BASIS OF DESIGN SUMMARY DOCUMENT HANOHANO NEUTRINO DETECTOR Prepared For INTERNAL USE MAKAI OCEAN ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERING DIVISION Makai Research Pier Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795 Prepared By MAKAI OCEAN ENGINEERING (CEROS CONTRACT 7611 – DESIGN TEAM) PO Box 1206, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 September, 2005 – Revision 2.0 - <DRAFT>. TABLE OF CONTENTS A Summary of Makai’s Report Format TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ I 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................1 1.1. 2. INTENTION OF BOD DOCUMENT.......................................................................1 PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM ...................................................................................2 2.1. PHYSICS REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................2 2.1.1. Scintillator liquid ........................................................................................... 2 2.1.2. Oil buffer........................................................................................................2 2.1.3. Location of Neutrino Detector. ......................................................................2 2.1.4. Communication requirements ........................................................................2 2.2. DESIGN LIFE ...........................................................................................................2 3. NEUTRINO DETECTOR CONCEPT ......................................................................3 3.1. OVERALL DESCRIPTION BASELINE CONCEPT ..............................................3 3.1.1. Scintillator tank .............................................................................................. 3 3.1.2. Oil buffer – Sensor region .............................................................................3 3.1.3. Oil buffer – veto region .................................................................................3 3.1.4. External structure ........................................................................................... 3 3.2. VISION – THE STORY OF HANO HANO ............................................................. 3 3.2.1. The “story” of Hano Hano .............................................................................4 3.3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA ........................................................ 6 3.3.1. Construction of support structure ..................................................................7 3.3.2. Installation of detector components in support structure ............................... 7 3.3.3. Testing and final confirmation of performance .............................................7 3.3.4. Flooding and ballast systems .........................................................................7 3.3.5. Fluid treatment system ...................................................................................9 3.3.6. Tow-to-field ...................................................................................................9 3.3.7. Installation to final position on seabed .......................................................... 9 3.3.8. Long term seabed stability .............................................................................9 3.3.9. Data communication & system status ............................................................ 9 3.3.10. Recovery for maintenance .............................................................................9 3.3.11. Final recovery & disposal ............................................................................10 3.3.12. Potential damage due to 3’rd party activity .................................................10 3.4. INDIVIDUAL DETECTOR COMPONENTS........................................................ 11 3.4.1. Scintillator fluid, option 1. ...........................................................................11 3.4.2. Scintillator fluid, option2. ............................................................................11 3.4.3. Plain oil buffer & material specs .................................................................11 3.4.4. Outer detector oil / water .............................................................................12 3.4.5. 3.4.6. 3.4.7. 3.4.8. 3.4.9. 3.4.10. 3.4.11. 4. Photo Detectors & internal sphere electronics .............................................12 Instrument housings (Glass spheres) ........................................................... 12 Acrylic boundary & material specs ............................................................. 14 Cabling – electrical ...................................................................................... 15 Cabling – optical .......................................................................................... 15 Control units & multiplexers(?) ...................................................................15 Total power requirements ............................................................................15 SHORE CABLE.........................................................................................................16 4.1. