Books Available to Rent 2015

A Deposit of €20.00 is required per Book. All Deposits must be paid prior to rental.
Maximum limit of two books per fortnight rental period. Deposit will be refunded in full
on the return of the Book(s) within the fortnight. Any outstanding books after this
period will be subject to an overdue fee of €1.00 per day, this charge will initially be
deducted from the deposit paid.
Autistic Children: One Way Through -The Doucecroft
School Approach
Ian B. Ashton
The Doucecroft School was founded by the Essex Autistic Society. This book describes the techniques used by the school to
deal with behaviour problems, communication difficulties and the teaching of life skills, always in close co-operation with parents.
Language of Autistic Children
Dan W. Churchill
Language of Autistic children is based on more than a decade of concentrated research at the Indiana University Clinical
Research Centre for early childhood schizophrenia where the highly interesting and insightful cases of children featured in this
book have been developed over long periods of time.
To a different drumbeat- A practical guide to parenting children with
special needs.
P. Clarke, H. Hofsky, J. Lauruol
This book is a book on childcare, with a difference. It is written by parents for parents, and is based on personal experience. It
seeks to address the problem areas of those whose children have handicaps or special needs.
11G-F-E-D Autism – The Facts
Baron-Cohen & Bolton
This book offers practical advice about Autism in clear and accessible style. It is highly recommended as the best source from
which parents and others can learn the key facts about Autism.
Children with Emerald Eyes
Mira Rothenberg
Mira Rothenberg works with Autistic and Schizophrenic children. This book is an account of her most dramatic experiences with
them. It is not a compilation of case histories but a story of children in trouble and of the therapist herself who sees and
describes them uniquely, with a degree of patience, tenderness and understanding.
15C-D Autism – preparing for Adulthood
Patricia Howlin
This book raises awareness and provides practical solutions to enable recognition, understanding and support to adults with
Autism. It aims to inform professionals and carers of what can be achieved by people with Autism in adult life and how to cope
with their difficulties and to help those living with Autism to achieve greater fulfilment of their potential.
18C-D-E Autism – Professional perspectives & practices, Vol 17
Kathryn Ellis
This book will prepare all those who deal with people who have Autism for the various stages the child will go through. It takes
the reader through from initial diagnosis explains the educational needs of the child and adolescent and also looks at specific
practical problems.
Autism – Explaining the Enigma
Uta Frith
This book presents the first satisfactory psychological account of what happens in the autistic mind. Dr. Frith writes in a way
that makes her thinking accessible to a lay audience.
31C-D Too many drugs, too little care
Jane Hubert.
Parent’s perceptions of the administration of drugs prescribed for young people with severe learning difficulties.
41B-C Teaching Developmentally disabled children, The ME Book
O. Ivar Lovaas
This book contains a set of programmes that were started many years ago in an attempt to help parents and teachers in dealing
with their developmentally disabled children.
The Siege, A Family’s Journey into the World of an Autistic Child
Clara Claiborne Park
In 1960 Jessy Park aged two, was remote, withdrawn unable to walk or talk yet oddly content within the invisible walls that
surrounded her. Doctors were baffled. The study of Autism was still in its infancy. Jessy’s family stepped in. This book, now
widely regarded as a classic work charts a surprising journey of discovery as it records the challenges and rewards of the first
eight years of Jessy’s life.
The Sound of a Miracle
Annabel Stehli
Annabel Stehli, mother of Georgie persisted in seeking the best education for Georgie, ignoring doom-mongers and harsh critics.
Almost by chance, in Switzerland, Annabel Stehli heard of Dr. Guy Bernard’s innovative treatment to normalise hypersensitive
hearing (Auditory Integration Training). The treatment was known to benefit certain types of Autistic children. In Georgie’s case
the result was miraculous.
Autistic Children- new hope for a cure
N. & EA Tinbergen
In this book the author’s fresh approach to a phenomenon that, since it was identified in 1943 has baffled parents, child
psychiatrists and therapists alike, offers well founded reasons for new hope to many thousands of children and their parents
throughout the world.
Nobody Nowhere
Donna Williams
The remarkable autobiography of an Autistic girl
Autism, a Practical Guide for Those Who Help Others
John Gerdtz & Joel Bregman M.D
This book focuses on the variety of services needed and available for Autistic children, adults and their families. The most
important message of this book is that while there is no cure for Autism, every child and adult with Autism has the potential to
lead a productive and fulfilling life.
Autism, Strategies for Change.
G. Groden Ph.D, &
M. Grace Baron Ph.D
This is a comprehensive approach to the education and treatment of children with Autism and related disorders.
Holistic Interpretation of Autism, A Theoretical Framework
Cheryl D. Seifert
Theories of Autism
Cheryl D. Seifert.
The Hidden Child, The Linwood Method for Reaching the
Autistic Child
Jeanne Simons & Sabine Oishi Ph.D
As title.
As title.
This book takes an informative look at Autism and a uniquely successful treatment programme for the Autistic child, developed
by Jeanne Simons, a pioneer in the field. Readers of this book share the experiences of Ms. Simons who established a school for
Autistic children that is recognised as one of the best in the nation.
Stephen Wiltshire
A collection of drawings by Stephen Wiltshire, a highly talented young artist with Autism.
100B- Asperger Syndrome-Practical Strategies for the Classroom
Leicester City & County Co.’s
This book outlines the nature of the underlying impairments and explains how these may give rise to problems in school and
provide practical management suggestions.
101D-E Building Europe Together
Seminar & Conclusions
Media campaign to raise awareness on the perspectives opened by the Amsterdam Treaty for disabled persons and their families.
Seminar and Conclusions.
Autism & the Development of Mind
R. Peter Hobson
This book gives us an insight into the newly emerging area of study concerned with how children understand their social worlds
and the many ramifications that this understanding has for their cognitive and social lives.
Mixed Blessings
William & Barbara Christopher.
This is the story of William & Barbara Christopher and their Autistic son Ned. While Bill was playing the role of Fr. Mulcahy in the
television show Mash, only those close to him knew the private drama he was living at home. From the painful recognition of a
problem through the agonising search for answers the Christopher’s tell of years of frustration, jostled between hope and despair
and how words of Bill Christopher they “somehow managed to have a lot of fun along the way”.
