MUNICIPALITY OF ROSKILDE ROSKILD Cooperation between Municipalities and Higher Education Institutions MECINE Medium-sized cities network Europe Results from a Survey Lene Ekholm Petersen and Viggo Plum Roskilde 2006 1 Contents Preface page 3 Municipalities page 4 The Municipality of Joensuu page 4 The Municipality of Linköping page 5 The Municipality of Ravenna page 5 The Municipality of Roskilde page 5 The Municipality of Speyer page 6 The Municipality of Tønsberg page 6 Summary page 6 Universities and higher Education Centres page 7 University of Joensuu page 8 North Karelian University of Applied Science, Polytechnic page 9 Linköping University page 10 University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus page 10 Roskilde University page 11 German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer page 12 The University College of Vestfold (VUC) page 12 Summary page 14 Total Summary page 14 Appendix A Introduction letter page i Appendix B Questionnaire for the municipalities page ii Appendix C Questionnaire for the universities/higher education centres page iii 2 Preface In August 2004 Roskilde Municipality (Claus Billehøj) and Roskilde University (Viggo Plum) organized a 3 days seminar with focus on the interplay between Town and University (a higher education in the region) and regional development. After a successful seminar the Mecine group later asked for a small survey on the interplay between Municipality and Higher Education Institution in the Region. Roskilde University was asked to do this little survey and Lene Ekholm Petersen has done the hard work in consultations with Viggo Plum. Claus Billehøj and later Lena Bruun Jensen from Roskilde Municipality have also been involved in some consultations. The background for the survey is: a) Questionnaires sent to the municipalities, b) Questionnaires sent to the universities or higher education institutions c) Impression from the seminar (2004) for all municipalities and higher education institutions in the network d) Later meetings and talks with actors. The questionnaires are in appendix A+B+C. Viggo Plum 3 Municipalities: Six of the nine municipalities responded to the questionnaires sent to the municipalities. We asked some municipalities two times for responds. We are glad to have results from Joensuu, Linköping, Ravenna, Roskilde, Speyer and Tønsberg. In short the questionnaires for the municipalities were answered like this: Joensuu Linköping Ravenna Roskilde Speyer Do you have a No Yes Yes Business Yes business consultant + department or a memberbusiness office? ship in the regional business adviser office Does the office Ongoing Ongoing Occasio OccasioOccasio cooperate with the coopera- cooperanally – a nally – a nally – a university or tion tion few few times few higher Education times times Centre? Do other Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes departments cooperate with the university or higher Education Centre? Does the Yes No Yes Yes Yes municipality have trainees from the university or the higher Education Centre? Does the Yes No Yes Yes No municipality have student jobs? Tønsberg No - Yes Yes No The Municipality of Joensuu In Joensuu they don’t have a business department/business office, but a company Joensuu Regional Development Company (Josek Ltd.) owned by the city and 7 other municipalities around Joensuu, carries the operative responsibility for definition of the regional business policy, for business counseling, business development and marketing of the region. The City has an ongoing cooperation with the universities in the form of joint projects, input for the development of strategies, exchange of trainees and thesis work. 4 The Department of Education cooperates with the University in educating teachers for the school. The local schools serves i.a. as research objects in various themes, and the city is responsible for organizing adequate pool of scholars for the University practice school, where teachers are being trained. There are also established a cooperation about English language schooling in order to attract international researchers at the University. The Technical Department provides normal municipal services for the University, and it also finds appropriate locations for the infrastructure needed by the University and indoor space for University activities. The Social Services and Health Care Department provides practical cases and traineeships for the University. The International Department cooperates with the University about student exchange and activities for international researchers. The city offers through a company Joensuu Elli Ltd. Student housing for over 3.000 students in Joensuu. There is also an ongoing case-to-case collaboration on different topics between all departments and the Universities. Asides from the Municipality’s own student jobs, the City also gives grants to small business and organizations for employing juveniles. The Municipality of Linköping In Linköping they do have a business department/business office. The department/office does have an ongoing cooperation with the University, which is very well developed. A number of projects have been carried out over the years. The City and the University cofinance various actions within the field of student recruitment, entrepreneurship and research concerning local business establishment. Two development and research centres have been established, one within social affairs and one within educational affairs. The cooperation is very well developed and the relationship is defined as well working and efficient. The Municipality in Linköping doesn’t have trainees or student jobs, but some students write their theses in close cooperation with municipal departments. The students give the department assistance to analyze a specific issue, and at the same time the students get access to a real framework and practical knowledge. The Municipality also offers teachers practical training at some schools, for the students who study to be teachers. The Municipality of Ravenna The Municipality of Ravenna does have a business