system.
(i) Experiment: 140 marks (ii) Continuous Class Evaluation and class
records: 60 marks
Molecular Recognition (15 Lectures): Nucleic acid and some biological
catalysts; introduction, recognition of guests by synthetic hosts, natural
hosts, ionophores; molecular recognition by an enzyme, catalytically active
antibodies, nucleic acids, cryptands, spherands, epitope and antigen.
Biomolecules (15 Lectures): Occurrence, structure, stereochemistry and
biological properties of lipids, prostaglandins and nucleic acids;
biosynthesis of prostaglandins (e.g., PGI), nucleosides (e.g., adenosine,
thymidine etc.), nucleotides and nucleic acids (e.g., RNA, DNA).
Food, food additives and preservation (5 Lectures): Different classes of
foods; types of food additives (polysorbate 60, dimethyl pyrocarbonate ),
direct and indirect effect of food additives on health; chemical changes in
food during storage at room temperature and at frozen state.
Food adulteration (10 Lectures): Definition of adulterated food, common
adulterants in different foods; contamination of foods with toxic chemicals,
pesticides and insecticides; bacterial and fungal contamination of food.
Nutritional aspects of foods (15 Lectures): Function of fats, phospholipids
and cholesterol, essential fatty acid deficiency in human beings, effect of
excess essential fatty acids, fatty liver and lipotropism, dietary lipids and
their relation to the causation of atherosclerosis and ischaemic heart disease;
protein efficiency ratio (PER), digestibility coefficient, biological values of
protein, net protein utilization (NPU), net protein ratio (NPR), effect of
amino acid imbalance and amino acid toxicity.
Crystallization, extraction, distillation and drying of organic compounds /
Fractional distillation: ethanol from sugar; extraction from solution.
Multistep organic synthesis: a) synthesis of nitrophenols, paracetamol; b)
preparation of sulphanilamide and other sulphur drugs; c) synthesis of
benzyllic acid from benzoin via benzil formation; d) preparation of acridone
from anthranilic acids; e) methyl orange and salicylic acid from aspirin
(some other synthesis may also be included if facilities are made available).
Preparation of ketals, esters: fats and detergents; reactions of aldehydes and
ketones and heterocyclic compounds like coumarins, beta keto esters,
cyclohexene from cyclohexanol
Assay of drugs and raw materials: a) ephedrine hydrochloride;
c) penicillin/ ampicilline capsule; d) cotrimoxazole tablet /syrup; e) aspirin
tablet etc. (some other suitable compounds if they are available. Use of UVVis and IR spectrometers.
Resolution of recemic compounds (acids/bases).
Oxidation: selective oxidation; oxidation of primary and secondary alcohol
and aldehyde.
Reduction: sodium borohydride reduction of benzil and other compounds
containing carbonyl groups.
10. Hydroboration: hydroboration of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
11. Phase Transfer Catalysis: Use of PTC in different types of reactions.
12. Reaction kinetics: hydrolysis of tert-butyl chloride etc.
average marks of all lab. evaluation in sealed envelopes to the chairman of the
relevant examination committee within three weeks from the last Lab. held.
Class assessment course includes tutorial, terminal, home assignment, and /or
class examinations taken on theoretical courses by the relevant course
teacher(s) during the academic year. Class assessment comprises (a) 80% marks
in tutorial, terminal, home assignment and /or class examinations and (b) 20%
marks for attendance in the class. The class teacher(s) of each course shall
submit the average consolidated marks of class assessments and attendance in
sealed envelope to the Chairman of the relevant examination committee within
three weeks from the last class held.
Course: Chem-599
(Organic/Industrial Chemistry Thesis)
(2 Unit, 8 Credit)
Viva-voce examination includes the assessment of the students through oral
examination of all the courses. No student shall be allowed to sit for the
examination having less than 60% class attendance.