108C-D Autism- An Introduction of psychological theory
Francesca Happe
This book makes a unique contribution to the literature on this perplexing disorder. It combines a clear introductory account of
current thinking in the field; with a balanced overview of psychology theory and a critical synthesis of research work in the area.
It will be an essential scientific introduction for all who choose to study Autism in psychology, medicine, speech science and
education at undergraduate level and above, while also enlightening both parents and carers of children with Autism.
Son Rise- The Miracle Continues
Barry Neil Kaufman
Part one of Son-Rise the Miracle Continues is the astonishing and poignant record of Raun Kaufman’s development from a
lifeless non-communicative child into an active loving and verbal little boy. Part Two tells of Raun’s development after age four
and Part Three delivers a deeply moving account of five other ordinary families who used the Son-Rise programme to reach their
“unreachable” children.
A Miracle to Believe In
Barry Neil Kaufman
This books follows the story of Robertito, a young Autistic boy who was deemed, ‘incurable’ and ‘uneducable’, and his progress
after his parents contacted the Kaufman’s.
The Riddle of Autism, A Psychological Analysis
George Victor
The Riddle of Autism provides an integrating perspective that is needed by researchers, teachers and others, who work with
Autistic children. It examines the myths that cloud an understanding of this disorder, explores developmental contributions to it,
as well as describes and probes the meanings of its specific behavioural symptoms.
Getting Services for your Child on the Autism Spectrum.
D. Hyatt Foley & Matthew G.Foley.
This book tells the story of two parents of a child first diagnosed with PDD whose initial experiences with the education system
were not unlike those of most parents of a child with a disability. This book describes the experiences in obtaining educational
services and information about the disability community, what they learnt from those experiences, and what other parents can do
to help their own child. It provides honest and practical advice, which will be invaluable to anyone with a child on the Autistic
Spectrum and to all those professionals who work with them.
Teaching Children with Autism
Robert L. Koegel & Lynn Koegel
This book dispels the stereotype surrounding Autism by providing accurate information on how much children with this complex
disorder can learn. It discusses the behavioural characteristics of Autism, available intervention methods and key topics such as
spontaneous language, over selectivity, social communication, self-communication and self-management.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: An Aid to Diagnosis
Lorna Wing
Autism – Medical and Educational Aspects
Peeters & Gilberg
As Title
This book is aimed at the medical and teaching profession. It introduces the medical background to autism and discusses
current educational approaches to helping those diagnosed with autism.
Thinking in Pictures
Temple Grandin & M. M. Scariano.
This book, in Temple Grandin’s own words is a story of what it is like to live with Autism, to be among the few people who have
broken through many of the neurological impairments associated with Autism.
153D-E Children with Autism, Diagnosis & Interventions to meet their needs
Trevarthen, Aitken, Papoudi, Robarts
In this comprehensive study of Autism the authors, balancing theory with practice present a clear picture of what it means to be
Autistic and what can be done to improve the capabilities of the Autistic child. They consider the historical descriptions and
explanations of the condition, the symptoms and probable causes, the classification of Autism and related conditions, such as
Asperger Syndrome.
159B-C Understanding and Teaching children with Autism
Rita Jordan & Stuart Powell
Understanding the development processes and problems of children with Autism, and the implications of these problems for
social and educational learning, is the purpose of this book. The fundamental problems of Autism- relationships, communication,
flexibility of thought and behaviour are addressed and practical guidance is offered on how these might be overcome or
circumvented in both home and school.
When the eagles fly
Jean Collins
A report on the resettlement of people with learning disabilities from long stay institutions.
Making music with the Handicapped Child
Elaine Streeter
This booklet is designed to help you make the most of your child’s interest in music as early as possible, by discussing the ways
in which music can be used and showing you how to start playing simple musical instruments at home.
Floating Cities
Stephen Wiltshire
This book represents Stephen Wiltshire’s response to a “grand tour” of Europe. These drawings testify to an assured
draughtsmanship and an ability to convey complex perspectives with consummate ease. It is this genius, which sets him apart
and confers upon him the status of artist.
170B-C Autistic learning- A guide to good practice
Stuart Powell & Rita Jordan
This book demonstrates how a cognitive perspective on the way in which, individuals with Autism think and learn may be applied
to particular curriculum areas. It shows clearly how theory can influence practice and sets out new view (i.e. a cognitive one) of
the relationship between learning and Autism, and hence the way in which the curriculum must be constructed so as to
accommodate that relationship.
176B-C-D Therapeutic intervention in Autism: perspectives
from research and practice.
University of Durham
A collection of papers from the conference held at The College of St. Hild and St. Bede, University of Durham April 1 st to 3rd 1996.
178E-F Alternatives to punishment-Solving behaviour problems
with non-aversive strategies
Gary W. Lavigna &
Anne M. Donnellan.
This book discusses solving behaviour problems with non-aversive strategies.
179B-C Progress without punishment
Donnellan, LaVigna, Negri-Schoultz,
This book provides an overview of non-aversive technology demonstrating through case histories how appropriate methods can
yield positive results even for those with the most challenging behaviour problems. It provides workable strategies for behaviour
management, in the new era of community integration. It will be of exceptional value to professionals in the field, as a resource
for programme administrators, residential care workers and parents.
180B-C Living and Learning with Autism: perspectives from the
individual, the family and the professional.
University of Durham
A collection of papers from the conference organised by the Autism Research Unit, University of Durham, April 7 th to 9th 1997.
Loners-The life path of unusual children
Sula Wolff
In Loners, Sula Wolf discusses the nature and origins of the difficulties of solitary children and compares them with Autism,
Asperger Syndrome and schizoid/schizotypal personality disorders. The book shows the necessity of the clinical recognition of
the condition. Loners will help all professionals toward a realistic approach to the treatment and education of affected people,
both adults and children.
Irish Families under Stress, Vol 16
Fitzgerald, Matthews, Birkbeck &
A prevalence and psychosocial study in the Eastern regional Health Authority Area of Dublin.
Asperger Syndrome, a guide for Parents & Professionals.
