Network Interconnections

Establish and Maintain Account
Key Network and Service Decisions
Network Interconnections
Establish CLEC-Verizon Relationship:
This section describes processes and procedures for a working relationship between the CLEC and Verizon.
Working Together to Interconnect CLEC and Verizon Networks:
The following contains necessary actions a CLEC needs to take in order to establish a business relationship
with Verizon:
The CLEC must comply with applicable laws and requirements.
Negotiate an interconnection agreement or comply with the appropriate state tariff. In some
jurisdictions Resale services may be available under Verizon tariffs.
The CLEC is responsible for establishing all required business relationships with other
telecommunications carriers. This includes other CLECs as well as any telecommunications
carriers the CLEC sends traffic to.
Verizon interconnects its network to the CLECs and establishes facilities meeting CLECs service
requirements to design and build its network while delivering the UNEs and interconnection in a
manner consistent with applicable laws.
Establish connectivity to Verizon’s Operational Support Systems (OSS) in order to submit OSS
Steps to Establish a Business Relationship between a CLEC and Verizon:
This section provides key steps in the process of establishing the CLEC and Verizon relationship.
1. Establish the CLEC and Verizon Network Interconnections, Design the Network
Interconnection Point and Interoffice Trunking.
2. Build and Test the Network point of interconnection.
3. Establish Electronic Interface/Connectivity for Access Service Requests (ASR) and Local.
Service Requests (LSR).
4. Pre-ASR Meeting.
5. Establish Interoffice Trunking for the Exchange of Traffic.
6. Verify Network Build.
Establish the CLEC and Verizon Network Interconnections:
Network interconnection enables Verizon and the CLEC to originate and terminate traffic to and
from each other’s network. To interconnect a CLEC’s network to Verizon’s network the CLEC
establishes a point of interconnection with its switches and the Verizon network. Verizon’s point of
interconnection is generally central offices and access tandems that are utilized for the exchange of
local traffic to and from end users served by those switches.
A CLEC establishes a network interconnection and plans to serve end users with its own local loop
facilities from its own switches to activate local service from its switches for end users upon
completion of the steps in the network interconnection process.
Build and Test the Network Interconnection Point:
After completion of the design meetings, each carrier provisions (i.e., build) the facilities required in
order to establish a network interconnection. During the building phase, there is usually interaction
between representatives from the CLEC and Verizon to ensure the interconnection points are built
per specifications. Signaling System 7 (SS7) signaling is also tested and certified. There are many
formal processes for testing various interconnection services. The SS7 certification process is used
for testing interconnection trunks. At the time of trunk turn up acceptance testing will be performed.
Establish Electronic Interface/Connectivity for Access Service Requests (ASR) and Local
Service Requests (LSR):
Verizon offers the ability to electronically submit requests for Access Service via Connect Direct.
For more information visit Carrier Services Gateway User Guide.
The ASR/LSR process and format is based on industry standards. More information on
Connectivity options can be found on Verizon’s Wholesale Website under Systems and Measures.
Pre-ASR Meeting:
Once the network interconnection is established, a meeting is held between the CLEC and Verizon
to review the point of interconnection and the CLEC’s plans for establishing the desired
interconnection trunking.
The Pre-ASR meeting covers such topics as facility architecture, network architecture, NPA/NXXs
activation process, E911, operator services, and SS7. Verizon reviews the ASR connectivity
procedures for submitting and processing ASRs with the CLEC. ASRs are utilized for the ordering
of interconnection trunks enabling CLECs to “build-out” their network presence and provide the
range of service coverage desired.
Network Planning:
CLECs planning to interconnect their switch to the Verizon network will need to have an
understanding of each of the preceding points and accommodate for them in the design of the
interconnected network.
In order to provide CLECs with a more detailed understanding, the CLEC will schedule a design
meeting with Verizon. The design meeting will allow representatives from the CLEC and Verizon to
design in detail how each company’s network interconnect. Plans for the interoffice facilities are
required with the design of the interconnected network.
