HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LTD. 18. NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS A. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. Method of Accounting (a) The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost convention and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. (b) The Company follows accrual system of accounting in the preparation of accounts unless otherwise stated. 2. Fixed Assets (a) Owned Assets Fixed Assets are stated at cost, which includes freight, installation cost, duties, taxes and other incidental expenses but net of CENVAT. (b) Leases (i) Fixed assets acquired on lease / hire purchase for an agreed period have been recognised as an asset and liability. Such recognition is at an amount equal to the fair value of leased asset at the inception of lease or present value of minimum lease payment, whichever is less. (ii) Lease payment are apportioned between finance charge and reductions of the outstanding liability. (iii) Leases where the lessor effectively retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the leased items are classified as operating leases. Operating leases payments are recognized as an expense in the profit & loss account or on a basis, which reflect the time pattern of such payments appropriately. (c) Intangible Assets The expenses incurred for development of new products have been treated as intangible assets. 3. Depreciation (a) Depreciation is provided for on plant and machinery and electrical installations on straight line method and on other fixed assets on written down value method, at the rates prescribed in the Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. (b) Amortisation of intangible assets: The intangible assets under development have been written off equally in five years. 4. Impairment of Assets The fixed assets or group of assets (cash generating unit) are reviewed for impairment at each Balance Sheet date. In case of such any indication, the recoverable amount of these assets or group of assets is determined and if such recoverable amount of the assets or cash generating unit to which the assets belong is less than its carrying amount, the impairment loss is recognized by writing down such assets to their recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed if there is change in the recoverable amount and such loss either no longer exist or has decreased. 5. Capital Work-in-Progress and Incidental Expenditure During Construction - Pending Allocation (a) All direct expenses incurred for acquiring, erecting and commissioning of fixed assets are shown under “Capital work-in-progress”. The advances given for acquiring fixed assets are also shown alongwith capital work-in-progress. (b) All incidental expenditure incurred during construction are allocated to the respective fixed assets on completion of the respective projects. 6. Investments (a) The cost of an investment includes incidental expenses like brokerage, fees and duties incurred prior to acquisition. (b) Long term investments are shown at cost. (c) Investments which are intended to be held for less than one year are classified as current investments and are carried at lower of cost and fair value determined on an individual investment basis. HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 7. Inventories (a) Raw materials, packing materials and stores & spares At cost on FIFO basis or net realisable value whichever is lower (b) Loose tools After writing off at 50% p.a. on W.D.V. basis (c) Work-in-process At lower of cost or net realisable value. (d) Finished goods At lower of cost or net realisable value. Cost of finished goods and work-in-process is determined by considering material, labour and related overheads Including depreciation. 8. Preliminary & Share Issue Expenses Preliminary and share issue expenses are written off equally over a period of ten years from the commencement of production. 9. Foreign Currency Transactions (a) Transactions denominated in foreign currency are normally recorded at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of the transaction. (b) Monetary items denominated in foreign currency at the year end are translated at the year end rate. (c) Any income or expense on account of exchange difference between the date of transactions and on settlement or on translation is recognised in the profit and loss account as income or expense. 10. Excise and Custom Duties Excise and custom duty are accounted for on accrual basis. Accordingly provision for excise duty and custom duty are made in the accounts for goods manufactured / imported and lying in bonded store room/warehouse. 11. CENVAT Credit The CENVAT Credit available on raw materials, other eligible inputs and capital goods is adjusted against excise duty payable on clearance of goods produced. The unadjusted Cenvat credit is shown in schedule 10 “ Loans and Advances” . 12. Technical Know-how Fees Technical know-how fees paid and considered useful is written off over a period of six years. 