Thesis submission: 140 marks
Thesis defense: 60 marks
Course Title
Unit Credit Marks
Organometallic Chemistry
Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Materials
Analytical Chemistry
Homogeneous & Heterogeneous
Environmental Chemistry
Chem-531AH Class Assessment
Chem-531VH Viva-voce
Inorganic Chemistry Practical & Project
Thesis / Dissertation on topics of
Inorganic Chemistry
Course : Chem-531F
Organometallic Chemistry
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks – 100
(1 unit, 4 credit)
Application of different spectroscopic techniques to resolve structural
problems of ligands and their complexes.
Organotransition-metal complexes of classic Lewis-base
phosphines and other group-VB donors and hydrides.
Unsaturated nitrogen ligands: macrocyclic imines, dinitrogen complexes,
nitrous oxide, nitroso arenes, nitric oxide complexes, diazonium complexes,
diazoalkane complexes, nitrite complexes, imines and nitrides.
Types of organometallic reactions:
Oxidative-additions: reaction with protons, reactions forming metalcarbon bonds, reaction with hydrogen.
b) Reductive-eliminations: reaction forming carbon-carbon bonds,
reactions forming carbon-hydrogen bonds.
c) Insertion reactions:
migratory insertions, acyl
stereochemistry at the metal and alkyl carbon.
d) Intermolecular nucleophilic additions to unsaturated ligands: attack on
coordinated CO, acyl, olefin, acytylene, arene, 3-allyl and 5-C5H5.
* Laboratory courses include 30% (60) marks for continuous Lab. assessment.
** Thesis includes 30% (60) marks for oral examination on the thesis.
Examination of the theory courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 4
(four) hours duration, of 50 marks (0.5 unit, 2 credit) of 2 (two) hours duration
and of the practical courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 12
(twelve) hours duration (2 days). 30% marks of the practical courses are
assigned for continuous Lab. assessment. The students shall submit a report
after each lab. class to the lab. teacher(s) for evaluation. After evaluation the
report shall be returned to the students. The lab. teacher(s) shall submit the
Chemistry of the iron group metallocenes:
Ferrocene: preparation, electronic structure and bonding, physical
properties, reactions, general aspects, comparative reactivities of ferrocene
and bonzonoid aromatics, mechanism of electrophilic substitution,
mechanism of the arylation reaction.
Recommended Books:
1. Parcell and Kotz
2. Cotton and Wilkinson
J.P. Collman and
L.S. Hegedus
J.E. Huheey
J.D. Atwood
W.U. Malik G.D. Tuli &
R.D. Madan
S.Z. Haider
D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lavepman &
G.S. Kriz
: Inorganic Chemistry
: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
5th Edn. (1980)
: Principles and Applications of
Organo-transition Metal Chemistry
: Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity
: Inorganic and Organometallic
Reaction Mechanism.
: Selected Topics in Inorganic
: Selected Topics in Inorganic
: Introduction to Spectroscopy
Course : Chem-532F
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks - 100
(1 unit, 4 credit)
General survey of the field. Trace element requirements, inorganic drugs
(lithium and cis-platin etc.)
The biochemistry of iron :
(a) Iron storage and transport : Ferritin, transferrin, bacterial iron transport.
(b) Hemoglobin and myoglobin; nature of the heme- dioxygen binding,
model system, cooperativity in hemoglobin.
b) Copper : Heme proteins and copper proteins in redox reactions, factors
affecting redox potentials in metal complexes, catalase, peroxidase and
superoxide dismutase, hemocyanins.
c) Cobalt : Vitamin B12 (structure and function) and coenzymes.
5. Nitrogen fixation.
Recommended Books:
1. Cotton and Wilkinson
: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
5th Edn. (1980)
2. Counther L. Eichhorn
: Inorganic Biochemistry, (edited) Vol. I & II
3. J.E. Huheey
: Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity.
