NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion1) 0Please note that from January 2005 Where a programme is delivered in more than one mode: o a full Programme Specification is completed for what is deemed to be the main mode o details of other modes (part-time, franchise deliveries etc.) are entered onto a Delivery Supplement which is attached to the main document o one or more delivery supplements may be included at the time of validation, or added when an additional mode of delivery is subsequently approved. Any changes made to an approved Programme Specification are indicated on a Log of Changes sheet, and appended. Sections 1-10 below indicate all modes of delivery and attendance, with the main mode highlighted by the use of bold type; sections 11-20 refer to the main mode of delivery. 1. Programme Title and Award MSc in Cyber Security 2. External Admissions Code if applicable DTPCYZ6/DTPCYS6 3. Northumbria Programme Code 14PCYB-V (Route : CYB6), 14PCYS-V (Route : CYS6) ie SITS route code 4. 5. Mode(s) of Delivery please indicate the main mode Classroombased YES of delivery in bold Mode(s) of Attendance please indicate the main Full-time YES Distance Learning Blended Sandwich Part-time YES delivery in bold Other please specify 6. Location(s) of Delivery if other than Northumbria QA (London plus other locations as applicable) 7. Collaborative Provision if applicable Franchised YES Partner Institution(s) Validated Joint QA 8. Date(s) of Approval/Review Reviewed February 2015, updated by QT 07/04/15 9. QAA Subject Benchmark Group if applicable Computing 10. PSRB accreditation if applicable BCS (potentially – will be considered for accreditation at a later date) Programme Specification, MSc in Cyber Security Dual Page | 1 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Sections 11 – 20 relate to the main delivery as indicated in bold above. 11. Educational Aims of the Programme Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its distinctive characteristics; these should be consistent with any relevant benchmark and with the Mission of the University. The focus of this MSc is on cyber security in the discipline of computer science and information management. It aims to provide an advanced course of study in the theory and practice of cyber security. The programme will allow information management, computing and network engineering graduates and established professionals to enhance their career opportunities, producing highly skilled postgraduates with abilities to: creatively resolve digital security problems and situations faced by public and private organisations, government bodies, etc., systematically develop and manage a strategic approach to a wide varierty of current and future cyber security issues. This programme provides students with a critical understanding of information governance and assurance along with technology risk management practices whilst giving you the skills to handle security incidents as well as identifying new and existing threats and determine methods to minimize them. The programme will provide students with the opportunity to critically analyse and evaluate theories, principles and applications associated with cyber security – in particular the legal social, ethical and professional issues. The programme aims to provide students with the knowledge to professionally, systematically and critically understand information governance and assurance along with technology risk management practices whilst giving you the skills to handle security incidents as well as identifying new and existing threats and determine methods to minimize them. Additionally, the programme aims to develop the student’s analytical understanding of complex and specialised knowledge, and skills in the field of cyber security, problem-solving abilities through practical application and theoretical appreciation of the principles associated with cyber security, ability to interpret innovations and advances in cyber security, and the implication for continuing professional development, ability to evaluate major issues at the frontiers of cyber security, through debate, discussion and critical analysis, application of professional and ethical principles, standards and practices to the field of cyber security, transferable and life long learning skills to support continuing educational and professional development in a dynamically changing environment. ability to synthesise solutions to security problems The programme has been developed in line with the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Master’s Degrees in Computing, 2011 ( and the British Computer Society requirements for accreditation of special Masters programmes ( Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 2 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 12. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects. Curriculum Design This innovative postgraduate programme provides both academic and competence-based coverage of the key technical areas to equip you with expertise in the latest technologies enabling you to operate as a highly qualified and competent IT Professional. The approach to curriculum design ensures that this programme operates at the forefront of the computing and IT discipline and is in accordance with the QAA benchmark statements and BCS postgraduate requirements for professional accreditation. This ensures the curriculum has both academic rigour and provides you with the necessary professional competencies to operate within the IT sector. Induction An induction to the programme and its facilities (particularly the library and e-Learning Platform (eLP) will be provided. In the first instance this will be offered using virtual learning and guided self-study plus physical or virtual