1 Minutes of the 26th Meeting of State Level Expert Appraisal Committee constituted for considering environmental clearance projects (B category) under GOI Not. dated 14.9.06 held on 15th , 16th & 17th December, 2009 at B55-58 Paryatan Bhawan 1st Floor Sec. 2, Panchkula under the Chairmanship of Sh. Inderjit Juneja, Chairman, SEAC. ** List of participants is annexed as Annexure-A. At the outset Chairman, SEAC welcomed the Members of the SEAC and advised the Secy. to give brief background of this meeting. The minutes of the 25th Meeting were approved without any further modifications. It was further informed that in this meeting 35 numbers projects are being taken up for appraisal and grading. It is intimated that Sh. Surinder Malik could not attend the meeting on 16th & 17th December 2009.It was deliberated in details about how much cases are required to be taken per sitting. It was decided that six no. of cases should be taken per sitting for new projects where presentation is to be given and 10 no. of cases per sitting should be taken where reply to the shortcomings after presentation have been received. After preliminary discussions, the following projects were taken on case-tocase basis: 26.1 EC for Uppal Vornado SEZ Village Rathiwas, Gurgaon, Haryana. By M/S Uppal Developers Pvt. Ltd. The PP applied to MOEF on 25.06.08 the same was transferred to SEIAA on 03.09.08. In the mean time the PP on 04.08.08 requested for appraisal of his case which might have been transferred from MOEF Govt. Of India. After the receipt of the project from MOEF GOI, the documents submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to PP on 19.09.08. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 17.10.08.Thereafter this case was take up the in the 7th meeting of SEAC in which after presentation certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP 06.11.08. The PP failed to submit reply with in the stipulated period. Accordingly final notice was issued on 21.01.09. The PP submitted reply shortcomings on 03.06.09 but it was noticed that the reply in respect of point no. 2 i.e. the PP will submitted i.e. 1 2 assurance from the competent authority for supply of 10632 KLD fresh water was incomplete. Accordingly he was requested to submit complete reply vide SEAC letter dated 03.07.09. The case was again takeup in the 22nd meeting of SEAC held on 24.09.2009 wherein the PP failed to satisfy the committee about supply of water. Accordingly the committee advised the PP to find out and inform in writing about inclusion of the volume of the water in capacity statement of NCR Canal planned and under execution of Gurgaon area. The same was conveyed to the PP on 08.10.09 with the advice to submit the information within 30 days and in case of non-submission of reply his case will be recommended for rejection. It was also informed that it should be considered as final notice. The PP failed to submit the reply. However, this case was again taken up in 26th meeting of SEAC held on 15.12.09 in which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. But the committee went through all the previous details of this case and observed that the PP had been given final notice on 08.10.09 for 30 days for compliance. More than two months have already gone. Even then the case was listed for the 26th meeting. The PP or his consultant have not bothered to attend the meeting and has not complied with the observations made vide SEAC letter dated 08.10.09. After detailed discussions the committee unanimously decided to recommend this case for filing to SEIAA. 26.2 EC for Capacity Enhancement in Environmental Clearance- Production of lead ingots from Waste batteries from 180 tonnes per annum to 1800 tonnes per annum by M/S Master Metal, Village Baland, District Rohtak, Haryana. The project proponent applied to SEIAA on 27.11.08 for getting environment clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.06. The project was examined and certain shortcomings were noticed and conveyed to the Project Proponent vide SEAC office letter dated 17.12.2008. The Project proponent vide letter dated 13.03.2009 submitted the reply to the shortcomings. The case was taken up in the 15th meeting of SEAC held on 16.04.09. After presentation it was noticed that the reply to the shortcomings was incomplete and the PP had failed to submit cost estimates of the project, NOC of the village Panchayat and safety data sheet. It was decided that a Sub-Committee of Chairman, SEAC, 2 3 Prof. B. Padmanbhamurthy, Er. Jameet Singh and Sh. Jaipal Singh Sangwan should visit the site and submit their report within one month. It was further decided that the PP may be directed to submit the desired information within 30 days, and failing thereto his project will be recommended for rejection. Accordingly a Sub-Committee consisting of Sh. Inderjit Juneja, Chairman, Prof. B. Padmanbhamurthy, Er. Jameet Singh and Sh. Jaipal Singh Sangwan, all members of SEAC visited the site in question 08.05.2009 and submitted their report with certain observations/suggestions, as under:[i] The Chimney should be properly earthed to discharge the electric charge generated during thunder storms (lightening). [ii] The Air pollution control system should be periodically checked and examined by a competent person duly certified by the Director Health and Safety, Haryana under Rule 2A of PFR, 1952. [iii] The Air pollution control system should consist of:(a) Multicyclone bag house filter. (b) Scrubbing system to control SO2 (c) A buffer chamber underneath stack to get deposited dust particles that escape bag filters and only allow gases to pass through stack. These will continue even after expansion and would serve the purpose adequately. [iv] The wind rose indicates that the effluents from the several lead acid battery smelting units are likely to affect the villages’ abadies. [v] [a] The unit will submit an affidavit affirming the following:No woman or young person shall be employed or allowed to work in any of lead operations. [b] The management should provide suitable protective clothing like nose masks, hand gloves, helmets, boots, goggles & ear plugs /muffs. These should be periodically cleaned and kept in the charge of a responsible person in a separate room (clock room). [c] Provide separate room for storing of food, drinks and for smoking. 3 4 [d] Provide adequate washing facilities like separate bath rooms, towels, soap, creams, nail brushes etc. [e] Every person employed should be medically examined by a certifying Surgeon within 14 days of his first employment to have a certificate of fitness in Form No. 17 and a token and this medical fitness certificate will be in the custody of the Managers/occupier. Periodical examination should be carried out after every three months and its record will be maintained in a register Form No. 17A as prescribed under Rule 102 sd (10), Section 87 of PFR, 1952, 12-A, 1948. Note:- The management should deposit Rs.30/- per person as fees under dangerous operations under the Factories Act and Rules made there under. Apply to conduct medical examination to the certifying Surgeon Labour Department Civil Secretariat, Gurgaon, Haryana. [f] There should be periodical dust sampling/monitoring of lead dust in the factory premises and measures should be adopted to achieve TLV: 02 mg/M3. [g] The factory premises is surrounded by agricultural area. No lead dust should be allowed in the fields crops which can have deposits on the crops that can cause lead poisoning to the consumers. [h] Sometimes the used batteries may carry sulphuric acid. Handling of such batteries may cause burn injuries to the workers and generation of hydrogen gas by reaction acid with lead can cause explosion may cause fire and damage to the man and property. The management should have a acid neutralizing tank of reasonable depth and width with acid proof tiles. [i] The chemical safety data sheet of lead should be displayed in the factory office. [vi] The management shall obtain Membership of Haryana Environment Management Society and submit proof to the committee. As per the decision the shortcomings were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC letter dated 22.04.09. The Sub-Committee submitted its report on 24.06.09. Thereafter, this case was again taken up in the 19th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.07.09. In the meeting it was decided that the recommendations of the subcommittee be conveyed to the PP for submitting the reply. The shortcomings 4 5 were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC letter dated 04.08.09. No reply was received in spite of lapse of more than 3 months. Where as, the PP may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it was also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information and in case of non-receipt of information in time, the case shall be recommended for rejection. However, this case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09 which was attended by the PP. In the meeting the PP informed that he had already submitted reply to the shortcomings as conveyed to him vide SEAC letter dated 04.08.09. Detailed discussions were held by committee members and the PP was asked to submit the copy of the reply already submitted which was acceded to by the PP and promised to supply the copy of the reply alongwith affidavit within two or three days. He informed the committee that in his reply he had given satisfactory answers and affidavit as desired by SEAC. The committee decided that after going through the reply his case will be recommended to SEIAA if the reply would be found in order. The reply received should be put up before the SEAC in the next meeting. 26.3 EC for Lead Processing Unit at Plot No. 50/14/1 Kundli, Distt, Sonepat by M/S Onkar Metals Industry Sunarian Road, VillageBaland, Distt. Rohtak, Haryana. The PP initially applied for EC in MOEF GOI on 26.02.08 which was transferred to SEIAA Haryana on 21.11.08 The Project was examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 17.12.08. The PP submitted incompleted reply on dated 15.04.09. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 15th meeting of SEAC held on 15.04.09. During presentation certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP on 22.04.09. The PP again submitted incomplete reply to the shortcomings on 19.05.09. The case was taken up in the 23rd meeting held on 23.10.09. In which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. The committee viewed their absence seriously and decided to issue final notice of 30 days. 5 6 The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. No reply was received and as per decision of 23rd meeting. Final notice was issued on 03.11.09. The case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09 in which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting and failed to comply with the observations of the SEAC as already conveyed. After detailed deliberations the committee decided to recommend this case for filing to SEIAA as the PP is not complying with the observations of the SEAC. The SEIAA may also be requested to advise HSPCB to take appropriate action against the unit as per law in case the work is being done without obtaining Environment Clearance. 26.4 EC for development of proposed Sanitary Landfill and Composting site at Rohtak by Executive Officer Rohtak Municipal Council Rohtak. The PP applied for granting EC for their sanitary landfill and composting site at Rohtak on 09.09.08. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 28.10.08. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 27.12.08 thereafter this case was taken up in the 9th meeting of SEAC held on 28.11.08. Wherein presentation was given by PP and his consultant During presentation the consultant of the project proponent informed that the project is being developed under Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for small and medium towns under Government of India Scheme and the Government of India is providing 80% project cost to the State Government. The State Level Nodal Agency for the project is Haryana Urban Infrastructure Development Board and implementing agency is National Building Construction Corporation Limited. The proposed project will include proper waste collection system, designated waste management facility, secured land fill facility, waste treatment unit and control over the waste. The proposed project is located in Rohtak over an area of 13 acres on Rohtak Jind road. The land had been in the possession of Rohtak Municipal Council and is devoid of encroachment and other human activities. The project site is 15 kms. away from the State or National Highway and the life of the land fill site is 8 to 10 years. The expected cost of the project would be Rs.19.88 Crores. The present population is 338718 in 31 wards and 6 7 25 slump pockets. The expected population as on 2017 will be 462444 and present waste generation is 135.6 TPD and expected waste generation as on 2017 would be 184.17 TPD. It was further explained that the solid waste will be collected from door to door in storage container and will be transported to the site. The waste will be segregated. The bio-degradable waste will be converted into bio-compost as well as finished RDF product. The rejected inert waste will be filled in sanitary land fills. Land-fills comprises of Liner Systems, Leach ate Collection & extraction system as per CPHEEO Manual on SWM. No Leach-ate will be allowed to penetrate into the ground and the landfill site will be covered with vegetative cover on completion. After detailed deliberations the Committee observed that public hearing in this case is required and the committee also accepted the proposed TOR submitted by the project proponent. After detailed deliberations the following decisions were taken:[1] The PP will submit an undertaking in the form of affidavit that they will use low sulfur diesel/HSD (0.25% ) for their DG set. [2] The PP will submit site map of the area with details as advised by the committee. [3] The PP will approach the Chairman,Haryana State Pollution Control Board for public hearing. [4] The PP will prepare EIA/EMP on the basis of following TORs:- [iv] Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM:Existing Municipal Waste Management System in study Area. Location of Proposed Landfill site. Climatic Conditions. Geology & Hydro Geology. Nature of Soil. Lakes, Ponds & Reservoirs. Water soruces. Crop & Vegetation. Sanctuary National Park. Wild life. Forests Historic. Cultural, Tourists. Archaeological. Defence Installations Major Industries. 7 8 Municipal solid Waste Quantity and collection sites. Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics. Land Details for Landfill site. Rehabilitation of Disposed Population. Landfill sites AIR QUALITY:Ambient Air Monitoring at Eight Locations. Impact Assessment on the Study area. Water Quaity:Water quality monitoring at four ocations of Water/Ground Water. Assessment of Surface Water Quality. Assessment of Ground Water Quality & modeling. SOIL QUALITY:Description of Site. Soil Pattenr. Study of Soil Quality and Assessment. NOISE QUALITY:Noise quality monitoring at eight locations.] Impact Assessment on the Study Area GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY:Natural Drainage System. Geology of the Area. Ground Water level and Seasonal Fluctuations. Natural of soil. Depth of soil layer. Scismicity. TRANSPORTATION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE:Municipal solid Waste Transportation at Karnal. Measures for Efficient collection & Transportation. RISK ASSESMENT AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN:Risk assessment. Landfill Fire Management. Disaster Management Plan. 8 Inland Surface 9 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT PLANB. & SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Management during development phase. Environmental management during operation phase. Environmental Monitoring Programme. Recommendation for measures for pollution Control. Green Belt Development. Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines. After preparing the Draft EIA covering the above mentioned issues, the project proponent will get the public hearing conducted and take further necessary action for obtaining environmental clearance in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the EIA Notification, dated 14.09.2006. The decision/recommendations of the committee were conveyed to the PP on 17.12.08 no reply was received. Final notices were issued on 22.06.09 and 22.10.09. However, the PP submitted fresh duly filled form 1 alongwith draft TOR’s on 20.11.09 for another site at village Sunariyan Kalan and Jalalpur the size of the project is now 33.89 acres which has already been acquired. This area will comprise of treatment facility of 100 tonnes per day compositing plant and a land fill. The expected cost of the project will be Rs. 21.29 crores. It was further informed during presentation that in the first phase they will be having sanitary land fill of 6 acres (which will be sufficient for 10 years) and green area of 3 acres. For the second and third phases 12 acres will be used for sanitary land fill and remaining land for open spaces and green area. The total green area will be 33%. There will be total solid waste generation of 143.6 M.T. per day. Thereafter, their scheme of collection/transportation, compositing etc. was discussed alongwith the design of the land fill facility. The draft TOR’s prepared were presented & discussed. After deliberations the committee approved the TOR’s subject to the condition to add/give the following information in the EIA/EMP:1. Water table should not be touched and it should be 3 mtrs. above the water table. 2. Ground water modeling should be undertaken. 3. Public hearing should be got conducted. 4. Further requirement of land upto 30 years should be given. 5. The growth of population should systematically assessed. 6. The tables in the EIA/EMP should be prepared for 30 years period. 7. There should be proper segregation of the bio-degradable, non-biodegradable and inert waste at the final collection point also. 9 10 8. Separate dumpers should be used for bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste. 9. There should be proper colour coding for collection of different kinds of waste. 10. There should be 33% green area which should be having at least 20% plantation area. 11. Area pollution should be checked as per the latest GOI. Standards which includes checking of PM 10, Ammonia, Lead etc. 12. Ground water pollution in the area of 10 KM. should be checked & monitored. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the EIA/EMP incorporating the above points within 105 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.5 Environmental Clearance for IT SEZ Village Kukrola and Sehrawan, Distt. Gurgaon, Hry by M/S D.S. Realetors Pvt. Ltd. A-16, Sector-26, Noida-201301. This project is an IT SEZ project to be constructed at village Kukrola and Sehrawan Haryana. The project proponent applied to SEIAA for Environmental Clearance vide their letter dated 11.07.08 & was received by SEIAA on 21.07.08. During examination of the papers certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 27.08.08. This case was taken up in the 6th meeting of SEAC held on 17.10.08. Wherein neither the PP nor his representative attended the meeting. A request was received for postponement of their presentation which was accepted by the committee. Thereafter the PP submitted reply dated 25.12.08 received in this office on 27.01.09. The case was again taken up in the 13th meeting of SEAC held on 26.02.09 in which neither PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. However on examination certain shortcomings were again noticed, which were conveyed to the PP on 05.05.09. A final notice was issued on 23.07.09. However, this 10 11 case was again taken up in the 20th meeting of SEAC held on 06.08.09 wherein after presentation the following shortcomings were noticed. 1. Assurance of water supply from HSIDC or permission from central Ground water Authority to change of Ground Water use from agriculture to commercial was required. 2. Assurance from Haryana Vidut Bijli Vitaran Nigam to supply 91.60 MW electricity was needed. 3. PP will submit electrical safety policy for the project during construction and operation period. 4. PP is advised to plant broad leaf trees such as Cassia fistula, Lagersroemia-flos-reginae, Acassia-juvanicea, Callistemon lanceolatus, Azadirchta indica in addition to those as mentioned in their reply dated 27.01.2009. The shortcomings were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 31.08.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 04.09.09 thereafter this case was again taken up in the 22nd meeting of SEAC held on 24.09.09. In which a request was received from the PP for postponement of their case which was acceded to by the committee. This case was again taken up in the 24th meeting of SEAC held on 11.11.2009 in which a request was received from the project proponent for providing some time as they are in the process of procuring relevant documents as required by SEAC. After considering the request the committee decided to allow more time as requested by PP. It was also decided that the PP may also be informed that his project will deem to be considered to have been received as and when the complete information is submitted by him. They may also be asked to submit an affidavit that they have not started the construction activity. They may be issued final notice. The decision was conveyed to the PP on 18.11.09. The case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09. It was observed that the PP again requested for providing more time till submission of all the required information is done from their end vide their letter dated 09.12.09. Till deliberations were held by the committee members. It was observed that he was requested to attend the 22nd, 24th and 26th meeting but he failed to attend and every time instead of submitting relevant information he has 11 12 requested for postponement without giving any logical reason. It was further observed by the committee that the PP does not seem to be interested in getting environment clearance. Therefore, he remained absent in the last consecutive 3 meetings and his case is of July 2008. Accordingly, the SEAC unanimously decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 26.6 Environmental Clearance for Engineering College near village Baraut, District-Sonepat, Haryana by M/S S.R. Educational & Welfare Trust, 16, Vaishali Enclave, Main Pitam Pura, Delhi- 110088 The PP applied in MOEF GOI vide their letter dated 22.11.07 the same was transferred to SEIAA on 30.06.08 on examination certain shortcoming were noticed which were conveyed to the PP on 13.08.08 the PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 15.09.08. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 4 th meeting held on 16.09.08. In which presentation was given by the PP and consultant. During presentation, the consultant of Project Proponent informed that they had submitted the revised Form-I, Form-1A and conceptual plan and further explained that this project is construction of Engineering College at VillageBaraut, Sonepat, Haryana at an expected cost of Rs. 25 crores. The total Plot area is 41271.97 sq. mt. and total proposed built up area will be 17981.83 sq. mt. excluding basement and area open to sky comprising of 3 floors. It was also informed that the green belt development area has been kept as about 50% of the total area out of which tree plantation area will be more than 15 %. The total water requirement will be 250 KLD which will be met from ground water after taking permission from the Competent Authority. It was also informed that the total waste water generation will be 225 KLD which will be treated in the STP having capacity of 225 KLD. The whole treated water will be recycled/reused for gardening and the sludge produced from the STP will be used as soil conditioner. It was further informed that RO process will be introduced by the unit for the drinking water. It was informed by the project proponent that the power requirement will be 50 to 150 KW to be supplied by the HBVNL and for partial power back up will be provided by installing 2 DG sets 0f 2X 125 KVA capacity. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities of 12 13 4431 sq. mt. in three areas for car parking for 200 ECS. ON enquiry regarding status of construction, it was informed that the project is under construction. After that detailed deliberations were held about Solid Waste generation and its management, hazardous waste management, parking plan, green belt development, dual plumbing system, rain water harvesting, power requirement etc. After presentation, the committee observed certain shortcomings which were conveyed to the PP on 29.09.08.The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 06.11.08. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 11th meeting of SEAC held on 27.01.09 and observed that the PP had submitted the desired information as sought by SEAC except clarification as to whether ex-post facto Environment Clearance given to the PP. from MOEF GOI accordingly SEAC decided that advice may be sought from SEIAA. As per the decision clarification was sought from SEIAA. The SEIAA gave their advice on dated 04.05.09. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 16th meeting. In which it was decided that a sub-committee of SEAC should visit the site and give their report. The Sub-Committee visited the site on 24.06.09 and gave the recommendation. After that the case was taken up in the 19th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.07.09 in which it was observed that the project proponent has not submitted complete reply to the shortcomings which were conveyed to them on 04.08.09, and further informed them that if the reply is not received in 30 days then there case will be recommended for rejection. The case was taken up again in the 22nd meeting wherein the project proponent submitted reply to the shortcomings. Which were discussed by the committee members in the meeting held on 24.09.09 and found the reply is not satisfactory and having following shortcomings:1. The project proponent should submit scheme for management and handling of solid waste. 2. The project proponent should submit revised rain water harvesting plan along with calculation. 3. The project proponent should submit hydraulic design of the STP along with dimension of each component as well as revised water balance diagram. 4. The project proponent should submit a copy of the application applied with Central Ground Water Authority. The shortcomings were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09 and the Project Proponent was advised to submit the required 13 14 information within 30 days and it was also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information in case of non-receipt of information in time, the case shall be recommended for rejection and specifically wrote to treat this as final notice. The PP submitted reply vide their letter dated 10.12.09 which was discussed in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 15.12.09. It was noticed that the reply submitted is still incomplete and vague and after detailed deliberation committee decided that a Final Notice of 15 days period may be issued to the PP to submit the complete reply failing which his case will be recommended to SEIAA for filing/rejection. 26.7 EC for the development of Suncity Township Complex at Sector-2728, Rohtak, Haryana by M/S Uddar Gagan Properties Pvt. Ltd. N-49, First Floor Cannaught Palace, New Delhi- 110001 The case under consideration is a township complex project at Sector-27 & 28, Rohtak which was sent to SEIAA on 10.09.09 by conveying the recommendation of SEAC for rejection of this project and requesting SEIAA to issue directions to Environment Department and HSPCB to ensure that there should not be any violation by the PP and in case violation is found legal action should be initiated against the PP. The SEIAA vide their letter dated 22.10.09 decided that the PP requires to take environment clearance which was agreed by the PP and the case was remanded back to SEAC for appraisal of this project on merit as the PP have agreed to obtain the Environment clearance. Consequent to the directions of the SEIAA the SEAC office requested the PP to apply for Environment clearance on dated 27.10.09, but no reply was received from the PP accordingly the case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09. During deliberations in the meeting it was noticed that the PP have requested for postponement of their case as they are preparing the revised application for EC which will be submitted by the end of December 2009. after detailed discussions the committee accepted the request and decided to issue a Final Notice of 15 days for submission of EC application. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the EC application within 15 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in 14 15 time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. It should be considered a final notice. 