Development of Domestic Debt Securities Market I. Recent Development of Domestic Debt Securities Market 1. Creation of the securities market During the pre-transition period the Government owned almost all social wealth. However, since Mongolia has adopted the new Constitution, Civil Code and other laws to allow existence of private wealth, the Government had to be directly involved in such economic relations which are arranged by stock exchange markets. An issue pertaining to stocks is important to all social spectrums from political parties, government, and policy makers to the public at large. The process of introducing new and never-used-before financial instruments into today's distinctive economic environment is underway currently. Upon the set-up of the MSE on 18th January of 1991, the stock exchange market has developed. The legal environment for the operation of the stock exchange market was established by adopting the Privatization Law on 22nd May of the same year. The primary goal of the MSE operations or the establishment of Stock Exchange was to privatize state-owned factories, which had been inherited from the centrally planned economy. In the framework of its operation, it was decided to set up 474 public companies on the basis of these factories and to privatize them. Thus, upon the start-off of the privatization of the state factories, true understanding about stocks has been established alongside with an emergence of these companies. The instrument for the privatization was privatization voucher. The privatization voucher is the blue color coupon, which was distributed to the citizens so that they could buy stocks of above mentioned 470 companies. Altogether, investment certificates with the value of 0.35 billion US dollars were distributed to 1989.9 thousand citizens and citizens were allowed to buy company stocks using these certificates. The development of the securities market can be divided into the following periods. - The primary market (1992-1995) - Start of cash trading (after 1995) Taking into account specifics of the primary market in order to evaluate development and trend of Mongolian securities market, let's only look over the period of cash trading or secondary market. Investors' interest to participate in securities trading was weak because of artificial equilibrium of demand and supply, investors had no knowledge of securities, and there was no cash trading during the primary market period. Primary market The first trade, which took place at the Mongolian Stock Exchange on 7 th February of 1992, is regarded as a start-off of the operation of the securities market. Since then till August 8, 1995, the privatization of state factories or primary market operation took place. During this period total of 900 trading were held and privatization vouchers or blue colored coupons traded 96 million shares of 474 companies. Within three and half years of period, 1.1 million shares owned by individuals and vouchers with value of 47 million US dollars /20 billion tugrugs/ were traded. At that time, company's shares were classified as common and preferred stocks. Preferred stock was sold to their employees at its nominal cost. At that time, nominal prices of shares of all 470 companies were the same 0.2 US dollar /100 tugrugs/. The following table shows data of this trading. Table 1. Number of common stock sold to individuals through the Stock Exchange Years Number of Number of stocks companies /in thousand/ 1992 1993 1994 1995 Total 205 155 70 40 470 35995.72 22318.6 22374.18 12685.13 93373.64 Total /in thousand dollars/ 99280 7515.12 3513.49 1280.27 21588.9 Average rate US / in US dollars / 2.08 0.34 0.16 0.10 067 Table 2. Number of Deferred stock sold Years 1992 1993 Number of Number of Total Average rate company stocks / in /in million /in US dollars/ /in tugrugs/ thousand/ US dollars/ 101 1921,14 4.8 2.5 100 45 677,17 0.17 0.25 100 1994 1995 Total 20 13 179 341,02 65,80 3005,13 0.08 0.01 4.99 0.24 0.21 0.71 100 100 100 Depending on Mongolia's economic characteristics, the country's primary securities market had the following features. These included: - Artificial equilibrium of demand and supply of stocks - From one side individuals with privatization vouchers, from another side state owned factories with the same cost stock - Nominal costs of all companies were the same. - Investors had no experience to participate in the securities market operation Companies couldn't accumulate financial resources, as there was no cash trading Secondary market The specifics of Mongolian secondary market operation are associated with a fact that it was distributed free of charge to individuals or traded at no cost. Till August 1995, there was no cash trade in the primary market. Individuals couldn't trade their securities as the securities weren't traded in cash or distributed in investment certificate. On August 28th, 1995, first cash trading was held at the Mongolian Stock Exchange. This period is called as a beginning of secondary securities market. This enabled investors to sell and purchase their securities. Such trading has been held till now and totally shares of 53.95 million US dollars and bonds of 126.7 million US dollars were traded through 1900 trading. This shows amount of money flown into investment. It can only be said for Mongolia's case. The trades on the secondary market operation meant only re-trading of shares that were acquired through privatization vouchers. Money market Till 1996, money market or short term securities had not been traded in the Mongolian securities market. Short-term securities market or money market operation has started as Mongolian Government Bond was traded first time on October 25th, 1996. Government bond was sold as discounted security and 0.21 million US dollars securities were sold through the Stock Exchange in the first trade. Since then, during 2000-2002, Government and corporation bonds were traded. In 2001, corporation bond was traded first time at the Mongolian Stock Exchange. This process was the primary base of developing money and debt market. From the following table, data of Government and corporate bond can be seen. Central Bank, the Government and commercial banks have been main participants in the money market operations with their activities being regulated in an open and transparent manner. 