meetings with key staff on the programme. This will allow you to discuss expectations; explore issues relating to the programme structure and delivery, and to provide practical guidance in terms of study skills, use of library and assessment techniques, particularly if have not engaged in recent academic study. You will receive a copy of the programme handbook containing key information and contacts for your programme. During induction you will be introduced to the support and services provided by the programme team and wider university institution including Student Services, eLibrary, Skills Plus and the Part Time and Distance Learning Services and how you can engage with these during your studies. Induction, however, is not only restricted to one time period. Induction is extended throughout the programme through the provision of a series of learning resource and study skills events embedded within modules to ensure these are delivered at a time and pace to suit the specific demands of each module, the overall programme and you, the individual learner. Learning, Teaching and the Student Experience The programme comprises a core set of taught modules followed by a substantial research project module at the final stage of the MSc. The final project module allows you to conduct an in depth original research investigation in a particular aspect of cyber security equipping you to be at the forefront of your discipline. One of the aims of the programme is to develop your capacity and confidence as an independent learner. Although you will engage in face to face formal sessions, you will also be expected to engage in a substantial amount of directed and independent learning to complement these sessions and ensure you develop your own academic knowledge and skills and engage in reflect practice. The approach taken during this programme is based on an active learning one where you are actively engaged in obtaining, sharing, creating and applying knowledge and information, and where you use higher order thinking such as analysis, synthesis, reflection and evaluation. There is strong evidence to support the view that active learning is beneficial and leads to higher level learning. This will be key to your independent learning and ensure that both within and outside the classroom you are engaged in your learning and are broadening and deepening your knowledge and understanding of the discipline. Independent learning may take a number of forms from research, practical application and experience, reflecting on how practice relates to theory and the preparation of formative and summative assessments. You will be encouraged to use the eLearning Platform and other collaborative tools to engage in interaction and communication with your fellow students and the module team and to help clarify issues arising from your independent study. Feedback from the module team and peers will help you in your development and preparation for subsequent modules and assessments. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 3 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Career and Personal Development Continuing personal and professional development is a strong feature of the programme and of the assessment strategy. Through the supported learning materials and formal sessions, you will be introduced to academic concepts enabling you to apply theory to your own professional, personal and organisational ‘real life’ practice. Through the teaching, learning and assessment strategy, you will be encouraged to develop your knowledge and skills as practising/aspiring IT professionals and to think analytically about your personal and professional practice. The programme is structured so you start this development during your induction. This is further developed in the core taught modules allowing you to develop your professional practice, ethics and research techniques, analysis skills and independent study. This culminates in the final MSc project which provides you with the opportunity to carry out an in depth investigation and put into practice the key skills, professional competences and reflective practice gained throughout the programme 13. Learning Outcomes of Programme Specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme. Please identify numerically to correspond to the map of learning outcomes in section 18. a) Knowledge and Understanding You will be able to demonstrate specialist in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of: A1: essential facts, concepts, principles, theories, challenges and techniques underpinning cyber security A2: fundamental issues at the frontiers of research and development in cyber security A3: techniques, tools and issues involved in cyber security (including any associated limitations and constraints) A4: professional, social, ethical and legal issues associated with cyber security b) Intellectual Skills You will be able to:B1: systematically identify and analyse complex problems and offer appropriate strategic solutions using a range of effective methods and tools B2: critically examine, evaluate, apply and discuss the philosophies, techniques, tools, and methods relevant for the differing aspects of cyber secuirty B3: interpret, evaluate, and synthesise information and data from a variety of sources, using evidence based criteria to discriminate between what is essential, and what is unnecessary B4: reflect on the professional, ethical and legal issues surrounding the development and use of differing technologies within the cyber security subject area B5: appreciate and reflect on how research is advanced through scholarship B6: identify, plan and execute a significant individual project, conducting independent research, applying originality of thought, via established