Variation to terms and conditions on appointment on promotion

Variation to terms and conditions on appointment on
Pay Identity Number:
Our reference:
Contract type:
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on behalf of the
Contract type
This statement sets out changes in your terms of employment with HMRC as a result of your
acceptance of a new appointment on promotion. This statement complies with our
obligations under the Employment Rights Act 1996, and tells you about the changes to your
terms and conditions. All other terms and conditions not mentioned below remain
Changes in terms and conditions
As a result of taking up a new appointment on promotion, the following of your terms and
conditions will change. These changes come into effect on [insert date].
Job title, grade and mobility
Your job title and grade are [insert both] and your place of work is: [insert office
As a civil servant you are required to be mobile within HMRC and across government
departments within the parameters of reasonableness. This means that you may be
required to work anywhere in the United Kingdom or abroad, or to work away from
home for temporary periods. The issue of what is reasonable will relate to your
individual circumstances at the time of any proposed changes to your place of work.
Your full-time annual rate of pay on appointment is £[XXXXX]. [insert if LMS due This role is eligible for a non-pensionable Labour Market Supplement of £XXXXXX.
The Labour Market Supplement is specific to the designated post and is paid to the
person appointed to the designated role who has the appropriate skills and
knowledge. The supplement is paid in 12 monthly instalments with salary to staff in
qualifying posts and is subject to tax and National Insurance. It is pro rated for parttime staff. The supplement will be paid for two years and is then subject to a formal
review. If you move to a role that is not eligible for the Labour Market Supplement
then it will be removed from the date of the transfer.]
[Insert if based in London] Hours of work and patterns of attendance
Your hours (gross including five hours of paid meal breaks) are 42 hours per week.
Time off work
[Insert if moving on to a 5 days out of 7 working pattern in London] As you are
moving on to a 5 days out of 7 working pattern your paid annual leave allowance will
now be calculated in hours. Full-time employees in their 1st year of qualifying
service have a paid annual leave allowance of 162.8 hours (equivalent to 22 full
days). This allowance increases to 185 hours (equivalent to 25 full days) after 1
year’s qualifying service. After 10 year’s qualifying service this allowance increases
to 222 hours (equivalent to 30 full days).
In addition to your annual leave allowance, you are entitled to paid public and
privilege leave of 8 days public and 1 day privilege holiday for the Queen’s birthday.
If you work part-time, including part-year, your entitlements are calculated
proportionally on a pro-rata basis.
Sickness absence
If you have provided the appropriate certificates you will be entitled to sick pay (at full
and/or half pay) based on your length of service. The entitlement is shown below.
Length in Civil Service
During 1st year of service
During 2nd year of service
During 3rd year of service
During 4th year of service
During 5th and any subsequent year of
1 month full pay & 1 month half pay
2 months’ full pay & 2 months’ half pay
3 months’ full pay & 3 months’ half pay
4 months’ full pay & 4 months’ half pay
5 months’ full pay & 5 months’ half pay
Sickness absence is paid in accordance with variation G above, up to a maximum of
10 months pay (full and/or half pay) in any rolling period of 4 years. Any Statutory
Sick Pay due is included in sick pay paid under this section.
You should contact My Civil Service Pensions (MyCSP) to find out what effect these
changes will have on your pension.
If your contract was originally for 12 months or less, you were responsible for deciding
whether to join a pension scheme. You should contact MyCSP if you now wish to join the
pension scheme.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Further details on all terms and
conditions can be found on the About You section of the intranet.
This statement sets out changes in your terms of employment with HMRC as a result of your
acceptance of a new appointment on promotion. You must inform the HR Service Centre
immediately if any of the details set out in the statement are wrong.
You will be deemed to have accepted the terms by taking up your new role. [DN JB:
Checking with CSEP whether a new formal acceptance is being put in place]
You should keep a copy of this statement for future reference.