Tony Attwood
This book provides a description and analysis of the unusual characteristics of Asperger Syndrome, with strategies to reduce
those that are most conspicuous or debilitating, it brings together the most relevant and useful information on all aspects of the
syndrome from language and social behaviour to motor clumsiness.
COPING A Survival Guide for People with Asperger Syndrome
Marc Segar
This book is written by a person with Asperger Syndrome and is packed with really helpful advise on how to cope with Asperger
Activity Schedule for children with Autism
L. E. McClannahan & P. J. Krantz
Activity Schedules – simple, yet revolutionary teaching tools, enable children with Autism to accomplish activities with greatly
reduced adult supervision. An activity schedule is a set of pictures or words that cue a child to engage in a sequence of
activities. When the activity schedules are mastered children are more self directed and purposeful in their home, school and
leisure activities. In this book parents and professionals will find detailed instructions and examples to help them.
194B-C-D Educational Intervention for Children with Autism, A Literature
Review of Recent & Current Research
Rita Jordan, Glenys Jones
& Dina Murray
A guide to Educational Interventions for children with Autism.
201C-D-E Parent Survival Manual
Eric Schopler
The Parents Survival Manual is compiled from 350 anecdotes told by parents of Autistic and developmentally disabled children
and analysed by professional behaviour therapists, illustrates effective solutions to various behaviour problems such as
aggression, communication, perseveration, play and leisure, eating and sleeping and toileting and hygiene. Schopler offers the
Autism affected family quick reference to solutions of the most difficult behaviour problems as well as systematic behavioural
analysis for individualised application to new problems
208C-D Autism: How to Help your Young Child
Leicester Co.Co. &
Fosse Health Trust.
Provides many useful suggestions on how to help children with Autism through, social interaction, communication, imagination
and the need for sameness.
The Autistic Continuation, an Assessment & Intervention Schedule
Maureen Aarons & Tessa Gittens
This assessment and intervention schedule for investigating the behaviours, skills and needs of children with Autism and Autism
Spectrum difficulties.
Parents Education as Autism Therapists
Keenan, Kerr & Dillenburger
This book is a useful introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis for parents and professionals working with children with Autism.
215C-D-E Autism & Play
Jannik Beyer & Lone Gammeltoft
This handbook describes different play sequences, which encourage the integration of social, emotional and cognitive
development in Autistic children. Autism and Play will enable parents to nurture their child’s social and cognitive development,
and will inform the practice of professionals working in close contact with children on the Autistic Spectrum.
217B-C Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism & Related Disorders
Maria Wheeler
This book offers effective strategies for teaching toilet skills and is a comprehensive guide for parents and teachers.
222B-C Autism Spectrum Disorders, An Introductory Handbook
Rita Jordan
This book is written for practitioners working in the field of Autism and related disorders including Asperger Syndrome. This
handbook offers an overview of current understandings of these disorders from a behavioural, biological and psychological
perspective. This book is relevant to those interested in development psychology as well as to those who seek a greater
understanding of Autism.
223B-C Meeting the Needs of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Rita Jordan & Glenys Jones
This book is an ideal companion for students in teacher training, newly qualified teachers or for anyone teaching children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder for the first time in a mainstream setting.
226B-C Sleep Better
V. Mark Durand
This book offers professionals and parents step by step, ”how to” instructions for addressing a variety of problems and
implementing widely tested, largely drug free techniques that have already helped hundreds of children with special needs. For
resolving bedtime tantrums, night walking, bedwetting, insomnia and other sleep problems, the author makes a number of
Siblings of Children with Autism, A Guide for Families
Sandra L. Harris
This book is a guide to understanding sibling relationships, how Autism affects these relationships, and what families can do to
support their other children as they cope with the intensive needs of a child with Autism. It also teaches parents how to improve
communication in the family, balance personal and family time, and foster interaction between children with Autism and their
brothers and sisters.
228B-C Love, Hope and Autism
Joanna Edgar
This book is written by a mother, Jo Edgar and is a straightforward account of her life with her son Peter who has Autism. She
describes not only the every day struggles and challenges that the family face but also the various therapies and teaching
methods they have tried.
Teaching Children with Autism to Mind Read
Howlin, Baron-Cohen, & Hadwin
This book explores the relationship of “theory of mind” deficits to other areas of children’s functioning and describes existing
experimental work that has attempted to enhance the skills associated with understanding other minds. The authors tackle
problematic issues including how to interpret facial expressions, how to recognise feelings of anger, sadness, fear and
happiness. How feelings are affected, by what happens and what is expected to happen, how to see things from another person’s
perspective and how to understand another person’s knowledge and beliefs. This easy to follow teaching guide is of particular
use to anyone working or caring on the Autistic spectrum.
230B-C It can get Better
Paul Dickinson & Liz Hannah
This book deals with common behavioural problems in children with Autism and is a guide for parents and carers.
231C-D-E A Real Person – Life on the Outside
Gunilla Gerland
This book is written by a person with Asperger Syndrome. It offers startling and deeply moving insights into Asperger Syndrome.
It is of immense value to families and professionals striving to understand Autistic people in their care. It is also a beautifully
written account of an agonising childhood by a woman with natural gift for writing.
My brother is Different.
Louise Garrod
This book is aimed at siblings of children with Autism.
Asperger Syndrome – A Practical Guide for Teachers
V Cumine, J Leach and G Stevenson
This is a clear and concise guide to classroom practice for teachers and support assistants who work with children with
Asperger’s Syndrome in mainstream schools and other non-specialist settings.
235B-C-D Finding out about Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning
Autism & PDD
Gunilla Gerland
Gunilla Gerland was diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome several years ago. Her book gives us a better understanding of a
person with Autism or Asperger Syndrome.
Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD
William Shaw
A comprehensive, and easy to read guide to the most current research and medical therapies for Autism and Pervasive
Development Disorder.
Making Music with the Young Child with Special Needs
Elaine Streeter
This book is intended to help make the most of the child’s interest in music as early as possible, it describes the way music can
be used and provides practical help in starting to play simple musical instruments with the child. It explains how musical
activities can help stimulate skills in other areas such as language and communication, and it provides accessible ways for
parents to approach music themselves and to give them the confidence to make music with their child.
