Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Sample preparation This protocol has not been tested with plant material. Proposed plant sampling should utilize the Sampling Kit for Bacterial Vascular Wilts listed in the front of this notebook. The plant tissue should be cut into fine strips using sterile techniques, placed onto the glass slide in the kit and observed for bacterial streaming. This may then be used directly for PCR. If little streaming is seen, place tissue strips in a sterile eppitube with sterile water and allowed to sit at room temp for 30 minutes. Streak sample suspension onto Nutrient Agar and grow 24-48 hrs. Use 1 mL sterile nanopure water to wash over the cells on the plate. Collect with pipette and place into a sterile eppitube. Use a 1/10 dilution of cells for the PCR. Rxn Master Mix (25 µL tube) Sterile Nanopure water SmartCycler Additive Reagent (SAR) Primer 1…Pst 1 Primer 2…Pst 2 2X Power SyBr Green Master Mix 4.0 µL 2.5 µL 2.5 µL 2.5 µL 12.5 µL Primers Prepare to a concentration of 1.5 µM (1.5 pmol/µL) Pst 1 5’-GGC GCT CCC TCG CAC TT -3’ Pst 2 5’-GGT ATT GGC GGG GGT GC -3’ Controls Negative control: 1 µL sterile Nanopure water Positive control #1: 1 µL Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato cell suspension Positive control #2: 1 µL Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato cell suspension Plus 1 µL of test sample. If results show evidence of inhibition, retest sample extract at 10-fold dilution. Cycling protocol Name of protocol: Pseudo syrin pv tom 1. 95C 2. 40 cycles 600 sec 95C 55 74 30 sec 60 120 74 120 optics off off on 3. Hold 4. Melt Curve Start 60C end 95 Duration of protocol: 2 hr 46 min. off Deg f 0.2 Results expected Product of 650 bp long with a Tm of 88.0-89.0. Template-free controls in this assay have a Tm of 76.3-79.6. This protocol has been developed using seven whole-cell suspension isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato obtained from OSU. Using pure cultures, no non-specific products are produced. This protocol has yet to be tested against suspect plant tissue (may 27, 2004). Notes Control cell isolates Pto 36 and Pto 177 consistently do not amplify or are inconsistent. These are probably coronatine non-producers. Control isolate DC3000 or isolate 23.20 are the BEST to use as a positive control. (November 5, 2009)