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................16 4.1.1. Communications requirements ....................................................................16 4.1.2. Power requirements .....................................................................................16 4.2. MATERIALS...........................................................................................................16 4.2.1. Cable ............................................................................................................16 4.2.2. Terminations ................................................................................................ 16 4.3. PLANNING AND INSTALLATION .....................................................................16 4.3.1. Bathymetry and cable selection ...................................................................16 4.3.2. Near shore protection ...................................................................................16 4.3.3. Termination at Neutrino detector .................................................................16 4.4. SHORE STATION / ONSHORE COMMUNICATION LINK .............................. 16 5. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................17 5.1. BATHYMETRY......................................................................................................17 5.2. OCEAN WAVES ....................................................................................................19 5.3. OCEAN CURRENTS .............................................................................................. 19 5.4. SEISMIC EVENTS .................................................................................................19 5.5. MARINE LIFE ........................................................................................................19 SCHEDULE & MILESTONES................................................................................20 Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 ii HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 1. 1.1. INTRODUCTION INTENTION OF BOD DOCUMENT This document is intended to do the following: Define the design criteria, design issues, and construction issues associated with the HanoHano Neutrino detector Provide a common understanding of what is to be built. The budget for the preliminary design is limited. It is therefore important that UH and Makai both have the same understanding on what is to be built. This document will be updated as the project proceeds and as new information is provided. Later issues will be identified by the date in the footer. Makai will provide periodic updates to this document. Portions of the document that are updated will be clearly marked. In order to highlight critical items, Makai has marked action items as follows: o Items in red: need to be defined by UH o Items in blue: defined by Makai with agreement by UH 08/24/05 Updated document based on Task1-report from UH. Most important update: The overall scintillator volume was increased from 1000 to 4000 m3. 06/27/05 Updated due dates, Scintillator and Acrylic material spec. Also made many other smaller edits to the content. 05/16/05 This is the first edition of this document. The primary objective at this point is to provide an agreed upon set of design parameters suitable for completing task 1 of the CEROS proposal. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 1 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 2. PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM The purpose of the deep ocean Anti-Neutrino detector is to measure natural earth background radioactivity and determine whether the earth has a nuclear core reactor. 2.1. PHYSICS REQUIREMENTS The sizing of the detector should be such that a reasonable number of particle-events will occur for the duration of the project (time in operation). This section is a condensed summary and interpretation of the report from Task-1 of this project: “Detector Size and Sensitivity”. The term “Task1 Report” will be used in this section when making references to this document. 2.1.1. Scintillator liquid Task1 Report suggested a fiducial volume of “4 kt”. For the purpose of sizing the detector, we will assume a size of 4000 m3. The geometry of this volume can be in the form of a sphere (Radius ~ 9.8m), or a cylinder (of proportional size: H ~= D). 2.1.2. Oil buffer Encapsulating the fiducial volume is a layer of oil. The thickness of this oil-buffer shall be: 2.5 m. This includes an inner 0.5m thick region where the Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT) instrument housings (glass spheres) are mounted. A light-impenetrable membrane needs to be mounted behind the glass spheres, such that no light from the outer region of this oil buffer will enter the Scintillator liquid or the region in front of the PMT’s. Veto sensors (PMT’s) will need to be placed in the outer region to serve as veto for penetrating muons. This veto system will be used to effectively stop processing of events from the inner PMT’s should it be necessary (prevent events of no interest from being processed.) 2.1.3. Location of Neutrino Detector. A location close to the Hawaiian Islands, in water depth of 4000m will satisfy the criteria outlined in the Task1 Report. The detector can rest on the seabed without significant loss in performance. A promising location would be west of Keahole Point, just north of Kailua Kona on the Big Island. A water depth in excess of 4000 m is available at a distance offshore of 20 km. This is close to the location of the original Dumand project, an area that is well documented. 