skills and techniques in project management and research methodologies Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 4 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION c) Practical Skills You will be able to:C1: apply a range of techniques, tools and knowledge to a variety of complex cyber security problems C2: use appropriate techniques, tools and knowledge to support effective management of cyber security issues C3: apply theories and principles of cyber secuirty methods and practices to a business/industrial/national security environment C4: use a rigorous, scientific approach to the search, selection, evaluation and application of information to support research d) Transferable/Key Skills You will be able to:D1: learn independently, enhance existing skills, develop new skills, sustain their own professional development D2: exhibit a systematic approach to problem solving and decision making in complex and unpredictable situations D3: effectively communicate information, ideas, arguments, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists D4: engage in critical self appraisal of their own learning experience, personal strengths, limitations and performance D5: demonstrate research skills at an appropriately advanced and scholarly level Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 5 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 14. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate the above learning outcomes. The modules making up this programme employ a range of learning, teaching and assessment approaches. Each of these approaches will be outlined in a programme handbook and individual module teaching and learning plan. Whilst class contact forms a key delivery mechanism for each of the taught modules delivered up to the end of the postgraduate diploma stage within this programme, it is recognised that significant learning takes place outside of the formally scheduled sessions through both directed and independent learning. It is recognised, too, that to develop you as a critical, enquiring independent learner emphasis should be placed on independent learning. The model for the delivery of each discrete taught module is as follows: a) Teaching and Learning Plan outlines the route map through each module. It is available at the start of each module and enables you to understand the module learning outcomes, the assessment format, the objectives of each formal scheduled activity and the additional work you will be required to undertake to achieve the learning outcomes. In addition to developing knowledge and understanding, individual modules will also seek to develop specific personal, transferable or intellectual skills and attributes. These will be identified in the particular Teaching and Learning Plan; b) Face to face engagement sessions comprise a mix of lectures, demonstrations and hands on workshop sessions. They provide you with the mechanism to gain in depth technical insight and expertise into the main topics for each module. You will be presented with the main underlying theories and technical solutions and be given the opportunity to apply these in practice to gain real world skills and experience. c) These face to face sessions will be followed by a period of independent study. This period will provide you with the opportunity to consolidate and reflect on your learning from the face to face sessions and gain further experience through application of the ideas and skills you have gained typically in your own work environment. It is during this period of study that you will prepare for the summative assessment work for the module. There will be opportunities for further support from the module team using collaborative online learning tools and where appropriate face to face tutorial sessions. Assessment Strategy Assessment is regarded as an essential element in the learning process and represents more than a grade awarded on the basis of student performance. In particular, assessment provides a means for you to: 1. reflect on your performance in a module, through the use of appropriate formative processes, and in doing so further the development of knowledge and understanding; 2. in its summative form, reflect on your overall achievement in each discrete module which will subsequently feed into the overall degree classification awarded by the University; 3. develop key transferable and intellectual skills, through the variety of methods employed; and 4. demonstrate that you have achieved the key learning outcomes for each module and the overall programme. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 6 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION It is recognised that assessment is an integral part of the learning process and that both formative and summative assessment contribute to the achievement of the module learning outcomes. The Teaching and Learning Plans for each module set out the assessment strategy adopted for each module. Typically, formative tasks will provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate your learning to date and obtain feedback in order to reflect on your knowledge and understanding and the acquisition of intellectual, technical and/or transferable skills. Formative assessment methods will be used in the face to face sessions to evaluate your knowledge, application, theory and practical expertise in the topics of the particular module. These methods will typically include class discussions, class-tests/quizzes, collaborative/individual presentations, lab exercises, tutorials, case studies, peer assessment, Q/A sessions and software demonstrations. Out of class, online collaboration and assessment tools and practice exercises will be used to support your studies and evaluate your progress. Feedback will be given immediately (or within a specified timeframe) on your activities. Summative assessment is integrated as part of the learning process and may be one or more of: practical activities, written coursework, reflective practice and examinations depending on the particular module and its learning outcomes. The assessment is carefully designed to provide the appropriate mix of skills, expertise and academic rigour and debate to ensure you achieve the overall programme learning outcomes. 