School of Health in Social Science International Strategy

School of Health in Social Science International Strategy: Report 2009-10
The School of Health in Social Science aims to meet several of the goals of University
of Edinburgh Internationalisation Strategy by:
Developing a broad international understanding of what the School of Health
in Social Science offers in terms of research and education
Developing world-renowned research that attracts collaboration with the best
academics in the world
Attracting the best students from worldwide to the School of Health in Social
Our main strategic aim is to maintain and to enhance our profile and recognition as a
top international School for health related research. To achieve this goal the School of
Health and Social Science has engaged in the following activities during the academic
year 2009-10:
Development of a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Studies:
This is a flexible programme designed to be completed within one semester of fulltime study. It enables international students to join the community of postgraduate
students at the University of Edinburgh for a period of one semester and also provides
an opportunity for students to undertake an intensive programme of Continuing
Professional Development at the University of Edinburgh.
Other programmes which may be of interest to the international market include a
potential e-learning collaboration with University of Turku in Finland under the
Erasmus exchange scheme.
Involvement with University of Edinburgh Global Academies
It is hoped that programme development, such as the Postgraduate Certificate in
Health Studies, will be integrated within the Global Health Academy. This Academy
was launched under the leadership of Professor Sue Wellburn in the CVM in 2009.
The school is well positioned to be involved with forthcoming development of Global
Academies within the University.
International Recruitment
The School of Health in Social Science intends to continue to focus on recruiting
high-quality undergraduate, PGR and PGT students internationally. To date, our main
catchment area for international recruitment has been South East Asia, this has been
principally based on the recruitment activities of Dr Graeme D Smith.
We foresee South East Asia remaining a key area for recruitment of Postgraduate
students, however increasing attention within the school is being placed on
recruitment from North America, India and Europe.
Development of website
The School of Health in Social Science via its Recruitment and Publicity Committee
has invested a great deal of effort to improve the School web site. The School web site
is seen as our main ‘window’ to the world.
Particular attention has been given to research links to ensure international visitors to
the web site can identify and locate appropriate links. In addition, attempts have been
made to ensure there is consistency between web pages and other forms of
recruitment material and the information on the web site is up to date. During these
developments attention has been given to the suitability of web-based information for
the International market.
The School will develop a network of alumni from around the world. These will be
former students who now hold academic posts in international universities or clinical
positions. It is intended to arrange meetings of alumni with members of academic
staff when they visit international locations where we have alumni. This has already
been done in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong and it is hoped specifically chosen
alumni will act as ambassadors to promote programmes of study within the School of
Health in Social Science. This development is being coordinated with alumni
development activities in the College of Humanities in Social Science in liaison with
Jane Denholm (Alumni Office).
International links
Many academic staff members are involved in international research activities and
hold positions on international learned societies (including European Academy of
Nursing Science), it is hoped that we can have more involvement with health
initiatives associated to Universitas 21 activities (i.e. smoke cessation).
Within the School of Health in Social Science, several staff hold editorial roles in SCI
recognised international journals (Professor Liz Bondi (Emotion, Space and Society)
and Dr Graeme D Smith (Journal of Clinical Nursing).
At a School level we have a number of formal international links (Hangzhou Normal
University in China & Tzu Chi University in Taiwan).
We frequently host visiting groups, particularly from South East Asia. In the last year
we have hosted seminars from visitors on Leverhulme Scholarships from Taiwan and
Hangzhou Normal University, China
The School of Health signed a memorandum of understanding with Hangzhou Normal
University in China two years ago. This agreement includes a rather unusual student
exchange agreement. Students from Hangzhou undertake Nursing Studies
undergraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh. These students have a
particular interest in progressing to postgraduate study and their visit allows them to
develop their academic and English language skills.
It is proposed to sign a School level Memorandum of Understanding with National
Yang Ming University in Taipei. Nursing Studies have developed good links with
Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the National University of Singapore.
Funding has been secured by Deborah Ritchie & Graeme D Smith from the University
Global fund to Deborah Ritchie to visit India later this year. India has been identified
as a key geographical region to develop collaborative links. In addition, funding has
been secured by Dr Suzanne Kean from the Edinburgh Global Fund to develop
existing collaborative academic links with Griffith’s University in Australia.
This collaboration is already generating successful grant applications, with a
particular focus on the career development of the early career practitioner-researcher
working at the interface between the clinical setting and academia.
Professor Pam Smith is currently exploring an e-learning initiative with Nursing and
Medical Schools in Malawi, Africa. All of these activities are coordinated with the
work of the geographical focus groups that have been recently established in the
University of Edinburgh. We have School representation on each of the following
focus groups:
North America
South Asia (India)
(Heather Wilkinson, Sheila Rodgers and Siobhan Canavan)
(Graeme D Smith)
(Deborah Ritchie)
The group for South East Asia will be convened by Dr Graeme D. Smith
College level International representation
Dr Graeme D Smith (Dean International Strategy, CHSS) co-convenes the
International Committee. Dr Guro Huby is our current School representative on this
Dr Graeme D. Smith
June 2010