office, which occasionally cooperate with the University. Other departments in the Municipality also cooperate with the University. The Municipality does have trainees from the University and student jobs. The Municipality of Roskilde In Roskilde they have a business consultant, who occasionally cooperates with Roskilde University. They also have membership in the regional business adviser office. The Department of Children and Culture, the Technical and Environmental Department and the Social Department also cooperate with the University, and these departments have about 10 trainees from the University spread out between them. The Municipality has about 3 students job. 5 The Municipality of Speyer In Speyer they have a small business office with a staff of two people. The office cooperates occasionally with the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. The municipality also cooperates in a number of projects regarding administrative topics such as; E-government, political participation, citizens panels and representative surveys. The Municipality does occasionally have trainees from the University on specific subjects. They don’t offer any student jobs. The Municipality of Tønsberg The Municipality of Tønsberg doesn’t have a business office or a business department, but many of the other departments cooperate with University College of Vestfold (VUC), concerning items like technical support, different projects, education, nursing, environmental problems, IT-projects, coordination of services to the inhabitants in 12 of the municipalities in the area, regional development, administration, infrastructure and more. They don’t have trainees, but some students work with special projects which require close contact with different departments, and they then work in the department for some time. Summary The survey with questionnaires to the municipalities tells us that all of the municipalities do have some kind of cooperation with a higher Education Centre in the area. Nearly all have a business department, a business office or an organization to deal with regional and business development including relations to universities/higher education institutions, and in all the municipalities other departments cooperate with the University or higher Education Centre. Five of the municipalities have trainees, and three municipalities have student jobs. 6 Universities and higher Education Centres: Six of the nine universities and higher Education Centres responded to the questionnaires sent to the universities or higher Education Centres. We asked some universities/higher Education Centres two times for responds. We are glad to have results from Joensuu, Linköping, Ravenna, Roskilde, Speyer and Tønsberg, the same locations as the responses from the municipalities. The questionnaires for the Universities or higher Education Centres were answered like this: Joensuu Joensuu Linköping Ravenna Name of Institution University of North Karelian Linköping University of Joensuu University of University Bologna – Applied Ravenna Sciences, Campus polytechnic No. of full-time stud. 7.359 3.739 27.000 3.500 No.of part-time stud. 9.476 562 About 5.000 No. of research stud. 844 0 Approx. 1.400 15 No. of researchers, 622 229,5 Professors: 320 150 lectors, professors, Lectors: 1.350 and teachers Research calculated in fullassistants: 750 time jobs. All: 2.420 No. of other 567 80,9 Adm. staff: 730 50 employees, Techn.staff: 450 secretaries, technical Add. staff: 90 staff etc. All: 1.270 Subjects students Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Cultural can do Education, Natural technology, Heritage, Math., Sciences, Sciences, social science Physics, Law, Forestry, Culture, and natural Engineering, Theology and Technology, science Medicine and Social Sciences Social services, Chemistry Environment and Tourisme A 3+2 structure Yes Yes Yes! Not fully Yes (bachelor + master) impl. App. 30% A 3+1 structure No No Yes! Approx. 70% Years it officially 5 years 3,85 years 2-5,5 years 5 years takes to take a full minimum 4,5 degree years for master The actual number 4,8 years 3,9 years Approx. 4,7 6 or 7 years of years spent on a years for master full degree 7 Roskilde Speyer Name of Institution Roskilde University German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer No. of full-time stud. 8.200 448 No. of part-time stud. 800 0 No. of research stud. 300 126 No. of researchers, 500 Professors: 17 lectors, professors, and Assistants: 17 teachers calculated in All: 34 full-time jobs. No. of other 350 110 employees, secretaries, technical staff etc. Subjects students can Science, Arts and Administrative do Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, science, Public Finance, Communication, Politics and Social Economic and Sciences Philosophy A 3+2 structure Yes No (bachelor + master) A 3+1 structure No No Years it officially 5 years 1 year post master takes to take a full degree The actual number of Bachelor: 3,5 years 1 year years spent on a full Master: 3 years degree Tønsberg The University College of Vestfold (VUC) 3.800 2.000 40 250 140 Maritime operations, teaching, social sciences, health care, engineering Yes No 5 years 5,5 years The Joensuu Region has 2 Universities. University of Joensuu The University Senate includes a person from the City of Joensuu, and also a person from another city Savonlinna. At the moment both serves as mayors for the two cities. That guaranties information exchange between the University Senate and the City Executive Boards. The main field in the cooperation is student’s housing, student’s other services, construction of University’s buildings and the Science Park activities. The role of the University in the regional development is to produce well-educated experts for the region. The University also accomplish about 70 million euros’ turnover for the regional development. Half of the regional R&D Funding are used by the University. 