newsletter_autumn_09.. - Meirionnydd Running Club

by John Smith
Notes from the Chair
by Sue Nicholls
A Mad Weekend
by Ifan Richards
Confessions of a Slow Runner
by Chris Owen
Great Langdale 1/2 Marathon 20/09/2009
by Juliet Edwards
Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon
by Janet Preston
The Snowdonia Marathon
by Pete Nicholls
North Wales Cross-Country League
by Graeme Stringer
by Sue Nicholls
Caption Competition
by Gareth Roberts
Forthcoming Races
by John Smith
Another running season and another season of progress and growth for the club draws to a close.
There have been many fine individual performances and fine team performances in the North
Wales Cross-Country League.
A good indicator of the general health of the club is in the number of age-group records which have
been set this year.
At 10k distance 7 out of 10 were set this year; at 10 mile distance 6 out of 11; at half-marathon 8
out of 10; at Marathon 4 out of 8; at Ras y Aran 4 out of 5 and at Tarren Hendre 4 out of 6. It does
mean however that we have faster times to beat next year!
This issue of the Newsletter contains a crossword and a caption competition. If you have any
puzzles or embarrassing photos which deserve to be seen more widely, please send them to me for
inclusion in the Winter Newsletter.
On Tuesday 10 November at 7pm at the Railway Cafe on the spit at Fairbourne there will be a
firework display in aid of the RNLI. Admission is free, but donations for the lifeboat would be
gratefully received, there will be someone going around with a bucket! The train ride from
Fairbourne to the display is also free and leaves at 6.30pm , please take advantage of this as parking
is limited at the site of the display. The train will take you back once the display is over!
Notes from the Chair
by Sue Nicholls
Hello all and welcome to the Meirionnydd Running Club autumn edition newsletter 2009.
First of all I would like to thank everyone who submitted articles for this edition.
If anyone would like to contribute to our winter newsletter please send your piece to John who is
still doing a grand job. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bit of fun or even remotely related to running it
would be great to receive something from you.
I should like to take this opportunity to congratulate all club members who have taken part in all
competitive races this year. Too many to mention individually except perhaps the Snowdon
Marathon which has just taken place and I with a number of other cheer leaders went along to
support. A great day for everyone except perhaps for Pete who hobbled along the last ten miles in
horizontal rain and wind. Well done to you all and I know there is a write up about the Snowdon so
I will leave the details to the author.
Those of you who submitted an interest in the two club places for the London Marathon 2010 this
year will now know the draw results. Congratulations! (I say that with a slightly bitter edge) to the
successful two who were Adam Preston and Kevin Woods. The wonderful people from the London
Marathon team who have chosen to refuse my 5th attempt at a ballot place cannot refuse me next
year so my moaning about this particular bit of bad luck will cease.
Membership numbers continue to grow and some of our recent members are beginning to make a
real impression. The men’s Cross Country team in Division 2 of the North Wales League are
already in 3rd place and the ladies have risen from 7th place to 5th in a very short time. The more
runners the better so if you are interested let us know.
Our fame is beginning to grow and last night I watched (with some trepidation after my finish line
performance) the S4C Snowdon Marathon coverage. I think all those involved did us proud and
although the opening shot of my crutch in circuits did little for my street cred I think all went well.
Special thanks to Iori, Ifan, Kevin, and Leanne who were brave enough to be interviewed and
continued to promote the club throughout.
Wednesday night training runs are still always well attended and now that the dark nights are here
we run from Dolgellau Leisure Centre every Wednesday, gathering at 6.30pm for a run at 6.45pm.
It would still be great to see more of you. We are encouraging not only runners but walkers, bikers,
children, in fact anyone actually who would like to join in. Everyone sets off at the same time and
gets back at the same time. Our new group of beginners is slowly growing and we aim to please all
abilities. I personally would like to thank the new beginners who are doing the ‘run, walk’
programme. They are so enthusiastic and I will be sad to lose them when they reach the 5 mile
mark and are off with the ‘big boys’!