2.1.4. Communication requirements The detector will require high-bandwidth communication with shore via a shore cable. The anticipated data transmission rate is ___ bps. 2.2. DESIGN LIFE It is anticipated that the Neutrino detector and the associated communication cable will need to be operational for at least 2.5 years, yielding a 10 kt-y exposure (Ref. Task 1 report). For design purposes, we should assume a lifetime of 5 years. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 2 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3. 3.1. NEUTRINO DETECTOR CONCEPT OVERALL DESCRIPTION BASELINE CONCEPT The following section is a description of the baseline-concept for the detector. Various alternate concepts may be considered, but the baseline-concept outlined here is the most promising at this point in time. 3.1.1. Scintillator tank The core of the baseline-concept consists of a spherical acrylic tank with scintillator fluid. This region is where the particle collisions are taking place. 3.1.2. Oil buffer – Sensor region Outside the Scintillator tank is an oil-filled layer with a thickness of 2.5m (ref. Section___). The 2000 sensors that detect particle events inside the Scintillator tank are mounted here. Each sensor consists of a Photo Multiplier Tube mounted inside glass-sphere instrument housings. External light collectors (Winston cones) and magnetic shields are mounted to the glass spheres to improve the overall performance of the sensor. The sensors are focused towards the center of the Scintillator tank. 3.1.3. Oil buffer – veto region To prevent any light from entering the scintillator tank or the region just in front of the sensors, a light-impenetrable membrane is mounted behind the sensor housings. The region outside this membrane is used for vetoing purposes. Multiple veto-sensors are mounted in this region to monitor for external events. 3.1.4. External structure A strong external steel hull encapsulates the oil buffer layer. The purpose of this structure is to protect the inner volumes and provide a robust and rugged detector that can be handled at sea without risk of leakage. Since the detector may need to be towed to field and lowered to the seabed, it needs to have hydrodynamic stability and also have a stable base suitable for resting on the seabed. 3.2. VISION – THE STORY OF HANO HANO This section presents the outcome of the Hano Hano Anti-Neutrino detector project in the form of a future “news-story” about the project, after it’s successful completion. It is pure speculation and “virtual”. However, the process of updating this “story” as the project develop may be a good forum for building a common understanding of what we are trying to design. It also may uncover new problems or requirements that we may never have anticipated. This “story” should be updated as the project develops, such that we at all times can share a common vision. Please feel free to elaborate and correct… Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 3 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.2.1. The “story” of Hano Hano Construction of the HanoHano started in January 200*. The cylindrical hull (steel structure) was welded together at the Pearl Harbor shipyard. After the hull was complete, all steel surfaces were sand-blasted, cleaned and epoxy coated. Installation of the seawater ballast system was then completed and tested. To enhance stability of the hull, several compartments in the lower perimeter were filled with grout. A mainland yard was selected to manufacture the geodesic stainless steel sphere support structure. This structure provided the supporting framework for all the PMT sensors. The components arrived on time and were mounted on the designated support points on the outer steel structure. The mounting points for the stainless steel structure were designed such that any radial deformation would not result in excessive loads. In parallel with the activity in the yard, the University had leased a warehouse where the 2000 sensors could be assembled and tested. Each PMT was taken through a performance test before being mounted inside the pressure housings (glass spheres). The glass spheres were then sealed off and pressure tested to ___m. These spheres were then mounted on triangular panels that could later be mounted into the voids in the geodesic stainless steel sphere. These triangular panels were manufactured with integrated light collectors and magnetic shields (grids). As the sensors were being manufactured, the first shipment of acrylic panels for the inner acrylic sphere arrived from the Mainland. The geometry of the geodesic stainless steel structure was measured precisely with lasers before the first acrylic panel was glued to the adjustable elastic mounting pads. All panels had been precision-machined from the factory, so the process of building the sphere was one of precise positioning and careful bonding. All support points could support displacements of up to ___ mm, and could be individually adjusted to achieve desired stress levels. As the sphere took form, the flexible pads were re-adjusted to counteract the increasing weight, and distribute the