BRINGHURST PRIMARY SCHOOL BEHAVIOUR POLICY A. RATIONALE: At Bringhurst Primary School we seek to foster a secure, caring atmosphere where every child is valued as an individual. We believe that every opportunity should be taken to enhance self esteem by praising achievement. Mutual respect and cooperation should be encouraged between children, staff, parents and the wider community. Behaviour should be determined by courtesy and consideration for others. We aim to build on the traditional values that we expect to be taught at home by searching out good examples and rewarding these. The emphasis should be on the positive rather than negative aspects of children’s behaviour and work. Discipline should be applied consistently throughout the school and standards set in a calm but firm way. School Rules (see Appendix 1) will be few but will be adhered to consistently. Those who cannot comply can expect appropriate sanctions to be applied. In this way we aim to promote an environment in which individuals can feel safe, can flourish and which is conducive to learning. B. AIMS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. To create a caring environment in which children feel safe and valued. To create a good working atmosphere that is conducive to learning. To promote kindness and good manners within the school community. To encourage children to be tolerant and sensitive to the needs of others. To encourage children to do their best at work and play. To develop self discipline. OBJECTIVES: 1. To actively promote the following qualities:Honesty Politeness and good manners Care and consideration Cooperation and helpfulness Effort Respect for each other and the school community 2. To actively discourage the following behaviours:Dishonesty and theft Bad manners and rudeness Lack of respect for people or property, including vandalism Aggressive behaviour – verbal or physical Verbal, emotional or physical bullying, cyber bullying (including malicious gossip) 1 D. ORGANISATION 1. In order to promote good behaviour the following strategies will be used:a) Smiles and verbal praise will be used frequently to give reassurance. b) Written work of a high standard for the individual will be rewarded with verbal and/or written comments. Stars may also be awarded. c) Children may be sent to show good work to the Head or another teacher. d) Particularly pleasing work may be shown in an assembly. e) Teachers, lunchtime supervisors, administrative and support staff may award stars to children for displaying the qualities we aim to promote e.g. being kind, listening well, sharing with others. There must be a deliberate attempt to notice this type of behaviour by all staff. f) Children at each key stage will collect their stars on a special card. When ten have been collected they will be awarded a sticker. Dojo points are also awarded to promote positive attitudes and behaviours. g) When fifty stars have been collected a certificate will be given. This will be awarded in an assembly and contributes to the house competition. NB The reward system will automatically carry forward from term to term but will start afresh at the beginning of each school year. 2. Children at Bringhurst should be polite and helpful to everyone and should observe the following code of behaviour:a) Children should stand aside for adults and visitors. b) Children should consider and be mindful of younger children. c) Children should use good manners and refrain from using offensive language. d) Children should come to school dressed smartly and tidily (All clothing should be named) e) All children should treat each other with respect and refrain from physical aggression - fighting, biting, kicking, throwing stones and calling hurtful names. 3. In order to discourage bad behaviour the following strategies will be used. a) A verbal warning will be given for minor offences such as running in school, talking or shouting loudly or not being on task. Children will be reminded of positive alternative forms of behaviour and positive choices with respect to conflicts which arise from time to time. This may be administered by any 2 b) c) d) e) f) responsible personnel and reinforced through assemblies, PSHE sessions, circle time and general class discussion. Other, more serious, offences will be recorded and logged centrally. This record can be made available to parents or designated carers. For serious offences* - see Appendix 2- the Head or senior teachers will usually be involved. Sanctions such as loss of playtime or lunchtime, exclusion from activities, exclusion from the classroom or exclusion from school may apply. These sanctions should only be imposed by members of the school staff: teachers, LSAs, administrative or lunchtime staff in consultation with the Head or senior teachers and should take place as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Any sanctions taken should be supervised by staff and reported to the class teacher. In some instances additional work could be set if appropriate but might typically involve the writing of an apology. Otherwise an element of community service such as tidying cloakrooms or other useful jobs around the school might be appropriate. If a serious breach* (see Appendix 2) of the school’s code