We meet after in the Tyn y Groes and we now have sandwiches and chips to re-fuel after the run
for a bargain price of £1.00
You can find out more from the website or on the notice board at the Leisure Centre.
Just a quick reminder that the start of the ‘winter series’ is nearly upon us, the first being Rhobell
Fawr on the 7th of November. We are always grateful for anyone wishing to marshal, so let Tony or
Graeme know if you are available.
Thanks to everyone and your continuing support.
A mad weekend
by Ifan Richards
The August bank holiday racing events sort of started 3 weeks prior for me when a bike racing
mate of mine let me know about a local event that he thought we shouldn’t miss out on.
He gave me the website address and sort of collard me on the phone with the question, "Are you
doing it??" or it went rather like "You are doing it!!” I stuttered my words "B b but I haven’t
trained on my bike since we did the Transwales 12 months ago" a 7 day, 420 mile mountain bike
stage race that we won as a pair last year. To which he replied “Yes I know but we're talking about
you here mate, you can do anything" and on that note he threw down the challenge for me to pick
I logged on, entered and it was done and dusted.
Esyllt my number one supporter then asked me what I had entered, and I explained the details. Her
face turned to something of a frown and I thought "what have I done now".
What is the date again? She said, to which I replied "29th of August" and suddenly it came back to
me, 4 years ago that day we were in the labour ward at Wrexham hospital delivering Heledd. Yes I
had forgotten her birthday and was going racing.
The dust soon settled and I got a couple of bike rides in, but nothing like the 20 hours plus a week I
used to do.
The day arrived. I got up at seven and Heledd was fast asleep. I had breakfast and packed the car
with the bike and kit bag, and went back in the house for visit number four to the toilet. Off I went
towards Dolwyddelan.
On the journey the usual things went through my head, how much pain is it going to be? How fast
will the pace be? Etc etc
I arrived at Dolwyddelan, turned in to event HQ and started to see familiar faces on the MTB race
circuit. One thing I've noticed with running races is the friendly atmosphere PRE race, but there is a
slight difference with bike racing, we have "The Head Nod" It's a gesture of "I have seen you but
I'm going to fxxxin kick your arse" I gave a few nods of my own but with slightly less confidence
of previous years.
I signed on, put my number on my bike, prepared my water bottles and sort of tried to look cool
and calm.
Everyone made their way to the start, 150 mad for it racers clipped in, gear selected for the start.
Butterflies was an understatement at this point.
The commissar shouted "20 seconds to go", a quick 20 seconds and the gun went.
The noise of riders clipping to the other pedal, gears clanking soon tells you, you’re away.
A group of eight formed about a mile and a half up the first hill with a gap of 30 seconds already
formed on the chasing field and to my surprise I was in this group, and churning a fast pace and I
was feeling it.
I knew we had 50km to do and it was a multi lap course, 6 laps of 5 miles, but had to hang in there.
We stayed together for three laps and on lap 4 things got pretty hot.
The lap began with a 2 mile climb and this is where it happened, one rider attacked and the trick is
to immediately react and get on the wheel, but 4 of the group were suffering and missed the move
and were dropped. Myself and two others kept with him and when we closed the gap I went on the
attack and only one more rider bridged the gap to me. All this happened on 1 mile of the
climb. The two of us battled for the remainder of the distance but a mistake on one of the descents
cost me and settled for second.
All in all, very happy with that considering lack of bike time and showed myself I can still mix it
on the bike scene. But I can tell you the atmosphere soon chilled out after the race and all was
Got home and we had a party for Heledd with lots of nice food.
Sunday arrived, I awoke and instantly felt my legs and stood up and expected creaking noises but
all was good, apart from instant butterflies again, due to the fact I had decided to do The Cnicht fell
race. Same ritual breakfast, kit bag in the car and toilet.
I went to pick Kevin Evans up who was looking fresh as a daisy and fired up for his off road blast.