support-load evenly. All bonds were machined and polished to achieve a smooth finish. The neutrino detector was then launched from the dry-dock and the entire structure filled with fresh water. The integrated buoyancy chambers around the outer perimeter of the hull ensured sufficient flotation and stability. A sequence of differential pressure tests were carried out to confirm the integrity of the detector. Scuba-divers were inspecting mounting pads for the acrylic sphere and readjusting the pads to appropriate stress/deflection levels. The acrylic tank was pressurized to __ psi and then subject to a negative pressure of __ psi. Volumetric changes were measured, both for the outer hull and for the acrylic sphere. The tanks were then emptied and cleaned to satisfy "clean-room" specifications. The sensor panels were then carefully mounted onto the geodesic steel frame. At the same time, the pressure-housings for the data aquisition system were installed and tested. Light sources were installed inside the acrylic tank to provide a source for the sensor tests. A light-protecting membrane was mounted outside each panel of sensors to prevent any light from entering the area inside the sensors. The membrane has openings that allow the buffer oil to flood the inner 4 Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 03/07/16 CEROS 7611 volume. Section by section, the sensor panels were mounted, connected and tested. This process took more than __ weeks, and the detector was located along-side on Pier X. A temporary opening in the hull had been made to facilitate easy access at dock level. The scintillator fluid was manufactured on the East coast, and was on it's way in 4 specially designed storage tanks. A storage / purification facility had been setup on Pier X for the lifetime of the project (5 years). Mineral oil for the outer volume was also shipped in 4 specially designed storage tanks. The content of these tanks were temporarily transferred to a transfer tank before the storage tanks could be lifted from the barge to the precast slabs in the purification facility. With all tanks in place, the final "charging" of the detector could take place. Scintillator fluid and mineral oil were simultaneously filled into the detector. Continuous tests of the sensor equipment was being done. Twice during this process, the filling was halted to debug problem with the sensor panels. After the detector was filled to specified levels, 1982 sensors out of 2000 were found in working order. A week long performance test was then carried out with different light sources in the scintillator tank. 5 sensor replacements had to be made by scuba-divers (in the mineral oil). Scuba divers later replaced the faulty sensors with new one. The detector was then "locked down" for transport, before the process of towing it to the Dumand site, west of Kona, Hawaii could start. The tugboat "YY" pulled the detector at a speed of ZZ kts, and the entire tow lasted for __ days. After arriving on site, the sea-state exceeded the maximum outlined in the deployment procedures. The tugboats maintained position for 3 days before conditions were acceptable. A specially designed flotation collar was used as a safety device during initial lowering process. The detector was completely flooded, allowing it to sink freely to a water depth of 100 m, at which point the flotation collar stopped further descent by providing __ tones of buoyancy. The target flooded weight of the detector was __ tones, and the synthetic lines attached between the collar and the detector had sufficient elasticity to compensate for vertical surface motion. The load-cells on the flotation collar gave feedback on the submerged weight and it was found to be 20% higher than anticipated. Final performance tests were made to confirm that the detector had survived the pressurization to 10 atmospheres. Some loud “bangs” could be heard from the sensors mounted on the detector. However, the real-time video feed from the inside of the detector confirmed that the internal acrylic compartments were still intact. (The internal light system in the detector was powered up during this stage.) A complete cycle of internal pressurization tests were repeated to confirm the volumetric stiffness of the detector and the integrity of the compartments. Having completed the final tests, the detector was lowered to the seabed. Onboard sonars would alert the winch operator that the detector was close to the seabed. The touchdown was done in a continuous operation and a lowering speed of ___ m/s. During the lowering, the shoreline cable was also paid out under tension control, from a separate cable-laying vessel. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 5 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 An acoustic release device was used to disconnect the lowering wire from the neutrino detector. The cable-laying vessel then proceeded with lay-operation for the __ km long shore connection cable to Keahole Point. After a week of initial testing, the neutrino detector was declared “fully functional”, and in operation monitoring particle collision events. …elaborate on expected Geo-neutrino results, Geo-reactor… etc… what can go wrong… 3.3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA This section attempts to provide specific details and design criteria for for use in the design process. These criteria exists in order to arrive at a detector that may fulfill the requirements & assumptions described in the “story of Hano Hano” in the previous chapter. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 6 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.3.1. 3.3.2. Construction of support structure (1) Welding & cleaning requirements? (any particular radiation issues?) (2) Corrosion protection and surface treatment? Installation of detector components in support structure (1) Scintillator tank (acrylic) (2) Sensors (a) PMT installation in pressure housing (b) Closing & testing of pressure housing (c) Winstone cone and magnetic shield (d) Mounting mechanism (3) (a) 3.3.3. 3.3.4. Wiring …how to allow for later removal/replacement (4) Shade-screen - material selection (5) Veto sensors Testing and final confirmation of performance (1) How to replace / repair individual sensor housings and/or panels. (2) Wiring for easy maintenance – how-to… Flooding and ballast systems (1) Prior to submergence, the support structure must ideally be sufficiently strong to support any level in any of the internal compartments. This might result in expensive structural requirements… If we can relax on this and require synchronized filling of compartments, the loads are greatly reduced. (2) The design of internal compartment should be such that a complete venting of all trapped air is possible, or the support structure will have to support huge external loads as the detector is lowered to it’s operating depth. (…use soft membranes for safety?) Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 7 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 (3) Both the fluids and the structure will compress due to extremely high external pressures. A mechanism for relieving pressure difference between compartments is essential. It could be in form of deformable membranes or by other means. Difference between bulk compressibility of the different materials must be taken in account when designing attachments etc. (4) Change in density due to cooling during the descent should be taken in account. Scintillator gets cooler and more dense, resulting in additional shrinkage (adds to effect of pressure) (5) Change in density due to accidental mixing due to rupture of shell between Scintillator fluid and Buffer region fluid. Need to verify density of mix between fluids to ensure that overall buoyancy is not affected. Since the true density of a mix (rhoMixTrue) of two fluids is not always the same as the density calculated from a simple mix-ratio formula (rhoMixCalc), we might get in trouble if the membrane between scintillator and the outer veto-compartment breaks: rhoMixCalc = (VolSci * rhoSci + VolWtr*rhoWtr) / (VolSci+VolWtr) rhoMixTrue = The actual density of mix between scintillator and pure water, should the membrane leak. Potential buoyancy loss due to density increase (dRho): dRho = rhoMixTrue - rhoMixCalc Also, since the "consumed volume" of the new mix might be smaller than the detector itself, the outer shell also needs to shrink. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 8 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 (6) 3.3.5. Fluid treatment system (1) (a) 3.3.6. Purification of Scintillator and oil… … Tow-to-field (1) Hydrostatic stability, … what is flooded, how to control ballast levels? 3.3.7. 3.3.8. 3.3.9. (2) Integrity of support structure. (3) Expected tow-forces & sea-worthiness. Installation to final position on seabed (1) Huge mass to lower 4000m (2) How to control & confirm? (3) Shore cable to be laid immediately after lowering detector? (4) Instrumentation & feedback? Long term seabed stability (1) Criteria for bottom placement (Roll & pitch) (2) Erosion / deep water currents? Data communication & system status (1) Additional instrumentation of detector (Pressure and temperature sensors etc.) (2) 3.3.10. Network protocol (push/pull?) Recovery for maintenance (1) How to recover? release?) Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 (…line w/manual release hook?, acoustic 9 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.3.11. Final recovery & disposal 3.3.12. Potential damage due to 3’rd party activity (1) Submarines (2) Fishing activity? Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 10 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.4. INDIVIDUAL DETECTOR COMPONENTS 3.4.1. Scintillator fluid, option 1. (1) Type: HPhenylxylylethane (PXE), an organic liquid Scintillator. [Ref. Borexino Collaboration, August 2004] 3.4.2. (2) Chemical description: C16-H18 (3) Material properties (a) Typical density: 988 kg/m3 (b) Range in density: 980 – 1000 kg/m3 (c) Viscosity (40 celsius) 5.2 cSt (d) …additional properties available in [Ref. above] Scintillator fluid, option2. (1) Type: Dodecane mix (80% Dodecane, 20% Trimethylbenzene) [Ref KamLand] (2) (a) Dodecane: C12H26 (b) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (pseudocumene) (c) +1.5 g/l 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) (d) …Please confirm the above… (3) 3.4.3. Chemical description: Material properties (a) Typical density: 778 kg/m3 (Kamland – ref.UH) (…or: 820 kg/m3) (b) Range in density: 749 – 876 kg/m3. (for various mix ratios) (c) Dodecane density: 749 kg/m3 (d) Pseudocumene density: 876 kg/m3 (e) Viscosity (…Celsius) _____ cSt Plain oil buffer & material specs Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 11 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.4.4. (1) Type: Mineral oil (2) Chemical description: _____ (3) Material properties (a) Density: _____ kg/m3 (b) …need detailed specs here & bulk compressibility properties etc. Outer detector oil / water (1) (a) Material properties (we may use oil instead of water…) Density: 1000 kg/m3 (b) 3.4.5. Photo Detectors & internal sphere electronics (1) PMT Type: Photonis XP1804. 