Team 2 Agreement ` Team 2 Agreement Todd Hynson Andrew Kalin Julie Kare Reiner Martens Denise Montoya Prof. Mark Pugsley OLIT 593, Summer 2012 The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement 1. Team Name Advantage Inventions Inc. 2. Contact Information Name Phone Number Todd 505 400-3202 Availability Weeknights after 5 pm; Hynson Weekend mornings if needed Andy Kalin 505 710-6508 Weeknights after 4:30 pm; Email Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (other times as need) Julie Kare 505 688-3569 Weeknights after 7:30 pm; Weekends flexible depending Reiner 505 559-3901 Martens Denise Evenings after 8:15 at the earliest, on the weekends 6am to 8am 505-480-7383 Montoya after 4:30 pm M,TU,TH,F; mornings on the weekends 3. Ground Rules & Guidelines Be here now. Trust in the positive intentions of others. Be on time, be responsible for your assignment, and communicate. Create and maintain a safe environment in which to speak. For emergency alerts, we will contact all members’ cell phones, emails, and text messages. Please send emails of a personal nature to the person instead of the group. Communicate regularly through WebCT features. General expectation for response is within 24 hours. The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement For issues of content we will defer to the instructor, for issues of style the team majority will make the decision. We will review and modify this contract as needed. Cite sources using APA 6 style ( 4. Roles: Role What is it Who is it Liaison to Instructor Responsible for submitting Todd/Andy assignments to instructor, and communicating questions and further instructions with the instructor. Recorder The acting recorder will keep Julie meeting notes and distribute notes and products to group members. Organizer Responsible for organizing Denise information for meetings, creating agenda, proposing dates, keeping meeting on track. Mediator Mediate working style Reiner conflicts that may arise. Content researcher/producer Research/produce content for the final product. All 5. Expectations for Time Management & Involvement Be Prompt. The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement Communicate questions and issues early and often. Members will alert the team ahead of time if unable to make an arranged group meeting or complete an assignment. Refrain from turning in an individual assignment in the last minute. Team will create our own group deadline before the class deadline. 6. Ensuring Fair & Equitable Contribution & Collaboration Communication is essential! Communicate in an open, constructive dialogue to identify concerns. Create and maintain an environment of friendly and scholastic relationship among members so that team members can review and give other members constructive criticism. If a team member feels that another is free riding, the concerned team member will explain what he or she feels the other person should be doing differently. Team members will work to collaborate. Likewise, no one person should dominate the collaboration, and if someone feels that is happening, the team will try to work together to solve it. Issues can usually be negotiated. Communication can overcome most issues. We do not need to involve the instructor. Team members will attempt to solve complications before the established group member assessment Honesty will be used on the peer-review; the team will not sugarcoat for a member who does not contribute. The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement 7. Special Considerations We will embrace different learning and different communication styles. 8. Acceptance We have created and accepted the terms and condition of this agreement and will discuss needed changes as a group. 9. Group Communication 9.1 Official Meetings Official Meetings occur on Mondays at 8:20 pm and Wednesdays after the OLIT 593 class (approzimately 9:00 pm) every week in Student Web Conference Test Site of WEB CT. The class Moodle chat will serve as a backup if there are any issues with WebCT. 9.2 Working communication We work together through email copying everybody. The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement Check of rubric Team Contract and Collaboration Group Meeting Schedule Personal Responsibility •Group organizational system and culture is cohesive and mutually agreed upon (yes, 5, 6, 7, 8) •Group members role and responsibilities are clearly defined and specific detail is provided regarding each member task responsibilities (yes, 4) Group meetings occur on regularly schedule times, daily correspondence between group members, and/or impromptu communication occurs (yes, 9) Each group member fulfills agreed upon role and responsibilities, quality of work is of the upmost quality, completes tasks on time, and communicates any encountered problems Interactive Communication Acknowledges diverse perspectives and consolidates multiple points of view into a decision that otherwise would not have been possible Individual Reflection and Meta-group Process Awareness When group process problems arise, group members are able to identify the issue individually and/or collectively, take personal responsibility where appropriate, and initiate effectual communication to resolve. The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member. Team 2 Agreement Group Cohesion •Demonstrates a commitment to group by extending a sense of belonging to other group members and makes relevant connections to improve group functionality The agreement has been formulated and agreed upon by each team member.