Index to CDs of Rib Lake History by Robert P. Rusch Updated to June 25, 2008 Abbreviations: L = Letter P = Photograph W = Writing RLH=Rib Lake History RLHe = Rib Lake Herald (newspaper) RLLC = Rib Lake Lumber Company RPR = Robert P. Rusch STH = State Trunk Highway ~ = Westboro ! = Chelsea UN = Unidentified Volume (Disc) I - #10000-10100 10000-P. Aerial 8-28-1938, Village of Rib Lake & environs 10001-P. Aerial 8-28-1938, Village of Rib Lake & NW 10002-P. Aerial 8-28-1938, Village of Rib Lake & SW 10003-1896 ‘Largest Load of Bark ever hauled to Fayette Shaw’s Tannery’ Rib Lake data 10004-Back side Teamster Herman Wagler 10005-McComb Ave. 1900 to North [from Tram Bridge] 10006-McComb Ave. & Landall to N business brick bank building 10007-Camp #4 NE Wood Lake, Shay Locomotive 10008-Loading Logging Sleigh 10009-RLLC locomotive 67 McGiffert Loaders, camp # unknown 10010-RLLC camp # unknown c. 1940 10011-Steam hauler “Bob Hess” “1920” Camp 12 10012-Steam haulder at Rib Lake 10013-2006 Rib Lake Community Map 10013A-Map yellow is location photo 12 10014-P. Steamhauler & peeled hemlock c. 1920 10015-P.unidentified Minn. Logging camp c. 1900 10016-L. RPR to Star News 5-27-05 Steam hauler operations at Rib Lake, 3 pgs 10017-P. Rib Lake steam hauler 10018-P. Rib Lake steam hauler ‘cat bird seat’ photo by Frank Hass, Jack Heindl has negative 10019-P. Bob Hess 1920 in car McComb Ave., Rib Lake 10020-McComb Ave, Rib Lake to north, west side c. 1920 10021-backside of 10020. LB33 to H. Schmittfranz, Chelsea 10022-P. steam hauler & 4 sleigh loads of logs 10023-A Pictorial History of the Rib Lake Area, 211 pgs. 10024-Shaw’s Bark Camp 6-11-1893 10024A-Shaw’s Bark Camp 6-11-1893 complete photo 10025-emails re 10024-Phil Piazza, Renton, WA 10025A-Reply by Phil Piazza 10-6-06 1 10026-Plat map-T33 R3E [2003] 10027-L. Roger L. Emmerich 9-29-06 ‘German Immigration’ by RPR 10028-P. Sandy Hare & [R] Barbara Moon nee Nelson 10029-P. Father Peter Dickoff Nels ‘Ewald’ Nelson 10030-P. Interior St. John’s Catholic Church 10031-P. Lumber Yard c. 1949, Mill sawed last log 6-1948 view NW 10032-P. ‘Last [truck] load of lumber from the old mill’ c. 1948, Claude Peterson, Medford, WI 10033-P. Matty Janish, Musky 10-17-1948, 46 in. long, 38 lb, North Harper Lake 10034-P. ‘16 lb. musky caught at Harper Lake, Rib Lake’ L. Herb Curran & Frank [Mat] Jarish or Yarish 10035-P. Postcard ‘Ewald Nelson Village’ 3-7-1941. 10035A-Rib Lake Fish & Game Assoc. meeting 10036-P. Leo Stiel 10037-Business card Ronald G. Rusch 10038-James Peterson; Rib Lake logger c. 1930 article ‘My History Is America’s History’ 10039-Star News; Railroads in Taylor Co. by Everett A. Rusch with railroad map, 1-5-2000 10040-1913 Taylor Co. Railroad Map 10041-1929 Wis. Railway Comm. – Wis. Map 10042-c. 1905 Railroad map of Wis.-World Atlas, NB line west of Whittlesey not built 10043-Chicago, St. Paul & Pacific Daily interchange report of cars, form 104 10044-Pine Line Map & Brochure 10045-Guide to The Pine Line RPRusch 4-1997 10046-RLH dams 1914 Report of Railroad Comm to Wis. Legislature-T.C. Dams10047-Names of Rib Lake Old Timers 10048-RLH camps, Pine, How logging camps were operated, 1868 to 1900 by Ray Bundick, 7 pgs 10049-RLH history c. 1990 by Robert Lucia 10049A-Burton Road Map 10050-Rib Lake & Taylor Co. History by Ray Bundick, Westboro c. 1965, 18 pgs, ‘Official list of First Logging Operators in What is Now Taylor Co.’ 10051-Disappearance of Father Menard, by Harry Curran, 9 pgs 10052-History of Rib Lake by Guy Wallace, 11 pgs 10053-History of Rib Lake by Elsie M. Beck, 9 pgs, 1938 10054-‘Railroads-Original Document’ L. 7-21-2005 Jim Welton to RPR 10054A-L. Edwin H. Abbot 8-24-1883 10054B-L. Isaac Biscornet to Edwin H. Abbot 8-30-1883 10054C-L. Edwin H. Abott to Peter Cullen, 8-30-1883 10054D-L. J.C. Wheelock to T.L. Kennan, 9-8-1883 10054E-… to J.C. Wheelock , 9-19-1883 10055-History of Wisconsin Central title page 10055A-Biographies 10055C-Edwin Hale Abbot biography 10056-‘Railroads-Land Grants’, History of Wisconsin Central title page 10056A-G- Text, W.C. Land Grants 10057-Map-T.C. land grant lands 1881 10058-Railroad ‘time table’ 1-3-1892 2 10058A-time table 1904 10058B-time table 1909 10058C-time table 1920 10058D-time table 1936 10058E-time table 1941 10058F-time table 1960 10059-L. Charles H. Stats to RPR 10060-Railroads-Wis. Central-Governor Wm. Taylor, title page, History of Wisconsin Central 10060A-pg 18 ‘Into the Deep Woods’ 10060B-10-1872 inspection 10060C-pg 20 10061-The Westboro Story, 1996, by Ruby Evelyn & Harrold Hatlestad 10062-P. Herman C. Peterson homestead, 10063-P. Alexander Stewart Lumber Company, Wausau, WI 1910 10064-P. Atwood Plant, Park Falls, WI 1910 10065-P. Interior photo blacksmith, Stevens Point, WI 1911 10066-P. Saw filer c. 1910 10067-P. Main Street, Park Falls, c. 1900 10068-P. Neillsville, WI c. 1911 10069-P. Putting in sidewalk at Westboro 10070-P. ‘Wheeler’ STH 13, Westboro c. 1900 ‘George Tombs’ 10071-P. Cook shanty-interior-Central Leather Co, Knowlton, WI. 3-24-1910 10072-P. Log Decking & locomotive, Knowlton, WI c. 1910 10073-P. Steam log skidder c. 1910 10074-P. Paul Whitefish Family c. 1900 10075-P. Highway 13 South, Westboro ‘1912-1917’ 10076-P. Shovel gang STH 13, ‘South of Westboro’ 10077-P. Slusher in up position c. 1912, STH 13 10078-P. Slusher in up position, STH 13, c. 1912, team with fly nets 10079-P. ‘Westboro 13’ c. 1912 10080-P. ‘North of Hannibal’ roadbuilding c. 1912, STH 73 10081-P. Seven teams north of Hannibal c. 1912 10082-P. Breaking plow Horses ‘Kit & Rowdy’ c. 1912 10083-P. Stetsonville-horse pulled roller c. 1912 10084-P. STH 13, N. of Medford, 4 mi. north 10085-P. Wheeled slushers STH 13, c. 1912, Mahner’s swamp 10086-P. Highway building between Jump River & Hannibal c. 1912 10087-P. ‘Hannibal’ wheeled slushers c. 1912, double teamed horses 10088-P. ‘Westboro rd’ STH 13, c. 1912 10089-P. Roadbuilding, 1 mi. s of Westboro, STH 13 10090-P. STH 13, Westboro, double team 10091-P. Team with blankets 10092-P. Claude C. Peterson c. 1940 10093-P. unknown camp Rib Lake, c. 1936 10094-P. Logging locomotive Rib Lake New Wood Country c. 1936 3 10095-P. Pete Peterson, Emma, Jim Peterson, wife Anna, Wm. Leader, wife Mary nee Peterson, Herman Peterson and wife Ella, c. 1944 10096-Obit. Otto W. Steffeck 10097-Title Page; Clarkson Publishing, Wis. Co. Maps 2002 10097A-Western Taylor Co. 10097B-Middle Taylor Co. 10097C-Eastern Taylor Co. 10097D-SE Price Co. 10097E-Western Lincoln Co. 10097F-Eastern Lincoln Co. 10097G-NW Marathon Co. 10098-2006 Wis. highway map 10098A-Central Wisconsin-Rib Lake 10098B-Map-Chicago-Milwaukee 10099-RLH 1907 ‘Ten Years Ago’ History of Rib Lake from 1897-1907 10100-L. Martha Krugel c.1947 [Great Aunt of Susan Thums nee Marschke] Volume (Disc) II - #10100-10200 10101-RLHe 1-3-1902 ‘Logging by Rail’ 10102-McComb Ave c. 1960 view north, Perkins Ice C. sign on Pharmacy, ‘Upjohn’s Store’ 10103-RLH History 3-1886 by Edgar T. Wheelock 10104-June 23, 1900 American Lumberman, The Home of the Hemlock, J.J. Kennedy Lumber Co. 10105-Feb. 10, 1900 American Lumberman, J.J. Kennedy Lumber Co.—A pg. 2, Winchester Hotel, Medford, Lumber-Hemlock from Rib Lake 10106-Mississippi Valley Lumberman, 4-14-1916, ‘Work on the New Saw Mill at Rib Lake Will Commence at Once’, Camps 9, 11 & 13 –A pg 2 10107-L. Mike Weckworth ‘Bob’—A, Star News 1930 –B, RLLC articles –C, RLLC articles 1931 10108-Map c. 1910-plat 10109-Map c. 1910-plat 10110-Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Rib Lake 1895 10111-Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Rib Lake 1903 10112-Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Rib Lake 1907; 2 pgs 10113-Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Rib Lake 1924 10114~Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Westboro 1895 10115~Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Westboro 1903 10116~Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Westboro 1907 10117~Polk’s Wis. S. Gazetteer Westboro 1924 10118-Modern Woodmen of America, Camp 890, Rib Lake, Pass Report Book 1909 cover page, see RLH-Modern Woodmen Camp 890, Note; 3-2-07-Galen Scharer has extensive file of camp 890 10119-Modern Woodmen of America Social Membership Application; 2 pgs 10120-Modern Woodmen of America 1-27-1909 to Chas Whittlinger & envelope with 1 cent stamp 10121-Modern Woodmen of America camp 890, multiple page members 4 10122-Deed A.C. McComb, et ux, to Modern Woodmen of America camp 890, $375, 2-211901-2 pg Galen Scharer collection: 10123-RLLC mill c. 1910 10123A-RLLC mill c. 1910 & hot pond 10124-Mill fire 1914 10125-Mill fire 1914-view from north 10126-Mill fire 1914-view from north 10127-RLLC Mill reconstruction 1916 10128-RLLC mill c. 1920 10129-RLLC mill c. 1920 & hot pond 10130-RLLC mill-west side; foreground elevated tramway c. 1920 10131-RLLC McComb Ave “Boss’ Office” & first aid, back; planer building 10132-RLLC mill c. 1948, Bull chain, possibly last log 10133-RLLC McComb Ave. “Boss’ Office” foreground, Tramway 10134-RLLC tramway; right “Boss’ Office”; view from Railroad Street, Opie Freeck “team drivers Smokey Schopper, Gus Rusch” c. 1940 10135-RLLC mill c. 1920 aerial, McComb Ave commercial district, H.E. Rusch house 10136-RLLC dry yard & tramway, Ward School, aerial 10137-RLLC Mill, hot pond, Rib Lake Village, view to NW c. 1920 aerial, hemlock bark piles, biplane strut in foreground 10138-RLLC tramway over McComb Ave, view to north from Railroad St, R; planing mill 10139-RLLC tramway & dry yard view from Railroad St. 10140-RLLC dry yard-high piles, dried lumber on tram cars, pile base c. 1925, “Louis SEkadlo, 317 N. 2nd St, Medford” 10141-RLLC “Last load of lumber from old mill” 1948 10142-RLLC half empty dry yard about 9-1948 10143-RLLC half empty dry yard about 9-1948, steeple center, Meth. R. Catholic Church 10144-RLLC half empty dry yard c. 1940, steeple center, Meth. R. Catholic Church 10145-RLLC dry lumber-beneath tramway 10146-RLLC log train along Rib Lake c. 1940 10147-RLLC boom divides Rib Lake c. 1920 10147X-hot pond 10148-RLLC logs along Lake Shore Drive, background Bokath house & Village Park; L, tavern “Lakeside”, peeled hemlock logs c. 1920 10149-RLLC log rolling into Rib Lake c. 1920 10150-RLLC Rib Lake filled with logs, perhaps peeled hemlock c. 1920 10151-RLLC hot pond c. 1940 10152-RLLC railroad turntable c. 1940 10153-RLLC log train along Rib Lake, NE to Fayette Ave. 10154-RLLC “round house” & water tank 10155-RLLC Water tank-RR on mill north side c. 1920 winter 10156-RLLC mainline to mill 10157-RLLC McComb Ave. view north, “Look Out for the [rail] cars” c. 1920 10158-RLLC locomotive 101 at water tank c. 1940 “Chester Curran” may be atop 10158X-locomotive at roundhouse 5 10158X1-Chester Curran & locomotive 10158X1A-back 1913 10158X2-Caboose behind caboose is the flats 10158X3-Train along Rib Lake from Fayette Ave. 10158X4-coach 10158X4A-back, Signed “Anna May” perhaps Kennedy 10158-X5-“National Pole & Treating Company” locomotive 10159-Rib Lake Depot c. 1940 10160-Rib Lake Depot, background St. John’s Catholic Church 10161-Rib Lake Depot-locomotive “3” snow covered 10162-Rib Lake Depot view SW 10163-text Adeline Walbeck explaining 10164, 1927 RLLC reconfigured RR track that had gone to tannery to expand hardwood dry yard 10164-West Rib Lake Village-seen from water tower, red & blue lines orig. route of RR track, yellow line is RR route after 1927, R side of panoramic photo 10165-“Rib Lake in 1910” left side 10165A-Longer version of 10165 10165B-Longer version of 10165 from north 10166-Bird’s Eye View of Rib Lake c. 1926, former bark yard 10167-former tannery headquarters, Fayette Ave. 10168-Camp 2, “US Leather Co. Camp 2” Jim Hedington [foreman] T33N R3E, Sec. 33 [on Wood River] 10168A-Backside, text by RPR for 1981 “Pictorial History of Rib Lake” 10169-1913 plat T33N, R3E showing possible location of Camp 2 10170-1997 plat T33N, R3E 10171-Camp 4 10171A-Backside, typed text by RPR 10172-Camp 26 10173-Camp unknown [no I.D. on photo] 10174-Unidentified camp 10175-Unidentified camp 10176-Unidentified camp 10177-McGiffert Loader, “1905 Camp 4, Frank Diesing with Dog” 10178-RR in woods-log pile 10179-Wood RR with lath 10180-Not RLLC other mill in Rib Lake c. 1915 10181-Decking logs NB; overlead pulley 10182-decking logs-cross haul method, NB chain 10183-Tan bark & sleigh c. 1910, “1 Frank Diesing, 2 Bert Aitkens L to R” 10184-Woods workers, man on left carries scaling stick & large pencil on right sleeve 10184A-backside, Charlie Talbot & Bert Aitkens 10185-Jammer 10186-2 horse team-sleigh of logs 10187-2 horse team-sleigh of logs 10188-sleigh load logs McComb Ave “Modern Café-Eat Anytime” “Geo Braun-Real Estate 10188A-backside 6 10189-Skidding poles with team 10190-C. Hunter’s camp, 20 logs, 7270 board feet 10191-Jammer “Copper River Camp 1912” 10191A-2 teams 10192-Steam Hauler from Camp 12 c. 1920 Bokath Home in back 10193-Steam Hauler & 5 sleighs “Brown Studio” 10194-Filing the tank 10194A-back; Albert Aitken with horse, tank held 125 barrels, tank used to make ice roads 10195-tanker being filled with water 10196-Steam Hauler 10197-Elmer Timm & fire wood, tipping sleigh 10198-decking with chains c. 1910 10199-skidding with crawler c. 1940 10200-teamster & team Volume (Disc) III - #10200-10300 10201-teamster & team 10202-Camp bunkbeds c. 1940 10203-“logging scene Rib Lake, Wis” 10204-McCormick-Deering crawler 10205-Jammer Loading RR flatcar 10206-Rollways & McGiffert Loader Camp 18 10207-McGiffert Loader 10208-McGiffert Loader 10209-McGiffert Loader 10210-4 men atop boom 10211-armed man on speedster 10212-armed man on speedster 10213-RR track thru snowbank “after plowing May 4, 1920” at Kelnhofer farm; NW 34, 33 2E 10214-star load of logs 10215-2 teams & log sleigh 10216-Last log ceremony 2-1948 10217-felling “last pine” 2-1948, 3 wood wedges stand ready 10218-Rib River, NW SW 28, 32, 3E, “Eastbank-Interwald Wis” 10219-Bateau on Rib River, in 2007 this bateau is at Rhinelander logging museum, tent atop square bottom boat, served as cook shanty; log drive on Rib River 10220-family portrait, “Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ziegler and their sons; Mr Ziegler was superintendent of the Rib Lake Tannery at one time” 10221-unknown couple c. 1900 10222-8-19-1908 Rib Lake Ladies Club 10223-unidentified dinner group 10224-John Herrem & unknown 10225-1944 women with Holsteins 10226-house moving c. 1910 10227-paving McComb Ave. 10228-paving McComb Ave. 7 10229-store interior “John, Nina, Vern, Jim” 10230-National hotel – McComb & Railroad Streets, SW corner 10231-Tauber’s Tavern, 2007 Last Chance Tavern, 832 McComb Ave, 427-5546 10231A-Campaign flyer-Frank Tauber for Sheriff 10232-Village not “City Hall”, 741 McComb Ave; “Herb Curran” standing in front “1921”, “Truck is [now] at Slinger, WI”; “Fire Dept. organized 1902” 10233-“Electric Lighting Plan at R.L.” c. 1910; SE corner of Railroad & Church Streets, Later Heindl’s Store; 10233A-backside 10234-“Rib Lake Community Map” c. 2005 Village street map 10235-Ward School, Church Street, razed c. 1960 Ken Mannel 10236-Ward School south side 10237-High School from McComb Ave., c. 1930; L; blacksmith shop, 2000 “Otter Forge” Landall & Mill Ln. 10238-High School c. 1905, E & N side 10239-1928 RLHS basketball team 10239A-back Rudy Kaske, Peter Mathias, Harold McCallough, Principal McBridge, Carl Marschke, Eyventd Hagen, Bill [William] Schaack, Orville Peterson, Francis [Franny] Schaack 10240-c. 1983 burning high school, front-left bus garage, 2007 Camp 28 restaurant, 720 Hwy 10241-Unknown mill 10242-“Interwald, Wis” George Kower home-store perhaps 10242A-back side 10243-Inside A.H. Krause & Co. veneer factory, Interwald c. 1910 10244-STH 102 & 13 signs c. 1958; view south to Scott farm 10245-Shoe Factory c. 1960; Glov-Ett Shoes, Gem Products, Inc. 10246-6-9-1935 confirmation class, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Rv. F. Kammholz 10247-“German Lutheran Church” interior photo, “St. John’s Lutheran” 10248-St. John’s Lutheran Church exterior photo 10249-St. John the Baptist Roman Cath. Church SE side c. 1960 10250-United Methodist Church, view east-Church St. c. 1920 10251-United Methodist Church c. 1960 10252-Public Library c. 1960 SE corner of Landall & Pearl 10253-Rib Lake from Rib’s Resort c. 1960, proprietor George Buksa, 720 Holden Rd. 10254-Residents of Village of Rib Lake by Milton McRae; A-C c. 1915 10255-Star News 7-9-1981, “Rib Lake Celebrating 100 years of Progress”; SF; RLH History 1981 End of Galen Scharer Collection 10256-Brochure “Rib Lake Telephone Company & Cellcom” c. 1995 10257-P. McComb Ave. c. 1995; Ice Age Days parade float 10258-P. McComb Ave c. 1995 “Gehrt’s Bar” “Westboro Warriors” float 10259-Rib Lake Phone Book 10-2004 to 9-2005 10260-Map 1975 “Existing Land Uses” Taylor Co., WI, Rib Lake Area 10260A-Legend 10260B-Townships 10260C-Medford Area 8 10260D-Jump River Area 10260E-Lublin Area 10261-Rib Lake Herald v. 66 #37, Aug. 9, 1962 ‘Historical Souvenir Edition’ ‘How-de-do in 62’ 10262-Map Taylor Co. 1948; A-Rib Lake area 10263-P. RLHS Class of 1925; 1. Agnes Schaack, 2. Prof. Wagner, 3. unknown, 4. Verl Gummo, 5. unknown, 6. Myrtle Taylor, 7. unknown, 8. unknown Radtke 10264-P. RLHS – west side c. 1925, foreground “the flats” 10265-P. RLHS 1924 Boys basketball team, Photo owned by Veril Gummo; L-R; 1. unknown, 2. Art Taylor, 3. unknown Seidel, 4. Millard “Satch” Kapitz, Veril Gummo, Walt Mathews, [I.D. uncertain from photo back] 10266-P. “Rib Lake Citizen’s Cornet Band” Taylor Co. Fair 1922 10267-P. Rib Lake Herald Office c. 1900; Herald founder seated, John J. Voemastek, boy in back Herman Talbot 10268-P. Unidentified tavern interior, [bar appears to be the one in 2007 “Last Chance” 832 McComb Ave. 10269-P. Old Central Hotel, 1100 Railroad St., c. 1950 Golden Age Nursing Home; c. 1960 Roger Johnson made into apartments; c. 1980 Rollie & Sue Thums purchased; built c. 1910 by Eliz. Matthias 10270-P. 1900 McComb Ave. north from Railroad St., Tannery smokestacks, photo from tramway 10271-Article “The Good Old Days” Rib Lake Herald c. 1970, work rules, Zachary U. Geiger 10272-Rib Lake Co-operative Creamery Co. stock certificate, 11-30-1926, “W.S. St. Claire” owner, Pres. R. A. Kolb. Sec. Treas. Perry C. Headstream 10272A-Backside, Transfer to John McCrae [or McRae] 10273-Article Rib Lake First National Bank robbery c. 1925 10274-P. c. 1910 McComb Ave.; NB Lutheran Church faces south 10275-P. c. 1920 McComb Ave. – from tramway 10276-P. McComb Ave. “Main St” c. 1950 10277-P. 7-24-1914 Sawmill file, “Started at 9;20 a.m.” view to south 10278-P. Mill c. 1900 view north 10279-P. 1916 new mill under construction 10280-P. 1916 new mill south side; hold for transfer chain; NB right; boilers 10281-P. aerial, lower right-new mill, lower left-transfer bldg, upper left-Machine bldg at 670 McComb, upper right-“roundhouse”, upper center-RR water tank 10282-P. transfer bldg upper left, “# of days without lost time accident” sign, right tramway 10283-P. c. 1920 tramway, center-machine bldg 10284-P. Planing mill SW corner, foreground McComb & Railroad St, then STH 102 10285-P. Planing mill west side c. 1935 10286-P. Finishing mill chimney c. 1915; FD transfer bldg 10287-P. Hotpond c. 1925 10288-P. Hotpond view east 10289-P. Hotpond view north, cupola RLHS 10290-P. Rib Lake “The Landing” by Village Park [end of Ice Road from Camp 9] view west c. 1920 10291-P. Mill-S. side; from Holden’s Resort [The Ribs] c. 1920 10292-P. Mill east side c. 1940 9 10293-P. Mill NE side c. 1949 10294-Camp 28 Restaurant 10-1995, “Old garage becomes restaurant, museum”, Hasty Getaways 10295-L. 1-27-1993 RPR, RL History 1886 10296-Ribbon Cutting at Camp 28 Restaurant 10297-Camp 28 Restaurant to add 12 motel units 10298-Camp 28 Restaurant advertisement 8-29-1995 10299-P. Camp 28 Restaurant c. 1995 Volume (Disc) IV - #10300-10399 10300-P. Camp 28 Restaurant Bar c. 1995-Allen Zondlo with beer, RPR Historical mural on wall 10301-P. Camp 28 Restaurant unidentified couple c. 1995 10302-P. Camp 28 Restaurant unidentified people c. 1995 10303-P. Camp 28 Restaurant motel room c. 1995 10304-Star News editorial c. 1994, Rib Lake is small town America at its best by Laurie Meyer 10305-Star News “in the shadow of ‘Ugh’” c. 1995 10306-unidentified author recalls many incidents 10307-P. Herb Curran 16# fish 1941 10308-P. Herb Curran 16# Fish [musky] 10309-P. Andrew Berg c. 1910 hunter 10310-P. c. 1962 parade Tauber’s Tavern 10311-P. c. 1962 parade bowling alley 10312-P. c. 1962 parade, in back 832 McComb, Tauber’s Tavern, [2007 Last Chance] 10313-P. Arlene Minarciny & Pat Hohl c. 1960 10314-P. Parade McComb east side c. 1950 10315-P. c. 1930 “Everything to eat & wear” 10316-P. c. 1920 McComb Ave, west side view north, FWD fire truck c. 1920 10317-P. 1967 Leggy Stewart-RL Lion President & Patricia Hohl 10318-P. 1967 Mink Princess & court, Arlene Minarciny, Barb Wudi, Pat Hohl now Gilge [Mrs. Jerry Gilge], Mary Haenel, Sharyn Schneider now Thompson 10319-P. “Eunice Island” Pine Island view from north c. 1910 10320-P. Unidentified Rib Lake baseball team c. 1915 10321-P. RLHS c. 1910 & students, bank along the flats 10322-P. 9-20-1939 Rock Garden 10323-P. McCormick-Deering Tractor, c. 1938 winter logging, Opie Freek wrote on back “Ernie & Carl” 10324-P. Steamhauler & 8 sleighs, 4 unidentified men, NB tarp over steersman c. 1920 10325-P. Steamhauler & 6 sleighs “Brown’s Studio” “Rib Lake” 10326-P. Steamhauler from Camp 9 proceeds SW to RR crossing, NB string of flatcars, on left 2007 STH 102, view looks east 10327-Map 2006 Rib Lake Village, Arrow marks site of 10326 10328-P. “The road monkey” Ice Road c. 1910 10328A-back side-text 1981 by RPR 10329-P. Water tank & 2 teams on ice road c. 1910, on top barrel to fill tank with water 10330-History of Rib Lake 7-11-1993 by “the owners of Camp 28, Inc” 6 pgs 10 10331-History of Rib Lake 1938 by Elsie M. Beck, A-G 10332-Rib Lake Herald Sept. 21, 1945, entire paper, “$100,000 fire…Planing mill, warehouse, main office go up in smoke” 10333-History of Rib Lake “Vocational Agriculture of Rib Lake” by Orrin Meyer c. 7-1940, 14 pgs 10334-Star News History of Rib Lake 7-15-1976-“Bicentenntial events…” 10335-Last Log, Star News 7-15-1976, account of 1948 cutting final log for Rib Lake Lumber Co., “End of Lumbering Era in ’48 recalled” A-C 10336-Poem “Rib Lake is the place” c. 1930 by Nehls Swanson 10337-P. Logs in Rib Lake-Lakeshore Drive in rear, c. 1920 10338-P. Logs in Rib Lake, rear; boom across lake from Upjohn’s hill 10339-P. team & sleigh with logs c. 1905, “Camp 4 Ed Wilson with ax, Bert Aitken, Frank Diesing” 10340-P. Swamp logging “Camp 4 area c. 1905” 10341-P. “A famous Wisconsin industry” 10342-P. team logs “near Camp 4” 10343-P. “Charlie Talbot with scale [stick], Bert Aitken next to horse, near Camp 4 [Wood Lake]” c. 1912 10344-P. Decking crew c. 1910 [chains to roll logs up to top] 10345-P. 2 teams unidentified camp c. 1925 10346-P. 3 skid teams c. 1925 10347-P. crawler skids 7 logs c. 1938 “George Sieker” 10348-P. team of oxen pulls wagon c. 1900 10349-P. 4 teams pull tan bark sleigh, Fayette Ave, Rib Lake c. 1910, view from “The Flats” northward, tannery in back 10349A-map, arrow shows photo direction 10350-P. “51,600# tan bark 20 cords” Fayette Ave. view east, possibly Herrmann E. Rusch home on hill 10351-P. bark pilers “in what is now Stan’s mink yard” (pile c. 24’ high; 4 piles behind first) 10352-P. frames 10353-P. loading logs small woods jammer c. 1920 10354-P. Peaker load c. 1920 10355-P. 1912 bears taken on New Wood 250 & 400# 10356-P. Railroad washout on Spirit River c. 1910 10357-P. “on old (railroad) line to Spirit Falls” 10358-P. Chester Curran Engineer #101 locomotive c. 1940 10359-P. railroad coach #1310 stuck in snow, Kelnhofer’s cut 10360-P. train at old oil tanks (Former S.A. Konz mill site) c. 1945 10361-P. McGiffert Loader getting water from tender c. 1940 “Chester Curran” 10362-P. McGiffert & loading crew c. 1930 10363-P. McGiffert loader “Rollways” c. 1920, Rear right; boom of loader 10364-P. Rollways into Rib Lake, mill in back c. 1920 10365-P. McGiffert Loader 10366-P. Flatcar & logs half unloaded at hotpond, “5-27-1948 last log load” 10367-P. Man’s best friend 10368-P. “Prince Albert” 11 10368A-back side text 10369-Postcard “Souvenir of Medford, WI”-Winchester Hotel (made of Rib Lake Hemlock) – Taylor Co. Courthouse & Jail – Holy Rosary Church c. 1911 10369A-back side addressed to Anna (Mae) Kennedy 9-27-1911 10370-P. Camp unknown, “Kitchen Crew 1937” 10371-P. Camp unknown, “1937 Rose-When I was 19” 10372-P. camp unknown, stable 10373-P. camp unknown, stable 10374-P. camp unknown, crew lined up for chow 10375-P.”Lumber Camp between Rib Lake & Merrill” camp unknown 