of conduct occurs then parents of all parties will be informed as soon as possible and invited into school to discuss the problem with the head and/or class teacher. In instances of repeated bad behaviour it may prove necessary to set up a behaviour modification programme. This will be drawn up by the appropriate staff in consultation with outside agencies as necessary. The needs of and impact upon victims of serious breaches of behaviour must be considered fully and as a priority. Appropriate support, advice and guidance on how to deal with the trauma that has occurred should be offered. This may well involve referral to the School nurse or other third party agencies. If the measures taken fail to produce the required improvements in an individual’s behaviour then lunchtime omission or exclusion from school may be considered. This would be done in consultation with the Chair of the Local Governing Body and in line with Local Authority/academy exclusion guidelines. E. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: All adults who come into contact with children have an obligation to ensure the safety and well being of the children and to encourage good behaviour. These include:School governors The Head teacher The teaching staff Supply teachers Learning Support Staff Administrative staff Midday supervisors After School clubs staff 3 Parents or carers Premises Officer Parent or other adult helpers Responsible personnel should be aware of the following points:1. It is necessary for all responsible adults to be familiar with this policy and to apply any rules or sanctions fairly and consistently. Each person should make a particular effort to observe children demonstrating aspects of good behaviour and praise them accordingly. 2. All discipline should be issued in a calm and quiet way so that children are not humiliated. Children should be quite clear what is expected of them. 3. There must be frequent and regular communication between responsible personnel in order to ensure a consistent approach and a commitment to maintaining high standards of behaviour. 4. The class teacher must be informed of all incidents as it is his/her responsibility to maintain records and have an overview of the relationships between children in his/her class. 5. The Head Teacher must be informed of and involved with any instances of serious offences as it is likely to be him or her having direct contact with parents and deciding upon appropriate sanctions to be administered. 6. It is vital that there is co-operation between home and school. With this in mind parents will be informed of this policy, it will become part of the induction process and will be made available on the school website. 7. This policy should be read in conjunction with guidance on Playground Code of Conduct, Supervision Policy, Staff Code of Conduct and Use of Reasonable Force Policies, Anti-Bullying Policy and Lunchtime Buddy Guidance. Appendix 1: SCHOOL RULES –to be posted in all Class rooms and key notice boards In order that children are quite clear as to what is expected of them a number of simple rules will be adhered to. These are as follows:1. Children will not run at all in the school building. 2. Children should not throw stones, fight, bite or kick, or verbally abuse (including cyber abuse) others. 3. Children should only play in the designated areas, where they can be supervised by adults and kept safe. 4 4. Children should not climb on or over fences and walls. 5. Children should not be in the building without permission from an adult 6. Children should not bring toys, games or valuables to school except with permission of a teacher. Staff may confiscate such items and will NOT accept responsibility for these if brought into school. 7. A letter or phone call from a parent/carer is necessary for withdrawal of a child from any curricular activity. 8. Children should not bring food into school other than for their lunch/snack or on special occasions. Children are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or a healthy snack for playtimes. Children and adults must be aware of the school “Nut free” policy and avoid bringing products containing nuts into school. Children may bring in bottled water which they can keep with them during the day. 9. Chewing gum and bubble gum should not be brought onto school premises at any time. 10. Lost property will be held in school until the end of the school year. Every effort will be made to reunite owners with their property but at the end of the year it will be disposed of. All items of school clothing and kit should be clearly named. Appendix 2: Serious Offences – which will usually and automatically involve the Head teacher and/or senior teachers and will necessarily trigger contact with parents/carers. 1. Physical harm to another pupil –punching, kicking, hitting, biting or spitting. 2. Verbal, emotional, or physical bullying 3. Cyber-bullying including malicious gossip 4. Racist or homophobic comment 5. Malicious damage to personal or school property 6. Exposure of genitalia or other sexualised behaviours 7. Disobedience toward a member of staff 8. Dangerous behaviour likely to cause harm to self or others Reviewed Sept. 2011 Last reviewed November 2014(still to be adopted by LGB) 5