Li-Ming Zhang Institute of Polymer Science, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Key Laboratory for Polymeric Composite and Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, China A Review of Starches and Their Derivatives for Oilfield Applications in China As a class of important polymeric additives, numerous starches and their derivatives have been prepared and their suitability studied for various oilfield applications such as filtrate-loss control, mud-rheology modification, shale stabilization, enhanced oil recovery (EOR). drag reduction, and water shutoff, and some of these starches have been widely used in this area. These materials include mainly pregelatinized starches, ether-ified starches, and grafted starches. This article provides a review of their research and development in view of the special situation in China. Some important features of their properties are also presented. Keywords: Starch derivatives; Pregelatinized starches; Etherified starches; Grafted starches; Oilfield applications 1 Introduction Over the past fifty years, starch has been used as the raw material for developing polymeric additives in oilfield industry. Starch's unique structure and reactivity opens up the possibility for the design of various oilfield chemicals based on this biomacromolecule. Nowadays, numerous modified starch derivatives have been prepared and studied for the oilfield applications, and some are commercially available. They mainly include pregelatinized starches, water-soluble starch ethers, water-soluble starch graft copolymers, crosslinked and blended starches [1-6]. In China, the choice of starch as the raw material for the production of oilfield polymeric additives began in the early 1980s [7]. In the first decade of their application, the resulting modified starches were used mainly as fluid-loss control agent, an important drilling mud additive. Tab. 1 Correspondence: Li-Ming Zhang. Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-34001; E-mail: Imzhang® shows the amounts of starch-based oilfield chemicals and other polymeric additives used in the filtration control in China from 1983 to 1993 [8]. These products involve mainly pregelatinized and etherified starches [9]. It should be noted that a small tonnage of starch and its derivatives were used before 1986, and then the amounts have obviously increased. But in comparison with other filtration control agents listed in Tab. 1, the use of starch and derivatives was relatively limited. In recent years, the design and synthesis of new kinds of starch derivatives including cationic and amphoteric starch graft copolymers has become an active area of research. This is due in part to their potential applications as water-sensitive shale- or clay-hydration suppressants and multifunctional drilling-fluid additives. This paper reviews briefly the research and development of starch-based oilfield chemicals in China. 2 Pregelatinized Starches Due to low cost, pregelatinized starches were used for oilfield treatments in China [7, 9]. To obtain pregelatinized Tab. 1. Filtrate control agents used in China oilfields from 1983 to 1993 (based on the data by Xu et al. [8]). Tab. 2. Gelatinization temperature and solubility of some native starches (based on the data by Williamson and Allenson [6]). starches, the gelatinization of native starches was usually carried out in acid and alkali media. Elevated temperatures are needed to cleave the hydrogen bonds between the starch granules. The temperature at which gelatinization occurs depends on the source of the starch. Tab. 2 gives the gelatinization temperatures and solubility for various native starches [6]. Zhang [10, 11] was the first to describe the preparation and properties of pregelatinized starches as drilling mud additives. Two methods, namely sulfuric acid hydrolysis and sodium hydroxide hydrolysis, were used. Corn starch was first reacted with suitable concentration of aqueous sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide for a certain time. The resulting starch paste was then hydrolyzed by H2SO4 or NaOH, neutralized, precipitated with alcohol, filtrated, purified, dried under vacuum, and powdered, producing the pregelatinized starch. It was reported [11, 12] that this product could be used as a polymeric additive for saline drilling fluid systems, in particular as fluid-loss control agent. As shown in Tab. 3, application of pregelatinized starch leads not only to high apparent and plastic viscosity of the treated mud, which makes the mud stable and viscous, but also reduces effectively the filtration volume of the saturated saline mud from 178 ml to 12 ml. measured according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. Compared with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), a commonly used fluid-loss control agent, pregelatinized starch shows matched filtration-control ability and enhanced viscosification (Tab. 3) at a lower price. However, this kind of starch can not be used effectively in freshwater drilling fluid systems because of its relatively low tolerance to thermal and bacterial actions, the mechanism of which was investigated previously by some researchers [13-15]. Another possible application of pregelatinized starches is its use as a non-damaging filtrate reducer for water-based fracturing fluids. This is especially interesting because of the increasing concern of the damage that conventional, non-degradable fluid-loss reducers such as silica flour and clay cause to the producing formation. In contrast, pregelatinized starches are completely degradable and residue free. Williamson and Allenson [6] examined the effectiveness of pregelatinized potato starch and pregelatinized corn starch as fracturing fluid loss reducers. The results show that such material can lower the spurt loss and control the leak off of fracturing fluid in some extent. To date, however, there is no similar work reported in China. 