2005.F.C.257 THE FIFE COUNCIL - GLENROTHES. 15th December, 2005. PRESENT: 10.00 a.m. - 12.20 p.m. Councillors John Simpson (Chair), William Aitken, David Alexander, George Allan, David C. Arnott, Fraser Ballantyne, John Bell, Sheila Black, Henry Blyth, William Brand, James Brennan, Timothy Brett, Andrew Brown, Patrick Callaghan, John Cameron, Irene Connelly, Thomas Dair, Margot Doig, Peter Douglas, Gordon Duff, Drew Edward, Ronald Edwards, Fiona Grant, Peter Grant, Theresa Gunn, Eleanor Gunstone, George Kay, William Kay, Andrew Keddie, Catherine Latto, George Leslie, Jane Ann Liston, Donald Lothian, Archibald Lowe, Alice McGarry, Anne McGovern, John Mackenzie, Gerald McMullan, Antony Martin, Alexander Maxwell, Frances Melville, Loretta Mordi, Kay Morrison, Andrew Paterson, Alfred Patey, James Philp, Fiona Purdon, Stuart Randall, Elizabeth Riches, Albert Ritchie, Andrew Rodger, Joe Rosiejak, David Rougvie, Mike Rumney, Alexander Sawers, Mike Scott-Hayward, James P. Simpson, Alexander Thomson, Jim Tolson, David Torrance, Ann Watters, Marilyn Whitehead, Les Wood and Robert Young. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Andrew Arbuckle, William Clarke, Ewen Jardine, Margaret Kennedy, William Sangster, Joyce Smith, Alice Soper and Margaret Taylor. 133. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors J. Cameron, A. McGarry, A. Martin, and M. Rumney declared an interest in Para. 139 - Notice of Motion - as they were the Council’s representatives on FETA. 134. CIVIC BUSINESS (a) Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Awards 2005 - The Provost advised that the Council had been recognised at the Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Awards 2005 by winning the prestigious “Large Employer” Award. One of the Council’s apprentices, Kevin Wallace also received the runner-up award in the “Apprentice Achievement” category. The Council acknowledged this recognition of the Council’s commitment to the Modern Apprenticeship Programme and congratulated Kevin on his success in the individual category. (b) Scottish Transport Awards - It was noted that, at the Scottish Transport Awards held on 28th November, 2005, the Council had been highly commended in two categories - the “Go Flexi” entry in the Rural Transport Category, and the Council’s Partnership entry for the East Coast Safety Partnership Camera Campaign, targeting fleet drivers. The Council acknowledged the efforts by all those involved in achieving these commendations. (c)/ 533571956 2005.F.C.258 (c) Andrew Beveridge - The Provost advised that Andrew Beveridge, the Council’s photographer based in CRMS, had won the Sunday Herald/Adobe Systems Competition to find the “Spirit of Scotland at Christmas”. Andrew had beaten off strong competition from around Scotland with a photograph of Duncan McAndrew, a Street Sweeper from Leven. The photograph had been made into a postcard and used to promote Adobe’s Photoshop Elements Software and distributed around the country. Members expressed their congratulations to Andrew on winning this competition. (d) Robert Henryson School - The Provost congratulated the Robert Henryson School for children and young people with profound disabilities who had received an outstanding HMIe report in October, 2005 and who were featured in a recent publication of the Times Educational Supplement as an example of excellent practice. The Council expressed their congratulations to all the staff, children and young people at Robert Henryson School on their achievement. (e) Fife Employability Team - It was noted that the Fife Employability Team had gained registration to the internationally recognised Quality Management Standard (IS09001:2000) and, in recognition of the high quality service they provided to their customers, the Team had been awarded also the Health Mark Charter by the registration body, SGS UK Limited. The Council expressed their congratulations to all staff on their achievement. (f) Maggie’s Fundraising Day - The Provost was delighted to advise that, due to the efforts of Fife Council staff, over £20,000 had been raised to date for the Maggie’s Centre Appeal through staff holding various fundraising events on 2nd December, 2005. The Council acknowledged this tremendous achievement and members congratulated all Fife Council staff on their generosity. (g) Retiral of Ernest Brewster, Head of IT - The Provost referred to the retiral of Ernest Brewster, Head of IT on 31st December, 2005. Ernest started his career as a Research Assistant at Exeter University in 1972 and, having served at the Central Computer & Telecommunications Agency and DTI, took up the post of Information Systems Manager at Norfolk County Council before moving to Borders Regional Council in 1987. Following Local Government Reorganisation in 1995, Ernest was appointed Fife Council’s Head of IT. The Provost, on behalf of the Council, paid tribute to the valued contribution which Ernest Brewster had made to local government in Fife and members conveyed their best wishes to Ernest and his family for a long and happy retirement. 