LESSON #3 Class: Applied Economics Instructor: Michael Ruch Subject Area: Social Studies Curriculum Objective: Compare and contrast the three business organizations of sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. Content Standard: SS4 Process Standard: G4.1, G1.8 Learner Activity: Students will compare and contrast business organizations. a. Students will individually contact 5 local businesses and determine the organization of each. b. The five businesses must include at least one sole proprietorship, one partnership, and one corp. c. The student will then use their business contact or text to compile a list of pros and cons for each business organization. d. Students will report back to class and divide into 3 groups. e. Each group will be assigned ONE business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership or corp. f. Each group will compile a list of pros and cons for their organization and report their conclusions. Assessment Activity: Students will construct a graphic organizer that analyzes the pros and cons of sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. The graphic organizer must include the 3 business organizations, 5 pros for each organization and 5 cons for each organization for a total of 33 "components." Method of Assessment: Scoring Guide (See Below) Resources: Chalkboard, Dry Erase or Large Paper for classroom analysis Construction paper and art supplies for graphic organizer construction Scoring Guide 4 33 components are identified 3 21-32 are identified 2 10-20 are identified 1 Identifies Less than 10 required number components are of components identified Accuracy All 33 21-32 10-20 Less than 10 components are components are components are components are accurately accurately accurately accurately labeled labeled labeled labeled Neatness/Quality Project is very Project is Project has 4-7 Project of work neat mostly neat/ 2- errors contains more 3 errors than 7 examples of carelessness Use of class time Student Student used Student worked Student spent consistently most of the on project, but most of the worked on class time for also distracted class time project during the project others or distracting the entire class wasted some others/did not time class time use time for project