13. Revenue Recognition (a) Sales include excise duty recoverable and net of sales return relating to previous year. Liquidated damages in respect thereof are accounted for as and when they are ascertained. (b) Sale of goods is recognized on dispatch to the customer. (c) Revenue in respect of installation of equipment supplied by the company is recognised on satisfactory completion of the work. (d) In case of sales made at provisional prices under the contract, the revenue is recognised at provisional prices in the year of sales and difference, if any is accounted for in the year of settlement/finalisation of prices. (e) Insurance claims are accounted for as and when admitted by the concerned authority. 14. Research & Development expenditure (a) Revenue expenditure on research & development is charged to Profit and Loss Account in the year in which, it is incurred. (b) Capital expenditure on research & development is included in fixed assets under appropriate heads. 15. Employees Retirement Benefits (a) Liability in respect of Gratuity to Employees is provided for by way of premium paid to the Life Insurance Corporation of India under Group Gratuity Scheme. (b) Leave encashment liabilities to employees are made on the basis of actuarial valuation at the year end. (c) The contributions to the employees provident fund maintained under the Employees Provident Fund Scheme by the Central Government, is charged to the Profit and Loss Account. HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 16. Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of the qualifying assets, if any, are capitalized as a part of cost of such asset. Other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. 17. Income Tax Tax expense comprises both current and deferred taxes. Current tax is provided for on the taxable profits of the year at applicable tax rates. Deferred income taxes reflect the impact of timing differences between taxable income and accounting income for the year and reversal of timing difference of earlier years. Deferred Tax is measured based on the tax rates and tax laws enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which deferred tax assets can be realized. Unrecognised deferred tax assets of the earlier years are re-assessed and recognized to the extent it has become reasonably certain that future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realized. 18. Earning Per Share In determining earning per share, the company considers the net profits after tax and includes the post tax effects of any extra- ordinary items. The number of shares used in computing basic earning per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. 19. Segment Reporting Segments are identified in line with the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17) taking into account the organization structure as well as the differential risk and returns of the segments. The unallocable items include income and expenses items which are not directly identifiable to any segment and therefore not allocated to any business segment. 20. Contingent Liabilities No provision is made for liabilities, which are contingent in nature, but if material, the same are disclosed by way of notes to the accounts. B. OTHER NOTES 1. Contingent Liabilities not provided for in respect of: (a) Unexpired Letters of Credit (b) (b) Guarantees given by the bank on behalf of the Company (Margin Money for above LCs and BGs kept by way of fixed deposits Rs.46,646,083/- Previous year Rs. 69,140,851/-) As at 31.03.2008 Rs. 4,746,611 155,028,202 As at 31.03.2007 Rs. 30,201,921 173,280,986 - 5,557,174 697,617 697,617 40,147 40,147 2. Excise claims against the company in dispute and not acknowledged as debts 3. Additional demand of custom duty raised on the company 4. Claim against the company not acknowledged as debts 5. Deferred Tax has been provided for in accordance with the Accounting Standard 22 - Accounting for taxes on Income issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs. 806,807/- as on 31st March, 2008 comprises of the followings :- Depreciation Others Net deferred tax liability 6. 2007-2008 Deferred tax Deferred liability tax assets 1,039,738 232,931 806,807 2006-2007 Deferred tax Deferred tax liability assets 1,687,388 1,185,127 2,872,515 Investments includes 952,381 equity shares of Rs.10/- (fully paid up) at a premium of Rs.0.50/- of HFCL Infotel Ltd. which are unlisted and are yet to be transferred in the name of the Company. HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 7. Following loan were outstanding as on 31-03-2008, on which the Company has not provided any interest for the year. Name of the party MKJ Developers Ltd. MKJ Enterprises Ltd (Formally known Majora Exports Pvt.Ltd.) Amount (Rs.) 18,000,000 10,000,000 The management is pursuing the matter of recovery of above loans with the parties and it is hopeful of realisability of principal amount of loans and hence no provision towards doubtful amount has been made. 8. In the opinion of the Board and to the best of their knowledge and belief, the value of realisation in respect of the Current assets, loans and advances in the ordinary course of business would not be less than the amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet and the provision for all known and determined liabilities is adequate and not in excess of amount reasonably required. 