10376-P. camp unknown 10377-P. camp unknown, R; locomotive tender, NB elevated walkway 10378-P. Camp 10, 7 buildings-some frame-some log 10379-P. Camp 26 & visitor, 11 buildings, upper left, McGiffert loader 10380-P. Mill & rollways into Rib Lake c. 1920 10381-P. “Corner in Lumber yard” c. 1920 10382-P. Perfectly piled lumber c. 1920 NB rain caps 10383-P. snow covered “steps” in piles 10384-P. teamster with tramcar 10385-P. tramcars from McComb Ave – view west 10386-P. lumber piles, NB different lengths, RR tracks in foreground, r; tramway view west 10387-Employee’s Guide, 1946 Rib Lake Lumber Co., Rib Lake, WI, A-M 10388-Statement “193_ The Owl Service Station Louis Daus” 10388A-backside signed LP Daus 1-31-34, NB 10389-P. Harper’s Lake – from beach [aka Harper Lake] 10390-P. “South Harper Lake” view NE from beach 10391-P. “West Spirit Lake”, aka Big Spirit Lake, aka North Spirit Lake 10392-P. Old STH 102, Stone Arch Bridge, Little Spirit Lake 10393-P. Little Spirit Lake, STH 102, northward along east side, c. 1930 10394-P. Little Spirit Lake, view north; background Price Co. c. 1940 10395-Rib Lake Herald 8-1962 How-de-do in ’62 supplement, see 10261, 8 pgs 10396-P. “To Camp 9 1912 steam hauler” probably sec. 1, denuded land 10397-P. “Camp 2 perhaps” quote from unknown source on back of photo, 5 buildings-log & frame 10398-P. “Camp at Copper River 3-20-1912” foreground; RR track & telephone wires 10399-P. “John Specht foreman, Copper River Camp-east of Athens, 1912” Volume (Disc) V - #10400-10499 10400-P. 2 teams & log sleigh “1912” Photos 10396 to ___ from black unidentified 2 ring binder of Galen Scharer collection, may be from Surveyor Clausen 10401-P. “1912” log sleighs approach rollways 10402-P. “Copper River Camp 1912” Jammer loading sleighs 10403-P. “Camp 5 on Wood Lake branch” wood railroad & rollway 10404-P. “Back of Kelnhofer farm May 4, 1920” NW quarter, Sec. 34 T 33N R2E 10405-Map 1913 stand atlas of Taylor Co., shows location of photo #10404 12 10406-P. “May 4, 1920” snow flying from plow on railroad 10407-P. “May 4, 1920” railroad locomotive stuck in snow, Kelnhofer farm, view to SW 10408-P. “Starting the cleanup May 4, 1920 tel 73285 R.L. Herald” left, locomotive, upper left, St. John the Baptist Church, right R.L. Depot view SW 10409-P. 5-4-1920 snow at tramway, above McComb Ave, view north 10410-P 5-4-1920 “watch out for the cars” sign-west side of McComb Ave. 10411-P. 5-4-1920 similar to 10410 10412-P. 5-4-1920 “looking north McComb Ave” 10413-P. c. 1915 mill reconstruction south side “building the transfer [chain]” 10414-P. c. 1915 “Boiler room construction” rear, mill superstructure, NB unidentified man 10415-P. c. 1915 “the finishing touches to the stack” caboose in front of transfer, view NE 10416-P. “air plane view north side of Rib Lake 1918” sawmill brick chimney-smoking-in foreground, center, hemlock bark stacks at tannery, Lutheran Church faces south 10417-P. east side of McComb Ave. c. 1915, Left to right-motor bike, view SSE, sign “Millinary” perhaps Millinery store maybe 10418-P. c. 1925 McComb Ave, may be July 4; left-“Drugs”-Upjohn’s drugstore 10419-P. c. 1910 “Looking north of S. Forest St.” 2007 map shows no Forest St in Rib Lake, in 2007 is S. Front St., corner of Landall & S. Front St., rear-log pile along tannery railroad spur 10420-P. c. 1920 hotpond, “Boom at hotpond” view north, smoke from “train just pulling out of woods” 10421-P. “Cabin at New Wood 1912 Williams homestead Good place to hunt” 10422-P. c. 1910 “Old dam on Little Spirit Lake” view east 10423-P. c. 1920 “Hy 102 Little Spirit” view SE, from county line 10424-P. “going to New Wood after Bear, Bill Welle, Charles Talbot, C.R.C” [Cy Clausen maybe]=former Rib Lake area surveyor 10424A-back side 10425-P. 1912 Wood Lake log landing 10426-Rib Lake Herald 2-21-1947 – Title Page – partial 10427-Rib Lake Herald 1-21-1971 Title Page-partial; Steamhauler photo, ‘Camp 9’ 10428-Rib Lake Herald 2-4-1971 title page-partial; photo of Hedwig “Hattie” Rusch 10429-Rib Lake Herald 7-8-1971 title page-partial; Indian loco-Timm’s Hill; photo of Timm’s Lake 10430-Map plat 1995 T34 2E, “Tim’s Lake” Price Co. 10431-bylaws (handwritten original) Rib Lake Camp 890 Modern Woodmen of America, May 9, 1903 A-page 2 B-page 3 C-page 2 ½ pin attached to B D-“#6” E-backside of D “Approved 5-12-1903” 10432-Soo Line Railroad track map Rib Lake – date unknown End of Dr. Galen Scharer Collection 10433-Merrill Daily Herald “Lumber Company at Rib Lake Has Changed Hands” – largest sawmill in state- US Leather Co. sells-1936 10434-Merrill Daily Herald-RLLC ad for workers, 2 camps will run all summer-1936 13 10435-Merrill Daily Herald-Ad; RLLC wants men for peeling [perhaps tan] bark & pulpwood1941 10436-Merrill Daily Herald 9-17-1945 fire destroys planning mill, dry shed & office, RLLC 10437-Book, “Wisconsin Central Railroad Lands in Northern WI, “A farm for every industrious man”, land dept.-WI Central Railroad c 1903, [hard copy 65 pgs filed RLH-Railroads-Wis. Central] A. B. C-photo S.M. Haight Farm near Rib Lake D-May 1898 T.C. WI Central Railroad Lands E-F-T.C. The Garden Spot G-H-Rib Lake Joyce Summers collection 10438-Tribute of Julia Hultman by Joyce Summers 2003, A-P 10439-P. Julia Hultman c. 1935 10440-Title Page-Julia Hultman album, Elaine Vanderhoof & Joyce Summers 10441-P. Julia Hultman 2-14-1937 10442-“Julia’s Story” 10443-A-The Hultman Homestead; B-Julia & Fritiof Hultman 10444P. Fritiof Hultman 10445-A-Arland Hultman July 30, 1935; B-Melvin and Arland Hultman 10446-P. A-Julia’s Flowers; B-Iris Garden in bloom, Hultman Lake 10447-P. same woods scene A-winter; B spring 10448-P. A-pasture; B-May 4, 1939 exposure 1 hour 9pm 10449-P. A-winter porch; B-ice damage 10450-P. A-Hultman Farm, 1938; B-The Henning Bergeson Farm 10451-P. A-Arvid Blomberg place Oct. 1929; B. Carl Blomberg Place 10452-P. A-Benny Bergeson Place; B-George Blomberg Place, Oct. 1929 10453-P. A-Fred Anderson House, Levine Rd; B-excavating the basement 6-1931 10454-P. A-Ogema with 2 churches; B-J.A Larson store 8-2-1941 10455-P. Hultman Hill, CTH C 10456-P. A-Price Co. snow plow Jan. 1937; B-car in snow cut 10457-P. A-Lydia & Howard Cutts, Arland & Melvin Hultman 1938; B-plowing snow with old A-frame plow, Martin Johnson drives horses, Fritiof Hultman & Malcolm Cutts on back of plow, Gust Swanson standing by horses Mar 1, 1940 10458-P. A-snow cut; B-hand shoveling snow 10460-P. A-car in ditch CTH C 1938; B-John Lundberg’s car 1938 10461-P. A-WPA (Works Progress Administration) rebuilding CTH C Arthur Swanson as Boss Oct. 1938; B-“Steamshovel” Hultman’s Corner 10462-P. A-Fred Ahrens truck pulling Hultman’s car out of mud 1938; B-Fritiof Hultman’s 1928 Chevrolet on a Sunday drive 10463-P. A-Arthur Bergeson’s Oct. 1929; B-LeVerne Cutts leaving after week vacation June 1931 10464-P. A-Edwin Blimberg hauling hay; B-Rib Lake school bus CTH C 1940 10465-P. A-Fred Matson delivering mail 1937; B-Fred Matson, mail carrier 10466-P. A-Albert Johnson’s gas truck; B-Howard Berquist’s truck 14 10467-P. A-W.D. Stevens fixing phone line; B-Emil Soderbeck mechanic Ogema, Mar. 1937 Ford Garage 10468-P. A-Alvin Birkholz milk truck; B-Karl Christoffersen stone mason 1931 10469-P. A-Our stone wall; B-Hultman farm 10470-P. A-Henning Bergeson’s sawmill, run by George Helvey; B-Henning Bergeson’s logs 10471-P. A-sawing lumber, steam tractor, B-pine logs – 3 trucks 10472-P. A-decking logs, Fritiof Hultman on right; B-Fritiof Hultman and Gust Swanson sawing wood cross cutting firewood by hand 10473-P. A-Ford pickup powered saw 5-1930; B-“Sawing at Cutts” John Lundbert, Gust, Malcolm Cutts 10474-P. A-Henning Bergeson’s Sugar Bush, run by Ray Norlin; B-“Henning’s Sugar Camp” 10475-P. A-“Ginseng Garden”; B-“Sorting Ginseng” 10476-P. A-“digging Potatoes”; B-“Refreshments at haying time-1929” 10477-P. A-Haying for Martin Johnson on the Brown Place, July 22, 1936; B-Howard Cutts haying on the Brown place 10478-P. A-Melvin Hultman raking hay; B-Making hay on Stone Lake meadow, Gust Swanson launching boat 1934, Marsh hay-man with scythe 10479-P. A-Stacking hay; B-hunting, Alex Johnson & Arthur Bergeson 10480-P. A-Demo by professor on pruning apple trees at Hultman’s Apr. 12, 1930; B-Fritiof Hultman, Howard, Gust, Melvin and Adella Hultman 10481-P. A-fox pelts; B-fox pelts 10482-P. A-process fox pelts in Wausau; B-sorting fox pelts in Wausau 1935 10483-P. Cal Johnson demos casting at Kelly’s ball diamond in Ogema; B-Cal Johnson on Stone Lake 10484-P. The Bee 1938 article on Cal Johnson 10485-P. Ernest Heden, State Senator from Ogema 10486-P. Railroad Platform prop, Clarence Helm, Fritiof Hultman & Harry Magnuson 10487-P. A-unidentified politician; B-Norman Thomas, Socialist 9-1934 10488-P. A-Gov. Phillips LaFollette campaigning at Phillips, WI 10-16-1938 -He Lost-; Bcrowd 10489-P. A-pensive politician; B-Band shell 10490-P. A-Funerals; B-Garden of Memories cemetery 10491-P. A-Irene Anderson internment July 10, 1929; B-John Levine’s funeral 1929, Norlin School, CTH C, Town of Hill 10492-P. A-funeral of Carl Joel Sander; B-funeral from Norlin School 10493-P. A-funeral of Mrs. Kenneth (Mary) Price Aug. 9, 1931; B-funeral of Mrs. Leonard (Edith) Risberg Oct. 22, 1933 from Ogema Lutheran Church 10494-P. A-Oscar Swan, Herman Nelson, George Blomberg, Charlie Bergeson, Sven Sander; Bfuneral of Elmer Anderson Dec. 27, 1936 10495-P. A-“School Days; B-“On the School trail” 1929, second growth white birch, old pine stumps 10496-P. A-Norlin School, Nellie Cutts, teacher 1934; B-Easter program Norlin School, Apr. 1931 10497-P. A-Norlin School Picnic; B-Enid Blomberg (Carlson) teacher 10498-P. A-Norlin School students 1938; B-Arland & Melvin Hultman dinner pails 15 10499-P. A-taking 8th grad test at Spirit Center School; B-Melvin Hultman & Wilbert Blomberg 1940, last class to graduate at Norlin School Volume (Disc) VI - #10500-10599 10500-P. A-county graduation for 8th graders, Phillips Normal School; B-Herbert Magnuson & Arland Hultman 8th grade graduation, Phillips Normal School 1942 10501-P. A-Stone Lake School merry-go-round; B-Stone Lake School Orvin Wilkens teacher 10502-P. A-Hillbillies 4-H club 1939; B-Timm’s Hill fire tower June 18, 1939 10503-P. A-Hultman Lake 1931, Melvin Hultman farm; B-boat house 1929 10504-P. A-Lois Cutts, Alice Wallgren, Gladys Johnson & Nellie Cutts; B-shore 10505-P. Winter sports A-fallen skier; B-sonny & sled 1928 10506-P. A-Irene Briant skiing Feb. 11, 1931; B-Hike & Irene Briant & Sidney on sled 10507-P. A-Arland and Melvin Hultman skiing homemade; B-on sled 10508-P. A-winter port on CTH C; B-wobbly skier 10509-P. A-Billy Ahrens at Hultman’s; B-Melvin Hultman’s icehouse 10510-envelope 10-30-1974, from Julia Hultman, Health Care Center, Menomonie, WI 54751 to Mrs. Ella Lundberg, Ogema 10511-Letter of Julia Hultman to Ella Lundberg 10-29-1974; 10 pages 10512-cover page Price Co. Plat book 1995 10512A-index-site of Town of Hill 10512B-Town of Hill Album 2 of Joyce Summers collection 10513-P. photo inside Hultman home-“Playing the Victrola” Irene Briant & Mildred Motley 10514-P. A-Mildred Motley; B-Mr. Brown playing accordion 10515-P. A-boy doing puzzle; B-Arland Hultman, cream separator 10516-P. A-Irene Briant; B-1929 Ogema Hardware calendar 10517-P. A-Xmas tree with candles 1931; B-Xmas tree 1936 10518-P. cows Bonnie & Belle “Butchered Nov. 24, 1934” 10519-P. A-Heifer calves in 1929 “This calf choked to death in stall same year”; B-cows at the spring 10520-P. A-cows at spring; B-pet dog 10521-P. A-cows; B-cows 10522-P. A-Julia Hultman feeding chickens; B-Arland Hultman feeding chickens 10523-P. A-Art Bergeson with his sheep 1938; B-1933 bear in trap near Hike (Briant) 10524-P. A-Elmer Johnson teamster; B-Gust Swanson & Howard Cutts Moms & Babies 10525-P. A-Julie and Arland Hultman Dec. 1928; B-Julia & Arland Hultman June 1929 10526-P. A-Emilia Krans et al; B-Ladies Aid 8-8-1929 10527-P. A-Mable Johnson & son Ed; B-Irene Briant 10528-P. A-Minne Brown and Lowell Bergeson 1930; B-Mrs. Harry [Jennie] Magnuson & son Herbert Oct. 21, 1929 10529-P. A-Adella Ahrens & Grace 5-8-1934; B-Adella Ahrens & Billy 1937; 10530-P. A-Phoebe Cutts & kids; B-Adella Ahrens 10531-P. A-Adella Ahrens 1938; B-Arland Hultman, Billy Ahrens, Grace Ahlens, Adella holding Stanley and Mildred Motley, now known as Dixon 16 10532-P. A-Irene Briant with children Joan, Sidney & Melvin Hultman, black spruce Xmas tree; B-Irene Briant The Kids 10533-P. “Sonny on his 3rd birthday, July 22, 1929” 10534-P. A-Arland Hultman with chickens 1929; B-Melvin Hultman on tricycle & Arland Hultman in buggy 1929 10535-P. A-“Sonny playing the phonograph; B-Melvin & Arland Hultman 10536-P. A-Arland Hultman; B-Arland Hultman 10537-P. A-Arland Hultman 1930; B-Arland Hultman & puppies 10538-P. A-Arland Hultman; B-Melvin Hultman’s 5th birthday, July 22, 1931 10539-P. A-Melvin & Arland Hultman on peeled cedar posts; B-apple picking time 1931 10540-P. A-Xmas presents – perhaps strap on skates; B-Arland Hultman 10541-P. A-Billy Ahrens 1945; B-Grace Adella Ahrens 1934 10542-P. A-Grace Ahrens 1934; Billy Ahrens 1935 10543-P. A-Melvin Hultman with turkey 1935; B-Lowell Bergeson, Adelle Anderson & Elaine Lundberg 10544-P. A-“Sonny” Melvin Hultman 10th B-day July 22, 1936 & Louise Johnson; B-Melvin Hultman, Louis Johnson & Arland Hultman peeking in back 1936 10545-P. A-Arland & Melvin Hultman in center with sling shot; B-Grace Ahrens & Sidney Briant 10546-P. A-Grace Ahrens 3rd B-day 1936; A-Arland Hultman on 8th B-day, July 30, 1936 10547-P. A-Billey Ahren’s 5th B-day, Sidney Briant, Arland Hultman & Billy 1937; B-Louise Johnson & Alice Peterson 1937 10548-P. A-Elmer & Louise Johnson; B-Melvin & Arland Hultman 10549-P. A-Joan and Sidney Briant 1939; B. Billy Ahrens, Grace Ahrens & Sidney Briant 1939 10550-P. A-Arland Hultman holding Stan Ahrens; B-Dewey & Douglas Ames, Arland Hultman, Herb Magnuson, Lowell Bergeson & Lester Magnuson 10551-P. A-Arland Hultman 13th B-day 1941; B-Elmer Johnson, Louise Johnson, Everett Johnson, Stanley Ahrens, Grace Ahrens, Arland Hultman & Billy Ahrens in back 1941 10552-P. A-Melvin Hultman & Lydia Cutts; B-playhouse 10553-P. A-Stanley & Gracy Ahrens; B-Arland Hultman on raft “Duck” at Harper Lake Hill Folks 10554-P. A-Hill Folks; B-Claus Berlin July 1930 10555-P. A-August Johnson Jan. 8, 1939; B-Mrs. Levine 10556-P. A-Fritiof Hultman & Harry Magnuson; B-“In Harry Briant’s motorcycle 1927” 10557-P. A-Lydia Cutts, lived to be 98 years old; B-Lydia Cutts at 91 10558-P. A-Howard Cutts in mask; B-Howard Cutts by mail box 1938 10559-P. A-Melvin Hultman & Adella Ahrens 1929 with “A Pickeral”; B-Gotfred Enander & Adella Ahrens 1930 10560-P. A-Gust Swanson, Adella Ahrens & Gotfred Enander 1930; B-“When Malmquist was visiting here in 1932” 10561-P. A-Ida Swanson, Fannie Noelin [Norlin] & Ella Lundberg; B-Alice Fredrickson & her mother 10562-P. A-Gust Swanson & Ida Hultman on wedding day, Mar. 18, 1929; B-Mr. & Mrs. Matt Johnson a week after wedding, Apr. 2, 1936 10563-P. A-Mr. & Mrs. Carl Blomberg silver anniversary; B-Christofersens 1935 17 10564-P. A-Oscar & Fanny Norlin; B-Ida Swanson, Anna Fredrickson, Ella Lundberg; Julia Hultman, Melvin & Arland Hultman & Elaine Lundberg 10565-P. A-Families, Oscar Swan family 1928; B-Fred Strombom family 1929 10566-P. A-Floyd Tripp family 1931; B-Lloyd & Jenny Tripp with Robert Tripp 10567-P. A-Lloyd, Willard, Jenny, Robert, Donald Tripp; B-Magnuson family, Harry Briant & Hultman boys 10568-P. A-Nellie Schmidt, Phoebe Johnson, Martin Johnson, Louis Schmidt, 1933; B-Phoebe Johnson holding Louise, Nellie Schmidt holding Wayne & Martin Johnson holding Elmer 10569-P. A-Phoebe, Louis, Martin & Elmer Johnson; B-Fanny & Oscar Norlin, Bert, Janet, Edith Weckstrom 10570-P. A-Donaldson family; B-Warren Clark family 10571-P. A-George Blomberg family & Sophie; B-Lilly Blomberg with some of her children 10572-P. A-Palmer, Betty & Roy, Wilbert & Lyle Blomberg; B-Alan Blomberg & brother George, Jr. 10573-P. A-George, Mable, Eddie & Alan Johnson; B-George & Mable Johnson 10574-P. A-Swen Sander family; B-Soderbeck family The Parties 10575-P. A-Harry Magnuson 6-14-1936; B-Arthur Bergeson 10576-P. A-Mrs. Carl Blomberg 1931; B-H. [perhaps Harry] J. Bergeson 10577-P. A-Harold Blomberg; B-Mr. & Mrs. Harold Blomberg wedding 10578-P. A-Harold Blomberg B-day; B-Carl Blomberg party 10579-P. A-Hultman party; B-Julia Hultman, Ella & Elaine Lundberg, Julia Cutts & Sophie Blomberg 10580-P. A-Oscar Norlin’s B-day party 1931; B-Ladies at Oscar Norlins 1935 10581-P. A-Lilas Roche, Bertha Hoase, Rekla Johnson, Rita Roche, Janet Wickstrom; B-Part at Norlins 10582-P. A-Gust Swanson B-day party; B-Gust Swanson’s B-day 1938 10583-P. A-neighborhood party 1937; B-Hultman party 1937 10584-P. A-Lydia Cutts’ 91 B-day 1938; B-day party at Levin’s neighbors 10585-P. A-John Lundberg party; B-Ella Lundberg party 10586-P. A-silver anniversary party Mr. & Mrs. John Westberg; B-Mr. & Mrs. John Westberg 10587-P. A-“party on the stone pile” at Cutts’ home 1934; B-basketball players in barn at Carl Blombergs, 1931 10588-P. A-Sunday school picnic at Stone Lake; B-picnic at Stone Lake 10589-P. A-gunny sack race at Fox Farmer’s Picnic at Bradley Park in Tomahawk; B-Ladies Aid at Henning Bergesons 1931, Lilly Blomberg with Palmer, Mrs. Axel Larson with Eddie, Elsie Larson, Gladys Norlin, unknown, Jeanette Larson, Sophie Blomberg, Clara Levin, Anna Fredrickson, Ella Lundberg with Elaine, Augusta Bergeson, Edith Bergeson, Christina Bergeson, Jennie Magnuson with Aileen and Herbert, bottom row, unknown, Ida Swanson, Fannie Norlin, Ellen Bergeson, Minnie Brown collection of Deb & Joseph Tomandl 10590-Deb (Tabor) & Joseph Edward Tomandl address 10591-A Tabor Saga by Clifford Clark Tabor, page D is Spirit Lake History, How Spirit Lake was named 10592-P. Tabor Island on Big Spirit Lake, WI 5-30-1937 10593-P. Tabor Island cabin c. 2000 18 10594-P. Tabor Island cabin c. 2000 10595-P. Tabor log cabin c. 2000, across from Tabor Island 10596-Westboro; P. Westboro Liberty Bankd, “Nelt’s Westboro Bank” “George Tabor Center” 1915 10597-P. Nelt’s Westboro Band” 1915, blind Alf Emmet in front row seated 3rd from left 10598-P. Park Falls High School band c. 1915 10599-P. Main Street Dorchester, WI c. 1950 Volume (Disc) VII- #10600-10699 10600-P. 1917 Soo line wreck, Dorchester WI 10601-P. 1917 Soo line wreck, Dorchester WI 10602-P. snow scenes 3-17-1917 Abbotsford-Dorchester, locomotive stuck 10603-P. shoveling out 10604-P. a morning [locomotive] plunge 10605-P. after the plunge “mostly snow 3-17-1917 10606-P. 3-18-1917 snow plow at work north of Dorchester 10607-P. 3-18-1917 railroad snow plow north of Dorchester 10608-P. The boys on the Soo Line-not in the trenches (of WWI) 10609-P. shoveling snow-Soo Line 10610-P. “going through a snow drift” Soo Line 10611-P. “in the snow” 3-18-1917 10612-P. Just out of the snow 3-18-1917, locomotive #2401 10613-P. “A plunge in the snow” 10614-P. snow plow that did the work 3-18-07 10615-P. snow plow that did the work 3-18-07 10616-P. snow cut, railroad tracks 3-18-1917 10617-Rib Lake History-forest fires, Wood Lake burn 1931, data from Lawrence Schneidger to RPR Data from Taylor County Historical Society files: 10618-P. c. 1916 CTH C crossing Rib River, view SE to Fritz Martin farm, Rib River Stats Graded School on hill, farm & school in NW NW 18-T32N R3E, “PO 4-4-3 (249)” 10619-P. c. 1950 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Rib Lake, South side “P 85-23-15 (o)” 10620-P. postcard “Interwald, WI”, unidentified farmstead “P85-12-1 (63)” 10621-P. postcard, log sleigh on Rib Lake c. 1910, teamster in skin coat, Rib Lake High School, S side “P84-21-21 (69)” 10622-P. c. 1910 firewood dump wagon with team “P84-21-19(69)” 10623-P. UN lumber sleighs & teamsters not RLLC, possibly at other Rib Lake mill 10624!P. Grocery, Dry Goods & Feed Store, Chelsea, WI c. 1928 10625~P. “The (deer) Hunters” 11-1909 Westboro, WI 10626-P. 1927 Rib Lake Lumber Co. mill crew, panoramic view at transfer chain 10627-List by Mr & Mrs. Victor Kohn “some of the crew are identified” 10628-P. 1916 RLLCo planing mill-west side, under construction, photo from tramway above McComb Ave. 10629-P. c. 1950 “Main St” Rib Lake, actually McComb Ave. view north 10630-Map-Taylor Co- Plat c. 1894, Bogk & Rowland, Milwaukee, title page – entire map under RLH-Title 19 10630A-T33N R1E 10630B-T33N R2E 10630C-T33N R3E 10631-Map, Taylor Co. Plat c. 1901 10631A-T33N R1E 10631B-T33N R2E 10631C-T33N R3E 10632-Map, Taylor Co. Plat c. 1910, Paetzold & Koehler 10632A-T33N R1E 10632B-T33N R2E 10632C-T33N R3E 10633-P. 1908 Rib River Log Drive, “Interwald, WI rolling in” Town of Greenwood, Taylor Co, WI 10634-P. “Camp No. 3, H. Bonneville foreman, Rib Lake, Wis., Feb. 8, 1891” “Scene in Wisconsin Pinery” on back “Logging Camp east of Rib Lake, from Wm. Westberg of Westboro” 10635-“Specifications on First National Bank at Rib Lake, Wis” Paul Oppermann, General Building Contractor c 1900 10636-Centennial Plate, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 6-11-1972, Diamond Jubilee 10637-“Reminiscence of a Lumber Town” by Kevin Mannel 12-1976, SF-History-RL 12-1976 10638-P. Mill from lake c. 1940, “Rib Lake and Saw Mill” 10639-History of Rib Lake 1902-2002, “Village of Rib Lake Centennial Celebration” 10640-Map of Rib Lake and environs, by Everett A. Rusch, c. 1995 A-background B-Heyday C-tramway D-H-Misc. I-O-Map P-Map center, tannery, RLLC Mill, McComb Ave. 10641-Twentieth Century Club 1900-1960 10642-Twentieth Century Club 1960-1990 10643-Naida E. Wallace Straub (NES) biography 10644-RLH “Historical Society-Early Rib Lake Families” wood front piece Naida E. Straub scrapbook 10645-John Worthington History by Naida E. Straub 10646-John Worthington grave rubbing 10647-P. John J. Kennedy a.k.a. J.J. Kennedy 10648-Biography of John J. Kennedy by Naida E. Straub 10649-P. John J. Kennedy house c. 1900, Rib Lake filled with logs 10650-P. McComb Ave, new North c. 1900, bark piles in back, smokestack from tannery, church Lutheran (facing south) 10651-P. bark piles, view Northwest c. 1900 10652-P. High School c. 1905 10653-P. Pine Island c. 1905 10654-P. Catholic Church, southeast side, & rectory c. 1905 10655-History of John Henry Curran family by Harry Curran 5-1991 10656-Biography John J. Voemastek 20 10657-Note by Lillian Clifford (Mrs. Eugene Clifford) 10658-Biography of John A. Taylor Family 10659-Biography Patrick Family, by Annette (Patrick) Jahnke 1-1992 10660-Biography John A. Taylor and children 10661-P. Flossie (Page) Wallace, Mother of Naida E. Straub 10662-RLHe Miscellaneous articles c. 1960 10663-P. Roy Meier & Ye Olde Sugar House 10664-Milwaukee Journal, Shirley Martin article “Snitz wants to bring home a national AAU title for its leader” daughter of Ed Martin of Rib Lake c. 1960 10665-Charles Franklin Gummo family 10666-RLH history 7-1981 by Star News 10667-L. 4-22-1902 letterhead of W.H. Osburn Lumber Co. to Edward Van Gliessin [Van Giesen], Esq, signed by Donald Kennedy 10668-statement of W.H. Osburn Lumber Co. signed by Wm. Pringle, 7-27-1901 10669-obit Clifford L. Curran 10670-obit John Dolezalek, Sr. 10671-obit Raymond L. Becker 10672-Autobiography of Adeline (Kaske) Walbeck 10673-Autoiography Edwin Thums 10674-P. Water fight, Rib Lake McComb& Railroad, July 4, 1920s 10675-P. Enola Walty nee Headstream, mother of Roland Walty 10676-P. 1923 6th Grade at Rib Lake Ward School with names 10677-P. 1909 Ward School class, including Hedwig “Hattie” Rusch 10678-P. Mr. Pfeiffer [perhaps Joseph] cutting hay with oxen 10679-P. McComb Ave., view north “in year 1900” 10680-P. c. 1930 Methodist Episcopal Church (2007 United Methodist Church, 1300 Church St., 427-3670) south side 10681-Centennial Book – Methodist Church, 1892-1992 10682-Rib Lake United Methodist Ch. 9-13-1992 bulletin 10683-Centennial Book-St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 1886-1986 by Blossom Mae Sheehan, A-P. c. 1930 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church northwest (sawmill RLLC in background) 10684-Bulletin, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 6-22-1986 10685-A history of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, unknown author, (within Naida E. Straub scrapbook) 10686-P. 2-1948 train leaving McComb Ave for last tree cutting at Camp 28 10687-text, 2-1948 last pine out 10688-P. RLLC razing mill chimney c. 1950 10689-P. c. 1950 RLLC mill chimney remains, foreground-old mill cement floor 10690-John Eckhoff interview 10691-Biography of Ferdinand and Eda Frank 10692-Biography of Mike and Elsie (Krause) Schmidt 10693-Biography of E.C. Getchel, A-E.C. Getchel home, now Kniewel Funeral Home, 933 West St 10694-P. First Rib Lake Village Hall 10695-A History of Rib