135./ 533571956 2005.F.C.259 135. MINUTES (a) Fife Council of 6th October, 2005 The Provost, seconded by the Depute Provost, moved that the minute of the meeting of Fife Council of 6th October, 2005 be approved. Decision The minute was approved. Arising from consideration of the minute, the following matter was raised:Para. 126(b)(ii) - Joint Fife Council/Fife Constabulary Review of Colyn Evans - Response to Recommendations and Associated Action Points Councillor A. McGovern, Leader of the Administration, advised members that the Chief Executive, Chief Constable and herself had met with the Minister for Justice, Cathy Jamieson, and the Depute Minister for Education & Children, Robert Brown, on 8th December, 2005 in anticipation of the publication of the report by SWIA and HMIC into the Colyn Evans’ case. They made available the action plan which had already been submitted to the Community Safety Committee following the Council’s own review of the case and advised that this would be updated to take account of the issues identified for the Council and Fife Constabulary in the SWIA and HMIC report and which would, again, be subject to consideration with the Colyn Evans report by the Community Safety Committee. The SWIA/HMIC report raised a number of important issues, some for Fife but many which had national implications. As Leader of the Administration, Councillor McGovern undertook to ensure that the issues for Fife would be comprehensibly and fully addressed. However, even the very best training and monitoring processes to manage risk could never give communities the absolute certainty that risk could be eliminated, as unpredictable events could not always be prevented. The central conclusion of the SWIA or the HMIC report was that Colyn Evans’ behaviour could not have been reasonably predicted. Councillor McGovern shared with all elected members, the sense of concern about these difficult issues and indicated that the Minister had agreed that it would be helpful to provide training and briefing materials for elected members to help them understand the particular contribution they could make in what was a difficult and complex area, trying to find a balance between the needs of offenders and the needs of the community. In conclusion, Councillor McGovern accepted that the Council and Fife Constabulary had lessons to learn and improvements to make. Work had already started and would be completed but it would be wrong to raise false expectations that there were easy answers. Councillor/ 533571956 2005.F.C.260 Councillor E. Riches concurred with the sentiments of Councillor McGovern’s statement and advised that she fully supported the points in the Action Plan. However, she expressed the hope that sufficient funding would be made available to undertake the action points and asked that a report be submitted to all elected members in 12 months time identifying how effective the Action Plan had been. Councillor A. McGarry also asked for an assurance that the Minister for Justice be given an update on the position in 6 months time. (b) Community Safety Committee of 2nd November, 2005 Councillor A. Keddie, seconded by Councillor D.C. Arnott, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of 2nd November, 2005, together with the minute of the meeting of the Police Complaints and Discipline Sub-Committee, be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. Arising from consideration of the minutes, the following matter was raised:Para. 310 of 2005.C.S.138 - Draft Graffiti Policy - In response to a question from Councillor T. Brett, who raised concerns regarding the availability of additional significant resources being required to fund the policy, Councillor A. Keddie advised that work on the graffiti policy was ongoing and would be piloted into selected areas in the first instance, prior to implementation across Fife. (c) Children’s Services Committee of 3rd and 24th November, 2005 Councillor T. Dair, seconded by Councillor K. Morrison, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the Children’s Services Committee of 3rd and 24th November, 2005, together with the minutes of the meetings of the Education Appointment Committee, be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. Arising from consideration of the minutes, the following matter was raised:Para. 338 of 2005.Ch.S.271 - Raising Attainment, Improving Achievement in Fife Schools - In response to a question from Councillor D. Alexander regarding the reduction in teacher numbers in Fife and seeking clarification of the Scottish Executive’s views on teacher numbers, Councillor T. Dair advised that work was under-way to improve achievements in Fife schools and that the Scottish Executive were currently considering the allocation of resources for teacher numbers for the next financial year. (d)/ 533571956 2005.F.C.261 (d) Adult Services Committee of 18th November, 2005 Councillor T. Gunn, seconded by Councillor A. Sawers, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Adult Services Committee of 18th November, 2005, be approved. Decision The minute was approved. Arising from consideration of the minute, the following matter was raised:Para. 253 of 2005.A.S.128 - Supporting People Funding - Further Progress - Councillor I. Connolly advised members of recent meetings which had been held with MPs and MSPs regarding the Council’s allocation for supporting people funding and, in particular, the funding gap for 2006/2007 and beyond. It was proposed to raise this matter with the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee in an attempt to secure additional funding