15. Programme Structure The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards2 allows programmes to be validated with up to 30 Level 6 credits. Possible stages/awards are indicated; please delete rows as required. Diagrams can also be used to demonstrate the structure. Programme Structure Refer if necessary to appended diagrams Postgraduate Certificate 60 credits at Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma 120 credits at Level 7 Level 7 180 credits at Level 7 At least 60 credits from LI0812, Information and Governance Security (30 credits) IS0756, Information Assurance and Risk management (30 credits) EN0777, Ethical Hacking for Cyber Security (20 credits) EN0759, Network Security (20 credits)OR EE0760/LD0760 (20 credits) 120 credits from LI0812, Information and Governance Security (30 credits) IS0756, Information Assurance and Risk management (30 credits) EN0777, Ethical Hacking for Cyber Security (20 credits) EN0759, Network Security OR EE0760/LD0760 (20 credits) IS0749, Research and Project Management (20 credits) IS0718, Masters Dissertation (60 credits) 2 Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 7 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION PgC/PgD/MSc Cyber Security Full Time Level 7, Academic Year – The programme runs over two semesters plus the summer Semester 1 Semester 2 LI0812 Information Governance and Security (30) EN0759 Network Security (20) / EE0760/LD0760 IT Audit (option choice) EN0777 Ethical Hacking for Cyber Security (20) IS0756 Information Assurance and Risk Management (30) Summer 16. IS0749 Research and Project Management (20) IS0718 Masters Dissertation (60) Lower Level Awards Credit Structure and Programme Learning Outcomes for Lower Level Awards. Please delete or add rows as appropriate, with reference to the Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards 3 . Learning outcomes should be specified for each lower level award in accordance with the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications 4 which also provides generic qualification descriptors for each level. The standard credit structure for each award is given below. The Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards2 allows postgraduate taught programmes to be validated with up to 30 Level 6 credits. Award Programme Learning Outcomes may be completed with reference to section 13. Postgraduate Certificate Students will have achieved 60 credits at Level 7 A1; A2; A3, A4; B1; B2; B3 ; B4; C1; C2; C3 D2; D3 (+ D1 with EN0760) Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 8 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Postgraduate Diploma Students will additionally achieved 120 credits at Level 7 A1; A2; A3; A4; B1; B2; B3; B4; B5; B6; C1; C2; C3; D1; D2; D3 Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Not applicable 120 credits at Level 6 for initial teacher training programmes only 17. Variation from Assessment Regulations or the Modular Framework Provide details of any approved variations from the Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards (ARNA)3 or the Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards2. None 18. Mapping of Learning Outcomes This section shows how the individual modules (with module learning outcomes as written in the module descriptor) together contribute to programme learning outcomes. It should be presented as a matrix of programme learning outcomes (as identified numerically in section 13), against modules. Where a module contributes to a programme learning outcome it should be flagged. Standard practice will be for a single symbol to indicate a learning outcome addressed in the module. See guidance notes for discussion of alternative practices. The following matrix is for a programme structure with 6 learning outcomes in each of the categories of section 13, with rows for modules. See guidance notes for a Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 9 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION discussion of the treatment of option modules. The matrix should be extended as required. Module Code LI0812 IS0756 EN0759 EN0777 IS0749 IS0718 EE0760 / LD0760 Core/ Option C/O C C O C C C O a) Knowledge & Understanding 1 X X X X Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security 2 X X X X X X 3 X X X b) Intellectual Skills 4 X X X 1 X X 2 X X X X X X X X 3 X X 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 X 2 X X X X X X X 1 3 X X 4 1 2 X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X d) Transferable Key Skills X X Page 10 of 16 4 X X X X X X 5 X X NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 19. Admission Requirements Please give details of specific programme requirements including approved arrangements for admission with advanced standing, where appropriate. Candidates should hold: A good honours degree (normally 2.1 or better) in a related dicipline, or An equivalent academic qualification, or A relevant professional qualification e.g. CISCO, CISSP, CISMP combined with suitable and sufficient work experience in computing discipline (typically 3 years plus in an advanced IT role), or A good honours degree (normally 2.1 or better) in a non-related discipline along with at least 5 years experience working in a security IT