26.8 EC for the development of Suncity Township Complex at Sector-33, Kaithal , Haryana by M/S Dhir Construction & Builders Pvt. Ltd. N-49, First Floor Cannaught Place, Delhi. The case under consideration is a township complex project at Sector-33 Kaithal, Haryana which was sent to SEIAA on 10.09.09 by conveying the recommendation of SEAC for rejection of this project and requesting SEIAA to issue directions to Environment Department and HSPCB to ensure that there should not be any violation by the PP and in case violation is found legal action should be initiated against the PP. The SEIAA vide their letter dated 22.10.09 decided that the PP requires to take environment clearance which was agreed by the PP and the case was remanded back to SEAC for appraisal of this project on merit as the PP have agreed to obtain the Environment clearance. Consequent to the directions of the SEIAA the SEAC office requested the PP to apply for Environment clearance on dated 27.10.09, but no reply was received from the PP, accordingly the case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09. During deliberations in the meeting it was noticed that the PP had requested for postponement of their case as they were preparing the revised application for EC which will be submitted by the end of December 2009. After detailed discussions the committee accepted the request and decided to issue a Final Notice of 15 days for submission of EC application. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the EC application within 15 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.9 EC for the development of IT/ITES SEZ Project at Sohna Road Distt, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Parsvnath SEZ Limited, 6th Floor Arunchal Building, 19, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi- 110001. 15 16 It is a IT/ITES SEZ project at Sohna Road, Gurgaon with an estimated cost of Rs. 2235 Crores. The case was recommended by SEAC in a 21st meeting for according Environment clearance under EIA notification dated 14.09.06. The case was recommended on 09.09.09 to SEIAA after scrutiny made five observations which was conveyed to them by SEIAA on 22.10.09 and refer back this case to SEAC for further examination and appraisal on the points as detailed in their letter. SEAC office requested the PP to submit reply to the observations vide their letter dated 27.10.09. No reply was received thereafter, this case was taken up in 26th meeting of SEAC held on 15.12.09 in which during deliberations it was noticed by the committee that the PP vide their office letter dated 10.12.09 requested to grant some more time to submit the information as required by SEIAA and taken up their case in the next meeting of the SEAC. The committee after deliberation decided to accede to the request. However, the Project Proponent may be advised to submit the desired information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. It should be treated as a Final Notice. 26.10 EC for our proposed IT Park project at Sector-18, Distt. Gurgaon. Haryana by M/S Teletech Industries Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office: 51, Furniture Block, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015 The PP applied for the environment clearance on 22.5.2009. The papers submitted were examined, shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC letter dated 19.6.2009. In response to the observations the PP submitted the reply on 01.07.2009. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 21st Meeting in which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. The members took serious note of their absence for not presenting their case and decided to defer this case for next meeting. The same was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 10.09.09. This case was again taken up in the 25th meeting of SEAC held on 19.11.09 in which the PP and his consultant appeared before the committee. However, the committee members pointed out that the PP had not submitted the complete papers and accordingly they are not prepared to examine this case due to lack of documents supplied by the PP. 16 17 After detailed discussions the committee in consultation with PP decided to postpone this case. The PP assured the members that he will supply the complete information along with annexures within a week. The observations were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 27.11.09. Thereafter, this case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 15.12.09 in which the PP and his consultant appeared before the committee but at the start of the presentation it was noticed that the PP had not submitted the CLU in respect of their IT project which is a pre-requisite for presentation. Accordingly the presentation was not held and the committee decided that the Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required complete information including CLU to all the members and the Chairman within 30 days. It may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection and the same should be treated as a final notice for submission of complete information. 26.11 EC for proposed development of the Group Housing colony, at Village- Sihi, Sector-84, Distt. Gurgaon (HR) by M/S North Star Apartments Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, MGF The Plaza, M.G. Road, Gurgaon 122002 The documents submitted by the PP received on 23.03.09 were examined in the office of SEAC and after examination certain shortcomings were noticed and the same were conveyed to the PP vide letter dated 27.04.09. This case was taken up in the 17th meeting held on 26.05.09 in which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting and failed to submit the reply to the shortcomings conveyed vide SEAC office letter dated 27.04.09. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP on 03.06.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 21st meeting treating as final notice in which nobody attended the meeting nor any reply was submitted. In spite of issuance of the final notice the case was again taken up in the 26th meeting held on 15.12.09. At the time of meeting neither any request was received nor was any reply received. Nobody attended this meeting in spite of issuance of the final notice dated 01.09.09. The committee after detailed deliberations concluded that the PP is not serious for getting EC and viewed the absence of the PP in all the 3 meetings seriously and further decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 17 18 26.12 EC for Construction of Commercial Complex (Palazo) at Village Badshahpur, Sec-69, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Spaze Towers Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, Tower-D, Global Business Park, M.G. Road, Gurgaon-122 002 The project was received on 17.11.08 and the documents submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP 01.12.08. The PP submitted reply on 27.01.09. This case was taken up in the 14th meeting of the SEAC held on 16.03.09. Wherein certain observation were made by the committee members and were as such conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 27.03.09. The PP submitted incomplete reply on 19.06.09. Thereafter this case was taken up for presentation in 22nd meeting held on 25.09.09 in which nobody attended the meeting. Rather a request was received for deferment of the case. After detailed deliberations the request was acceded to by the committee and it was decided to take up this case in the 25th meeting and it was made clear to PP to submit reply within 30 days and in case of non-receipt of the reply his case would be recommended for rejection. It was also made clear vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09 that it should be treated as a Final Notice. However, this case was again taken up in the 26th meeting held on 16.12.09 in which neither the project proponent nor his consultant appeared before the committee. Neither any communication was received. The committee viewed their absence seriously for not attending the meeting continuously in the last two meetings and decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 26.13 EC of the Lingaya’s Institute of Management & Technology, Village Nachauli, Faridabad, Haryana by M/S Lingaya’s Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha’s Lingaya’s Institute of Management & Technology. Campus: Nachauli, Old Faridabad-Jasana Road, Faridabad-2. The Project Proponent applied in MOEF GOI on 18.02.08. The same was transferred to SEIAA on 30.06.08. The papers received were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the Project Proponent on 13.08.08. No response was received to the observations. 18 19 However the case was taken up in the 5th meeting held on 25.09.08 which was not attended by the Project Proponent or his consultant. The same was conveyed to the Project Proponent on 03.10.08. Thereafter the PP was given Final notice on 16.01.09. The PP submitted reply dated 31.01.09 & 13.03.09. The case was again taken up in the 14th meeting held on 16.03.09. In the meeting the Project Proponent failed to appear before the committee which was conveyed to him vide SEAC letter dated 27.03.09. The Project Proponent further submitted reply on 04.09.09 and 17.09.09 in continuation to the earlier reply. This case was again taken up in the 22nd meeting held on 24.09.09 in which it was noticed that the project is an expansion of already existing Educational Institution. The total plot area is 47373.4 Sq. mtr. and the proposed built up area is 50125.456 Sq. mtr. The total cost of this project is 30 Crores. The total water requirement is 160 KLD and will generate 106 KLD of the waste water. Which will be treated in STP with capacity having 122 KLD. The total treated waste water 95 KLD out of which 42 KLD will be used for horticulture and 40 KLD for flushing and the rest will be discharge in the sewerage system. The total power demand is 500 KW which will be supplied by DHVPN as a power back up they have proposed to install 2 D.G. Sets (1 X 250 KVA and 1 X 500 KVA). Detailed discussion were held about plantation/green area, calculation water demand, solid waste management, noise management, rain water harvesting, traffic circulation plan and parking plan etc. The consultant could not satisfy the committee and the following shortcomings were noticed:1. Details calculations for water requirement, fresh water requirement, hydraulic design of STP, dimension of each component of STP and along with revised water balance diagram. 2. Calculation of power requirement 3. Application for change of water use from agriculture to commercial use. 4. Rain water Harvesting layout Plan, its design and calculation 5. Revised tree plantation plan 6. Revised Electrical Safety Plan 7. Detailed note for Health and welfare of the workers during construction phase and students/teachers during operation phase 8. Analysis reports for water, Air and Soil along with baseline data for one month period 19 20 The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information in case of non-receipt of information in time, the case shall be recommended for rejection. The decision was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09 the PP submitted reply to the shortcomings vide their letter dated 06.11.09 thereafter, again this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 16.12.09. During deliberations in the meeting it was transpired that no member have received the compliance report on the points as conveyed vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09 and directed in the notice of dated 02.12.09. Neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. The case could not be considered in the 26th meeting held on 16.12.09. The committee after detailed deliberations decided that the PP may be given Final Notice to comply with the observations already conveyed within 15 days, failing which his case will be recommended to SEIAA for filing. 26.14 EC for Proposed lead Smelting & Processing Unit at Masudhpur, Road, Vill Kahanpur, District, Rohtak (Haryana) by M/S ACE Metal, Masudhpur Road, Vill Kahanpur, District, Rohtak (Haryana). The project proponent applied in the MOEF, GOI on 26.02.2008 which was transferred to the SEIAA on 21.11.2008. The project was examined and certain shortcomings were noticed and conveyed to the Project Proponent vide SEAC office letter dated 17.12.2008. However, the PP failed to submit the reply to the shortcomings. The case was taken up in 15th meeting of SEAC held on 15.04.09. A request was received from the PP that they are unable to attend the meeting due to some unavoidable circumstances. The request was acceded to by the Committee. However, it was decided that the PP should be advised to submit documents, as desired vide letter dated 17.12.2008 along with duly filled in form-I along with CLU. It was also desired to advise the project proponent to submit the information within 30 days and failure thereto; his case shall be recommended for rejection. It was also decided to intimate that his case only shall be considered after the receipt of the desired information. The decision was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 22.04.09. No reply was received and the case was again taken up in the 26th meeting held on 16.12.09 in which neither the PP nor his consultant attended the meeting. No communication was received from the PP either. The committee after detailed 20 21 discussion came to the conclusion that since the PP had failed to comply with the observations; consequently he does not seem to be interested in getting EC. As such, after taking into consideration the facts of the case, the committee decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 26.15 EC for Construction of textile industry office complexes and other civil construction work at village Saresa, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana by M/S M.R. Sales Corporation, 1/3 Rana Partap Bag, Delhi. The PP submitted application for environmental clearance application in the office of SEIAA on 22.11.08.The documents were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP on 08.01.09 at the address given in the application which were received back with the remarks that ‘Is Naam ki koi company nahi hai, na hi koi board hai, wapas’. So the shortcomings were conveyed to the second address as contained in the application on 22.06.09 but no reply was received. Subsequently the case was taken up in the 22nd meeting held on 25.09.09. In the meeting neither the PP nor his consultant appeared. The committee after deliberations decided to issue final notice for submission of the reply within 15 days. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09 but no reply was received. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting held on 16.12.09. During discussions it was noticed that the notice of the meeting had been received back with the remarks of the postman that there is no such company of this name. As the notice of 26th meeting had not been received by the PP, accordingly it was decided that a Final Notice of 15 days may be issued for compliance. It was also decided that Final Notice be sent on both the addresses as contained in the application. 