Lake by Naida E. Straub c. 1988 21 10696-P. 6 men, peeled hemlock logs c. 1900-Ring marks don every 4 feet apart, length of bark cut 10697-Accident report, 11-15-1938, RLLC of Delaware 10698-Rib Lake Bicentennial festival 1976 10699-P. “1888 Jumbo 4 horse load, 22, 291 ft-21 logs-hauled 5 miles, J.J. Kennedy lumberman Rib Lake”, board feet written on each log, eastern white pine logs Volume (Disc) VIII- #10700-10799 10700-Biography Edwin Forrest Van Giesen to Naida E. Straub-niece of Van Giesen, 10700A-Photo, Edwin Forrest Van Giesen 10700B-see 10700 10700C-P. c. 1893 Wellington Lake (then Worthington Lake) railroad filled in foreground engineered by Edwin Van Giesen, fill deposited 1883 10701-Biography Dio Walty 1877-1964 10702-Students 1896-1897 at Ward School 10703-Students 1893 at Ward School 10704-Students 1915, high school, A-Students 1891, high school 10705-History of Rib Lake 8-14-1933, Mrs. Gustav Bielenberg 10706-Biography of Meinrad Kathrein, Sr. & Mary Ann Kathrein, by Marie Kathrein Krolnik 317-1992 10707-Biography of William & Marie (Schmidt) Silbernagel 10708-Biography of Jake Janda 10709-Biography of Frank Skon 10710-Biography of Ed Prien; obit of Beda C. Prien 10711-P. Beda C. Prien 10712-Biography Beda Caroline Skon Gaspard Prien 10713-Autobiography of Naida E. Wallace Straub 10714- Autobiography of Naida E. Wallace Straub 10715-obit Guy Wallace & Albert F. Prahl 10716-memorial cards for John William Eckhoff and Luthera Mary Neville (end of Naida E. Straub collection) 10717-P. “U.S. Tannery, Rib Lake, Wis” View from south c. 1900, left, 2 bark piles, Fayette Ave in foreground 10717A-backside of 10717 1 cent stamp 10718-P. “Depot Scene Rib Lake, Wis” c. 1910, left is Kolz Mill, right is a cattle loading ramp, combination caboose & passenger car, train facing SW-heading to Chelsea, Wisconsin Central Railway (additional material from Naida E. Straub collection) 10719-bulletin; Post Office dedication 9-18-1966, c-Rib Lake postmasters since 6-12-1883 10720-Biography of James Downs, A P. James & Cora Downs 10721-P. c. 1920 Rib Lake Fire Dept., Fwd truck spraying water, x= Jim Downs, Chief 10722-P. The Commercial Hotel at Railroad & Lake (Main) St. c. 1900 10723-Map of Village of Rib Lake c. 2000 10724-Map of Village noting site of Commercial Hotel 10725-P. Rib Lake Creamery c. 1920, at Elm St. & State Rd., “Al Schroeder, Last Buttermaker” 22 10726-Map of Village noting site of Creamery & Commercial Hotel 10727-P. c. 1910 view South from tannery, Lutheran Church, Foreground is Railroad along Fayette St. 10728-History of Rib Lake, 1936, by Guy Wallace, A-U annotations by his daughter, Naida E. Straub 10729-P. Guy Wallace, age 16 10730-Biography of “William (Guy) Wallace”, a.k.a. William L. Wallace or Guy Wallace 10731-Diploma RLHS Guy Wallace 5-29-1917 10732-P. c.1910 Rib Lake High School, May pole, foreground; shed roof of Tannery & “The Flats” 10733-Biographies of 11 people 10734-“Odd Bits of (Rib Lake history) info by Naida E. Straub 10735-P. Marlin “Shoes” Walback, with sons, L-Kurt, R-Kent, #30 his stock car 10736-Story-Essay by Naida E. Straub “Wisconsin the Best of 50, Rib Lake a friendly town” 10737-Biography of Henry Mathias (end of Naida E. Straub collection) 10738-Map, Railroads of Taylor County, copyright RPR 4-18-1999 10739-History of Rib Lake 12-13-1907, “Ten Years Ago” Rib Lake Herald 10740-Rib Lake Herald 12-13-1907, German Language Stories 10741-Rib Lake History, 12-27-1907 10742-Sketch of Rib Lake Lumber Company mill c. 1920 RPR negatives from Pete Enders collection: 10743-P. c. 1918 Star Load-Camp 9, End of season-load contest winner 10744-P. unidentified mill crew, c. 1926, possibly Rib Lake 10745-P. c. 1925, Log rollway & crew 10746-P. sleight & tanker, 4 horse team, making ice road c. 1925 10747-P. c. 1925 4 log rollways, decking crew, “Rib Lake, Wis #27” 10748-P. c. 1925, Rollway & crew, railroad track 10749-P. c. 1925, (same building shown in 10743) ice road maintenance shack, with 5 person crew, possibly Camp 9 10750-P. possibly Camp 5, 6 buildings, c. 1909 10751-P. RLLC camp c. 1930, elevated walkway 10752-P. c. 1920, 4 horse team, star load of logs 10753-P. aerial c. 1945, Rib Lake Village, mill & dry yard & tannery pond 10754-P. aerial c. 1945, Rib Lake Village, mill & dry yard 10755-P. aerial c. 1945, Rib Lake Village, mill & dry yard & tannery pond 10756-P. aerial Rib Lake Village c. 1950, STH 102 reroute 10757-P. aerial Rib Lake Village 8-28-1938 & environs 10758-P. aerial Rib Lake Village 8-28-1939 & environs 10759-P. aerial Rib Lake Village 8-28-1939 & environs, south shore 10760-P. aerial Rib Lake Village 8-28-1939 & environs 10761-P. aerial Rib Lake Village c. 1950 & Muddy and Little Rib Lakes 10762-P. aerial Rib Lake Village c. 1950 & Muddy and Little Rib Lakes 10763-P. McComb Ave. c. 1980, village water tower, view north, left; Village Hall 10764-P. McComb Ave, John Schreiner c. 1980, L; Post Office 10765-P. C. 1980, Earl Thums sharpening-filing circle saw 23 10766-P. c. 1980 interior Earl Thums sawmill, Westboro-circle saw & carriage 10767-P. c. 1980 Earl Thums in his sawmill, Appaloosa Ln, Westboro 10768-P. c. 1980 log pile; big tooth aspen, comb for perspective 10769-P. door panel Earl Thums Westboro, WI John Heizler collection (10770-10804) (8 x 10 positives & negatives filed under RLH P. by #) 10770-P. “Rib Lake 1881!”, cutover & burned over, stump filled farm, NB 4-strand wire fence 10771-P. “Laying out McComb Ave.” c. 1885, Tannery complex in background, 1)A.C. McComb, 2)W.E. Hughes, 3) John J. Kennedy, 4)E.C. Getchel, 5) J. Logan, 6)B.J. Landaal (aka Landall) 10772-P. McComb Ave. looking south from Fayette Ave. c. 1900, R; Bank’s Livery barn, backtramway over Avenue 10773-P. John J. Kennedy home c. 1900, SE corner of Lake & Second Street, burned Feb. 16, 1903 10773A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of John J. Kennedy home 10774-P. “George Clark House & Restaurant” Clapboard c. 1900, Block 1, Lot 5, original plat of Rib Lake, view west; foreground is 2nd Street, Corner of Church & 2nd Street 10774A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10774 10775-P. Clapboard house-same as 10774, view to north, R; 2nd Street. 10775A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10775 10776-P. Rib Lake Parade c. 1900 10777-P. Rib Lake Municipal Power Plant, smokestack installation, c. 1910, view SE, Church & Elm Street 10777A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10777 10778-P. May pole at High School, view to east c. 1910 10778A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10778 10779-P. unknown general store interior, 3 customers & merchant c. 1910 10780-P. firewood wagon & Commercial Hotel c. 1900 10780A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10780 10781-P. Commercial House c. 1900, south side 10781A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10781 10782-P. mill complex east side c. 1902, L; John J. Kennedy house 10782A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10782 10783-P. new lake fill c. 1902 10783A-Map of Rib Lake showing location of 10783 10784-P. “Rib Lake Lumber Co.s mill & landing” c. 1910 10784A-camera orientation map re 10784 10785-P. W.A. Osburn Lumber Co. #3 locomotive, 16 flatcars of logs, c. 1903 10785A-camera orientation map re 10785 10786-P. Teamsters on ice-Rib Lake, c. 1900 10786A-camera orientation map re 10786 10786B-camera orientation map re 10786 10787-P. RLLC Mill from tramway, L; Round house, foreground McComb Ave. 10787A-camera orientation map re 10787 10788-P. “Tannery Row” US Leather Co. office, view west, down present Fayette Ave. c. 1900 10788A-camera orientation map re 10788 24 10789-P. Tannery c. 1900, view from north, 1) Power plant, 2) Liquor vats 3) dry loft 10789A-camera orientation map re 10789 10790-P. Tannery; liquor vats building c. 1900 10790A-camera orientation map re 10790 10791-P. “Osburn Lumber Co’s Camp No. 3, Duncan A. McDonald, Foreman. Rib Lake, Wis, Feb. 1901 10792-P. “US Leather Company Camp 2, Township 33 N, Range N 3 E, Sect. 33”, Jim Hedrington 10792A-camera orientation map re 10792 10793-P. RLLC Camp 5 (maybe) 10793A-camera orientation map re 10793 10794-P. RLLC Camp 7 10794A-camera orientation map re 10794 10795-P. Rollway & Derrick c. 1925 10796-P. Dog in mill yard, view east to RLLC mill c. 1925 10796A-camera orientation map re 10796 10797-P. Snowclad locomotive at Rib Lake depot c. 1910 10797A-camera orientation map re 10797 10798-P. Peeled hemlock on flatcar, McGiffert Loader c.1915 10799-P. “Arbor Vitae Logging-1898” McGiffert Loader, side view Volume (Disc) IX- #10800-10899 10800-P. 6 men with pickeroons, peeled hemlock logs, c. 1900, NB; 4 foot bark peel cuts on log 10801-P. Graduated but not Educated 1902 Rib Lake Class play 10802-P. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, c. 1900, early Rib Lake residents 10803-P. Dr. E.A. Lapham, Capt, US Army, Rib Lake physician & surgeon 10804-P. Spoof, west from Medford mill pond 10804A-camera orientation map re 10804 (end of Heisler collection) (Eileen’s collection-negatives exist for these photos, See SF: RLH P. “Eileen’s collection) 10805-P. McComb Ave., view north from STH 102, c. 1950, NB; RLLC Railroad tracks removed from foreground, Gene’s Variety was Old RLLC store 10805A-camera orientation map re 10805, location of Hintz Town & Stumpville 10806-P. Wanigan, cook shanty raft, & Rib River Log Drive c. 1910 10806A-The “Wausau” drive poem from Rib Lake Herald 10807-P. Hintz Town, starting pulpwood log drive to Rothschild Paper Mill (maybe), background Hintz Town sawmill, view probably from “Trout Ave” bridge looking south 10807A-camera orientation map re 10807 10808-P. steam hauler & log sleighs c. 1910 10809-P. RLLC locomotive #3 “1913” 10810-P. RLLC Railroad Tracks, unsawn hardwood ties 10811-P. RLLC Railroad Tracks, uncut hemlock forest 10812-P. RLLC Camp 25 10813-P. RLLC Camp 10, foreground; log barn, fire barrels on tar paper roof 10814-P. unidentified cabin 10815-P. Dan Pilon-RLLC Camp Cook 25 10816-P. RLLC mill fire 7-24-1914, left; hog feed loading device & railroad car of hog feed 10817-P. RLLC 1914 mill fire, view to south 10817A-camera orientation map re 10817 10818-P. RLLC 1914 mill fire, foreground McComb Ave., view to east 10819-P. RLLC new planing mill, view from tramway-eastward, R; stakes in ground; planned addition 10820-P. Peter Clendenning drives team to planing mill, c. 1920, elevated tramway system 10820A-camera orientation map re 10820 10821-P. RLLC Lumber pilers, NB; horse on tramway 10822-P. top; Carl Yorde, Carl Olson, Walt Mathias, piling lumber from tram cart, NB; jack posting 2 boards at a time 10823-P. Rib Lake tannery, view to north, left; bark piles 10823A-camera orientation map re 10823 10824-P. 4 men atop McGiffert loader boom 10825-P. unidentified man & child (end of Eileen’s collection) 10826-Article from Rib Lake Herald 3-24-1916, Rib Lake Gets the New Mill, RLLC will rebuild its sawmill at Rib Lake 10827-Map 2-1887 Wis. Central Railway Lands Feb. 1887 10828-Map 3-1-1896, Wis. Central Railway Lands 10829-Map 9-1-1897, Wis. Central Railway Lands 10830-Map Taylor County c. 1908, Soo Line Lands 10831-Map Taylor County 1909, Koehler Land Company (10827-10831 maps are oversize and only a portion of the map was scanned, only northeast Taylor County) 10832-envelope from Christopher N. Barney, Wisconsin Postal History Society, 3913 Dory Court, Franklin, WI 53132-8298 10833-L. Post Office, Report of site locations 1837-1950, Public. #1126, A-B, C-Taylor County map info on post offices 10834-Post office history, Sama & Whittlesey, A-Rib Lake, Urquhart, Brehm & Konz 10835-1913 Plat Book – General location of Sams Post Office, Sec. 18, T 32-3E 10836-Sams Post Office data, A-Konz Post Office data, B-Stephen A. Konz postmaster data 10837-Polk’s Wis. Gazetteer, Konz Town – 1907, A-1909, B-1913 10838-Map-Brehm Post office, SW-SW, 4-32-2E, 1913 Plat Book 10839-Brehm Post Office data, A-Thomas Brehm Post Office 10840-Brehm-1907 Polk’s Wis. Gazetteer, A-Brehm 1909, Josef Probst, ice; John Obowa, carpenter, F. Wudi, teacher; B-1913 10841-Map, John H. Schaack farm, Sec. 20, 33N-3E, Site of Schaack Post Office 10842-Schaack Post Office data 10843-Polk’s Wis. Gazetteer 1907, Schaack Post Office 10844-Map, site of Urquhart Post Office, 28-32N-2E, North side of CTH M 10845-Urquhart Post Office data 10846-Urquhart, Polk’s Wis. Gazetteer, 1907, A-1913 10847-P. July 4 parade, 7-4-1919, Rib Lake Village, from 7-11-1919 Rib Lake Herald 10848-P. 1919, Taylor County State Aid Road Map from Rib Lake Herald 10849-P. Roll of Honor, World War I, Rib Lake, servicemen, Rib Lake Herald, Jan. 11, 1918 26 10850-tax roll, personal property, Rib Lake Town 1902, alphabetical list of taxpayers A,B,C, etc. P-Herman Rusch value $25 F-Osburn Lumber Co. value $84,254 US Leather Co value $103,600 J-Albert Knop value $30 Y-Herm Rush value $25 Z-Herman Rousch AA-End 10851-tax roll, real property, Rib Lake Township 1902, about 100 pages, page 1 only scanned 10851A-Property-personal & real, types e.g. gold watches & values 10851B-Statement 10851C-7 School Districts, Total tax $5796.79 10851D-Warrant-state tax $1744.62 10851E-Roll, Sec 1, T33N R3E, left side 10851F-Roll, Sec.1, T33N R3E, right side 10852-L. Karen Peterson Baumgartner to RPR 2-15-2008, 20th Century Club disbanding 7-212000 10853-Map, Rib Lake Village 1913 10853A-Map, Rib Lake Village, Northeast Portion, 1913 10854-Map, Chelsea, “Village” 1913 10855-Map, Taylor County NE Portion 2008 10856-Map, Marathon Co. NW 2007, Big Rib River log drive route to Rothschild Paper Mill 10857-Kennedy Family Data, A-P A-John J. Kennedy “J.J.” B-John J. references from Rib Lake Herald 1903-1909 C-Angus [B possible middle initial] Kennedy D-Hugh J. Kennedy E-William [J-possible middle initial] Kennedy F-John S. Kennedy G-Louis Kennedy H-Hugh A. Kennedy I-Allan Kennedy [Allen] J-Dan B. Kennedy [Long Dan] – probable son of Angus K-John E. Kennedy – son of Angus L-Jerry Kennedy-1902 census only M-John Kennedy [J.M. perhaps]-1902 census only N-Donald A. Kennedy – son of J.J. O-William G. Kennedy – son of J.J. [went to law school] P-Bert Kennedy – unknown, 1907 writes from Meadows, B.C. 10858-tax roll – real property, Rib Lake Village 1903, comprehensive list of real property owners & land descriptions & tax values, first page scanned 10859-Plat Map, Rib Lake Village c. 1900, McComb Ave. & Environs 10860-Plat Map, Rib Lake Village c. 2002, McComb Ave. & Environs & lot owners names 10861-tax assessment roll, Rib Lake Village, 2001, McComb Ave. west side 10862-tax assessment roll, Rib Lake Village, 2001, McComb Ave. east side 27 10863-Audio-Visual VCR tape of RPR’s interview with Walter “Wimpy” Wilhelms and George Thums, Isabelle Wilhelms, Marlene Thums (nee Gengler), McComb Ave. history, landowners & business owners, 1-27-2002 10864-L. Karen Baumgartner, nee Peterson to RPR 3-8-2002, granddaughter of Ole A. Peterson 10864A-P. First National Bank of Rib Lake; Church Street, view west c. 1910 with list of home occupants; unidentified store, “grocery & meats” 10864B-P. Stationery “The Busy Bee Café” Oscar Peterson, proprietor; interior photo; Busy Bee Café exterior, Lot 9, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 10864C-P. interior of Ma Dodge’s Café, Lot 15, Block D, identification by Karen Baumgartner 10864D-P. “interior of Oscar Peterson’s Restaurant” May be Busy Bee Café, 729 McComb Ave. 10864E-Reverse side of D Data from Marathon Co. Historical Society 10865-Marathon Co. Historical Society brochure, 715-842-5730 10866-Obit of Mylrea, John “Jack” P. 1885-1963, his invaluable notes & papers of RLLC in 15 volumes at Marathon Co. Historical Society 10867-Autobiography of John D. Mylrea, 1936 Purchased RLLC with others, A-C 10868-Biography of John “Jack” D. Mylrea, A-C 10869-Autobiography of John “Jack” D. Mylrea “The Mylrea Family” 10870-L. 8-11-1939, John D. Mylrea to Albert S. Puelicher, Marshall & Ilsey Bank, “Rib Lake is largely a hemlock operation” 10871-L. Frank Handeyside, Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company, 1-23-1935, to Mr. J. D. Mylrea, Pres, Thunder Lake Lumber Co, “This was the beginning of our purchase of RLLC” 10872-RLLC statement, taxes paid to Lincoln County, 1922-1931, average $42,285.99 10873-RLLC statement, taxes paid to Lincoln County, 1935-1938, total $82,340.51 10874-Article “State’s Largest Sawmill Changes Hands this Week”, A.P Woodson, J.D. Mylrea, R.G. Brownell, Frank Handeyside, new owners, 10875-2-5-1936 Art “Rhinelander Men Buy 61,000 acres, Take over U.S. Leather Rib Lake Tract Near Wausau” Chicago Journal of Commerce 10876-“RLLC timber 7-30-1943, hemlock 54.93%, pine 1.8%” 10877-diagram T31 R4E, Land status 10878-diagram T32 R4E, Land status 10879-diagram T33 R4E, Land status 10880-diagram T34 R4E, Land status 10881-RLLC Price of lumber FOB railroad car 1936-1940 10882-RLLC log prices delivered at landing, 11-1-1941 10883-L. H.W. Johannes, General Manager, RLLC, to J.D. Mylrad, V.P. 11-27-1941, buy more logs in Michigan 10884-RLLC labor rates 1943 10884A-RLLC inventory of logs, lumber shipments, by-products 10884B-RLLC store sales, sales-costs-profits of forest products, dry kiln data, 1944 tax data 10884C-Last year RLLC purchased 5,019,569 ft of logs, signed H.W. Johannes, General Manager 10885-RLLC valuation of stumpage, 1-1-1944 for timber logged during 1944, % of logs from Michigan 10886-RLLC daily report, $1,359,614.51 in bank 10887-P. “Right Way to Log” “Wrong Way to Log” 28 10888-P. John D. Mylrea commentary on illustrated logging practices “this teamster could easily get his leg broken” 10889-P. swamper or road monkey 10890-P. commentary on taking lunch to lumber jacks 10891-P. 1940 RLLC bull slide 10892-P. RLLC building, RR bridge over New Wood River c. 1940 10893-P. RRLC office, tramway, loading dock 10894-P. mill, camp, 114,800 # of bark 10895-P. six photos, mill & camps 10896-standard contract RLLC & log supplier, 1940s 10897-P. “Good yellow birch logs” 10898-P. “skidding logs with tractor” c. 1940 10899-P. 1940 Logs on skidding pan Volume (Disc) X- #10900-10999 10900-P. 1940 pan skidding by tractor 10901-P. skidding pan logs to branch logging railroad 10902-P. Ken Mayer, office manager, Thunder Lake Lumber Co, & 1940’s camp scene 10903-P. “Camp 1”, not Camp 1 from 1906-RPR 10904-P. RLLC camps c. 1940 10905-P. C.C. Lord, RLLC “Head Office Man” end of Marathon Co. Historical Society data Data from Taylor County Star News Collection by Michael Weckwerth 10906-L. 2-18-2008 Michael D. Weckwerth to RPR 10907-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News 1922, 1-5-22 to 4-7-22 10908-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 4-7-22 to 11-9-22 10909-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 1-12-23 to 12-14-1923 10910-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 3-28-1924 to 11-24-1924 10911-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 1-19-1925 to 4-16-1925 10912-history-1924 Alphonse Bonneville, from Taylor Co. Star News 2-12-1924 10913- Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News 2-12-1925, RLLC logging heavily, Camp 19 moved; 5-11-1925 fire destroys Jim Peterson’s camp 10914-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 1-14-1926 to 5-20-1926 10915-Clippings from Taylor Co. Star News, 12-3-1926, RLLC off income roll, RLLC is not listed on this year’s income tax roll. Last year company pd $16,988.78 income tax 10916-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-13-1927 to 3-20-1927, RLLC burns waste wood to make electricity 10917-Taylor Co. Star News, 8-24-1927 to 11-24-1927, 18 jobbers 10918-Taylor Co. Star News, 4-12-1928, J.J. Kennedy dies in Portland, Oregon, age 82, born in 1846 10919-Taylor Co. Star News, 3-29-1928 “Jim Peterson says lumberjack as good today as 40 years ago”; A-list of employees in camp, 105 men; description of jobber camp; B-camp photos 10920-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-10-1929 to 4-18-29, RLLC record cuts, 10 hrs, 100,965.17 ft hardwood, 171,008 ft softwood “there is probably not another mill or crew in Wis. that can match this record cut”; Frank, Ferdinand, RLLC accident; L.P. Lamberty jobber camp; 4 ¾ million ft cut 29 10921-Taylor Co. Star News, 7-23-1929 to 10-29-1929, RLLC fire train; new planing mill; new dry kiln 10922-Taylor Co. Star News, 7-19-1930 to 5-8-1930, Goodrich (Gill Co) mill burns 10923-Taylor Co. Star News, 2-19-1929, Camp 21 10924-Taylor Co. Star News, 8-7-1930 to 12-11-30, Great Depression hits RLLC 10925-Taylor Co. Star News, 2-12-1931 to 11-17-1931, RLLC mill runs part time; RLLC claims it is income tax exempt as a Delaware Corporation-asks for hearing 10926-Taylor Co. Star News, History of Rib Lake, 3-5-1931, Edgar T. Wheelock, editor of Star News; Rib Lake 1886; excellent history 10927-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-28-1932 to 3-10-32, Walter B. Patrick dies; RLLC owes income tax $38,246.08; text of decision from tax commission 10928-Taylor Co. Star News, 3-31-1932 to 10-27-1932, Court rules RLLC owes income tax; RLLC closes due to Great Depression 10929-Taylor Co. Star News, 7-20-1933 to 10-5-33, RLLC wins tax case in Wis. Supreme Court; planing mill reopens 10930-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-11-1934 to 6-12-1934, RLLC will reopen 10931-Map T32N 4 E, Camps 22, 23 & jobbers & railroad lines, Lincoln County 10932-Taylor Co. Star News, 4-18-1935 to 11-7-35, RLLC to lay 14 miles of new railroad track, Camp 23 operating; RLLC employs estimated 470 men 10933-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-30-1936 to 10-15-36, RLLC changes hands; RLLC safe blown 10934-Taylor Co. Star News, 2-25-1937 to 10-7-37, Camp 25, RLLC safety record 10935-Taylor Co. Star News, 12-9-1937, RLLC deeds 3,360 acres to Taylor County 10936-Taylor Co. Star News, 1-20-1938 to 8-4-38, [NB; 1-1-1939, Rib Lake Herald copies are available – RPR 2-29-08] (end of collection) 10936-RLLC v. Conway 212 Wis. 412, (RLLC v. Wisconsin Tax Commission) 10937-2007 County forest income data 10938-L. Milton E. Reinke to RPR 3-1-2008 10939-Village incorporation data 10940-Petition for incorporation of Village, April 19, 1902; A-signatures; B-Notice of Hearing 4-21-1902 in City of Ashland, legal description of Village of Rib Lake; C-Surveyors certificate D-signed John A. Logan, Surveyor E-Map, Exhibit A, proposed Village boundaries 10941-Census Data, Village of Rib Lake 1902 A-signed John A. Logan 2-28-1902 B-census 1-36 C-census 37-78 D-census 79-120 E-census 121-163 F-census 164-206 G-census 207-248 H-census 249-291 I-census 292-333 30 J-census 334-376 K-census 377-418 L-419-461 M-462-503 N-504-545 O-546-586 P-587-627 Q-628-670 R-671-713 S-714-755 T-756-799 U-800-843 V-844-886 W-887-929 – Arthur W. Pollatz X-930-971 Y-972-1015 – Herrmann Emanuel Rusch Z-1016-1046 – end 10942-Order for Incorporation of Village of Rib Lake, 4-28-1902, by Hon. John K. Parish – data sheet A-Clerk’s Minutes & order B-order C-Notice of qualified electors of referendum on proposed village, signed L.L. Taylor, M.D., John J. Voemastek, F. [Frank] J. Hintz & proof of publication D-Oath of inspector of election E-Oath of election clerks F-Oath of ballot clerk & statement of result of election, 105 yes, 7 no G-Affidavit of inspectors 10943-McComb’s Racing Park Addition to Rib Lake plat 10944-L. Suzanne Bamonte to RPR 2-27-2005, re Coeur D’Alene, Kennedy family 10945-10-10-1904 article, Kennedy Bros. Coeur D’Alene 10946-8-29-1903 article, Kennedy & Co. building sawmill at Coeur D’Alene 10947-7-30-1907 Angus & son, John E. Kennedy, Idaho ad 10948-P. “Steam Hauler” Brown’s Studio, Rib Lake c. 1910 10949-P. 4 giant white pine logs-sleigh on McComb Ave., George Braun Sr. real estate office, c. 1910 10950-P. locomotive “67” RLLC, string loaded log flatcars, 2 McGiffert loaders, Camp 22, 1934, NB electric wiring & cattle chute 10951-P. loading yellow birch log on flatcar, stationary jammer, top loader with cant hook, c. 1930 10952-P. massive log piles along wood railroad track, logs ready for rail shipment to Rib Lake, Town of Corning, c. 1930 10953-P. 16 log flat cars, RLLC mill & hot pond in back, view SW from Fayette Ave. c. 1940 10954-“Wisconsin Loggers Meeting” 3-10-1919, Hardwood Record, Northern Wis. Loggers Assoc Meeting at Rib Lake & steam hauler trip to Camp 9 & 8 photos, 2 pgs Photos: AA-At Camp 9 B-Group photo at Camp 9, Cook Daniel Pilon 31 C-4 horse team-Not steam hauler-takes loaded sleigh into Rib Lake D-empty sleighs on ice road to Camp 9, NB cut-over E-hardwood section of RLLC yard F-Steam Hauler G-Swan explains that 30 below isn’t col H-RLLC mill from tramway 10955-Annual meeting of Hemlock & Hardwood Men, 2-10-1919, Hardwood Record, P. George N. Harder, reelected President of Hemlock & Hardwood Manufacturers, 3 pgs 10956-Deed, John McCoy to J.J. Kennedy, 12-19-1881, N half, NW quarter, 14-33-2E, First Taylor County deed to J.J. Kennedy from Sara Nuernberger, Asst. Register of Deeds 10957-Deed, Wayne Ramsey et us to J.J. Kennedy “Kenneday”, Lot 9, Sec. 26-33-2E, Lot 9 became Kennedy Town, 12-26-1881 10958-map showing location of 10956 & 10957, Kennedy parcels, from 1894 plat book 10959-Deed, G.F. Andrae to J.J. Kennedy “of Village of Spencer, Marathon Co”, 14 parcels, 45-1882 10960-American Lumberman “Wisconsin Loggers Inspect Modern Plant” 3-1-1919, steam hauler to Camp 9, 3 photos, A-Alley in hemlock yard; B-The party; C-“Phoenix centipede tractor” Material from Marathon County Historical Society 10961-P. Thunder Lake Lumber Company mill, 1919-1946, list of personnel, Pres. John D. Mylrea, VP Aytch P. Woodson, Sec. Rudy J. Miller, Woods Super. Edward Synnott; * Mylrea simultaneously VP of RLLC 1936-1948 10962-Colloquialisms of logging & sawmill operations by Jack Mylrea 10963-P. Jack Mylrea, Presque Isle River Bridge, RLLC bought pine & hemlock in U.P. 19361944 10964-L. 1-5-1944, Jack Mylrea to Bank 10965-L. 1-7-1944, Bank to Jack D. Mylrea 10966-L. 8-13-1946, Aytch P. Woodson & John D. Mylrea to Bank 10967-RLLC 4-1-1947 daily report 10968-RLLC 4-30-1947 daily report 10969-RLLC 10-1-1947daily report 10970-L. 10-17-1947 to Aytch P. Woodson, John D. Mylrea & Mary T. Mylrea, liquidation of RLLC, Woodson $913,210; Mylrea $447,790 10971-L. 4-6-1948 Wis. Dept of Taxation to RLLC 10972-PRR notes from Chester Curran interview of 5-11-1971, Chester was RLLC train engineer 10973-L. 9-17-1986 John R. Gray to RPR Bios of Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Lake Region, J.H. Beers & Co, Chicago, IL 10974-Bio, O.E. Werner, M.D. 10975-Bio, William Martin 10976-Bio, J.L. Taylor, M.D. 10977-Biol, John A. Logan, Surveyor 10978-Bio, Thomas Brehm 10979-Bio, Hermann M. Koehler 10980-Bio, John J. Voemastek 32 10981-Bio, John Gamper 10982-Bio, George Braun, Sr. 10983-Bio, Elias L. Urquhart 10984-L. Donald Kennedy (son of J.J.) to Edward Van Giesen, 4-22-1902, on stationery of W.A. Osburn Lumber Co 10985-Receipt, W.A. Osburn Lumber Company, 7-27-1901 to Edwin Van Giesen, $22.45 “Dealers in Lumber; timber, lath & shingles” 10986-Cover page 1905 Commemorative Biographical Record, Bio, Hugh A. McDonald, p. 406407 10987-L. Univ. of Wis. Eau Claire to RPR, 3-10-2005, has Taylor Co. civil case files, 1877-1925 10988-J.J. Kennedy-Manufacturer of and dealer in Lumber, Lath & Shingles, receipt 4-22-1886, to E. (Ernest) Gerstberger 10989-Museum of North Idaho winter 2001 newsletter A-B.R.Lewis bought mill from Kennedy Bros. 2-20-1904, [Angus & J.J.?], partially constructed mill on Blackwell Island B-Map of Lake Coeur D’Alene 10990-Cover page, White Pine, King of Many Waters, by Clarence C. Strong & Clyde S. Webb, A-Kennedy Bros..were in process of constructing large sawmill [in Coeur D’Alene], sold to B.R. Lewis Lumber Company 10991-info, Kootenai Co, Idaho, Recording Supervisor Cheryl Reed, 10992-Envelope 10-17-1986, Mrs. W. Kennedy, 139 W. Gray Ct. 103, Spokane, WA 99205 to RPR, A-L. 10-16-1986, Susan Lacy Kennedy to RPR, spouse is William Kennedy, son of Angus 10993-RLHe 5-15-1903, 2 [Kennedy] families leave for Coeur d’Alene [Angus, son John E, J.J. or son Donald?] – Angus Kennedy came to Rib Lake the 9th of August 1882 with his brother, J.J. Kennedy and several men. “Year had wet fall & work on sawmill progressed very slowly.” Summary: J.J. buys mill site, Lot 9, Dec. 1881, and with Angus builds mill in 1882. 