27.0 cm hemispherical 11-stage tube. (2) Quantities: 2000 PMT’s + 200 units in outer region (3) Physical properties (a) Dry weight PMT: 1.744 kg. (b) Estimated dry weight of other electronics inside the spheres: 1.744 kg (Same as PMT weight, or as low as half of this according to Gary Varner) 3.4.6. (4) Power requirements (5) Dimensions Instrument housings (Glass spheres) (1) Quantities: 2000 + 200 units for outer region (2) Manufacturer A: Benthos (a) Type: “Deep Sea Glass Spheres” (b) Glass quality: Borosilicate (low expansion) (c) Physical properties Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 12 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 Refractive index … Dispersion … (d) Standard model 13” OD (330mm) 12” ID (305mm) 9.07 kg dry weight 10.4 kg buoyancy Depth rating: 11034m (e) Cost: $305 per unit. ($___ for large quantities) (f) Hard hat option: $104 per unit ($____ for large quantities) (3) Manufacturer B: Nautilus / Schott (a) Type: Deep Sea Glass Spheres (b) Glass quality: Vitrovex (3.3 borosilicate glass) (c) Physical properties: Refractive index (nd): 1.472 Dispersion (nf-nc): 72.6e-4 (d) Standard models 13” OD (330mm) 306 mm ID 8.5 kg dry weight 107 Newton buoyancy Depth rating: 9000m Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 13 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.4.7. (e) Cost: $____ per unit. ($___ per unit when ordering 2000) (f) Hard hat option: ____ Acrylic boundary & material specs (1) Type: Polycast (2) Manufacturer: Spartech Polycast (3) Physical properties (a) Dry weight: 1190 kg/m3 (b) Thermal expansion: 0.000042 in/in/deg.F (c) Water absorption: 0.26% after 26 days (d) Refractive index: 1.49 (4) Tensile strength (a) Yield: 11250 psi (b) Elongation at rupture: 6.4% (c) E modulus: 450000 psi (5) Flexural strength (a) Rupture: 15250 psi (b) E modulus: 475000 psi (6) Compressive strength (a) Yield: 18000 psi (b) E modulus: 440000 psi (7) Sheer strength: 9000 psi (a) (8) Thickness: _____mm minimum, ___mm maximum. (9) Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 14 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 3.4.8. 3.4.9. 3.4.10. 3.4.11. Cabling – electrical (1) Cable type: Coax - _____. (2) Estimated Quantity: ____ m (3) Manufacturer: _________ (4) Physical properties (a) Dry weight: ____kg/m (b) Submerged weight: ____ (in liquid: ____ at pressure___) Cabling – optical (1) Cable type: ___________ (2) Estimated Quantity: ____ m (3) Manufacturer: _____________--- (4) Physical properties (a) Dry weigh: _____kg/m (b) Submerged weight: _____(in liquid: ____ at pressure ___) Control units & multiplexers(?) (1) Dimensions: ______ (2) Dry weight: ______ (3) Pressure housing required: yes/no? (4) Submerged weight: _____ (in liquid: ____ at pressure _____) (5) Power consumption Total power requirements (1) _______ Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 15 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. SHORE CABLE PURPOSE 4.1.1. Communications requirements 4.1.2. Power requirements MATERIALS 4.2.1. Cable 4.2.2. Terminations PLANNING AND INSTALLATION 4.3.1. Bathymetry and cable selection For the purpose of this project, the shore-cable can be assumed laid on the seabed between the detector location and Keahole point. 4.3.2. Near shore protection For estimating purposes, the cable shall be assumed armored down to a water-depth of 500m. 4.3.3. Termination at Neutrino detector …think about how we connect to detector and how to deal with deployment & recovery issues. 4.4. SHORE STATION / ONSHORE COMMUNICATION LINK …what is the vision here? Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 16 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 5. 5.1. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS HARBORS 5.1.1. Depth of harbors Comment: None of the harbors in State of Hawaii has sufficient depth for complete submergence of a 20m+ structure. Pearl harbor is the deepest with it’s ~15m draft. To completely flood the neutrino detector, the structure needs added buoyancy. For the purpose of design, we assume a design draft of 10m, keeping in mind that the detector should be maintainable on the Big Island too. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 17 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 5.1.2. (1) Honolulu: 40’ (12.2m) (2) Pearl harbor: 49’ (14.95m) (3) Barbers point: 38’ (11.6m) (4) Hilo: 35’ (10.7m) (5) Kawaihae: 35’ (10.7m) Harbor entrance (widths) (1) Honolulu: 500’ (Not a problem) (2) Pearl harbor: 1200’ (Not a problem) (3) Barbers point: 450’ (Not a problem) (4) Hilo: 800’ (Not a problem) (5) Kawaihae: 525’ (6) 5.2. CANALS – LONG TRANSITS 5.2.1. Panama Canal (1) The panama canal draft limit is: 12m, but PCC now restricts to 11m draft maximum to reduce water usage. (2) The beam limit is: 106’, but if under 100’, the passage takes less time, since the vessels can then pass eachother. (3) Panamax vessels are the largest specially constructed to cross the canal, and have a beam in excess of 100’ (4) Average cost of a transit is $47000 (avg. of all vessels) (5) Vessels under 50’ pays $500 (6) Takes about a day to transit.