Council Minutes 20 September 2012 MINUTES OF EXTRAORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING NO. 15 20 SEPTEMBER 2012 HELD AT BUNGENDORE 1. OPENING ....................................................................................................................... 2 2. APOLOGIES ................................................................................................................... 2 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST ....................................................................... 2 4. ITEMS FOR DETERMINATION .......................................................................................... 3 Item 4.1. Election of Mayor 2012-13 ........................................................................... 3 Item 4.2. Election of Deputy Mayor for 2012-2013 .................................................... 3 Item 4.3. Delegations to Mayor and Deputy Mayor ................................................. 4 Item 4.4. Ballot Papers for Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral Elections ........................ 4 Item 4.5. Council Meeting Schedule.......................................................................... 5 Item 4.6. Delegates and Representatives for 2012-2013 .......................................... 5 Item 4.7. 2012 Councillor Workshops ....................................................................... 10 Item 4.8. Policy on Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors .......................................................................................................... 10 5. CLOSURE ...................................................................................................................... 12 This is page 1 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 Order of business 1. OPENING The Mayor opened the meeting with the following statement: “Before we start the proceedings, let us acknowledge that we are meeting on country for which the members and elders of the local Indigenous community have been custodians for many thousands of years. We recognise their living culture and unique role in the life of this region.” PRESENT ALSO PRESENT Walter Raynolds (Mayor) Mr Peter Bascomb (General Manager) Cr Paul Cockram Mr John Wright (Director of Planning Cr Keith France and Environmental Services) Cr Richard Graham Mr Gordon Cunningham (Director of Works) Cr Pete Harrison Mr Lyndon Weatherstone (Manager of Cr Trevor Hicks Cr Belinda Hogarth-Boyd Cr Peter Marshall Cr Garth Morrison Cr Mark Schweikert Finance) Mrs Debby Ferguson (Manager Executive Services) Mrs Louisa Ison (Team Leader – Customer Service) 2. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures. This is page 2 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 4. ITEMS FOR DETERMINATION Item 4.1. Election of Mayor 2012-13 SUBJECT Method of ballot for the election of Mayor for the 2012-2013 term FILE NO. GV0007 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a mayor elected by the councillors holds the office of mayor for a period of one year. Schedule 7 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 refers to the election of the mayor by councillors. The mayoral election is normally held at a Council meeting each September. 186/2012 RESOLVED that the method of ballot for the position of Mayor for 2012-2013 be by ordinary ballot pursuant to the provision of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. Graham/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. The Returning Officer called for nominations. There was only one nomination, that of Cr Pete Harrison. The Returning Officer declared Cr Harrison elected as Mayor for the 2012/13 term. Item 4.2. Election of Deputy Mayor for 2012-2013 SUBJECT Method of ballot for the election of Deputy Mayor for the term 20122013 FILE NO. GV0007 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a deputy mayor elected by the councillors holds the office of deputy mayor for a period of one year. Schedule 3 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 refers to the election of deputy mayor by councillors. The deputy mayoral election is normally held at a Council meeting each September. This is page 3 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 187/2012 RESOLVED that the method of ballot for the position of Deputy Mayor for 2012-2013 be by ordinary ballot pursuant to the provision of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. Cockram/Graham The resolution was carried unanimously. The Returning Officer indicated that there were two nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor, those of Cr Cockram and Cr Morrison. Ballot papers were distributed and voting took place. The Returning Officer declared Cr Cockram duly elected as Deputy Mayor for the 2012/13 term. Item 4.3. Delegations to Mayor and Deputy Mayor SUBJECT Delegations of authority to Mayor and Deputy Mayor FILE NO. GV0002 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis To enable Council to operate outside of the Ordinary Council meetings, it is necessary to provide delegations to the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. 