COURSE - STATICS - EG200 FALL 2009 COURSE DESCRIPTION Definitions and concepts of forces, moments, and couples. Resultants of force systems. Equilibrium of force systems, trusses, and machines. Shear and moment diagrams. Friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. INSTRUCTORS - NICK BERTOZZI, TIM MATOOK OFFICE HOURS Bertozzi: DW 109 D, Ext. 6640, 1:00 – 3:00 PM, MW, or by appointment, e-mail: Matook: DW 109 F, Ext. 6550, 1:00 – 3:00 PM, MW, or by appointment, email: CLASS TIMES MWF 10:00-10:50 AM (DW104), TH 8:00-8:50 AM (DW105) TEXTBOOK Engineering Mechanics - STATICS and DYNAMICS, 12th ed., by R. C. Hibbeler; published by Prentice Hall; New Jersey, 2010. (Includes MasteringEngineering and Study Packs) COURSE OBJECTIVE To expand the student’s ability to draw free-body diagrams of systems in equilibrium and to develop a problem-solving capability using statics. COURSE OUTCOMES (measurements in parentheses) 1) The student will become skillful in drawing free body diagrams clearly differentiating between the system and surroundings, and external and internal forces and moments. (Homework, Quizzes, Midterm, Comprehensive Final) 2) The student will become skillful in the utilization of vector algebra for the interpretation, analysis, and synthesis of the mechanical equilibrium of rigid bodies. (Homework, Quizzes, Midterm, Comprehensive Final) 3) The student will learn and understand in depth the fundamental scientific principles associated with the mechanical equilibrium of rigid bodies and be able to apply these principles skillfully and creatively in the solution of equilibrium problems. (Midterm, Comprehensive Final) 4) By developing computer algorithms to solve various statics problem students will continue to build programming skills. (Computer Programs) 5) The students will be able to deliver a presentation that is well organized, and conveys information clearly and concisely. (Presentations) COURSE OUTLINE Week of: Aug. 31 Sept. 7 CHAPTER 1, 2 2, 3 14 21 3, 4 4 28 5 5 12 19 26 2 6 6 9 16 8 9 23 10 30 Dec. 8 14 9 Oct. Nov. 6 7 TOPIC Introduction, Vector Operations, Dot Products 2-D Forces, Particle Equilibrium, Free-Body Diagrams 3-D Force Systems, 2-D Moments, Cross Products 3-D Moments, Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis, Resultants of a Force and Couple System, Reduction of Distributed Loading 2-D Equilibrium, Two- and Three-Force Members, 3-D Equilibrium Trusses Frames Review - Midterm Machines Internal Forces, Shear and Moment Equations and Diagrams, Relations between Distributed Loads, Shear, and Moment Dry Friction, Wedges, Belt Friction Center of Gravity and Centroids, Centroids of Composite Bodies Area Moments of Inertia (Integration), Parallel-Axis Theorem, Area Moments of Inertia (Composites), Products of Inertia, Mohr’s Circle for Moments of Inertia, Max/Min I Fluid Statics Review Final Exam Period ATTENDANCE In this course you will be expected to act in a professional manner. Among other things this includes showing up on time prepared for the task at hand. To encourage you toward this end, students with perfect attendance will have 3 points added onto their final average. For every unexcused absence you will have 1 point deducted from your final average. (Note that if you are more than five minutes late for class you will be marked absent) On the other hand if I am more than five minutes late for a class, I will add an additional point to the average of each student present. ACADEMIC HONESTY While it is assumed that no student would submit any material, be it homework, quiz, exam or any other assignment for grading which is not solely her/his own work, the following policy shall be implemented in cases of academic dishonesty: First offense, all persons involved will receive no credit for the assignment or test. Second offense, all persons involved will receive a grade of F for the course. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT If you wish to receive Academic Accommodations at Daniel Webster College, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at or 577-6615 to arrange a meeting within the first two weeks of the fall 2009 semester. Our meeting is extremely important, as it allows us to prepare your accommodations for the upcoming semester. Should you not wish to receive accommodations, or fail to arrange a meeting, you will be subject to all academic standards in your courses. EVALUATION Computer Programs...................... Homework……………………… Presentations................................ Quizzes........................................ Midterm....................................... Comprehensive Final Exam......... 5% 15% 10% 35% 10% 25% Total............................................. 100% The grades will be assigned based on the absolute grade scale shown below. No make-up exams will be given without prior agreement and the grades will not be curved. The following grade scale will be used: A AB+ B BC+ C D F 92% 90% 88% 82% 80% 78% 70% 65% 0% HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Week of: 8/31 2-34, 2-39, 2-46, 2-51, 2-63, 2-65, 2-69, 2-70, 2-78, 2-83 9/7 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for sections 2.3, 2.7, and 2.8) 2-86, 2-88, 2-93, 2-99, 2-109, 2-113, 2-114, 2-124, 2-125 9/14 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for sections Free-Body Diagrams, Coplanar Force Systems, Equilibrium, Three-D Force Systems) F3.1, F3.2, F3.3, F3.4, F3.5, F3.6, 3.5, 3.23, 3.29, 3.37, 3.59, 3.60, 3.62 9/21 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for sections Moment of a Force: Scalar Formation, Vector Cross Product, Moment of a Force: Vector Formulation, Principle of Moments, Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis, 4.13, 4.19, 4.22), 4.25, 4.30, 4.31, 4.39, 4.46, 4.52, 4.55, 4.69 9/28 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for Moment of a Couple, Equivalent Systems, and Reduction of a Simple Distributed Load), 4.86, 4.94, 4.109, 4.110, 4.115, 4.121, 4.143, 4.152 10/5 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for A Book on a Table, Rigid-Body Free-Body Diagrams, Blocks in an Elevator Ranking Task, Equations of Equilibrium, Two and Three-Force Members, Equilibrium in Three Dimensions), 5.21, 5.23, 5.27, 5.37, 5.41, 5.63, 5.67, 5.73 10/12 (MasteringEngineering Tutorial for Zero-Force members) 5.81, 5.83, 6.1, 6.3, 6.13, 6.15, 6.25 10/19 REVIEW - MIDTERM 10/26 (MasteringEngineering Tutorial for Frames and Machines) 6.33, 6.35, 6.39, F6-15, 6.71, 6.77, 6.82, 6.89, 6.90 11/2 (MasteringEngineering Tutorial for Internal Forces Developed in Structural Members, Shear and Moment Equations and Diagrams, Relations among Distributed Load, Shear, and Moment), 7.43, 7.45, 7.47, 7.50, 7.51, 7.53, 7.58 11/9 (MasteringEngineering Tutorials for Sliding Dresser, Pushing a Chair along a Floor, and Frictional Forces on Flat Belts), 8.3, 8.7, 8.14, 8.17, 8.58, 8.102, 8.104, 8.113 11/16 9.8, 9.15, 9.26, 9.27, 9.55, 9.57, 9.59, 9.60 11/23 10.1, 10.2, 10.14, 10.15, 10.38, 10.40, 10.53, 10.54 11/30 9.105, 9.106, 9.107, 9.114 12/7 REVIEW 12/14 FINAL EXAM PERIOD