Executing the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I)

Solution ID:
Doc ID: 625455.1
Date Last Revised: 02/22/2010
Title: Inbound Inventory Item Cost
Abstract: Inventory Item Cost transactions are used to track inventory costs. On the
inbound side, this transaction is used to update EnterpriseOne tables with inventory cost
information. This process can be used to create or change multiple cost records in a
batch process.
Table of Contents
General Information
Flat File Information
Populating the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) file Manually
Executing the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) in order to create
the IC record
Executing the Future Cost Update (R41052)
Changing the Sales/Inventory Cost Value Using Interoperability
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
The definition of Interoperability is enabling applications and technologies to allow one
system to share data and/or logic with another system. It is often used to transfer large
amounts of data from one system to another.
The Inbound Inventory Item Cost Process can be used to upload external cost records into
EnterpriseOne's Item Cost (F4105) table. Usually, this process is done when no inventory
exists for these items. This is a two-step process in which the Item Cost Inbound
Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) is run to create IC cost records in the Item Cost (F4105)
file and then the Future Cost Update (R41052) is run to convert the IC records into the
desired cost value. The process can also be used to change the value of existing cost
records. However, the process CANNOT be used to change the Sales/Inventory Costing
METHOD or the Purchasing Costing METHOD that exist in the Item Cost (P4105)
application. These default from the Branch Plant Constants (P41001) and cannot be
changed using Interoperability. Interoperability adds and changes VALUES of the costs
in the Item Cost (P4105) application, but it cannot change the actual costing METHODS.
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Note: In 8.9, changes have been made to eliminate the two-step process. Now the Item
Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) UBE directly adds changes or deletes the
o Inbound Item Cost Inquiry (P4105Z1)
o Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I)
o Item Cost Inbound Purge (R4105Z1P)
o Future Cost Update (R41052)
Interface Tables:
Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) File
Item Cost (F4105) File
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Flat File Information
Many clients elect to use a flat file in order to populate the Unedited Transaction Table Item Cost (F4105Z1) file. For information regarding the flat file process, please refer to
the following document(s):
Inbound Flat File Conversion (R47002C)
Flat File Creation Procedure
EnterpriseOne Flat File Formatting
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Populating the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost
(F4105Z1) file manually
1. The EnterpriseOne Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) interface
table is populated either manually or through an external process. This table is an
unedited transaction table that holds the inventory costs before they are converted
to the Item Cost (F4105) application table. In this example, a manual process will
be followed. It is recommended to follow a manual process first in order to
successfully upload one or two costs. Once this can be done, users may use
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various methods such as flat files or other external means in order to populate the
Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) table. Note: If an external
method is used, the external system is responsible for conforming to the format
and other requirements of the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1)
interface table.
2. From menu G41313, select the Inbound Item Cost Inquiry (P4105Z1). This is
where the Z table will be populated. The Inbound Item Cost Inquiry (P4105Z1)
application allows the user to interactively review and revise any incorrect data.
3. The following table shows what fields are the minimum REQUIRED fields in the
Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) table (Header Revisions).
Minimum required fields in the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1):
Data Item Description
User ID
Suggested use is to identify the user placing
transactions in the table.
User Batch
Suggested use is to identify a batch of
transactions within the specified user.
User Transaction Number Suggested use is to identify a specific
transaction within a batch.
Line Number
For multi-line transactions (journal entries, sales
orders, etc.), this column must be populated to
differentiate each line within a given transaction.
Short Item Number, 2nd
Item Number, 3rd Item
One or all of these fields need to be
populated. These are validated against the Item
Master (F4101) table.
Business Unit
Validated against the Inventory Constants
(F41001). Only required if Inventory Cost
Level is a 2 or a 3.
Specify if Inventory Cost Level of item is a 3.
Lot Serial Number
Specify if Inventory Cost Level of item is a 3.
Lot Grade
Cost Method
This is the cost method that is being ADDED or
CHANGED. However, the cost written to the
Item Cost (F4105) will be an "IC" no matter
what is written in the Unedited Transaction
Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1). For example, if I
populate this field with "07" and I run the Item
Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I)
over this record, a record of "IC" will be written
to the Item Cost (F4105). The Future Cost
Update (R41052) is then run to convert the IC
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Unit Cost
Purchasing Costing
Inventory Costing
Transaction Type
Processed flag
record into the "07" record in the Item Cost
Enter the cost value.