188/2012 RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 that the delegations to the Mayor Cr Pete Harrison and Deputy Mayor Cr Paul Cockram be granted and remain in force until revoked by resolution of Council. Morrison/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. Item 4.4. Ballot Papers for Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral Elections SUBJECT Ballot papers for the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor FILE NO. GV0002 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Clause 391 (4) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 refers to the security of election materials and the destruction of ballot papers used in the election of the mayor and/or deputy mayor. This is page 4 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 189/2012 RESOLVED that the ballot papers in respect of the mayoral and deputy mayoral election be destroyed at the expiration of six months from the date of the election pursuant to Clause 391 (4) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. Cockram/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. Item 4.5. Council Meeting Schedule SUBJECT Date, time and place of Council’s ordinary meetings FILE NO. GV0007 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Council is given the opportunity to review its current meeting timetable and schedule. 190/2012 RESOLVED that Council’s Ordinary meetings: 1. be held on the first Thursday of the month, excluding January, 2. commence at 5.00 pm, and 3. be held in the Council Chambers in Bungendore unless otherwise determined by Council. Graham/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. Item 4.6. Delegates and Representatives for 2012-2013 SUBJECT Appointment of delegates and representatives to committees and external organisations for 2012-2013 FILE NO. GV0007 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Council is required to appoint its representatives and delegates to a number of committees and external organisations as well as representatives to the s.355 committees. This is page 5 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 191/2012 RESOLVED that Council move into open Committee of the Whole. Graham/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. Council moved into open Committee of the Whole at 5.13 pm. CW87/2012 RECOMMENDATION that Council determine its delegates and representatives for 2012-2013 for the following organisations and committees: External Organisations Committees / Organisations Delegates 1 Braidwood & Villages Tourism Inc No delegate 2 Braidwood Floodplain Management Committee Cr Cockram 3 Bungendore Floodplain Management Committee Cr Harrison, Cr Morrison, 4 5 Captains Flat Floodplain Committee ‘H’ Division Shires Association of NSW (effectively defunct – replaced by SEROC) Cr Marshall Mayor and General Manager; Deputy Mayor (alternate delegate) 6 Lake George and Local Government Bush Fire Liaison Committee Cr France and Manager Finance 7 Lake George Bush Fire Management Committee Cr Marshall and General Manager’s delegate (Workforce Services Officer) 8 Lake George Emergency Management Committee Cr Schweikert and General Manager’s delegate (Workforce Services Officer), and Manager Finance (s.44 Emergency only) 9 LEP Review Working Group (effectively defunct – replaced by extraordinary meetings) All Councillors 10 Local Traffic Committee Cr Schweikert and Director of Works; Cr Morrison (alternate delegate) This is page 6 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 Committees / Organisations Delegates 11 Macs Reef Transfer Station Working Group Cr France, Cr Harrison 12 PACT (Police Accountability Community Team) Cr Marshall and General Manager 13 Queanbeyan Palerang Library Service Cr Schweikert, Cr France and General Manager 14 Regional Arts Committee Cr Hogarth-Boyd, Cr Graham 15 Regional Leaders Forum (effectively defunct - replaced by SEROC) Mayor and General Manager; Deputy Mayor (alternate delegate) 16 Safer Communities and Neighbours Committee – SCAN (A joint Committee formed by QCC and Palerang) Mayor and General Manager 17 SEATS (South-East Australia Transport Strategy) Cr Cockram (alt Cr Morrison) and Director of Infrastructure Planning (or delegate) 18 South-East Weight of Loads Group Cr Harrison and Director Works 19 Southern Tablelands and South Coast Regional Noxious Plants Committee Cr Hogarth-Boyd 20 Staff Review Committee Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Cr HogarthBoyd 21 Sydney Catchment Authority (Local Government Reference Panel) Cr Graham and Manager Strategic Planning 22 Tallaganda Forest Log Haulage Route Working Group Cr Hicks, Cr Morrison 23 Upper Murrumbidgee CCC Cr Hogarth-Boyd 24 Waste Management Working Group All Councillors 25 Working Party (Local Government Reform) Mayor, Cr Cockram and General Manager This is page 7 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 Section 355 Committees Palerang s.355 Committees 1 Braidwood Historic Cemetery Committee Cr Cockram 2 Braidwood Gymnasium Committee Cr Cockram and Manager Executive Services 3 Braidwood National Theatre Community Centre Committee Cr Hogarth-Boyd, Cr Morrison 4 Braidwood Recreation Ground Committee Cr Hicks and Manager Executive Services 5 Braidwood Saleyards Committee Cr Hicks, Saleyards Manager and Director of Works 6 Braidwood Showground Reserve Trust Cr Graham and General Manager 7 Bungendore War Memorial Committee Cr Schweikert, 8 Bungendore School Hall Management Committee Cr Schweikert and General Manager (or delegate) 9 Bungendore School of Arts Management Committee Cr Hogarth-Boyd 10 