for the Council. Councillor M. Scott-Hayward welcomed Councillor Connolly’s comments, and sought an assurance that any increase be taken account of in the Council’s budget and that efforts be made to reduce the direct charge to those people affected by this funding gap. Councillor T. Gunn in response advised that all aspects of supporting people funding would be considered as part of the budget process. (e) Environment and Development Committee of 17th November, 2005 Councillor M. Rumney, seconded by Councillor J. Philp, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Environment and Development Committee of 17th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minute was approved. Arising from consideration of the minute, the following matters were raised:(i) Babcock, Rosyth - Councillor M. Rumney welcomed the announcement yesterday from the MOD regarding the awarding of a contract to Babcock at Rosyth which would be of great benefit to the economy of Fife and would ensure the long term security of jobs. (ii) Para. 410 of 2005.E.D.C.208 - Fife Structure Plan - Draft Publicity and Consultation Statement - Councillor A. Martin sought an assurance from the Chair of the Environment and Development Committee regarding the process for the consultation exercise and the need for members of the public to be advised that their views would be taken on board. Councillor M. Rumney, in response, advised that consultations would be undertaken with the political groups on Fife Council and that it was proposed to hold a Special Meeting of the Environment and Development Committee at the end of/ 533571956 2005.F.C.262 of January, 2006. A recommendation would be made to the Area Development Committees and thereafter would be reported back to Fife Council prior to a submission to the Scottish Ministers by the end of March, 2006. It was suggested also that, if necessary, an Elected Members Development Day could be arranged. Councillor F. Melville pointed out the need for further clarification for members of the public regarding the consultation exercise and expressed concern regarding the proposed timescale. Following discussion the Provost advised that consideration would be given to the most appropriate forum for members to discuss the plan, prior to its submission to the Scottish Ministers. (iii) (f) Para. 393 of 2005.E.D.C.201 - Transport (Scotland) Bill 2005 Regional Transport Partnerships (Establishment, Constitution and Membership) (Scotland) Order - Councillor T. Brett referred to the number of people in Fife who travelled to Dundee on public transport and asked how the Council would be able to input into the Regional Transport Partnership (RTP) for Central & Tay. Councillor M. Rumney, in response, pointed out that three elected members had been appointed as representatives of Fife Council on the RTPs and that while Fife was a member of the South-East of Scotland RTP, regular meetings were held at both member and officer level with Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross Councils. It was pointed out that the decision to establish RTPs had been made by the Minister of Transport with elected members from an authority being appointed to no more than one Partnership, and it was suggested that the Minister of Transport should be asked to re-consider this decision. Standards and Audit Committee of 15th November, 2005 Councillor P. Grant, seconded by Councillor A. Rodger, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Standards and Audit Committee of 15th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minute was approved. Arising from consideration of the minute, the following matter was raised:Para. 156 of 2005.S.A.96 - Report to Members and Controllor of Audit Final Overview - Councillor F. Melville sought clarification on the ownership of the Byre Theatre in St. Andrews. Councillor J. Brennan, in response, advised that while the building was in the ownership of Fife Council, it was leased to the Byre Theatre Trust. Councillor P. Grant pointed out that a report on the position of the Byre Theatre would be submitted to the next meeting of the Standards & Audit Committee clarifying the position. (g)/ 533571956 2005.F.C.263 (g) Policy and Resources Committee of 1st December, 2005 Councillor A. McGovern, seconded by Councillor A. Thomson, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee of 1st December, 2005 together with the minutes of the meetings of the External Affairs Sub-Committee, Appeals Sub-Committee, Appointments SubCommittee and Conduct of Senior Police Officer Sub-Committee, be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. Arising from consideration of the minutes, the following matters were raised:(i) Para. 313 of 2005.P.R.204 - Expanding Horizons New Community Schools Project - Progress Update - Councillor A. McGovern advised members that the issues with the Scottish Executive which were reported to the Policy & Resources Committee regarding timing of the Council’s capital payments appeared to have been resolved and that a target date of 16th December, 2005 had been agreed for finalising all project documentation which would allow financial close to take place early next week and would allow advance works to continue on site. (ii) Para. 293 of 2005.P.R.190 - A Fife Council Policy on Charging: Delivery Best Value - Councillor