26.16 EC for angle for educational institute by M/S Saraswati Educational & Social Welfare Trust. OLD anaj Mandi, Gohana131301 This project was received in the office of SEIAA on 17.12.2008 and after receipt of documents, the shortcomings were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 20.01.2009. No reply was received from the PP. However, the 21 22 case was taken up in the 17th meeting of SEAC held on 25.05.09 in which request made by the PP to postponement of the case due to non-preparation of the reply was considered and acceded to by the committee. However, the committee was of the view that this project shall be taken on its turn with two conditions i.e. (i) The PP will maintain 30 % plotted area as green and will undertake plantation of his area (ii) the PP will submit an affidavit duly notarized to the effect that no construction work has been undertaken by the PP. Further the view of the committee was that the PP be informed accordingly and it may also be made clear to the PP that the information be submitted within 30 days, failing which the project will be recommended for rejection. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 03.06.09. Final notice of 15 days was issued on 01.09.09 but the PP failed to submit reply to the shortcomings already conveyed. Finally this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 16.12.09 in which it was observed by the committee members that in spite of issuance of the final notice and expiry of the time limit for submission of the reply the PP never cared to either give reply to the shortcoming or appear before the committee in the meeting. Accordingly the committee decided to recommend the case to SEIAA for rejection. 26.17 EC for the proposed IT/ITES, SEZ Project, at Sector-106, Village Pawala Khusrupur, Gurgaon Haryana by M/S Airmid Developers Limited, “Indiabulls House” 448-451, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Gurgaon-122001 The project was received by SEIAA on 08.10.09. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to PP on 22.09.2009 & 15.10.09. The PP submitted reply of shortcomings on 17.10.2009 and on 12.11.09. Thereafter this case takanup n the 24th meeting of SEAC was held on 12.11.2009, wherein after presentation certain shortcomings were, noticed which were conveyed to the PP. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings vide his letter dated 19.11.09 & 4.12.09 and his case was again taken up in the 26th meeting held on 16.12.09. 22 23 During Presentation in the 24th and 26th meeting the PP submitted that it is an IT/ ITES project having total area of 116609.98 Sq. Mtr. The built up area of the project will be 600000 Sq. Mtrs (both processing and none processing). With an approximate cost of Rs. 676 Crores. There will be 3 levels of basement in the processing zone and 2 levels of basement in the non-processing zone. In addition in the processing zone the no. of floors varies from G+1 to G+13 and in the non- processing zone the no. of floors varies from G+3 to G+20. The maximum height of the building will be 80 mtrs. in the processing zone and 110 mtrs. in the non-processing zone. They have applied to the airport authority for permission of height. The green area is proposed to be 36386.34 Sqmt (31.20%) of the total plot area. Out of which 20% area has been kept for plantation and 11.2 % for lawns and planting herbs and shrubs. The fresh Water requirement will be 1240 KLD, which will be supplied by HUDA augmented with the existing bore-wells for which they have applied to CGWA for permission. The waste water generation will be 1153 KLD which will be treated in the 2 no. STPs having capacity of 1400 KLD. 1038 KLD treated water will be recycled and reused for flushing, horticulture, HVAC and DG Cooling, thus leading to zero exit discharge. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities of 6370 ECS which is 20% higher than the MOEF norms. The total power requirement will be 20.80 MW which will be supplied by DHVPN. The power back up will be met with 24 nos. DG sets (9 x 2000 KVA + 11 x 1010 KVA + 4 x 500 KVA]. After that detailed discussions was held about solid waste management, rain water harvesting, green belt development, health & safety measures, fire fighting measures, Environment Management Plan, Environment Monitoring plan, water requirement, Water Balance Diagram, duel plumbing system, energy conservation measures and traffic management plan. The environmental mitigative measures were found in order by the committee. After deliberations the committee rated this project with “Gold Rating” and was of the unanimous view that this project for granting environmental clearance under EIA Notification recommended to SEIAA with the following stipulations: PART ASPECIFIC CONDITIONS:- 23 14.9.2006 should be 24 Construction Phase:[i] A first aid room as proposed in the project report will be provided in both during construction and operation of the project. [ii] Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open desiccation by the laborers strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. [iii] All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/land scape development within the project site. [iv] Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. [v] Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. (vi) The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. [vii] The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. [viii] Ambient noise levels should conform to commercial and residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be made to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated standards. 24 25 [ix] Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September 1999 and amended as on 27th August 2003. [x] Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction. [xi] Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications. [xii] Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred. [xiii] Permission from Competent Authority for supply of water shall be obtained prior to operation of the project. [xiv] Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xv] Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non-air-conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xvi] The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments, etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be taken from the competent Authority. [xvii] The project proponent will use the water for construction phase through tankers. However, prior permission from CGWA will be taken before using the bore well water. [xviii] The project proponent will take prior permission from Airport Authority regarding the height of the project. [xix] The project proponent will seek prior permission from the Forest Department if required under the Forest Act/ Section 4&5 of PLPA. [xx] The PP will construct minimum 29 no. of the rain water harvesting pits for recharging the ground water. Operation Phase: 25 26 [i] The STPs be installed for the treatment of the sewage generated to the prescribed standards including odour and treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero discharge. The STPs should be installed at the farthest place in the project area. [ii] Separation of the gray and black water should be done by the use of dual plumbing line. Treatment of 100% gray water by decentralized treatment should be done ensuring that the recirculated water should have BOD maximum 10 pm and the recycled water will be used for flushing, gardening and HVAC makeup and DG set cooling. [iii] For disinfections of the treated wastewater ultra violate radiation or ozonization should be used. [iv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. Bio-degradable garbage should be composted in the Sez area and dry/ inert solid waste should be disposed off to be approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable material. [v] Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of back up power for lifts, common area illumination and for domestic use should be of enclosed type and conform to rules made under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The location of the DG sets should be in the basement as promised by the project proponent with appropriate stack height i.e above the roof level as per the CPCB norms. The diesel used for DG sets should be of low sulphur contents (maximum 0.25%). [vi] Ambient Noise level should be controlled to ensure that it does not exceed the prescribed standards both within and at the boundary of the Proposed Commercial and residential Complexes. [vii] The project proponent should maintain at least 30% as green cover area out of which 20% area should be for tree plantation especially all around the periphery of the project and on the road sides preferably with local species so as to provide protection against particulates and noise and minimum 10% area should be planted with shrubs & hubs. The open spaces inside the plot should be preferably landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass. [viii] Weep holes in the compound front walls shall be provided to ensure natural drainage of rain water in the catchments area during the monsoon period. 26 27 [ix] Rain water harvesting for roof run-off and surface run-off, as plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run off, pre- treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. The bore well for rainwater recharging should be kept at least 5 mts. Above the highest ground water table. [x] The ground water level and its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with Central Ground Water Authority. [xi] There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exist points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. [xii] A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors etc and submit to the IA Division of Environment Department, Haryana in three months time. [xiii] ` Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLs/TFLs for the lighting the areas outside the building should be integral part of the project design and should be in place before project commissioning. Use CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/sent for recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of the regulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination. Use of solar panels may be done to the extent possible. [xiv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated as per the requirement of the MSW Rules, 2000 and as amended from time to time. The bio-degradable waste should be composted at the site ear marked within the project area and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filing after recovering recyclable material. [xv] The provision of the solar water heating system shall be as per the norms specified by HAREDA and shall be made operational in each building block. [xvi] The project will be operationalised only after obtaining prior permission of CGWA for abstraction of ground water for drinking and domestic use or the water supply is made available to the unit by HUDA. 27 28 [xvii] The project proponent will handle & manage E-Waste generated as per guidelines issued by MOEF Govt. of India/CPCB. [xviii] The traffic plan and the parking plan proposed by the PP should be adhered to meticulously with further scope of additional parking for future .There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exist points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. PART-B. GENERAL CONDITIONS: (i) The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA/EMP Report should be implemented in letter and spirit. (ii) Six monthly compliance reports should be submitted to the HSPCB and Regional Office, MOEF, GOI, Northern Region, Chandigarh and a copy to the SEIAA Haryana. [iii] The project proponent will sent one set of reports to Additional Director, Regional Office, MOEF, GOI, Report to Sector 31, Chandigarh and to the Chairman, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Panchkula for their reference. [iv] The SEIAA, Haryana reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary. Environmental Clearance granted will be revoked if it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. [v] All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, PLPA, 1900, Forest Act, 1927 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the respective authorities prior to construction of the project. [vi] These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and EIA Notification, 2006. 28 29 [vii] The Project proponent will not violate any judicial orders/pronouncements issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court/High Courts. [viii] The project proponent will seek prior permissions from State Govt. and Govt. of India for setting up the project. 26.18 EC for Amravati Enclave Expansion (Amarvati NH- 22 Mall+ GH Flats) 1080 Nos.. by M/S Amar Nath Aggarwal Invsetments Pvt. Ltd. Colonisers & Land Developer, Central Office SCO- 10, Sector-2, Panchkula. This project was received by SEIAA on 21.04.09 & 11.05.09. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to PP on 26.05.09. The PP submitted reply of shortcomings on 26.06.2009. Thereafter this case was taken-up in the 20th meeting of SEAC held on 07.08.09. In which presentation was given and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP but the reply was not submitted in rows. Accordingly Final Notice for submission of reply was issued on 26.10.09. The PP submitted reply on 05.11.09 and the project was again taken up in 26 th meeting of SEAC held on 16.12.09. During Presentation in the 20th & 26th meeting the PP submitted that it is an expansion case of Amravati Enclave Mall +Group housing + 1080 no. of flats total plot area after expansion of 16.15 acres will be 118.33 acres, the domestic water requirement will be 2902 KLD which will be met from the already existing two no. of tube wells the waste water generation will be treated in the STP of 2150 KLD in 3 phases depending upon the capacity. In the first phase STP of 750 KLD has been provided. The treated waste water will be used for horticulture, HVAC cooling, Flushing and DG cooling. Thus leading to zero exit discharge. Tree plantation/ Green area will be 49.39% of the total area out of which they will undertake plantation minimum over an area of 20% and rest of the area will be used for landscaping and for plantation of herbs and shrubs. The total parking will be more than 20% as per requirement. The total additional power requirement will be 1280 KVA which will be supplied by UHVPN. The power back up will be met from the already existing DG sets. After detailed discussions was held about solid waste management, rain water harvesting, green belt development, energy 29 30 conservations measures, safety measures, fire fighting measures. Environment Management Plan and Environment Monitoring plan and water requirement & Water Balance Diagram, Electrical safety measures, Noise and vibration plan. The mitigative measures were found in a order by the committee. After deliberations and reconsideration, the committee rated this project with “Gold Rating” and was of the unanimous view that this case for granting environmental clearance under EIA Notification dated 14.9.2006 should be recommended to SEIAA with the following stipulations: PART ASPECIFIC CONDITIONS:Construction Phase:[i] A first aid room as proposed in the project report will be provided in both during construction and operation of the project. [ii] Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open defecation by the laboures is strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid waste generated during the construction phase should be ensured. [iii] All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site. [iv] Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. [v] Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. (vi) The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be of low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. 