CE activities 2008

CE Activities in 2008 Accredited by DCP’s Continuing Education Subcommittee (DCP-CES)
Dec 13-15, 2008
Dec 12, 2008
Dec 10, 2008
Dec 9, 2008
Dec 5 - 6, 2008
Nov 29, 2008
Nov 24 – 25,
Nov 4 – 5, 2008
Nov 8, 2008
Nov 7, 2008
Nov 3 – 5, 2008
Oct 27, 2008
Oct 24- 26,2008
Oct 15- 19, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 9 – 10, 2008
Name of Activity
1st Joint International Conference of The Hong Kong College of
German Berrios, Dinesh Bhugra, Eric Yu-hai Chen, Se-fong
Psychiatrists and The Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
Hung, Aleksander Janca, Eve Johnstone, Linda Chiu-wa Lam,
Xin Ma, Pak-chung Sham, Xin Yu
2008 專業交流研討會「活出真我:反思與挑戰」
Workshop on Practical Tips for Handling Language Difficulties of Brain
Mrs. Lorinda Kwan
Damaged Patients
Seminar on Case Formulation and Emotional Processing in
Dr. Rhonda Goldman
Emotion-Focused Therapy
2-Day Seminar on “Gender Identity Issues & Trauma-Resolution from
Prof.Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad and Elsa Almas
Personal & Developmental & Social Perspectives”
Workshop on ‘working with young people with mental disorder’
Dr. Philip Tsui
Workshop B – Families in Pain: Surviving Domestic Violence and Mental Dr.PhilipTsui
Workshop A- Crisis in Action: Dancing with Clients, Community Partners Ms. Carolyn Kaufman
and the Professional Self
10th HKPGA AGM and Annual Scientific Symposium
Dr. CH Leong, Prof. Helen FK Chiu, Dr. Vivian PY Leung,
Prof. Tom Ari
The Roles and Duties of Professionals in Delivering Quality Care to
Dr. Cheung Hung Kin
Mentally Incapacitated Persons with reference from the Mental Health
Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy (BDP) – 3-day Workshop
Prof. Jeremy Holmes
“If Depression is the Solution, What are the Problems?” – Alive Presentation Dr. John Banmen
on Family Therapy Using the Satir Model (4PS-08)
Advanced Immersion Course in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic
Dr.Danny SC Yeung,Victoria Cheung
Health Research Methods & Biostatistics
Prof. Karen Grimmer-Somers
Latest Development in Evidence-based Practice in Allied Health Professions Prof. Karen Grimmer-Somers
Guideline Development and Implementation Workshop
Dr. Saravana Kumar
Workshop 1 – 2-day workshop on Critical Focus of Grief Therapy: Meaning Prof. Robert A. Neimeyer
Reconstruction and Continuing Bond
Name of Activity
Oct 11, 2008
Symposium 2 – ENABLE International Symposium 2008 & 5th Hong Kong
Palliative Care Symposium
Oct 13 – 14,2008 Workshop 3 – 2-day workshop on Family Focused Grief Therapy: An
Dr. David W. Kissane
Experiential Workshop
Oct 13 – 14, 2008 The application of Self Psychology to effect change in psychotherapy – a
Prof. Ronald Lee
2-day Workshop
Oct 11-12, 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting 2008
Prof. Wang, Prof. Christopher Maher
Sep 30, 2008
A Live Family Reconstruction Presentation – Using the Satir Model
Dr. Maria Gomori
Sep 30, 2008
Education on Death and Dying
Miss Bless Yu
Sep 26, 2008
Hong Kong Early Psychosis Intervention Society Workshop – Relaspe or
Prof. Eric Chen, Dr. May Lam, Dr. C.W. Law, Dr. Cindy Chiu,
Maintainence? A Clinical and Personal Dilemma
Ms. Christy Hui
Sep 7 - 10, 2008 17 ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
Jul 28 – 30, 2008 廿一世紀文化與華人心理健康國際學術會議
鄧明昱教授, Mrs. Rosalie Kwong, 陳慧慈博士, 林永和醫
生, 李建明教授, 王友平教授, Dr. Hector Tsang, 陳平順中
Jul 26 – 27, 2008 Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview (3di) Course
Prof. David Skuse, Mr. Richard Warrington
Jul 26, 2008
Training Course: “Facing the Aftermath of Trauma”
Dr. Philip Tsui
Jul 24 – 25, 2008 2-day Advanced Workshop on “Social Thinking & Beyond for Children and Ms. Michelle Garcia Winner
Adolescents with ASD”
Jul 11, 2008
HKPGA Mid Year Scientific Meeting
Mr. Tony C.M. Wong, Dr. M.K. Wong, Dr. C.L. Lam, Ms.