8 The main goal of the cooperation is to develop a very attractive and innovative environment for education and living. The cooperation is working quite well. Of specific projects where knowledge from the University is used locally is mentioned: 1) Spatia- Centre of Regional Research, which carries out research on regional economic development and competitive ability, rural development, cross-border cooperation (business to Russia) and evaluation research. Spatia’s main customer organizations are municipalities, federation of municipalities, regional administrative units, ministries and international organizations (e.g. EU) and enterprises. 2) InFotonics Centre Joensuu is a research and business service for modern optics which combines photonics and information technology know-how. The InFotonics Centre provides an interface between industry and the University of Joensuu in commercialization of high technology optical research. 3) SMARC – Special Materials Research Center’s main goal is to develop together with industry scientific innovations of material chemistry into products. North Karelian University of Applied Sciences, polytechnic The cooperation between the University and the Municipality is very close because the University NKUAS is a commercial enterprise maintained by the City of Joensuu. The financial support comes mainly from Ministry of Education. The City Board is responsible for the administration and economy of NKUAS, and the Central Administration of NKUAS is located in the University’s President’s Office, where the matters strategically essential to administering the University and tasks of external operations are focused on. NKUAS has 10 campuses where 6 are located in Joensuu (This organization structure is in a European university perspective very special). The role of the University is to develop new technology especially developing the virtual polytechnic in Finland, also to enhance the internationalization of the region. NKUAS is very active in regional development and has implemented structural funds projects since Finland became a member state in EU in 1995. The goal for the cooperation is to promote regional development and regional strategies, to support municipality education and training policy and to develop enterprises such as reports and case studies on different areas of entrepreneurship, theses commissioned according to the needs of enterprises and organizations, practical training (in Finland and abroad), continuing education and tailor-made training plus applied research and development services set by enterprises and organizations. The wish for the future is to increase international cooperation. Of specific projects is mentioned: 1) The Access project – a foundation for lifelong learning. The project educates adults who wants to study in the Polytechnic, but don’t have the basic skills for university level. Access also educates staff of companies and of the public sector to up-grate their qualifications. 9 2) The Future of Labour in Social Services and Health Care- Project. The primary task of the project was to prepare for the lack of employment force and know-how in North Karelia due to retirement of the baby boomer generation. The project supported and increased well-being at work among social and health care personnel and deepened the professional skills and know-how of new employees in social services and health care and informed the public about future employment opportunities in social services and health care. 3) Development and Education Project for Primary Health Care in North Karelia (Perenna) consisted 13 individual projects in which all supported the development work and the resources of the personnel in the municipalities. The project developed customer-oriented basic services and developed operations models and methods in social services and health care. Linköping University In Linköping the cooperation with the city is very well developed. Leading local politicians are members of the university board and various institutional boards within the University organization. The management in the City and the University meet twice a year to discuss issues of mutual interest. The non-political management meets six times a year. The mayor and the city commissioners meet with the student organizations five times a year. Linköping University also cooperates with several other municipalities in a centre called, Centre for Municipal Strategically Studies (CKS). The overall objectives are to stimulate the development of research important to municipalities and to stimulate the overall interest of municipal related research among researchers and practicians. The Centre also develops structures for dissemination and promotes platforms for cooperation between research and municipal development units. The role of the University in the regional development aims to stimulate entrepreneurship, growth, prosperity and welfare in the region. Hereby being a driving force in the cosmopolitan society. The overall goal for the cooperation with the City is to stimulate local and regional development, foster growth and employment, attract important competencies to the region, increase the number of students at the University, and to develop a student friendly city. The wishes for the cooperation in the future are to deepen and continuously develop the cooperation. The University is involved in a “Quality City Project”, a huge survey in different towns including the Mecine Network interviews and focus groups etc. to evaluate quality of life in different towns in different scales. This Quality City project is an example of how scientific expertise successfully contributes to strengthen municipal initiatives. University of Bologna – Ravenna Campus The Municipality of Ravenna created in 1989 the Fondazione Flaminia that carries out promotional and support activities for the development of the University of scientific research and of higher training in Romagna. The activity of Fondazione Flaminia consist in: Organizing conventions, initiatives, shows and publications of cultural and scientific 10 interest; favoring the connection of the scientific and cultural structures of the territory; carrying out higher training activities; favoring