2. Current situation of securities market A decade passed since the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) established. Almost a half of the period were years of hyper and high inflation pushing businesses and individuals away from financial assets due to its negative yield on holding. Since the MSE established only over 30 companies issued its share in the capital market not including shares traded in exchange of privatisation vouchers. This indicates that companies in this country do not want to finance its business expansion by issuing equity. On the other hand, non-participation of the institutional investors, such as insurance and pension funds, limits market expansion itself. The absence of institutional investors affect to the quality of information and it disclosure so public investors intention or decision collared by the brokers information or perhaps some other middleman who's incentive may diverge from those of investor's. And perhaps, it is slowing the pace of the capital market development in turn. In last few year the opportunity to upgrade capital market functioning have been increasing with a low and stable inflation relative to previous years, and public interest on financial saving is recovering. Operation of securities market of this period is the most important time to determine development of previous and future trends of Mongolian securities market. To determine the conditions of Mongolian securities market at this period let's evaluate indicators separately. Now let's determine conditions of Mongolia's securities market. In order to do so, the following indicators have been analyzed. Table 4. Information on Mongolian securities Market /1996-2003/, end of period 1996 1 Number of listed 449 companies 2 Number of trading companies 3 Listed stocks /in millions of 1997 435 1998 430 1999 418 2000 410 2001 400 2002 403 2003 402 302 203 125 88 134 117 226.4 261.0 273.5 274.3 657.3 1124.6 4 5 6 7 8 9 number/ Market capitalization /in million/ in US dollar 25.9 53.2 Trading amount /in million/ in US dollar 6.3 15.0 Sold stocks /in 24.1 33.7 billion/ Daily average Total amount /in 26.5 59.2 million of $/ Sold stock /in 102 133 billion/ Trading bond /in billion $/ Government bond 0.2 Corporate bond TOP-75 index /in US dollar/ Upper 0.39 0.48 Lover 0.22 0.16 Average 0.30 0.31 Closing 0.39 0.44 39.8 32.1 36.9 37.5 31.9 42.4 11.9 33.1 3.1 21.4 2.7 35.4 1.6 15.9 1.2 9.8 0.8 8.1 47.1 12.1 10.7 6.2 4.8 3.1 130.7 85.1 138.9 62.3 38.6 32.3 10.2 27.9 1.1 37.1 2.6 18.6 2.6 0.46 0.24 0.33 0.43 0.87 0.44 0.59 0.74 1.29 0.71 1.00 0.83 0.89 0.49 0.66 0.77 0.45 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.18 0.21 0.24 Regarding these indicators till 1997-1998 most of the indicators were reached at the top level and since then these have continuously been declining. From these indicators, even TOP-75, Government bonds and corporation bond were increasing, while other indicators including market rate, trading volume, and intensity were decreasing. From last years' trading, it can be seen that there was no trade at all except trading of major few companies' securities and Government bond. Moreover, companies do not issue securities in the capital market. From above indicators Mongolian securities market is now in stagnant condition. II. The Implications of Domestic Bond Market for Central bank Policy A financial market consists of money and capital market. The money market is the market for securities up to one year; they are named as short-term securities or short-term debt instruments. In contrast the capital market is the market for longer maturity debt instrument. Although the instruments of these markets are not an emphasis in this short essay, one might worth noting. All instruments in both markets are differing by its maturity, risk and consequently its yield but among all debt instruments special attention drawn to the government securities. There is common believe that the Government will not default on its debt, and therefore the demand on different type of Government securities in both capital and money market is high, so investors treat them as lowest risk instrument. The most important use of those is the investors' opportunity to diversify non-market risk, related to other debt instruments. In addition to this the Government securities used as reliable signal for market condition, when uncertainty increases due to increased volatility of prices of other securities the demand for the government securities increases. One important role of the Government securities is the role of key instrument for enhancing market relations at initial stage of both financial and money market development in developing economy. In this country we see that the Central Bank Bills (CBB) plays similar role for money market development. The main objective of the Bank of Mongolia shall be to ensure stability of the tugrug. In order to implement its objectives, the Bank of Mongolia shall formulated and implemented of monetary policy by coordinating money supply in the economy. In order to execute monetary policy, to influence price developments through controls over the reserve money and money supply as a whole, and to indirectly manage excess reserves within the banking system, the Bank of Mongolia has issued CBB. The CBB is the main policy tool of the Central Bank, at discounted prices (selling at a discount, i.e. a price below par value, while repaying the buyer at par value). This has been done in accordance with international standards. Although both CBB and Government securities are financial instruments, they differ in principle by their ultimate objectives. As for the TB, it is issued for implementing fiscal policy and Government debt management, and as for the CBB it is issued for maintaining domestic price stability. Because of their different influence on macro-economy, certain conflicts of interest may arise during implementation of fiscal and monetary policies. For instance, issuance of the Government securities leads to an expansion of money supply, and in contrast, issuance of the CBB leads to a decrease of base money. In the most countries participants of the money market is limited. Typical participant of the market is the commercial bank. So, the money market in reality a wholesale market for money. Thus the commodity sold here is money and price for money is cheaper than otherwise. The default risk in the money market is low maybe because of short maturity of the contracts negotiated. A transaction in the money market transfers money from one intermediary to another. Its size and price is the space monetary policy. In contrast the capital market serves genuinely for and opens to the public. Products sold in this market vary widely but they cannot be used as a payment instrument. The market attracts public interest to invest because of its tax convention, wide range of efficient flexible investment and an opportunity for diversification of the risk. It is very rare for any central bank to be actively involved in this big market where concludes many different financial contracts. So, the capital market is not a direct space where monetary policy operates. However, it is important enough for consideration from a monetary policy point of view, because of its relevance for achieving a goal of the policy. The capital market increases efficiency of the monetary policy Development and stable operation of the capital market is important for the monetary policy implementation by two major reasons. 1. The capital market is a part of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. 2. The capital market contributes for the financial stability because it provides an alternative for an investment opportunity. If there is a change in a money supply and/or in a short-term interest rate for monetary policy consideration then in one side it will induce change in the price for financial assets. On the other hand it will create an additional flow of funds between markets. In both cases these shocks stimulate flexible investment opportunity revealing most productive sectors/industries and reallocate financial resources. Through these adjustments ensure the achievements of the goal of the monetary policy. Although this is just an additional channel to transmit a policy effect when it enables the efficiency of the policy is improved substantially. The effect of this channel depends upon development and capitalisation of the capital market, popularity and habitual pattern of the use of financial instruments and public intention to invest in the market and of cause Government policy on deepening of the capital market. The role of the capital market is to channel a saving to the business, creating investment opportunity in the real sector and provides continues valuation of the listed companies. Apart from this the capital market can provide an opportunity to business entities and individuals to proper locate their liquidity when instability facing in the money market and conditions of the banks and non-bank similar institutions is worsening. Therefore when a financial intermediation falls, hence an investment and saving opportunity lacks the market offsets deterioration of the intermediation reducing a negative impact of it. Furthermore well functioning capital market may prevent the negative impact above mentioned to extent to the financial crisis. So, enhanced stability of the financial sector ensures successful implementation of the monetary policy. Since a monetary policy is based on the stable relationships of the monetary side of economy, and if any negative shock to the money market spreads and causes loss of the latter relationship then changes in the instruments may result unexpected, perhaps, damaging effects. This is enough for the central bank to pay attention to the development of the capital market and to be an active observer of the market. From the development of the capital market there are some aspects worth noting. The specific of the market can be characterised as an information intensive, not easy to understand for a general public, methods of diversifying risks are require sophisticated technique. Perhaps, therefore with the development of the academic research in this direction and an improvement in information processing, dissemination mechanism the market capitalisation increases. However, the information is an expensive and it has property of a common good after the disclosure. In other words, when company invests in private information to increase its profit they have no opportunity to avoid the situation where other investors follow the decision taking by the firm and as a result initial expected profit will be reduced due to common good inefficiency. However, with the increasing number of participants the common good problem may be reduced. But, to encourage potential investors to participate the role of big investors (including institution investors), who can facilitate information availability and quality is crucial. The history shows institutional investor such as insurance and pension funds are plaid role for stimulators for quality information and made important base investment in information business. On the other hand with increased availability of the quality information general public invests in the market more, not only for profitable investment but to seek a capital gain. The incentive of the participants focused on the capital gain also gives signal to the listed companies about its rating and market value for the share as performance criterion. Indeed, companies carry a decision to increase its business issuing equity depending on the price of its share. Because classic economists are believed that monetary policy may influence to the market value of the company (change of the Tobin's q as an example) the capital market plays crucial role to promote investment via monetary policy. III. Key Challenges In Developing Domestic Debt Securities Markets In order to use the opportunity fully there are needs to put effort on broad advertisement of the usefulness of Stock Exchange, take measures to increase its credibility, improve transaction efficiency of the institution. The market efficiency will improve with achievements in the information quality and dissemination efficiency. Apart from above introduction of the new instruments will impact market size positively and may force its deepening as you can observe from recent activism of the Government security in the market. The volume of the Government security increased substantially since 2000 and housing bond introduced from 2001. These new instruments will contribute to upgrade capital market and gave investors a new alternative for investment. Perhaps, widen market space through introducing less risky and more liquid assets. At this stage our capital market is not developed yet to attract investor for a profit from capital gain. So, capital market is not ready to operate as monetary policy transmission mechanism today.