This is NOT a required field when adding a new
record to the F4105. The cost method(s) of the
record being added will match the cost
present in B/P constants. These fields become
MANDATORY when attempting an update to
an existing F4105 record. (This rule is for 8.9
and above only) However, if customer is in XE
and if SAR # 5255213 (Xe) is not applied to a
client's system, then this field or the CSIN field
will have to be populated in order to create the
IC record in the Item Cost (F4105). If a client
does not have SAR # 5255213, then a "P"
should be input into this field. **Note: This will
not change the costing method used
for Purchasing. The Purchasing Costing Method
for an Item will default from the Branch Plant
Constants (F41001).
This is NOT a required field when adding a new
record to the F4105. The cost method(s) of the
record being added will match the cost
present in B/P constants. These fields become
MANDATORY when attempting an update to
an existing F4105 record.(This rule is for 8.9
and above only) However, if customer is in XE
and if SAR # 5255213 (Xe) is not applied to a
client's system, then this field or the CSPO field
will have to be populated in order to create the
IC record in the Item Cost (F4105). If a client
does not have SAR # 5255213, then an "I"
should be input into this field. **Note: This will
not change the costing method used
for Sales/Inventory. The Sales/Inventory
Costing Method for an Item will default from
the Branch Plant Constants (F41001).
Name of the transaction - "JDEIC".
When processing for this transaction is
complete, EnterpriseOne updates this field to a
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Direction Indicator
"1" = into EnterpriseOne (inbound). This
indicates that the record was written by a system
external to One World with the intent of pushing
the transaction into One World.
Transaction Action
"A" = ADD, "C" = CHANGE, "D" = DELETE
(8.9 and later). This field is validated against
UDC 00/TA). **Note: Letters must be used for
the transaction action in releases prior to
8.9. Numbers (i.e. 00, 02, 04) DO NOT work
for the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) UBE until 8.9.
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Executing the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) in order to create the IC record
1. Once the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) is populated, the
Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) can be executed in order to
create an IC record in the Item Cost (F4105) table.
2. Here is the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) that will be used in
this test:
3. Currently, there are no Item Cost (F4105) records for this item.
4. Go to menu G41313 and select the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I), ADD a version of the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I). ** In earlier updates of Xe, a corrupt version of the Item Cost
Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) existed so it may be necessary to ADD
a new version instead of copying one.
5. The Processing Option for the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) needs to be populated with the cost record that exists in the Unedited
Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) table.
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Note: The Processing Option no longer exists in 8.9; the Cost Method is being
pulled from the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) table.
6. Run the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) UBE over the
Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) record (Data Selection used
shown below).
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7. If the process completed successfully, then the EDI - Successfully Processed
(EDSP) field should be populated with a '1'. If the process failed, then errors will
be written to the Work Center.
8. If the process completed successfully, go to the Item Cost (P4105) off menu
G4112 for the Item. Notice that an IC record has been created. The
Sales/Inventory and the Purchasing Costing methods (02) come from the Branch
Plant Constants (F41001).
Note: In 8.9 no IC record is created, instead the Cost is directly added, updated
or deleted.
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Executing the Future Cost Update (R41052)
Now that an IC record has been created successfully, the Future Cost Update (R41052)
must be executed in order to convert the IC record into a valid cost record in the Item
Cost (F4105). The Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) is no longer used
in this process. The Future Cost Update (R41052) takes the Item Cost (F4105) IC record
and converts it to the costing record specified in the processing options of the Future Cost
Update (R41052). Note: This step does not need to be completed in 8.9.
1. Go to menu G4123 and select the Future Cost Update (R41052).
2. Add or Copy any version of the Future Cost Update (R41052).
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3. The Processing Options are shown below. The Cost Method in the first processing
option is the cost record to be converted into.
The second processing option is used if a change is made to an existing cost
record. See the section below titled: Changing the Sales/Inventory Cost Value
Using Interoperability.