10994-Spencer Tribune 4-10-1885, “New band saw at J.J. Kennedy’s mill at Rib Lake…” 10995-Articles of Incorporation, W.A. Osburn Lumber Company, 10-27-1900 10996-Articles of Incorporation, W.A. Osburn Lumber Company, 2-13-1901, Railroad for hire 10997-Articles of Incorporation, W.A. Osburn Lumber Company, 2-13-1901, Railroad exclusively private 10996 & 10997 both filed with Taylor Co. Register of Deeds, Railroad language irreconcilable 10998-W.A. Osburn Lumber Company, 5-15-1901, capital stock limit $400,000, signed Donald Kennedy, Sec. 10999-5-6-1902 W.A. Osburn Lumber Company name change to Rib Lake Lumber Company, first use Volume (Disc) XI- #11000-11099 11000-3-10-1903, Amended Articles of Incorporation, Rib Lake Lumber Company, NB; Donald Kennedy not secretary 11001-3-8-1904 RLLC Articles of Incorporation, new date for annual meeting, third Tues in Aug. 11002-9-5-1906 RLLC Articles of Incorporation, new date for annual meeting, third Tues in July 11003-Post Office Data; Rib Lake, Sams, Schaack, Urquhart 11004-Postcards to Brehm, Wisconsin 11005-Map; site of Brehm, Urquhart, Interwald Post Offices 11006-Urquhart Post Office data & postcard 33 11007-Brehm Post Office data & photo 11008-Brehm Post Office data & photo 14-32-2E Karen Baumgartner nee Peterson collection 11009-Karen Baumgartner address 11010-P. O.A. Peterson “Ole” c. 1909 11011-Descendants of Peter Pederson, aka Peterson, father of Ole 11012-Batzer, Taylor, Radtke, Haase connections 11013-P. Rib Lake Cheese Factory, built c. 1919 by Ole A. Peterson, Knute Moen on wagon, route started in Fawn Valley 11014-P. Oscar Peterson 11015-Map, Town of Spirit, site of Peterson farm, later Ole’s golf course 11016-P. Spirit Lake, Ole Peterson in his launch c. 1920 11017-P. Ole Peterson & brother Oscar Peterson cookees inside cook shanty c. 1899, Rib Lake area, washing dishes, great photo 11018-P. “Mondeau’s camp 1910” 11019-P. Margie Minn (left), Nettie Dodge, nee Peterson, and Mr. Mondeau, sawing at Mondeau camp c.1910 11020-P. A. McLeod Livery Stable, Rib Lake, c. 1910, rail boxcars in rear 11021-Envelope “Busy Bee Café”, Lot 9, Block D. McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11022-P. Busy Bee Café, left, Oscar Peterson, right Charles Dodge, c. 1920, upstairs was used as practice basketball court, upstairs also “Opera House” 2008 “Bird’s Nest Bar”, 11023-P. Inside of “Busy Bee Dining Room”, left, Oscar Peterson, right Joe Brown 11024-P. Inside of “Busy Bee”, left, Oscar Peterson, proprietor c. 1920 11025-Stationery “The Busy Bee Café” 11026-P. Inside Ma Dodge’s Café, Lot 15, Block D. McComb’s Racing Park Addition, left Jennie Burke, center “Ma Dodge”, right Charles Dodge 11027-P. “Home Bakery”, Oscar H. Peterson, cook & owner, location unknown as of 3-14-08 11028-P. “Elmer V. Johnson, 11-12-1926” 11029-P. c. 1930, 2 sawyers, double bit axes, probably Ole Peterson camp, Taylor County 11030-P. “Charlie Talbert with scale, Lamberti on right” probably Lambert Lamberty’s camp 11031-P. lumberjack lunch c. 1930 11032-P. jobber camps, possibly Charles Dodge 11033-P. Oscar Peterson and Einer Skon, (lived behind Ole in Village of Rib Lake) 11034-P. 6 men 11035-P. Oscar Peterson “cooked in Libby, Montana in army” c. 1918 11036-P. pumping water c. 1920 11037-P. A flat 11038-P. sawyers ax & band saw 11039-P. “tote wagon in background. Used to take groceries to camp” 11040-P. 7 building jobber camp, log & tarpaper buildings, sleigh with hay c. 1930 11041-P. 5 building jobber camp, 1 auto, probably Town of Corning 11042-P. sawyers with cross cut, measuring pole in foreground, “Oscar Peterson” 11043-P. “in the tunnel” 11044-P. auto crash 11045-P. Oscar Peterson, Model T, c. 1924 11046-P. Oscar Peterson – waiter 34 11047-P. chopping firewood, right Oscar Peterson, perhaps at Busy Bee 11048-P. Oscar Peterson plucked chickens 11049-P. Oscar Peterson jobber camp, screen house for meats, horses are Prince & Queenie 11050-P. Oscar Peterson, deaf-mute in WWI uniform, “no evidence he served, his brother Ed did” 11051-P. jobber camp – cookee 11052-P. jobber camp, plank sidewalks 11053-P. Oscar Peterson sawing red oak 11054-P. Men on gin poles, used to deck logs 11055-P. pet dog in jobber camp 11056-P. I.P. Kiger camp 7-1925, 25 men, 1 woman, 1 girl, buildings covered in tar paper held on by nailer wood strips, “jobber camp” “Westboro” 11057-RLHe “Chair Factory Assured”, Rib Lake Wood Products, Co, Rib Lake Chair & Manufacturing Company, 2. shipping logs to Rib Lake, O.A. Peterson buys Port Edwards logs, Oct. 21, 1921 11058-Twentieth Century Club 1899-2000, Taylor County Genealogical Society 11059-Twentieth Century Club 40th Anniversary 11060-Twentieth Century Club 25 (Silver) Anniversary 11061-P. 1960 Twentieth Century Club members; 11061A-identification (names) of members of 11061 11062-1934 RLHe ad “Henry’s Wedding” show 11063-P. McComb Avenue c. 1905, left 1. George Braun Sr. real estate & telephone (Lot 4), 2. Upjohn Pharmacy (Lot 5), 3.Restaurant (Lot 6), 4. Millinery (Lot 7), 5. Tailor (Cy Claussen)(Lot 8), 6. Dr. Wickman’s office (Lot 9), 7. Busy Bee Café & Opera House (Lot 10), Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11064-P. Bank, Lot 1, Block D, McComb Ave., c. 1910 11065-P. Church St., Catholic Church in back; 11065A-ID of building owners, Rib Lake c. 1920 11066-P. “Grocery-Meats”, Rib Lake store 11067-P. “The Landing” c. 1906, Rib Lake Village, Right High School, center, Railroad track on logs over lake, left, rear water tower & Commercial Hotel 11068-P. Central Hotel on Railroad ST., aka Mathias Hotel 11069-P. 1903 High School & 1927 High School 11070-data re 11069 by Karen Baumgartner 11071-P. Ward School, May Pole c. 1930 11072-P. RLLC c. 1930 tramway over McComb, “Green chain goes off to right large timber goes off flat cars” 11073-P. RLLC tramway taken from Central Hotel, left Pete Carson, setter on carriage, x, center Oscar H. Peterson, NB lumber piled 16 ft high 11074-P. Oscar H. Peterson with pan of bread, right, west side of National Hotel, view north to tramway 11075-P. Oscar H. Peterson with huge loaves of bread c. 1920 11076-P. RRLC spreading hog feed “Gravel” in dry yard of mill 11077-P. “Oscar Huldar Peterson 1880-1933 playing dinner horn (garbie), played “Redwing” on it to call for dinner, every camp had one.” jobber camp c. 1920 11078-P. back bar (Last Chance maybe) from Arthur Grassman 35 11079-P. house moving 11080-P. “Al Herchen had bowling alley. Did wall papering. Looks like Rib Lake tourist park. Ole Peterson building with cedar logs –Rib Lake Village contracted” c. 1920 11081-P. Ole, aka O.A. Peterson, dairy barn 1936, on SE-SE, 22-23-2E, 2008 owned by Desris family, 10 x 20 silo from St. Clair farm near Spirit Lake, foreground is scraper, aka dirt mover 11081A-description on back of 11081 11081B-plat map showing location of 11081 11082-P. Interior of John J. Taylor’s Hardware Store, 1912, (it was sold to Ed Prien c. 1938), probably Lot 9, Block A., McComb’s Racing Park Addition, left is Herman Batzer, right Ed Christensen 11083-P. Interior Taylor Hardware c. 1913, left Herman Batzer, center John J. Taylor, right the Rev. Arthur Sydow, Lutheran Pastor 11084-1924 Confirmation class, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Rev. F. Kammholz, Pastor, 15 confirmands, back row right, Orville Peterson, father of Karen Baumgartner 11085-P. Orville Peterson 1914 at Spirit Farm 11086-P. Orville Peterson in red knit suit c. 1915 11087-P. Orville Peterson c. 1911 11088-P. Orville Peterson and mother, Jennie, nee Batzer 11089-P. Ward School class, 4th grade c. 1920, 30 students & teacher, NB 2 people in one desk Nancy Ann Kroll collection: 11090-address & phone number of Nancy Ann Kroll 11091-P. c. 1950 Second Street view north, Right; building “Bob Gums Apts” 11092-P. c. 1940 Rib Lake, Railroad, Fayette Ave. view east, background – park & cemetery 11093-P. c. 1935 Tramway over McComb, view north 11094-P. c. 1930, RLLC roundhouse, view east 11095-P. c. 1930, RLLC turn table view south, (site in 2008, Camp 28 restaurant parking lot) 11096-P. c. 1930 NE part of tram, RLLC mill in back view east 11097-P. c. 1910 The Fair Department Store, P.E. Marcus, proprietor, view east, Block A, Lot 13, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11098-P. c. 1910, Rib Lake Village, Lutheran Church facing south, view from tannery; foreground, Bark pile 11099-P. c. 1910, Rib Lake Village, view northwest; top; bark piles, background; hills NW of Village, foreground: West Street Volume (Disc) XII- #11100-11199 11100-P. c. 1910 Ward School, view northwest 11101-P. Rib Lake depot, c. 1914, view northeast, “Ballard’s Ford”; background; west end of RLLC dry yard (Does this refer to A.J. Allard, Rib Lake Village businessman?) 11102-P. c. 1928, McComb Ave. view south from Fayette St., L. Swanson D-X Gas Station, Block B, Lot 12, McComb’s Racing Park Addition; right-building on right, 2-story is Block C, Lot 8 & 9, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, was Brehm Feed Store, Al Hirchen Saloon, Schlais Clothing (to c. 1980), in 2008, Bob Frombach apartments, 749 McComb Ave. 11103-P. c. 1928, Rib Lake Village “Maine Street” McComb Ave., view south; left-building with awning, Lots 9 & 10, Block B, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, in 2008 “Last Chance Tavern”, 832 McComb Ave.; 1905 Albert & Martha Marschke Saloon, 1907 Edward Heinrich, 36 1920 Phillip Goelz, 1939, Mathilda Tauber (see 10231), 1947 Leon W. Olsen, 1950 Gordon L & Virginia M. Gehrt, 1982 Kenneth A. & Carol J. Floyd, c. 1990 Holy Werner left; building #2, “Ice Cream Parlor”, Lot 8, in 2008 owned by Jan Deaton, “Little Rib Antiques”, 828 McComb Ave. left, building #3, Block B, Lot 7, in 2008 Genesis Youth Center, 818 McComb Ave., background; Nation Hotel, on Railroad Street 11104-P. c. 1910 McComb Ave, view north, buildings, left #1; Dr. Lapham, #2, Niggeman Store, Block D, Lot 13 McComb’s Racing Park Addition, 1980 “Nancy’s Family Store”, #3 (future) Ma Dodge’s Café; right, #1 unknown, #2 open awning, P.E. Marcus “The Fair”, #3 bank 11105-P. c. 1949 McComb Ave. view south, buildings, right; Rib Lake Herald office, (Block C, Lot 3) “The Sunny Side” of the street, #1 Zielke IGA (Block B, Lot 1); left Lake Movie Theater (Block A, Lot 13) Construction began Nov. 1945 opened 4-20-1946, seating capacity 394 11105A-P. 4-horse team-wagon of baled hay or straw, c. 1920, background buildings, left 1. Ma Dodge’s Café, 2. Kelnhofer IGA, 3. Rib Lake Herald office & shoe repair & Dr. Baker upstairs; cf remodeling of upstairs in P. 11105 11106-P. c. 1915 McComb Ae. View north, “Main Street G558”, buildings; left, 1. Patrial George Braun Real Estate, 2. Upjohn Pharmacy (Block D, Lot 5), 3. Piano Store, 4. First Rib Lake Herald office, dry cleaners, doctor’s office, (in 2008 American Legion, Lot 8), saloon (Lot 9) “Shoes & Furniture & funeral parlor” (according to Nancy Ann Kroll); right, 1. RLLC store (Block A, Lot 2), 2. Post Office, upper was Modern Woodmen of America & dance hall 7 Gilbertson Watch Maker, 3. Lieg’s Store –later Peter Bogumill’s 11107-P. McComb Ave. view north c. 1950, buildings, right-1. Sinclair Gas Station, (2008 Hanke Mobil, Block A, Lot 1), 2. C.C. Lord Bookkeeping, 3. old post office, 4. Mobil Gas Station, 5. Bogumill’s Store (aka The Big Store), left-1. Boy Scouts, 2. old George Braun real estate (Block D, Lot 3), 3. Pharmacy (Lot 5), NB; railroad tracks removed from McComb Ave. 11108-P. McComb Ave. view north c. 1946, right, 1. RLLC store, 2. small office (possibly Braun real estate & later C.C. Lord Bookkeeper), 3. old post office, 4. Bogumill Store “Rib Lake, Wis No. C-16” 11109-P. Crew Chief McCloud leading horses; foreground McComb Ave. view northwest, rearGeorge Braun, Sr. Realty & pharmacy c. 1920 11110-P. inside of Kelnhofer IGA store (Block C, Lot 1, McComb’s Racing Park Add) (in 2008 Ed’s IGA Store) c. 1930, Ruth McCloud & Verl Bokath 11111-P. c. 1910, “The Flats”, old high school, Rib Lake filled with logs, view southeast from tannery chimney 11112-P. c. 1930, “High School & grade school Rib Lake, Wis. 7” view south 11113-P. Ward School, c. 1930 view north 11114-P. 7-4-1909 festival, McComb and Landall Streets, Building with balcony is Ma Dodge’s Café & Boarding House, view north-northwest 11115-P. c. 1910, McComb Ave.; building 1. George Braun Realty “Farms Cheap”, 2. Pharmacy, 3. 4. 5. X=Print Shop, First Rib Lake Herald Office (in 2008 the bank) 11116-P. McComb Ave c. 1930, Block D., McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11117-P. “Rib Lake’s leading barber shop” car float c. 1940, in front of Block D, Lot 9 (in 2008 Bird’s Nest Bar) 11118-P. car float c. 1940, in front of Block D, Lot 9 (in 2008 Bird’s Nest Bar), building to right, Lot 10, torn down for Rib Lake Village Garage, McComb Ave. 37 11119-P. McComb Ave. c. 1940, buildings, right; in 2008 Bird’s Nest Bar, Lot 10, middle, Lot 9-“Dr. G.L. Baker”, left, Lot 8 “The Tourist Tavern” “On Tap Gettleman 1000 Beer” in 2008 the Frosted Mug 11120-P. “Gustafson Lumber Co” buildings c. 1930 11121-P. RLLC c. 1940, foreground, planing mill 11122-P. RLLC planing mill fire, 1945, “Rib Lake Lumber Co Quality Lumber”, west side of mill 11123-P. RLLC planing mill fire, firemen 1945 11124-P. RLLC planing mill fire, boy 1945 11125-P. National Hotel 1945 11126-P. Public Library 1950, NW corner of Landall & Pearl St. 11127-P. RLLC c. 1944, right is National Hotel 11128-P. RLLC “lumber yard” center is Methodist Church, right is Catholic Church, c. 1940 11129-P. “Last Load of Lumber from the old mill” #56, c. 1948, Claude Peterson Trucking, Medford 11130-P. RLLC complex, east side c. 1940 11131-P. Old 102 Tap flood, Sept. 1941, STH 102 11132-P. Sept. 1941 Rib Lake Village, Kennedy Street, standing Robert Bleck, Sr., standing in house Anna Bleck, nee Rusch, boat rowing north on Kennedy Street end of Nancy Ann Kroll collection 11133-P. McComb Ave. south from Fayette Ave. c. 1910; left, 1. Lot 9 & 10, Block B, Last Chance Tavern; 2. Lot 8, Janda’s Store 11133A-back of 11133 postcard, 3-12-1914, Bertha P. Rusch (Mrs. Kurth) to “Liebe Momma”, Mrs. Ida Rusch 11134-biography Cornelius S. Curtis 11135-biography Cornelius S. Curtis, Wausau paper 11136-Richie, James data 11137-Adams, Abraham A. data 11138-L. 3-20-2008, Karen Baumgartner to RPR, re O.A. “Ole” Peterson timeline 11139-Plat map, T34, R3E, 1890, Price County, Wis 11140-Plat map, T34, R3E, 1910, Price County, Wis, Ole Peterson’s hand drawn “discovery” of Spirit Point, text by Karen Baumgartner 11141-Plat map, T34, R3E 1920, Price County, Wis 11142-Plat map, T34, R3E, 2008, Price County, Wis 11143-History of Rib Lake by Nancy Ann Kroll, 4-17-1994 11144-Rib Lake history notes, 2-15-1946 by Nancy Ann Kroll 11145-“Businesses of Rib Lake” 4-17-1994, Bob Keegan, Adeline Walbeck, Kay Kleihn & Nancy Ann Kroll 11146-History of Rib Lake from Naida Straub 1991 11147-P. RLLC office door, 3 unidentified women, c. 1940 11148-P. 1940 Robert Bleck, Sr., standing on flooded Kennedy Street, Anna Louise Bleck, nee Rusch on porch of Bleck home, 754 Kennedy Street, Village of Rib Lake 11149-Rib Lake Herald 1939, “Poland Again Battles for National Existence-6 maps of Poland 11150-obit. “Herman Emmanuel Rusch” (Herrmann Emanuel Rusch), Rib Lake Herald 1-121912 38 11151-Rib Lake Herald 12-29-1911 “Locals” Mrs. Frank Pollatz visits brother Herman Rusch (Herrmann Emanuel Rusch) 11152-booklet “The Story Behind Historic St. Ann’s Church and Cemetery” by Walter L. Gojmerac, 1996 11153-L. Walter Gojmerac to Pat Gojmerac 9-10-2002 re Orrin Meyer 11153A-Pat Gojmerac address 11154-“Vocational Agriculture at Rib Lake” by Orrin Meyer 11155-“A Chronology of the Rib Lake School Forest” by Keith Zintz 11156-email, James A. Welton to RPR 12-5-2007, RLLC Railroad locomotives, WC 52 & Nancy Hanks 11157-L. Geraldine Strey to RPR 3-22-1008, 11158-obit, Albert W. Sanborn 11159-Map, 1926, Rib Lake Village, Sanborn Map Company Clippings of Anna Mae Kennedy, all from Rib Lake Herald unless otherwise noted 11160-RLHe 12-8-1955 11161-RLHe 7-17-1936, obit, Edward Talbot 11162-RLHe 12-4-1936 obit, William F. Rudy 11163-RLHe 1946, obit, Carl Yorde 11164-RLHe obit, Martin Krushat 11165-RLHe 1945, obit, Herman W. Johannes 11166-RLHe 11-25-1946, wedding announcement, Polacek-Olson 11167-RLHe 11-6-1944, wedding announcement, Langendorff-Tuvey 11168-RLHe obit, Minnie Conrad 11169-RLHe Pvt. Harrison Talbot, 10-13-1944 11170-RLHe-Obit, Victor Rudolph Gustafson, 3-10-1938 11171-RLHe-Golden Wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. William Banks, 4-5-1937 11172-RLHe-obit 1945, Nick Clerk 11173-RLHe-2-3-1933 Cemetery Assoc. reorganized 11174-RLHe-3-28-1948 Wilderness Fire Tower, Peter A. Kauer 11175-RLHe-1934-1935, Twentieth Century Club officers and members 11176-RLHe-Allen Kennedy, fire hose wagon, 11-20-1936, Map shows location of blacksmith shop 11177-RLHe-Rib Lake Village history, 12-13-1937, Rib Lake “with the largest sawmill in Wisconsin” 11178-RLHe-P. 5-8-1936, Rib Lake Lumber Company sawmill “looking east”, McComb Ave. in foreground 11179-RLHe-6-14-1932, Rib Lake Lumber Company sawmill started up, shut down since 4-141932, 150 men employed 11180-RLHe undated (c. 1938) NB forest fire damaged wood from Town of Corning in Lincoln County 11181-RLHe-8-14-1936, RLLC buys warehouse 11182-RLHe-10-23-1936 “3 Spot” derailed 11183-RLHe-3-6-1936, C.C. Lord to Rib Lake 11184-RLHe-P. 4-17-1936 John McRae 11185-RLHe-9-23-1945 RLLC loses planing plant to fire 11186-RLHe-2-6-1948 Last of standing timber being cut 39 11187-RLHe-2-25-1948 Notice of “Last Log” ceremony, All Rib Lake Village Business shut down 11188-RLHe-2-20-1948, Rib Lake business places to close next Wednesday for woods outing 11189-Milwaukee Journal-2-18-1948, “Rib Lake will close to watch fall of tree and end of era, 1,750,000,000 board feet of lumber cut 11190-RLHe-RLLC fells last pine tree, crowd of 400 watch as “timber” is called for last time 11191-Wausau Daily Record-Herald-P. 2-25-1948 RLLC train loading spectators to go to Last log ceremony, background, McComb Ave., Lot 1, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, 2008 site; Hanke Mobil Gas Station 11192-Wausau Daily Record-Herald-P. 2-26-1948, P. cutting up last log 11193-P. Dio Walty helps fell last log, 2-26-1948, Wausau Daily Record-Herald 11194-P. left to right; R.J. Miller, Manager RLLC, Elmer Taylor, Rib Lake Village President, George Seidel, former Rib Lake Village President, Edward Synnott, RLLC woods superintendent, Wausau Daily Record-Herald, 2-26-1948 plan “wake” of lumber era 11195-RLHe “over 300 at outing to watch last tree fall” 2-1948 11196-RLHe-3-19-1937, P. Frank W. Smith “Rib Lake Mail Man’s Snowmobile” 11197-RLHe-2-9-1946-Fire Destroys Lake Theatre 11198-RLHe-12-27-1946, Emil’s Standard Station sold 11199-RLHe-12-27-1946, Little Bohemia restaurant to open 1-2-1947 Volume (Disc) XIII- #11200-11299 11200-RLHe-Little Bohemia tavern being built 11201-P. Millard “Satch” Kapitz 11202-RLHe-“With the Bowlers at “Satch’s” Little Bohemia 11203-RLHe-1-2-1937 Rib Lake Commercial Club meets 11204-RLHe-1-10-1947, Commercial Club holds first meeting of new year with large attendance 11205-RLHe-1945, Victoria Clothing Collection, list of Rib Lake businesses 11206-RLHe-9-17-1947, Lindal’s Station sold 11207-RLHe-9-17-1947, Jorgensen sells shoe store 11208-RLHe-9-17-1947, Olsen Purchases Lot 11209-RLHe-10-21-1938, Bank directors find shortage in bank accounts 11210-RLHe-Lehman-Clendenning new name of post, 2-7-1946 11211-RLHe-Lakeland Shoes, Inc. will begin operation within 4 weeks, 3-18-1948 11212-RLHe-2-13-1948, Curran named to Lakeland Board, Thompson Re-elected President; 11213-RLHe-2-13-1948, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Talbot to Observe Golden Wedding anniversary 11214-RLHe-10-24-1946-Eighth test well fails to produce sufficient water; drilling stopped 11215-RLHe-10-11-1946, Taxpayers interested in test wells and cost 11216-RLHe-12-22-1949, “the commercial club has missed the boat so far” 11217-RLHe-Catholic Herald Citizen 1-30-1954, History of our parishes, “St. John the Baptist Church, Rib Lake”, P. Fr. Staab, P. The Parish Church 11218-Bulletin 1952, Rib Lake Methodist Church 11219-RLHe-John J. Kennedy photo info 11220-Autobiography George Tlusty, Star News 3-16-1990 Photographs from RPR collections 11221-P. Herman A. Rusch 1982 wearing deer hunting red wool 40 11222-P. 1982 West Street, former tannery company houses, background is Rib Lake High School 11223-P. 1983 East side of West Street, ex. Tannery houses, 3 houses were identical when built c. 1895 11224-P. 1983, Mihalko’s Clothing Store, 749 McComb Ave., Lot 9, Block C, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11225-P. 1983 Michael Bernard Kolecheck & Greenwood Baseball Team at the flats Volume III c. 7-1983 11226-P. 1983, Sunny Hill Resort, STH 102, by Little Spirit Lake 11227-P. Historical Marker for Rustic Road #1, STH 102, 1983 11228-P. McComb Ave. south from Fayette, 1983 Center-Coast to Coast Store, Lot 7, Block B, run by Thomas Carroll; foreground Kristin K.B.L.M. Rusch 11229-P. McComb Ave. Coast to Coast