Re: Policy and Information Officer Ref: RoM 33 Date: 22/07/ 2013 Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in the above post. Enclosed is a pack containing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Background Information (for the RSG’s latest Annual Report, please see our website) Job Description Person Specification Application Form Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Rehabilitation of Offenders Form Please send your completed application form to: Recruitment Panel, Roma Support Group, P.O. Box 23610, London, E7 0XB or email to: clearly stating the subject: Job Title and Reference Number of the post you are applying for. Please note that the deadline for completed applications is Monday, 19th August at 5 pm. Applications received later will not be considered. I would also like to stress that we do not accept CVs. Interviews will be held at the Roma Support Group’s office in Canning Town on the 12th and 19th September 2013. You will be informed by telephone if you have been short listed, therefore could you provide us with daytime and evening telephone numbers. If you do not hear from us, please assume that your application has not been successful. Unfortunately, we cannot reply to those candidates, who have not been shortlisted. I wish you every success with your application and thank you for your interest in the Roma Support Group. Sylvia Ingmire (RSG Co-ordinator/ CEO) 1 Job Description Title: Policy & Information Officer (ref: RoM 33) Responsible to: Roma Support Group’s CEO Location of Post: L.B. Newham, Canning Town Purpose of Job: You will be responsible for developing the Roma Support Group’s policy positions, ensuring that they are informed by experiences and views of Roma refugees and migrants in the UK. You will effectively communicate their perspective to key stakeholders at regional, national and European levels, contribute to policy debates and the development of new Romarelevant strategies. Hours: 14 hours per week Salary: £27,300 pro rata; (actual: £10,920 per annum), inc. LW (NJC scale SO1) This post is funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust for 1 year. Context of the Job: The Roma Support Group (RSG) is a registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. The organisation was established in 1998 in order to improve the quality of life of Roma refugees and migrants. At present the organisation delivers the following projects and services: a/ General Advice & Advocacy for Roma families; b/ Advocacy for Roma Elder People; c/Aspiration Project for Young Roma; d/ Art Development Project; e/ Sport Activities (football & karate sessions); f/ Promoting an understanding of Roma Culture through training, consultation, disseminating of our resources and a delivery of Roma Culture Workshops in schools. Roma refugees and migrants are amongst the most discriminated and socially excluded minorities in the UK. They have the shortest life expectancy, the lowest educational attainment and are one of the most vulnerable to poverty groups in Britain. There is an urgent need to facilitate their social, economic and political inclusion to ensure that social justice, fairness and equality are at the heart of their process of integration in the UK. The need and demand for our work is reflected in our casework statistics. At present we provide assistance to over 870 Roma families from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Balkan countries, etc. Our centres are located around high concentrations of Roma people in the L. B. Newham and L. B. Hammersmith & Fulham. 2 With a wealth of data collected from our services and projects, the RSG is uniquely placed to gather evidence of disadvantage and the challenges that Roma people face in London and across the UK. This data provides us with an extremely potent tool to create well-informed policy positions, campaigns and contributions to the national debate, making us one of the best informed Roma-led charity organisation in the UK. We want to use this information to influence policy makers and co-shape new strategies and best practice. This work is increasingly important for the RSG, particularly due to the diminishing support for Roma communities, lack of specialised services and the transient nature of professionals working with Roma refugees and migrants. We are now building our capacity to manage and deliver a more effective approach to our policy, information and campaigning work and you will play a vital role in this process. Job Outline: Central to the Roma Support Group’s (RSG) advocacy and campaigning role is our policy and information work, which will be vital to our engagement with central and local governments, EU decision makers and other key players in the policy making area. Using evidence from our casework, London-based Roma Refugee and Migrant Forum, focus group meetings and our work in other regions, the Policy and Information Officer will develop RSG’s policy positions, provide information and build strategic relationships with a wide range of stakeholders. S/he will also disseminate findings internally and externally through e-bulletins and local/ regional meetings with Roma activists and professionals working with Roma communities. Policy and Information Officer will work closely with the Roma Advocacy and Campaign Project Worker in co-facilitating Roma Forum in London, as well as empowering Roma advocates to represent their communities at strategic meetings with policy and decision makers and participate in local/ regional campaigns. Policy and Information Officer will be line-managed and supported by the CEO and will collaborate closely with all members of the Roma Support Group’s staff, as well as volunteers. Main Duties and Key Responsibilities: Policy & Information Officer will be expected to work as a member of a team under the overall supervision of the CEO. However, s/he will be expected to perform many of the duties outlined below independently and working on his/ her own initiative. 