Angela P.S. Kwok
Jul 10, 2008
Adolescent Skin Issues – On the Surface and Underneath
Dr. David C.K. Luk, Mrs. Sumee Ng, Dr. Anita M.C. Tsang
Jul 5 & Jun 21, Professional Training – Workshop on Mastery of Parent-child System and
Mr. Anita Fok, Dr. Grace Cheung
Family Dynamic
Jun 29, 2008
Pain Management Forum – The Management of Low Back Pain in Primary Dr. Raymond Ping-Hong Chin, Dr. Ming-Chi Chu, Dr. Alex
Chi-Ping Chow, Dr. Stephen Kam-So Foo
Jun 20 – 21, 2008 Workshop Series on Transformational Breath Self Healing – Level I, II & III Dr. Anthony Sainz
Jun 23 – 24, 2008
Jun 27 – 28, 2008
Jun 13, 2008
Seminar on Emotionally Focused Therapy with Chinese Couples and
Dr. Ting Liu
May 31, 2008
The Primary Care Clinic
May 29, 2008
Hong Kong Pain Society Evening Symposium
Sandra Tutt
May 22 – 24,
May 17, 2008
Name of Activity
2nd Asian Pacific Problem Gambling and Addictions Conference
Howard J. Shaffer, Jon Grant, Samson Tse, Christopher
Kennedy Lawford, Davis Fong, Nancy Petry, Debi A.
Reducing Late-Life Depression and Providing Care for Family Caregivers of Prof. Larry & Dolores Thompson, Dr. Alma Au, Dr. Pun Shuk
People with Dementia
Sleep disorders and psychiatric violence
Dr. Kwan Ka Lik, Dr. Yip Ka Chee
Medical Symposium – Pain: Symptom or Disease?
Prof. Michael Cousins
A Two-Day Seminar on Empathy, Emotion and Narrative
Prof. Leslie Greenberg
May 17, 2008
May 13, 2008
Apr 18 – 19,
Apr 8, 2008
Recent Advances of functional MRI in Hong Kong
Apr 9 – 11, 2008 Primer for fMRI: Clinical Research and Application
Apr 3, 2008
Mar 29 – 30,
Seminar: Family Involvement in Suicide Prevention and Post-vention
CUHK SLEEP 08: Sleeplessness in Hong Kong – from Infancy to Old Age
Mar 29, 2008
Mar 29, 2008
Workshop on “Families in Pain: Mental Disorders and Domestic Violence”
Advances in Neuropsychology: Developments of Ecological and Social
Research Paradigms
Working with Terminally-ill Patients and Their Families
Comprehensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Couples & Families: A
Schema Focused Approach
2-Day Seminar On Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding
and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Epilepsy Surgery and the Developing Brain a Multidisciplinary Approach
Mar 15, 2008
Mar 14 – 15,
Mar 5 – 6, 2008
Feb 27, 2008
Jan 28 – 29, 2008 Allied Health Conference 2008 – Challenges for Modern Allied Health
Jan 27 - 28, 2008 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
Jan 25 – 26, 2008 Treatment of Personality Disorders – 2-day Workshop
Jan 21, 2008
Current Ethical Issues for Practicing Psychologists
Prof. Gregory G. Brown, Prof. Agnes Chan, Dr. Y.L. Chan,
Prof. Mei-chun Cheung, Dr. Henry K.F. Mak, Prof. John X.
Dr. Edward J. Dunne
Charles M. Morin, Judith A. Owens, Calais Chan, Ka-Fai
Chung, Sylvia Doo, Samson Fong, Joyce Lam, Albert Martin
Li, Tat-Kong Wong, Yun-Kwok Wing
Prof. David Shum
Ms. Mary Lee, ms. Ernie Ma
Dr. Frank M. Dattilio
Prof. Mark Creamer
Dr. Chak Wai Kwong, Dr. Fong To Sang Dawson, Dr. Leung
King Tung Kate, Ms. Tsang Yee Ha Lucia
Mr. Shane Solomon, Dr. York Chow, Prof. Mary Lovegrove,
Dr. W.L. Cheung, Prof. Alice Jones, Dr. Maria Law, Prof.
Grace Tang, Prof. Edward Chen, Prof. Thomas Wong, Dr. Lui
Siu Fai, Mr. Law Chi Keung, Dr. N.T. Cheung, Dr. Wong
Chun Por, Mr. Lawrence Fung
Prof. Paul M. Salkovskis
Prof. Jeremy Holmes
Dr. Stephen Behnke
Name of Activity
Jan 19, 2008
Essential Psychotherapy Skill for Mental Health Workers – Half-day
Prof. Jeremy Holmes
Jan 16 – 18, 2008 Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy (BDP) – 3-day Workshop
Prof. Jeremy Holmes
Jan 17, 2008
“All-Round Development – To Create A Better Future” Quality Environment Dr. Anita C. Leung, Dr. Chow Chun Bong, Ms. Clara C.Y.K.
For Children Development Multi-Disciplinary Conference
Lo, Dr. Chang Kan, Mr. Wong Shun, Mrs. Carol Ho, Principal
Lam, Ms. Eunice Cheng
Jan 11-12, 2008 A Two-Day Workshop on Compassion Power for Anger/Violence Regulation Dr. Steven Stosny
and Prevention
Jan 9, 2008
Hong Kong Guardianship Conference
Jan 2 – 3, 2008 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Suicidal Behaviours and Borderline
Prof. Marsha M. Linehan
Personality Disorder
Name of Activity