240B-C Behavioural Concerns & Autistic Spectrum Disorders
John Clements & Eva Zarkowska
This book is a practical and comprehensive account of how people who attract Autism labels can come to behave in ways that
give rise to serious concerns in other people and sometimes themselves. The authors identify the range of needs that may be
expressed through behaviours that cause concern and provide strategies for addressing both needs and behaviours.
Bringing up a Challenging Child at Home, when love is not enough
Jane Gregory
In this book Jane Gregory describes her life with her daughter Chrissy. She describes her struggles to cope with Chrissy’s
difficult behaviour and the effects on the rest of the family, and her attempts on the rest of the family, and her attempts the
reasons behind it. Her story provides professionals as well as parents a unique insight into what it is like to bring up a complex
and challenging child.
Autism 2002, Breaking Through the Wall
Kieran & Anne O’Grady
A parents guide to treatments, therapies, teaching methods & tax and welfare entitlements.
Invisible Victims
Christopher Williams
This book outlines the range and nature of crimes against people with learning difficulties and the way the law does or should
relate to these crimes.
252B-C Helping Children with Autism to Learn
Stuart Powell
This book considers how individuals with Autism can be helped to learn through specific approaches to teaching that draw
together understandings of how such individuals think and learn and the implications for those who aim to teach them. Teachers
and parents will benefit from the insights this book offers into reasons behind Autistic ways of behaving and guidance about
ways of responding.
Autism: Perspectives on Progress
University of Durham
A collection of papers from the conference organised by the Autism Research Unit, at the University of Durham, from April 5 th to
7th April 2000.
Miracle in the Making
The Irish Society for Autism
Published by the Irish Society for Autism to mark the adoption by the European Parliament of the Written Declaration on the
Rights of People with Autism, May 1996.
Blue Bottle Mystery, An Asperger Adventure
Kathy Hoopman
This book is about Ben and his friend Andy, who find an old bottle in the schoolyard. What is the strange wisp of smoke that
keeps following them around? Things become even more complicated when Ben is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.
Diet Intervention and Autism
Marilyn Le Breton
Implementing the Gluten Free and Casein Free Diet for Autistic Children and Adults. A practical guide for parents.
Asperger Syndrome, the Universe and Everything
Ken P. Kerr & Gill Rowley
This book is written by a boy with Asperger Syndrome, and is for anyone interested in understanding anything more about
Autism, including parents, siblings, teachers and professionals.
Autism, A Holistic Approach
B. Woodward & Dr. M. Hogenboom
Autism a Holistic Approach, quotes case studies where curative education based on a holistic approach has resulted in marked
improvement in the Autistic individuals behaviour and social integration.
Raising a Child with Autism
Shira Richman
This book explains how parents can adapt to the practical techniques used in ABA for use at home, providing tips and guidelines
to increase play skills, improve communication and sibling interaction and increase independence. This book also covers toilet
training, food selectivity, self-dressing and community outings. And it also contains an overview of the theory of ABA.
My World
Various Authors
In this book the famous and the anonymous tell of their worlds through verse and prose. In their sorrow and joy, their work and
play, a common thread appears, every one of us is unique.
265C-D Autism with Severe Learning Difficulties
Dr. Rita Jordan
This book deals with the dual diagnosis of Autism with severe learning difficulties. In this book Dr. Rita Jordan shares her
understanding of Autism and the most effective strategies for dealing with concomitant. This book will be invaluable to parents,
key works and all who advise them in living and working with this fascinating group of individuals.
266B-C Incorporating social goals in the classroom
Rebecca A. Moyes
This book provides practical hands on strategies to teach social skills to children with high functioning Autism and Asperger
Syndrome. It includes a detailed description of the difficulties with such things as understanding idioms, taking turns in
conversations, understanding and using tone of voice and body language, and ways to address them. Parents will find this text
an excellent training tool to help develop social education curricula for their children, and teachers will find it particularly helpful
as an easy to read manual containing many strategies to utilise in the classroom.
Fragile Success, Ten Autistic Children, Childhood to Adulthood
Virginia Walker Sperry
In this uncommon book we get a view of Autism in all its variations as former teacher Virginia Walker Sperry traces the life of
students over thirty years. As you follow the children into adulthood you get a first hand account about individuals with
developmental disability as witnessed by their parents, teachers, medical professionals, social workers and peers. These case
histories provided exceptional insight into the mystery and diversity of Autism.
268B-C-D Caring for a Child with Autism, A Practical Guide for Parents
Martine Ives & Nell Munro
This book answers the questions commonly asked by parents and carers of a child, following a diagnosis of Autism, and
discusses the challenges that can arise in home life, education and socialising. It covers a wide variety of therapies and
approaches providing unbiased info so that families can evaluate options for themselves.
A User Guide to the GF/CF Diet for Autism,
Asperger Syndrome and AD/HD
Luke Jackson
This book is written by a twelve year old who has Asperger Syndrome. He tells you everything you need to know both good and
bad, about the Gluten free and Casein Free Diet. He offers encouragement and advises on what to expect from the diet and how
to live with the diet.
Access and Inclusion for Children with Autistic
Spectrum Disorders, - “Let Me In”
M. Hesmondhalgh & C. Breakley
Based on pioneering work at The Resource at King Ecgbert School, Sheffield, the authors of this book explore the universal
issues of access and inclusion in employment and education for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
They describe the challenges they faced in establishing and running an Integrated Resource for children with ASD within a
mainstream secondary school. The pupils at the resource participate in the regular school curriculum, but also learn a wide range
of additional life skills.
Home Educating our Autistic Spectrum Children,
Paths are made by Walking
Terri Dowty & Kitt Cowlishaw
In this book parents who home educate their children with Autism or Asperger Syndrome tell their personal stories of how they
reached the decision to educate at home, how they set about the task and how it transformed their children’s lives. It offers
advise on getting started with home education by answering questions about teaching materials, curricula and socialisation.
272C-D Challenging Behaviour and Autism, Making Sense, Making Progress
Various Authors
This book is for parents, teachers and carers of young children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, it offers practical strategies for
preventing and managing the sorts of challenging behaviour most likely to be encountered. The books core message can be
summed up in a single “to change a child’s behaviour you need to be able to make sense of that behaviour and making sense that
behaviour means making sense of his or her Autism”.
