UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE OF THE SENATE AND ITS SUBCOMMITTEES1 A. Function of the Research Committee The functions of the Research Committee entail the following: 1. General function: To advise the Senate on issues pertaining to research, to finalize certain matters on behalf of the Senate and to make a contribution to the furthering of research at the University. 2. Specific functions: a) Advice to the Senate. To advise the Senate on: i) Research related policy issues; and ii) Issues pertaining to the general control function of the committee. The finalization of matters on behalf of the Senate. To finalize the following matters on behalf of the Senate: i) matters within the boundaries of the general policy on which the Senate has to rule. ii) matters concerning the general functioning of research at the University (that is the general control function). The furthering of research at the University. i) To ensure that the importance of research is acknowledged as one of the three basic functions of a university, and that it is considered as such at all levels of policy and the execution thereof. ii) To ensure that opportunities and possibilities are created and maintained to develop research at the University. iii) To ensure that sufficient funds is generated within and outside of the university to support the research activities at the University, nationally as well as internationally. iv) To contribute towards promoting the image of the university as research driven institution and an important role-player in the area of research and/or to ensure that it is promoted. To create structures and mechanisms to ensure it`s functioning. To elect fixed or ad hoc-subcommittees to provide advice with regard to the execution of its functions (or to finalize certain matters) and to establish the function and rights of such subcommittees. b) c) d) e) B. The establishment and competence of subcommittees A, B and C 1. In accordance to A.2 the Senate approved that the Research Committee can appoint three subcommittees (representative of broader groupings in the science, known as A (for the broad human and social sciences), B (for the basic and applied natural sciences and engineering) and C (for the health sciences)) to advise the committee in terms of its broad functions. The award of research funds for specific persons and projects are decentralized into the subcommittees. (The Research Committee does not perform the task of awarding the funds). The subcommittees have the authority to decide on the award of funds for research purposes. The subcommittees can award funds according to diverse categories and at the hand of diverse requirements, with the condition that it is done within the framework of a set of guidelines approved by the Senate on the recommendation of the Research Committee.2 The Research Fund (that is the amount awarded to the Research Committee from the central budget) is distributed amongst the subcommittees on the basis of a formula used to calculate the research outputs (in terms of subsidized units), research Masters degrees, as well as doctoral degrees awarded per subcommittee for a period of three years. Funds not spent at the end of a budget period are transferable to the next year, without any effect on the amount granted in the next year. The necessary flexibility in the award of research funds should be maintained. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 Senate, 2 November 1995 Senate, 1 March 1996 106752104 3/7/2016 3:59:00 PM 2 6. Subcommittees furthermore have the right to appoint specialized standing committees that are assigned to perform functions and responsibilities on its behalf, with due consideration to the fact that: a) The composition and function of such standing committees should be reported to the Research Committee; and b) The decisions of the standing committees should be reported to the relevant subcommittee. C. Composition of the Research Committee and subcommittees A, B en C 1. The Research Committee is appointed for two year terms and comprises of: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) The Vice-rector (Research) (ex officio) as chairperson; The Vice-rector (Community Interaction and Personnel) (ex officio) or his/her secundes; The Vice-rector (Teaching) (ex officio) or his/her secudes; The Senior Director: Research and Innovation The Director: Innovation and Business Development The chairs of Subcommittee A, Subcommittee B, Subcommittee C and the Subcommittee for Central Analytical Facilities (CAF); One member appointed by Subcommittees A and B respectively from the specific subcommittee; Three members elected by the Senate, with due consideration to the fact that one person should be appointed from each of the three subcommittee areas (A, B and C). (Comment: Nominations are obtained from members of the Senate and the names of candidates who are willing to accept the nomination are included in the documentation for the specific Senate meeting.) The chair of the Research Committee has the right to co-optation of members, in consultation with the Research Committee. 2. Subcommittees A, B and C of the Research Committee are appointed for terms of two years and comprise of: 2.1 Subcommittee A (The Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Education, Law, Theology, Economic and Management Sciences and Military Science resort under this subcommittee): a) Members of the subcommittee are appointed by the relevant faculty councils after nominations from each faculty have been called for by the respective deans. b) The faculties and learning areas are proportionally represented in Subcommittee A as follows: Arts and Social Sciences (4), Economic and Management Sciences (2), Theology (1), Law (1), and Education (1), and Military Science (1). c) The subcommittee reserves the right to co-optation of members. d) The dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is an ex officio member of the subcommittee as one of the four representatives from this faculty. e) The Senior Director: Research and Innovation is an ex officio member of the subcommittee and can not be a candidate for the position as chairperson of the subcommittee. f) At the start of every term the members of the subcommittee elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson. The chairperson must preferably be a member of the Senate. 