Intern: Aisha Jumma Mentor: Maha Grade: 3 Date: 8th – 6 -2008 # of Students: 26 Time Frame: 45 min ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Shapes & the Right Angle Instructional Objective (Measurable) After the lesson student should be able to: 1. Recognise different shapes and their properties. 2. Recognize whole, half and quarter turns; identify that angle that measures a quarter turn called a right angle. identify right angles in the environment and contained in 2-D shapes. Qatar curriculum Standard: 7.1 know that angle measures the amount of turn and recognise whole, half and quarter turns; know that angle that measures a quarter turn is called a right angle. 7.2 identify right angles in the environment and contained in 2-D shapes. Materials: 1. Different color of shapes (red circle, green triangle, orange square and yellow rectangle). 2. The white board and the markers. 3. 4 pieces of worksheet 1. 4. 26 pieces of worksheet 2. 5. 26 piece of worksheet3. 6. PowerPoint slides show 1(The shapes). 7. PowerPoint slides show 2(The right angle). 8. PowerPoint slides 3(Who am I). 9. Flash cards of the words side, corner and angle. Resources: 1. 2. TEACHING PROCEDURE: 1 Activating prior Knowledge/ Focus: 1. Show the students on the board different color of shapes (red circle, green triangle, orange square and yellow rectangle), then ask them “what we call these objects?” When they answered ask them “can we make face with these shapes?” 2. Draw a circle and have them choose which shape to be the eyes, mouth and Nose and that is by saying the shapes name then to go to the board and to fix the shape in the correct place of the face. 3. Point to the rectangle and the square then ask them to compare between these two shapes (the rectangle and the square).When they said their knowledge by answering your question then tell them today we are going to learn the properties of shapes. And to recognize the right angle. Teacher Strategies Students Activities 1. Share with students the discussion The students will tell their knowledge about each shape’s properties (square, about the properties of the shapes rectangle, triangle and square). (square, rectangle, triangle and square). 2.Attach flash cards of the words side, corner and angle on the board and ask the students to work in group and to think about the square: How many side it has? What we call its sides? How many corner it has? What we call its corners? The students will work in group to Do the same for each shape of oblong, find the teacher’s questions answers circle and triangle. about the different shapes. 3. Show them Shapes (PowerPoint) and let them spot the corners, the sides and The students will spot out the corners, the right angles. the sides and the right angles. 4. Give them worksheet 1 to work in The students will work in group to group and to solve it. solve the worksheet 1. 5. draw a square on the board and point to the corner then ask”What does each corner make?” “Angle” 6. Ask” How many angle square, 2 oblong, and circle have?” Draw each of the above shapes on the Students will count the angles and board and let them count and point out will point out that “square has 4, the angles. oblong has 4 and circle has 1” 7.Show them the quarter, half and the whole of the angle and how much degree each of them is, by drawing a circle on the board and explaining how the angle moves and increases to reach to 90 which is a quarter of the circle area then it moves and increases to reach to 180. Show them on the circle area that it is half of the circle area then explain that it will turn around to reach to 270 which is 3 fourth or 3 quarter of the circle and then it will make complete turn which is 360 to make complete circle and it called a whole. 8. Let them figure out the right angle The students will figure out the right in different shapes through the angle in different shapes through the PowerPoint slide’s show. PowerPoint slide’s show. 9. Distribute worksheet2; explain for them the questions and what they have to do, and then ask them individual to figure out the right angles in the given shapes make. Move Individual the students will figure out in the class around them to check their the right angles in the shapes given in work and to scaffold if it is needed. worksheet2. Modifications/ Differentiation: * Peer-tutoring and teacher-led small group instruction will help the students with difficulty understanding to understand shapes properties and the right angle. * Answering worksheet (1). This worksheet helps the students to learn and to point out different shapes properties, while worksheet (2) helps them to figure out right angles. * PowerPoint’s slides shows help the students with difficulty understanding to visualize the shapes properties and the right angle. 3 Lesson Extension: Play with the students guessing game (Who am I?) through the PowerPoint slides show, which helps them to point out the shape name depending on its properties and identification. Closure: Ask them “what did we learn today?” Have them count and tell what they learned about shapes properties and let them identify the right angle. Tell them tomorrow we will learn about the 3d shapes. Assessment: 1. The teacher will assess the students through their participation in the lessons activities and answering the teacher’s question. 2. The teacher will assess the students through their answers of questions in the worksheets 1 & 2. 4. Teacher will give the students home work ( worksheet 3) to assess them by answering the questions: Describe what a right angle is? Find 9 objects that have right angle in them. Draw them? 4 Worksheet 1 Name:……………………… Date:…………………… Shapes sheet 5 Worksheet 2 Name:……………………… Date:…………………… The Right angle 6 Worksheet 3 Name:…………………………. Date:…………………….. Right Angle Describe what a right angle is: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Find 9 objects that have right angles in them. Draw them below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7 Worksheet 1 Name:……………………… Date:…………………… Shapes sheet 8 Worksheet 2 Name:……………………… Date:…………………… The Right angle 9 Worksheet 3 Name:…………………………. Date:…………………….. Right Angle Describe what a right angle is: An angle at 90 DEGREE is a special angle called a right angle which is, a quarter of a full circle. Find 9 objects that have right angles in them. Draw them below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e 7. 8. 9. 10