A. McGovern referred to recent press articles and concerns expressed by Councillor S. Randall regarding her interpretation of Standing Orders at the meeting. She advised that she had based her interpretation on the custom and practice of Strategic Committees over many years, a practice which had previously gone unchallenged and which had proved acceptable to all Committee members. She recognised that Councillor Randall had a different view and would seek to ensure that Administration Chairs avoided any possible confusion in the future. Councillor S. Randall, seconded by Councillor A. Maxwell, moved, as an amendment, that the minute was incorrect in that it stated that the Administration had moved the motion, which had denied Councillor Randall the opportunity to sum up. Vote Amendment Motion - 14 votes 38 votes Decision The Minute was approved. (iii)/ 533571956 2005.F.C.264 (iii) (h) Para. 302 of 2005.P.R.195 - Conferences - In response to a question from Councillor A. Patey, enquiring whether the fees for attendance at conferences included accommodation, the Head of Law & Administration advised that, in future wherever practicable, details would be included in the report submitted to Committee identifying whether accommodation was included in the conference fee. Area Committees Central Fife Area (i) Central Fife Area Development Committee of 27th September, 25th October and 22nd November, 2005 Councillor W. Aitken, seconded by Councillor W. Brand, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the Central Fife Area Development Committee of 27th September, 25th October and 22nd November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (ii) Central Fife Area Regulation Sub-Committee of 12th October, 2nd November and 9th November, 2005 Councillor W. Brand, seconded by Councillor R. Edwards, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the Central Fife Area Regulation Sub-Committee of 12th October, 2nd November and 9th November be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (iii) Central Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee of 1st November, 2005 Councillor M. Doig, seconded by Councillor W. Brand, moved that the minute of the meeting of the Central Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee of 1st November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minute was approved. (iv) Central Fife Area Services Committee of 14th October and 11th November, 2005 Councillor M. Doig, seconded by Councillor W. Brand, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the Central Fife Area Services Committee of 14th October and 11th November be approved. Decision/ 533571956 2005.F.C.265 Decision The minutes were approved. East Fife Area (v) East Fife Area Development Committee of 27th September, 25th October and 22nd November, 2005 Councillor F. Melville, seconded by Councillor P. Douglas, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the East Fife Area Development Committee of 27th September, 25th October and 22nd November be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (vi) East Fife Area Regulation Sub-Committee of 13th October and 10th November, 2005 Councillor P. Douglas, seconded by Councillor E. Gunstone, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the East Fife Area Regulation Sub-Committee of 13th October and 10th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (vii) East Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee of 12th October and 9th November, 2005 Councillor P. Douglas, seconded by Councillor L. Mordi, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the East Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee 12th October and 9th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (viii) East Fife Area Services Committee of 12th October and 9th November, 2005 Councillor D. Lothian, seconded by Councillor P. Douglas, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the East Fife Area Services Committee of 12th October and 9th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. West/ 533571956 2005.F.C.266 West Fife Area (ix) West Fife Area Development Committee of 28th September, 26th October and 23rd November, 2005 Councillor M. Rumney, seconded by Councillor D.C. Arnott, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the West Fife Area Development Committee of 28th September, 26th October and 23rd November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (x) West Fife Area Regulation Sub-Committee of 11th October, 2005 Councillor A. Brown, seconded by Councillor D.C. Arnott, moved that the minute of the meeting of the West Fife Area Regulation SubCommittee of 11th October, 2005 be approved. Decision The minute was approved. (xi) West Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee of 13th October and 31st October, 2005 Councillor D.C. Arnott, seconded by Councillor A. Brown, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the West Fife Area Common Good Sub-Committee of 13th October and 31st October, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. (xii) West Fife Area Services Committee of 13th October and 10th November, 2005 Councillor D.C. Arnott, seconded by Councillor A. Brown, moved that the minutes of the meetings of the West Fife Area Services Committee of 13th October and 10th November, 2005 be approved. Decision The minutes were approved. 