3 Etherified Starches In etherified starches part of hydroxyl groups are substituted by ether functions [16]. The degree of chemical modification may be expressed as the degree of substitution (DS), i.e. the average number of substituents per o-glucose unit. Compared with native starches and pregelatinized starches, these products possess good solubility and more functional groups. Tab. 4 summarizes important starch ethers studied for the oilfield applications in China. They include anionic sodium carboxymethyl starch (CMS-Na) [17-20], potassium carboxymethyl Tab. 3. Rheological and filtrate-control properties of pregelatinized starch in saturated saline mud (based on the data by Wang [12]). Tab. 4. Summary of etherified starches for the oilfield applications. starch (CMS-K) [21], 2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl starch (HSPS) [22], carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl starch (CMH-ES) [23], nonionic hydroxyethyl starch (HES) [24]. hy-droxypropyl starch (HPS) [25], and cationic 2-hydroxy-3-(triethylammonium)propyl starch (HTPS) [26]. Among them, CMSNa prepared by etherification of alkalized starch with chloroacetic acid or sodium chloroacetate is most commonly investigated and has been used as polymeric anion for controlling the filtrate-loss of drilling muds. There are many studies dealing with the preparation of starch ethers and their properties as oilfield chemicals, in particular preparation of higher-substituted derivatives. Due to the swelling of starch granules, it is usually difficult to prepare higher-substituted starch ethers in aqueous suspensions. In order to obtain higher DS, it is necessary to limit the amount of water during the etherification. Thus, the reaction is usually conducted in a water-misci-ble solvent containing minor amounts of water. Iso-propanol is probably the solvent of choice, although both methanol and ethanol have been widely used. This technique has been successfully applied by Sun et al. [19] to the preparation of CMS-Na with a DS of 1.1, and by Wue\ al. [20] to the preparation of CMS-Na with a DS of 1.7. It was found [19, 20] that increasing the DS to some extent could lead to enhanced filtrate-loss control, salt tolerance and thermal stability of the resulting starch ether. The data listed in Tab. 5 show the effectiveness of the CMS-Na with high DS of 1.7 as drilling mud additives. Tab. 5. Property evaluation of high-substituted CMS-Na (DS = 1.7) in various types of drilling muds (based on the data by Wu and Zhang[20]). a) Measured after aging at room temperature for 24 h according to the method listed in Tab. 2. Measured after aging at room temperature for 7 days according to the method listed in Tab. 2. c) Measured after aging at 95 °C for 24 h according to the method listed in Tab. 2. b) Besides the DS, the kind and nature of substitutents is another major factor affecting the properties and functions of etherified starches as oilfield additives. In spite of good filtrate-control and viscosity-building properties in some conditions, anionic CMS-Na [17, 18] and CMS-K [21] are relatively readily influenced by oil reservoir temperature and salinity when compared with nonionic HES and HPS [24, 25] due to the presence of anionic carboxymethyl groups. To combine the advantages of anionic and non-ionic starches, Yao [23] synthesized CMHES containing two different types of substituents, which show a better behavior in drilling muds. In the case of HSPS, Wang [22] found that the introduction of sulfonate-containing groups both increases the tolerance of the modified starch towards divalent ions and extends its thermal stability to high reservoir temperature. In addition, Wang and Luo [26] observed that cationic HTPS is characterized by a poor filtrate-loss control ability but a good inhibition to water-sensitive clay and shale in oilfields, which is caused by the affinity of quaternary ammonium substituent groups to negatively charged clay surfaces. Nowadays, the oilfield industry shows a growing interest in the use of sodium-free, potassiumbased drilling fluids with inhibitive properties. For this reason, Liu [21] prepared CMS-K. CMS-K has proved to be effective in controlling troublesome shales, which offers the possibility to prepare sodium-free drilling fluids [21]. 4 Grafted Starches In order to promote the utilization of starch in oilfields, the grafting of various vinyl monomers onto starch substrate has been another subject of extensive investigation in China [27-36]. The possibility of using water-soluble grafted starches as filtrate-loss controllers, thickeners and shale stabilizing polymers for aqueous drilling fluids, as viscosity modifiers in displacement fluids for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), and as oilfield drag-reduction agents have generated considerable interest in academic and industrial research. Tab. 6 summarizes important grafted starches studied for oilfield applications. In comparison with pregelatinized starches or etherified starches, these grafted starches show some advantages in optimizing the Tab. 6. Summary of grafted starches for the oilfield applications. chemical structure I/M it is, e.g. easier to increase the molecular weight and introduce various groups I/M and functions of the starch derivatives as oilfield additives. Among a number of monomers available for grafting, acrylamide (AM) has been widely used. Yao and Wang [27] reported the synthesis of polyacrylamide-grafted potato starches, and tested their properties in the drilling muds; Huangand Shen [28] prepared three series of graft copolymers of oxidized starch, soluble starch, and potato starch with AM using a ceric-ion-initiated solution polymerization technique and their corresponding hydrolyzed products. They investigated the viscosity properties of these derivatives at various polymer and salt concentrations, shear rates and temperatures. Synthetic linear polyacrylamide (PAM) or its hydrolyzed product (HPAM) and ungrafted starch have several disadvantages. For example. PAM and HPAM suffer from poor mechanical and chemical stability, which increases with the molecular weight [37]. Ungrafted starch has