Next was to pick up Adam and Jan Preston. Adam was out the door fully kitted out and looked
ready to run to Croesor as a warm up for the race.
Off we went and the closer we got the more the rain came down.
We arrived at Croesor, greeted by low mist and drizzle. But at least the pre race atmosphere was
much more chilled than the previous day's.
We all signed on and made our way to change at the back of the now named "Meirionnydd RC
team vehicle" the Renault Kangoo. Soon we saw Mark Atherton, Iorwerth Jones and John Smith
and the team for the day was formed.
Everyone lined up at the start pretty quick and I found myself at the back, I instinctively thought
"you don’t want to be in this position before we even start" so I sneaked to the front and waited for
the signal, again heart pumping and adrenaline flow.
Off we went up the 1:5 hill, I took it steady as I heard some scary stuff about this mountain,
Kamikaze, you'll need your climbing ropes and so on, plus the ascent to distance ratio was one to
make you think before giving it some.
We climbed steadily for a while and I was in around 8th position and felt good. before the first style
I had gained 4 positions without really upping my pace and thought that some were suffering
already, I was now 4th by the 2nd style and that’s when the terrain changed to the rocky stuff that
I'd heard of but still not to steep. I kept with the Dark Peak runner in 3rd through this section and
was now starting to feel the burn, with the feeling of starting to suffer the fear of being caught
started to set in. Still maneuvering the climb with the mix of caution and then throwing it to the
growing gale wind we reached the summit together.
A sharp turn and then what felt like all hell broke loose!!
We started the decent together but instantly I sensed a weakness in the Dark Peak athlete, he wasn’t
happy, this was all I needed and I put the hammer down. Looking back he was nowhere to be seen.
I continued down looking like a mad man let loose.
By the stile at the bottom with about a quarter of a mile to go a figure emerged from the mist, I was
catching 2nd place at a alarming rate, I gave it my all and passed him and the thought "its do or die"
came and I continued to the tarmac road, where there was a nice little kick in the guts waiting, a
short sharp climb.
For someone spectating at this point it would be hilarious because for the competitor it was instinct
to sprint over the hill and down to the line, exactly what I did, but I started my sprint to soon,
about 200mtrs to soon as I was full gas to keep the guy in 3rd where he was. Halfway up the hill it
was as if someone hit a slow motion button when the lactic acid overload kicked in, and I just made
it over looking like what you would just about call a run, and down to the line.
2nd overall out of 45, and very happy to know that the guy in third was Chris Near, a very talented
Eryri harrier that is regularly in the top three in big fell races and was 5th in this years Aran race
and the guy in 4th was Dark Peak runner Alan Ward who was 4th in this years Aran. I was 25 mins
behind these guys in March and now I’m on par so I'm going in the right direction.
All in all very happy to of taken up this sport, and feel very proud to be representing Meirionnydd
RC and being involved in such a friendly club.
Finally a BIG thankyou to Esyllt who has supported me through thick and thin in the last 6 yrs of
racing and without her all the hours of training and racing wouldn’t be possible, and all the trips to
the hospital with broken bones etc etc.
Confessions of a Slow Runner
by Chris Owen
Now when I began running I’d of laughed at anyone who’d told me I was about to enter a whole
new wonderful exciting world of ............................................... Shopping!
I mean how exciting can a pair of trainers and a t-shirt be? Come on? Well I tell you my credit
card has never been the same since!
To start, I was happy in my scraggy trainers, old t-shirt and bobbly leggings, after all I was going to
get muddy, sweaty and definitely not run where anyone might see me so it didn’t matter. But...
First, I decided I really needed new trainers, they’d make me run better and faster (that’s what the
advert said) so I bravely entered the sports shop and asked the nice young man for running shoes
“Do you under or over pronate?” Do I what???? Ok so this was more complicated than I’d thought
and my shopping trip was ruined, it wasn’t just picking out the prettiest colour and match it to your
top – research was needed!