Store; background, movie theater “The Lake”, Lot 12.5 and 12, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11230-P. 1983, McComb Ave. south from Fayette 11231-P. Mihalko’s Clothing Store, “Final Markdown”, Lot 9, Block, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, view northwest 11232-P. 1983, 821 McComb Ave. “Mr. Joseph’s Family Hair Styling”, Lot 7, Block C, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11233-P. 1983, Chet Hierlmeier, Lot 5, Block C, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, Gas Station, 2008 Parking Lot for Zondlo’s IGA 11234-P. 1983, SE corner, Zondlo’s IGA, Lot 1, Block C, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11235-P. 1983, far left, corner of Village Hall, Lot 12, Block D; center Lot 13, Block D, Former Patrick Shoe Store; right Lot 14, Block D, Nancy’s Family Store, Nancy Ann Kroll proprietor 11236-P. 1983, old Rib Lake Village Hall and fire station, Lot 11 and 12, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11237-P. 1983, The Bird’s Nest, Lot 9 and 10, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, 729 McComb Ave, in 2008 “B & A’s Birds Nest” tavern 11238-P. 1983, American Legion, Lot 8, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11239-P. 1983, “Virginia’s Basement”, 723 McComb Ave., in 2008 Frosted Mug Tavern, Lot 7, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11240-P. 1983, State Bank of Medford, 717 McComb Ave., Lot 6, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, 2008 Mid-Wisconsin Bank 11241-P. 1983, Rib Lake Pharmacy, 713 McComb Ave., 2008 “Ultimate Illusion” beauty salon, Lot 5, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11242-P. 1983-John Schreiner, McComb Ave., rear, left-post office, center, old George Braun, Sr. real estate office, Lot 3, Block D, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, in 2008 Mann-Made Pizza, 709 McComb Ave. 11243-P. 1983, Post office, 705 McComb Ave., Lot 2, Block D. 11244-P. 1983, old RLLC machine shop, SE corner of STH 102 & McComb Ave. 11245-P. 1983, population signed, 945, 1983 11246-P. 1983, old C.C. Lord Accounting Building, 710 McComb Ave., Lot 1, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition; right; partial Hanke Gas Station 11246A-P. old C.C. Lord Accounting Building; right, RLLC store 1-27-1939 11247-P. 1983 old gas station, Lot 2, 3 or 4, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, Leftpartial Bogumill Building 41 11248-P. 1983, Bogumill Building, Lot 6 & &, Block A 11249-P. 1983, 740 McComb Ave., 2008-Rib Lake Music Center, Old Gamble’s Hardware, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11250-P. 1983, Bakery “Rainbow Pastry Shop”, Louis Heglmeier proprietor, Lot 11, Block A, McComb’s Racing Park Addition, girl is Kristin K.B.L.M. Rusch 11251-P. 1983, girl is Kristin K.B.L.M. Rusch, Left-Bank, left-2-Lake Theater, Lot 12 & 13, Block A, left-3-The Wonder Bar, right Bakery 11252-P. 1983, old bank, Lot 1, Block B. 11253-P. 1983, left-Little Bohemia, 806 McComb Ave, Lot 2 & 3, Block B, right-on door glass “Office, Rib Lake Lumber Co”-office upstairs 1946-1948, 11254-P. 1983, Left-Olde Town Gift & Liquor, 814 McComb Ave, Lot 5, Block B; rightunidentified, Lot 4, Block B, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11255-P. 1983, “Coast to Coast Stores”, Tom Carroll Hardware, Lot 5 & 6, Block B, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 11256-P. 1983, “Maudie’s Food and Eats”, Lot 8, Block B, 828 McComb Ave. 11257-P. 1983, Gehrt’s First Chance Tavern, Lot 9 & 10, Block B, 832 McComb Ave., 2008 Last Chance Tavern 11258-P. 1983, Barry’s [Anderson] Body Shop and Mobil Gas Station, 840 McComb Ave., Lot 11 & 12, Block B 11259-P. 1983 Fire ruins old Rib Lake High School 11260-P. 1983, fire ruins old Rib Lake High School, in the rear is Lutheran church 11261-P. 11-1983, Camp 28, view to east 11262-P. 11-1983, Camp 28, view to northwest 11263-P. 11-1983, Camp 28 bunkhouse 11264-P. 11-1983, Camp 28 bunkhouse interior Plat maps from Taylor County Register of Deeds 11264A-Cover request for Taylor County plat maps 11265-Plat map, prior to 1900, T33-1E 11265A-T33-2E 11265B-T33-3E 11265C-T32-1E 11265D-T32-2E 11265E-T32-3E 11265F-T31-3E 11266-Plat map, 1901, T33-R1E 11266A-T33-2E 11266B-T33-3E 11266C-T32-1E 11266D-T32-2E 11266E-T32-3E 11266F-T31-3E 11267-Plat map, 1920, T33-R1E 11267A-T33-2E 11267B-T33-3E 11267C-T32-1E 11267D-T32-2E 42 11267E-T32-3E 11267F-T31-3E 11268-Plat map, 1925, T33-R1E 11268A-T33-2E 11268B-T33-3E 11268C-T32-1E 11268D-T32-2E 11268E-T32-3E 11268F-T31-3E 11269-Plat map, 1930, T33-R1E 11269A-T33-2E 11269B-T33-3E 11269C-T32-1E 11269D-T32-2E 11269E-T32-3E 11269F-T31-3E 11270-Plat map, 1950, T33-R1E 11270A-T33-2E 11270B-T33-3E 11270C-T32-1E 11270D-T32-2E 11270E-T32-3E 11270F-T31-3E end of collection 11271-L. 4-1-2008, Geraldine Strey of Wisconsin Historical Society to RPR showing website for Wisconsin Economic Inventory Maps c. 1938 11272-Map 1938, Economic Inventory T33-2E 11272A-Map 1938, Economic Inventory T33-3E 11272B-Map 1938, Economic Inventory T32-2E 11272C-Map 1938, Economic Inventory T32-3E 11273-L. Karen R. Baumgartner nee Batzer to RPR 3-31-2008 re O.A. “Ole” Peterson 11273A-Biography of Ole A. Peterson 11274-info, “Spirit Lake” name origin & change Town of Brannan to Town of Spirit 11274A-Letter by C.B. Nelson, Postmaster 11274B-Prentice News Calumet, 30 year #51, Town of Brannan name change 11275-History of Price County, by William Gumaer, info; Major Isaac Stone 11275A-Town of Brannan [Spirit] history 11275B-Spirit Lake history, by Janet MacDonald Cole, Pioneer Teacher 11276-German Settlement History by Roy R. Meier Photos from Karen Baumgartner nee Batzer 11277-P. Aerial (from tannery smokestack) view SW, McComb Ave. c. 1910 11278-P. 1922 Ward School, 2nd Grade class, Ruth Batzer, center front row 11279-P. 1928 St. John’s Lutheran Confirmation Class, Pastor Kammholz, left front-Ruth Batzer 11279A-List of Confirmands from #11279 11280-P. 1915 Wooden sidewalk, Village of Rib Lake, Ruth Batzer, view east, Landall & Pearl 11281-P. 1925, O.A. “Ole” Peterson and family 43 11282-P. 1946 O.A. “Ole” Peterson family, Ruby, Emily, Ruth, John, Orville & Wiley 11283-P. O.A. “Ole” Peterson 1950 11284-P. 1922 Ward School, Orville Peterson, Carl Marschke in front row of John D. “Jack” Mylrea collection from Marathon County Historical Society Volume I NB; Rib Lake and non-Rib Lake 11285-P. 1907 Monico, WI camp 11286-P. reverse side of 11285 11287-P. Hand operated peed 11288-P. Jack Mylrea & George Hale, Partners 1908 11289-P. Popple River Camp #1, John “Jack” Mylrea & Partner George L. Hale, Good Camp photo 11290-P. 1908 Galloway, WI 11291-P. backside 11292-P. Long Lake, WI 1910 11293-P. Ice Road, 4 house team 11294-P. Long Lake, Jack’s note; Crew walked 2 miles from camp 11295-P. Rail logging in Woods 11296-P. backside, Jack’s notes 11297-P. Tom Sampson “A Real Man” 11298-L. 7-24-1912, Flood at Rothschild 11299-P. 1915 Bark peelers Volume (Disc) XIV- #11300-11399 11300-P. huge pine log, Keopenic, WI 11301-Map, Fox & Wolf River, c Jack’s notes 11302-L. 7-13-1916 Funny letter on conditions of living in camp 11303-L. 1-1915, National German American bank, Wausau 11304-Back – lumber prices Volume II of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11305-P. Camp Deerbrook 1909 11306-P. Snowshoe NB: RPR note; Lots of good text & photos not scanned, info excellent for next book! 11307-L. Railroad velocipedes 1910 11308-backside 11309-P. 1910 Sleigh accident site, NB; earth moving on sleigh route 11309A-backside 11310-P. 1911 Pine River, RR ties without rail, camps, Long Lake, WI, logs & camps are typical 11311-Map Florence County 1941, Jack’s notes 11312-L. Spring forest fire, 1911, Forest County 3 pgs 11313-W. WI lumber jacks by Chester S. Wedberg 11314-P. Hotel Bowler 1913 11315-P. pilings 11316-P. Thunder Lake Lumber Co. office (TLLC) 1910-1946, Rhinelander 11317-P. Danger, Logs unloading, Rhinelander maybe 11318-P. Harry Deering log camp, Gleason, WI c. 1940 11318A-P. teams in camp 44 11319-P. pilings Volume III of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11320-Table of contents for volume III 11321-Newspaper article, O’Melia Recalls Pioneering in Forest 11322-P. Huge white pine, Neopit, WI 11322A-Master white pine, Neopit, WI 11323-Map, Minnesota, Jack’s Notes on 10 million feet of pine sawed in Minnesota and transported to RLLC c 1943 11323A-Aerial photo, Boundary Water Canoe area where RLLC pine was cut 11324-P. Wausau, Big Bulls Falls 1860 11325-Diagram, Kilbourn Dam 11326-P. 1886, booms & sorting works, Eau Claire, WI 11326A-P. Joseph Dessert Lumber Company, Mosinee 11327-P. Joseph Dessert Lumber Company, Mosinee, WI planing mill 11327A-P. Joseph Dessert Lumber Company, Mosinee, WI 1880-1890 11328-Map Drainage area, Wisconsin River, location of Rib Lake is shown 11329-P. Log jam, Wisconsin River, Grandfather Falls, Lincoln Co. c. 1890 11330-P. 50,000 cedar shingles 11330A-P. inside planing mill 11331-P. Arbor Vitae, WI 1906-09 11332-P. Hazelhurst, WI 11332A-P. Hazelhurst, WI unloading works 11333-P. Old RR logging bridge, St. Germain Dam 11334-W. Chequamegon & Nicolet National Forest map & Jack’s notes 3 pgs Volume IV of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11335-table of contents for Volume IV NB: much invaluable non-Rib Lake data not scanned on 4-10-2008 11336-P. John “Jack” D. Mylrea, on temporary logging road bridge, Presque Isle River, RLLC bought “few million” feet of logs from Ahonen Lumber Company for RLLC 1943-44 11337-P. Long Lake camp 11337A-Backside, Police Chief Help 11338-P. 1912 Hale & Mylrea locomotive #1 & excellent woods photo 11339-Map, Menominee River Drainage Locations & camps 11340-P. Peeled hemlock tree 11341-P. Cookee, Hale & Mylrea Company, c. 1915 11341A-P. back, data on sleigh technique 11342-P. surveying 1910 11343-P. Railroad, Hand made grade 11344-P. Pearson, WI 11345-P. Virgin Pine 11345A-Piling 11346-P. Hardwood piling 11346A-Forest Fire, Three Lakes, 1925 11347-P. Camp RLLC, 1930-1940; P-RLLC camp-winter supply of firewood; P. RLLC Camp, probably Camp 28-RPR 11348-P. RLC Hot Pond & bull chain into mill 45 11349-P. Log rafts, Thunder Lake Lumber Co 11350-P. The right way & wrong way to carry an axe 11351-P. Trout Fishing & US Forest Service timber deal 11352-P. “Good stand of Hemlock & Hardwood” 11353-P. wrong way to skid 11354-P. The Ram pasture 11355-P. Inside cook house 11356-L. 7-23-1932 Governor Phillip F. LaFollette to John D. “Jack” Mylrea 11357-L. Wisconsin Supreme Court Mervin B. Rosenberry, Justice 10-30-1925 to John D. “Jack” Mylrea “Dear Jack… with warm regards to yourself and Mary” NB: 192? Decision in Wisconsin holding RLLC tax exempt 11358-L. Walter J. Kohler 12-10-1928 11359-L. The Milwaukee Journal’s Fred Luening to John D. “Jack” Mylrea 5-29-1918 re Wisconsin National Forest 11360-L. William Mauthe 1-3-1930 to John D. “Jack” Mylrea 11361-L. George Vits, Republican Committee 1-15-1930 11362-L. Philip F. LaFollette 12-11-1931 11363-L. 1-15-1932 S.A. Campbell 11364-L. 3-24-1932 National Forest Reservation Commission 11365-Promissory note 12-30-1941 “Sundry Collateral” signed John D. “Jack” Mylrea $2000 11366-Promissory note 12-30-1941 “Sundry Collateral” signed John D. “Jack” Mylrea $180,000 11367-L. 4-17-1940 John D. “Jack” Mylrea VP of RLLC, Jerry Cook of US Forest Service, New England blowdown salvage 2 pgs 11368-L. 4-23-1940 G.D. Cook to John D. “Jack” Mylrea, NB; Jack’s candid notes re DEAL 11369-L. 8-9-1941 George W. Mead to John D. “Jack” Mylrea re 10,000,000 feet of pine from Minnesota to RLLC “We netted $30,000 profit on 2 rafts” 11370-L. 12-8-1941 John D. “Jack” Mylrea to L. D. Crusoe, Duluth, South Short & Atlantic 11371-L. Fisher Body Division of GM 12-12-1941, Jack’s note “They wanted to sell very bad…”A; sold it for $780,000, bought for $300,000, see below 11372-Contract of RLLC & Fisher Body 12-26-1941 11373-L. 1-3-1942 RLLC’s John D. “Jack” Mylrea to Kimberly-Clark Corporation of Neenah 11374-L. 1-3-1942 Kimberly Clark Corporation from Aytch P. Woodson 11375-L. 1-15-1942 Kimberly Clark Corporation from Aytch P. Woodson 11376-L. 9-23-1943 John D. Mylread to A.S Puehlicher, Marshall & Ilsley Bank “I am out of Debt of any kind” 11377-L. John D. Mylrea to Herman W. Johnannes, G.M. of RLLC 1-25-1944, “It seems “screw-ball” 11378-L. 8-11-1939 John D. Mylrea as President of Thunder Lake Lumber Co to A.S. Puelicher “Possible sale to US Forest Service” 11379-L. “Employees of RLLC 11-15-1944 Wisconsin State Labor Board “on 6-13-1944 C.I.O was certified” 11380-L. 12-15-1941 John D. Mylrea to L.D. Crusoe Volume V of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11381-table of contents for Volume V 11382-P. Thunder Lake Lumber Co. business card 11383-P. Ted Tinker & John D. Mylrea 46 11384-P. TLLC 1919-1940 Rhinelander, John D. Mylrea President, Woods Superintendent is Ed Synnott, Secretary is Rudy Mueller 11385-P. TLLC yard c. 1930 11386-P. Ken Mayer, TLLC, later RLLC 11387-P. RLLC Camp c.1940 11388-Article “State’s Largest sawmill changes hands this week”, Wisconsin men buy U.S. Leather Co. stock in Rib Lake plant 1936, Milwaukee Journal 11389-Article, Rhinelander men buy 61,000 acres 2-5-1936, Chicago Journal of Commerce 11390-7-3-1943 RLLC, timber volumes, 54.93 hemlock, 1.83 pine 11391-Diagram T31N-R4E RLLC history 11392-Diagram T32N-R4E RLLC Land sale date 11393-Diagram T33N-R4E RLLC Land sale date 11394-Diagram T34N-R4E RLLC Land sale date 11395-W. Collquialism (rest scanned previously) 11396-RLLC 1922-1931 taxes paid to Town of Corning, Lincoln Co. $422,859.95 11397-RLLC taxes paid to Town of Corning 1933-1938 $82,340.51 11398-P. RLLC camp 11399-P. RLLC camp Volume (Disc) XV- #11400-11499 11400-P. RLLC caterpillar log skidding c. 1940 “pan skidding” 11401-P. Ted Tinker, John D. Mylrea and white pine stump 11402-obituary of Ted Tinker 11403-P. Sleigh accident site; P. Frank Robbins of Robbins Lumber Co & Railroad sold to TLLC 11404-P. John Puelicher, Sr. “Our Company Banker..” Tom Sampson-lumberjack 11405-P. “Ole Peterson, Station Man 1920”; Was this Rib Lake’s O.A. “Ole Peterson? 11406-P. Ed Synnott, Wood Superintendent RLLC c. 1940 11407-P. John D. Mylrea with wife Mary & family c. 1930 11408-P. RLLC office c. 1940 view to NE; Rib Lake in back 11409-P. RLLC tram & west side of mill 11410-P. RLLC planing mill & office 11411-P. John D. “Jack” Mylrea temporary logging road, Upper Peninsula, Presque Isle River 11412-P. TLLC Locomotive #5 11413-P. TLLC railroad, Ed Synnott & C.C. Lord 11414-P. George Smith, TLLC Railroad history 11415-P. 30 ton Geared engine locomotive, accident tip over in swamp TLLC 11416-P. 5 Spot TLLC & “Pullman” 11416A-Article re 11416 11417-P. Railroad excavations & fill, TLLC 11418-P. TLLC locomotive #9 11419-P. “narrow gauge line…” Milwaukee c. 1945, History of TLLC railroad 11420-P. RLLC “Caterpillar diesel” logs on skidding pan c. 1940 11421-P. RLLC pan skidding – backside view 11422-P. RLLC pan skidding – side view, in back, logs on railroad car 47 11423-P. building bridle New Wood River, Lincoln County 1940, Pine (Bents) driver on Railroad track 11424-L. 1-7-1944 A.B. Nichols, Marshall & Ilsley Bank to John D. Mylrea, $1,950,000 debentures (bond) to $2,220,000 accounts receivable (note Marshall & Ilsley Bank = M&I (of Milwaukee, WI0 11425-L. 1-5-1944 John D. Mylrea to M&I $250,000 personal line of credit 11426-L. 8-13-1944 RLLC by John D. Mylrea to First National Bank, RLLC sells U.P. land for $775,000 11427-P. Harold Collins (right), Chet Cone (sp)(left), Giant White Pine, North Wisconsin c. 1930 11427A-P. Close-up of 11427 with identification 11428-Poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling, notes by John D. Mylrea 11429-L. 1-17-1945, M&I to John D. Mylrea “you are so close to $1,000,000” 11430-L. O.T. Swan to John D. Mylrea on Mylrea’s retirement “You have always been most cooperative” 11431-L. RLLC’s Aytch P. Woodson, President, to self, John D. and Mary Mylrea, 10-17-1947, RLLC cashes out at $913,210 to Woodson, $354,380 to John D. Mylrea, $95,410 to Mary Mylrea 11432-L. Wisconsin Dept of Taxation, 4-6-1948 re to RLLC re audit 11433-RLLC Daily Report 4-1-1947, 11434-RLLC Daily Report 8-30-1947, NB; bark sales 625.95 cords 11435-RLLC Daily Report 10-1-1947 Volume VI of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11436-table of contents for Volume VI 11437-P. Curtis & Yale Company 1912 11438-P. Wisconsin River flood, Wausau 7-24-1912 11439-P. Dells of Eau Claire 11440-P. Dam – Grandfather Falls 11441-P. Big Logging Wheels 11442-P. C.M. Christianson Lumber Co., Phelps, WI, view north; C.M. Christianson Lumber Co. view west, back North Twin Lake; Paul Abenrothe 11443-P. C.M. Christianson Lumber Co Railroad log cars, 11443A-P. dry yard 11443B-P. train 11444-telegram to John D. Mylrea 1915; form new Langlade Lumber Company 11445-TLLC financial information 12-4-1941 11446-TLLC 12-4-1941 Personnel, bio of John D. Mylrea, bio Aytch P. Woodson 11447-P. RLLC summer skidding 11448-P. C.C. Lord, head of Manufacturing RLLC, Gasoline Pede RLLC railroad 11449-P. RLLC “Good Yellow Birch logs”, tractor skidding in winter; back is McGiffert Loader on Railroad c. 1940 11450-L. A.L. Osborn Lumber, Oshkosh, WI 9-19-1938 to John D. Mylrea 11451-Tariff, Robbins Railroad Co. 1-1-1905 11452-Article, Milwaukee Journal “Nicolet Forest” Jack’s proud notes 11453-L. 6-6-1934 Chicago & Northwestern Railroad 11454-L. 9-19-1944 Ahonen Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea 48 Volume VII of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11455-table of contents to Volume VII 11456-P. Log Raft, Pic River, Canada (illustrates type of boom used in RLLC operations-RPR) Volume VIII of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11457-table of contents for Volume VIII 11458-Map Nicolet National Forest railroad of TLLC 11459-L. 1-7-1958 John D. Mylrea to Carl Sachse; A-bio “VP RLLC cutting 30 million yearly” 11460-L. 1-8-1958 A.E. Swanke, Tigerton Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea 11461-L. 1-6-1961 John D. Mylrea to George Kenote – 4 pgs; bio; data on RLLC 11462-L. T.S. Dvorak to Harvey Huston 5-15-1961 11462A-Thunder Lake Narrow gauge railroad book review 11463-L. Harvey Hustin to John D. Mylrea, 7-10-1961 11464-Map T41N R8E, Railroads & camp sites 11465-L. 1-19-1946 A.S. Puelicher to John D. Mylrea, “You are certainly a grand, loyal friend” 11466-L. 6-3-1941 John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen “For $875,000 cash” 11467-P. Marvin Rosenberry, Chief Justice, Supreme Court, “A good friend”-says Jack 11468-P. Tractor & ice road plow, John D. Mylrea’s comments 11469-W. John D. Mylrea, May 1963 re bankers 11470-L. Jack Puelicher to John D. Mylrea 6-4-1963 11471-L. Jack Puelicher to John D. Mylrea 10-6-1963 11472-RLLC 11-1-1946 “Daily Report” $1,359,614.51 in bank “I am sleeping better”-says John D. Mylrea 11473-P. 7 photos RLLC 1946 planing mill fire “Oh Hum!!” John D. Mylrea 11474-P. Mosinee paper mill logging c. 1940, Gogebic County, Michigan, 2 sleighs pulled by a tractor 11475-L. 11-24-1947 John D. Mylrea to O.T. Swan, autobiography 11476-L. 1956 John D. Mylrea “Jack Mylrea collection” his goals Add’l material from Volume VI of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection RE Chief Justice M.B. Rosenberry NB: He participates in decision which determines RLLC exempt from Wisconsin income tax 11477-Deerfoot Lodge brochure; A-“Rosenberry days in Camp 10”; B-miscellaneous photos; C“Ceasar” = M.B. Rosenberry; D-P. memories of Deerfoot Lodge; E 11478-“Apologia” by M.B. Rosenberry, Histody of Deerfoot Lodge Volume IX of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11479-table of contents for Volume IX 11480-P. Langlade Lumber Company – LLC c. 1920, interior mill photo 11481-Map 1956 Wisconsin Public Forests 11482-Info Minnesota operations, Mosinee paper mills by John D. Mylrea 11483-P. Ely, Minnesota pulp 11484-John D. Mylrea treasurer, Mosinee paper mill, P. Minnesota 11485-P. Tomahawk Timber Company mill and pond 11486-Data by John D. Mylrea re Tomahawk Timber Company 11487-History of US Forest Fires 11488-P. 1911-1931-1940-1954 “Natural Regeneration” 11489-P. “Side Ass Jammer” 11490-P. McGiffert Log Loader, excellent front view with John D. Mylrea comments 49 11491-P. decking logs with John D. Mylrea comments 11491A-“Correct position for Puppers to stand” 11492-P. c. 1940 2 man chainsaw 11493-P. c. 1940 2 man chainsaw in operation 11494-L. 11-11-1925 C.C. Yawkey to John D. Mylrea, “is no question it costs more to log hardwood than hemlock” 11495-P. huge white pine, T40-R12E, left-John D. Mylrea age 25, near Butternut Lake, WI 11496-Note by John D. Mylrea, “March or April 1932, About the bottom of the depression which started October, 1929” “Babson’s Reports” 4-25-1932 Volume X of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11497-table of contents for Volume X 11498-L. 5-26-1952 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad to John D. Mylrea 11499-L. 6-28-1944 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad to John D. Mylrea, pulpwood rates from Montana, 2 pgs Volume (Disc) XVI- #11500-11599 Continued from Volume X of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11500-L. 12-13-1933, J.S. Weidman, President of Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Manufacturers Assoc., to John D. Mylrea “You are the outstanding northern operator of the younger generation.” 11501-L. 7-27-1933 Chief Justice Marvin B. Rosenberry to John D. Mylrea 11502-L. 2-22-1944, Robert M. LaFollette to John D. Mylrea re WWII labor shortage 11503-L. 10-18-1956 John D. Mylrea note “I had a heart attack” Volume XI of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11504-table of contents for Volume XI 11505-Thunder Lake Lumber Company (TLLC) history 4-1929 by Baldwin Locomotives, 4 pgs 11506-P. Rudy J. Mueller, “Tops in my estimation”-says John D. Mylrea, presided over closing out RLLC 11507-P. Hot pond, TLLC 11508-P. TLLC carriage 11509-P. TLLC edger 11510-P. TLLC horizontal resaw 11511-P. TLLC cutting maple blanks 11512-P. TLLC chunk wood 11513-P. TLLC store 11514-P. TLLC camp #1 11515-P. TLLC Old 6 Spot 11516-P. 3 photos TLLC & John D. Mylrea comments 11517-P. John D. Mylrea comments “It was the custom” 11518-P. RLLC c. 1940 caterpillar, Winter skidding, nice hardwood logs 11519-John D. Mylrea writing “White Pine Logs decked on Lake Superior at Havland, MN, Winter 1941-42” 2 pgs; A-our total profit on rafts was $30,000, logs to RLLC 11520-John D. Mylrea comments on Minnesota white pine for RLLC c. 1940, T63N-R3E; APhoto of railroad track X=Bear accident site; B-Ed Synnott, John D. Mylrea inspecting Minnesota pine 50 11521-P. White pine decked on Lake Superior for rafting from Ashland to RLLC, John D. Mylrea notes 1942 11522-P. 1942 “Putting hardwood blocks on white pine boom sticks” 11523-P. 1942 Havland, MN beach with white pine decked for RLLC 11524-P. “5 million feet white pine decked near Havland, MN 1941-42 11525-P. Raft of logs, Lake Superior, notes by John D. Mylrea 11526-P. Soo Line flat car, white pine logs, from Havland, MN, 1942 to RLLC 11527-P. Louis Maier, Land and Lake Salesman, TLLC, 2 giant white pine at Butternut Lake, Forest Co, Wisconsin c. 1930 11528-Map, Butternut Lake, WI area, Railroads lines in red 11529-Railroad passes issues to John D. Mylrea 11530-P. RLLC “Main Line Locomotive” at McComb Ave., Rib Lake, left RLLC store, right Rear of “Round house” c. 1940 11531-P. RLLC steamhauler, vertical pistons 11532-P. RLLC peeled hemlock on sleigh c. 1920 11533-P. RLLC “Main Line Locomotive” c. 1935; left-Round house; right-north side of mill 11534-P. McGiffert Loader, TLLC c. 1940 11535-P. Left-George Smith “Head man TLLC” Railroad dismanteling c. 1940’s, 11536-Map TLLC railroad, Lake Julia 11537-Article, Rhinelander Logging Magazine (has much TLLC stuff) 11538-TLLC “over run” data by John D. Mylrea 11539-L. John D. Mylrea to Lincoln Co. Board 4-19-1939 “We offer for sale $54,000 acres of land..for $1 per acre”; these acres were cut over RLLC lands in Town of Corning 11540-L. John D. Mylrea of RLLC to Walter John Chilsen 6-19-1939, “This offer was turned down” 11541-L. General Manager of RLLC to M&I Bank 4-8-1939, “We owed US Leather Co $496,000” 11542-L. John D. Mylrea 8-27-1936 to Wisconsin Industrial Commission (financial issues, his role)-3 pgs “We carried our own risk instead of buying insurance…” 11543-L. 10-31-1935 John D. Mylrea to A. P. Woodson, Timber Cruise estimates prior to purchase for RLLC “We actually cut over 70% more...”