As a guide to assist “facilities-based” CLECs with network planning, the following is a list of trunks
to be considered:
Traffic Exchange Trunks for the transmission and routing of terminating Local Traffic, Tandem
Transit Service, translated LEC IntraLATA 800/888/877 traffic and IntraLATA Toll Traffic.
Access Toll Connecting (meet point billing) Trunks for the transmission and routing of
Exchange Access Traffic, including translated InterLATA 800/888/877 Traffic, between CLEC
Telephone Exchange Service end users and purchasers of Switched Exchange Access
Service via a Verizon Tandem.
Information Services Trunks for the transmission and routing of terminating Information
Services Traffic.
Operator Verification/Interrupt Trunks for the transmission and routing of terminating Operator
Verification/Interrupt Traffic (Operator Verification/Interrupt/ Busy Line Verification (BLV) or
Line Status Verification (LSV) and Verification of Call with Interrupt (VCI) respectively.
E911 Trunks for the transmission and routing of E911 traffic.
Directory Assistance Trunks for the transmission and routing of terminating directory
assistance traffic.
Operator Services (IntraLATA call completion) Trunks for the transmission and routing.
Choke Trunk traffic congestion and testing.
Establish Interoffice Trunking for the Exchange of Traffic:
At this point, CLECs submit ASRs to Verizon (and Verizon ASRs to the CLEC as required) to
provision the requested facilities. For more information on the ASR process visit Carrier Services
Gateway User Guide
6. Verify Network Build:
The completed interoffice facilities provisioned through the ASR process are tested, including
access to the E911 system.
An important follow-up of the interconnected network design and build process, is the grooming
process where a team of Verizon and CLEC planning representatives will periodically review the
interconnected networks.
Checklist for Key Topics and Additional Information:
Below is a Checklist with Key Topics and additional information to assist in the network process.
Checklist for Key Topics and
Additional Information:
1. Facilities Based
2. Partial Facilities
3. Partial Facilities
(CLEC owns switch
and local loop)
(CLEC purchases
Unbundled loop)
(CLEC purchases
800/888 Number Database Usage
Access Service Request (ASR)
Alternately Billed Calls Arrangements
Directory Listings Arrangements
Emergency Public Safety Answering
Points (E911 PSAPs) Arrangements )
Information Service Provider
LIDB Database
Line Class Codes/Provisioning Forms
Local Number Portability
Ordering UNE Services: Number
Ordering UNE Services: Loop Service
with Number Portability
Local Service Request (LSR)
Verizon Connectivity Guide
Meet Point Trunking and Billing
NXX Assignment and Testing
Trunking to Access Tandems and
Central Offices
Reciprocal Arrangements
SS7 Questionnaire and Certification
Interconnection with Other Local
Service Providers (OLSPs)
Negotiating an Agreement
Common Language Identifier
Network Design
4. Partial/ “No”
CLEC purchases
Unbundled loop
and unbundled
local switching)
1. CLECs with full facilities have the option to collocate with Verizon even though they provide their own
2. CLECs with their own switches use LSRs to request local number portability and to purchase unbundled
3. CLECs with their own switches need to establish interconnection trunks ensuring the proper exchange
of traffic.
4. In New York, CLECs purchasing Platform or other combinations may not need to collocate.
800/888/877 (Toll Free):
The 800/888/877 Service Control Point (SCP) processes queries for toll free number calls to determine the
carrier selection and routing instructions.
Information Services Providers (ISPs):
CLECs interconnecting with Verizon may wish to make arrangements for their end users to access
Information Service Providers connected to the Verizon network. Trunking and billing arrangements must
be addressed in the interconnection agreement. If a CLEC does not make such arrangements for their end
users to access the ISP, the end user is blocked.
Line Information Database (LIDB):
This database is for alternate billing arrangements and Calling Name Feature (CNAM). LIDB queries return
information about billing and privacy features associated with line number entries stored in the database
(following an industry standard format).
