CENG 222 – Computer Organization Lab Work 2 Advanced usage

CENG 222 – Computer Organization
Lab Work 2
Arithmetic operations
Some of the arithmetic operations that are supported by Intel microprocessors are:
ADD <destination>, <addend>
; destination = destination + addend
ADD instruction adds <addend> to <destination>.
ADD ax, bx
ADD var, 2
ADD al, cl
; ax = ax + bx
; var = var + 2
; al = al + cl
INC <destination>
DEC <destination>
; destination = destination + 1;
; destination = destination - 1;
INC instruction increments and DEC instruction decrements the destination.
INC dx
DEX al
INC var
SUB <destination>, <subtrahend>
; destination = destination – subtrahend
SUB instruction subtracts <subtrahend> from <destination>.
SUB var, 2
SUB bl, cl
SUB bx, ax
; var = var - 2;
; bl = bl – cl;
; bx = bx – ax;
EXP1 – Direct Addressing and Arithmetic Operations
1. Convert your year of birth to a hexadecimal number and store write it to memory
address 0200h. Is 1 byte enough to store the number? Why/why not? Do the writing to
memory accordingly.
2. Get the last 4 digits of your student number and write it to next memory address.
Consider which memory address you should be using according to the answer of the
first question.
3. Find the sum of these two numbers. Store the result in register DX.
4. Subtract first number from second store the result in register CX.
EXP2 – Indirect Addressing and Arithmetic
1. Store 50 (decimal) in memory address 0300h, this time use indirect addressing (access
with [BX] ). Is 1 byte enough to store the number? Why/why not? Do the writing to
memory accordingly.
2. Store 51 in next address. Consider which memory address you should be using
according to the answer of the first question.
3. Store 52 in next address.
4. Find the sum of 3 numbers. Store the result in the next adress.
EXP3 – Advanced Data Transfer
Analyze the assembly code below:
title Register test program
.model small
.stack 100h
msg db "AB",0dh,0ah,'$'
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
; Add your code here
; -----------------; -----------------mov ah,9
mov dx,offset msg
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
main endp
end main
The program above prints “AB” to the console. The message “AB” is stored at msg in data
segment. Therefore, “offset msg” is the starting address of the string. Modify the code
according to the following experiments (Try both MOV and LEA commands) :
1- Copy the second byte stored at “msg” (which is ‘B’ currently) to the first byte. The
output should be “BB”. In order to do that, load 2-bytes data stored at “msg” into a
16-bits register. Copy one part of the register to the other part. Then, write your
register back to msg.
2- Copy the first byte stored at “msg” (which is ‘A’ currently) to the second byte. The
output should be “AA”. To achieve this, load the first byte stored at “msg” into one 8bits register (high or low part) and copy it onto the other part and write the data stored
in register back to msg.
3- Load the data stored at “msg” into one register and swap the high and low parts of the
register using a temporary 8-bits register. Then write back your “swapped” register
onto msg. The output should be “BA”.
Advanced usage of MOV in MASM
Previously we used “offset” to point a memory location, but MASM supports a more user
friendly way. As explained in previous lab, MASM does not support a moving operation to a
memory location directly pointed by an immediate data but actually, currently used Intel
microprocessors support it! Fortunately, some advanced usage of MOV instructions in
MASM make it possible. Analyze the source and assembled code below:
Source Code
Assembled code
title Register test program
.model small
.stack 100h
msg db "AB",0dh,0ah,'$'
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
3BA6:0000 B8A73B
3BA6:0003 8ED8
mov al,msg
mov msg+1,al
3BA6:0005 A00800
3BA6:0008 A20900
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset msg
int 21h
3BA6:000B B409
3BA6:000D BA0800
3BA6:0010 CD21
MOV DX,0008
INT 21
3BA6:0012 B8004C
3BA6:0015 CD21
INT 21
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
main endp
end main
Since “msg” is defined in data segment, if we use it without “offset”, it denotes the data
pointed by msg (not the address of it). As we can see in the assembled code the address is
inside [] brackets. ([0008]). Note that if we use “msg+1”, it means that the data stored in the
memory location msg+1 that is [0009]. Here it is clear that MASM automatically calculates
offsets and uses [] to point the data.
You can choose to use “offset” and denote pointer operations by yourself or use MASM to
interpret the instructions. It is important to learn the usage of offset in order to understand
how the operation is done exactly. Please do not go any further without understanding the
code above.
LEA (Load effective address) instruction
If we use “offset”, we need the following instruction to get the address of a data:
MOV DX, offset msg
Here, msg is defined as name of the data itself. Another way to do this without using offset:
LEA DX, msg
Both instructions above, loads the address of msg into DX.