(48 miles) (7) 5.3. BATHYMETRY Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 18 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 For the purpose of this project, no bathymetric survey will be required. For design purposes, the detector will be placed on the seabed in a water-depth of 4000m. The expected bottom conditions can be assumed ideal: Firm, stable, bottom sediments with moderate slopes of ___ degrees. The area can be assumed 20 km west of Keahole point. 5.4. OCEAN WAVES The anticipated deep-water particle motion due to surface-wave action can be assumed negligible. However, the waves during launch, tow-to-field and final lowering will however affect the safety of the detector. The following conditions can be assumed: 5.5. Assembly location: Sea-State ____ Tow-To-Field route: Sea-state ____ or less severe. Lowering of detector: Sea-state ____ ( __ m waves of period __sec. Etc….) OCEAN CURRENTS Design currents should be based on “typical” deep-water Pacific currents in the region of Hawaii. For the purpose of deployment analysis, the following current profile can be assumed: Depth Current magnitude 0 m ___ kts. 100 m ___ kts. > 200m ___ kts. 5.6. SEISMIC EVENTS The bottom-resting detector shall be designed to survive seismic events typical to Hawaii. Horizontal sea-bed accelerations of ____m/s2 should be accounted for when designing the detector and all internal sub-systems. Vertical accelerations can be assumed __% of horizontal values. 5.7. MARINE LIFE Under normal operation, the detector should be designed to have no adverse effect on the marine life. The Neutrino Detector contains a combination of pure water, mineral oil and scintillator fluids. The fluid containment system should be designed with double protection against spills. If applicable, all USCG regulations needs to be followed. The exterior detector surface will be surface-treated similar to any marine vessel to prevent corrosion and limit marine growth. Standard treatment procedures, using approved materials needs to be used. Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 19 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 6. 6.1. COST MATERIAL COST 6.1.1. Steel The average cost of steel (2003) was $250-350 per ton, but has since January of 2004 rised to $650-$750 per ton. Stainless steel prices have tripled. A standard LNG tanker (insulated) (130000m3) cost $150 – 250 million ($1923 per m3 tank volume) (Ref. 185.pdf from A standard LPG tanker (not insulated) cost $60 million / 130000m3 ($461/m3) CONFIRM SIZE!! US Navy 95-99 vessels cost 780 million in average (46 ships) 6.2. SIZE VS DURATION OPTIMIZATION The tradeoff between building small and operating over a longer duration vs. building big and achieve a shorter period of operation might need to be made to make the final sizing decision. The following is a draft set of assumptions: Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 20 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.2.3. 6.2.4. 6.2.5. 6.2.6. 6.2.7. Detector Fixed cost, independent on size (1) PMT / Instrument housing (2) Electronics etc. Detector Variable cost, dependent on Surface area of sphere(s) (1) Cabling (2) Surface treatment (3) … Detector Variable cost, depending on Volume of sphere(s) (1) Scintillator (inner sphere) (2) Mineral oil (void between inner and outer superstructure) (3) Ballast systems / pumps (4) … Detector Variable cost, depending on Volume AND area (1) Acrylic tank (Additional thickness required to support larger size) (2) Support frame (Additional strength needed to support larger size) (3) Steel superstructure framing needs to be stronger when we go bigger (4) … Land systems (support & maintenance – Independent of size (1) Office, computers, networking, etc. Independent of size (2) Stor Land systems – dependent on size (1) Storage tanks for mineral oil / Scintillator fluids (2) Pumps & other support dependent on capacity req. Labor cost Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 21 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 6.2.8. (1) Salaries of staff (2) Salaries of Researchers Land lease (1) Might need larger area to support 4kt system (2) Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 22 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611 7. SCHEDULE & MILESTONES UH report #1 is due Mid-August. (Payment #1). CEROS Milestone report is due mid August. (Task 1 complete). UH report #2 is due mid-September. (Payment #2). CEROS Milestone report is due mid-October. (Task 2,4,8,9 complete) UH report #3 is due mid-November. (Payment #3) UH report #4 is due mid-January. (Payment #4) CEROS Milestone report is due mid-February. (Task 3,5,6,7 complete) UH report #5 is due mid-March. (Payment #5) CEROS Milestone report is due mid-April. (Task 10,11,12,13 complete) CEROS Milestone report is due mid-May. (Task 14 and 15 complete) UH report #6 due (Payment #6) CEROS Final report is due mid-June. (Confirm this…) Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. 03/07/16 23 HanoHano Neutrino Detector, BOD-Rev.1 CEROS 7611