A Guide to Services for Adults with A.S.D. for Commissioners
and Providers
H. Morgan, G. Jones & R. Jordan
This guide has been written for those professionals who commission or provide services for adults with Autistic Spectrum
Facing the Crowd, Managing Other Peoples insensitivities to
your disabled Child
Deborah Fullwood & Peter Cronin
A guide to managing other peoples insensitivities to your disabled child.
A Guide to Services for Children with A.S.D. for Commissioners
and Providers
R. Jordan, G. Jones & H. Morgan
This guide is for commissioners and providers in education, health, social services. It’s purpose is to serve as a brief guide to
Autistic Spectrum Disorders and developments in education and social welfare with respect to those disorders.
Autism NI, A Special Edition, A Journey Through Therapies
A selection of personal accounts of various therapies contributed by local parents and professionals from PAPA, N. Ireland.
A Study to Evaluate the TEACCH Project.
A study to evaluate the TEACCH Project in the South Eastern Education and Library Board Area Northern Ireland. The study was
conducted by PAPA (Parents and Professionals and Autism, Northern Ireland). 1995-1996
Could this be Autism?
The National Autistic Society
A guide to recognising & supporting children with Autism for all professionals in Health, Education & Social Care.
The Report of the Task Force on Autism, October 2001
Dept of Science and Education
This is a report on the Education Provision and support for persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Ireland. The report
covers many areas including: identification, referral & assessment, parents as partners and Education (incl. Third Level).
Report on the Task Group on Autism, Northern Ireland
Dept. of Education
Published in 2002, this book covers the findings of the Task Group on Autism in Northern Ireland, covering such areas as the
Implications of Educational Provisions and Provision for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and severe learning difficulties.
The Autistic Spectrum- A Parents Guide
The National Autistic Society
An easy to use, 6-part information pamphlet pack, which covers topics from recognising the signs and diagnosis to financial help.
Asperger Syndrome: A Clinical account
Lorna Wing
The clinical features and management of Asperger Syndrome are described in this book. Classification is discussed and reasons
are given for including the syndrome in a wider group of conditions, which have in common, impairment of development of social
interaction, communication and imagination
Autistic Spectrum Disorders, A Guide to Services
H. Morgan G. Jones & R. Jordan
This is a guide to services for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders for Commissioners & Providers.
Making Visual Supports Work in the home & the Community
Jennifer Saver & Brenda Smith Myles
A common sense approach to aid parents in using visual aids as teaching method for children with Autism or Asperger Syndrome
in the home.
Teaching Young Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders to learn
Liz Hannah
A practical and accessible guide for parents and staff in mainstream schools and nurseries. This book will be a valuable resource
for all those who live or work with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Includes strategies helpful to both
those who have experience and those who have little knowledge. of Autism.
The Alleviation of Family Problems
The National Autistic Society
Describes various programmes for ways of dealing with the problems shown by children with Autism in their own homes. Each
programme was designed specifically for each child, with the help of their parents, the outcome is described in terms of progress
made by the individual children. (Reprinted from “Treatment of Autistic Children” by P. Howlin & M. Rutter).
The Special Curricular Needs of Autistic Children:
Learning and Thinking Skills
Rita Jordan & Stuart Powell
This book deals with the problems such as Perception, Attention, Memory, Problem Solving, Social Mediation and suggests
approaches to them. It also discusses a Cognitive Curriculum and the National Curriculum.
Treatment of Obsessive and Ritualistic Behaviours, Reprinted
The National Autistic Society
See Book 324. (Reprinted from “Treatment of Autistic Children” by P. Howlin & M. Rutter).
Population study of Children and adults with Autism
comprising, SWAHB and East Coast Area Health Boards
M. Fitzgerald, P. Matthews,
& G. Birkbeck
Autism in the Early Years
V. Cumine, J.Leech & G. Stephenson
As Title.
This book sets out to provide to parents and professionals an insight into the nature of educational implications of Autism. In
addition the book aims to equip the reader with knowledge of a range of intervention strategies to promote learning, social
development, communication and appropriate behaviour.
Able Autistic Children- Children with Asperger’s Syndrome
a booklet for Brothers and sisters
Julie Davis
A book for parents and sibling groups which was written to help children understand Autism. It provides relevant terms and
explanations to give them a chance to make sense of as much as possible.
Children with Autism, a booklet for Brothers and Sisters
Julie Davis.
See Booklet 332
A Mind of One’s Own
Digby Tantam & Sue Prestwood
A guide to the special difficulties and needs of the more able person with Autism or Asperger Syndrome.
Approaches to Autism
The National Autistic Society
A brand new edition of a very popular NAS publication, where new approaches have been added and older ones revised. This
book is presented like a dictionary, with more than 50 entries appearing in alphabetical order. There is a brief description of each
approach and details of where to go for further information. Each entry is written by someone who knows and uses the method.
Why does Chris do That
Tony Attwood
Some suggestions regarding the cause and management of the unusual behaviour of children with Autism and Asperger
Timetable for Autism
The National Autistic Society
An overview of educating children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Autism as a Metabolic Disorder: Guidelines for Gluten & Casein
Free dietary Intervention
P.Shattock, P.Whiteley & D. Savery
The authors of this book are part of the Autism Research Unit, School of Science, University of Sunderland. For 15 years the
authors have been examining the presence of chemical entities in the urine of persons with Autism, which may provide insight
into any underlying metabolic abnormality. Contact details for the Autism Research Unit are given along with other useful
addresses and useful reading.
Education of Children and Young People with Autism
Rita Jordan
This is a nine chapter book in which the first eight chapters provide information of relevance to parents and practitioners working
directly with children with Autism. The ninth chapter provides some insight into the development of educational services in four
countries- France, Hungary, Spain and South Africa.
What is Asperger Syndrome, and How Will it Affect Me?
Martine Ives
A guide for the young person with Asperger Syndrome. This book provides tips and suggestions to the individual on coping with
many social situations.
Words will really hurt me, how to protect your child from bullying
The National Autistic Society
A guide for parents and carers.
