
Office Hours:
邱志聖 Jyh-shen Chiou
商學大樓第 261039 室
9393091 ext. 81039
Wed 11:30-12:30
Course Objectives
1. Develop an understanding of international marketing as a domain of research
2. Develop ability to understand the linkage between marketing theories and
researchable hypothesis
3. Acquire some skills to conduct research on international marketing
Attendance and Participation
Attendance of and proactive participation in each class is expected.
Discussion Participation
Term Paper
Transaction Cost Analysis FoundationⅠ
Williamson, Oliver E. (1975), Market and Hierarchies: Analysis and Anti-Trust
Implication, NY: The Free Press. Chapter 2.
Williamson, Oliver E. (1991), “Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of
Discrete Structural Alternatives,” Adminstrative Science Quarterly, 36, 169-196.
Barney, Jay B. and William G. Ouchi (1986), “Conclusion and Learning from
Organizational Economics,” in Organizational Economics, San Francisco, CA:
Transaction Cost Analysis FoundationⅡ
邱志聖,策略行銷分析, chapter 1-12
David, Robert and Shin-Kap Han (2001), “A Systematic Assessment of the Empirical
Support for Transaction Cost Economics,” Strategic Management Journal, 25, 39-58.
National Holiday
Topic: Buyer-Seller Dyadic Relationships
Dyer, Robert F., Paul Schurr, and Sejo Oh (1987), “Developing Buyer-Seller
Relationships,” JM, April.
Doney, Patricia M. and Joseph P. Cannon (1997), “An Examination of the Nature of
Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships,” JM, April, pp. 35-51.
Ghosh, M. and G. John (2005), “Strategic Fit in Industrial Alliances: An Empirical
Test of Governance Value Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 346-357.
Rokkan, A. I., Jan B. Heide, and Kenneth H. Wathne (2003), “Specific Investments in
Marketing Relationships: Exploration and Bonding Effects,” JMR, (May), 210-224.
International Channel ManagementⅠ
Morgan, N.A., A. Kaleka, and C.S. Katsikeas (2004), “Antecedents of Export Venture
Performance: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Assessment,” Journal of Marketing,
68(January), 90-108.
Lee, D. et al. (2004), “Importers’ Benevolence Toward Their Foreign Export
Suppliers,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 32-48.
Gabrielsson, M et al. (2000), “Multiple Channel Strategies in the European Personal
Computer Industry,” Journal of International Marketing, 10(3), 73-95.
International Channel ManagementⅡ
Ping Jr., Robert A. (2003), “Antecedents of Satisfaction in Marketing Channel,”
Journal of Retailing, 79, 237-248.
Zhang, C. and S T Cavusgil and A S Roath (2003), ” Manufacturer governance of
foreign distributor relationships: do relational norms enhance competitiveness in the
export market?,” Journal of International Business
Studies 34, no. 6 (November 1): 550.
Hibbard, J. D. et al. (2001), “Examining the Impact of Destructive Acts in Marketing
Channel Relationship,” Journal of Marketing Research, 38(Feb), 45-61.
Trust in Joint Venture
Madhok (2006). How much does ownership really matter? Equity and trust relations
in joint venture relationships. Journal of International Business
Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1): 4-11.
Svejenova (2006). How much does trust really matter? Some reflections on the
significance and implications of Madhok's trust-based approach. Journal of
International Business Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1): 12-20.
Zaheer, Akbar Zaheer. (2006). Trust across borders. Journal of International Business
Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1): 21-29.
Madhok (2006). Revisiting multinational firms' tolerance for joint ventures: a
trust-based approach. Journal of International Business
Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1): 30-43.
Psychology Theory Foundation
Petty, R.E., R.H. Unnava, and A.J. Strathman, “Theories of Attitude Change,”
Alba, J.W., & Hutchinson, J.W. (1987). Dimensions of consumer expertise. Journal
of Consumer Research, 13, 411-454.
Satisfaction and Loyalty I
Chiou, Jyh-shen (1999), “A Contingency Framework of Satisfaction Formation,”
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior,
Vol. 12.
Oliver, Richard L. (1999), “Whence Consumer Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing, 63
(Special Issue), 33-44.
Singh, Jagdip and Deepak Sirdeshmukh (2000), “Agency and Trust Mechanisms in
Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Judgments,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 28 (1), 150-167.
Switching Cost
Burnham, T.A., J.K. Frels, and V. Mahajan (2003), “Consumer Switching Costs: A
Typology, Antecedents, and Consequesnces,” JAMS, 31(2), 109-126.
Bansal, H.S., S.F. Taylor, and Y. St. James (2005), “’Migrating‘ to New Service
Providers: Toward a Unifying Framework of Consumers’ Switching Behaviors,”
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(1), 96-115.
No class (for preparation)
Term paper topic preliminary presentation
Satisfaction and Loyalty II
Chiou, Jyh-Shen and Cornelia Droge (2006), Service Quality, Trust, Specific
Asset Investment and Expertise: Direct and Indirect Effects in a
Satisfaction-Loyalty Framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, , 31:4 (Fall), 1-15.
Capraro, A., S. Broniarczyk, and R.K. Srivastava (2003), “Factors Influencing the
Likelihood of Customer Defection: The Role of Consumer Knowledge,” JAMS, 31(2),
Bell, S.J., S. Auh, and K. Smalley (2005), “Customer Relationship Dynamics: Service
Quality and Customer Loyalty in the Context of Varying Levels of Customer
Expertise and Switching Costs,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2),
Information Issues
Kirmani Amna and Akshay R. Rao (2000), “No Pain, No Gain: A Critical Review of
the Literature on Signaling Unobservable Product Quality,” Journal of Marketing,
64(April), 66-79.
DiMaggio, Paul and Hugh Louch (1998), “Socially Embedded Consumer
Transactions: For What Kinds of Purchases Do People Most Often Use Networks?,”
American Sociological Review, 63(5), 619-637.
Aiken, K. D. and David M. Boush (2006), “Trustmarks, Objective-Source Ratings,
and Implied Investments in Advertising: Investigating Online Trust and the
Context-Specific Nature of Internet Signals,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 34(3), 308-323.
Global Brand Issues
Steenkamp, J. et al. (2003), “How Perceived Brand Globalness Create Brand Value,”
JIBS, 34. 53-65.
Algesheimer, R., U.M. Dholakia, and A. Herrmann (2005), “The Social Influence of
Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs,” Journal of Marketing,
69(July), 19-34.
Dana L. Alden, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, and Rajeev Batra (1999), “Brand
Positioning Through Advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: The Role of
Global Consumer Culture,” Journal of Marketing, 63, January, 75-87.
Term paper presentation