Health and Safety Committee - Lakehead University: Human

Health and Safety Committee Meeting
Retail and Physical Support Service
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Road
Date: May 26, 2011
Place: Human Resources Meeting Room
Time: 9:15 a.m.
Present: Mike Davis, Ursula MacDonald, Terry Young, Stan Nemec, Steve Girvin, Barb
Regrets: Hugh Briggs, Fred Plank, Brenda Rojik, Rob McCluskey, Brian Cox
OLD Business:
A. LAKESIDE TERRACE: Construction on going and it is expected that the terrace will not
be available for pedestrian traffic until end November…work partially completed, it will
probably begin in May again
May 26, 2011-the work has stared, should be completed in a month or so
B. Brenda raised a concern about a BFI bin by the Powerhouse. The lid is all broken and
someone could hurt their arm or hand. Brenda was advised to contact Jim Squire who
can then request a new lid from ReCool.
March 24, 2011 – Ursula will follow up with Brenda Rojik and Jim Squier
C. TSC will be installing blue emergency phones and high definition cameras on all floors
D. TSC has been given the go-ahead to install a new “mass notification system” for the
internal use on both campuses. The new system will be capable of many functions
including paging, posting on messages on all PC’s, larger phones, etc., The new
system will be used for both emergency and business purposes
March 24, 2011 – Terry will be visiting the manufacturer in May 2011 to review the
May 26, 2011 – Terry has visited the manufacturer and Carleton University where the
system is being used. Orillia campus should have the system installed first which Terry
hopes will be completed by September of 2011. The system for Thunder Bay campus
is expected to be functional by the end of 2011.
E. Mike asked about the front stairs at PACI. They are in poor shape and can cause falls,
slips. Steve advised that Physical Plant is sourcing proper materials to replace the
stairs. The matter is complicated by the fact that PACI is designated as a heritage
building and not all materials are acceptable.
March 24, 2011 – Materials are on order to replace the stairs
F. Ursula also requested that Physical Plant have a look at a sidewalk which leads from
UC/CB side door to Lot 5. There is a section of the sidewalk by the canon that floods
each spring/fall. Grounds places wooden planks in the area as pedestrians are unable
to cross due to water and ice. The sidewalk has been like this for many years and it
really should be fixed.
May 26 – Steve Girvin advised that to this area is on the list of sidewalks which need
to be fixed
G. A question was raised about any plans to have a sidewalk constructed on the side of
the library along the road leading from parking lot to entrances to the Print Shop/Ryan
Building and the tunnel. This request has been on the books for many years. The
concern is that the area is unsafe for pedestrians as many delivery vehicles are
driving/backing in this area and pedestrians are having to maneuver around the
H. Stan advised that “anti-fatigue” mats were installed in some areas of the print shop.
He advised that the employees gave positive feedback and found that the mats were
helpful. As a result of that Stan will purchase more of the mats to install in other areas
of the print shop.
May 26 – Stan advised that the Mail room is getting a new “mail processing machine”
and he would like to have the machine installed before the new mats are purchased.
Ursula cautioned Stan that such expenditures may take time to get done, and antifatigue mats would be helpful now. Stan advised that he expects the mats to be in
place next month.
Alex requested that something be done about vehicles driving on the sidewalk up to
the CB door. The sidewalk in question is located between the Powerhouse and CB, it is
also the only “accessible entrance” to the CB. Delivery vehicles and personal vehicles
are backing onto the sidewalk to get as close to the CB door as possible.
May 26 – Steve will follow up with Jim Squier
New Business:
Ursula advised that Bill 160 was passed in Ontario. This amends the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, although it should have a minimum impact on
how we do our business. Ursula will summarize the changes and make a small
presentation at the next meeting
Steve advised that the bridge between SB and main campus was closed for
Emergency repairs. There have been numerous complaints about the closure. The
repairs should not take longer than a week. The repairs are necessary as a sink
hole was created over the last little while and with the additional rain over the
weekend the matter became urgent.
Steve advised that there will be an additional project on the go causing some
disruption between Prettie and Bartley Residence. Physical Plant will be putting in a
manhole to allow access to the sewer line.
Ursula advised that a new employee was hired to replace Tiffany Moore who
will be going on maternity leave starting July 01, 2011Kylie, the new employee will
start on June 13, 2011.
Injury Report -
There were no injuries to report during this period
Stan volunteered that he and Barb inspect the Hangar.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Thursday, June 16th, 2011 Little Dining Room @ 9:00 am
NEXT INSPECTION: Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the Agora