Autism, Medical & Educational Aspects, 2nd Edition
T. Peeters & C. Gillberg
This book, aimed at the medical community and the teaching profession, introduces the medical backround to Autism and
discusses current educational approaches to helping those diagnosed with Autism. Also, the book attempts to bridge the gap
between the theoretical understanding of Autism and the understanding of it in everyday life.
An Introduction to Psychological Test and Scales
Kate Miriam Loewenthal
A new text for all psychology students who are embarking on fieldwork or research analysis. A valuable tool for psychology
undergraduates and a useful introductory text for students and professionals in related disciplines.
Living and Working with Autism
Practical Guidelines prepared by the School Principal’s Working Party of the NAS and local Autistic Societies
Final Report, Visits and Seminar, Fondation Autisme Luxemburg, Potimalisateion of Residential
Optimalisation of Residential settings and promotion of employment for adults with severe Autism.
Autism and Creativity, Is there a link between Autism in men
and exceptional ability.
Prof. Michael Fitzgerald
This book examines the possibility that High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome may be more widespread than
previously thought. What contribution have major figures presenting Autistic features made to society? Persons looked at
include Eamonn de Valera, William Butler Yeats and Lewis Carroll.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Mark Haddon
This is the story of Christopher, who is fifteen and has Asperger Syndrome. He has a photographic memory, understands maths
and science, but what he does not understand is other human beings. When Christopher decides to write a murder mystery after
his neighbour’s dog dies, he uncovers other mysteries that threaten to bring his whole world crashing down.
Succeeding in College with Asperger Syndrome
J. Harpur, M. Lawlor & M. Fitzgerald
‘How will I cope with the workload?’ or ‘How will I make friends?’ This books takes first hand interviews from students with
Asperger Syndrome and direct clinical experiences and address these and other questions, providing benefits throughout the
college years and beyond.
Asparagus Dreams
Jessica Peers
Jessica recalls her school years, after being expelled from mainstream school at twelve and sent to a residential school for young
people with Autism. Her story is told with humour and insight and will open the eyes of the reader to the difficulties and the
rewards of having this condition.
I have Autism…..Whats that?
K. Doherty, P. McNally & E. Sherrard.
Provides explanations of the ‘differences’ between people with Autism & others. It is straightforward but kind.
Support for the Bereaved and the Dying in Services for Adults with
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Helen Green Allison
This is a subject that is difficult for everyone but especially those with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. The author approaches the
subject with sensitivity, looking carefully at all the issues which need to be addressed and giving a wide range of references and
sources of information. This book will be of particular relevance to those who work with adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Talking Together….about Growing Up, a workbook for parents of
children with Learning Disabilities.
Lorna Scott & Lesley Kerr-Edwards
This book is for the parents of young people with Learning Disabilities, so you can help your child learn about the changes that
happen when they are growing up. It is aimed at the young person who may have difficulty reading on their own. Talking
together is for children at the stage of puberty when their bodies start to change, or just before.
Accessing the Curriculum for Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Gary Mesibov & Marie Howley
Using the TEACCH Programme to help inclusion. This book explains ways to open up the curriculum to pupils who ASDs. The
particular difficulties experienced by pupils are discussed in direct relation to specific areas of the curriculum. This book will
particularly benefit those on specialist Autism Courses, all providers of Autism-Specific Training, teachers and training
Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Early Years, A Guide for Practitioners Dr. Rita Jordan
Although this book is aimed at practitioners working in early years settings, it will also be helpful to parents of young children
with as ASD. Some sections included are: Diagnosis, understanding ASDs, Educational, working with parents, communication,
social understanding, play and managing behaviours. The main areas are addressed in a clear and readable style, always with
practical focus and short examples.
We can do it! Helping Children who have Learning Disabilities with
Bowel and Bladder Management
ERIC (National Charity)
This booklet outlines a number of practical methods to guide parents who have children with learning disabilities – whether these
are moderate, severe or profound – as well as children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
396B-C-D Once in August Long Ago, A week in the life of an Autistic Boy
Liam Nolan
This book was first written by Liam as a personal diary. It was written a long time ago, when Liam and his wife Oonagh’s ten year
old son with Autism came home for a week long holiday from the institution where he was in full time care. It reflects the mental
anguish caused to a young man and his wife trying to deal with a child who had a condition no-one understood.
Calling the Shots, Childhood Vaccination, One Family’s Journey
Mary Alexander
Written by a mother whose 2 year old daughter fell ill after receiving a meningitis vaccine. This book mixes Mary’s personal
experience with factual research. She examines that status quo of vaccinations and highlights some of the questions she
believes should be at the forefront of parents minds.
MMR and Autism, What parents need to know
Michael Fitzgerald
In this book, Michael Fitzpatrick, a general practitioner who is also the parent of an Autistic child, explains why he believes the
anti-MMR campaign is misguided.
Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum
Julia Moor
A Practical Resource of Play Ideas for Parents and Carers. It shows how to break down activities into manageable stages and
looks at ways to gain a child’s attention and motivation and to build on small achievements.
Sensory Smarts
Kathleen Chara and Paul J. Chara Jr.
A Book for Kids with ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorders Struggling with Sensory Integration Problems.
How to Live with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Chris Williams and Barry Wright
This book explains with many illustrations the nature of this condition and its variations and tackle common problems
experienced in everyday activities. It also suggests strategies for coping with aggression and tantrums, approaches to
preoccupations and compulsions.
Pre-Schoolers with Autism
Avril V. Brereton and Bruce J. Tonge
An Education and Skills Training Programme for Parents. This Manual provides all the information, support and resources
needed to participate in a ground-breaking training programme that has been developed to help parents implement early
interventions for very young children with Autism.
Supporting a Child with Autism
Sharon Powell
This booklet provides a practical introduction to Autism. It provides examples of the sorts of behaviour that a child may show in
the classroom and this is followed by a practical guide to develop simple effective strategies for working with the child with
Specialist Support Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in
Mainstream Schools
Sally Hewitt
This books provides a range of successful teaching strategies for use with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and
associated behavioural difficulties.