Meet Point Arrangements for Interexchange Carrier Traffic:
A CLEC utilizing its own switch must establish Meet Point Arrangements for jointly provided access service
that utilizes or subtends the Verizon Access tandem(s). The CLEC must order separate Meet Point Trunks
with Verizon, also referred to as Access Toll Connecting trunks, to provide Switched Exchange Access
Service to its' end user customers, in lieu of connecting directly with the Interexchange Carriers (IXCs).
Verizon participates in the multiple bill/multiple tariffs billing option, as identified in the Ordering and Billing
Forum's (OBF) Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB) industry documentation. The MECAB and
other OBF industry documents can be ordered via These
industry documents outline the process of billing the IXCs, among others. Topics include; record exchange,
billing options, transport Billing Percentages (BPs), call scenarios, etc. CLECs should obtain and review this
valuable information.
Each CLEC should select a billing vendor to process the originating and terminating Category 11-01-XX
Access Records or undertake this activity directly. Verizon contracts with New York Access Billing, LLC to
provide Switched Carrier Access Billing & Collection services on Verizon's behalf New York Access Billing,
LLC can also provide CLECs with similar billing & collection services for jointly provided access services by
the CLEC and Verizon.
Verizon forwards its call detail records to New York Access Billing, LLC Billing Service Company, which
processes millions of records each month to provide accurate, timely, and confidential billing services.
CLECs would follow the same process. Bills are rendered on a consistent monthly billing cycle and meet
current industry billing standards for format and content. Reports are provided summarizing billed revenues
by element, billed volumes and settlement distributions. This vendor receives payments, handles follow-up
collection activities and carrier inquiries. Funds are distributed to the respective billing companies based
upon a predetermined multiple tariff settlement process.
Per OBF guidelines and contract Terms & Conditions, Verizon will send “Terminating access call detail
records” via cartridge or electronic format for distribution of Category 11 records to the CLEC directly or to
the CLEC’s billing vendor, based upon the CLEC's request. CLECs are obligated to provide Verizon or
Verizon’s billing vendor with the CLEC’s “Originating access call detail records”, per these same Terms &
Conditions. This process enables both the CLEC and Verizon to assess each party’s applicable access
charges to the relevant IXCs.
If the services of the New York Access Billing, LLC are required, please contact:
John Flack
New York Access Billing, LLC
100 State Street
Suite 650
Albany, New York 12207
Phone (518) 443-2805
NXX Testing:
Verizon performs testing for new NXXs on an automated basis or on a per request basis.
Verizon requires CLECs establish a standard test number for use in each new NXX opening. The CLEC
may choose the four-digit standard test number for every NXX the CLEC opens in Verizon.
Signaling System 7 (SS7):
CLECs interconnecting switches to the Verizon SS7 network needs to participate in SS7 testing and
certification process performed by Verizon to ensure accurate network signaling. The certification process
for local exchange carriers is different than that for Interexchange carriers, so being certified as an IXC does
not exempt a CLEC from the certification process.
Subsequent to initial interconnection to the Verizon SS7 network, CLECs are required to participate in SS7
testing and certification process when adding or changing point codes, installing a new switch or switch
generic and adding features such as CLASS, ISUP (call set up), LIDB, 800, AIN, LNP and other future
Verizon SS7 Interconnection Information Package – Verizon East
AIN Trigger Unbundling Principles and Questionnaire – Verizon East
To provide Verizon additional information regarding the CLEC’s SS7 Interconnection for use with the AIN
Service Control Points (SCPs) and Call Processing:
SCPs are AIN (Advanced Intelligent Network), LIDB (Line Information Database), 800/888 (toll free) and
LNP (local number portability). Access to these SCPs for call processing requires signaling over the SS7
with final Global Title Translation (GTT) performed at a Verizon Signal Transfer Point (STP).
CLECs operating without a switch purchase UNE plans for LIDB and 800/888 SCPs. Local Number
Portability and AIN are handled on Verizon switches for “switch less” CLECs. When CLECs design their
network they must accommodate for these types of SCPs
Interconnections with Other Local Service Providers (OLSPs):
When designing networks, a CLEC needs to consider how it interconnects with other CLECs or OLSPs. In
accordance with Verizon Interconnection Agreements, CLECs are required to exercise all reasonable efforts
to enter into reciprocal local traffic exchange arrangements with other CLECs with which they exchange
local traffic. Such arrangements are necessary regardless of whether the CLEC exchanges local traffic
directly or indirectly (via Verizon’s transit service) with the CLEC.