30 31 [vii] The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. [viii] Ambient noise levels should conform to residential and commercial standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated standards. [ix] Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September 1999 and amended as on 27th August 2003. [x] Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction. [xi] Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications. [xii] Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices as referred. [xiii] Permission from Competent Authority for supply of water shall be obtained prior to operation of the project. [xiv] Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xv] Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non-air-conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xvi] The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments, etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be taken from the competent Authority. 31 32 [xvii] The project proponent will use the water for construction phase through tankers. However, prior permission from CGWA will be taken before using the bore well water for construction purposes. [xviii] The project proponent will construct 102 (one hundred two) no. rain water harvesting pits for recharging the ground water within the project premises. [xix] The PP will obtain and submit permission of the airport authority about the height of the building to SEIAA before starting construction process of their project, if required. Operation Phase: [i] The STP shall be installed for the treatment of the sewage generated to the prescribed standards including odour and treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero exit discharge. The STP should be installed at the farthest place in the project area. [ii] Separation of the grey and black water should be done by the use of dual plumbing line. Treatment of 100% grey water by decentralized treatment should be done ensuring that the re-circulated water should have BOD maximum 10 pm and the recycled water will be used for flushing, gardening and DG set cooling. [iii] For disinfections of the treated wastewater ultra violate radiation or ozonization should be used. [iv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. Bio-degradable waste will be decomposed at site and dry/ inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable material. [v] Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of backup power for lifts, common area illumination and for domestic use should be of enclosed type and conform to rules made under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The location of the DG sets should be in the basement as promised by the project proponent with appropriate stack height i.e above the roof level of the building as per the CPCB norms. The diesel used for DG sets should be of low sulphur contents (maximum 0.25%). 32 33 [vi] Ambient Noise level should be controlled to ensure that it does not exceed the prescribed standards both within and at the boundary of the Proposed Commercial and residential Complexes. [vii] The project proponent should maintain at least 20% as green cover area for tree plantation especially all around the periphery of the project and on the road sides preferably with local species so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. The open spaces inside the plot should be preferably landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass. [viii] Weep holes in the compound front walls shall be provided to ensure natural drainage of rain water in the catchments area during the monsoon period. [ix] Rain water harvesting for roof run-off and surface run-off, as per plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run off, pre- treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. The bore well for rainwater recharging should be kept at least 5 mts. above the highest ground water table. [x] The ground water level and its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with Central Ground Water Authority. [xi] There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exist points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. [xii] A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalized by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors etc and submit to the SEIAA, Haryana in three months time. [xiii] Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLs/TFLs for lighting the areas outside the building should be integral part of the project design and should be in place before project commissioning. Used CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/sent for recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of the regulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination. Use of solar panels may be done to the maximum extent possible. 33 34 [xiv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated as per the requirement of the MSW Rules, 2000 and as amended from time to time. The bio-degradable waste should be composted at the site ear marked within the project area and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filing after recovering recyclable material. [xv] The provision of the solar water heating system shall be as per the norms specified by HAREDA and shall be made operational in each building block. [xvi] The project proponent will use the water from the already existing tube wells for domestic purposes and commercial purpose only after getting permission from CGWA or will use water supply from municipality whichever is earlier during operational phase. [xvii] The traffic plan and the parking plan proposed by the PP should be adhered to meticulously with further scope of additional parking for future requirement. There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. [xviii] Post project monitoring should be carried out after installing dust control measures. PART-B. GENERAL CONDITIONS: [i] The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA/EMP Report should be implemented in letter and spirit. [ii] Six monthly compliance reports should be submitted to the HSPCB and Regional Office, MOEF, GOI, Northern Region, Chandigarh and a copy to the SEIAA Haryana. [iiii] The SEIAA, Haryana reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary. Environmental Clearance granted will be revoked if it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. [iv] All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife 34 35 (Protection) Act, 1972, PLPA, 1900, Forest Act, 1927 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the respective authorities prior to construction of the project. [v] The Project proponent will not violate any judicial orders/pronouncements issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court/High Courts. 26.19 EC for “Group Housing Complex at Sector-84, Gurgaon Manesar, Urban Complex, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Reliable Realtech Pvt. Ltd. BN-57 (e) 3rd Floor Shallmar Bagh. Delhi -88. This project was received by SEIAA on 29.05.09. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to PP on 19.06.09. The PP submitted reply of shortcomings on 14.12.2009. Thereafter this case was taken-up in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 17.12.09, In which presentation was given. During presentation it was noticed that the PP had submitted papers of ownership for 37 kanals and 9 Marlas while but the total area of the project was 184 kanals and 16 Marlas. The information given by PP was found incomplete. The committee after deliberations decided to take this case only after submission of the complete information by the PP. That the Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information. The committee decided complete information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will be considered as received only after receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.20 EC of Luxor Cyber City IT/TES SEZ at village Shikhopur, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Luxer Cyber Private Limited, 29, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-III, New Delhi- 110020. The PP applied to SEIAA on 04.03.09. The documents submitted by the PP were examined in the office of SEAC and after examination certain shortcomings were noticed and the same were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 27.04.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on dated 22.05.09. The reply submitted by the PP had been placed before the 35 36 Committee in the 17th meeting held on 25.05.09 in which the PP with the assistance of his consultant presented the case before the committee. Detailed deliberations were held on each and every aspect concerning the environmental angle along with Mitigative measures. During deliberations the Committee noticed pending shortcomings as mentioned below:[1] That the PP should submit an affidavit that no construction activity has been undertaken at site. [2] PP should submit assurance from the concerned competent authority (DHBVN) for the supply of 17 MW Electricity. [3] PP should submit assurance from concerned authority for supply of water during the construction and operation phase. [4] PP should submit the revenue record showing that five nos. tubewells are existing in the land in question. [5] PP should submit the agreement with the Party for supply of water during the construction phase. [6] Permission of the competent authority for the use of tubewell water from agriculture use to commercial purpose use. It was also decided that the shortcomings should be conveyed to the PP and the PP may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time, the case shall be recommended for rejection. The shortcomings were conveyed to the PP on 03.06.09. The PP failed to submit the reply to the shortcomings with in stipulated period. Accordingly Final Notice was issued to the PP on 01.09.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26 th meeting of the SEAC held on 17.12.09 in which a request was received dated 12.12.09 from the PP informing that they are in the process of getting the assurances and requested to take up their project for appraisal in the next meeting. But the committee viewed the absence of the PP seriously and observed that the Final Notice time in this case had already expired in the month of October 2009 and as such decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 36 37 26.21 EC for proposed Group Housing at Village Medhawas Sector65,Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Active Promoters Pvt. Ltd. & Others “ECE House” 1st Floor, 28, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001. This project was received by SEIAA on 02.09.09. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to PP on 15.09.09. The PP submitted reply of shortcomings on 11.11.2009, Thereafter this case was taken-up in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 17.12.09. In which presentation was given. During presentation they informed that it is a group housing project at Village Medhawas, Sec-65, Gurgaon on an area of 25.499 acres. The total built up area will be 2,40,268 Sq.m. The maximum no. of Floors are Ground floor + 13 Floors, It will be having 12 Towers with 1597 dwelling units and 282 EWS. The height of the building will be 42 meters. It was further informed that the power requirement will be 6000 KW which will be met from the grid. For power back up they have proposed to install 3 D.G. Sets of total capacity (2 x 1010 KVA, 1 x 500 KVA,). Fresh water requirement will be 556 cubic meter per day. The total waste water generation will be 664 cubic meter per day and the same will be treated in the 2 STPs having capacity of 400 cubic meter per day. The treated water (598 cubic meter per day) will be recycled/reused for DG Set cooling, horticulture, flushing and proposed to discharge 57 cubic meter per day of the treated water into the Sewer. The water requirement will be met from the already existing two tube wells after obtaining the necessary permission and from HUDA water supply. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities for 3079 ECS which is as per the MOEF norms. The project proponent has proposed to construct 26 rain water harvesting pits. The project proponent has further proposed to develop 30929 Sq, mts (30%), area reserved as green area, but has not given the break up of the planted area and the landscaped area After that detailed discussions were held about Solid Waste generation and its management, hazardous waste management, parking plan, green belt development, dual plumbing system, rain water harvesting, power requirement environment management plan electrical hazardous safety plan, noise management, energy conservation measures & environment monitoring plan etc. most of which were found in order from environmental angle. They 37 38 have applied permission of Airport Authority for height. However, during discussions certain shortcomings were noticed which are as under: 1. The PP should submit NOC from the DFO Gurgaon. 2. The PP should submit agreement with Shakuntla Devi and Rajiv who are also the license holders. These agreements should be with the developer. 3. The PP should submit agreement for supply of water through tankers during construction phase. 4. The PP should submit proposal for zero exit discharge of treated water by constructing water bodies with fountains. Which will consume available treated water. 5. The PP should submit revised green belt development plan indicating minimum 20% area for tree plantation and minimum 10% area for landscaping and for plantation of herbs and shrubs. 6. The PP should submit revised fire fighting plan indirectly codes and standards. 7. The PP should submit electrical safety plan with line diagram indicating codes/standards as applicable. 8. The PP should submit noise and vibration reduction plan. 9. The PP should submit rescue plan for the high rise buildings in case of emergency. 10. The PP should submit the distances from the eco-sensitive areas like national highway/state highway and wild life sanctuary etc. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information and reply. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.22 EC for proposed Development of Group Housing Colony at village Kherki Daula and village Sihi Sector-83, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S A&D Estate Private Limited, Corporate Office 4th Floor, MGF The Plaza, M.G. Road, Gurgaon- 122002. 