role If entering from industry, they should also currently have an organisational role with responsibility for some aspect of information technology. Interviews will be held where: Candidates present an unusual set of qualifications which require clarification Candidates may need advice on the appropriateness of the programme English Language Entry Requirements for Overseas Students Either an IELTS score of 6.5 for entry to postgraduate programmes (with no component below 5.5), or an equivalent as recognised in the University English Language Admissions Guidelines for the current academic year. 20. Application Procedure Applicants complete a standard university application form, supported by interview where appropriate. Academic Programme Leaders will make selection decisions on the basis of the application information and any discussions. Each application will be considered on an individual basis. Interviews will be held where the suitability of the applicant is unconfirmed and further discussion is required where applicants present an unusual set of qualifications taken or pending or when applicants need advice on the preparatory programme of study. Applicants invited for interview will always be told its purpose. Applicants who have studied one of the specified training programmes related to a specific module within the last 12 months can potentially use this instead of attending further face to face delivery. Each case will be reviewed and discussed with the applicant to ensure the applicant is not disadvantaged and they understand the implications for their particular study plan. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 11 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION The HEAR Supplement should be completed for all new and existing undergraduate/postgraduate degrees. Information in sections 7, 8 and 9 should apply to students gaining awards in the current academic year (with the possibility that this could differ from related information in the main programme specification). Once approved, it will be entered by Faculty support staff onto SITS and will be reviewed annually. 1. Academic Year 2015/6 2. Northumbria Programme Title and Route Code MASTER OF SCIENCE CYBER SECURITY CYB6 CYS6 3. Mode/s of Attendance Full Time Sandwich Part Time Other please specify 4. Partner Institution/s 5. Date of Approval 6. Programme Entry Requirements (10 lines maximum) This section should indicate any subject specific requirements, a statement regarding advanced entry to the programme and English language entry requirements (in line with the English language policy, IELTS component requirements should be specified in the Supplement and in section 19 of the programme specification). UCAS entry tariffs should not be specified; all alternative entry qualifications should not be listed. QA Candidates should hold: • A good honours degree (normally 2.1 or better) in a related dicipline, or • An equivalent academic qualification, or • A relevant professional qualification e.g. CISCO, CISSP, CISMP combined with suitable and sufficient work experience in computing discipline (typically 3 years plus in an advanced IT role), or • A good honours degree (normally 2.1 or better) in a non-related discipline along with at least 5 years experience working in a security IT role If entering from industry, they should also currently have an organisational role with responsibility for some aspect of information technology. Interviews will be held where: • • Candidates present an unusual set of qualifications which require clarification Candidates may need advice on the appropriateness of the programme Following approval by the University Student Experience and Learning Committee of the revised Guidelines on English Language Qualifications in December 2011, the following scores apply to cover only international students from outside the EU. The changes in the English language policy incorporating the scores required by UKBA in IELTS, TOEFL and Pearson relate to international students applying for a Tier 4 visa to study at Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 12 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Northumbria. IELTS Score: 6.5 Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking: 5.5 PEARSON ACADEMIC Score: 62 Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking: 51 TOEFL Score: 89 Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking: R18, W17, L17, S20 More detailed information is available in the programme specification and the on-line prospectus. Programme Statement (250 words maximum) This should be written primarily for an external audience (eg employers) clarifying the aims of the programme, pathways, professional body implications (including where an alternative award title indicates that professional requirements have not been met) and opportunities for work experience/placements or study abroad. Please note that further information on professional status is required in section 10 below. The MSc programme in Cyber Security is aimed to provide an advanced course of study in the theory and practice of cyber security. The programme will allow stduents with divers pathways such as information managememnt, computing network engineering graduates and established professionals to gain a deep understanding of current and future issues related to cyber security. The course work in this programme is carefully designed to produce highly skilled postgraduates with abilities to creatively resolve digital security problems and situations faced by public and private organisations and government bodies. The programme will provide students with the opportunity to critically analyse and evaluate theories, principles and applications associated with cyber security – in particular the legal social, ethical and professional issues. Furthermore, the programme aims to provide students with the knowledge to professionally, systematically and critically understand information governance and assurance along with technology risk management practices whilst giving the skills to handle security incidents as well as identifying new and existing threats and determine methods to minimize them. 8. Learning Outcomes applicable to students gaining awards in the current academic year. If these are the same as the main programme specification, please indicate ‘see section 13 of the main specification’ below. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 13 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION On successful completion of the programme, students will have met the following learning outcomes: a) Knowledge and Understanding You will be able to demonstrate specialist in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of: A1: A2: A3: A4: essential facts, concepts, principles, theories, challenges and techniques underpinning cyber security fundamental issues at the frontiers of research and development in cyber security techniques, tools and issues involved in cyber security (including any associated limitations and constraints) professional, social, ethical and legal issues associated with cyber security b) Intellectual Skills You will be able to:B1: systematically identify and analyse complex problems and offer appropriate strategic solutions using a range of effective methods and tools B2: critically examine, evaluate, apply and discuss the philosophies, techniques, tools, and methods relevant for the differing aspects of cyber security B3: interpret, evaluate, and synthesise information and data from a variety of sources, using evidence based criteria to discriminate between what is essential, and what is unnecessary B4: reflect on the professional, ethical and legal issues surrounding the development and use of differing technologies within the cyber security subject area B5: appreciate and reflect on how research is advanced through scholarship B6: identify, plan and execute a significant individual project, conducting independent research, applying originality of thought, via established skills and techniques in project management and research methodologies c) Practical Skills You will be able to:C1: C2: C3: C4: apply a range of techniques, tools and knowledge to a variety of complex cyber security problems use appropriate techniques, tools and knowledge to support effective management of cyber security issues apply theories and principles of cyber secuirty methods and practices to a business/industrial/national security environment use a rigorous, scientific approach to the search, selection, evaluation and application of information to support research d) Transferable/Key Skills You will be able to:D1: D2: learn independently, enhance existing skills, develop new skills, sustain their own professional development exhibit a systematic approach to problem solving and decision making in complex and unpredictable situations Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 14 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION D3: D4: D5: effectively communicate information, ideas, arguments, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists engage in critical self appraisal of their own learning experience, personal strengths, limitations and performance demonstrate research skills at an appropriately advanced and scholarly level An unclassified degree or lower level qualification may also be awarded where students have not met all learning outcomes. 9. Professional status (100 words maximum) Please provide a statement on the professional status of the programme for students graduating in the current academic year, noting the following extract from guidance from the Higher Education Better Regulation Group (HEBRG) 1 for the collection of data for the KIS: The outcome of a successful programme accreditation by a PSRB may include one or more of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. graduates are able to practise as a professional in a specific field, and in some cases receive a license to practise that is required by law; graduates are granted chartered status; graduates are granted exemption from all or part of professional exams; graduates are eligible for entry to membership of a professional association or learned society; the programme is confirmed as meeting externally designated standards and quality. If not applicable, this section should be left blank and a default statement will appear on the HEAR. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 15 of 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Modification to current programme structure considered (item deferred from FPARSC at its meeting of 28 January 2015). Addition of EE0760/LD0760 – Approved by Chair’s action. 2. HEAR supplement added Programme title(s) Stage/yea r of program me eg Year 3 Semester/ academic year eg S2;05/06 1. Programme code(s) affected by change Admin change1 Y/N Brief summary of change to Programme Specification (including section number) Date of approval / amendment LOG OF CHANGES Any changes made to an approved Programme Specification (other than typographical corrections) should be logged below and the sheet appended to the Programme Specification. Subsequent changes can then be added. Where it is not practicable to change an existing Programme Specification, a new version is required. Change takes effect 14FCYB-N, CYB6 / 14PCYB-V, CYS6 / 14PCYS-V, CYS6 14FCYB-N, CYB6, 14PCYB-V 14PCYS-V CYS6 MSc Cyber Security 02/02/15 N 2015/6 2015/6 MSc Cyber Security 27.04.15 Y N/A N/A 3. 4. Programme Specification, MSc Cyber Security Page 16 of 16