The Interop tab is misleading. Although this is an Interoperability process, this
tab can be blank. It is used as an outbound interoperability process in order to
populate the EDI Product Activity Data Header - Outbound (F47126) and the EDI
Product Activity Data Detail - Outbound (F47127). The EDI Product Activity
Data Extraction (R47122) program can then be executed to export these records to
an external system. This process is entirely different and is not covered in this
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4. Here is the Data Selection used in this example:
5. When the Future Cost Update (R41052) is executed, the PDF will show the new
cost record that was created. If the process was unsuccessful, then the Work
Center or the PDF will show what errors occurred.
6. Once the process has completed, the Item Cost (F4105) will have the correct cost
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Changing the Sales/Inventory Cost Value Using
If a client wishes to change the value of cost records in the Item Cost (F4105) using
interoperability, this can be done. If a costing record other than the Sales/Inventory
costing method needs to be changed, then the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) UBE can be executed with a transaction action of "C" for change. Since this
does not affect the value of the inventory on-hand, journal entries do not need to be
created for the transaction. If the costing record in the Unedited Transaction Table - Item
Cost (F4105Z1) matches a costing record in the Item Cost (F4105) (i.e. 07 equals the
inventory cost method), then the value will be changed to the Unedited Transaction Table
- Item Cost (F4105Z1) table. Note: The Future Cost Update (R41052) is not used
since no IC record is ever created. The Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) is used to change the cost value directly.
When a client wishes to change the VALUE of the Sales/Inventory costing method and
inventory is on-hand, caution should be used. Since the value of the inventory is being
changed, journal entries need to be created. If the Item Cost Inbound Transaction
Process (R4105Z1I) is executed to change the costs directly (without creating IC
records and without running the Future Cost Update (R41052)), then journal
entries will NOT be created. SAR # 5737773 has been entered to address this issue.
The problem can be avoided by following the steps listed below.
1. Let's say that the item has 10 units on-hand and its Sales/Inventory costing
method is 02. The item's 02 cost value is $2.00 so the value of the inventory onhand is $20.00.
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2. We are going to use interoperability to change the unit cost per item from $2.00 to
$5.00. The value of the inventory on-hand will change to $50.00 (10 units x
$5.00). Journal entries for the $30 change in value will have to be created.
3. In order to properly change the value of the inventory on-hand, an IC record
needs to be created first (using a transaction action of "A" instead of "C"). See
steps on Populating the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1) and
Executing the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) in order to
create the IC record. NOTE: If the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process
(R4105Z1I) transaction action is a "C" instead of an "A" in this step, then
the cost record will be changed WITHOUT journal entries being
created. Also, note that the Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost (F4105Z1)
must be populated with IC for the costing method. Since the 02 cot method
already exists in the Item Cost (F4105), 02 cannot be used, Action Invalid (0001)
error would be given if attempting to ADD another 02 cost method record.
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4. After executing the Item Cost Inbound Transaction Process (R4105Z1I) UBE, an
IC record should be created in the Item Cost (F4105) table as shown below.
5. Execute the Future Cost Update (R41052) in order to convert the IC record to the
02 record. Journal entries will be created using the document type populated in
Processing Option 2 on the PROCESS CNTRL tab of the Future Cost Update
(R41052) UBE. In this example, the default Document Type (WD) will be used.
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6. AAIs 4172 and 4174 are used to create the journal entries.
7. When the Future Cost Update (R41052) UBE is executed, the Cardex (F4111) is
updated to reflect the change in the value of inventory on-hand.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1 - When running Item Cost Unedited Transaction Inbound (R4105Z1I) to
update Item Cost Records for Cost Methods 07 or 04, the PDF and Work Center shows
the error description: "Errors exist - Update not allowed". In the logs and in the R4105Z1
we can see that Error ID 4114 is associated with this error description. Updates of other
cost methods are processed without error. Why does this error occur? (Using E1 8.10).
Answer 1 - Error 4114 Update Not Allowed occurs because the CPSO and CSIN fields
were BLANK in F4105Z1 but CSPO = P or CSIN = I in F4105 .
CPSO and CSIN fields are MANDATORY when attempting an update to an existing
F4105 record. (This rule is for 8.9 and above only). If CSPO and CSIN are populated in
the F4105 to be updated, and the fields are populated in F4105Z1 table, the Error 4114
Update Not Allowed will not be issued.
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