CLECs purchasing unbundled switching elements from Verizon to send and receive calls to/from other
carriers (OLSPs) without directly interconnecting to each OLSP may choose to use Verizon’s transit tandem
service for those OLSPs subtending Verizon tandems. CLECs originating such calls are billed termination
charges for the completion of their calls, which include Verizon tandem charges as well as terminating LEC
charges (unless other arrangements have been made through contract or tariff).
Other Local Service Providers (OLSP) Information Pages:
CLECs operating in Verizon may choose to list contact information in the Verizon directories, for Verizon
East refer to required information at Other Local Service Providers information pages
Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Request:
The North American Numbering Plan calls for a 10-digit telephone number. The first three numbers
designate the numbering plan area (NPA) (a.k.a. Area Code); the next three digits represent the central
office code (NXX) and the last four digits complete the line number.
In order to provide switch-based CLEC end users with telephone numbers, the CLEC needs to procure
NXXs within each numbering plan area (NPA) where end users will reside. Requests for NXX Assignments
are sent to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) Code Administrator.
NXX Testing - To request NXX testing (once NXXs are established) complete the Verification,
Evaluation and Testing System (VETS) Special Test Request.
Operator Services and Directory Assistance (OS/DA):
CLECs designing their network need to care for the routing and handling of Operator Services calls (e.g.,
CLEC end user dials 0 or 0 + telephone number), and the routing and handling of Directory Assistance calls
(e.g., CLEC end user dials 411 or 555-1212).
Subject to local switch capabilities, Verizon provides Operator Services and Directory Assistance to the
CLEC. However, a CLEC with interconnected switches must care for the routing of these calls in the design
of its interconnected network. The CLEC may also opt to use its own or a third party’s Operator Services
and/or Directory Assistance.
CLEC Questionnaire for the Provisioning on IntraLATA Call Completion Operator Services and Directory
Assistance Service is required when using Verizon’s Operator and Directory Assistance Services.
Verizon East-North
Verizon East-South
In Verizon West, contact your Verizon Account Manager or Verizon Contact to establish an Operator
Services and Directory Assistance agreement.
Interconnection Agreements
Interconnection/Resale/Unbundled Element Agreements
Network Quiet Periods:
“Network Quiet Periods,” are scheduled events typically used for updating switch software and network
changes. Verizon notifies CLECs of the quiet period schedule for each of the tandem offices via an industry
letter at least 30 days before the scheduled quiet periods, except in the event of an emergency (e.g., a
service-affecting problem). If changes to the schedule are necessary, the CLECs are notified as soon as
possible. It is important for CLECs to be aware of Verizon quiet periods. Likewise, it is important to
communicate CLEC network quiet periods to Verizon in such cases where Verizon accesses the CLECs
tandem switch.
For a schedule of Verizon Network Quiet Periods, please access
CLEC Support - Verizon East System Availability Hours of Operation and Forecast
CLEC Support - WISE Hours of Availability Verizon West
Network Design Request (NDR) Process
The NDR process was created to assist the CLEC in designing and implementing the CLEC’s network,
switch routing instructions, established features and feature activation for the switch provided to the CLEC
as part of Unbundled Local Switching. Unbundled Local Switching is provided on a state-by-state basis and
is a prerequisite for CLECs before purchasing Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) line ports (e.g., Platform,
UNE analog port and UNE ISDN BRI port).
The main difference between the Verizon East, North, Verizon East, South and Verizon West is how the
routing instructions are implemented.
Verizon East, South and Verizon West, Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) is employed to
establish the routing instructions.
Verizon East, North, Line Class Codes (LCC) are used to define the CLEC’s routing instructions in
each Central Office.
Verizon East, North NDR Option
Option A:
A customized routing/blocking offering defined by the CLEC subject to technical feasibility. This option
provides the flexibility for the CLEC to:
Customize routing and blocking.