the entrance in the world market of students and course attendees; promoting collaboration amongst universities, cultural institutions, high schools and training schools; developing activities in the research field and stimulate synergies between the university and the production world; acquiring venues, furniture and equipment for didactic and scientific activities; favoring activities of student organizations, financing cultural activities that they propose and services offered by these associations. The role of the University in the regional development is: a) Research and university development b) Research in sustainable production activities and c) Development of vocational training. The goals for the cooperation between the University and the Municipality is research projects in the environment field, services for students, cultural activities and congress and cultural and tourist promotion. The cooperation level is already satisfying. Of specific projects is mentioned: Fondazione RavennAntica Parco Archeologico di Classe – Archaological Parc of Classe, Mar Museo d’arte della città – City Art Museum and Classense and Oriani Library. Roskilde University In Roskilde there is a close weekly collaboration concerning industrial development, regional and national planning and the development of student dormitories including offers to foreign students. The role of the University in the regional development is to educate a well educated workforce, to both the national and international labour market. It is also the role of the University to advice industrial institutions and administrations engineering development and improvement. The goals for the cooperation are to create added value, which is related to the municipality and region. The wishes for the cooperation in the future are more formal research board collaboration. Of specific projects where knowledge from the University has been used locally or regionally the University mentions: To reduce the waste of raw material in the production process, to reduce waste of energy in the production process, to create new possibilities for human resources development in private firms, in institutions and in administrations, to develop support structure of local development, to create support structure for industrial development, to create awareness of new possibilities in local administration, to create better offers from the commercial sector to industries and commerce and to create good offers from the Business Service Centres for business in the region. 11 German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer The University describes the cooperation with the City as good. They have teaching experts from the municipality administration to come at the University as external examiners (censors), and students can work as trainees at the Municipality. The Municipality also gives grants and prices to excellent students and help hosting students. The role of the University in the regional development is primarily to be the center of administrative Sciences of all Germany, but also to cooperate with other institutions, firms and higher education institutions on a regional level. The goals for the cooperation are mutual benefit and development, better communication and mutual aid. The wishes for the cooperation in the future is better understanding of the problem of each partner, better integration of the University in the region. The University College of Vestfold (VUC) The cooperation with Tønsberg Municipality is mainly through projects between 12 collaborating municipalities in Vestfold (the 12K-project) and Various R&D projects. By law the University Colleges of Vestfold should play an active role in the regional development i.e. in all value adding activities – both in the private and in the public sectors the University is following up through R&D projects and by building relations and structures for collaboration. The goals for the cooperation is for the University to be the regional center of expertise – and together with the municipalities build effective systems for industrial, social and cultural development. The wish for the future is Triple Helix structures – and linking regional, national and international interests with University College of Vestfold as driving and coordinating force. Of specific projects is mentioned: 1) The Electronic Coast project which have been followed by the national project The Norwegian Centre of Expertise. 2) Various projects in collaboration with 12K. 3) The cooperation between the regional governmental agencies and the private industries in the region. 12 The questions about who the Universities work together with were answered like this: Do you work together with the local business council or similar institutions? Ad Hoc with special projects between researchers and the institutions. With special meetings between top level persons from the university and top level officials from business councils. None of the above. No real contact. Joensuu Joensuu Linköping Ravenna Roskilde Speyer Tønsberg - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Someti Yes mes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes Do you work together with other educational institutions? To influent the regional development. To coordinate education planning and interests at a local level. Other purposes. Joensuu Joensuu Linköping Ravenna Roskilde Speyer Tønsberg Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Lesser Yes Saving money Regional development - No real contact. - - - To create good entrance to the University. - - 13 - - Summary 1) All of the Universities cooperate with local institutions, they influent the regional development and they coordinate their work with other Education Institutions. 2) Joensuu University and North Karelian University of Applied Sciences, polytechnic are in very close collaboration with the Municipality, since the Mayor are on the board of the Senate and especially since NKUAS are an enterprise of Joensuu. 3) All of the Universities have (ad hoc) projects between researchers and other institutions and they all have meetings with top level officials from business councils. 