3 a. Policy & Information Work: You will develop the RSG’s external relations programme and policy influencing work by building strategic relationships with parliamentarians, senior civil servants and other key stakeholders. You will represent Roma refugees and migrants’ perspective to the European Commission, MEPs, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, etc. You will conduct policy and information research. You will co-develop the RSG’s policy positions based on the evidence provided by Roma Refugee and Migrant Forum, Roma focus group meetings, casework and research. You will prepare internal briefing notes and responses to public consultations. You will take part in external meetings with research, policy and other key stakeholders. You will respond to media enquiries, provide information and policy perspectives for media briefings. You will write and disseminate quarterly e-bulletins to statutory and nonstatutory agencies working with Roma communities across England. You will develop working relationships with Roma initiatives and empower Roma activists from different regions of the UK using RSG’s database of current contacts. Together with Roma Advocacy and Campaigning Worker, you will be coresponsible for running a strategic Roma Refugee & Migrant Forum in East London. b. Supervising Volunteers: You will outreach, recruit and support volunteers through induction sessions, in-house training, referrals to external training, regular supervisions and on-going support. You will ensure that all volunteers have DBS checks before they start their work. c. Other Project – Related Duties: You will review the work plan, targets and aims, as well as provide regular reports to the RSG’s Co-ordinator, Project Steering Group and the Management Committee (MC). You will set up a monitoring and evaluation plan to measure the impact of local/ regional/ national policy and information work. You will be required to monitor and evaluate your work on a regular basis and write reports to funders, the RSG’s website, Annual Report, etc., when necessary. You will be responsible for establishing, running and administrating the Project Steering Group, which will meet four times per year and whose aim is to oversee the development of the policy and information work. 4 You will take part in training, which will be relevant to your work. You will discuss your training needs with the RSG’s Co-ordinator. d. General Responsibilities: You will be administratively self-sufficient in terms of writing your letters, leaflets, reports, etc. You will be attending the Roma Support Group’s staff meetings, supervisions, AGMs, Policy Days, etc. You will carry out the responsibilities of the post with full regard to the Roma Support Group’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Outreach Policy, Health and Safety Policy, financial procedures and other procedural guidelines. You may be required to identify appropriate funders and apply for funding under the supervision of your line manager. Other duties as required. e. Special Responsibilities: You will occasionally work outside of normal hours, especially if you organise or participate in an event. Extra hours worked will be compensated by time off in lieu. Additional Information: Because you will be working with vulnerable people, you will undergo a DBS check before you commence your work. The RSG has a small staff team and everyone is expected to work together as a team, contributing to shared tasks as well as taking responsibility for their own area of work. Terms and Conditions 1. Salary: £27,300 pro rata; (actual: £10,920 per annum), inc. LW 2. Hours of Work: 14 hours per week excluding lunch meal breaks; Hours of work will be fixed but with some flexibility and will exclude meal breaks; You may have to work occasionally outside of normal hours due to the vagaries of the job. Extra hours will be compensated by time off in lieu. You must inform the RSG’s Co-ordinator/ CEO prior to undertaking any overtime for which you wish to be compensated by time off in lieu. 3. Location: 5 You will be based at the main office in Canning Town (L.B. Newham) but you will also visit our outreach venue in White City (L.B. Hammersmith & Fulham) 4. Annual Leave: You will be entitled to 9.5 days of annual leave. The allowance for the annual leave for a full time worker (working 35 hours per week) is 24 working days per year plus public holidays that fall upon the days that the worker would normally work. 5. Probation Period: All appointments are subject to a six-month probationary period. 6. Notice Period: The notice period required to be given by either side is not less than 4 weeks and it must be done in writing. 6 PERSON SPECIFICATION Job Title: Policy and Information Officer Criteria Experience and Knowledge Essential Requirements Skills and Abilities Qualifications Knowledge and empathy with issues affecting Roma refugee and migrant communities in London ; Knowledge and understanding of Roma culture; Knowledge of immigration law in relation to asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants; At least 2 years of experience of policy change and information work; An understanding of the UK and EU social policies that affect Roma refugees and migrants; Knowledge of the working of Parliament, central government, local authorities and the EU; Knowledge/ experience of working on public affairs campaigns; Experience of monitoring, collecting and analysing data and project evaluation; At least 2 years of experience of volunteer supervision, project management and development; Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills (e.g.: drafting key reports, press releases, summarising documents, etc.); Excellent verbal communication and presentation skills; Ability to communicate complex information clearly; Ability to listen to others and work in a non-judgmental way; Ability to establish trust-based relationships with a wide range of stakeholders and partners; Ability to work collaboratively; Analytical and conceptual thinking skills; Numeracy and statistics skills; Ability to plan, prioritise and manage your own workload within a pressurised environment; Ability to follow procedures and be administratively self-sufficient Desirable requirements Fluency in Romanes and /or one of East European languages, i.e. Polish, Slovak, Czech, Romanian. .Ability to design and produce