Timing is Everything – Timing of Cell Division

Timing is Everything – Timing of Cell Division
Problem: What phase of mitosis is the most common and why?
The purpose of this lab is the following:
1. To identify examples of cells in each of the fours stages of mitosis and of interphase.
2. To calculate the approximate number of cells in each of the stages of mitosis.
3. To calculate the approximate time spent in each stage of mitosis and interphase.
4. To calculate an approximate percentage of total cells which are dividing under a field of view.
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________________
Part 1: Design An Experiment
Design an experiment to test what phase of mitosis is the most common. Write your procedure below.
Check your design with the teacher before carrying out your experiment. Don’t forget safety rules!
Data: Draw a data chart and fill in the data as you complete your experiment.
Conclusion: Did your experiment provide data to answer the question? Explain why or why
not. If so, use YOUR DATA to explain if your hypothesis is supported or rejected.