9. Remuneration to Managing Director: Salary Contribution to Provident Fund Other perquisites 10. 2007-2008 Rs. 3,900,000 468,000 2,733,460 7,101,460 2006-2007 Rs. 3,600,000 432,000 3,041,222 7,073,222 The disclosures required under Accounting Standard 15 on “Employee Benefits” notified in the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rule 2006, are given below: Defined Contribution Plan Contribution to Defined Contribution Plan, maintained under the Employees Provident Fund Scheme by the Central Government, is charged to Profit and Loss Account as under: Amount (Rs.) Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund 1,860,939 Employer’s Contribution to Pension Scheme 1,115,582 Defined Benefit Plan The employees’ gratuity fund scheme managed by Life Insurance Corporation of India is a defined benefit plan. The present value of obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Projected Unit Credit Method, which recognises each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. The obligation for leave encashment is recognized in the same manner as gratuity. (i) (ii) Gratuity (Funded) Leave encashment (Unfunded) Changes in present value of obligations Present value at the beginning of the year Interest cost Current service cost Benefits paid Actuarial (gain) / loss on obligations Present value at the end of the year 3,891,894 291,892 462,249 (1,086,786) 1,064,133 4,623,382 3,605,110 289,199 392,999 (254,018) (510,656) 3,522,634 Changes in the fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year Actual return on plan assets Contributions Benefit paid Actuarial gain / (loss) on plan assets Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 2,986,838 263,805 1,545,588 (1,086,786) Nil 3,709,445 Nil N.A Nil Nil Nil Nil HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Actuarial gain / loss recognised Actuarial (gain) / loss for the year – obligation Actuarial (gain) / loss for the year – plan assets Total (gain) / loss for the year Actuarial (gain) / loss recognized in the year Unrecognised actuarial (gains) / losses at the end of year 1,064,133 Nil 1,064,133 1,064,133 Nil (510,656) Nil (510,656) (510,656) Nil Amounts to be recognised in the balance sheet and statements of profit and loss Present value of obligation at the end of the year Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year Difference (Funded Status) Unrecognised actuarial (gains) / losses Net asset / (liability) recognised in the balance sheet 4,623,382 3,709,445 (913,937) Nil (913,937) 3,522,634 Nil (3,522,634) Nil (3,522,634) Expenses recognised in the statement of profit and loss Current service cost Past service cost Interest cost Expected return of plan assets Curtailment cost / (credit) Settlement cost / (credit) Net actuarial (gain) / loss recognised in the year Expenses recognized in the profit & loss 462,249 Nil 291,892 (263,805) Nil Nil 1,064,133 1,602,688 392,999 Nil 289,199 Nil Nil Nil (510,656) 1,008,660 1994-96 (Ultimate) 8.00% 5.00% 1994-96 (Ultimate) 8.00% 5.50% Actuarial Assumptions Mortality Table (LIC) Discount rate Rate of increase in compensation levels Note-1: Consequent to the adoption of Revised Accounting Standard 15 “Employees Benefits”, the Company has reviewed and revised its accounting policy in respect of employees benefits. Consequently, in accordance with the transition provision contained in said AS-15, the difference of Rs.688,731/- between the existing provision of employees benefit and the provision in terms of revised AS-15 as at 01.04.2007 has been added to the accumulated Profit & Loss Account. Note-2: As the revised AS – 15 is applicable for the first time, the previous year figures have not been given. The above information is certified by the actuary. 11. As required by Accounting Standard 18 “Related Party Disclosures” i) Name of related parties and description of relationship: Subsidiary Smart Digivision Private Limited (w.e.f. 19.09.2007 to 27.03.2008) Associate Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd. Key management personnel Mr. Y S Choudhary Relatives of key management personnel Mrs Manjula Choudhary Mr. Deepak Choudhary Mr. Dinesh Choudhary Note : Related party relationship is as identified by the Company and relied upon by the auditors. HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED ii. Nature of transactions: -The transactions entered into with the related parties during the year alongwith outstanding balances as at 31st March, 2008 are as under: Amount(Rs.) Particulars Associates Key Management Relatives Personnel Purchase of goods 2007-08 - 2006-07 34,963,064 Services rendered 1,486,542 114,485 12,332 7,930,629 18,581,423 101,071,306 Sales of goods Services Received Salary 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 * * 350,240 309,190 2,160,000 2,160,000 Rent paid Interest received Creditors outstanding - - 153,409,100 406,043,494 * salary is excluding the remuneration paid to Shri Y S Choudhary, Managing Director of the Company which are disclosed under point no. 9 above of other notes. Note: There are no transactions for doubtful debts or amounts written off or written back during the year for debts due from or to related parties. 12. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 Under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, which came into force from October 02, 2006, certain disclosures are required to be made relating to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The Company is in the process of compiling relevant information from its suppliers about their coverage under the said Act. Since the relevant information is not readily available, no disclosures have been made in the accounts. However, in view of the management, the impact of interest, if any, that may be payable in accordance with the provisions of this Act is not expected to be material. 13. Segment Reporting (a) Primary segment information Particulars Revenue a. Manufacturing b. Trading c. Turnkey Projects d. Installation Services Total Less : Inter segment revenue Turnover / Income from Operations Operating Profit a. Manufacturing b. Trading c. Turnkey Projects d. Installation Services Total Less : (i) Interest and Finance Charges (ii) Other un-allocable expenditure net off un-allocable income (iii) Taxation Net Profit / (Loss) Capital Employed a. Manufacturing b. Trading c. Turnkey Projects d. Installation Services Total capital employed in segments Add : Un-allocable corporate assets less liabilities Total capital employed in Company 2007-2008 Amount (Rs.) 2006-2007 801,359,520 14,285,729 815,645,249 815,645,249 358,262,508 37,782,211 5,721,933 99,215,577 500,982,229 500,982,229 108,026,771 1,060,477 109,087,248 6,428,891 34,126,135 68,532,222 4,451,212 2,018,835 (109,413) 2,845,640 9,206,274 7,084,496 7,574,195 1,158,734 (6,611,151) 385,799,097 917,339 386,716,436 386,716,436 285,721,836 21,086,501 9,865,029 822,117 317,495,483 317,495,483 HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (b) Secondary segment information The Company caters mainly to the needs of Indian market and the export turnover being 0.0003 % (Previous year 0.0005%) of the total turnover of the Company, there are no reportable geographical segments. 14. In view of the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rule, 2006 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide notification dated 7th December 2006, the Company has changed its accounting policy with effect from. 1st April, 2007, relating to recognition of foreign exchange fluctuation on repayment and conversion of liability pertaining to loans for fixed assets acquired from a country outside India. Consequently, such foreign exchange fluctuation is now being charged / credited to the Profit and Loss Account instead of being adjusted to carrying value of respective fixed assets. Pursuant to this change, foreign exchange fluctuation loss for the year of Rs.394,950/- (net) has been debited to Profit and Loss Account. Due to this change, Profit for the year is lower by Rs.371,214/- (net of higher depreciation of Rs..23,736/- for the year) 15. Additional information pursuant to Paragraph 3 and 4C & 4D of Part II of schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 (Previous year’s figures are in brackets unless otherwise shown in separate columns) (A) Licensed and installed capacity and actual production Product Unit Licensed Capacity Installed Capacity Actual Production 800,000 (800,000) 10,000 (5,000) 100 (100) 158,009 (320,487) 3,501 (2,878) (-) (i) Telephones Nos. N.A. (ii) Switch Mode Rectifier Modules Nos. N.A. (iii) SDH Equipments Nos. N.A. Notes 1. As none of the Company’s products are covered under licensing requirements of the new Industrial Policy, the licensed capacity is being treated and disclosed as N.A. i.e. Not Applicable. 2. (B) Installed capacity is taken as certified by the management being a technical matter. The installed capacity shown for individual items is based on the above product mix and capable of interchange to a certain extent. Opening & closing stocks of finished goods Product Unit Qty (i) Telephone Nos. (ii) Switch Mode Rectifier Modules Nos. (iii) Others Total (C) 9,714 (11,040) 3 (3) (-) Opening Stock Value Rs. 2,999,894 (3,321,246) 25,794 (25,349) 7,557,424 (8,258,542) 10,583,112 (11,605,137) Qty 8,791 (9,714) 3 (3) (-) Sales and Services Product Unit Qty (i) Telephones Nos. (ii) Switch Mode Rectifier Modules Nos. (iii) Income from AMCs N.A 158,932 (321,813) 3,501 (2,878) N.A (iv) Income from Repair N.A N.A (v) Income from Installation - - (vi) Turnkey Contracts - - Closing Stock Value Rs. 1,154,249 (2,999,894) 16,775 (25,794) 1,662,537 (7,557,424) 2,833,561 (10,583,112) Value Rs. 91,843,527 (220,761,334) 689,803,049 (115,568,140) 9,994,776 (8,354,724) 9,145,368 (8,366,386) 14,285,729 (99,215,577) (5,721,933) HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (vii) Trading of goods - - (viii) Others (D) 157,740 (37,782,211) 415,060 (5,211,924) 815,645,249 (500,982,229) Material Consumed/Purchased Description Discrete Electrical Items Mechanical items PCB’s Coils & Transformers Cable & Accessories Electromechanical Assembly Hardware (Metal & non Metal) SMD Electronic