The following week saw me hopping around the bathroom floor trying to decide what shape my
wet footprint made compared to the picture in the little catalogue I’d found and not being brave
enough to go to a real shop again I rang up and ordered my new stability trainers – isn’t mail order
fantastic. But now I had my nice new trainers maybe my smelly old t-shirt needed replacing to, so
I thought I’d brave a sports shop again, after all how hard can picking a new top be, this time surely
it is all about the colour. Oh to be so naive – wicking, dri-fit, UV protecting arrrhhhhh! I panicked
and picked a nice shade of pink that covered my bum. So anyway I couldn’t spend much more as
the range in the high street sports shops wasn’t huge, I was safe - but then I got the internet! What
joy – a shopper’s paradise of websites (ok some of the names are quite strange, I mean Wiggle???)
and the choice – suddenly the hopeless, no-one’s going to see me anyway runner decided that she
really needed some trendy Ron Hill crop leggings, oooh and I can get a top to match, and a jacket,
oh and that colour is really nice too, click, click, add to basket, proceed to checkout, how expensive
can a few small items be!!!!
OK so it was a little bit more than I’d planned on spending but now I had absolutely everything I
needed so wouldn’t be shopping for a while. But I was doing the marathon so I need a bottle holder
thingy, and its winter training so some gloves would be a good idea and a hat and some longer
leggings. Oh and I’ll need a proper sports watch with a timer – oooh goody you can get them in
pink! So there I was, all kitted out and off to London and along to the expo to register – OMG
who’d of thought it not only do they give you your number at the expo but they provide all these
cute little stalls selling, well anything you could possible imagine you’d need for running and a few
things you’d never imagined and then they give you goody bags – people just hand you little (and
not so little) bags of free treats – runners are just soooo nice.
Anyway there I was in London with a day to relax in, explore the capital, see the sites and so on
and then I found it, a whole shop just for running, not like the normal sports shop with running
shoved in a corner – Kevin had to take me for a cup of tea and severe talking to at this point, the
purpose of being in London after all was to run the marathon not to buy the entire contents of the
marathon store!!!
So anyway a year and a half on I’ve managed to curb my initial enthusiasm for running related
shopping and am quite happy with a nice top or pair of socks occasionally. Ok, so I did succumb to
an MP3 player (those long runs can get sooo boring) and I really had to have one of those little arm
thingy pouches to carry it but it was a one off - honest!
Now, where did I put those leaflets on Garmin GPS watches, you know one might be very useful
on a slow plod around the Marian..............................................................!
Christine x
Great Langdale 1/2 Marathon 20/09/2009
by Juliet Edwards
Fancy a slightly more challenging ½ marathon than usual? Beautiful surroundings, start and finish
by a friendly pub, why not try “the most scenic half marathon road race in England”, as it says on
the t-shirt. Or, if you really are a glutton for punishment, run round twice and you will have
completed “the world’s hardest road marathon”...according to the website (, look under
local events tab).
The whole thing is organised by Rocket Rod ,who sends out a fascinating, non-PC , pre race
information sheet to all competitors .In it he rambles on about Manchester United , road works and
anyone who dares to park their car on the race route .Everything on the day is organised perfectly
of course .The weather was grand too .
Just a few miles from Ambleside (and the loathed road works –Cumbria is proud to improve its
sewers seemed to be the reason for the holes in the road), Great Langdale is a stunning setting .The
race starts fairly gently for about 1 mile, then you reach THE hill .This is not a hill in true fell
running terms but about 130 metres up a twisting road. Just as you try to catch your breath at the
top there is a sign saying “look back to admire the view” (Crinkle Crags)...and nearly trip over as
you do so .Then it is down to Little Langdale and onwards to Skelwith Bridge. The road has hardly
any flat stretches .From Skelwith Bridge there is another punishing climb to High Close Youth
Hostel .Then it is down, down to Elterwater and the final 3 miles of gently undulating roads to the
finish. Beware though ,if you have any gas in the tank ,do not try to kill yourself catching up the
runner in front of you just before the finish .It is so humiliating when ,for a few seconds ,you
congratulate yourself on beating the opposition to the finish , only to see the other runner going on
to start the second lap of the marathon.
