District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 December 2009 (President) Assist the president in assuring that proper notice is submitted to Rotary International and to the District Governor giving the names of the new president, secretary, and the club meeting place and time. Read DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested. January 2010 (President-elect) – January is Rotary Awareness Month Register for the President-elect Training Seminar (PETS). Encourage your President Nominee to register. Meet with your new board members and begin to appoint committee chairs, committee members, and service directors for your year. Read– DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested. February 2010 (President-elect) – February is World Understanding Month Continue to finalize club goals Register for District Assembly(LEADS) and Foundation-Membership Seminar to be held May 1, 2010 at Flowery Branch High School. Bring your Leadership Team as well as new members to learn more about Rotary and how to increase your club’s effectiveness in the world. March 2010 (President-elect) Attend PETS at Renaissance Concourse, Atlanta Airport on March 13-14, 2010. Review: Club By-laws, District Operating Procedures, RI Manual of Procedures, and District Directory (Handbook) Ambassadorial Scholarship Pre-Application is due to District Office by March 15, 2010. Register for the District Conference held April 15-18, 2010 in Jekyll Island, GA and promote attendance by other club members. This is a celebration of club accomplishments and fellowship with the family of Rotary to be experienced by all Rotarians. Register for RI Convention in Montreal, Quebec in June 20-23, 2010. Finish appointing chairs and committee members. Read DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested April 2010 (President-elect) Deadline for the registering for the District Assembly (LEADS) and Foundation-Membership Seminar is 4/15/10. Read club president’s workbook and the club committee manuals from RI With appropriate board members and committee chairs, develop realistic club goals and objectives for your year. Be sure to pay attention to the district goals and incorporate them into club’s goals Nominate an Ambassadorial Scholar from your area or college. Pre-application deadline is April 16, 2010. Final application deadline is June 4, 2010. Attend District Conference on April 15-18, 2010 in Jekyll Island, GA. Attend DLA (District Leadership Academy) on April 15, 2010 in Jekyll Island, GA. 1 District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 Read DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested May 2010 (President-elect) Attend District Assembly (LEADS) and Foundation-Membership Seminar on May 1, 2010 at Flowery Branch High School. Meet with your Assistant Governor and discuss plans and objectives for your year, Club Assembly. Give AG a typed copy of your Planning Guide for Effective Clubs. (a copy will be required by the District Governor prior to his official visit.) Finalize club goals and objectives for your year. Be sure to pay attention to the district goals and incorporate them into club’s goals Review presidential citation requirements and district award standards. Plan your speakers and projects accordingly to meet the above objections to acquire points toward Club of the Year, etc. Hold a club assembly in May or June to announce the club’s goals and objectives/Present budget to club for approval. Confer with committee chairs to assure progress toward the club’s goals. Since they were a part of the committee setting the goals, they should already be on board. With appropriate board members, set up your budget for the year. Read DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested June 2010 (President-elect) Work with retiring president on recognition of retiring officers and board members. Ambassadorial Scholarship Final Application is due to District Office by June 1, 2010. RYLA at Tallulah Falls School on June 8-12, 2010. Recognize those members with perfect attendance. Notify club of the date of the district governor’s official visit. Do not plan any other business or speakers on that meeting date. The DG will be bringing a message to the club from the RI President and sharing his goals for Rotary with the members. Read all RI and district mail carefully. Respond if requested and by the appointed deadline. Meet with your club secretary and membership chair to coordinate reporting each area of responsibility in a timely manner. Make reservations for GRSP Host Family to attend Conclave in Savannah, GA on August 27-28, 2010. Read DGE Gene and District 6910’s emails and respond if requested July 2010 (President) Congratulations! Your year as Rotary Club President begins…. Hold board meeting each month. Plan time of monthly board meeting for coming year. Quarterly review of club goals. 2 District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 Notify all appropriate board members and chairs of all district function dates Introduce your assistant governor and invite him/her to make remarks to the club on district activities Remind Treasurer : July 1, 2010 Pay semiannual RI dues in July, Pay semiannual District Dues in July. Send a copy of current roster and SAR (semi-annual report) to RI and District. File club membership and attendance report on the District website (www.RotaryDistrict6910.org) (Every month by the 20th). Attend President’s Council Meeting. Review the district goals with your board Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 August 2010 (President) – August is Membership and Extension Month GRSP student arrives in Georgia. Ambassadorial Scholarship interviews on August 21, 2010 at Reinhardt College 8:00am to 2:00pm Make any necessary plans for Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP). Conclave: Savannah, GA 8/2729/10 Nominate a World Peace Scholar Nominate a GSE Team Leader. Apply for Simplified Grant (formerly known as CAPS) Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 September 2010 (President) Plan for Vocational Service Month in October. Plan activities for Rotary Foundation Month in November. Send in Foundation Money to RI for First Quarter (Remind Treasurer). Register Interact Officers and Sponsor plus Rotary Youth Director/Chair to attend Interact Leadership Training Meeting. As always, turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Attend President’s Council Meeting. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 October 2010 (President) Quarterly review of club goals at Board Meeting. Nominate team members for the GSE team. 3 District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 Attend RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute) Phases 1,2,3 and Discussion Leader in Morgan County on October 23, 2010 November 2010 (President) – November is Rotary Foundation Month Prepare for Rotary Awareness Month in January. Elect board members for next year. Attend DLA (District Leadership Academy) on November 13, 2010 at Spring Hills Suites in Athens, Georgia. Watch for GRSP student selection forms and materials. They will be due in December. Watch for nomination forms for German and Norway Scholarship Programs from GRSP Nominate a Lee Arrendale Recipient by 1/31/11 Nominate Stubbs Ethics Award recipient by 1/31/11. Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 December 2010 (President) Submit information to District and RI on new club president-elect and secretary-elect required for the International Directory – Extremely Important: Due 12/31/10. Complete selection of the new board and officers. Send in Foundation money to RI for 2nd Quarter (Remind Treasurer). Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 10-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 January 2011 (President) – January is Rotary Awareness Month Notify new president-elect and secretary-elect of PETS and District Assembly dates. Copy the President-elect on communication from RI and the District. Mid-year: Review of club goals at Board Meeting. Mail 2nd Half Semiannual dues to RI and District. Include SAR (semi-annual report and club roster with checks to RI and District) (remind club secretary and treasurer.) Make plans for World Understanding Month which is February. Have your Lee Arrendale nominations in no later than 1/31/11. 4 District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 Submit Stubbs Guardian of Ethics Award nominations by 1/31/11. Attend RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute) on January 22, 2011 in Gwinnett County. Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 February 2011 (President) – February is World Understanding Month Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) announcement and selection forms arrive. Promote RI Convention attendance – Consider paying a part of President’s or President-elect’s expenses. Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 March 2011 (President) Mail in Foundation money to RI by March 15, 2011 for 3rd Quarter. Tally Awards Points and send to District by March 25, 2011. Make sure president-elect attends PETS and District Assembly. Promote 2010-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. April 2011 (President) – April is Magazine Month Attend the 10-11 District Conference in Asheville, NC on April 20-May 1, 2011 End of third quarter – Evaluate progress toward goals at Board Meeting Finalize selection of RYLA candidate(s) Host GSE Team Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. May 2011 (President) RYLA registration deadline 5/15/11 Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. June 2011 (President) Hold program to install new officers. Recognize attendance. Announce club’s past year accomplishments. 5 District 6910 Rotary President Timeline 2010-2011 Provide a year-end financial report. Turn in your Monthly Attendance and Membership Reports by the 20th of the month. Attend President’s Council Meeting. 6