4) The municipalities and universities collaborate to give good students facilities with Joensuu as an outstanding example, where the Town runs 3000 rooms for students. 5) Impacts from the Universities seems to be: a) Developing a good workforce for the region and nation b) Boost the regional ADP c) Do research in local and international context d) Being a base of science to the region e) Making the town/region more attractive to settlement. Total summary In countries with more peripheral structure of development it looks like the university’s regional role is officially more clear. Joensuu University and North Karelian University of Applied Sciences, polytechnic have 2 mayors on the senate. NKUAS is directly controlled from the Board of Joensuu Municipality. Peripheral universities seems to have several projects with focus on a) peripheral development, b) collaboration with local/regional actors and a municipality deep involved in serving and facilitating the universities and running students halls. Vestfold (Tønsberg) point out that the law claim universities and higher education institutions most be local/regional involved to support development. In the other end of the scale lies Speyer, with a small specialized university for administration education. In South Germany with high population density is this specialized university looking more for the national market for the students and less for local interaction in scale and in form. Personal the authors get the impression from many visits to universities towns and universities that all have a common result for the area, making the local/regional area more attractive for the labour force of tomorrow. This is important how ever we talk about the “creative class” or stick to the urbanization and need for longer education as well as knowledge based economy. Nearly all universities and municipalities seems to have active relationships either on formalized top level or/and on ad hoc project ideas. Most universities do have some relations to the business actors in the region even if it is unclear from the survey how much it is on everyday life, but politically many actors point out the necessity of interaction. Attention: Parts of the answer from Linköping Municipality and from Linköping University are identical. Therefore it is reasonable to assume, that the questionnaires or parts of the questionnaires have been filled out by the same person. 14 Appendix A Introduction letter: Roskilde, 9th of December In September 2004, The European network of Twin towns which includes, Evora (Portugal), Joensuu (Finland), Lamia (Greece), Linköping (Sweden), Ravenna (Italy), Roskilde (Denmark), Speyer (Germany), Tønsberg (Norway) and Gniezno (Poland), held a conference about relationships between the municipality and institutions of higher education in the area, even if it was in some distance from the actual Twin town. It has been decided between the Twin towns (Mecine Network) to collect some basic information on the higher education institutions as well as their relation with the municipalities in the Mecine Network. For this investigation it will be very helpful if you can respond to the following questions before 20th of January. You can respond by e-mail to Thank you for your cooperation. Lena Bruun Townplanner Municipality of Roskilde E-mail: Viggo Plum Associated Professor University of Roskilde Section for Geography E-mail: Lene Ekholm Petersen Research Assistant University of Roskilde Section for Geography E-mail: 15 Appendix B Questionnaire for the Municipality of: Do you have a business department or a business office? Maybe together with another municipality? Does the office cooperate with the university or a higher Education Center? Occasionally – a few times Ongoing cooperation Exchanging general viewpoints No real contact Does the municipality have other departments of education, technical, social or environmental which cooperate with the university or a higher Education Center? Does the municipality have trainees from the university or the higher Education Center (students)? Does the municipality have student jobs? Thank you for your cooperation 16 Appendix C Questionnaire for the University or higher Education Center in the region/local area of: A) Name of Institution: What is the number of full-time students? What is the number of part-time students? What is the number of research students (PhD.)? What is the number of researchers, lectors, professors, teachers – calculate as fulltime jobs? What is the number of other employees – secretaries, technical staff etc.? What are the (main) subjects students can do? Do you have a 3+2 structure (bachelor + master)? Do you have a 3+1 structure? How many years will it officially take to take a full degree? What is the actual number of years spent on a full degree (average)? B) Describe your current cooperation with the municipality (the local authority/administration system): What is the role of the university or the higher Education Center in the regional development? Do you work together with the local business council or similar institutions? In which way? Ad Hoc with special projects between researchers and the institutions. With special meetings between top level persons from the university (Rectors or similar persons) and top level officials from business councils. 17 None of the above. Then how? No real contact. Do you work together with other educational institutions? To influent the regional development. To coordinate education planning and interests at a local level. Other purpose – which purpose No real contact What are the goals of the cooperation between the university (and other educational institutions) and the municipality? In which way would you like the cooperation to evolve? Could you mention some specific projects where knowledge from the University or higher Education Center in the region/local area has been used locally or regionally by private or public companies/institutions? Thank you for your cooperation 18 19