373 runners finished the ½ marathon. Andrea Vaughan managed an excellent 2nd in the F35 group
in a time of 1:45:09 .Frankie Vaughan ,recovering from another ankle injury ,crossed the line in
1:46:25 .I trundled home in 1:52:48 and Barrie Jackson managed a fine 1:58:35 as he was 2nd in the
M65 section . 96 runners finished the marathon .Next year, the marathon don’t be
Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon
by Janet Preston
Five Meirionnydd runners (Kevin Jones, Kevin Evans, Adam Preston, Tracey Evans & Janet
Preston) had a lovely day out at Lake Vyrnwy on the 13th September taking part in the half
marathon. It was a lovely flat course and the incline on the 1st mile up towards the dam was hardly
noticeable as everyone was still grouped together and it was great to come down it after mile 12!!
There was a slight hill at the end, but for me personally who doesn’t like hills I have never been so
happy to see one as I knew that the end was just around the corner (literally).
We couldn’t have asked for better weather, overcast, cooling breeze, although it did get warmer
towards the end (the first half was nicely shaded under trees).
The organisation was excellent, with race HQ, carpark and loos all close to the start and there was a
really nice friendly atmosphere. Water stations were nice and regular, although the last one (in my
case around 2 hours) had run out, and apparently the earlier runners had jelly babies too, which
were also all gone!!
The scenery was beautiful, but it was a bit disconcerting crossing the dam after a mile and looking
towards the other side of the lake.
As per usual we ended up in the pub…. (Well, it was such a nice day and we had just run 13.1
miles!) We all sat on the terrace at the Lake Vyrnwy Hotel overlooking the lake we had just run
around. We then travelled back over Bwlch y Groes enjoying the fantastic views and ended which
was a very enjoyable day at the Indian in Dolgellau.
The Snowdonia Marathon
by Pete Nicholls
There must be something addictive about long distance running or why else would we choose to
put ourselves through so much effort and pain? My last three marathons have ended with knees
giving way and this one was no exception. The Snowdon marathon is a worthy challenge though
and I reckon living up here it has to be the one marathon to do. Anyway, registration the day before
was quick and efficient and on the day I lined up in the wind and rain with Andrea, Frankie, Juliet,
Iori, Kevin and Barry Jackson. The race start was delayed for about 20 minutes which was not good
in the weather conditions and most of us set off still wearing our plastic bin liners (Kevin even
scavenged in a litter bin to find something to wrap around his hands which were already going
Having taken it steady on previous marathons and still had knee trouble I decided to ‘go for it’, the
theory being that the farther I got before they broke down the less hobbling I would have to do. So I
was full of confidence as I ran up the first hill passing lots of runners. There is then a lovely down
hill and flat into Beddgelert as long as you avoid the cars and cyclists – which some of the runners
wearing iPods had lucky escapes from. Just outside Beddgelert is the 13 mile mark and I got there
in about 1hr 45mins to collect a banana and drink bottle from the club’s pit stop crew – Sue
Nicholls, Sue Thomas, Leanne Jones, Tracy Evans and the kids. By this time Andrea and Frankie
were well ahead but it was a great encouragement to see the ladies (I heard them shouting before I
saw them though) and I still felt full of running. So off I went up the hill and three miles later
disaster. My left knee decided it had had enough. I kept going for another couple of miles and then
my right knee came out in sympathy. I can’t repeat what I said to myself, especially as I had done
such a good time to 13 miles.
