List of literature IMSB20 LITTERATURLISTA HT 2014

Intermediala studier: The Rhetoric of Adververtising in
Modern Media (IMSB20), (7,5hp)
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
Godkänd av Institutionsstyrelsen, 9.6.2014
Ytterligare enstaka korta texter kan tillkomma.
Literature with an (*) is part of the reader. Other texts are available in the electronic
Alden, Dana L “Identifying global and culture-specific dimensions of humor”, Journal of
marketing, Volume: 57, p 64- 57 1993, (13)
*Armstrong, Gary; Kotler Philip (2007),”Product, Services, and Branding Strategy ” i
Marketing. An Introduction New Jersey, pp. 199- 213 ISBN 9780273713951 (14)
Arvidsson, Adam (2005), “Brands: A critical Perspective” Journal of Consumer Culture
2005, 5, p 235- 258 (29) DOI: 10.1177/1469540505053093
Barthes, Roland (1984),”Myth Today", in Mythologies [translated by Annette Lavers, Hill
and Wang, New York, ISBN-10: 0374521506 | ISBN-13: 9780374521509 (26p)
Barthes, Roland, (1964),”The Rhetoric of the image”, Image, Music, Text. Ed. and trans.
Stephen Heath. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. 32-51. (17p)
*Bignell, Jonathan (2002), “Advertisements” in Media semiotics. An Introduction. (2.ed)
Manchester, New York, ISBN-10: 0719062055, pp. 28- 45 (17)
Blackford, Benjamin J, “The prevalence and influence of the combination of humor and
violence in super bowl commercials”, Journal of advertising, 40, 4, 2011, p 123 - 134
Chandler, David (2007), cap. 1,2, 4,9 or as book Semiotic The Basics, Paperback second
edition (January 2007), ISBN 0415363756, pp. 45
Catanescu, C., & Tom, G. (2001). “Types of Humor in Television and Magazine
Advertising.” Review Of Business, 22(1/2), 92 – 95 (3).
Durand, Jacques ”Rhetoric and the Advertsing Image” (translated by Theo van
Leeuwen ) Aust. J. Cultural Studies, 1:2 (1983), p. 29-61 (32)
* Dyer, Gilian (1988), “The Origins and Development of Advertising” in Dyer, Gilian
Advertising as Communication, London: Routledge, ISBN-13: 9780415027816 , pp. 1637 (21)¨
Eisend, Martin ”The Meta-analysis of humor in advertising”; Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, ISSN 0092-0703, 06/2009, Volym 37, Nummer 2, pp. 191 – 203
*Fill, Chris (1995), Marketing Communication: Contexts, contents and strategies, 2cd
edition, 1995, pp. 198-212 (14) ISBN 0-13-010229-6
Forceville , Charles (2007). “Multimodal metaphor in ten Dutch TV commercials.” Public
Journal of Semiotics 1: 19-51 (32)
Gulas, Charles S ”It's just a joke: violence against males in humorous advertising”, Journal
of advertising, 39, p. 109- 120 (19)
Gronroos, Christian ”Quo Vadis, Marketing? Toward a Relationship Marketing Paradigm”,
Journal of Marketing Management, 1994, 10, 347-360 (13)
* Hall, Stuart (1997), “Representation, Meaning and Language”, in Representation,
Cultural Representation and Signifying Practices, Stuart Hall (red), London, ISBN-10:
0761954325; ISBN-13: 978-0761954323, pp. 15-30 (15)
Hendon, Donald W.; Muhs, William F., (1993) "Origins and Early Development of
Outdoor Advertising in the United States", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 20 Iss:
5, pp. 7 – 17 (10)
Holt, Douglas B. (2002), “Why Do Brands Cause Trouble? A Dialectical Theory of
Consumer Culture and Branding”, Journal of Consumer Research 29, ISSN 00935301
pp.70-90 (20)
*Kilbourne, Jean ”Buy this 24-year-old and get all his friends absolutly free .” Can’t
Buy My Love. New York, NY:Touchstone, 2000, pp 33-57 (24)
*Koller, Veronica “Brand Images: Multimodal Metaphor in branding messages” in
Multimodal metaphor Forceville, Charles ; Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo (Eds.), Mouton de
Gruyter, Berlin, 2009, ISBN 978 3 11 020515 2 , p 45-65 (20 p)
*Kronberger, Martin ”Preface” in Brand Society: How brands Transform Management
and Lifestyle, New York : Cambridge University Press 2010, ISBN 978-0-521-72690-0
(pbk) P. 14-23 (9)
Langan, Catherine R “Intertextuality in Advertisements for Silk Cut Cigarettes”, 1998
*Langer, Roy (2002),”Advertising beyond Fordism: New Subtle Advertising Strategies,
Formats and Contents”, CCC Working Paper no.1, pp 2-19 (17)
Liodice, Bob, (2010),”10 Events that transformed marketing”, Advertising Age, 81, 3, p.
15-15 (1)
Learmonth, Michael ”Facebook dials up Ads” ( 2009): Marketing Magazine 114: 4, p: 6
Manning, Paul The Semiotics of Brand Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 39: 33 -49
(13) (Volume publication date October 2010)
McQuarrie, Edward F.; Mick, David Glen “Figures of Rhetoric” in Journal of Consumer
Research: (1996) 22: 4,pp: 424-438 (14)
Mulken, Margot van (2003);”Analysing rhetorical devices in print advertisements”,
Document Design 4:2, pp 114–128 (14).
Mukherjee, Ashesh; Dubé, Laurette ”Mixing emotions: The use of humor in fear
advertising”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, J. Consumer Behav. 11: 147–161 (14)
O'Barr, William, Tobaccowala, Rishad, Partilla John and Gotlieb Irwin ” Media and
Advertising”, Advertising & Society Review, EISSN 1534-7311, 2009, Volym 10,
Nummer 2 , ca 6p
Phillips, Barbara J. , McQuarrie, Edward F , (2008) ”Advertising Rhetoric: An
Introduction” Go FIgure. New Direction in Advertising Rhetoric, p 3- 19 (16)
Phillips, B.J. (2004), "Beyond visual metaphor: A new typology of visual rhetoric in
advertising", Marketing Theory, 4, 1-2, pp. 113-136. (23)
Sherry, John F. Jr Brand meaning , in Kellogg on Branding, 2005. p 40 (16) The
Economist ”Business: ’Hello again, I'm Vista’; Advertising, Microsoft hires a hot ad
agency in an effort to improve its image”, 7. Aug. 2008
Stern, Barbara B. ”A Revised Communication Model for Advertising: Multiple Dimensions
of the Source, the Message, and the Recipient.,” Journal of Advertising, Jun94, Vol. 23
Issue 2, p5-15, (11p)
*Sturken, Marita; Cartwright, Lisa (2005), “Consumer Culture and the Manufacturing
of Desire” in Practices of Looking. An introduction to visual culture, Oxford, ISBN10: 0195314409; ISBN-13: 9780195314403, pp. 189-235 (41p)
* Williamson, Judith (1978), “Part 1: Advertising-Work” in: Decoding Advertisements:
Ideology and Meaning in Advertisements, NY, ISBN-10: 0714526150; ISBN-13: 9780714526157 pp. 17-19 (6)
Summa: Pages ca. 683