NACURH, Inc. Month/Year:12/02 PROGRAM OF THE MONTH PROGRAM CATEGORY (PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE): COMMUNITY SERVICE EDUCATIONAL XXXXX NOMINEE'S SCHOOL: PROGRAM TITLE: SUNY ONEONTA CONDOM PARTY PERSON(S) IN CHARGE OF PROGRAM: ALICIA GRIFFEN & ADRIENE BUSH ADDRESS: 31 & 320 TOBEY HALL SUNY ONEONTA ONEONTA, NY 13820 PHONE: (607 )436-6894 / -6497 Target population (in numbers): 180 Number of people in attendance: 25 Number of people needed to organize: On campus population: 2900 2 SOCIAL REGION: NEACURH NOMINATOR: BRETT W ELLMAN ADDRESS: TOBEY HALL RHD SUNY ONEONTA ONEONTA, NY 13820 PHONE: (607 )436-3699 E-MAIL: Time needed to organize:2 hours Date(s) of program: 12/5/02 Cost of program: $0! Origin of program: A similar program was presented during RA Orientation about three semesters ago. The results were so great that we felt the entire building would benefit considering most of the students in Tobey Hall are freshmen. PLEASE GIVE A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM (NOT TO EXCEED 400 WORDS): At the beginning of the program an icebreaker will be suggested. Each student will be given an index card. They will be told to go to any person whom they don’t know. They will have to shake hands and sign each other’s cards. The goals to shake as many hands as you can in approximately 3 minutes. RAs Adriene and Alicia will have glitter on their hands and they will shake hands as well, but will not have cards. At the end, everyone will sit down and examine their cards. They will be divided into groups as for the number of signatures they have on their cards. There will be groups of people with as little as three or four signatures up to about ten or twelve signatures. The residents will then find out that each signature represents someone they had sex with. Then, they will be told to look at their hands. Do they have glitter on them? If they do, they are infected with an STD. However, the catch is to go back to each person on his or her card and examine his or her hands. If anyone on their card has glitter on their hands, they have a chance of have a chance of having an STD too because even though they have no glitter on their hands some STDs are undetectable until a test is done. Condom packets will be given out in pairs to each person because condoms can breaks and it’s always safe to have a back up. The packets will also include the phone number of the health center and the number where they can receive a free AIDS test downtown. Handouts will be give out that include statistics about STDS. WORD COUNT: 289 Goals of the program: The goal is to make students aware of their actions and how it can change their lives forever. Students come to college and are faced with new experiences. One of those is being around the opposite sex or someone they are attracted to, as well as living in the same residence halls as them. Sexual activities happen in the residence hall more so than they did when students were under their parents watch while living at home during high school. They need to be aware that it’s not safe to not know their partner and how easy it is to contract an STD. At the same time, they can’t be just given facts. The also need to know what to if they do happen to contract an STD. WORD COUNT (200 maximum): 128 Positive and lasting effects of the program: This program opened up people’s eyes to the high risks of unprotected sexual activities. Perhaps it will make them think twice before they choose to have unprotected sex. In addition to having twenty-five people present at the program and opening their eyes, it also could potentially save lives as well. WORD COUNT (200 maximum): 50 Short evaluation of the program: This program was eye-opening to the residents who participated. They were shocked to see glitter on their hands, and then when they found out what the glitter represented, a lot of the residents were able to realize how easy it is to get an STD and not even realize that they are getting one. Even the people who did not have glitter on their hands; when they were able to look around the room and see that other people in the room had glitter on their hands as well, their response was “oh my god, I could have had glitter on my hand.” The residents realized how easy an STD could be spread. We talked a little bit about facts as well. More or less, the facts that we told were interesting enough to hold the attention of the crowd. I would have like to have more statistics and pamphlets available for the residents to take home and read. The residents seemed very interested in the program and learned a lot! WORD COUNT (200 maximum): 171 How could this be adapted to other campuses? I think this program could be adapted to any campus to educate students on safe sex practices as well as proper decision making. Students will be able to be educated by having a little bit of fun. Every campus could benefit from this type of program that promotes safe sex education. WORD COUNT (200 maximum): 51 Nominations must be typed in a readable font on this form in the space provided above and each area must not exceed 200 words unless otherwise specified. Nominations not following this format may not be considered for a national award. No additional material will be considered. Nominations must be postmarked to the NRHH Regional Associate Director by the 15th of the month following the month of nomination. REVISED MAY1999