After the hill out of Beddgelert it is undulating for a few miles to Waunfawr and Iori cruised past
me. Still I managed to hobble along but then there is a really nasty hill (nasty after 20 odd miles
anyway) up to the slate quarry. By now I was reduced to walking backwards to ease the pain and I
saw Kevin waving a few yards behind. Fortunately he had avoided cramp and he gave me a much
appreciated chocolate bar. Next to give me their sympathy was Juliet, who was having her own
problems with stomach cramps but soldiered on. At the quarry I felt awful, really cold because I
was soaking wet and going so slow, my knees were getting worse and at times the gusts of wind
were so strong I was nearly blown over. Barry passed me not long before the descent into Llanberis
and looked fitter and better than any of us.
Andrea and Kevin going strongly on the descent to Llanberis
At last I got to the final descent which was encouraging until I discovered my knees objected even
more to going down hill than up hill. I was moving well below normal walking speed and couldn’t
bend my left leg – that last mile was so painful I felt like giving up, but the stewards, spectators and
other runners were really encouraging. Then thankfully the finishing line. Never ever again I said but then I’ve said that before.
North Wales Cross-Country League
by Graeme Stringer
This year has seen the Club make its first real attempt in the North Wales Cross Country League.
The league is run over a series of 5 races through the winter of 2009/10 and involves clubs and
venues across North Wales and the Borders. The league works on finishing positions, each runner
is given a token as they cross the line and these are handed in to the team Captains. Any number of
First claim runners from each club can take part, and for Men the points total of the first 6 finishers
is used to create the Clubs score and for Ladies it’s the first 3 finishers - a real team sport and it
costs nothing to enter as the Club pays the affiliation fee!!!!
The MRC Team at Colwyn Bay
Both Men’s and Ladies teams have started in Division Two, and after the first 2 events the Men are
lying in 3rd place overall, behind Menai Track and Field and Prestatyn. The ladies have moved up
to 5th place in the table after their superb 3rd place finish at Telford. They also are just one position
behind Prestatyn, so the next race they'll all be trying to get ahead of those Prestatyn red vests!
In the junior section Alex Lanz is literally running away with the league! There may only be 3
competitors but the junior men run with the senior ladies and in the first 2 races he has beaten
everyone, including British International Clare Martin!
Alex wins at Colwyn Bay
The current league tables are on the following page, directions to the next race in Bangor on 21st
November are below. Anyone interested in taking part in any or all of the final races of this year’s
season should contact Graeme, Jan or Andrea for further information.
Note that the North Wales Championship Cross Country is at Corwen on 30th January 2010.
North Wales Cross-Country League Tables after 2 events
1 Telford AAC
2 Wrexham AAC
3 Shrewsbury AAC
4 Maldwyn Harriers
5 Colwyn Bay AAC
6 Eryri Harriers
7 Tattenhall Runners
8 Abergele Harriers
144 pts
445 pts
462 pts
470 pts
668 pts
802 pts
802 pts
1360 pts
1 Menai T + F
2 Prestatyn RC
3 Meirionnydd RC
4 Buckley RC
5 Bangor University AAC
6 Vale Royal AAC
7 Oswestry Olympians
8 Wrecsam Tri Club
9 Denbigh Harriers
10 Deeside AAC
11 Whitchurch Whippets
12 Bridgnorth AAC
13 Clwydian Range Runners
14 West Cheshire AAC
562 pts
684 pts
737 pts
902 pts
977 pts
1211 pts
1251 pts
1341 pts
1428 pts
1437 pts
1788 pts
1876 pts
1887 pts
1 Colwyn Bay AAC
2 Eryri Harriers
3 Oswestry Olympians AAC
4 Wrexham AAC
5 Buckley RC
6 Denbigh Harriers
7 Tattenhall Runners
91 pts
138 pts
189 pts
211 pts
259 pts
363 pts
429 pts
1 Telford AAC
2 Bangor University AAC
3 Menai T + F
4 Prestatyn RC
5 Meirionnydd RC
6 Abergele Harriers
7 Wrecsam Tri Club
8 Whitchurch Whippets
9 Shrewsbury AAC
10 Bro Dysynni AAC
11 Clwydian Range Runners
12 West Cheshire AAC
39 pts
173 pts
190 pts
237 pts
290 pts
297 pts
364 pts
375 pts
393 pts
477 pts
533 pts
620 pts
by Sue Nicholls
Entries to Sue Nicholls by 1st December please.
