Introduction: Flash 8 Professional Table of content INTRODUCTION: ..................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FLASH EDITOR........................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CREATING A FRAME BY FRAME ANIMATION ........................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CREATING A SIMPLE TEXT MOVIE IN FLASH: ACTIVITY 1.............. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CREATING A SIMPLE TEXT MOVIE IN FLASH ACTIVITY 2 ............... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CREATING GRAPHICS USING THE TOOLBOX ....................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY PAINT FILLS ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DRAW AND MODIFY SHAPES ......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TRANSFORM TOOL ........................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONNECTING OBJECTS WITH SNAP TO OBJECT .............................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: USING THE PENCIL TOOL ............................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: USING THE SUB SELECTION TOOL AND THE SELECTION TOOL TO DELETE LINES IN A DRAWING ...................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: FUNNY FACE ANIMATION ............................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. FLASH ANIMATIONS ........................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: AUTOMATED ROBOT ................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: SHAPE TWEEN ............................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: SHAPE TWEEN 2 .......................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PUT A STOP FUNCTION ON FRAME, WHERE YOU WANT IT STOP PLAYING ............................................... 2 CREATING BUTTONS............................................................................................................................. 1 MAKE AN ACTION THAT LOOPS PART OF YOUR MOVIE .......................................................................... 2 IMPORTING GRAPHICS INTO FLASH .................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. VECTOR GRAPHICS VERSUS RASTER GRAPHICS ........................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REASONS TO AVOID IMPORTING GRAPHICS ................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ACTIVITY: IMPORT A RASTER GRAPHICS ...................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. OTHER FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 3 CREATING A CUSTOMISED CURSOR: ...................................................................................................... 3 CREATING A MASK: .............................................................................................................................. 3 IMPORTING SOUND ............................................................................................................................... 3 LINKING NON FLASH FILES IN FLASH 8 ................................................................................................. 3 OTHER INTERESTING THINGS: ............................................................................................................... 4 LEARN MORE: .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction: Flash 8 Professional Buttons Buttons is usually used to navigate from one place to the next. We create the “image” of the button, the way we want it to appear and then we put the code in to tell the button what it should do when it is pressed. Creating Buttons 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw the shape that will become your button. It can be anything, but remember people are “used” to buttons being rectangle. You can also use symbols that people are used to for a specific reason. If you for example want to give somebody the option of stopping an animation, I can create a stop sign which I will use as the “stop” Button. Use the selection tool to select the entire shape Convert the shape to a symbol; Modify, Convert to symbol or press F8, or right click convert to symbol Name the symbol – make sure it is a meaningful name that when you see the name that you know what it is; select Type Button, and click OK Change the look of the different stages of a button: (Double click on the button to see the 3 options) 5. Up – how it looks normally, when your mouse is not over it. This is usually your original button. Over – how it looks when the mouse move over it Down – how it looks when the mouse is pressed Hit – the active area that will re-act when you mouse move over it. If you have a difficult button or customised mouse it might be a good idea to make the hit area a bit bigger than the actual button. Test your movie. If you click on the blue arrow you will go back to the main screen. Now that you have created the “look” of your button you need to put code in to make it work. Put code in the button to tell it what you expect to happen when you press the button 1. In the main view select only the button with the arrow tool 2. Click Actions- button Make sure it says Actions Button, if not you have not only selected your button. 3. Select Global Function, Movie Clip Control, on (double click), 4. choose release from the pop-up menu 5. Global Functions, Timeline Control, gotoAndStop (frame you want to go to and stop when the button is pressed) Code looks as follows: D:\533578152.doc I Aldum Page 1 Introduction: Flash 8 Professional on (release) { gotoAndStop(75); } or if you work with scenes you need to specify the scene name in quotes on (release) { gotoAndPlay("Scene1",1); } Stop function The stop function is used to stop Flash from automatically continue playing the Flash movie. If we think of a web-page we would like Flash to continue displaying a specific web-page until the user press a button, requesting your web-page to go some where. Put a stop function on frame, where you want it stop playing 1. Click on the frame where you want your Flash movie to stop playing, with your arrow tool 2. Click on Action – frame, Global functions, action control, 3. double click on stop 4. An “a” appears on the frame you have put a stop on. 5. Save and test Other global functions There are other handy functions under your global functions as well, and if you think about there names it will be easy to predict what they will do. gotoAndPlay – will let you jump to another part in your Flash movie and the flash movie will start playing at that specific point. This is often used when you want to replay an animation, or you want to go to a different place and play the movie further. gotoAndStop – will let you jump to another part in your Flash movie without playing the movie any further. This is often used with buttons moving to a different webpage. StopAllSound – will stop playing all the sounds in your Flash movie. Go to Help files to find out more about these functions if you need to use them. D:\533578152.doc I Aldum Page 2 Introduction: Flash 8 Professional Other functions Creating a customised cursor: 1) Create a new layer, and call it cursor. 2) Draw your new cursor 3) Right click, click Convert to symbol, select MovieClip, give it a name and press OK. 4) Double click on symbol (new cursor) with Selection tool. Click on stage. 5) Put the following code in the Action Movie Clip Mouse.hide(); startDrag(this, true); 6) Test your customised button. Creating a mask: 1) Create a new file 2) Create 2 layers, a. first layer a picture you want to mask, b. second layer the shape you want to mask, over the picture c. You can create a Tween to show more of the picture 3) Right click on the second layer’s name, and select mask 4) Test your mask Importing Sound 1) Import, Import to library 2) Insert a layer for your music you want to play 3) Insert a keyframe where you want your music to start, Properties, Sound, choose your music that is in your library 4) Test your presentation. Make an action that loops part of your movie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a new file, containing the word Welcome and convert it to a symbol, MovieClip Potion the movie clip instance of the left side of the screen in frame 1 Select only the movieClip “Welcome”, and double click The timeline of the moveClip will open. Go to Frame 30 and put the MovieClip of the screen on the right side. Create a motion tween between frame 1 and 30 On frame 30 add the following Action: Global Action, Timeline Control, gotoAndPlay(1) Press the Blue arrow to go out of the “welcome” movie timeline. Test your movie D:\533578152.doc I Aldum Page 3 Introduction: Flash 8 Professional 9. On the welcome layer add a blank keyframe on frame 50 10. Create a new layer, on frame 60 add a circle 11. Add the following code on frame 60; Global Action, Timeline Control, Stop 12. Test your movie Can you explain what happened? Linking non Flash files in Flash 8 1) The file must be an HTML file. 2) all your files must be in the same directory as your flash.swf 3) add the following code in the action of the button: on (release) { getURL("test2.htm", "_blank"); } note: test2.htm must be your file name. _blank tells it to open it in a "blank" page. Modular Website If each part of your web-site is created on its own, it has the following advantages: The user does not need to download the whole big site You can make modular changes without affecting your web site Easier for more than one developer to work simultaneously on the same site. Make it easier to develop parts in more than one language, with only swapping language specific portions, etc. Other interesting things: Learn more: Resources Used 1. 2. 3. 4. CD from Dr. M Cooper Macro Media Flash 8 in 24 hours Philip Kerman D:\533578152.doc I Aldum Page 4