COM 250 SPEAKING FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS Diann R. Bernardo, M.A., Instructor Office: Rm. 019 Burnett Center Office Hours: By Appointment Emergency Phone No.: 724-929-2834 Intersession 2008 Burnett Center Rm. 203 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to help students develop the skills to speak in special circumstances using narrative, creative techniques and humor. REQUIRED TEXTS: Choosing Powerful Works by Ronald H. Carpenter and Using Stories and Humor by Joanna Slan. REQUIREMENTS: 3 Major Speeches. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Speech of Introduction at 25 pts. for 15% of total course value. Commemorative Speech at 30 pts. for 30% of total course value. An After-Dinner Speech at 20 pts. for 15% of total course value. A Midterm Exam for 15% of course value (Points to be determined) A Final Exam at 15% of course value (Points to be determined) Attendance – 15 pts. at 10% of course value INSTRUCTOR REQUEST: Please discuss any issues or concerns with instructor before going to any other authority. COURSE OUTLINE: Week 1 Theoretical Objective: Students should master the concepts in the handout of Stephen Lucas, "Speaking on Special Occasions." These include: Speeches of Introduction, Speeches of Presentation, Speeches of Acceptance, Commemorative Speeches and After-Dinner Speeches. Day 1 Behavioral Objectives: (1) Students will participate in lecture/discussion of pages 464-470 of the handout listed above. (2) Students will complete exercises 3 & 4 of handout in Exercises for Critical Thinking. Week's Homework Assignment: Read Chapter 1 – 4 of Choosing Powerful Words: Chapter 1 "Oratory, Rhetoric & Eloquence," Chapter 2 "Antithesis Everywhere," Chapter 3 "Content & Credibility," and Chapter 4 "Metaphor: The Rhetorical Shorthand." Day 2 Behavioral Objectives: (1) Students will discuss ideas for topics of Speeches of Introduction. (2) Students will prepare a clear, specific focused thesis statement and an outline for Speech Assignment. Day 3 Behavioral Objectives: (1) Students will develop and research the information to be presented in the speech. (2) Students will complete a rough draft of the speech to be presented for instructor review. Days 4 & 5 Behavioral Objectives: Students will present speeches of Introduction. Day 4 – Numbers 1 – 8; Day 5 – Numbers 9 – 16. Weekend Homework Assignment: Read Chapters 1-6 of Using Stories and Humor. Chapter 1 – "A History of Humor, A History of Storytelling" Chapter 2 – "How Stories Affect the Listener" Chapter 3 – "Types of Stories and Their Use by Professional Speakers" Chapter 4 – "Where Stories Come From" Chapter 5 – "Finding Stories in Everyday Life" Chapter 6 – "Shaping the Stories" Week 2 Theoretical Objective: Students should master the concepts of the history of storytelling, how stories affect listeners, types of stories used by professional speakers, where stories come from, finding stories in everyday life and shaping stories. Day 1 Behavioral Objective: Students will participate in lecture/discussion of assigned readings. Day 2 Behavioral Objective: Students will complete exercises in Chapters 1-6 of Using Stories & Humor. See Pages 14, 34, 49, 67, 79, 87, 131-132. Day 3 Behavioral Objective: Students will complete a midterm exam. (60 minutes) Students may use remaining time to work on Speech #2. Days 4 & 5 Behavioral Objective: Students will present Commemorative Speeches. Day 4 – Numbers 9 – 16; Day 5 – Numbers 1 – 8. 2 Weekend: Choose one of the following Homework Assignments: 1. Interview a favorite relative to learn a story that can be presented as part of the final assignment – the After-Dinner Speech. 2. Interview a friend who is going through a life-change, i.e., graduating college, applying to graduate school, getting engaged or married, moving to a new place for a first professional job, losing a pet. (Get this idea and write a story from the interview.) 3. Choose a chapter from either text and be prepared to discuss it with the class. Week 3 Theoretical Objective: Students should master all concepts presented in the course. Day 1 Behavioral Objective: Students will participate in lecture/discussion of assigned Chapters. Day 2 Behavioral Objective: Students will complete in-class work on Speech #3 – the After-Dinner Speech. Days 3 & 4 Behavioral Objective: Students will present After-Dinner Speeches. Day 3 – Numbers 1 – 8; Day 4 – Numbers 9 – 16. Day 5 Behavioral Objective: Students will complete a final examination. HAVE A GREAT BREAK! 3