4. A.C. Deb
: Fundamentals of Biochemistry
5. K.F. Purcell & J.C. Kotz
: Inorganic Chemistry
6. M.N. Hughes
: The Inorganic Chemistry of
Biological Processes
7. R.J.P. Williams & De Silva : New Trends in Bioinorganic Chemistry
8. E. Ochiai
: Bioinorganic Chemistry:
9. David R. Williams, (Edited) : An Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry
10. R.W. Hay
: Bioinorganic Chemistry
11. D.M. Taylor, D:R. Williams : Trace Element, Medicine and
Chelation Therapy.
Course : Chem 533F
Inorganic Material Science
Examination - 4 hours
Full Marks – 100
(1 unit, 4 credit)
Introduction to materials science and engineering: Materials and
civilization, types of materials, materials and engineering, structure,
properties, performance.
Atomic bonding and coordination: Individual atoms and ions, molecules,
macromolecules (polymers), three-dimensional bonding and interatomic
Crystals (Atomic Order) : Crystalline phases, cubic structures, noncubic
structures, polymorphism, unit-cell geometry, crystal directions, crystal
planes and x-ray diffraction.
Disorder in solid phases: Imperfections in crystalline solids, noncrystalline
materials, order and disorder in polymers, solid solutions, solid solutions in
(c) Cytochromes, cytochrome P450 enzymes.
(d) Iron-sulphur proteins, ferodoxins.
(e) Hemerythrins.
The biochemistry of other metals:
a) Zinc : carboxypeptidase (CPA and CPB) and carbonic anhydrase,
(mechanism and model), metallothioneins.
Metal and non-metals in biology and medicine : Metal pollution, cancer.
ceramic and metallic compounds and solid solutions in polymers
Polymers and composites: Deformation and flow of amorphous materials,
processing of polymeric materials, polymeric composites, and properties of
The physical properties of materials : Density, thermal properties,
diffusion, electrical properties, magnetic properties, dielectric and optical
Performance of materials in service: Service performance, corrosion
reactions, corrosion control, delayed fracture, performance of metals at high
temperatures, service performance of polymers, performance of ceramics at
high temperatures.
: Elements of Materials Science and
R.E. Smallman and R.J. Bishop : Metals and Materials
O.P. Khanna
: Material Science and Metallurgy
Course : Chem 534F
Analytical Chemistry
Examination 4 hours
Full marks-100
(1 unit, 4 credit)
Sampling : Water , air and soil, sample processing, trace analysis.
Atomic spectroscopy (10 Lectures): Absorption, emission and fluorescence
methods: theory, measurement, interference and applications.
Electron spectroscopy: ESCA, AES (AUGER).
X-ray spectroscopy: Absorption, diffraction and fluorescence
Potentiometric methods (8 Lectures): Indicator electrodes, membrane
indicator electrodes; glass electrode for pH measurements, liquid membrane
electrodes, solid state and precipitate electrodes, pH meters, errors affecting
pH measurements with glass electrodes, direct potentiometric
measurements, calibration for direct potentiometry, standard addition
method, potentiometric titrations, end point determination
Voltammetry and polarography (8 Lectures): Theory of hydrodynamic
voltammetry and classical polarography; measurement and applications;
anodic stripping voltammetry.
Thermal analysis: Differential thermal analysis and differential scanning
calorimetry, thermogravimetry and thermometric titrations
Radiochemical methods: Radioactive isotopes, neutron activation analysis,
isotopic dilution and radiometric methods.
Recommended Books:
Reference :
1. Lawrence H. Van Vlack
Electrogravimetry and coulometry: Theory, instruments and applications.
D.A. Skoog
: Principles of Instrumental
Analysis (4th Ed.)
Willard, Merritt, Dean & Settle
: Instrumental Methods of
Analysis (6th Ed.)
Bassett, Danney, Jeffery & Mendhams : Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative
Inorganic Analysis
Pavia, Lampman & Kriz
: Introduction to Spectroscopy
L.R. Faulkner & A.J. Bard
: Electrochemical Methods
Course : Chem-535H
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis
Examination - 2 hours
Full Marks - 50
(0.5 unit, 2 credit)
Introduction: Definition and thermodynamics of catalysis, comparisons
between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, industrial application.