your own publicity material; To be educated to degree level or equivalent and demonstrate 7 Relevant Personal Characteristics Special Job Circumstances considerable experience and ability in the skills listed above Adaptability and flexibility; Ability to negotiate and influence, and a positive approach to solving problems; Ability to proactively build relationships; Motivation, drive and perseverance; Enthusiasm, willingness to take responsibility for own work areas and “can do” approach; Innovation and creativity; Ability to pay close attention to detail, deliver accurately and to deadlines; Commitment to and understanding of Equal Opportunities and confidentiality; A sense of humour! Willingness to attend meetings and training as required ; Willingness to work flexibly, which may require evenings or weekends for which time off in lieu will be given; Be a good team worker demonstrating loyalty and commitment to the organisation and team members; Candidates will require a high degree of mobility to travel around London. . Clean Driving License 8 ROMA SUPPORT GROUP APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT This form will be photocopied, so please type your answers or write clearly in black ink. Please use the same size (A4) paper for any additional pages. Please return the form to: The Recruitment Panel, Roma Support Group, P.O. Box 23610, London, E7 0XB or email to: Please read the guidance notes for applicants before completing this form. Post Applied For (Ref No) RoM 33 How did you find out about the post? __________________________________________________________________ 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Surname: First Name(s): Address: Post Code: Tel. No: (Home): (Mobile): (Work): Please tick if it is not convenient for us to contact you at work 2. REFERENCES Please give the details of two referees, not relatives, the first of which should be your present or most recent employer. Please note that referees may be approached prior to interview, so please indicate if this is a problem. Name: Name: Address: Address: Telephone No.: Telephone No.: Occupation: Occupation: 3. SUMMARY OF EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS 9 (Most recent first) Dates Institution, Qualifications obtained 4. OTHER RELEVANT TRAINING Dates Details of Training Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary 5. YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE Please give details of your present job or, if you are not working, your last job. 10 Name and address of employer (and type of business): Dates: from … until … Position held: Salary: Other benefits: Notice period: Reason for leaving or seeking new employment: Please give a brief description of your duties and responsibilities: 6. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Please give details of your previous jobs. Put your most recent job first. Give details of any gaps in your employment history including unemployment. Dates: Name & Address of Employer Duties & Achievements Reasons for Leaving Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. 7. SUPPORTING STATEMENT In this section you should demonstrate how you meet the requirements for the job. Relate your skills and experience to each area of the Person Specification. If you feel you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet. 11 12 8. DECLARATION The Roma Support Group reserves the right to confirm the factual basis of any information you have provided. If any particulars given by you in this application form are found to be false or if you willfully omit or suppress any material facts, you may be liable to dismissal if appointed. I declare to the best of my knowledge the information provided on this form is correct. Signed: Date: 13 ROMA SUPPORT GROUP EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Roma Support Group is committed to take positive steps to ensure that noone is treated less favourably on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origin, colour, creed, religion, disability or age (legal restrictions excepted). To assist us in monitoring our policy, and for no other reason, please answer the following questions. This information is treated as strictly confidential and this form will not be used in the selection process. Completing this section of the application form is voluntary. POSITION APPLIED FOR: SURNAME: FIRST NAMES: 1. Please show which group best describes your ethnic origin or descent by ticking one of the boxes below: Bangladeshi Black African Black Caribbean Chinese Indian Pakistani White Roma/Gypsy Other If “Other”, please state: 2. Have you a disability we should know about? If yes, please give some further details: 14 REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 (EXCEPTION) ORDER 1986 FORM Name (in full, please print): _________________________________________________ Post Applied for: _______________________________________________ We would draw your attention to the following statement: “Because of the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1986. Applicants are, therefore, not entitled to withhold information about convictions and cautions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provisions of the Act”. The following questions must be answered by all applicants. You should provide details about all pending or spent prosecutions, convictions and cautions. The information should include the approximate date, the offence and the Court or Police Service which dealt with the offence. DO YOU HAVE A PROSECUTION PENDING OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED AT A COURT OR CAUTIONED BY THE POLICE FOR ANY OFFENCE? YES/NO (please tick) IF YES PLEASE GIVE DETAILS AND DATES IN THE SPACE BELOW. DECLARATION: I understand that, if it is found that I have withheld information or included any false or misleading information above, I will be disqualified from the appointment, or, if already appointed, this will render me liable to dismissal without notice. I understand that the information will be kept securely by the RSG. I hereby declare that the information I have provided is accurate. Signed: Date: Please return this form with your Application Form 15