Oracle: Lets get online Step 1. Step 2. PRESS: Student Login Student Login: usfl_atc_sql01_s## (teacher will assign you access number 01- 25) (countrystate_school_sql zero one _s# #) all lower case Password: _First day only: Atlantic09 change profile Catalog Home Profile And log out at the end of each session. The key components of the Data Modeling and Relational Database Design curriculum are found at the following sites: Oracle Internet Academy - This site is the main portal for the Oracle Internet Academy and Academy instructors Oracle iLearning - The entire Data Modeling and Relational Database Design course is located on Oracle iLearning. Oracle iLearning is an enterprise Learning Management System (LMS) and a core component of Oracle's E-Business Suite. It provides a complete infrastructure to manage, deliver, and track training for online and classroom based environments. The teacher and student materials, chapter quizzes and all instructional materials for Data Modeling and Structured Query Language (SQL) are offered at this site. Techweb - The TechWeb site is a valuable resource for anyone in the IT field. The TechEncyclopedia defines over 20,000 terms and is easily accessible for students COURSE LAYOUT The Data Modeling and Relational Database Design course is an 18 Section Course offered on Oracle iLearning). The core content is a pdf file comprised of 8 Chapters spread across the 18 Sections. Each Section is in turn divided into 5 daily Lessons of 45-55 minutes each. The format for each Section is: Overview - high-level explanation of what will learned in the Section Objectives - specific and attainable behavioral objectives Lessons 1 to 5 - daily lesson Quizzes - Each chapter has a quiz designed to measure the student learning objectives.