poor solubility, limited functionality and less resistance to bacterial attack [7]. One of the great advantages of grafting is the reduced biodegradability of the grafted products due to the drastic change in the original structure of the natural polymer as well as the synthetic polymeric content in the product that can not be digested by bacteria. Moreover, it has been observed that grafting of shear degradable PAM onto the rigid starch backbone provides fairly shear stable systems [28]. In addition, by varying the number and length of grafted PAM chains onto the backbone, it has been found that the grafted starches with fewer but longer PAM chains are more effective as drilling-mud additives or viscosity modifiers for EOR [27, 28]. Similar studies were reported by Deshmukh and Singh et al., who used polyacrylamide-grafted amylose or amylopectin as oilfield drag-reduction agents [38, 39]. T o enhance the tolerance of grafted starches to higher salt content and temperature, sulfonatecontaining monomers, including sulfomethylated AM and 2-acrylami-do-2-methyl-1propanesulfonic acid (AMPS), have been grafted on starch substrates. Tan and Yao [29] prepared sulfomethylated polyacrylamide-grafted potato starches; Quo et al. [31] prepared graft copolymers of corn starch with AMPS; Wang [34] prepared the grafted polymers of corn starch with AMPS and AM. These grafted starches were found to be effective in freshwater, saline, saturated saline and highly mineralized drilling fluids, being resistant to high temperature and tolerant to salt, especially the resulting AM/AM PS/starch graft terpolymers. Tab. 7 gives the properties of the muds treated with the grafted polymer of corn starch with AM and AMPS before and after hot rolling at 150 °C for 16 h. Recently, some cationic vinyl monomers and their combination with a neutral monomer have been grafted onto starch [32, 35]. It was found that such grafted starches could provide more effective shale inhibition than anionic or nonionic modified starches, showing the potential as a shale- or clay-hydration inhibitor for oilfields. This fact is due mainly to two reasons. Firstly, the cationic groups along the grafted chains can neutralize the negative charges on the shale or clay surfaces, thus reducing the hydration ability of the shale or clay. Secondly, the cationic groups can reinforce the adsorption of the grafted starch and form a film on the shale or clay, thus hindering Tab. 7. Properties of the muds treated with the grafted polymer of corn starch with AM and AMPS before and after hot rolling at 150°C for 16 h (based on the data by Wang [36]). Note: The mud rheological parameters and API filtration volume were determined according to the methods listed in Tab. 2. Tab. 8. Properties of amphoteric grafted starch (AGC) as drilling fluid additive a) (based on the data by Wang [31]). a) The mud Theological parameters and API filtration volume were determined according to the methods listed in Tab. 2. b) Determined after hot rolling at 120°C for 16h according to the equation: Shale recovery (%) = (IV/W0) x 100, where Wand WQ denote the weight after hot-rolling and the weight before hot-rolling, respectively. water to enter the shale or clay. Obviously, this is an advantage when compared with anionic or nonionic modified starches. However, formulating practical drilling fluids using positively charged grafted starches is usually difficult because these starches tend to react with bentonite, anionic polymers, and weighting agents causing severe flocculation and precipitation. A possible pathway to solve these problems is to develop water-soluble amphoteric grafted starches containing both cationic and anionic groups. In this respect, Wang [36] reported the properties of amphoteric graft starches, which were prepared by grafting potassium acrylate and 2-hydroxy-3-methylacrylamidopropyltrimethylammonium chloride onto corn starch, in aqueous drilling muds. The results shown in Tab. 8 demonstrate that this class of grafted starches is characterized both by good shale inhibition, filtrate-loss control and mud rheology. and may overcome the limitations inherent in anionic and cationic starch-based additives. Other monomers such as acrylonitrile (AN) and vinyl alcohol (VA) [30, 33] have been also grafted onto starch substrate, resulting in the nonionic grafted starches having the possible use as drilling mud additives. 5 Conclusion Oilfield applications of starches and their derivatives are receiving increased attention because of the low cost and availability of these starches and their environmental acceptability. It is known that the specific applications of starches and their derivatives in oilfields depend on their solubility, molecular weight, type and number of the functional groups on the polymer chain, and chemical nature of the backbone structure. Meanwhile, the reservoir conditions such as temperature, salinity, hardness and the pH of formation water influence the use effectiveness of these starches. This paper reviews briefly the research and development of starch-based oilfield chemicals in China involving mainly pregelatinized starches, etherified starches and grafted starches. Further research will focus on the property improvement of conventional starch products, the preparation of new kinds of starch derivatives and their novel oilfield applications. Bibliography [1 ] R. W. Kerr: Chemistry and Industry of Starch, 2nd ed. Academic Press Inc., New York, 1950. [2] H. C. H. Darly, G. R. Gray: Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids. Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, TX. 1988. [3] Y. L. Chen, K. Q. Zhang: Drilling Fluids. Oil Industry Press. Beijing, 1988. [4] J. Chatterji, J. K. Corchardt: Applications of water-soluble polymers in the oilfield. J. Pet. Tech. 1981, Nov. 2042. [5] L. T. Zhang: Modified Starches. South China University of Technology Press, Guangzhou, 1992. [6] C. D. Williamson, S. J. Allenson: A new non-damaging par-ticulate fluid-loss additive. 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