Correct entries will be put in a hat and the winner will be drawn out. The winner will receive a free
ticket to the MRC Christmas Party (to be held in January). Solution will be published in the next
1. Perform after a cuppa (9)
5. Depth tester (5, 4)
11. Defensive covering (6)
12. Footballers home maybe (5)
13. Make the naughty child sit (6)
14. 24hrs (3)
16. Ethel, not quite ready (3)
18. Sacred Egyptian bird (4)
20. As well (3)
21. It’s a little fishy if you find him (4)
23. Childs game is used as a thickener (3)
58. Rosy view of times gone by (9)
59. Local hill race (9)
1. Old horse drawn vehicles (8)
2. Weapons (4)
3. An arresting problem! (7)
4. The green eyed monster (4)
6. Back on track (4)
Granny in the soaps ! (3)
It makes us who we are (3)
Constrictor (3)
Song….. the knife (3)
Is this the food of love? (5)
A deadly one (3)
A lonely confinement (8)
Concerning a phallic symbol (8)
Sicken (3)
A joyous Welshman! (5)
Espy (3)
Shorten the educational establishment (3)
Small part of a spirits die back (1,1,1)
Everyone (3)
Each (3)
A mix up with American small change (4)
Overlooks the pop (3)
A small glimpse (4)
A country cooker (3)
A lucky one (3)
Get up to scan it (6)
7. Non scoring overs (7)
8. De-crease (4)
9. Trunk caller (8)
10. They can swell (6)
15. Egyptian snake (3)
17. Conclude (3)
19. Constrictor (3)
22. Welsh month (3)
27. Valetta’s country (5)
28. Low lying wet land (5)
29. Musical game? (5)
31. High title (5)
33. Everest is the highest (8)
34. Improves (8)
36. Anger (3)
37. Cypriot holiday resort (7)
39. Financial contributors (6)
40. Icy road? (7)
41. Tree (3)
44. Fresh bacon!
45. On first name terms with Mohamed
Bravery (5)
Floral arrangement (6)
Singer …. Redding (4)
Against (4)
Refuse to acknowledge (4)
Peace keepers in nation (4)
Rearrange the shaded squares to reveal the
best running club ever! Crossword compiled by Sue Nicholls, a mixture of Cryptic, general knowledge& anagrams
Caption Competition
photo by Gareth Roberts
Entries by e-mail, post or via any Committee Member by 1st December please.
The Committee will vote on the entries and the winner will receive a free ticket to the MRC
Christmas Party (to be held in January). The best 3 entries will appear in the next Newsletter.
Forthcoming Races
Sat 7th Nov Rhobell Fawr fell race. 6m 1,900ft.
Sun 8th November Conwy / Llandudno Half Marathon
Sat 14th Nov Penmaenmawr fell race. 11m 1,500ft.
Sun 15 Nov, Corndon 3 peaks Classic fell race, 7 miles 1,850ft.,
Sat 21st Nov North Wales Cross-Country League – Bangor
Sat 21st Nov Elan Valley 10 mile – Rhayader.
Sun 22nd Nov Wrekin Wrecker fell race 8m 2,400ft.
Sun 6th Dec Helena Tipping 10k – Wrexham.
Sun 6th Dec Cardington Cracker fell race 9m 2,600ft.
Sun 13th Dec Aberystwyth 10k.
Sun 13th Dec Mortimers Forest fell race 10m 1,600ft.
Sat 26th Dec Tyn y Groes hill race 2.5m 700ft.
Sun 27th Dec Jubilee Plunge fell race (Moel Famau downhill) 2.5m 1,350ft.
Sat 16th Jan North Wales Cross-Country League - Wrexham .
Sat 30th Jan North Wales Cross-Country Championships - Corwen
Sat 6th Feb North Wales Cross-Country – Oswestry.