38 39 The documents submitted by the PP as received on 23.03.09 were examined in the office of SEAC and after examination certain shortcomings were noticed and the same were conveyed to the PP vide letter dated 27.04.09. This case was taken up in the 17th meeting. During discussions it was noticed that neither the PP nor his consultant appeared and had also failed to give reply to the shortcomings. The committee decided to defer this case as it was being taken up for the first time. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 03.06.09. Final notice for submission of reply was issued on 01.09.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26 th meeting held on 16.12.09. In this meeting also nobody appeared. The committee after detailed deliberations observed that the PP had failed miserably in supplying the compliance reports which is necessary for appraisal from environmental angel. The committee further viewed the absence of the PP in both the meetings seriously and decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 26.23 EC for plotted colony at Sector-51, Village Samaspur, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Sheetal International Private Limited, c/o Mayfield Projects Block-c, Sector-50, Mayfield Garden, Gurgaon. The PP applied for EC to SEIAA on 30.04.09. The papers submitted were examined by SEAC office and after detailed examination certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP on 26.05.09. The PP failed to submit the reply to shortcomings within stipulated time. However, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 16.12.09 in which during discussions it was noticed that request dated 15.12.09 had been received informing that due to unavailability of their director they were not able to attend the meeting. The committee considered the request and decided to list this project in the 28th meeting. The decision should be conveyed to the PP accordingly. 26.24 EC for the proposed commercial complex project at village Haiderpur Viran Sector-54, Gurgaon (Hr) by M/S Paras Buildtech Pvt. Ltd, 9th Floor, Paras Downlown Centre Near DLF Golf Course Sec-53, Gurgaon- 122002 39 40 The project proponent applied to SEIAA on 08.06.09. The documents submitted were examined by the office and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP by SEAC vide their letter dated 29.07.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 10.08.09. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 23rd meeting of SEAC held on 21.10.09. Presentation was given by the project proponent and his consultant. During presentation it was noticed that the project is already commissioned and in operation. Accordingly the presentation was stopped by the committee as it is the case of violation of EIA notification leading to prosecution. However the committee was of the unanimous view that first of all the PP should submit in writing about the actual position of Project. Further necessary action will be taken by the committee on receipt of the complete information from the PP. Finally after detailed discussion the PP was asked to submit complete correspondences about development of the project in chronological order. The Project Proponent be advised to submit the required information within 15 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time, the case shall be recommended for rejection and further necessary action. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 03.11.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings vide their letter dated 11.11.09. Thereafter, this case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 17.11.09. The reply submitted by the PP was considered by the committee. The committee was not satisfied with the reply given by the PP and decided that a sub-committee of chairman SEAC, Prof. P. Padmanabhmurty, Sh. Raj Singh Rana and Sh. Sangwan (members of SEAC) should visit the site and submit their report within 15 days thereafter his case should be taken up by the SEAC. However, the committee decided that the following shortcomings should also be conveyed to the PP:1. DFO Certificate for Aravali clearance. 2. Revised fire safety plan with standards and codes. 3. Noise and vibration reduction plan. 4. Fire rescue plan from multi story buildings. 5. Electrical safety plan with standards and codes. 40 41 The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.25 EC For construction of Hotel Complex “Budget Hotel” at Growth Center, Bawal, Distt. Rewari, Haryana by M/S Jhankar Consultants Private Limited Asiad Tower, Khel Gaon, New Delhi- 110049. The PP applied to SEIAA on 02.09.09 for getting EC. The papers submitted were examined by the SEAC office and conveyed the shortcomings to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 16.09.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings vide their office letter dated 09.11.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting held on 17.12.09. During discussions it was pointed out by all the members that they have not received any papers regarding this case and in the absence of the papers as was desired to supply vide SEAC office dated 04.12.09 they were not prepared to take presentation of this case. Accordingly, the case was deferred with the advice to the PP to submit all the papers to chairman and all members of the SEAC. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.26 EC for proposed Development of Group Housing Colony at village Kherki Daula & Village Sihi, Sector-83, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s A&D Estate Private Limited, Corporate Office 4th Floor, MGF The Plaza M.G. Road, Gurgaon. -122002. The documents submitted by the PP received on 23.03.09 were examined in the office of SEAC and after examination certain shortcomings were noticed and the same were conveyed to the PP vide letter dated 24.04.09. This case was taken up in the 17th meeting held on 26.05.09. During discussions it was noticed that neither the PP nor his consultant appeared and had failed to give reply to the shortcomings. The committee decided to defer this case as it was 41 42 being taken up for the first time. The decision of the committee was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 03.06.09. Final notice was issued on 04.12.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting held on 17.12.09. In this meeting also nobody appeared. The committee after detailed deliberations observed that the PP had failed miserably in supplying the compliance reports which is necessary for appraisal from environmental angle. The committee further viewed the absence of the PP in both the meetings seriously and decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for filing. 26.27 E.C. for construction of Spaze Privy at village Fazilpur Jharsa Sector-72, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s P.M.C. Buildwell Pvt. Limited Corp. Office 2nd Floor Tower-D Global Business Park, M.G. Road, Gurgaon. The project was received on 17.11.08 and the documents submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed and were conveyed to the PP 01.12.08. The PP submitted reply on 23.01.09. This case was takenup in the 14th meeting of the SEAC. Wherein certain observation made by the committee members were conveyed to the PP that this sector 72 has been shown as green area and has not been included in the schedule of HUDA for release of water supply to this Licensed area with in three years and was advised to seek prior environment clearance from CGWA. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings of 19.06.09 however the PP failed to attend the 22nd meeting dated 25.09.09 in spite of issuance of notice. After detailed deliberations the committee decided that the Final Notice be issued the PP indicating that if PP failed to submit the reply his case would be recommended for rejection. The decision was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09. The PP submitted reply on 17.11.09. Thereafter, this case was again taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 17.12.09 wherein a request was received from the PP that the notice of the meeting was received by him on 14.12.09 as time between date of presentation and the receipt of the letter is very short, so in view of short time available for presentation, it would not be possible to arrange our architect, service consultants, environment consultant etc. to be present at Panchkula and further requested to permit more time to prepare the presentation and grant a new date for the same. 42 43 The request for postponement was acceded to by the committee and decided to take up this case in the 28th/29th meeting. The decision should be conveyed to the PP in the form of Final Notice. 26.28 EC for “Expansion of Mega Mall” on 3.2 acres plot at DLF City Phase-1 Sector-28, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s DLF Commercial Developers Limited Shopping Mall Complex Arjun Marg DLF City Phase-1, Gurgaon. The project proponent applied to SEIAA on 24.09.09 for getting EC of expansion of their Mega Mall project located in Sector-28, Gurgaon. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the project proponent vide SEAC office letter dated 08.10.09. The project proponent submitted reply to the shortcomings vide their letter dated 24.11.09. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 17.12.2009. Presentation was given by the project proponent and his consultant. During presentation, the consultant of Project informed that they had already submitted the revised Form-I, Form-1A and conceptual plan for their expansion project. The proposed cost for the expansion of their mall is 16.2 crores. Total Plot area is 12949.92 Sq. Meters. Total proposed built up area will be 37994.007 sq. mt after expansion of 2980.754 Sq. Mt. The height of the building is less than 72 mt for which they had already got permission from the airport authority. The building will comprise of 2 Basements + 5 Floors and there will not be any increase in height. It was also informed that the green belt development area has been kept as 15% of the total plot area. The total fresh water requirement is 131.4 KLD including the extra water of 1.9 KLD for expansion in the same will be supplied by HUDA and from their already existing two tube wells at site. The waste water generation will be 119 KLD which will be treated in the already existing STP having capacity of 125 KLD, 113.1 KLD treated water will be used for HVAC cooling, cooling of DG sets and horticulture, thus leading to zero exit discharge. It was informed by the project proponent that the power requirement will be 3765.9 KVA (321.9 KVA for expansion) and will be supplied by the DHBVNL and for power back up they will install 5 DG sets of (4 x 1000 KVA + 1 x 500 KVA) Capacity. The project proponent informed that they had total parking facilities for 490 ECS which includes the additional parking of 43 44 44 ECS. The additional parking will be on surface and in already existing basements. They have fire and safety plan as per the national building code for which permission has already been issued by concerned Deputy Commissioner for their existing Mall. There will be total solid waste generation of 538 Kg. Per day. Out of which the bio-degradable waste will be composted in the project premises area and the manure produced will be used for horticulture and green belt development. After that detailed deliberations were held about hazardous waste management, parking plan, green belt development, dual plumbing system, rain water harvesting, power requirement, noise environment, health and safety of the employees and visitors, electrical and vibration safety plan etc. The plans/mitigative measures proposed were found in order by the committee. They have proposed to construct one additional rain water and harvesting pit in addition to already existing pits. However, following shortcomings were noticed in the documents submitted by the PP. 1. The PP will follow the national forest policy. 2. The PP will keep a distance of 30 meter between rain water harvesting pit and STP. 3. The PP will submit vibration and noise reduction plan. 4. The PP should submit revised electrical safety plan giving standards and codes of electrical fitting equipments and safety measures alongwith line diagram and position of earthing pits. 5. The PP will submit revised fire safety plan with standards and codes. 6. The PP should submit revised water balance diagram indicating ozonization/ UV radiation treatment instead of chlorination. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.29 EC for setting up of 8MW Biomass based power project at Khurawata village Mahendergarh by M/s Starwire (India) Vidyut Pvt. Limited, 8C/6, W.E.A. Abdul Aziz Road IIIrd Floor Karol Bagh, 44 45 New Delhi. It is a bio-mass based 8 MW power project. The application was received by the SEIAA on 28.07.09 & 31.08.09. The applications were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed vide SEAC office letter dated 07.09.09. The PP submitted reply on 08.10.09 with the request to approve their draft TOR. The case was taken up in the 24th meeting of SEAC held on 12.11.09 presentation was given by the PP and his consultant. After presentation the committee approved the TOR submitted by the PP with the advice to add 3 additional chapters in the EIA/EMP to be prepared. [1] The PP should submit land papers chapter showing that they were owner and in possession of the said land along-with NOC from DTP if the land is out of the controlled area. [2] Chapter for conducting Public hearing by HSPCB. [3] CDM Chapter. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 105 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. The shortcomings were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 17.11.09. The PP submitted reply on 26.11.09 requesting for exemption of his project as the EIA notification had been amended and bio-mass power plants had been exempted upto 15 Megawats capacity. Accordingly this case was taken up in 26th meeting of SEAC held on 17.12.09. In the meeting the PP submitted a copy of the Gazette notification issued by MOEF dated 01.12.09 amending the EIA notification dated 14.09.06 In the notification at page 19 in the note I(i) it has been cited as under:(i) Power plants up to 15 MW, based on biomass and using auxiliary fuel such as coal/lignite/petroleum products up to 15% are exempt. 45 46 The committee after deliberation observed that as per the amended EIA notification dated 01.12.09 the limit of 5 MW has been raised to 15 MW and as per the notification the bio-mass power plants up to 15 MW need not take EC under the EIA notification therefore decided to recommend this case to SEIAA for giving exemption in this case. EC for proposed commercial Complex Project at village Narsinghpur Sector 74-A, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/s Shyam Communication Systems C-138 Naraina Industrial Area Phase-1, New Delhi-11 0 028. 