136./ 533571956 2005.F.C.267 136. APPOINTMENTS TO PARTNER ORGANISATIONS (a) St. Andrews Links Trust Decision The Council agreed that Mrs. Fiona de Vries, the nominee from the Local Golf Clubs, be re-appointed as a Trustee of the St. Andrews Links Trust for the period 1st January, 2006 to 31st December, 2008. (b) St. Andrews Links Management Committee Decision The Council agreed that Councillor P. Douglas be re-appointed as a member of the Links Management Committee for the period 1st January, 2006 to 31st December, 2009. On the recommendation of the Inter-Clubs Liaison Committee of St. Andrews, the Council further agreed that Mr. Kevin Mullins be appointed to replace Mr. Drew Renwick as a member of the Links Management Committee from 1st January, 2006 to 31st December, 2009. 137. AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31ST MARCH, 2005 Members considered a report on the 2004/05 audit of Fife Council by Henderson Loggie, together with a joint report by the Chief Executive and the Heads of Finance & Asset Management and Policy & Organisational Development, which had previously been submitted to the Standards and Audit Committee on 15th November, 2005. Copies of the 2004/05 Abstract of Accounts had also been circulated previously to members, for information. A number of questions raised by members on the Audit Report were put and answered by Cathy Wyllie, Messrs. Henderson Loggie. Decision Members, in noting the report, recorded their thanks to the Head of Finance & Asset Management and his staff for their work in producing an exceptionally good report from the Auditors. 138. JOINT FUTURE - JOINT STRATEGY AND RESOURCES GROUP - AMENDMENT TO FINANCIAL REGULATIONS AND CHANGE OF NAME The Council considered a joint report by the Head of Finance & Asset Management and Head of Law & Administration dated 9th December, 2005 advising that the Joint Strategy and Resources Group had recommended to both the Council and NHS Fife an amendment to the financial regulations for the Group, and that the name of the Group be changed to the Health and Social Care Partnership to better reflect the partnership working for which the Group was responsible. Decision/ 533571956 2005.F.C.268 Decision The Council approved the revision to the financial regulations and that the Joint Strategy and Resources Group be re-named the Health and Social Care Partnership. 139. NOTICE OF MOTION Prior to the start of this item, the Provost advised that, following the submission of a second motion on the same topic, further discussion had taken place and Councillors S. Randall and M. Scott-Hayward, the proposer and seconder, had agreed that the second motion now be treated as the First Amendment. In terms of Standing Order No. 30, the following Notice of Motion had been submitted:Motion Councillor A. McGovern, seconded by Councillor A. Thomson, moved as follows:"That this Council distance itself from the recent Forth Estuary Transport Authority’s decision to apply to Scottish Ministers for ‘approval in principle’ to the introduction of a road user charging scheme at the Forth Road Bridge at levels proposed in the FETA Integrated Transport Initiative Report. That this Council calls upon Scottish Ministers to refuse said ‘approval in principle’ at charge levels currently proposed. That the Scottish Executive instructs FETA to implement full, open and transparent public consultation with all interested parties prior to any future application by FETA for ‘approval in principle’. That the Scottish Executive and FETA agree to finance and hold the fullest public referendum in local authority areas which are represented at FETA to decide any future proposals for introduction of road user charging schemes at the Forth Road Bridge.” First Amendment Councillor S. Randall, seconded by Councillor M. Scott-Hayward, moved, as the first amendment:“This Council believes users of the Forth Road Bridge do not receive a fast, reliable, high quality service and calls on the Scottish Executive to refuse FETA’s plan for yet further increases in the current £1 toll, as these will cause massive economic harm to Fife and other regions.” Second Amendment Councillor A. Martin, seconded by Councillor E. Riches, moved, as an amendment to the motion that the following addition be made to it:“No decision should be made on the Road User Charging Proposals in FETA’s transport strategy until decisions are made on the timescales and funding arrangements for a new multi-model crossing.” With/ 533571956 2005.F.C.269 With the consent of Councillors McGovern and Thomson and Councillors Riches and Martin, the Provost agreed to conjoin the motion and the second amendment in terms of Standing Order 42. Third Amendment Councillor A. McGarry, seconded by Councillor G. Kay, moved, as the third amendment:“This Council (a) expresses its disappointment that FETA has decided to apply to the Scottish Executive for ‘approval in principle’ with regard to a road charging scheme at the Forth Road Bridge which would see charges, for some users, rise from £1 to £4 per journey; (b) is deeply concerned about the impact these proposed charges will have on the Fife economy. (c) is perplexed that FETA has taken this course of action in advance of the release of the Scottish Executive’s Tolled Bridges Review; (d) accepts that Fife’s commuters again face