2.2 Subcommittee B (The Faculties of Natural Sciences, AgriSciences and Engineering resort under this subcommittee): a) The names of researchers in (i) specific specialist areas and (ii) according to a specific proportion (refer to (b)), are submitted at the recommendation of the Faculties of Natural Sciences, AgriSciences and Engineering to their faculty councils for approval. Members of the faculty councils can however also nominate persons under the proportions stipulated in (b). 3 b) c) d) e) 2.3 The proportional representation must be as follows: Science (4), Engineering (3), and AgriSciences (3). At least one member from every faculty must also be a member of the Senate. The chairperson of Subcommittee B is elected by the members of the committee (the chairperson should preferably be a member of the Senate). The subcommittee has the right to co-optation of members. The Senior Director: Research and Innovation is an ex officio member of the subcommittee and can not be a candidate for the position of chairperson. Subcommittee C (The Faculty of Health Sciences resort under this committee): a) The Dean: Health Sciences (ex officio) or the Secundus Dean of the faculty. b) Names of researchers in specific specialist areas and according to specific proportions are submitted to the faculty council upon approval by the faculty committee. c) Members of the faculty council can however also nominate persons from the faculty o the basis of expertise in the specialist areas. d) The subcommittee has the right to co-optation of members. e) The Manager: Research Capacity Development and Funding Opportunities (Tygerberg)) is an ex officio member of the subcommittee and cannot be a candidate for the position of chairperson. f) Unless the chairperson is appointed from the members of the subcommittee, the Dean of Health Sciences should, ex officio, act as chairperson. The elected chairperson should preferably be a member of the Senate. g) The chairperson is appointed by the faculty council in consultation with the Dean and Research subcommittee C. h) The Senior Director: Research and Innovation is an ex officio member of the subcommittee and cannot be a candidate for the position of chairperson. D. Subcommittee regarding Central Analytical Facilities (CAF) 1. The Subcommittee regarding Central Analytical Facilities (CAF) exercises control over the use of research equipment and relevant personnel with due consideration to the guidelines accepted for this purpose by the Senate3 and approved by the Research Committee. It furthermore advises the research Committee on the policy and management of the Central Analytical Facilities of the University. 2. The Subcommittee pertaining to the Central Analytical Facilities (CAF) is appointed as follows for a term of two years: a) Members are appointed, with mutual consultation, by the chairpersons of subcommittees B and C, and the Senior Director: Research and Innovation. The following people have to be included: (i) the SU representative on REEP (Regional Expensive Equipment Programme); (ii) a representative of the Faculty of Health Sciences; (iii) a representative of the Faculty of Engineering; and (iv) the academic staff responsible for the CAF instruments. b) The Senior Director: Research and Innovation is an ex officio member of the committee and can not be elected as the chairperson of the subcommittee. c) The Director: Central Analytical Facilities is elected by the members of the subcommittee. The Director: CAF is an ex officio member of the committee and can not be elected as the chairperson of the subcommittee. d) The chair of CAF must preferably be a dean. e) The names of the persons who are appointed from time to time according to a), b) en c), are submitted to the Research Committee for approval. E. Attendance of subcommittee meetings by observers Subcommittees can co-opt members for specific periods of time or for specific meetings, or can invite people to attend specific meetings (for full meetings or only for the discussion of certain agenda points), with the aim of adding expertise to the committee, or to develop the expertise of these persons. 3 Senate, 7 December 1994, pp560-566 and 12 December 1996, p717 4 F. Role and function of members of the Research Committee and its subcommittees 1. Members of the Research Committee and its subcommittees are expected to work together in a responsible manner to perform the general and specific tasks set before it by the Senate. 2. Notwithstanding the fact that the respective members of the Research Committee and its subcommittees are, in certain cases, appointed with consideration for their (a) membership of particular faculties, (b) their expertise, (c) their membership of certain committees, (d) their official designation, or (e) any combination of these factors, it is expected from members of the Research Committee and its subcommittees to perform their duties in any of these committees in such a way as to ensure that the general and specific functions, tasks, responsibilities and abilities of the specific committee will be performed in the interest of the University as a whole. November 2009 Division for Research Development Stellenbosch University 5