The Autism Encyclopedia
J. Neisworth & P. Wolfe
The Encyclopedia gives a clear and comprehensive guide to the wide range of terminology related to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Understanding Sensory Dysfunction
P. Goodwin Emmons & L. McKendry
This comprehensive book is a useful resource for families, teachers and carers living or working with children
With sensory dysfunction. It provides a wide range of practical and empowering strategies to assist children with sensory
dysfunction in learning, skills development and socialisation.
Person Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities
Paul Cambridge & Steven Carnaby
This book provides a reflective analysis of person centred planning for people with learning disabilities and supports the
implementation of policies promoting social inclusion, individualisation, deinstitutionalisation and user-centred services.
The Genesis of Artistic Creativity
Professor Michael Fitzgerald
The Genesis of Artistic Creativity is a revealing exploration of the social behaviour, language, humour andn obsessive and
routines of 21 famous writers, philosophers, musicians and painters in light of the recognised criteria for diagnosis of high
functioning autism and aspergers syndrome.
When My Autism Gets Too Big!
Kari Dunn Buron
This book is written to help children, parents and teachers to understand about the anxiety experienced by children with Autism
and offers some suggestions about how the child might recognise anxiety and learn to relax.
“We Can Do it!”
A Guide for Parents in helping children who have learning disabilities with Bowel and Bladder Management.
The Sensory World of the Autistic Spectrum: A greater understanding
Kate Wilkes – NAS
This booklet aims to give a basic understanding of sensory integration, offer coping strategies and explain the possible
difficulties that individuals with Autism or Asperger syndrome may have.
Understanding Behaviour
Fiona May – NAS
This booklet provides an insight into the practical approaches and strategies which can be applied in a range of day to day
Mental Health in People with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Christine Deudney – NAS
This booklet emphasises the diagnosis and treatment of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Young Children
Christine Deudney & Lynda Tucker
This booklet is a small guide aimed at early years practitioners
Aspergers Syndrome and Sexuality – From Adolescence Through
Isabelle Henault
A Comprehensive sex education programme for those with Asperger Syndrome, comprising workshops and activities for the
development of sociosexual skills. This book is a much needed resource for parents, teachers, counsellor and individual with
Asperger Syndrome themselves.
The TEACCH Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
G. Mesibov, V. Shea, E. Shopler
This book explains how TEACCH targets critical areas in executive functioning, engagement, communication and social skills.
Strategies can be tailored to an individuals unique developmental and functional level. Parents can become involved in all phases
of intervention as collaborators, co-therapists and advocates. The programme can be introduced and adapted for individuals of
all ages from pre-school children to adults.
People with Autism Behaving Badly.
John Clements
This book is organised around the common messages conveyed by behaviours and some of the underlying issues that drive
these messages. Practical ideas for intervention are provided and illustrated by case examples. This hands on practical manual is
indispensable for families, carers and anyone involved with people with Autism who need help with behavioural or emotional
I Dreamed I was Normal – A Music Therapists Journey into Autism.
This book takes the reader on a journey into the silent, hidden world of Autism.
Ginger Clarkson
Autism – The Eighth Colour of the Rainbow – Learn to Speak Autistic
Florica Stone
Florica Stone has been able to develop a supportive two-way channel of communication with her once non-verbal autistic son.
Florica shows how shared meanings can be learnt and expressed between autistic and non-autistic individuals, though they
experience radically different perceptions of reality.
Art Therapy with Children on the Autistic Spectrum – Beyond Words
Kathy Evans and Janek Dubowski
Research has shown that art therapy can be particularly effective for children with autism and related communication disorders.
The authors present a range of case studies of art therapy with individual children with autism to demonstrate the use of practical
interventions and the outcomes. This book will be of interest to all specialists in communication disorders, and in particular to
professionals working with children with Autism.
Supporting Students with Asperger Syndrome in Higher Education
Rachel Pike – N.A.S.
This booklet is designed for staff in higher education establishments who currently or may have to in the future support students
with Asperger Syndrome. It is useful for all staff but especially for lecturers, tutors etc.
Bullying and How to Deal with It : A guide for pupils with Autistic Sectrum
Patricia Thorpe – N.A.S.
This booklet gives helpful advice to parents and school staff who work with children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome to deal
with bullying.
Asperger Syndrome – An Overview
Stephan Ehlers & Christopher
This booklet is aimed at parents of young people with Asperger Syndrome and also professionals who want a concise
Classroom and Playground: Support for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorers
Prithvi Perepa – N.A.S.
This booklet is designed for teachers and school staff who have little or no experience of working with children with Autism. It
focuses on classroom strategies and playground issues.
Going to the Shops: A Guide for Parents of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Catriona Hauser N.A.S.
This booklet aims to provide some suggested strategies to help reduce some of the difficulties a young person on the Autism
Spectrum may have when going on trips for example to the shops etc.
The Fantastic 19+ Exercise Book
Christine Fiedorczuk
This exercise book has been produced by a small group of young adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities. It is a
combination of Yoga and other exercises and is designed to – Begin and End with relaxation and meditation – Gently move and
stretch every part of the body – Emphasise the importance of deep breathing.
Homespun Remedies – Stragegies in the Home and the Community
Dion E Betts and Nancy J. Patrick
Homespun Remedies provides practical strategies for helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to function effectively at
home and in the community. It encourages parents and carers to think in autism – to take the perspective of an ASD child and
work to make their environment a friendlier place.
Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour for Children on the Autistic Spectrum Shira Richman
Written in an accessible question and answer format, this is a practical guide to help parents and professionals address the most
common behavioural issues posed by children on the Autistic Spectrum.
470B Autistic Spectrum Disorders – a guide for Nurseries and Infant Schools National Autistic Society
This folder contains a number of booklets with informative information on A.S.D. and helpful information for preschools.
Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
“40 Years of Clinical Practice”
Edward R. Ritvo MD
In this book Professor Ritvo shares his forty years experience and opens his UCLA Casebook to the reader.
Disabled Children and the Law – Research and Good Practice
J Read, L Clements and D Ruebain
This book provides essential information about how the law can be used to promote good practice and policy development for
disabled children and young people. A useful guide for people affected by disability and those who work with disabled people
and their families.
Eye Contact
Cammie McGovern
A thrilling novel of psychological suspense and a gripping tale of a crime that strikes a small community but above all the
powerful story of the tangled emotional bond between a mother and her young son.