substantial rises in the cost of rail travel, that very few affordable travel options are open to Fife residents who need to access Edinburgh and the Lothians for work or education and for family/social reasons and the Council is concerned that the Labour Government’s plans for an integrated transport system have never come to fruition; and (e) is reminded of the £9 million cost of the Edinburgh City Council referendum on Road Charging and therefore rejects the notion that the Fife taxpayer should pay, either directly or indirectly, for a referendum on an issue which will be ultimately decided by a Liberal Minister within a Labour/Liberal Executive and suggests that every political lobbying route be explored to ensure that the Liberal Transport Minister rejects FETA’s proposals for a 400% hike in bridge charges.” Vote Prior to the vote being taken, the first amendment was withdrawn by Councillors S. Randall and M. Scott-Hayward. Third Amendment Motion (as conjoined with the Second Amendment) - 12 votes 51 votes Decision The Council agreed:(a) that this Council distance itself from the recent Forth Estuary Transport Authority’s decision to apply to Scottish Ministers for ‘approval in principle’ to the introduction of a road user charging scheme at the Forth Road Bridge at levels proposed in the FETA Integrated Transport Initiative Report; (b)/ 533571956 2005.F.C.270 (b) that this Council calls upon Scottish Ministers to refuse said ‘approval in principle’ at charge levels currently proposed; (c) that no decision should be made on the road user charging proposals in FETA’s transport strategy until decisions are made on the timescales and funding arrangements for a new multi model crossing; (d) that the Scottish Executive instructs FETA to implement full, open and transparent public consultation with all interested parties prior to any future application by FETA for ‘approval in principle’; and (e) that the Scottish Executive and FETA agree to finance and hold the fullest public referendum in local authority areas which are represented at FETA to decide any future proposals for introduction of road user charging schemes at the Forth Road Bridge.” (Councillor A. Watters entered the meeting during discussion of the above item, Councillor S. Black left during the discussion, and Councillor T. Brett left at the conclusion of the above item.) 140. BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY THE PROVOST AS A MATTER OF URGENCY Decision It was noted that there was no business to be brought forward under this item. 141. QUESTION TIME In terms of Standing Orders, the following question had been submitted for answer at the meeting:Question from Councillor G. McMullan “1. What action are Fife Council Licensing Boards taking to combat binge drinking? 2. What action is Fife Council taking to stop the promotion of cheap drinking in its pubs and clubs? 3. What representations has Fife Council made to the Scottish Executive on these issues?” Answer Councillor A. Keddie, Chair of the Community Development Committee, in replying stated:Answer/ 533571956 2005.F.C.271 Answer to Question 1 “Firstly, can I point out that Fife Council do not have Licensing Boards. Fife Council is a member of the Fife Drug and Alcohol Action Team which has a specific action to reduce binge drinking in support of the National Priority. Main actions for 2005-06 include implementation of the Licensing Board’s “fitness” policy with priority areas for implementation of training for licensees and bar staff; feasibility of door steward registration. A Licensing Board Chairs meeting has been established with attendance from Fife Constabulary, Scottish Licensed Trade and the Drug & Alcohol Action Team to take forward issues arising from the Licensing (Scotland) Bill and also debate issues about alcohol problems which fall within the remit of the 3 Licensing Boards.” Answer to Question 2 “Currently there is concern about the irresponsible promotion of cheap drinking in some pubs and clubs in Fife. Recent examples include a “Free Bar” for entrance of £10 or £8 with a student card at the Candlerooms in Kirkcaldy where you can drink as much as you please every Thursday. Similar promotions are now known at the Ballroom, Dunfermline (free bar for £10), and at After Dark, Kirkcaldy (free bar for £8). A complaint has been submitted to the Advertising Standards Agency by Alcohol Focus Scotland regarding the flyer being used by the Ballroom on the grounds that it links alcohol to sex. The outcome of the complaint will be reported back to the DAAT Support Team. Responsibility for the regulation and control of alcohol advertising sits with the UK Government legislature. In the absence of such regulation the drinks industry is governed by 3 regulatory codes ie Portman Group, Advertising Standards Authority and Ofcom. These codes are voluntary.” Answer to Question 3 “Fife Council has responded directly to the Scottish Executive on the Licensing (Scotland) Bill. This was a co-ordinated response by all Divisional Licensing Boards with some additional comments included. Fife Drug & Alcohol Action Team also submitted a response and consulted with Fife Council on the Licensing Board views.” A supplementary question regarding mandatory training for members of Licensing Boards, was put and answered. ________________________ 533571956