Manage/change the office dialing plan (ODP).
Modify ODP independently without impacting other CLECs or Verizon.
Requirements to define build and establish LCC/ODP.
Implementation periods may vary for the NDR process based on the complexity of the request.
Varied implementation periods are based on:
o The number of switches and LCCs requested.
o Variation in call handling requirements requested.
o Blocking/customized routing requested.
o Added requirements using same switch resource needed to fulfill other
obligations, NPA splits/overlays, LNP, new NXX exchanges, other CLEC
The key features for Option A are the LCC and ODP, which are to be uniquely built for each CLEC selecting
this option.
The NDR process consists of three steps:
NDR Design
NDR implementation
1. Pre-NDR:
This phase consists of working meetings between Verizon and the CLEC to prepare for the establishment of
CLEC’s routing instructions in a particular Verizon switch/network. Discussions at the working meetings
Identifying the Verizon switches in which the CLEC intends to establish local switching capabilities.
Identifying whether the CLEC requires other Unbundled Network Elements in addition to Local
Switching and other relevant matters identified by the CLEC, such as Operator Service Directory
Assistance (OS/DA) re-branding requirements.
2. Design:
This phase includes all the design, planning and administration performed by Verizon’s project managers to
establish the CLEC’s routing instructions and OS/DA re-branding requirements in a Verizon switch/network
for the Unbundled Local Switching elements purchases by the CLEC.
3. Implementation:
This phase consists of all activities necessary to implement the LCCs and Operator Services re-branding
recording (if applicable) developed in the NDR Process within a particular switch or network.
Option A requires the CLEC to complete and submit the following forms:
Customer Profile
Verizon East & West Operator Services Questionnaire
LATA Presence Request Form - Northeast
Line Class Code Provisioning Form
Via receipt of completed forms Verizon will:
Acknowledge receipt of each NDR request on the business day it was received.
Within five (5) business days after the NDR request acknowledgement, a written confirmation
notice will be sent advising of accuracy or requesting additional information. If applicable, Verizon
will identify the total number of LCCs.
Within two (2) weeks after Verizon’s receipt of complete and accurate forms, the CLEC is provided
with the proposed completion dates for all the LCCs and ODP that have been requested.
Verizon Option A ODPs and LCCs are implemented on a negotiated interval basis.
A non-recurring charge applies based on time and materials for the developing of the LCCs depending on
the state the CLEC is purchasing Unbundled Local Switching.
Verizon East, North NDR Option
Option B:
Consists of standardized blocking options and the replication of the Verizon office dialing plan. The key
features are LCC and ODP, which exist in each switch.
Option B is limited to the Verizon office dialing plans including use of Verizon OS/DA platform. Any decision
by the CLEC to change/customize their ODP and/or blocking options (other than what is included in this
offering) means they must convert to Option A, resulting in a new NDR process and timeline.
The NDR process consists of three steps:
NDR Design
NDR Implementation
1. Pre-NDR:
This phase consists of working meetings between Verizon and the CLEC to prepare for the establishment of
the CLECs within a particular Verizon network. Discussions at the working meetings include:
Identifying the Verizon switches in which the CLEC intends to establish local switching capabilities.
Identifying whether the CLEC requires other Unbundled Network Elements in addition to Local
Switching and other relevant matters identified by the CLEC, such as Operator Service Directory
Assistance (OS/DA) re-branding requirements.
2. Design:
This phase includes all the design, planning and administration performed by Verizon’s project managers to
establish the CLECs within the Verizon network for the Unbundled Local Switching elements purchases by
the CLEC.
3. Implementation:
This phase consists of all activities necessary to implement the CLECs request developed in the NDR
design within the Verizon network.
Option B requires the CLEC to complete and submit the following forms:
Customer Profile
Verizon East & West Operator Services Questionnaire
LATA Presence Request Form - Northeast
Via receipt of completed forms Verizon will:
Acknowledge receipt of each NDR request on the business day it was received.