Intimate and Personal Care with People with Learning Disabilities
Steven Carnaby and Paul Cambridge
This book considers the management and practice of intimate and personal care with people with learning disabilities. The contributors
draw on extensive research and practice experiences to examine and review in detail key aspects of the planning and delivery of intimate
and personal care, encouraging a commitment to person-centred approaches.
Children with Seizures – a guide for parents, teachers and professionals Martin L. Kutscher M.D.
Dr. Martin Kutscher provides all the information you need to approach seizures from a position of strength. He dispels many of
the myths of epilepsy and provides a review of the disorder.
The Jumbled Jigsaw
Donna Williams
This book exposes the Autism Spectrum conditions not a as single entity but as the combination of a whole range of often
untreated underlying conditions. Donna Williams demonstrates how such common conditions can combine to form a ‘cluster
condition’ that underpins the label ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’
The AD/HD Handbook
Alison Munden and Jon Arcelus
This guide provides a comprehensive account of current knowledge of ADHD and offers practical advice to parents, teachers,
social workers and other professionals working with young people and their families.
Getting IT
Dinah Murray & Ann Aspinall
Using information technology to empower people with communication difficulties.
Parenting the ADD Child – Can’t Do? Won’t Do?
David Pentecost
This book is a practical self help strategy for parents and essential reading for teachers and other professionals involved in the
identification and therapy of ADHD children. Parenting the ADD Child brings together a variety of tried and tested methods in a
unique, comprehensive and accessible format.
The Autism Spectrum and Further Education – A guide to good Practice Christine Breakey
This guide for professionals working with students with autism spectrum conditions in further education provides essential
guidelines and practice advice on teaching young adults successfully and confidently.
Career Training and Personal Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum
Disorders – A Practical Resource for Schools
Vicki Lundine and Catherine Smith
This practical training programme assesses ASD students strengths and abilities, fears and challenges and provides instruction
on acquiring the skills necessary for a smooth transition from school to employment. This teaching resource includes lesson
plans, implementation procedures, interactive activities and photocopiable worksheets providing the teacher with the necessary
material to direct this course over one or three years.
Opening the Spectrum
Department of Education Dublin & NI
Special Education Needs Cross Border Professional Exchange Programme Under PEACE II. Insights into working with pupils on
the Autistic Spectrum.
Guidelines on the Individual Education Plan Process
National Council Special Education
“What Do I Do Now”? A Book to Assist Parents Upon Hearing That
their Child has Special Needs
The Parents Future Planning Group
Supporting Inclusion – Strategies and Accommodations for the
Primary Classroom for students with Intellectual Disabilities and A.S.D.
Jennifer McCann and Rita Honan
Trinity College Dublin & Dept. Educ.
Frameworks for Communication – Interactive Play - Phil Christie & Wendy Prevezer
This booklet is intended to help you find more ways of playing with your child that will encourage communication skills.
Frameworks for Communication – Teaching Pointing - Elizabeth Newson
As Title.
Frameworks for Communication – Moving Towards Spoken Language - Wendy Prevezer:
This booklet is intended to give more insight into moving towards spoken language, to help you clarify exactly how your
Child is expressing him/her self now and to give you some ideas for how you might help him along.
508B Frameworks for Communication – Understanding Language – Wendy Prevezer
The intention of this booklet is to increase your awareness and insight, so that you can help your child make sense
of more of what you say to him/her and of the social world around them.
What’s So Special About Autism - Lorna Wing
Lorna Wing discusses the defining characteristics of Autism and how these characteristics affect the type of services
People with Autism may need to access in order to live their lives to their fullest potential.
534B-C-DUnderstanding Applied Behaviour Analysis - Albert J. Kearney
This introductory guide to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) demystifies the basic terminology and explains the underlying
principles and commonly-used procedures and programmes. Clear and reader-friendly, this book is an essential quick reference
to ABA and its applications.
One Person at a Time
Patricia Fratangelo, Marjorie Olney & Sue Lehr
This book chronicles how one agency left behind group home models to pioneer individualised housing and support, called
supported living. It is the story of one agency’s quest to serve people based on what each person really wants and needs, rather
than fitting people into pre-existing models.
My Social Stories Book -
Carol Gray & Abbie Leigh White
This book takes the form of short narratives, the stories in this book take children step-by-step through basic activities such as
brushing your teeth, taking a bath and getting used to clothes. It also helps children to understand different experiences such as
going to school, shopping and visiting the doctor etc.
Special Educational Needs – A Continuum of Support
Department of Education.
Dr. David J. Carey
A Resource Pack for Teachers.
Autism, Discrimination and the Law –James Graham
A quick guide for parents, educators and employees
The Essential Guide to Special Education in Ireland
A book designed for parents and teachers involved in special education in Ireland at both primary and secondary level.
Education Through the Spectrum – Collection of Papers – Croke Park Dublin – April 15th 2008
Children and Teenagers with Aspergers -
Anna Van Der Post
The Journey of Parenting from Birth to Teens.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders – A Guide to Classroom Practice
Autism Working Group
Research Report on the Role of Special Schools and Classes
In Ireland 2009
National Council for Special Education
First Steps in Intervention with your child – Frameworks for Communication. Phil Christie, Elizabeth Newson
This book deals with initial intervention with young children, but the many practical ideas and strategies can also be usefully
Applied to children of school age if they are at an early stage of communication. This book is perfect for parents looking to
Understand their child better and, in turn help improve their child’s development and communication. This book will also be
helpful to professionals working with families with a child on the autism spectrum.
Charter of Rights for People with Autism “Reflections and Personal Experiences”
The Sibling Slam Book
“What it’s really like to have a brother or sister with Special Needs” This book asks the kind of questions that siblings wonder
about. Read it and get an insiders view on the joys, trials and tribulations felt by siblings everywhere.
The Boy Who Talks in Pictures
Ditte Kummer O’Connor
Bringing up a child with Aspergers Syndrome” For details on purchasing this book please contact
To rent any of these books please contact:
The Irish Society for Autism,
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16/17 Lower O’Connell Street,
Dublin 1.
Tel: 01-8744684
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Maximum rental period is two weeks on which full deposit will be refunded. Books
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Send your order with payment to :
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