Bungendore Town Centre and Environs Committee Cr Graham, Cr Schweikert, Cr Morrison and Director of Planning & Environmental Services; (Mayor ex officio) 11 Burra/Cargill Park Management Committee Cr Marshall 12 Canning Close Reserve Cr France 13 Captains Flat Area Committee Cr Hicks, Cr Marshall and Manager Executive Services 14 Carwoola/Stoney Creek Area Committee Cr Hicks, Cr France 15 Greenways Project Management Committee Cr Harrison, Cr France 16 Hoskinstown Community Hall Committee Cr Schweikert This is page 8 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 Palerang s.355 Committees 17 Les Reardon Reserve Facility Management Committee Cr France 18 Mick Sherd Oval Canteen Facility Committee Cr Morrison and Director of Infrastructure Planning 19 Nerriga Sports Ground Reserve Committee Cr Cockram and Manager Executive Services 20 Palerang Climate Change Committee Cr Graham, Cr Marshall, Cr Cockram General Manager, Director Works and Environmental Services Coordinator 22 Palerang Heritage Advisory Committee Cr Graham, Cr Hogarth-Boyd, Cr Schweikert and Director Planning & Environmental Services 23 Royalla Reserve Committee Cr Hicks 24 Seniors’ Accommodation Advisory Committee Cr Morrison, Cr Cockram and General Manager 25 Wamboin Hall Management Committee Cr France CW88/2012 RECOMMENDATION that Council return to the Extraordinary meeting. Graham/Schweikert The recommendation was carried unanimously. Council returned to the Extraordinary meeting at 5.34 pm. 191/2012 RESOLVED that Council adopt Recommendations CW87-88 from the open Committee of the Whole meeting held on 20 September 2012. Graham/Cockram The resolution was carried unanimously. This is page 9 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 Item 4.7. 2012 Councillor Workshops SUBJECT 2012 Councillor workshops – official program FILE NO. GV0007 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis The Division of Local Government, supported by the Local Government & Shires Association, is holding a series of councillor workshops for all councillors. New and returning councillors are strongly encouraged to attend. 192/2012 RESOLVED that all new and returning councillors elected on 8 September 2012: 1. attend a Councillor Workshop conducted by the Division of Local Government, and 2. advise the General Manager of their choice of workshop to enable online registration. Cockram/Schweikert The resolution was carried unanimously. Item 4.8. Policy on Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors SUBJECT Review of the Palerang Council Policy on the payment of expenses and provision of facilities for the mayor and councillors FILE NO. CM0014 DIVISION Executive Services Synopsis Council is required to review and adopt its policy on the payment of expenses and provision of facilities for the mayor and councillors annually in accordance with s.252 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993. 193/2012 RESOLVED that Council move into open Committee of the Whole. Cockram/France This is page 10 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes For Cr Cockram Cr France Cr Harrison Cr Hicks Cr Hogarth-Boyd Cr Marshall Cr Morrison Cr Schweikert 20 September 2012 Against Cr Graham Council moved into open Committee of the Whole at 5.45 pm. CW89/2012 RECOMMENATION that Council adopt the following amendments to the draft policy on the payment of expenses and provision of facilities: a. delete the last phrase “with Council’s preference being by motor car” b. at the end of clause 18.5, add the words “with the exemption of pre-approved travel expenses of a carer” c. schedule 1, amend to read “…limit of $2,000 pa for carer expenses (to be read in conjunction with the legislation relating to carers)” Hogarth-Boyd/Harrison For Cr Cockram Cr France Cr Harrison Cr Hicks Cr Hogarth-Boyd Cr Marshall Cr Morrison Cr Schweikert Against Cr Graham (did not vote) It was noted that Clause would be amended to reflect the correct clause reference. CW90/2012 RECOMMENDATION that Council return to the Extraordinary meeting. Schweikert/France The recommendation was carried unanimously. Council returned to the Extraordinary meeting at 6.15 pm. This is page 11 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor Council Minutes 20 September 2012 195/2012 RESOLVED that Council adopt Recommendations CW89-90/20102 from the open Committee of the Whole meeting held on 20 September 2012. Cockram/Marshall The resolution was carried unanimously. 196/2012 RESOLVED that Council, in accordance with s.252 of the Local Government Act 1993: 1. amend the draft policy on the payment of expenses and provision of facilities for the mayor and councillors if required, and 2. publicly exhibit its policy for at least 28 days and seek written submissions from the public during the exhibition period. Cockram/Hicks The resolution was carried unanimously. It was agreed that the amended policy would be circulated to Councillors before going on public exhibition. The Mayor invited each Councillor to provide a brief summary of their expectations of being an elected Councillor. The Mayor invited all those present to stay for refreshments. 5. CLOSURE There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.24 pm. MAYOR This is page 12 of the Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting no. 15 of the Palerang Council held at Bungendore, 20 September 2012. Mayor