-says John D. Mylrea 2 pgs NB; 137,000 ft hemlock of 184,000 total 11544-RLLC balance sheet 9-11-1939 “We purchased rest of stock [of RLLC] from [Frank] Handeyside and Brownell, Spring 1935”, [This left Woodson & John D. Mylrea, et us, sole owners of RLLC – subject to mortgages to US Leather Co], value to stockholders $1,440,344.94 11545-“1935” notes by John D. Mylrea on RLLC purchase “Bankers Trust Co was forcing sale of RLLC to reduce indebtedness to US Leather Co, which owned both Central Pennsylvania Lumber Co & RLLC..” [NB: letter offers RLLC for sale in 1936 – from Pennsylvania Lumber Co.] See Document #11554; page 2-“We spent many days checking, cruising..”; 11546-9-11-1939 RLLC “what we thought we might make..” 11547-9-11-1939 RLLC stumpage depreciation charged to cost of production 11548-9-11-1939 RLLC statement #1 and #2 11549-L. 4-22-1936 Aytch P. Woodson to John D. Mylrea, 2 pgs. [codifies deal to buy RLLC] 11550-Contract 11-9-1937 John D. Mylrea and A.P.W. [Aytch P. Woodson] “This was very helpful to me in 1937 about the time the First Wisconsin National Bank was getting tough with me…” 51 11551-11-9-1937 Promissory note, John D. Mylrea to M&I Bank for $60,000; A-Assignment of RLLC stock to John D. Mylrea 11552-9-16-1939 John D. Mylrea note to Ed “Bookkeeper” [finances of wife Mary re RLLC] Volume XII of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11553-table of contents for Volume XII 11554-L. 1-23-1935 Frank Handeyside of Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company (CPLC) to John D. Mylrea “This was the beginning of our purchase of the RLLC..” 11555-L. 1-26-1935 John D. Mylrea to Frank Handeyside “The start of the purchase of RLLC” 11556-L. 1-28-1935 Frank Handeyside to John D. Mylrea “Handeyside used to be sales manager of Chas. Fish Lake, Elcho, WI” 11557-L. 2-1-1935 John D. Mylrea to Frank Handeyside 11558-Logging contract of RLLC & Harold Roberts 9-1939 “The logger went into the hole” 11559-L. 2-26-1939 John D. Mylrea to Aytch P. Woodson 11560-Contract R.G. Brownell and Aytch P. Woodson, “All my interest sold to Mary T. Mylrea” signed John D. Mylrea 11561-Contract Mary T. Mylrea and R.G. Brownell 12-22-1939; A-Exhibit A 11562-Sale receipt, RLLC stock by R.G. Brownell to Aytch P. Woodson & John D. Mylrea 925-1939 11563-Contract John D. Mylrea and Aytch P. Woodson & M&I Bank 12-19-1939 11564-Line of Credit, RLLC & M&I Bank 12-19-1939 11565-RLLC average price per million feet of hemlock, hardwood pine 1939-1940 11566-RLC pine logs cut 1-12-1940 “Pine from near Rib Lake” 11567-12-3-1941 timber data to government by John D. Mylrea re “Ceiling prices” 11568-Comparative report on hemlock realization 8-31-1938, RLLC 11569-L. 1-17-1940 RLLC by John D. Mylrea to C.C. Yawkey re “U.P. logging as compared to Wisconsin” 11570-10-16-1940 RLLC price list 11571-L. John D. Mylrea to Dun & Bradstreet 1-19-1940 11572-L. 1-29-1940 H.W. Johannes to Lake Superior District Power Co “RLLC furnished steam to Lake Superior Power Plant in our engine room for which we were paid” 11573-Frank Handeyside, Sales Contract to John D. Mylrea and Aytch P. Woodson for $9000 for Frank Handeyside’s RLLC Stock, 2-13-1940 11574-RLLC promissory note for $9,000 to Frank Handeyside 11575-L. RLLC 9-18-1940 to Herman W. Johannes re Oliver Mining Co 11576-L. 3-20-1041 H.W. Johannes to John D. Mylrea re Ahonen Lumber Co-2 pgs “RLLC bought lumber from other mills” (emphasis added) 11577-L. 7-14-1941 General Motors to John D. Mylrea, offer U.P. timber for sale 11578-L. 7-31-1941 Arvey Ahonen to RLLC “We actually worked out several timber & log deals..” 11579-L. RLLC to A. Ahonen 8-4-1941 11580-L. 8-1-1941 General Motors to John D. Mylrea “Our horse trading” 11581-L. 8-4-1941 John D. Mylrea to General Motors 11582-L. 8-6-1941 General Motors to John D. Mylrea 11583-L. 8-18-1941 John D. Mylrea to General Motors 11584-L. RLLC labor rate changes 10-15-1041 11585-L. 8-14-1941 RLLC to Dun & Bradstreet “We have $209,000 cash on hand” 52 11586-Notes by John D. Mylrea-timber deal with Oliver Mining Co, TLLC & RLLC 9-1940 11587-L. 8-29-1941 Peterson log purchase in U.P. 11588-11-1-41 RLLC log prices delivered at landing in Rib Lake 11589-L. 11-27-1941 RLLC by Herman W. Johannes to John D. Mylrea re U.P. log buy 11590-L. 12-1941 John D. Mylrea to M&I Bank 11591-L. 12-4-1941 M&I Bank to John D. Mylrea “Paid up – first time in 33 years I have not owed money to banks” 11592-L. 1-29-1942 John D. Mylrea to Ahonen Lumber Co 11593-RLLC 12-14-1942, Minnesota Pine Grade Averages, white pine from Havland, MN, profit $61,344.52 11594-L. 6-22-1942 Keweenaw Land Assoc. to John D. Mylrea re Office of Price Administration (OPA) 11595-RLLC sales contract from “Tank Division” 8-27-1942 11596-L. 9-10-1942 RLLC to John D. Mylrea re costs at RLLC 11597-L. 10-2-1942 John D. Mylrea to E.J. Synnott re Lawrence Peterson & Sons. U.P. log offer 2 pgs 11598-RLLC 10-4-1941 to 6-12-1943, operating costs & realization 11599-RLLC 10-1942 Lawrence Peterson logs & timber estimates by Ed Synnott Volume (Disc) XVII- #11600-11699 Volume XII of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection – continued 11600-Note, John D. Mylrea 3-6-1936 deal with Woodson “Aytch” 11601-writing, “Lawrence Peterson timber, sheet 2 11601A-Sheet 3 Rib Lake, 10-30-1942, recapitulation Peterson timber 11602-L. RLLC by H.W. Johannes, General Manager 10-6-1942 to Peter Stone, office of Price Administration, John D. Mylrea “War Time”- 3 pgs 11603-L. 10-19-1942, Herman W. Johannes to John D. Mylrea, timber estimates, Sec. 25, 29, 31, 49 and 43 11604-L. 10-30-1942, H.W. Johannes to John D. Mylrea, “Peterson Timber Matter” Logs from Tula, Michigan 11605-L. 10-24-1942, John D. Mylrea to “Mr. Hambly” General Traffic Manager, Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Railroad 11606-L. 11-16-1942, H.F. Schmidt, Superintendent of DSS&A to John D. Mylrea, “Construction of side track” in UP 11607-L. 11-10-1942, John D. Mylrea, “Lawrence Peterson & Sons” $90,000 timber deal at Tula, Michigan; timber for TLLC 11608-L. 11-24-1942, contract, RLLC & Lawrence Peterson & Sons, Ontonagon County, Michigan 11609-L. 12-4-1942, John D. Mylrea to L.D. Crusoe, Fisher Division, General Motor “GMC” “Several thousand acres of timber NE of Ironwood, Michigan” 11610-L. John D. Mylrea 12-12-1942 to R.O. Hambly, DSS&A Railroad, logging in UP 11611-L. L. Peterson to John D. Mylrea 5-20-1943 “net loss $2000” 11612-L. 5-22-1943, “Lawrence Peterson logs” “2,042,220 feet” 11613-L. 5-24-1932, John D. Mylrea to Lawrence Peterson & Sons “the present OPA is not going to grant any increase in lumber ceilings” WLB = War Labor Board 11614-L. 7-24-1943 Regional Lumber Advisory Committee 53 11615-L. 5-2-1944, H.W. Johannes to Local Board #1, Selective Service, RLLC normally employs 215 men in the woods, 225 men needed for plant; “consider giving all our men a 6 month deferment [from drafting” 11616-RLLC cost of production 8-16-1943 Hardwood and softwood chips 11617-RLLC wage schedule 7-8-1943; Connor Land & Lumber 11618-L. John D. Mylrea to Lawrence Peterson 8-2-1943, “War time government controls” 11619-L. 8-3-1943 John D. Mylrea to L.D. Crusoe, “would you like to sell more sections of timber west of Porcupine Mountains, Michigan” 11620-RLLC L. Peterson job, costs since 12.5 cent increase “115” 11621-L. 8-14-1943, John D. Mylrea to H.T. Smith, Office of Price Adminstration (OPA), “116” 11622-L. 8-13-1943, L.D. Crusoe to John D. Mylrea “118” “Fisher Body Division” shows logo “I am not inclined to believe that the block of timber you inquire about would contribute very much to your poverty” 11623-Estimate, Fisher Body, UP, tract, John D. Mylrea note re his “horse shoed” this land “119” 11624-L. 8-16-1943, H.W. Johannes to Goodman Lumber Co, offer to buy slab wood “120” 11625-L. 8-21-1943 H.W. Johannes to Georg Houghton, “121” 11626-Realization-fiscal year 1943, RLLC “122”, lumber sawed 28,973,117 feet 11627-RLLC Woods Wage Scale 7-14-1943, “125” 11628-Logs sold to RLLC, Ahonen Lumber Co. 1-1-1943 to 1-1-1944 11629-RLLC operating statement to board of directors of RLLC, 3-1-1944 11630-L. 3-9-1944 John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen, “we can help you work out a plan for taking over Rib Lake’s interest in your company” 11631-RLLC 4-8-1944 payroll, 198 named employees, job title and rate per hour 11632-Cedar pole quote 5-18-1944, RLLC to Page & Hill Co 11633-L. 6-5-1944, John D. Mylrea to L. Peterson & Sons “it would be much pleasanter for me to agree to your request” 11634-L. 7-14-1944, John D. Mylrea to H.W. Johannes, “Can you make any money on these logs at this cost” 11635-L. 9-1-1944, RLLC. H.S. Morrison to John D. Mylrea re bonds, NB; letterhead “RLLC” Box 719, Wausau” 11636-Logging contract, RLLC & John Ahonen, Ironwood, Michigan, 10-22-1944 11637-L. 10-4-1944, Walter Gorman, President, of Lake Superior Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea 11638-L. 12-1-1944, H.W. Johannes of RLLC to O.T. Swan, Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfr’s Assoc., Menomonee Indian Reservation 11639-White Pine logs purchased from Mead Timber by RLLC, 5,404,480 ft decked on Lake Superior shoreline, Hovland, Minnesota, spring 1943, volume of lumber sawn e.g. 1x4; A-Pg. 2 “profit $4.50 per thousand feet” 11640-L. 6-22-1944, John D. Mylrea to A.H. McBeam, Edward Hines Lumber Co., offer to sell timber lands 11641-RLLC, white pine lumber produced from Minnesota pine logs, 8-6 to 8-26-1945, 1,266,772 feet 11642-L. 3-8-1946, John D. Mylrea to Rudie Mueller, 30 cars of birch veneer 11643-L. 5-18-1946, John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen 11644-L. 5-21-1946, Ahonen Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea (NB; page 2 of letter missing on 423-2008) 54 11645-L. 5-27-1946, John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen 11646-L. 5-28-1946, Arvey Ahonen to John D. Mylrea 11647-L. 12-9-1941, John D. Mylrea to Mr. Hambly, DSS&A railroad, negotiation re rail rates, A-DSS&A eventually put in a satisfactory rate for us and we shipped a lot of logs to RLLC 11648-L. 4-18-1932, J.F. Sisley, VP of RLLC, to TLLC “It looks like murder in the first degree” 11649-L. 4-8-1932 W.A. Holt, President of Holt Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea “A fine gentleman and a good operator” Volume XIII of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11650- table of contents for Volume XIII 11651-L. 7-14-1948, RLLC be Gen. Manager Rudy Mueller to Elmer Taylor of Village of Rib Lake, land sales 11652-L. 7-15-1948 Rudy J. Mueller of RLLC to John D. Mylrea “Question of logs in Rib Lake” 11653-Agreement, RLLC and Village of Rib Lake 7-14-1948, Advance on personal property taxes 11654-Bid, 4-29-1947, L.B. Foster Co. for scrap of RLLC rail, note by Rudy J. Mueller “rail made in 1885”; B. bid by Paper Calmerson Co. Duluth; C. bid on locomotive #3, 65 tons at $34.50 per ton is $2,242.50 “3-Spot”; D. Locomotive 67 c. 90 tons “101 c. 65 tons”; E. Kilroy Harris bid, 11655-L. 12-28-1950, Rudy J. Muller of RLLC to John D. Mylrea “RLLC made many thousands of dollars by grinding its slabs and edgings” 11656-Report by Herman W. Johannes, General Manager of RLLC, c. 1944, RLLC finances, 3 pgs, page 1 is missing 11657-RLLC valuation of stumpage 1-1-1944 11658-L. 2-22-1945, John D. Mylrea to H.W. Johannes re RLLC land sales, RLLC by mistake deeded still timbered 40 instead of cut-over land in Town of Corning. This letter discusses safeguards to prevent future mistakes 11659-L. 3-8-1945 John D. Mylrea to Wis. Valley Trust Co. 11660-P. 6-7-1945, John D. Mylrea to Roddis Lumber Co. 11661-L. 6-14-1945, Roddis Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea 11662-L. 7-12-1945 John D. Mylrea to Roddis Lumber Co 11663-RLLC timber estimates, R2E, Town 49-44 11664-L. 7-21-1945 John D. Mylrea to Roddis Lumber Co. re option to buy RLLC land 11665-L. 7-25-1945 John D. Mylrea to Roddis Lumber Co 11666-L. 10-18-1945, John D. Mylrea to Forest Himes, Mylrea offers up land for sale 11667-L. 12-12-1945 L. Peterson and Sons to John D. Mylrea 11668-L. 12-18-1945, L. Peterson and Sons to John D. Mylrea 11669-Note, Rudy J. Mueller to John D. Mylrea, 1948 sale of RLLC lands in Town of Corning, to National Container Corp, e.g. T33N-R3E 11670-Notice RLLC to Mary Mylrea and John D. Mylrea 12-6-1946, re $260,000 for RLLC stock 11671-Notice, RLLC 12-6-1946, to Mary Mylrea 11672-RLLC notice of special meeting of stockholder, 10-7-1946, signature of Aytch P. Woodson 11673-RLLC Notice of special meeting 9-25-1946 11674-L. 7-13-1946, Roddis Lumber Co. to John D. Mylrea 55 11675-L. 4-2-1946, RLLC to North Wisconsin [Insurance] Agency 11676-L. 10-16-1946, RLLC, H.S. Morrison to Wisconsin Valley Trust Co. 11677-Note by John D. Mylrea 7-5-1946, “$300,000 to be paid on RLLC debentures” 11678-undated RLLC “cost of operating 48 hrs per week under 40 hr per week”; document split in two 11679-General Log purchase contract [fill in the blanks] RLLC 1940-1946 11680-L. 6-10-1946 John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen “our abstract burned last fall”, refers to 1945 RLLC fire 11681-L. 7-1-1946, RLLC notice to Mary Mylrea et al 11682-L. 7-2-1946 John D. Mylrea and Mary Mylrea to RLLC “We offer for retirement and incineration” 11683-L. 7-3-1946 John D. Mylrea to Wisconsin Valley Trust 11684-L. 7-1-1946, John D. Mylrea to Arvey Ahonen “you will be able to take care of yourself, without waiting for Lady Luck to bring it to you on a silver platter.” 11685-Notice, RLLC 3-18-1946, Mary Mylrea et al 11686-L. 3-18-1946, Notice to Mary Mylrea et al by RLLC 11687-L. 3-20-1046 John D. Mylrea to Wisconsin Valley Trust 11688-L. 3-20-1046 Mary Mylrea to Wisconsin Valley Trust 11689-L. 3-20-1946 John D. Mylrea to R. J. Mueller 11690-L. 3-20-1946 Mary Mylrea to R.J. Mueller 11691-Cremation certificate; 12-21-1945 Volume XIV of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11692-table of contents for Volume XIV 11693-L. 11-1-1943 H.W. Johannes to Office of Price Administration re costs of production 11694-L. 12-9-1942, Harold E. Holman, Chief, War Production Board, Lumber Production Section to Local Ration Board re gasoline shortage 11695-L. 4-29-1944 USMC to RLLC re labor 11696-L. National War Labor Board to RLLC 10-4-1944 re union issues 11697-newspaper clipping, John D. Mylrea named company director, Forest Products Division, Economic Stablization Adminstration Volume XV of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection 11698-table of contents for Volume XV 11699-L. 4-19-1951, J.B. Veach to John D. Mylrea re Mylrea’s heart attack Volume (Disc) XVIII- #11700-11799 Volume XV of John D. “Jack” Mylrea’s collection- continued 11700-L. 4-20-1951 to John D. Mylrea from Joe McCarthy 11701-L. 5-22-1951 Theodore T. Kibler to John D. Mylrea 11702-L. 5-24-1951 M.C. McIver to John D. Mylrea (end of collection from Marathon County Historical Society) 11703-The Wanigan-newsletter of the Marathon Co. Historical Society, 2008, #1, board and staff members 11704-Star News 1928, “Jim Peterson says Lumberjack as good today as 40 years ago”; A-102 names of men in camp 11705-Star News 5-20-1992, Laurie’s Corner, Biography of Iona (Pacourek) Heisler 11706-L. RPR to Marie Krolnik 4-17-2008, 427-5702 56 Rib Lake High School Commencement programs and announcements 11707-1900 11708-1901 Twentieth Century Club, list of programs and annual programs; 10-4 to 5-11 “topics” 11709-1903 11710-1904-Medford 11711-1904 11712-1906 11713-1907 11714-1908 11715-1908 11716-1910 11717-1912 11718-1913 11719-1914 11720-1915 11721-1916 11722-1916 11723-1922 11724-1924 11725-1929 11726-1930 11727-1933 11728-1936 11729-1935 11730-1939 11731-1946 11732-1946 11733-1947 11734-1948 11735-L. Karen R. Baumgartner to RPR 4-28-2008 11736-Plat map c. 1880, T34N, Range 3 East, Spirit Lake 11736A-Plat map 2007, T34N, Range 3 East, Spirit Lake 11737-Plat of Spirit Point 2-18-1911 11738-Plat of Spirit Point revisions c. 1985 11739-Map, c. 2000, Spirit Lakes and Spirit Point 11740-P. Oscar H. Peterson (brother of Ole A. Peterson) mowing Peterson golf course, c.1930 11740A-Map, arrow shows direction of camera-NW- up Spirit River valley 11741-P. Peterson Golf Course c. 1930, Golfers golfing 11742-P. c. 1910 Ole A. Peterson in launch “Lovisa” on Spirit Lake. The card is addressed to his future wife “Miss Jennie Pederson, Suring, Wisc.” “say Jennie when you come out here I’ll give you a ride in this boat. I ride in it every day when I’m at the camp as the picture was taken from the side of the camp so you see the camp is close to the lake” – per Karen Baumgartner 11743-P. Peter Pederson (later Peterson) homestead c. 1900, on site of late Peterson golf course 57 11744-P. c. 1912, brand new stone double arch bridge at mouth of Little Spirit Lake; second from left, Simon Danielson, had contract to build bridge from township. View NNW, 2008 STH 102, stone bridge razed c. 1975 – see also 10392 11745-P. summer 1907 Ole A. Peterson’s bark camp on Spirit Point, Ole is standing by tree, postcard reads “very busy logging, have got over 600,000 [hemlock bark] skidded already and have got about 300,000 more to skid”, Ole to his brother in Canada 11746-P. Hemlock bark pile near Spirit Lake c. 1907. L-R, Charlie & Ed Peterson, August Enander, Victor Larsen, Arvid Enander, [also at p. 26 of Pictorial History of Rib Lake] 11747-L. 4-25-2008 to RPR from Suzanne Bamonte of Tornado Creek Publications re John J. Kennedy 11748-1910 census, J.J. Kennedy (age 63) & household; Jeanette (34), Donald A. (32), William G. (26), Elbert C. (23), Spokane, Washington 11748A-B 1910 Census photocopy re J.J. Kennedy & household 11749-8-8-1919 Spokane Chronicle article re J.J. Kennedy & Black Diamond Rescue Tournament 11750-8-24-1920 article, J.J. Kennedy of Spokane Medical and Safety Board 11751-1920 Census of J.J. Kennedy (John J. Kennedy), Portland, Multnomah, Oregon; J.J. (74), Donald A. (42), Janette (sic) (40), William G. (37), Elbert C. (35), Photographs donated by Marion Parks: 11752-P. c. 1910 Rib Lake-from tannery; foreground-top of bark piles and tannery houses; leftnorth end of McComb Ave.; text “Dear Emily, the wood shed is open…” 11752A-backside of 11752, to Miss Emily Kerswill, Camp Cleghorn, Waupaca, WI 11753-P. c. 1898, unknown party writes on back “Opera House” [NB-McComb opera house was wood frame-not brick construction-RPR] 11754-P. old high school on Fayette Avenue & 1927 Rib Lake High School addition, north side of buildings 11755-P. “Pine Island” “Rib Lake #29” c. 1930 11756-P. “Scene on Rib Lake” 11757-P. “Scene near Rib Lake R45” Midsize white pine trees 11758-print “Rib Lake Lumber Co-early 1920’s” view to west northwest from lake end of Marion Parks collection 11759-Attorney RPR when Village of Rib Lake attorney stationery; 1972-1980, RLV “since 1902, a creative community” data from Michael Weckwerth 11760-RLLC & Camp articles from Taylor Co. Star News, 1-5-1922; 1-12-1922 log hauler, 4-71922 railroad fire apparatus, 3 tank cars 11761-RLLC & Camp articles from Taylor Co. Star News, 6-13-1922 camp 18, Joseph Spoke injured 11762-RLLC & camp articles from Taylor Co. Star News, 11-1-1923, Camp 19, C.R. Peterson, foreman; 4-26-1923, Ole A. Peterson has camp near Wood Lake; 11-15-1923, locomotive #67 of RLLC 11763-L. 1988, Michael Weckwerth to RPR 11764-Feb. 1925, Merrill Daily Herald “RLLC logs heavily”, Camp 18-jobbers along STH 64, Camp 19-jobbers along CTH M, Single white pine contains 8963 board feet, 467 growth rings 11765-Merrill Daily Herald 3-2-1925, Edward Scheu jobber camp 58 11766-Merrill Daily Herald 5-15-1925, forest fires burn 4 section of RLLC-Copper River Land Co cutover land 11767-Merrill Daily Herald 1-23-1929, Lamberty jobber camp 11768-Merrill Daily Herald 1-26-1929, Merrill loses trade 11769-Merrill Daily Herald 4-25-1929, logs in decks escape taxes 11770-Merrill Daily Herald 5-1-1929 jobber camp 11771-Merrill Daily Herald 7-12-1929, RLLC Edward Burgoyne building, 9 miles of railroad into New Wood area; 8-27-1929, RLLC builds new 31 x 60 dry kiln end of Michael Weckwerth data 11772-Autobiography of Herman Arthur Rusch 1974 Michael Weckwerth data 11773-Judgment of Conviction, Joseph Nevua 3-18-1897 11774-Judgment of Conviction, Mike Schenke, 5-5-1899 11775-Judgment of Conviction, Joseph O’Brien, 5-8-1899 11776-Camp Chronology chart by Michael Weckwerth 5-6-2008, includes info on Camp 9, Camp 10, Camp 11, Camp 12, Camp 13, Camp 14, Camp 15, Camp 16, Camp 17, Camp 18, Camp 19, Camp 20, Camp 21, Camp 22, Camp 23, Camp 24, Camp 25, Camp 26, Camp 17 and Camp 28 11777-Camp 20 data by Michael Weckwerth 11778-Map, Camp 22 & Camp 23 RLLC, Morgan Peterson, Lambert Lamberty, William “Bill” Natzke, Herman Kleinschmidt, Carl Krueger, Gus Luedtke jobber camps 11779-William “Bill” Natzke interview by Michael Weckwerth c. 1980; B-Camp 21, Gus Luedtke camp, Morgan Peterson camp, Lambert Lamberty camp; C-trucks as sleigh haulers; Dmove to Michigan 11780-Natzke jobber camp #1 by Michael Weckwerth 11781-Natzke jobber camp #2 11782-Natzke jobber camp #3 11783-Natzke jobber camp #4 11784-Natzke jobber camp #5 11785-Taylor County Star News 1934 articles, 4-19-1934-RLLC personnel T.M. Berfield, Supt, Wm. Lemke, Yard Supt, Wm. Radtke, Sawmill foreman, W.C. Funk, Master Mechanic, John Shepherd, Planing Mill, Anton Klister, Section crews, James Peterson, Woods Supt; 5-10-1934-Six jobbers, Morgan Peterson, Lambert Lamberty. William “Bill” Natzke, Herman Kleinschmidt, Carl Krueger, G. “Gus” W. Luedtke; 6-12-1934, F.W. Warrington, General Manager of RLLC; 5-10-1934, Camp 22 & Camp 23 of RLLC, location & data 11786-L. Michael Weckwerth to RPR 9-14-1988 11787-Taylor Co. Star News entries; 5-3-1945, RLLC “The Largest capacity operating sawmill in Wisconsin” 11788-Taylor Co. Star News, 9-30-1945, “Rib Lake loses planing plant Saturday” 11789-RLHe 2-6-1948 Last of Standing Timber Being Cut 11790-RLHe 2-25-1948, Last Log J.A. Crowley 11791-RLHe 6-4-1948 Sawing of Last Log end of Mike Weckwerth data Photos from Star News files– Did they accompany article #11704 – Jim Peterson – 1928? 59 11792-P. c. 1925, 14 giant rollways, 2 teams “jammer” [for decking logs], in center track of RLLC railroad, probably Town of Corning, Lincoln Co, Wisconsin 11793-P. c. 1925, “The boss, Jim Peterson, showing ‘em how to use an axe” 11794-P. c. 1925, “good hemlock in RLLC timber”, probably Town of Corning, Lincoln Co., Wis, virgin eastern hemlock 11795-P. c. 1925 virgin hemlock stand 11796-P. c. 1925 “good hemlock recently felled” 11797-P. c. 1925 9 teams of horses end of Photos from Star News files 11798-P. Postcard - Wisconsin 11799-P. Postcard – Wisconsin, deer & sunset Volume (Disc) XIX- #11800-11899 11800-P. Postcard – Wisconsin, Camp Randall c. 2000 11801-P. Postcard – Wisconsin, “The Wisconsin Northwoods” 11802-P. Postcard – Wisconsin, wood barns in Coolee County 11803-P. Postcard – Wisconsin, autumn view from Timm’s Hill, WI-Longseth home in back. Swan Bros. balsam Christmas trees in fields c. 2007 11804-L. 5-9-2008 Mike Weckwerth to RPR 11805-Title page; RLLC Camp 20 “A hardwood & hemlock camp in Lincoln Co., Wis.” by Michael Weckwerth, c. 1920 11805A- RLLC Camp 20 “A hardwood & hemlock camp in Lincoln Co., Wis.” by Michael Weckwerth, c. 1920 11806-Article “William Natzke’s 3rd Logging Camp – a Jobber Camp for the RLLC” by Mike Weckwerth, c. 2000; H-Map-location “Natzke Camp”; I-location of Natzke camp & sleigh roads; J-tote road to Natzke Camp #3; K-camp buildings; 11807-L. Karen R. Baumgartner to RPR 5-14-2008 11807A-partial abstract – Peter Pederson homestead, Spirit Lake, NW-NW, 32-34-3E, Price Co., Wis 11808-deed, J.W. Perry, et ux, to Donald A. Kennedy & Bernard Assmann, 5-14-1904 $930, 3 acres mill site on Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 11808A-Deed, Lucius W. Braman ex ux to Donald A. Kennedy & Bernard Assmann, 8-19-1903 $2500, .23 acre mill site, West Bank of Spokane River 11808B-Notes by RPR 5-15-2008 11808C-recording data, Kootenai County, Idaho, 5-24-1901 to 8-11-1905, Sec. 14, Town 50, Range 4 11809-P. 1959 L-R; Herb Curran, Eddie Mathews (star home-run hitter, Milwaukee Braves) and Frank Becker 11810-L. Dave Webster to RPR 9-29-1983 11810A-history of CCC Camp Mondeaux 1933-1937 11811-Application, Historic St. Ann’s, Inc. c. 1980 11812-P. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, c. 1940, South side, razed 1972 – as of c.2008 “Good Shepard” parish 11813-History of our parishes-St. John the Baptist, Rib Lake, Catholic Herald Citizen 1-30-1954 11814-Pamphlet “St. John the Baptist Parish” Diamond Jubilee, 1896-1971 60 11815-Pamphlet “The Sixtieth Anniversary of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church”, Rib Lake, WI, 1886-1946 11816-P. St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church, SW corner c. 1-2007, left is parsonage 11817-1967- “A brief history of St. John’s” [Ev. Lutheran Church of Rib Lake], author unknown 11818-Pamphlet, “United Methodist Church of Rib Lake” c. 1980, author unknown 11819-Baptism records 1-9-1890, etc. circuit including United Methodist Church in Rib Lake, pg. 142-143, 8-26-1891 Catherine Ann Clendenning, daughter of Peter & Ida Clendenning, 6-9-1895, Anna May [Mae] Kennedy, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Kennedy 11820-Church of Christ typed report by Raymond J. Voemastek c. 1973, church property deeded to Village of Rib Lake c. 1973, East side of Pearl St. 2 doors south of Landall 11821-P. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, east side, c. 1900, RPR collection 11822-typed report “St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Rib Lake”, author unknown, c. 1978 11823-Bio. Hugh A. McDonald with source 11824-L. 8-18-1989 Donald J. Simerson to RPR 11825-RLHe 11-2-1906 P. Hugh A. McDonald & P. Frank J. Hintz 11826-RPR Interview notes 8-3-1983 with Clifford L. Curran 11827-obit, Clifford L. Curran, Star News 2-21-1990 & P. 12-30-1908 to 2-15-1990 11828-Article, History of Forest Fire Protection in Wisconsin, Chips & Sawdust, 11-1981 11829-“Taylor County Forest; A gift to everyone” Star News 12-8-1982 11830-L. De Lorr A. Hayward to Vox Pop in Star News 12-29-1982, Taylor Co. welfare and county forest 11831-L. De Lorr A. Hayward to RPR 6-13-1984 11832-“Picnic 1915 style” by De Lorr A. Hayward 11833-L. UW-Madison, A.H. Smith to De Lorr A. Hayward 9-22-1927 11834-L. 2-4-1927, Ann Schwanzle to De Lorr A. Hayward & envelope with 2 cent stamp 11835-P. 5-28-1926, l-r, Reuben Wick, Viola Taylor and De Lorr A. Hayward 11836-P. 1925, Little Rib Lake, Orville Peterson splashing De Lorr A. Hayward 11837-P. c. 1915, Rib Lake Village, l-r, Ruth McLeod, Viola Taylor, Henry Wagner, back-east side of McComb Ave, center, Nick Clerf Blacksmith, back right, RLLC roundhouse; foreground, water hydrant 11838-P. Ruth McLeod 11839-P. “Andy Karkula & Helen Sekadlo” Rib Lake Village, McComb Ave c. 1926 Kelnhofer Food Store, now Ed’s IGA, 801 McComb Ave. 11840-P. Gordon Funk, Viola Taylor, Anna Jarosh, Vernon Schroeder 11841-P. 1927 Vernon “Sonny” Schroeder, car plates Wis 92-530D27 11842-P. 1927 Helen Sekadlo, Vernon “Sonny” Schroeder, Viola Taylor, Anna Jarosh, RLT barn in back 11843-P. Viola Taylor “Ole”, Helen Sekadlo “Sek”, Anna Jarosh “Beans” 11844-P. 1927, Anna Jarosh, Helen Sekadlo, cigarette, Viola Taylor, great 1920’s flapper clothes 11845-P. 1927, Viola Taylor on fence post 11846-P. 1926, Esther Christianson, Clara Service, Armella Martin, Helen Wick, Ruth Radtke 11847-P. c. 1926, Walt Mathias, Henry Gorsica, Arnold Krueger, back-Shaw Town house on Fayette, men standing on McComb Ave., store front at 818 McComb Ave.-Genesis Youth Center in 2008 11848-typed report, “Economies Resulting from Highway Improvement”. c. 1925 (may be by De Lorr Hayward) 61 11849-L. De Lorr Hayward to RPR 7-14-1983, Lignum Vitae paperweight from RLLC wood saw guide-12x20x3 lignum vitae guide for band saw-steel could not be used (5-2008-RPR has paper weight) 11850-L. 4-30-1990, De Lorr Hayward to RPR, Rib Lake history 11851-RLHe 8-9-1962, “Former teacher tells of earlier Rib River Days” by Joseph Jantsch, teacher at Rib River School 1915-1917 11852-RLHe 8-9-1962, “Fire Department Early History is Recalled by Vets” 11853-RLHe 8-9-1962 ad “How-de-do in ‘62” 11854-RLHe 8-9-1962 Gem Products ad & photo 11855-RLHe 8-9-1962 “We Remember When”, C.R. Claussen 11856-RLHe 8-9-1962 “History of Rib Lake 1904-1925”, by Joseph Clerf 11857-RLHe 6-21-1973 top, front page 11858-RLHe 9-20-1973 final issue 11859-RLHe 8-9-1962 “How-de-do-in 62” front page 11860-RLHe rate card 9-1-1973 11861-Pamphlet “Welcome to Rib Lake, Wis” “Where the Ice Age ends & your adventure begins” c. 2006 11862-P. c. 1910, Rib Lake House Hotel, Lot 10, Block B, McComb Ave., Charles Dodge and horse, back-tannery smokestack 11863-P. 2-1907, Charles Dodge & horse Norvalis 11864-P. locomotive 101, “Little Dunc, Thomas T. Gray & Henry Rosenfeldt” at Rib Lake Depot c. 1910 11865-L. 7-31-1986, John R. Gray toRPR 11866-P. Village of Rib Lake from RLLC chimney, right-lumber piles; center-Railroad Street; left-National Hotel, a.k.a Bonneville Hotel; view west c. 1920 “K-680 “ 11866A-handwritten notes on back 11867-P. c. 1908 Sac Nowak & sleigh, team of oxen and 1 horse, back-cutover land 11867A-back 11868-P. c. 1915 Gray’s Buffet-Thomas T. Gray 11869-P. c. 1915 RLLC locomotive 3, a.k.a 3-Spot, at Rib Lake Depot “Scene at Rib Lake Depot 6#” 11870-L. 7-8-1983 John R. Gray to RPR, A-back, B-Map RLV, C-Map RLV, D-Map Tannery & McComb Ave., E-envelope 11871-P. c. 1915, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Gray & family in living room, L-R; Loretta, Frank, Dad (Thomas T.), John R., Margaret, Isabel and Mom 11872-P. Ward School pupils c. 1910; 11872A-Names of Ward School pupils c. 1910, L-R, front row, Michael Karkula, Willie Wolffe, Arthur Hintz, Frank Novak, Irving Prentice, John R. Gray, Willie Van Dorn, Fred Simon, Herman Brandt, Albert Schlicker, Oscar Hanke, Herman Marschke, Norman Halverson, Willie Christianson, Dorothy Trantow, Julia Yaranda, Lucille Prentice, Mary Burseck, Mattie Steare, Jeanette Martin, Ada Radtke, Margaret Clendenning, Gladys Allen, Ella Kolecheck (later Mrs. Headstream), Marion Develski, Rose Hoffmann, Mattie Kennutke, Hanna Winkler, Bertha Ungerer, Martha Sturdder, Martha Marschke, Irene Patrick, Anna Stylles, Hattie Krueger, Esla Bertslauff, Mary Novak, Bertha Pauline Rusch (later Mrs. Walter Kurth), Arleen Rousseau 11873-L. 11-25-1986 Congressman Henry S. Reuss to RPR re Ice Age Trail 62 11874-typed report “Push & Pulls; German Migration to Taylor County, Wis” 10-21-2006, by RPR for First Annual Dinner Presentation to Taylor Co. Hist. Society A-P. Wilhelm Gebauer B,C,D – P. Herrmann E. Rusch & Ida Hedwig Rusch nee Lange F-1881 Map, Wis. Central Railway lands in Taylor Co. G-Der Wahreits Freund 29 Oct. 1884 H-Translation of Der Wahreits Freund (does this refer to St. Ann’s Church?) I-end of English translation, by Hildegard & Loretta Kuse 11875-12-8-1996 German service, Athens 11876-Newspaper fragment –Marshfield Democrat 11877-Little Black Mutual Life Insurance – German policy, 1886 11878-Certificate of Naturalization, Edward Gerstberger 11879-Deed, Wis. Central Railroad to Edward Gerstberger 2-21-1895 11880-Bill of Sale-Henry W. Stelling Manufacturing Lumber, etc. 4-19-1918, to E. Gerstberger “by (sic) 66,750 ft. hemlock logs at $9.50” is $634.03 11881-Bill of sale, “J.J. Kennedy, Manufacturer of and dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles” Rib Lake, Wis. 4-22-1886, $25 received of E. Gerstberger for NE-NW, Sec. 31, T33, R3E, signed W.C.R.R. (Wis. Central Railroad) by A.J. Perkins, Agent – (land just north of 2008 Gerstberger Pines, Taylor Co. Park-Preserve) 11882-6-1-1901 order for 8 ft rake for E. Gerstberger 11883-Heimat Schein 4-18-1884, Edward Gerstberger born 1847 11884-Obit, Ernst Gerstberger, 4-8-1915 in German 11885-Baptism Certificate E…Gerstberger, 8-20-1876, place of birth, Hirschberg 11886-P. McComb Ave. c. 1900 view north from tramway; L-building-George Braun, Sr. Real estate; R-building-Nick Clerf, Blacksmith 11887-P. RLLC railroad row composite view 1897-1948, black square is 1 square mile, blue spot is Rib Lake 11888-Map-log railroad route, RLLC Camp 1 to Rib Lake 11889-History of Rib Lake 3-18-1948 by Guy Wallace 11889A-History of Rib Lake 4-2-1948 by Guy Wallace, part 2 11889B-History of Rib Lake by Guy Wallace, typed version of entire report 3-1948 11890-Article; Steam in the Hills; RLLC & Wisconsin’s Last Logging Railroad by RPR 11-291985, 16 pgs 11891-L. FHAW to All FHAW members 8-20-1983 11892-RPR notes from Edwin Martin, A-Camp 1 & RLLC locomotives; B-RLLC camps 1-22, RL tannery closes 1-22-1922; C-RLLC depression era excess inventory 60,000,000 board feet; D-RLLC steamhauler camps; E-RLLC camps without railroads; F-Map-general route 1897, First RL logging railroad route 11893-Info re Hillcrest cabin on South Harper Lake – 2008 owned by Dr. Ray & Elaine Hanson; L-7-1-2004 Ray & Elaine Hanson to Ann Kloehn; A-Address; B-L-6-22-2004, Ann Kloehn to Hanson; C-tele 7-12-2004; D-L. 8-22-2004; E-7-24-2004; F-P. Hillcrest 1958; 63 G-P. Hillcrest 2003; H-Obit, Louise Perschbacher nee Harder 6-9-2005; I-Obit, George N. Harder 5-11-1946, Escanaba Daily Press; J-Bio, George N. Harder 11-10-1934, American Lumberman; K-Resolution; George N. Harder; L-P. George N. Harder 1913; M-George N. Harder data; George N. Harder 1-2-1878 to 5-10-1946; N-P. c. 1923 George N. Harder & wife (Beryl Crisman Harder) 7-27-1876 to 1-8-1963; O-data P-P. Hillcrest c. 1920, R-South Harper Lake Q-Data R-P. Playhouse S-Data T-P. L-R; Evelyn Harder, George N. Harder, Louise Harder “Swimming in Harper Lake” U-Data V-P. Harder kids in Spirit River W-Data X-P. Louise Harder Perschbacher, daughter Ann Kloehn, Elaine Hanson 8-2004 Y-P. Louise Harder Perschbacher & Dr. Ray Hanson Z-P. Louise Harder Perschbacher 8-2004 AA-P. “The playhouse in 8-2004 11894-RLHe 12-27-1907 “From Camp 2” poem 11895-RLHe 1-24-1908 “From Camp 2” poem “We are a jolly set of fellows” by J.B.A. 11896-RLHe 2-28-1908 tannery improvements sponsored by U.S. Leather Company 11897-RLHe 3-13-1908 “Will the W.C. [Wisconsin Central Railway] do it” 11898-Star News 8-5-1974 History “Recalls Log Drive on Rib River” by Samuel H. Thut 11899-Star News 4-14-1966 “Watersong” Landmark in Interwald Leaves Scene, Former George Knower Store at Interwald Volume (Disc) XX- #11900-11999Lucia 11900-P. 6-20-1982 concrete mill base at Interwald 11901-L. Lyle Kraus to RPR 10-13-1983 re Albert Kraus sawmill on CTH M, NB; P. 11900 60 ft No. on CTH M 11902-Light Plant article, author unknown c. 1980 11903-History 1-1977 Mrs. Ed Prien 11904-Taylor Family History by Hattie Taylor (Mrs. Elmer Taylor) c. 1980 11905-Schaack Family History, A-F.P. Schaack “Franny” 11906-P. 5-19-1884, J.J. Kennedy Hotel & Boarding House 11907-Wallace Family History by Naida E. Straub nee Wallace 11908-Autobiography of Barbara Schreiner nee Pfeiffer c. 1980 11909-Autobiograhy of Marie Schmidt nee Silbernagel, a.k.a. “Ma Schmidt” 11910-Star News 7-31-1952, History by Mrs. Fred Niggemann, nee Edith Curran 11911-RLHe 6-21-1946 History, St John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 11912-P. “Stanley Gacek Inquest” c. 1940 wrecked car, McComb & Fayette Ave. 11912A-P. back of c. 1940 old garage, McComb Ave. 11913B-Back old D-X station McComb Ave. 64 11912C-L-Tauber’s Tavern, in 2008 Last Chance Saloon, R-Antique Store in 2008 11913-L.-Wis. Motor Vehicle Dept to David H. Ruesch, Coroner of Taylor County 11914-List of Groceries, Lambert P. Lamberty 1928, for jobber camp along CTH M, Town of Corning, Lincoln Co. 11915-Bio, William H. Natzke 11916-Article “Natzke Donates tract of Newwood Land to UW-SP” 11917-P. c. 1912 Jobber camp of Lambert Enders & Joseph Kauer, logged one 40-North c 1-4 mile of Mud Lake School; top R-Joseph Kauer, Sr., Second; Lambert Enders 11918-RLHe Conservation Club ordered to drop Spirit Lake Water Level” c. 1960 11919-Map c. 1970 Little Spirit Lake 11920-Map c. 1970 Big Spirit Lake 11921-Map c. 1970 North Harper Lake 11922-P. c. 1910 North Harper Lake view west 11923-Map c. 1970 South Harper Lake 11924-Map c. 1980 Rib Lake 11925-L. Marvin Lueck to RPR 3-18-2004 11926-Notice of Entry of Judgment, Taylor Co. Circuit Court, 4-19-1898, E.J. Anderson v. J.J. Kennedy [John J. Kennedy] $90 plus $37.65 costs, see SF: “Law-J.J. Kennedy” for entire file including offer of judgment. 11927-Hoffman v. RLLC, Wis. Supreme Court 8-1908, 136 Wis. 388, Court sustains money judgment against RLLC – personal injury 11928-Graves v. RLLC, 10-10 to 10-29-1912, 151 Wis. 99, personal injury judgment 11929-Rib River Lumber Co. v. Ogilvie, 113 Wis. 482, ambiguity in contract 11930-File of Taylor County Circuit Court, American Biscuit & Manufacturing vs. J.J. Kennedy, “1896” A-Clerk’s fees $4.90 B-Promissory note $200.00 signed by J.J. Kennedy, original signature, due 7-5-1896 C-back of promissory note “for collection” D-Statement – 912-1896 $173.17 E-back of D, plaintiff’s Exhibit A F-Summons – served on J.J. Kennedy 11-16-1896 G-Plaintiff’s Bill of Costs $37.63 H-Plaintiff’s Bill of Costs, signed E.H. Schweppe I-Certificate of Service J-Summons K-Certificate of Substitute Service on “Miss Kennedy” by Sheriff William A. Warren L-Complaint M-Complaint, pg 2 11931-Abstract of Title NW-NW 9-32-3E – map A-title chart-Dates and ID of owners, J.J. Kennedy, corporations, etc. B, C, D-Requirement to ship lumber off land via Wisconsin Central, E, F, G 11932-Abstract of Title, NE-NW 9-32-3E – map A-Title Chart B-K 65 11933-Abstract, Lots 1-8, Government lots around Wood Lake, 23-37-3E, Entry 17, U.S. Leather Co., A New Jersey Corporation 11934-Abstract of Title, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, Block A, Plat of Subdivision of Unplatted part of Block A, original plat of Rib Lake; RLLC sawmill site A-map B-Map “Main Street” C-Map D-Patent E-Kirk W. Ingham F-#10, Tax deed 10-25-1880 G-George W. Curtis 2-1-1881 H-John J. Kennedy 8-21-1892, Lot 10 I-John J. Kennedy, 12-26-1881, Lot 9 J-Wayne Ramsay tax deed 2-20-1882 K-Original Plat of Rib Lake 5-23-1895, Lot 9 to J.J. Kennedy 10-6-1900 L-J.J. Kennedy mortgages – 4 of them all in 1896 M-J.J. Kennedy mortgages – 4 of them in 1896 N-3 mortgage satisfactions 1899 O-4 mortgage satisfactions 1899 P-4 mortgage satisfactions 1899 Q-J.J. Kennedy & Flora M. Kennedy to J.J. Kennedy Lumber Co, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Original Plat of Rib Lake, 6-29-1899 R-J.J. Kennedy to W.A. Osburn Lumber Co, 11-13-1901, #58, W.A. Osburn Lumber Co shall be known as Rib Lake Lumber Company [RLLC] 5-6-1902 S-Deed to RLLC of Delaware, 1-16-1925; #61 mortgage $950,000.00 to U.S. Leather Co T-Deed to Rudolph J. Mueller, et ux, 1-10-1949, Rudy Mueller was last superintendent of RLLC U-G.A. Gowey Certificate 9-7-1949 V-to Curtiss C. Lord, 5-29-1951 W-continuation X-to Potaczek Brothers, Scrap dealers Y-to Olin R. Thompson Z-AA-Certificates 11935-Abstract, Lot 9, Block 4, Original plat of Rib Lake, part of Govt. Lot 9, 26-33-2E, Linda Stellbrink home, Village of Rib Lake; title chart A-chart B-Abstract of Title, Lot 9, Block 4, Original plat of Rib Lake C-to J.J. Kennedy 12-26-1881 D-tax deed E-original plat of Rib Lake by J.J. Kennedy & Flora M. Kennedy 5-23-1895 F-4 mortgages G-4 mortgages H-Satisfactions of mortgages - 1899 I-4 satisfactions of mortgages – 1899 J-4 satisfactions of mortgages – 1899 K-to J.J. Kennedy Lumber Co, 6-29-1899 66 L-to W.A. Osburn Lumber Co, 11-13-1901 M-to W.A. Osburn Lumber Co, renamed Rib Lake Lumber Co [RLLC]; #41 to RLLC of Delaware N-Mortgage $950,000.00 U.S. Leather Co. 1-31-1936 O-to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert & Jennie Schnelle 7-16-1946 11936-Map 1881 Northern Wisconsin 11937-Map 9-30-1885 “Kennedy’s mill” 11938-Map c. 1-1886 11938A-Map RLLC camp sites, General camp locations by RPR, 5-29-2008 11939-Map 8-1890 11940-Map c. 5-1893 O.K. Queary 11941-Map, Wis., c. 1911 11942-Map topo c. 1-1949 11942A-color version of map topo, c. 1949; B-Village of Rib Lake C-Wood Lake D-Harper Lake E-Tim’s Lake F-Spirit Town Hall 11943-Map, Price County 1-1976 11944-Map & brochure “Rib Lake” c. 1985, A-4 photos of Rib Lake Village, “Cabinet factory”Roger Johnson, Gem Products, Bros. 2 wood novelties; B-Map, west half; C-east half 11945-Map c. 1945, C.R. Claussen-South Harper Lake 11946-Map c. 1945, C.R. Claussen-North Harper Lake 11947-Map c. 1-1913 Spirit Falls, WI & environs 11948-Map-topo Spirit Falls c. 1940; A-Camp 25; B-Camp 27; C-Tomahawk, D-Grand Mother School; E-Grand Father Dam 11949-Map c. 19-1948 Village of Rib Lake 11950-Map & brochure 1996, “Rib Lake – Were the Ice Age Ends & Your Adventure Begins”; A-History & “Lifestyle”; B-Business directory; C-Business directory; D-Wisconsin’s Ice Age shaped the landscape; E-Map, North; F-Map, South; G-Calendar of events 11951-Map c. 1965, Rib Lake Mobil Service, Fred Klein, owner 11952-P. Aerial RLLC, c. 1925 11953-flyer – “Henry’s Wedding” 1934, A-List of Rib Lake businesses 11954-“Humor for Every Occasion” by Matt Lamberty 11955-P. Henry S. Reuss 11956-Rib Lake business, RPR notes 11957-Church, Methodist, List of pastors 1892-1923 11958-“The Tree, The Axe and the Plow” by Eldon Marple, 6-1890, “Visitor” 11959-letterhead, Fayette Shaw, Phillips, WI, 1890 Manufacturer & dealer in non-acid hemlock sole leather 11960- 11-2-1898 envelope “United States Leather Co” Rib Lake Tannery, Rib Lake, Wis. 11961-P. 1895 roll crew in Shaw Tannery, No. 1, Rib Lake, Wis by Dake (from photocopy) 11962-“Rib Lake Theatre Owners seek bids for property sale” Star News 1968 11963-P. RLLC store c. 1948 11964-P. RLHS 1908 graduating class & number 67 11965-P. 1933 car in snow cut 11966-Emma B. Viegut memorial card-Mannel Funeral Home, 12-23-1903 to 1-30-1980 11966-1-Beda K. Gessert memorial card-Mannel Funeral Home, 6-12-1898 to 4-8-1980 11967-P. sailboat on Rib Lake c. 1910, left-Ward School 11968-P. 1-1959, “Ma Dodge’s Restaurant” razed 11969-9-9-1955 RLLC store razed 11970-Map c. 1981 11971-P. c. 1920 McComb Ave. & Fake street car, old lodge hall & text IDing buildings 11971A-same without annotations 11972-Map, plat 1914 Koehler Land Co. 11973-L. 2-8-1978, Richard A. Erney to Gene A. Meier 11974-Note by Roy Meier c. 1982 11975-1920 plat map T34N-3E 11976-11-1978“Our Yesterday House” by Wisconsin Weekend 11977-P. RLLC locomotive 101 on turntable 11978-RLHe 7-24-1952, “New Industry is Considered for Old Mill Building” 11979-Abstract, Lot 7, Block 1, Getchel’s addition to North Rib Lake 11980-Star News 10-30-1897, “J.J. Kennedy’s mill at Rib Lake was totally destroyed by fire Monday night”. 11980A-Phillips Bee 10-30-1897 & other data on Rib Lake 11981-12-16-2004 Star News “Guess what he found from the mill today” 11982-Memo; RLHe clipping, RPR 5-10-02 11983-Map 8-30-1921 11984-P. Joseph Pfeiffer, aka Pfeifer, at his farm, SE-SE, 26-33-2E, cutting hay with team of oxen, c. 1900 11985-P. c. 1910 Andrew Hoffmann (father of Anna aka Mrs. Lawrence Schneider), sleigh & team, NB-box car in rear 11986-P. 1914 RLLC mill fire – flatcars 11987-P. 1914 RLLC mill fire – hopper cars 11988-P. 1914 RLLC mill fire – view south, back-Rib Lake; right-firewood; company windmill in back 11989-P. c. 1920 new RLLC mill, left-machine shop-railroad wheels in front; center-sawmillwest side; right-transfer chain; foreground-standard gauge railroad track to planing mill; sidewalks parallel to McComb Ave. 11990-P. c. 1920 view from Rib Lake to west; right-RLLC & bull chain; center-brick boiler room & brick chimney; left-transfer chain; foreground-steam from hot pond 11991-P. boiler room – interior, left-Joe Probst; right-Frank Diabl, far right-“hog feed”, waste wood chips used as fuel for boilers 11992-P. c. 1925, taken from Upjohn (James) roof, foreground-Fayette Ave.; 2 RLLC railroad tracks, string of empty Russell cars, logs in lake crossed by temporary railroad; vegetative peninsula at mouth of Tannery Creek; rear-pilings in lake to prevent log drifting 11993-P. c. 1920 lumber piles in dry yard, “K957”, photo from tramway-view west, standard gauge railroad in center 11994-P. c. 1942, RLLC dry yard, steeples in rear; left-Methodist Church; right-Catholic Church 11995-P. “M.E. Church” “1917” 11996-P. c. 1920, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, South side 68 11997-P. c. 1950, McComb Ave.-view north, A-“Gene’s Variety” in old RLLC Store, B-later, C.C. Lord accounting, C-unidentified, D-old post office & lodge, E-H.G. Landall gas “Good Will” station, F-Peter Bogumill locker plant 11998-P. Clearview School c. 1966, right-old RLLC machine shop, view NNE 11999-P. c. 1970 Rib Lake, STH 102, & north shore of Rib Lake Volume (Disc) XXI- #12000-12099 12000-P. c. 1940 “Bridge over Spirit River” STH 102, rear-Mohr’s Tavern [hidden] 12001-P. c. 1965 Little Spirit Lake & STH 102, right-Albert “Happy” Marschke farm 12002-P. 2-1969 Nursing home under construction, right-McComb Ave. 12003-P. RLLC locomotive 101 on turntable c. 1930 12004-P. RLLC turntable - in 2008 parking lot site of Camp 28 restaurant 12005-P. RLLC “roundhouse” and water tank, view east 12006-P. “RLLC mill” by Elster-Waupaca – right- “Roundhouse” c. 1930 12007-P. D-955 RLLC tramway, white yard office c. 1928 12008-P. gas powered jammer loading flatcar, left-peeled hemlock; right-yellow birch 12009-P. “Tannery switch engine” c.1915 12010-Amended Articles of Incorporation, W.A. Osburn Lumber Co., 5-6-1902 renaming itself “Rib Lake Lumber Co” RLLC 12011-Map 4-18-1952, Railroads, including “Kunz Mill spur” 12012-P. RLC chimney, 165 feet 12013-RLHe 7-24-1952 “New industry is considered for old mill building” 12014-RLHe 1-21-1949 “R.J. Mueller buys Lumber Co. property” 12015-11-5-1983 RPR sketch maps, RLLC mill site; A-Boiler room; B-Railroad track remnants; C-Steam tunnel 12016-L. 7-27-1987, M. Beckwith re 1922-1930 missing gap in Rib Lake Herald 12017-L. 8-5-1987 Wis. Historical Society to Mike Weckwerth – status of Rib Lake Herald 12018-Diagram of RLLC buildings, RPR 1-1989 12019-Note-Ed Thums reports maximum dry yard storage capacity 60,000,000 board feet, notes by RPR 12020-L. Rudy J. Mueller c. 1950 on RLLC stationery, signed by Rudy to George L. Straub 12021-P. Tramway over McComb Ave., view north c. 1935 12022-P. tramway; left-roundhouse; center-machine shop c. 1930; view east 12023-P. 7 people & 7 buildings – Camp 10 12024-P. aerial photo c. 1920, Lutheran Church, north McComb Ave. 12025-P. Aerial c. 1920 RLLC, South McComb Ave. 12026-P. Aerial c. 1920 RLLC; left-strut of biplane 12027-P. McComb Ave. c. 1910 view north 12028-P. McComb Ave. c. 1935, blurred man “No C-16 “Main Street” foreground-Railroad tracks, view north 12029-P. 1930 “K681” from RLLC chimney – NW 12030-P. c. 1930 “K682” from RLLC chimney – SW; center-Central Hotel (Mathias) 12031-P. RLLC “18” mill chimney; foreground-McComb Ave.; right-National Hotel 12032-P. c. 1920 steam hauler & 3 man crew, probably at Camp 9 12033-P. c. 1915 steam hauler, steersman in leather jacket 69 12034-P. c. 1915 sleigh of hardwood 12035-P. c. 1930 from RLLC chimney, all of McComb Ave businesses, view northwest 12036-P. 7 loaded tram cars c. 1940 in dry yard 12037-P. 3 log cars, RLLC c. 1940 12038-P. 1916 RLLC under construction, hole is portal for to-be-built transfer chain 12039-P. Bull chain, 3 jets of water 12040-P. bull chain & catwalk 12041-P. bull chain; back-hog feed conveyor; view NW 12042-P. Hot pond c. 1940 view NE 12043-P. worker using cant hook – bull chain 12044-P. horse pulling log to hot pond, 3 men 12045-P. hot pond; Left-George Straub with bent pike pole; NB-steam from hot water 12046-P. c. 1920 Anna Mae Kennedy & John Heisler at bull chain 12047-P. c. 1940 south side of bull chain, hot pond-wood pilings separated hot water from lake; marsh grass grows in Rib Lake in rear 12048-P. c. 1940 Railroad track on north side of RLLC 12049-P. c. 1940 RLLC mill, center-Timber loading dock, right-machine shop, view SE 12050-P. c. 1944 planing mill, west side 12051-P. Camp 10, 2 log buildings, 4 buildings of lumber 12052-P. Camp 22, Left-Fred Unger, Chris Winkel 12053-P. inside camp bunk house, metal bunk beds, probably Camp 28, left-bench-now in possession of RPR (RPR picked up at Camp 28 c. 1988) 12053A-P. Camp 22, rear-McGiffert Loader 12054-P. Camp 26 12055-P. “Logging Scene” Camp, left-huge rollway 12056-P. “rollways”, rear-McGiffert Loader 12057-P. “RL K-685” McComb Ave. from chimney, view NW 12058-P. Wood Lake – 5 men on logs, c. 1920, peeled hemlock 12059-P. steam hauler – umbrella over steersman 12060-P. c. 1910 Tanbark piles – pilers at tannery 12061-P. McComb Ave. c. 1910, NW from mill, right-Nick Clerf’s blacksmith 12062-P. “mill tramway” 4 track yard at transfer chain, c. 1928, NB-1926 room extension to transfer chain 12063-P. Log splashing into hot pond 12064-P. McComb Ave. from Railroad St. c. 1930, tramway over McComb Ave, view north Photos from RPR collections: 12065-P. Steam hauler “5” & 3 sleighs 12066-P. RLLC locomotive 3 – at roundhouse c. 1948 12067-P. RLLC North side of machine shop c.1940 12068-P. RLLC yard office c. 1940 12069-P. RLLC dry kiln, railroad shed protects lumber while loading c. 1940 12070-P. RLLC catwalk – c. 1946, west of transfer chain & temporary planing mill after 1945 file 12071-P. RLLC load of lumber on way to planing mill – white yard office c. 1940 12072-P. RLLC planing mill under construction c. 1916 12073-P. RLLC complex on McComb Ave. c. 1940 70 12074-P. RLLC c. 1920 transfer chain, fire hose wheel “RV 035” 12075-P. RLLC “sawmill at Rib Lake, Wis 31” planing mill, Railroad loading shed on McComb 12076-P. 1945 planing mill fire ruins, left-south wall of transfer chain 12077-P. 1946 aftermath of planing mill fire, left-south wall of dry kiln; center-south wall of transfer chain, horizontal pipe form temp. planer over transfer chain to boiler room 12078-P. c. 1950 McComb Ave. after removal of tramway; left-McGiffert Loader 12079-P. c. 1920 McComb Ave from tramway, photographer wage with pair of white horses maybe 12080-P. c. 2-1948, passenger loading railroad for trip to Camp 28 for last log ceremony 12081-P. c. 1949 depleted dry yard, rear-RLLC wood storage shed 12082-P. dry yard in its hay day, lower-Archie Clendenning leading team with lumber to planing mill c. 1920 12083-P. RLLC mill c. 1903 newly built railroad, north side of Rib Lake “RV 048” 12084-P. RLLC prior to 1914 fire; left-transfer chain; right-brick boiler room 12085-P. tannery grounds “Dinky”, right-Lutheran parsonage “EM12” 12085A-P. tannery grounds “Dinky”, right-Lutheran parsonage “EM12” 12086-P. top-tannery buildings; back-Rib Lake High School 12087-P. tanbark piles, back-RLLC mill c. 1920 12088-P. top-buildings along Church & Main Street; bottom-RLLC complex from the lake 12089-P. “Camp 2” 1906 12090-P. Camp 9, Star load 12091-P. “Loading” sleigh – cross hall method 12092-P. 2 men on flying log, McGiffert Loader 12093-P. McGiffert Loader from empty rollway 12094-P. c. 1910 “sawmill & landing” log rollways into Rib Lake 12095-P. baled hay wagon & 4 horse team, McComb Ave., c. 1915 John Gene Peterson collection: 12096-John Gene Peterson, DOB 9-9-1931 data 12097-P. Herman Christian Peterson & wife Ela, nee Steffeck, 11-1868 – parents of John Gene Peterson 12098-P. Herman Christian Peterson & wife Ela, nee Steffeck, c. 1930 – parents of John Gene Peterson 12099-P. Jim Peterson jobber camp c. 1942, probably Bear Island Volume (Disc) XXII- #12100-12199 12100-P. c. 1935 at Herman Christian Peterson jobber camp for RLLC, Town of Corning, Lincoln Co, Wis, cooks, Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Frahmann, middle boy – John Gene Peterson 12101-P. RLLC woods train c. 1935 12102-P. Andy Gerlicky with probable Allis-Chalmers cat skidding logs, Town of Corning 12103-P. camp-Herman C. Peterson 1941-42, 10 miles west of Ogema, left-camp home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Peterson & kids 12104-P. truck “Kermit Lee, Ogema, Wis”, logs for RLLC 12105-P. 1941-42 Claude Peterson truck load of logs for RLLC 12106-P. 1941-42 overloaded truck – rear jim pole loader 71 12107-P. 1941-42 James Peterson truck “Medford” trailer of logs from Peterson camp, Ogema for RLLC 12108-P. 1941-42 loading logs on truck trailer, Herman C. Peterson camp – Ogema end of John Gene Peterson collection 12109-docket 82-2-5 resolution protecting Taylor County camp sites 12110-L. Janet Massey to RPR 4-1982, J.J. Kennedy’s first wife was a McDonald [or MacDonald] 12111-L. RPR 12-19-1982 to Malcolm Rosholt A-F, 1906 Prentice Tannery grounds 12112-L. RPR 2-22-1982 to Malcolm Rosholt 12113-L. RPR 6-23-1981 to Ken Mannel 12114-“Start of Tour” Rhinelander Logging Museum data sheet 12115-Star News 11-4-1998, “Store closing is the end of an era for Rib Lake; Nancy’s Family Store to close after 31 years”, Nancy Kroll, owner, former Zielke Store 12116-Star News 4-27-1983 “Rib Lake History is not forgotten”; A-P. RPR 12117-RLHe RLHS Redmen basketball team goes to state; A; B-cartoon 12118-Rib Lake History 1936 by Guy Wallace – 5 parts – NB-typed version is 10728 12119-Rib Lake History c. 1941 by John Doe 12120-Merrill Daily Herald “Sawing of last pine brings note of sadness as crowds gather to pay tribute to men of woods” 2-25-1948; A-photo 12121-RLHe Rib Lake History 8-4-1933 by Mrs. Gustav Bielenberg, “The same year of 1881, J.J. Kennedy, Sam Hagen, Mr. Hildreth, Angus McDonald and Frank Johnson came from Spencer…” camped on shores of Rib Lake, rains, next day estimated timber & chose mill site, in Dec. 1881 first log sawed 12122-RLHe Rib Lake History 3-5-1948 by Mrs. E.E. Van Hecke, nee August May Lindsay “ The first mill in Rib Lake was built and running the first day of October, 1881. Timber was supplied from two tracts of land – Weyerhauser and Curtis – extending northeast and a little of the stand west.” 12123-RLHe 3-5-1948 partial list of real estate tax delinquency, Town of Rib Lake; A-Village of Rib Lake 12124-Map 2-2-1983, “Thums’ Terror Trail” 12125-Star News 11-17-1888 Wisconsin Central Railway timetable-Rib Lake-Chelsea, 2 trains daily 12126-“The Saga of New Wood Country” by M.N. Taylor, Wisconsin Academy Review 3-1978 12127-L. M.N. “Mully” Taylor to RPR 2-18-1981 12128-L. 2-11-1981 William “Bill” Natzke to Mully Taylor; A-List of men-former jobber camp employees 12129-“Tales of New Wood” by Mully Taylor, Part 2, The Daily Herald, Merrill 12130-“Tales of New Wood” by Mully Taylor, Part 3, The Daily Herald, Merrill 12131-“Tales of New Wood” by Mully Taylor, Part 4, The Daily Herald, Merrill 12132-“Tales of New Wood” by Mully Taylor, Part 5, The Daily Herald, Merrill 12133-Map, New Wood c. 1960 12134-Map, New Wood c. 1980 12135-Map, Owens-Illinois “hunting” c. 1970; A-New Wood Industrial Forest 12136-L. 3-27-1989, Myra L. Hill to RPR, A-D, 1930’s fore fire – New Wood 12137-L. 5-27-1981 Merrill Shopper & Foto News “The East of the Big Ones” 12-29-1939 12138-Plat Book, Lincoln Co. 1906 by F.L. Mead; 72 A-T31N R4E; B-T31N R5E; C-T31N R6E; D-T32N R4E; E-T32N R5E; F-T33N R4E; G-T33N R5E; G1-T33N R6E H-T34N R4E Spirit Falls I-T34N R5E J-T34N R6E Gilberts K-T35N R4E L-T35N R5E Somo Lake M-T35N R6E No. Tomahawk 12139-Wis. Academy Review-title page, Volume 25 #2 3-1979; A-P. & Bio M.N. “Mully” Taylor 12140-1994 Lincoln Co. Plat Book; A-12 T34, 33, 32, 31-4E 12141-U.S. Leather Co. v. J.J. Kennedy, Volume G, Misc. 134, Taylor Co. Register of Deeds 12142-Public Records, Eau Claire Area Research Center, Taylor County Civil-Circuit Court Records 1877-1925 12143-“Golden Nuggets” Golden Age Nursing Home 10-1983 12144-Obit 4-5-2007, Frank J. Zondlo 1913-2007 12145-Map, sawmills of Rib Lake Village 6-11-2008 by RPR 12146-Invoice – H. [Henry] W. Stelling to E. [Ernest] Gerstberger $319.13, shingles and other sawing 4-19-1918 12147-Map c. 12-28-1951 remaining railroad trackage – Rib Lake Village 12148-Map3-6-1922 railroad of Rib Lake Village, NB-tracks of RLLC not shown. Tracks shown are Wis. Central-Soo Line 12149-Star News May, 1990, “Century-old logging campsite can be seen on the Ice Age Trail” – McGillis Pine Camp, by RPR; A-Ski Trail Map; B-Map, McGillis Pine Camp, on SE-NW 13-332E; C-P. 12150-P. (from negative in Photos-Negative), RLLC – locomotive 101 c. 1946, probably Camp 28 12151-P. (from negative in Photos-Negative), RLLC – locomotive 101 c. 1946, probably Camp 28 – probably same as 12150 12152-P. c. 1940 RLLC diverging railroad tracks in Town of Corning, appears freshly built-new ties without ballast 12153-Abstract of Title to Lot 3 and the N 15 feet front and rear of Lot 4, Block 1, original plat of Village of Rib Lake 12154-Email, Frank Brush to RPR 6-8-08 12154A-P. Aretas Brush 12154B-P. Lily Brush 12155-P. c. 1910 view NW from tannery smokestack; foreground-tanbark piles; next-West Street, NB-4 identical tannery company houses; next-North Front Street; next-(in 2008) CTH D (Kennedy St); back-horizon-glacial hills-max extent of Wis. glacier, c. 12,000 years ago 12156-P. “A skidway” c. 1910, NB-peavey leaning on timber, logs at least 16 ft long “Rib Lake” 73 12157-P. “steam hauler, Rib Lake, Wis, Browns’ Studio” steersman holding steering wheel, at least 7 log sleighs, c. 1910 12158-P. c. 1940 log railroad flatcars just NE of Rib Lake sawmill; back-Upjohn hill on Fayette Ave. 12159-P. c. 1940 “Round House” west side; Right-RLLC sawmill & water tower 12160-P. c. 1900 “McComb Ave., Brown’s Studio, Rib Lake, Wis”; left-Upjohn Drug Store; left #2-furniture; right-“Wisconsin House” hotel “Liquors”-Lot 4, Block A, right nearest-partial-Post Office, Lot 3; rear-tanbark pile-North of Fayette; above-Street Light fixture, NB-4 cross arms of telephone wires 12161-P. c. 1950 McComb Ave., Sinclair and Mobil Gas Stations; foreground-STH 102, view north, Right-Boy Scout building 12162-P. “B. Hoye Co. Clothiers” c. 1910; foreground-McComb Ave.; left-unidentified man & dog-sidewalk is 6 sided paving block 12163-P. c. 1910 unidentified cabin & 3 women-screen door lays against building 12164-P. “in the woods” 2 white tail deer “photo by Brown” Rib Lake 12164A-backside of 12164, June 29, 1908 to Miss Emma Danforth, Omro, Wis. 1 cent stamp 12165-P. c. 1940 “Tourist Park” Rib Lake, Wis, wood pavilion & wood picnic tables; Right-Rib Lake 12166-P. “Harper Lake Resort” “Rib Lake #39”, back-east arm-North Harper Lake, center-1936 Chevrolet 12167-P. Rib Lake –east side of RLLC mill complex c. 1930 12168-P. Rib Lake-east side of RLLC mill complex c. 1940 12169-P. Rib Lake-east side of RLLC mill complex c. 1930, steam obscures “Rib Lake 11” 12170-P. c. 1960 Rib Lake – old RLLC machine shop, then Stewart’s Lumber Co; Right-STH 102 along Rib Lake 12171-P. c. 1985 Camp 28 Restaurant; foreground-Rib Lake & dock 12172-P. c. 1910 “M.E. Church” Methodist Episcopal Church, foreground-Church St.; aboveelectric light fixture 12173-P. c. 1906 Ward School – south side, “Dear Father, this is a picture of the building in which I teach. Emma” 12173A-backside of 12173, to “J.A. Danforth, Omro, Wis” 12174-P. unidentified grammar school students outside of Ward School, 43 students, probably one class 12175-P. c. 1980 “Clearview School, Rib Lake, Wis 59-466”, east side, 655 Pearl St, in 2008 Rib Lake Village Hall & Library, on former RLLC lumber dry yard 12176-P. c. 1960 “High School, Rib Lake, Wis” north side-Fayette Ave.; right-older building, left-addition 12177-P. c. 1930 “Lutheran Church, Rib Lake, Wis”, north & west sides, left-fragment of parsonage 12178-pamphlet, 10-1977 “Taylor County; The Log Cabin Country” by Roger L. Emmerich, County Clerk; A-township map B-“Early Settlement” C-pg 2 D-pg 3 E-pg 4-Townsip of Rib Lake 74 F-Population & Immigration; Agricultural & Industrial Development G-1970 census, 16,958 12179-Map, plat, c. 1940 Taylor County (data is mixture from 1930-1940) – cover page A-T33N 3E B-T33N 2E C-T33N 1E D-T32N 3E – Interwald E-T32N 2E F-T32N 1E – Whittlesey G-Pocket map - “Taylor County 1948” NE corner 12180-Map, plat, 1953, Taylor County – cover page A-Taylor County, Marathon Atlas publishers B-Legal descriptions-illustration C- Legal descriptions-text D-Wis. Map, county populations, tax assessment by county, 4th principal meridian E-T33N R3E F-T33N R2E – Village of Rib Lake G-T33N R1E – Westboro H-T32N R1E – Whittlesey (Ranges 2 East and 3 East are missing from book) 12181-Map, plat, c. 1957, Taylor County – cover page, Marathon Atlas Publishers A-T33N R3E – Spirit Lake B-T33N R2E – Village of Rib Lake C-T33N R1E – Westboro D-T32N R3E – Interwald E-T32N R2E F-T32N R1E – Whittlesey G-T31N R3E – Goodrich 12182-Map, plat, 1967, Taylor County – cover page A-Taylor Co. “highway map” B-T33N R3E – Spirit Lake C-T33N R2E – Village of Rib Lake D-T33N R1E – Westboro E-T32N R3E – Interwald F-T32N R2E – 1970 land sale data G-T32N R1E – Whittlesey H-T31N R3E – Goodrich 12183-Map, plat, 1970, Taylor County – cover page A-T33N R3E – Spirit Lake B-T33N R2E – Village of Rib Lake & Queenstown C-T33N R1E – Westboro D-T32N R3E – Interwald E-T32N R2E F-T32N R1E – Whittlesey G-T31N R3E – Goodrich 12184-Rib Lake area lake names 1913 12185-Rib Lake area lake names c. 1940 75 12186-Camp 8 site & railroad connection 12187-Camp 8 site on 1913 plat map 12188-Camp 8 site on 1913 map of county 12189-1913 map-Brehm & Urquhart Post Offices 12190-Map – RLLC railroad operations by Dave Tlusty, 12-2007, sites of numbered camps of RLLC after 1905 (purchased by U.S. Leather Co.) – dates of camps being researched and will be updated, RPR – 6-20-08 12191-P. c. 1915 “Drug Store Jas [James] Upjohn Apotheke” [German for Drug Store], 713 McComb Ave., adult on right is James Upjohn, popcorn stand on wood sidewalk; left-window reflection – Nick Clerf Blacksmith Shop across street on Block A, Lot 1, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 12192-P. c. 1905 probably Dr. L.L. Taylor, M.D. and office 12193-P. c. 1900 “George Braun dealer in timbered and improved lands” “local agent for WCRR” [Wisconsin Central Railway] land, rear-stumps, left-firewood (slabwood) & bicycle, Block D, Lot 2, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 12194-P. c. 1905 “Commercial House” Hotel, built by J.J. Kennedy to house mill workers, south side of Railroad Street, NB-fire ladder to roof – building burned; then largest hotel in Taylor County 12195-P. c. 1950 former RLLC hemlock dry yard, view west to partially razed lumber dry shed; foreground-Railroad tracks from machine shop across McComb Ave. 12196-P. c. 1949, remnants of lumber piles in RLLC hemlock yard, view west from tramway; center-loaded railroad flatcar 12197-P. c. 1940 RLLC railroad tracks through hemlock-hardwood stand, Town of Corning 12198-P. c. 1915 “Down the Rib, the drive, Interwald, Wis”, 2 men with cant hooks riding peeled hemlock log on Rib River, Town of Greenwood 12199-P. c. 1915 “The Drive” 9 men on log drive in Rib River, left-log rollway Volume (Disc) XXIII- #12200-12299 12200-P. c. 1910 “sawmill-lumber lath & shingles, Interwald, Wis”; left-piles of cedar shingles; right-burned stump, Vic Meyer collection 12201-P. “U.S. Tannery, Rib Lake, Wis” tannery complex from south; foreground-Fayette Ave; Naida Straub Collection 12202-$10 bill “The First National Bank of Rib Lake” 12203-P. 9-1982 McComb Ave., left-Mobil Station; Gordie & Virgie Gehrt “Last Chance” tavern; Janda Store; vacant lot; Coast to Coast; Olde Town Gift & Liquor store; unknown, Little Bohemia “Bowling Bar & Café” 12204-P. 9-1982 old bank, NE corner of McComb & Landall – upstairs was old RLLC office post, 1946 12205-P. 9-1982 door “RLLC office” in old bank building 12206-P. 9-1982 door “RLLC office” in old bank building 12207-P. 9-1982 “Tannery Lane Company” old tannery building 12208-P. 9-1982 tannery pond, view to north 12209-P. 9-1982 old railroad row, NE NW 28-33-3E, view south from Wilderness Ave. 12210-P. c. 1951, RLLC being razed, right-dry kiln; left-boiler room; view to north from Railroad Street 12211-envelope 4-28-1981 Matt Lamberty to RPR 76 12211A-Letter, Lamberty was Lamberti 12211B-P. Matt Lamberty 12212-P. Rib Lake Masons Bottle Band 12213-P. 1910 South Harper Lake, view south from 2008 Rustic Road 1 12214-P. 1920 Rib Lake; left-Fayette Ave, view east “Scene on Rib Lake, Elster Photo Waupun” 12215-P. c. 1905 “City Park, Rib Lake, Wis” Copper Creek bridge, view south 12216-P. c. 1920 “City Park, Rib Lake, Wis” Copper Creek bridge, new cement bridge over Copper Creek 12217-P. c. 1935 “Bird’s Eye View of Main Street” “12” east side of McComb Ave.; left-bank, on Landall, P.E. Marcus former store “The Fair”; vacant lot; Bakery “McRae”, hardware storelater Gamble Store-Block A, Lots 8, 9, 10, McComb’s Racing Park Addition; “J.A. Taylor Heating & Plumbing”; “The Big Store”- later Peter Bogumill’s locker plant – Block A, Part of Lot 5, 6 & 7, McComb’s Racing Park Addition 12218-P. Bird’s eye view from RLLC smokestack, c. 1920 south side of McComb Ave.; leftGeorge Braun; next-Upjohn Drug Store; 12218A-annotated version of 12218 1. George Braun 2. James Upjohn Drug Store 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bird’s Nest 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Niggemann Food Store 13. Ma Dodg’e Café 14. Seidel Food Store 15. 16. 17. 18. RLLC store 19. Haas building 20. “The Big Store” aka Bogumill’s 21. Hardware – later Gambles, on side “Merchandise” ---Data subject to confirmation--22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 12219-P. c. 1940 “Spirit River Bridge Rib Lake, Wis. 38” STH 102 over Spirit River, stone bridge 77 12220-P. c. 1910 “B1657A1 Interwald, Wis” former Interwald Store – founded by Henry Faust before he moved to Rib Lake; left-George Knower; right-Mrs. George (Cora) Knower 12221-P. c. 1910 “A skidway” loading logs onto sleigh, NB-2 front logs looped by chains on both ends – lifted by jin pole, top loader holds cant hook 12222-P. c. 1910 loading logs onto sleigh, 4 horse team & teamster wait 12223-P. c. 1910 steam hauler & 4 loaded sleighs, steersman sits in front of vertical pistons 12224-P. 1918 Rib Lake “nurse corps” 12225-P. c. 1920 rollway at Camp 16, 2 men decking logs, foreground-cant hook 12226-P. c. 1910 “EM5” tannery complex from west; back-“flats” & Rib Lake High School 12227-P. c. 1910 “hay harvest Interwald, Wis”, Team pulling hay wagon and loader, Ed Klein farm; center on ground-“Old Grandma Johanna Wittke” 12227A-text on back by George Knower, “Bertha Wittke was my only pupil” 12228-P. 5-19-1884, J.J. Kennedy’s sawmill, “view of J.J. Kennedy’s lumbering horses, 47 head, Rib Lake, Wis” photograph by C.H. Locke May 19th, view north; right-bull chain into Rib Lake, RPR collection – oldest dated Rib Lake photo 12229-P. c. 1885, “Jumbo four horse load” “Canadian Peaker” sleigh load, fur coated teamster & 4 horses, c. 22 logs of white pine, butt label with board feet, e.g. “1210” 12230-P. c. 1920 “Corner in lumber yard, Rib Lake, Wis” rear-main smoke stack of RLLC, professionally piled lumber and strips between boards for air drying, tall lumber piles c 20 feet high 12231-P. c. 1980 Alan Blomberg inspecting big cut made for steam hauler in the hills separating the Hultman Lake & Copper Creek watershed. Just north of Ritchie Lake, 1-33-2E. This site marked on Timm’s Hill National Trail 12231A-text – RPR collection 12232-P. c. 1930 McGiffert Loader “No. 2” RLLc, unloaded flatcar being pulled by loader from track behind to loading position; rear-wood water tank; rear beneath tank-railroad trucks to be lowered onto railroad track after flatcar is moved, NB-this type of machine is open for public viewing at the Minnesota Museum of Transportation, Duluth, Minnesota 12233-P. at Camp 18, McGiffert loader and 2 loaded flatcars 12233A-text on back of 12233, 6,000 -8,000 feet per car, 10 man crew assisted Frank Erdman, McGiffert loader master, his goal was 25 ends per day, 2 ends per car, RLLC sawed-on average16-18 ends of softwood or 14 ends of hardwood per day. RPR interview of Frank Erdman 1980 12234-P. c. 1930 L-Frank Erdman with cant hook and his “hooker” aka loading helper – who wood hook the logs prior to loading 12235-P. 9-1974 abandoned farm home, SW-SW, Sec. 14, T33N R2E, east side of CTH D 12236-P. c. 1980, “Rib Lake Population 782”, STH 102 west side of Village of Rib Lake, leftRobin Ann Paulina Rusch, nka Riggs; right-Kristin Karen Bethany Leona Martha Rusch, nka Strobach 12237-P. 1-1975, remnants of ice road 12237A-text on back of 12237 12238-P. c. 1947 Camp 28 12239-P. c. 1947 Camp 28, speeder top in front on railroad track 12240-P. c. 1947 McGiffert loader at Camp 28 12241-P. c. 1947 The cutover at Camp 28 12242-P. c. 1947 4 loaded lumber cars in hemlock yard, rear-white building is RLLC store 12243-P. c. 1947, 2 men on tramway decline 78 12244-P. 1947 RLLC hemlock yard, tramway declines to ground level 12245-P. c. 1980, Marinette, Tomahawk & Western Railroad Company boxcar 12246-Map 5-1981 “Early roads, trails and mills” by RPR includes ice roads, tote roads 12246A-Map Ritchie Lake – Sec. 1, T22 2E, Ice road excavation – site 12247-P. 11-1980 Ritchie Lake ice road cut 12248-P. 11-1980 Ritchie Lake ice road cut, Alan Blomberg 12249-P. 11-1980 Ritchie Lake ice road cut, Alan Blomberg 12250-P. 11-1980 old ice road to Camp 9, north side of Ritchie Lake 12251-P. 11-1980 old blaze – witness tree to section line of Taylor-Price County boundary 12252-P. 11-1980 Ritchie Lake, Sec. 1, T33 2E 12253-L. 8-24-1982, Martha H. Rusch to RPR re steam hauler 12254-RLHe 1-8-1904 “Largest in the World” RLLC is the largest hemlock manufacturer in the world 12255-Map 6-2008 Camp 9, ice road cut, tote road route, 1-33-2E, site of Ritchie Pine Camp 12256-Timm’s Hill Trail logo, 1986 version 12257-Star News 6-13-1984, “Area railroad logging operations chronicled” by RPR; B&C – 620-1984 12258-Rib Lake High School [RLHS] dedication program, 11-15-1964 12259-Star News 3-19-1986 “Rib Lake Redmen earn trip to state” 12260-1986 WIAA Boys Basketball Tournament Program; A-Scheduled games; B-P. Rib Lake High School team & data 12261-Abstract of Title; part of Government lot 4, 32-T34-3E, Price County, [Spirit Lake-river dam site] entry 4, 3-11-1880, Wisconsin Legislature ok “flooding dam”, deed to James McCrossen; A-entry 10, pine stumpage contract 12262-2007 Price County Plat Map, ID of Government Lot 4 12263-Star News 6-19-2008, “Williams; No hope ahead for reform of school funding system”; P. RPR; P. Mary Williams, State Representative 12264-Memo 6-24-2008, RPR re Thums Store ledger from Carl Thums 1981 A-Andreas Hoffmann B-William-Wilhelm Martin C-Josef Dums D-Josef Dums E-John Obowa F-Josef Dums G-Seidel H-Louis Bruno I-Lorenz Thums J-Josef Dums K-Seidel L-Lorenz Thums M-Joseph Dums SF-“Thums Ledger” 12265-P. 8-1970, left-Thums Store building; right-Highland School; behind-St. Ann’s Church, view east 12265A-Joseph Thums Store, pg 103 of Pictorial History of Rib Lake 1981 12266-Star News 7-14-2005, “Steam powered the logging dream in Rib Lake” by RPR 79 12267-P. John Taylor Hardware Store – interior, c. 1910, Star News 4-27-2006 12268-Star News 4-25-2002 L. 1910 Simon Kortenkamp to John & Annie Holscher re Rib Lake Tannery 12269-Article, 12 pgs “RLH; Movers & Shakers; Cast of Characters to Early Rib Lake History” Updated to 6-25-2008, by RPR & Cindy A. Sommer 12270-Map-Sketch by RPR 1-1985, Rib Lake Tannery 12271-Abstract of Title, Lot 16, Block H, Surveyor’s Plat of North Rib Lake [part of former Rib Lake Tannery] 3-13-1959 12272-Abstract-part-SW-NE, 18-32-1E, Stumpage contract for “All the hemlock timber” 7-11897 to Fayette Shaw 12273-1909 “Hide & Leather Year Book” by Jacobson Publishing; A-List of Wisconsin tanneries, e.g. U.S. Leather Co in Medford, Mellen, Prentice, Rib Lake, Stanley, Tomahawk 12274-Article, George Corrigan “Tanneries & hemlock bark industry in Wisconsin” 9-9-1978 proceedings of Forest History Assoc. of Wisconsin 12275-Milwaukee Journal “Surviving tanneries are doing better now”; A-tanning steps 12276-1901 bark ledger, pg 150 “Westboro Tannery; A-Pg 143 “Weidrick & Matson Lumber Co. jobbers bark; B-1902 “Camp 2 bark shipped to Prentice tannery; C-1901 Pg 45 “Westboro, Joseph Trippner; D-Pg. 18 “Camp 3-John R. Davis Lumber Co. trains; E-Pg 44 “Bark at Ogema shipped to Phillips tannery – as of 1988 original is in the possession of Harry Curran 12277-Deed 6-25-1891 J.J. Kennedy, et ux, to F [Fayette] D. Shaw, Lots 14 & 15, Block H, Surveyor’s Plat of Rib Lake, This conveyance made on condition that [Fayette Shaw] agrees to build…a tannery for the manufacture of leather upon the premises…of the capacity & dimension of the tannery now owned…by T.F.M. & F.D. Shaw at Medford, Wis…the same to be completed & in operation by 1-1-1893. Logging roads to be kept open… 12278-tannery map 12-8-1987 of Rib Lake Tannery complex c. 1924 by Brother Augustine Koffler 12279-L. 12-8-1987 Brother Augustine Koffler to RPR 12280-Taylor Co. Zoning Map 7-29-1937, forestry & recreation districts, [repealed c. 1975] 12281-WWII “Sugar Ration Book” 12282-“Public Auction” sale-auction notice c. 1935 Peter Perusek farm, SW-NW 18-T33N-R3E, 2008 owners are Jay and Cindy Thums 12283-“Push for Rusch” bumper sticker, 1972, Marlin Walbeck, Chairman 12284-L. RPR to Mike Weckwerth 11-4-1987 12285-History 1-1970 by Ray Voemastek 12286-L. John R. Gray to RPR c. 8-1986 12287-L. Mary Williams to RPR 7-8-1985 12288-Quit Claim Deed 3-2-1916, Carl Gruening to RLLC, o.k. water level in Rib Lake 12289-“Wisconsin Central Railroad Lands” by Charles L. Colby c. 1882; original-possibly John Van Der Hudf, Spirit, first page scanned, see RLH – Wis. Central 12290-“Railroads of Wisconsin 1827-1937”, Railway & Locomotive History Society, 8-1937 title page; A-1873 WC Colby to Worchester-Price Co. 1883-Chelsea to Rib Lake 1809 Abbotsford to Athens 1899 Goodrich Junction to Goodrich 12291-History of “Soo Line” Jim Smith 3-1970 80 12292-L. 12-22-1983, Ray E. Pendergast to RPR 12293-L. Wayne Johnson to Ray E. Pendergast 11-30-1983, Railroad line-Chelsea-Rib Lake abandoned 1951 12294-Soo Line time table 5-31-1925; A-Athens-Goodrich & Rib Lake-Chelsea; B-SpencerAshland East; C-Spencer-Ashland West 12295-Ad; Free Show Gem Theatre c. 1930, List of Merchants 12296-Ad; c. 1934, “The World’s All Right” at Rib Lake Armory, List of Merchants 12297-RLHe 3-13-1936 “Many Changes in Lumber Company’s [RLLC] office”, List of office staff 12298-RLHe 11-13-1936 “Lake Shore Project Finished” 12299-Star News quotes re J.J. Kennedy et al, 11-7-1881, etc. 81