Inorganic reaction mechanism:
i) Review of rate laws, activation parameters, substitution reaction on sq.
planar and octahedral complexes, electron transfer reactions.
ii) Stereochemical non-rigidity.
3. Homogeneous catalysis:
(i) Overview of mechanism, monohydride catalysts, dihydride catalysts.
(ii) General features of Wilkinson’s catalyst and mechanisms of
hydrogenation by Rhodium (I) dihydride catalysts, asymmetric
homogeneous hydrogenation, asymmetric catalysts of the type RhCIL3
and other asymmetric homogeneous catalysts.
Hydrogenation of olefin and acetylene: Hydrogenation of conjugated
olefins and acetylene, hydrogenation of other functional groups, catalytic
hydrogenation of arenes, a model for hydrogenase and free radical
Synthesis characterization and Stoichiometric reactions of transition-metal
Lithosphere : Composition of lithosphere, water and air in soil, inorganic
and organic components in soil, acid-base and ion-exchange reactions in
soil, micro- and macro-nutrients, wastes and pollutants in soil.
Trace Elements : Essential trace elements, pollution sources, Biochemical
and toxicological effects of lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.
Noise Pollution: Classification, measurements of noise, noise pollution
hazards and its controls.
Catalytic reaction involving carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide:
(i) Oxo reactions; cobalt catalysts, rhodium catalysts and other oxo
(ii) Fischer-Tropsch reaction; hydrogeneous Fischer-Tropsch catalysts,
hydrogeneous model reactions and homogeneous CO hydrogenation.
Recommended Books:
1. Parcell and Kotz
Inorganic Chemistry
2. Cotton and Wilkinson
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
5th Edn.(1980)
3. J.P. Collman and
Principles and Applications of
L.S. Hegedus
Organo-transition Metal Chemistry
4. J.E. Huheey
Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity
5. J.D. Atwood
Inorganic and Organometallic
Reaction Mechanism.
6. W.U. Malik G.D. Tuli & :
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
R.D. Madan
7. S.Z. Haider
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Recommended Books:
1. S.E. Manahar
2. A.K. De
3. S.S. Dara
Colin Baird
: Environmental Chemistry (6th Edn.)
: Environmental Chemistry (5th Edn.)
: A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and
Pollution Control.
: Environmental Chemistry.
Course : Chem-531L
(Inorganic Chemistry Practical & Project)
Examination - 24 hours
Full Marks : 200 (2 unit, 8 credit)
Experiment & Project- 140
Continuous Class Evaluation : 60
Course: Chem 536H
Environmental Chemistry
Examination –2 Hours
Full marks-50
Preparation of 1-10 phenanthroline, ethylenediamine, orthophenyline
diamine, picolinic acid, salicylic acid, oxalic acid, orthoamino benzoic acid
complexes of Co(III), Cu(II), Ni(II), Cr(III), Fe(II), Fe(III); characterization
by elemental, magnetic measurement & spectroscopic method.
(40 lectures, 0.5 unit, 2 credit)
Ion-exchange separation & estimation of some metal ions: Cu(II), Ni(II)
Co(III) and some heavy metals.
Extraction & estimation of magnesium from green leaves
Estimation of arsenic in water.
Preparation of metal-acetylacetonate complexes and separation of metal
complexes by chromatographic techniques.
Solvent extraction method: Separation & estimation of metal ions.
Introduction : Environmental science and environmental chemistry,
definitions of some environmental terms, spheres of the environment, the
natural cycles of environment.
Hydrosphere: Carbon dioxide in water, pH of natural water, behaviour of
metal ions in water, complexing agents and humic substances in natural
water, microbially mediated redox reactions.
Preparation & characterization of thiocynate complexes of transition metals
containing some monodentate & bidentate ligands.
Separation & estimation of metals from some inorganic drugs.
Recommended Books:
1. J. Bassett & others
: Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative
Inorganic Analysis
Skoog & West
: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Schwarzenbach & Flaschka : Complexometric Titrations.