Within five (5) business days after the NDR request acknowledgement, a written confirmation
notice will be sent advising of accuracy or requesting additional information. If applicable, Verizon
will identify the total number of LCCs.
Within two (2) weeks after Verizon’s receipt of complete and accurate forms, the CLEC is provided
with the proposed completion dates for all the LCCs and ODP that have been requested.
Verizon implements Option B 45 Business days from receipt of all accurate and completed NDR forms.
There are no charges associated with Option B.
Verizon East, South NDR Option
The South NDR Option B is similar to Option B in Verizon East, North. Standard retail blocking options are
used and calls are routed in accordance with the Verizon office dialing plan. The only difference is the ability
to route OS/DA calls to:
Verizon OS/DA platform.
An alternate OS/DA platform.
The NDR process consists of three steps:
NDR Design
NDR Implementation
1. Pre-NDR:
This phase consists of working meetings between Verizon and the CLEC to prepare for the establishment of
the CLECs within a particular Verizon network. Discussions at the working meetings include:
Identifying the Verizon switches in which the CLEC intends to establish local switching capabilities.
Identifying whether the CLEC requires other Unbundled Network Elements in addition to Local
Switching and other relevant matters identified by the CLEC, such as Operator Service Directory
Assistance (OS/DA) re-branding requirements.
2. Design:
This phase includes all the design, planning and administration performed by Verizon’s project managers to
establish the CLECs within the Verizon network for the Unbundled Local Switching elements purchases by
the CLEC.
3. Implementation:
This phase consists of all activities necessary to implement the CLECs request developed in the NDR
design within the Verizon network.
Option B requires the CLEC to complete and submit the following forms:
Customer Profile
Verizon East & West Operator Services Questionnaire
LATA Presence Request Form – Mid-Atlantic
Line Class Code Request – LATA Presence Request Form (Verizon-East South) LCC.
Via receipt of completed forms Verizon will:
Acknowledge receipt of each NDR request on the business day it was received.
Within five (5) business days after the NDR request acknowledgement, a written confirmation
notice will be sent advising of accuracy or requesting additional information. If applicable, Verizon
will identify the total number of LCCs.
Within two (2) weeks after Verizon’s receipt of complete and accurate forms, the CLEC is provided
with the proposed completion dates for all the LCCs and ODP that have been requested.
Verizon implements Option B 45 Business days from receipt of all accurate and completed NDR forms.
There are no charges associated with Option B.
Verizon West NDR Option
Consist of standardized blocking options and the replication of the Verizon office dialing plan.
The NDR process consists of three steps:
NDR Design
NDR Implementation
1. Pre-NDR:
This phase consists of working meetings between Verizon and the CLEC to prepare for the establishment of
the CLECs within a particular Verizon network. Discussions at the working meetings include:
Identifying the Verizon switches in which the CLEC intends to establish local switching capabilities.
Identifying whether the CLEC requires other Unbundled Network Elements in addition to Local
Switching and other relevant matters identified by the CLEC, such as Operator Service Directory
Assistance (OS/DA) re-branding requirements.
2. Design:
This phase includes all the design, planning and administration performed by Verizon’s project managers to
establish the CLECs within the Verizon network for the Unbundled Local Switching elements purchases by
the CLEC.
3. Implementation:
This phase consists of all activities necessary to implement the CLECs request developed in the NDR
design within the Verizon network.
Verizon requires CLECs to complete and submit the following forms:
Customer Profile
Verizon East & West Operator Services Questionnaire
LATA Presence Request Form - West
Via receipt of completed forms Verizon will:
Acknowledge receipt of each NDR request on the business day it was received.
Within five (5) business days after the NDR request acknowledgement, a written confirmation
notice will be sent advising of accuracy or requesting additional information. If applicable, Verizon
will identify the total number of LCCs.
Within two (2) weeks after Verizon’s receipt of complete and accurate forms, the CLEC is provided
with the proposed completion dates for all the LCCs and ODP that have been requested.
Verizon implements Option B 45 Business days from receipt of all accurate and completed NDR forms.
There are no charges.