26.30 It is a commercial complex to be set up at village Narsinghpur, sector-74 A, Gurgaon, Haryana. Case was received in the office of Member Secretary SEIAA on 11.05.09. The case was examined in the Committee office. Certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide letter dated 26.05.09. PP replied to the shortcoming dated 15.06.09 and 17.08.09. The case was taken up in the 22nd meeting for discussions after discussions held on 24.09.09. After discussion the following shortcomings were noticed which was conveyed to the PP vide SEAC letter dated 30.09.09. 1. Revised green development plan indicating 20% area under tree cover and 10% area under parks/green area not submitted. 2. Revised electrical safety plan as per provisions of electrical safety rules not submitted. 3. Revised dispersion model plan with wind rose diagram. 4. Analysis reports of Air, water, soil and noise not submitted. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 14.09.09 and 30.09.09. This case was taken up again in the 24th meeting of SEAC held on 11.11.09. In which presentation was again given by the PP and his consultant. After detailed discussions by the committee members the following shortcomings were noticed. 1. In the collaboration agreement Shyam Telecom Ltd Company is said to be the owner in exclusive possession of free hold lands along-with all 46 47 vested rights. But there are no details of land and license in the name of this party. The revised collaboration agreement is required. 2. The back ground concentration of SPM and RPM at site location C&D are exceeding the prescribed limits. It requires clarification and corresponding mitigative measures. The PP gave clarification on these two points on dated 12.11.09 during the meeting wherein it was decided by the committed to discuss the reply in the next meeting. However, the shortcomings were conveyed in writing to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 17.11.09. The PP submitted reply on 08.12.09 and this case was taken up in the 26th meeting wherein the committee observed that the reply submitted by the PP justifies the observations raised in the 24th meeting. The gist of the case is that it is a commercial complex project to be set at village Narsinghpur, Sector- 74A, Gurgaon. During presentations it was pointed out that the total plots area of the project 15.306 Acres. The built up area of the project will be 192356 Sq. Mtrs. The approximate cost of the project Rs. 500 Crores there are two no. of towers and one parking block. In the tower blocks there will be 1 basement + GF + 27 Floors whereas in the parking block there will be 3 basements + 5. The height of the building will be 116 meters for which they have applied to airport authority for getting permission. The green area is proposed to be 16424.31 Sq. Meters (30%) out of which tree plantation area will be 9671.67 Sq.mt and other green area will be 6752.64 Sq.mt. The fresh Water requirement will be 843.50 KLD, which will be supplied by HUDA as an alternative during emergency the water will be drawn from the tube well ( permission from CGWA is obtained for abstraction of ground water). The waste water generation will be 455.90 KLD per day which will be treated in the STP having capacity of 550 KLD. 410.31 KLD treated waste water will be recycled for HVAC cooling, DG cooling, flushing and Horticulture etc thus leading to zero discharge. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities of 2960 ECS + parking facility for 10 buses which is more than 20% extra than the required parking facility. They will construct 16 no. of rain waster harvesting pits in the project area. The total power requirement will be 15 MVA which will be supplied by DHBVN. The power back up will be met with 6 nos. DG sets of 2250 KVA capacity. Discussion were also held on solid waste master plan, site plan, 47 48 dual pluming system, energy conservation measures, rain water harvesting plan, contour plan, environment management plan, environment monitoring plan. 16 rain water harvesting pits to recharge the ground water. The mitigative measure proposed was found in order by the committee. After deliberations and reconsideration the committee rated this project with “Gold rating” and was of the unanimous view that this case for granting environmental clearance under EIA Notification 14.9.2006 should be recommended to SEIAA with the following stipulations: PART ASPECIFIC CONDITIONS:Construction Phase:[i] A first aid room as proposed in the project report will be provided in both during construction and operation of the project. [ii] Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open desiccation by the laborers strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. [iii] All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/land scape development within the project site. [iv] Disposal of muck during construction phase should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. [v] Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. 48 49 (vi) The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. [vii] The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. [viii] Ambient noise levels should conform to commercial standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be made to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated standards. [ix] Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September 1999 and amended as on 27th August 2003. [x] Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction. [xi] Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications. [xii] Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of premixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred. [xiii] Permission from Competent Authority for supply of water shall be obtained prior to operation of the project. [xiv] Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xv] Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non-air-conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. [xvi] The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments, etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the 49 50 proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be taken from the competent Authority. [xvii] The project proponent will use the water for construction phase through tankers. [xviii] The project proponent will construct 16 no. of rain water harvesting pits for recharging the ground water within the project premises. [xix] The PP will obtain permission of the Airport Authority before starting construction of their project. Operation Phase: [i] The STP shall be installed for the treatment of the sewage generated to the prescribed standards including odour and treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero discharge. The STP should be installed at the farthest place in the project area. [ii] Separation of the gray and black water should be done by the use of dual plumbing line. Treatment of 100% gray water by decentralized treatment should be done ensuring that the re-circulated water should have BOD maximum 10 pm and the recycled water will be used for flushing, gardening and DG set cooling. [iii] For disinfections of the treated wastewater ultra violate radiation or ozonization should be used. [iv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. Wet garbage should be composted and dry/ inert solid waste should be disposed off to be approved sites for land filling after recovering recyclable material. [v] Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of back up power for lifts, common area illumination and for domestic use should be of enclosed type and conform to rules made under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The location of the DG sets should be in the basement as promised by the project proponent with appropriate stack height i.e above the roof level as per the CPCB norms. The diesel used for DG sets should be of low sulphur contents (maximum 0.25%). 50 51 [vi] Ambient Noise level should be controlled to ensure that it does not exceed the prescribed standards both within and at the boundary of the Proposed Commercial Complex. [vii] The project proponent should maintain at least 20% as green cover area for tree plantation especially all around the periphery of the project and on the road sides preferably with local species so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. The open spaces inside the plot should be preferably landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass. [viii] Weep holes in the compound front walls shall be provided to ensure natural drainage of rain water in the catchments area during the monsoon period. [ix] Rain water harvesting for roof run-off and surface run-off, as plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run off, pre- treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. The bore well for rainwater recharging should be kept at least 5 mts. above the highest ground water table. [x] The ground water level and its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with Central Ground Water Authority. [xi] There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exist points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. [xii] A report on the energy conservation measures conforming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors etc and submit to the SEIAA, Haryana in three months time. [xiii] Energy conservation measures like installation of CFLs/TFLs for the lighting the areas outside the building should be integral part of the project design and should be in place before project commissioning. Use CFLs and TFLs should be properly collected and disposed off/sent for recycling as per the prevailing guidelines/rules of the regulatory authority to avoid mercury contamination. Use of solar panels may be done to the extent possible. 51 52 [xiv] The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated as per the requirement of the MSW Rules, 2000 and as amended from time to time. The bio-degradable waste should be composted at the site ear marked within the project area and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the approved sites for land filing after recovering recyclable material. [xv] The provision of the solar water heating system shall be as per the norms specified by HAREDA and shall be made operational in each building block. [xvi] The traffic plan and the parking plan proposed by the PP should be adhered to meticulously with further scope of additional parking for future .There should be no traffic congestion near the entry and exist points from the roads adjoining the proposed project site. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. PART-B. GENERAL CONDITIONS: [i] The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA/EMP Report should be implemented in letter and spirit. [ii] Six monthly compliance reports should be submitted to the HSPCB and Regional Office, MOEF, GOI, Northern Region, Chandigarh and a copy to the SEIAA Haryana. [iiii] The SEIAA, Haryana reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary. Environmental Clearance granted will be revoked if it is found that false information has been given for getting approval of this project. [iv] All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, PLPA, 1900, Forest Act, 1927 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the respective authorities prior to construction of the project. [v] The Project proponent will not violate any judicial orders/pronouncements issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court/High Courts. 52 53 26.31 EC for construction of IT Park at village- Medhawas Sector-66, Gurgaon by M/s Countrywide Promoters (P) Ltd BPTP Ltd., M-11, Connaught Palance New Delhi. The project was received by SEIAA on 16.06.09 and on examination certain shortcomings were noticed which was conveyed by SEAC on 02.07.2009. The project proponent submitted reply on 30.07.09 and 16.10.09, the same was put up in the 23rd meeting of SEAC was held on 21.10.09. Presentation was given by the project proponent and his consultant. During presentation it was pointed out that the total plots area of the project 20309.05 Sq. Mtr. The built up area of the project will be 77804.52 Sq. Mtrs. The approximate cost of the project Rs. 100 Crores. The project will comprise 3 nos. basements + ground floors + 16 meters height buildings. The green area is proposed to be 6485 Sq. Meters (31.89%) out of which tree plantation area will be 5188 Sq.mt (21%) and other green area will be 1297 Sq.mt (10.809). The fresh Water requirement will be 220 KLD, which will be supplied by HUDA. The waste water generation will be 205 KLD per day which will be treated in the STP having capacity of 205 KLD which is inadequate. 195 KLD treated waste water will be recycled for flushing, horticulture, HVAC and DG Cooling, thus leading to zero discharge. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities of 973 ECS. However additional 20% parking facility should be provided for feature for expansion. The total power requirement will be 2700 KVA which will be supplied by DHVPN. The power back up will be met with 3 nos. DG sets (1 x 1000 KVA, 1x1010 KVA, 1x 700]. Discussion were also held on solid waste management dual pluming system energy conservation measures, rain water harvesting plan, contour plan, environment management plan, environment monitoring plan, after discussions the following shortcomings were noticed. [1] The project proponent should submit revised hydraulic design of the STP as per requirements and also submit revised water balance diagram. [2] The project proponent should submit siting distances from Wild life Sanctuary eco-sensitive area, distance from the road (national highway/state highway). [3] The project proponent should submit revised solid waste management plan. 53 54 [4] The project proponent should submit revised rain water harvesting plan. [5] The project proponent should submit analysis reports of air water soil and noise sample. [6] The project proponent should submit renewed valid license issued by the competent Authority. [7] The project proponent should submit green building concept details for their project. [8] The project proponent should submit revised noise and vibration reduction plan. [9] The project proponent should submit revised electrical safety plan by line diagram showing location of the power plant, earth pits, electric penal boards, electric distribution cable network etc. they should also explain standard code or legal requirement to be adopted during installation. [10] The project proponent should submit design and location of the earth pits and the number of pits as per Indian electric rules. [11] The project proponent should submit design and location lightning arrestors for multi storied buildings. [12] The project proponent should submit revised fire fighting plan explaining standard and cods and legal requirements of layout. Line diagram for fire protection system, water requirement for fire fighting operation and type of water storage. [13] The project proponent should also submit water hydrant and water sprinkling network with layout diagram including water engines and DG sets. [14] Rescue plan in case of fire in multistoried buildings and means of fire fighting. [15] The project proponent should submit revised parking plan with 20% additional parking facility for future expansion. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. As per the decision the SEAC the shortcomings 54 55 were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC letter dated 03.11.2009 the PP submitted reply on 16.11.2009 thereafter this case was taken up in the 26th meeting held on 17.12.2009 in the meeting a request was received from the PP that due to some unavoidable circumstances they could not give reply to the members. Therefore requested to grant a 30 days time to furnish the requisite information and oblige. The committee after detailed discussion acceded to the request of the PP subject to the condition that it will be a final chance given to the PP accordingly a Final notice of 15 days be issued to the PP. 26.32 EC for Technical Education Research Integrated Institute (Teri) Kurukshetra Haryana by Gyankund Trust to Educational to serve CW-30 Okhla Indistrial Area, Phase-2 New Delhi 110020 The project was received by SEIAA on 27.07.09 and on examination certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed by SEAC on 07.09.2009. The project proponent submitted reply to the shortcomings on 21.10.09. The same was put up in the 25th meeting of SEAC held on 18.11.09, wherein a request for postponement was received. The same was acceded to by the committee and decided to list this projects in the 26th meeting. As per the decision this case was again taken up in the 26 th meeting of SEAC. Wherein presentation was given by the PP. During presentation it was pointed out that the total plotted area of the project is 77810.15 Sq. Mtr. The total area under roof of this project will be 48859 Sq. Mtrs. The approximate cost of the project will be Rs. 23.23 Crores. It was informed that it is ongoing project for which half portion of the building has already been constructed. The green area is proposed to be 31124.06 Sq. Meters. The fresh Water requirement will be 100 KLD, which will be abstracted from the already existing tube-wells in the project area. The waste water generated will be used for horticulture after treatment thus leading to zero exit discharge at the existing point. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities of 600 ECS. However additional 20% parking facility above norms should be provided for future requirement. The PP has proposed to construct 7 no. rain water harvesting pits in the project area. The total power requirement will be 500 KW which will be supplied by UHBVNL. The power back up will be met with 3 no. of DG sets 55 56 (2x125 KVA + 1x250 KVA) capacities. Discussion were also held on solid waste management, dual pluming system, energy conservation measures, rain water harvesting plan, contour plan, environment management plan, environment monitoring plan etc. Most of which were found in order by the committee members except with following shortcomings:- [1] Height of the building with no. of floors of the buildings to be reported. [2] Revised green development plan indicating 20% area under plantation and minimum 10% area for landscaping and plantation of herbs and shrubs to be submitted. [3] Calculations of the rain water harvesting units to be supplied. [4] Duel plumbing plan to be submitted. [5] Revised parking plan to be submitted. [6] PP should submit water treatment plan along with Hydraulic design of each component and water balance diagram. [7] The PP should submit analysis reports of water, air, soil and noise. [8] The PP should submit the dispersion model for ambient air quality on the basis of analysis report in respect of SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOX. While preparing models, the wind rose pattern and other meteorological data should also be taken into consideration. [9] The PP should submit revised electrical hazardous plan alongwith line diagram indicating codes and standards. [10] The PP should submit revised fire fighting plan indicating codes and standards. [11] The PP should submit vibration and noise reduction plan. [12] The PP should submit proper welfare, safety, health medical plan, safety policy; occupational diseases mitigative measures during material handling for the workers during construction phase as well as after construction for the residents. [13] The PP will submit the details of compliance of ECBC norms for thermal insulation. [14] The PP should submit earth pits diagram. 56 57 The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.33 EC of Commercial Colony at Sector-88, Village Hayatpur, Gurgaon, Haryana by M/S Bestech India Pvt. Ltd. Bestech House, 124 Sector-44, Gurgaon-122002. The project proponent applied to SEIAA on 31.08.09. The papers submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the project proponent vide SEAC office letter dated 07.09.09. The project proponent submitted reply to the shortcomings vide their letter dated 03.11.09 & 17.11.09. Thereafter this case was taken up in the 25th meeting of the SEAC held on 11.11.2009. Presentation was given by the project proponent and his consultant. During presentation, the consultant of Project informed that they had already submitted the revised Form-I, Form-1A and conceptual plan. It was further explained that this project is a Gurgaon Garden City Commercial Complex at Sector 88, Village Harsaru, Hayatpur, Gurgaon, Haryana at an expected cost of Rs. 588.59 crores. The total Plot area is 115051.94 Sq. Meters. Total proposed built up area will be 375176.3 sq. mt. The height of the building is 60 mt. The building will comprise of 2 Basements + Ground Floors + 9 Floors. There will be total population of 42276 persons in shopping center, Five star hotel, Boutique hotel, Offices and Street Retails. It was also informed that the green belt development area has been kept as approx. 34515.58 Sqmt. (30%). out of which tree plantation area proposed is 23010.38 Sq.mt. (20%) and 10% of the total plot area is also reserved for green lawns and shrubs plantation. The total water requirement is 3803 KLD and the fresh water requirement will be 2099 KLD. The waste water generation will be 1792 KLD which will be treated in the 5 STP having capacity of 550 KLD, 560 KLD, 180 KLD, 570 KLD and 320 KLD. The treated water will be used for flushing, HVAC cooling, cooling of DG sets and horticulture and Filter back wash etc., thus leading to zero exit discharge. It was informed by the project proponent that the power requirement 57 58 will be 33 MVA to be supplied by the DHBVNL and for power back up they will install 19 DG sets of 2000 KVA Capacity. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities for 6080 ECS against the requirement of 4006 ECS. They have fire and safety plan as per the national building code. There will be total solid waste generation of 7960 Kg. Per day. Out of which the biodegradable waste will be composted in the project premises area in the manure produced will be used for horticulture and green belt development. After that detailed deliberations were held about hazardous waste management, parking plan, green belt development, dual plumbing system, rain water harvesting, power requirement, noise environment, health and safety of the employees and visitors bio-medical waste, electrical and vibration safety plan etc. The plans/mitigative measures proposed were found in order by the committee. However, following shortcomings were noticed in the documents submitted by the PP. 1. Permission of the Airport Authority not submitted. 2. The PP has neither submitted assurance from HUDA for supply of water nor submitted application to CGWA for change of water use from their existing bore wells. 3. The PP should explain to why the collaboration agreement with Oras Infrastructure has been enclosed when he is not a license holder. 4. The PP should submit revised electrical safety plan giving standards and codes of electrical fitting equipments and safety measures. 5. The PP will supply revised rain water harvesting plan indicating minimum 23 no. of RWH pits. The observations of the committee were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 27.11.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 14.12.09 thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 17.12.09 wherein discussions were held by the committee members with the representative of the PP. After deliberations the following shortcomings were noticed:1. The PP should supply collaboration agreements with all licenses matching with their land details. 2. Sale deed with Orris infrastructure should be supplied. 58 59 The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.34 EC for construction of Group Housing Project at Sector-35, near village Jatheri, Sonipat (Haryana) by M/s Max heights Township & Projects Pvt. Limited SD-65, Tower Apt., Pitampura, New Delhi. The documents submitted by the PP received on 19.08.09 were examined in the office of SEAC and after examination certain shortcomings were noticed and the same were conveyed to the PP vide letter dated 07.09.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 24.11.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of SEAC held on 17.12.09 in which the PP and his representative alongwith consultant appeared before the committee and gave their presentation. During presentation they informed that it is a group housing project Near Village Jatheri, Sec-35, Sonepat on an area of 57891.078 Sq.m. with an estimated cost of Rs. 90 crores. The total built up area has not been given. The project will be having one basement with an area of 24560.81 Sq.m. In the highest building the maximum no. of Floors are Ground + 13 Floors, It will be having 13 Towers with 716 flats and 108 EWS. The height of the building is 42.5 meters. It was further informed that the power requirement will be 9000 KW during operation phase which will be supplied by UHBVNL. For power back up they have proposed to install 4 D.G. Sets of 500 KVA capacity. Fresh water requirement will be 384 KLD. The total waste water generation will be 538 KLD and the same will be treated in the STP having capacity of 538 KLD. 282 KLD of the waste water will be recycled/reused for flushing and green belt development/landscaping. 60 KLD of the treated waste water will be used for irrigation purposes. The project proponent informed that they have total parking facilities for 1073 ECS which needs to be increased by 20% for future requirement. The project proponent has proposed 17625.71 Sq, mts (30.46%), area reserved as green area and for plantation the PP has reserved 8683.662 Sq.Meter (15%) for green area development. The plantation area needs to be 59 60 increased to 20%. After that detailed discussions were held about Solid Waste generation and its management, hazardous waste management, parking plan, green belt development plan, dual plumbing system, rain water harvesting, power requirement, environment management, plan electrical hazardous safety plan, noise management, energy conservation measures & environment monitoring plan etc. There will be 15 water harvesting pits, most of the mitigative measures were found in order by the committee. However, during discussions certain shortcomings were noticed which are as under:1. The total built up area should be given by the PP. 2. The PP should submit revised green development plan indicating 20% area under tree plantation and 10.46% area under landscaping/plantation of herbs and shrubs. 3. The PP should give standards and codes for fire fighting. 4. Seasonal windrose should be given with details. 5. In case of landscaping the name of the herbs and shrubs should be reported. 6. Revised fire fighting plan indicating codes and standards should be submitted. 7. Revised electrical safety plan with electrical fittings and indicating safety codes and standards should be submitted. 8. The PP should give revised STP plan with 20% additional capacity along with Hydraulic design and revised water balance diagram. 9. The PP should submit revised parking plan with 20% additional parking capacity for future requirement. 10. The PP should submit revised rain water harvesting plan along-with calculations. 11. The PP should submit details of the land along-with license. 12. The PP should submit revised electrical safety plan along with line diagram and indicating standards and codes as applicable. 13. The PP should submit earth pit details along with plan. 14. The PP should submit NOC from concerned because the project is located near the proposed KMP express highway. 15. The PP should submit vibration and noise reduction plan. 16. The PP should submit proper welfare, safety, health medical plan, safety policy, occupational diseases mitigating measures during material handling for 60 61 the workers during construction phase as well as after construction for the residents. 17. The PP should submit the details of compliance of ECBC norms for thermal insulation. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. 26.35 EC for proposed 1.5 MTPA (2x0.75 MTPA) Grinding Unit & 40 MW (2x20 MW) Captive Thermal Power Plant at Jhajjar-Haryana by M/s JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. Nehru House 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. The PP submitted application for EC to SEIAA on 23.09.09. The documents submitted were examined and certain shortcomings were noticed which were conveyed to the PP vide SEAC office letter dated 15.10.09. The PP submitted reply to the shortcomings on 23.11.09. Thereafter, this case was taken up in the 26th meeting of the SEAC held on 17.12.09. Initiating discussions, during presentation it was observed that the PP had failed to submit the proof of ownership of land which is a pre-requisite for finalizing the draft TOR’s. Accordingly presentation was not allowed by the committee. The committee advised the PP to first submit land ownership papers, only then their case will be considered for presentation by the committee. The Project Proponent may be advised to submit the required information within 30 days and it may also be made clear to the PP that his project will only be considered as received only after the receipt of complete information. In case of non-receipt of information in time; the case shall be recommended for rejection. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair. 61 62 Annexure ‘A’ LIST OF PARTICIPANTS of the 26th Meeting of SEAC, held on 15.12.2009, 16.12.2009 & 17.12.2009 1. Dr. S.P.Gupta, Member 2. Sh. Sultan Singh Jatyan Member 3. Sh. Jameet Singh Member 4. Sh. Jai Pal Singh Sangwan Member 5. Prof. C.P. Kaushik. Member 6. Sh. Raj Singh Rana Member 7. Prof. P. Padmanabhmurty Member 8. Sh. Surinder Malik (15.12.09) Member 9. Sh. R.P. Sharma Member 10. Sh. A.K. Mehta, Jt. Director, Secretary Environment Department 62