Tetley Website Brief

Tetley Website Brief
 Tetley is Canada’s leading tea company both for Orange Pekoe (6 skus) and
Specialty tea sales (25 skus)
 While Orange Pekoe tea sales account for a greater portion of Tetley’s current
overall sales, Orange Pekoe is a flat to declining category
 Specialty Tea sales however, represent a growth category
 Tetley also sells Iced tea (5 skus)
Brand Positioning
 In the past year, Tetley has shifted its USP from a flavour-based position to a
wellness-based position
 This positioning is based both on the restorative nature of taking time out for a cup of
tea as well as the health based properties of tea such as antioxidants, being calorie
free and even caffeine free
 Tetley’s emphasis is largely focused on emotional wellness due to federal restrictions
on companies that do not have DIN#’s making health claims
 In support of the wellness positioning Tetley is also sponsor of the Canadian Breast
Cancer Foundation (CBCF)
 Tetley’s positioning is also built on several key brand equities – the round tea bag
and the tea folk, including the newest member of the family Aunt Welly
 Female, 25+, primary household shopper
Web History
 Tetley first launched its website in 1997/98
 Built on a limited budget the main purpose of the site was to provide Tetley with an
initial web presence for product information and consumer contact
 The site has undergone several updates to enhance the site’s architecture, while still
maintaining the original graphic design
Business Objectives - Overall
 Grow Tetley Blue share by 1%
 Grow Tetley Specialty tea share by 12%
Web Objectives
Redesign Tetley’s website in a manner that:
1. Reinforces Tetley’s position as an innovative brand leader
2. Integrates Tetley’s new brand and corporate positioning (well-being positioning &
advertising creative)
3. Develops the web as a tool for consumer relationship marketing
4. Promotes Tetley’s broad product offerings
5. Enables measurement of site activity and program effectiveness
6. Allows for cost-effective site maintenance and updates
7. Generates business to business communication (*)
8. Generates sales on line (*)
1. Refresh the design and functionality of the site to create a leading edge
consumer impression
2. Integrate mass media creative to ensure creative consistency across all
communication vehicles
3. Create a consumer-friendly, interactive and engaging site that consumers will
use as a resource and be encouraged to revisit
4. Offer loyal consumers access to exclusive information and offers
5. Structure site architecture to ensure ease of navigation
6. Build content management tools that require no technical expertise
7. Leverage existing UK e-commerce platform
8. Build a special broker’s section protected via password (*)
(*) Lesser priority based on cost implication
Suggested Tactics
1. Offer CRM (Consumer Relationship Management) tools such as surveys,
inbound and outbound emails and an online newsletter
2. Regularly refresh information, general interest, promotions and consumer offers
3. Offer an online membership (see details below)
4. Develop a set of design templates that can be easily updated for regularly
changing content such as TTC, etc
5. Develop sitemap to ensure easy access of information/content
6. Highlight CBCF association
7. Create a storefront with links to an existing retail partner/shop
8. Provide information to brokers about new Tetley Product launches, sell-sheets,
marketing support updates, Nielsen data etc. via sub site (*)
(*) Lesser priority based on cost implication
Suggested Content
Tetley Product range, features, benefits
History of Tea, Brewing, Tea Facts, trends etc.
History of Tetley etc.
Tea and Health – Messaging, Caffeine Meter, links to other information, Tea
Council site
Recipes, Book suggestions
Wellness Section – Health Survey, Quiz, Good-Living ideas/concepts and help,
family menu planner, women’s health issues – what to do, where to find help and
Collectibles Section (Current and Past that are still available along with the order
form and details on how to go about getting them). Include inquiries area with
appropriate e-mail link to Tetley Canada
Area for General Inquiries with e-mail link to Tetley Canada
A Frequently Asked Questions Section. Perhaps we post the 10 most commonly
asked consumer question with the answer…. Idea is to reduce the number of
duplicate inquiries
Guest Book (as per current site)
Tetley Tea Circle Membership Section. An exclusive area of the site that can only
be accessed with a special membership #. Contained in this section would be
some special updates, contests and offers that are only available to the
membership club.
Reciprocal links such as CBCF, promotional partners, etc.
Ability to send friends cards of thanks, hello, birthday etc (see PG Tips site in the
T-Break section)
Creative Guidelines
Capture romance and warmth that is associated with tea and the special tea
Introduce Motion
Maintain some presence of the Tetley Tea-Folk but reduce importance (80% non
tea folk, 20% tea folk)
Ensure greater clarity of images. In particular, product images need to be much
richer including depth, quality and perhaps how they are positioning on a page
Offer more photography and images
Ensure ease of Navigation (For example, Red Rose front page - scrolling over the
buttons indicates what information can be accessed via individual buttons. Also,
buttons are very big and the type is large making it more friendly to use)
Expectations for Presentation
1) Please provide a portfolio containing a minimum of three examples of web sites
designed internally. Also provide an overview of the level of involvement in the
development of these sites, the technologies employed and the associated client
2) Demonstration of ability to acquire, engage and retain consumers via integration of
online tactics with offline brand initiatives.
3) Demonstration of experience designing and integrating databases for information
gathering, ongoing consumer profiling, segmenting, communications, and reporting.
4) Specify your area of expertise or primary focus and list the general technologies
and/or software tools that your organization utilizes for web site design, hosting and
5) Demonstrated ability to deliver high-end, award winning creative.
6) Confirm ability to work with Tetley UK for alignment opportunities. May be an ecommerce platform that we can use, commonality of data capture and collection,
common hosting
7) Please provide a cost summary of different components of development. A menu of
options will serve to determine priority.
Presentations –February 25 & 26, 2002
In-Market – September 3, 2002
$70,000 - $80,000
If requirements can be met for less than $70,000 please present. However, if an
extraordinary idea is developed which goes beyond the stated budget it will still
be considered and evaluated based on merit.