Components Other components * Turnkey Contracts Goods purchased for Trading Grand Total 2007-2008 Qty Value Nos. Rs. 46,493,889 213,353,703 18,014,892 141,074,257 528,519 30,754,408 633,684 39,404,601 2,543,416 22,541,086 136,767 196,459 931,003 1,505,775 10,721,680 8,495,526 12,588,609 60,512 469,974,936 2006-2007 Qty Value Nos. Rs. 77,545,094 124,623,136 17,414,791 54,842,812 677,169 26,518,128 163,700 10,869,915 1,676,410 10,575,229 311,148 437,330 1,156,168 399,593 1,258,967 628,191 14,988,454 3,628,794 33,767,019 281,278,601 (*) List of other components / goods are too large and hence item wise break-up with their quantities is not possible to include here. (E) Value of imported and indigenous raw materials and stores & spares consumed Particulars 2007-2008 %Age Value Rs. (a) Raw materials Imported 32 151,423,553 Indigenous 68 318,551,383 100 469,974,936 (b) Stores & spares Indigenous 99 6,510,572 Imported 1 62,739 100 6,573,311 (F) (G) (H) 16. Value Rs. 55 45 100 155,384,701 125,893,900 281,278,601 100 100 5,628,265 5,628,265 2007-2008 Rs. 2006-2007 Rs. 144,786,633 7,443,807 130,491,003 23,234 Expenditure in foreign currency (on payment basis) Travelling 515,430 931,581 Earnings in foreign currency Export of goods calculated on F.O.B basis Others 256,831 - 272,611 713,135 68,532,222 4,280,000 10 16.01 (6,611,151) 4,280,000 10 (1.54) Value of imports on CIF basis Materials Capital goods Earning per share Profits/(Loss) after Tax attributable to shareholders Weighted number of the ordinary shares Nominal Value of Share Earning per share 17. 2006-2007 %Age Previous year’s figures have been regrouped/rearranged wherever considered necessary. HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 18. Particulars required as per Notification No. GSR No. 388(E) (F.No. 3/24/94-CLV) dated 15-05-95 issued by the Department of the Company Affairs, Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs. BALANCE SHEET ABSTRACT AND COMPANY’S GENERAL BUSINESS PROFILE I. Registration Details Registration No. : 06-14541 State Code: 06 Balance Sheet Date: 31-03-2008 II. III. Capital Raised during the year Public Issue: Right Issue: Bonus Issue: Private Placement: Nil Nil Nil Nil Position of Mobilization and Deployment of Funds (Amount in Rs. Thousands) 389,157 389,157 Total Liabilities: Total Assets: IV. Sources of Funds Paid-up Capital: Reserves & Surplus: Secured Loans: Deferred Tax Liability (Net) 42,800 343,916 1,634 807 Application of Funds Net Fixed Assets: Investments Net Current Assets: Accumulated Losses: 59,187 12,200 317,770 Nil Performance of Company Revenue including other income: Total Expenditure: Profit / (Loss) before Tax: Profit (Loss) after Tax: Earning per Share in Rs. Dividend Rate %: 822,088 719,430 102,658 68,532 16.01 Nil : ` V. Generic names of three Principal Products / Services of Company (as per monetary terms) Product Description: Item Code No. (ITC Code) Switch Mode Rectifier Power System: Electronic Push Button Telephones: SDH Equipments: As per our report of even date attached For Khandelwal Jain & Co. Chartered Accountants 85.04 85.17 85.17 For and on behalf of the Board 1. Mahendra Nahata Chairman (Akash Shinghal) Partner (Shailesh Bansal) Company Secretary 2. Y.S.Choudhary Managing Director Place: New Delhi Place: New Delhi Dated: Dated: HIMACHAL EXICOM COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31st March, 2008 Particulars 2007-2008 (Rs.) 2006-2007 (Rs.) 102,658,357 (5,452,417) A. Cash flow from operating activities Net profit/(loss) before tax Adjustment for: Depreciation Interest and finance charges Interest income Loss / (Profit) on sale of fixed assets Operating profit before working capital changes Adjustments for: Trade & other receivables Inventories Trade payables 12,115,179 6,428,891 (4,992,473) 57,384 11,970,412 7,084,496 (6,038,233) 29,825 13,608,981 116,267,338 184,057,577 (3,316,619) (226,903,238) 13,046,500 7,594,083 375,430,193 (25,769,847) (395,407,236) (46,162,280) 70,105,058 36,191,843 33,913,215 Cash generated from operations Taxation Net cash from operating activities B. Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of fixed assets Sale of fixed assets Purchase of investments Interest received (net) (13,191,979) 1,274,239 (200,000) 3,979,172 (45,746,890) (38,152,807) 656,408 (38,809,215) (9,539,474) 906,427 10,651,872 (8,138,568) Net cash used in investing activities 2,018,825 C. Cash from financing activities Proceeds from long term borrowings Repayment of working capital limits Interest paid (net) Net cash from/(used) in financing activities Net increase in cash & cash equivalents Cash & cash equivalents (opening balance) Cash & cash equivalents (closing balances) (1,020,367) (26,593,338) (6,428,891) As per our report of even date attached For Khandelwal Jain & Co. Chartered Accountants (2,845,390) 6,432,354 (7,084,496) (34,042,596) (8,267,949) 102,511,313 94,243,364 (3,497,532) (40,287,922) 142,799,235 102,511,313 For and on behalf of the Board 1. Mahendra Nahata Chairman (Akash Shinghal) Partner (Shailesh Bansal) Company Secretary 2. Y.S.Choudhary Managing Director Place: New Delhi Place: New Delhi Dated: Dated: