
國立高雄師範大學 100 學年度學士班轉學生招生考試試題
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第一頁,共八頁)
選擇題(每題 2%)
1. The summary equation for cellular respiration is : C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O +
Energy Which of the following statements describes the results of this reaction?
(A) C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced
(B) C6H12O6 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized
(C) O2 is oxidized and H2O is reduced
(D) O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized
(E) CO2 is reduced and O2 is oxidized
2. Most cells are surrounded by water, and cells themselves are about 70-95% water. Water passes
quickly through cell membranes because
(A) it is a small, polar, charged molecule
(B) it moves through aquaporins in the membrane
(C) the bilayer is hydrophilic
(D) it moves through hydrophobic channels
(E) water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis
3. Each cell has thousands of different kinds of molecules. What kinds of molecules pass through a
cell membrane most easily?
(A) monosaccharides such as glucose
(B) ionic
(C) small and hydrophobic
(D) large and hydrophobic
(E) polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen
4. Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?
(A) mitochondrion
(B) nuclear envelope
(C) chloroplast
(D) ribosome (E) ER
第 1 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第二頁,共八頁)
5. Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?
(A) chloroplast
(B) wall made of cellulose
(C) central vacuole (D) centriole
(E) ER
6. During which phases of mitosis are chromosomes composed of two chromatids?
(A) from interphase through telophase
(B) from G1 of interphase through metaphase
(C) from prophase through telophase
(D) from anaphase through telophase
(E) from G2 of interphase through metaphase
7. Most components of the electron transport chain are proteins. Where are the proteins of the
electron transport chain located?
(A) mitochondrial inner membrane
(B) mitochondrial outer membrane
(C) mitochondrial intermembrane space
(D) mitochondrial matrix
(E) cytosol
8. Calvin cycle is a series of biochemical redox reactions. Where does the Calvin cycle take place?
(A) thylakoid membrane (B) stroma of the chloroplast (C) outer membrane of the chloroplast
(D) mitochondrial matrix (E) mitochondrial outer membrane
9. A plant has a unique photosynthetic pigment. The leaves of this plant appear to be reddish yellow.
What wavelengths of visible light are being absorbed by this pigment?
(A) red and yellow
and yellow
(B) green and yellow
(C) blue and violet
(D) green and red
(E) blue
10. Transcription factors are found in living organisms. Which is true of transcription factors?
(A) They regulate the replication of DNA in response to a signal
(B) They regulate the synthesis of protein in response to a signal
(C) They initiate the epinephrine response in animal cells
(D) They control which genes are expressed
(E) They are needed to regulate the synthesis of lipids in the cytoplasm
11. The somatic cells derived from a single-celled zygote divide by which process?
(A) replication
(B) cell fusion
(C) meiosis
(D) mitosis
12. Cells that are in a nondividing state are in which phase?
(A) M (B) S
(C) G2
(D) G1 (E) G0
第 2 頁,共 8 頁
(E) cell dedifferentiation
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第三頁,共八頁)
13. Black fur in mice (B) is dominant to brown fur (b). Short tails (T) are dominant to long tails (t).
What fraction of the progeny of the cross BbTt × Bbtt will have black fur and long tails?
(A) 3/8 (B) 1/8 (C)3/4
(D) 1/4 (E)3/16
14. A woman has five sons and a daughter. The chance that her next child will be a daughter is
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/6 (D) 5/6 (E) 0
15. What is the chromosomal system for determining sex in bees?
(A) X-Y (B) X-0
(C) haploid-diploid
(D) Z-W (E) X-X
16. In an analysis of the nucleotide composition of DNA, which of the following will be found?
(A) T = G (B) A = G and C = T (C) A + C = G + T (D) G + C = T + A (E) A=C
17. Many proteins work together in DNA replication and repair. Which would you expect of a
eukaryotic cell lacking telomerase?
(A) a high probability of becoming cancerous
(B) inability to repair thymine dimmers
(C) production of Okazaki fragments
(D) a reduction in chromosome length
(E) high sensitivity to sunlight
18. Plants such as ferns and mosses are called nonflowering plants and produce spores. Plant spores
are produced directly by
(A) seeds
(B) gametangia
(C) gametophytes
(D) gametes
(E) sporophytes
19. Which of the following structures is diploid?
(A) sporophyte
(B) spore (C) egg
(D) sperm
(E) gametophyte
20. The main way that pine trees disperse their offspring is by using
(A) spores (B) windblown seeds (C) fruits that are eaten by animals
swimming through water (E) squirrels to bury cones
(D) flagellated sperm
21. Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals taken up from the soil?
(A) taproots (B) root hairs (C) storage roots (D) sections of the root that have secondary xylem
22. What is the main cause of guttation in plants?
(A) transpiration (B) pressure flow in phloem
(E) condensation of atmospheric water
(C) root pressure
第 3 頁,共 8 頁
(D) plant injury
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第四頁,共八頁)
23. Among important crop plants, nitrogen-fixing root nodules are most commonly an attribute of
(A) corn (B) wheat (C) potato (D) legume (E) banana
24. Where is the location of the ovary?
(A) stamen (B) sepals (C) petals
(D) receptacle
(E) carpel
25. A plant seedling bends toward sunlight because
(A) auxin is found in greatest abundance on the dark side of the stem
(B) auxin migrates to the lower part of the stem due to gravity
(C) auxin is destroyed more quickly on the dark side of the stem
(D) gibberellins is destroyed more quickly on the dark side of the stem
(E) gibberellins produced at the stem tip cause phototropism
26. Which of the following properties or processes do we associate with living things?
(A) evolutionary adaptations
(B) energy processing
(C) responding to the environment
(D) growth and reproduction
(E) all of the above
27. About 25 of the 92 natural elements are known to be essential to life. Which four of these 25
elements make up approximately 96% of living matter?
(A) carbon, sodium, chlorine, nitrogen
(B) carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrogen
(C) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium
(D) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
(E) carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium
28. In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by
(A) hydrogen bonds.
(B) nonpolar covalent bonds.
(C) polar covalent bonds.
(D) ionic bonds.
(E) van der Waals interactions.
29. Organic chemistry is a science based on the study of
(A) functional groups.
(B) vital forces interacting with matter.
(C) carbon compounds.
(D) water and its interaction with other kinds of molecules.
(E) inorganic compounds.
第 4 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第五頁,共八頁)
30. What is the chemical mechanism by which cells make polymers from monomers?
(A) phosphodiester linkages
(B) hydrolysis
(C) dehydration reactions
(D) ionic bonding of monomers
(E) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers
31. When biologists wish to study the internal ultrastructure of cells, they most likely would use
(A) a light microscope.
(B) a scanning electron microscope.
(C) a transmission electronic microscope.
(D) A and B
(E) B and C
32. Who was/were the first to propose that cell membranes are phospholipid bilayers?
(A) H. Davson and J. Danielli
(B) I. Langmuir
(C) C. Overton
(D) S. Singer and G. Nicolson
(E) E. Gorter and F. Grendel
33. Which term most precisely describes the cellular process of breaking down large molecules into
smaller ones?
(A) catalysis (B) metabolism (C) anabolism (D) dehydration (E) catabolism
34. What is the term for metabolic pathways that release stored energy by breaking down complex
(A) anabolic pathways (B) catabolic pathways (C) fermentation pathways
(D) thermodynamic pathways (E) bioenergetic pathways
35. If photosynthesizing green algae are provided with CO2 synthesized with heavy oxygen (18O), later
analysis will show that all but one of the following compounds produced by the algae contain the
18O label. That one is
(A) PGA (B) PGAL (C) glucose (D) RuBP (E) O2
第 5 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第六頁,共八頁)
36. The centromere is a region in which
(A) chromatids remain attached to one another until anaphase.
(B) metaphase chromosomes become aligned at the metaphase plate.
(C) chromosomes are grouped during telophase.
(D) the nucleus is located prior to mitosis.
(E) new spindle microtubules form at either end.
37. The sporophytes of mosses depend on the gametophytes for water and nutrition. In seed plants,
the reverse is true. From which seed plant sporophyte structure(s) do the immature (unfertilized)
gametophytes directly gain water and nutrition?
(A) sporophylls
(B) embryos
(C) sporangia
(D) sporopollenin
(E) ovary
38. Which of the following do all fungi have in common?
(A) meiosis in basidia (B) coenocytic hyphae
(E) symbioses with algae
(C) sexual life cycle
(D) absorption of untrients
39. When air temperature exceeds their body temperature, jackrabbits living in hot, arid lands will
(A) dilate the blood vessels in their large ears.
(B) constrict the blood vessels in their large ears.
(C) increase movements to find a sunny area.
(D) bask in a sunny, exposed area.
(E) begin involuntary shivering of their skeletal muscles.
40. The body is capable of catabolizing many substances as sources of energy. Which of the
following would be used as an energy source only after the depletion of other sources?
(A) fat in adipose tissue
(B) glucose in the blood
(C) protein in muscle cells
(D) glycogen in muscle cells
(E) calcium phosphate in bone
41. Which of the following is a sensation and not a perception?
(A) seeing the colors in a rainbow
(B) a nerve impulse induced by sugar stimulating sweet receptors on the tongue
(C) the smell of natural gas escaping from an open burner on a gas stove
(D) the unique taste of french fries with cheese
(E) the sound of a fire-truck siren as it passes by your car
第 6 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第七頁,共八頁)
42. What is a genome?
(A) The complete complement of an organism's genes
(B) A specific set of polypeptides within each cell
(C) A specialized polymer of four different kinds of monomers
(D) A specific segment of DNA that is found within a prokaryotic chromosome
(E) An ordered display of chromosomes arranged from largest to smallest
43. Pea plants were particularly well suited for use in Mendel's breeding experiments for all of the
following reasons except that
(A) peas show easily observed variations in a number of characters, such as pea shape and flower
(B) it is possible to control matings between different pea plants.
(C) it is possible to obtain large numbers of progeny from any given cross.
(D) peas have an unusually long generation time.
(E) many of the observable characters that vary in pea plants are controlled by single genes.
44. Why did the improvement of microscopy techniques in the late 1800s set the stage for the
emergence of modern genetics?
(A) It revealed new and unanticipated features of Mendel's pea plant varieties.
(B) It allowed the study of meiosis and mitosis, revealing parallels between behaviors of genes
and chromosomes.
(C) It allowed scientists to see the DNA present within chromosomes.
(D) It led to the discovery of mitochondria.
(E) It showed genes functioning to direct the formation of enzymes.
45. For a couple of decades, biologists knew the nucleus contained DNA and proteins. The
prevailing opinion was that the genetic material was proteins, and not DNA. The reason for this
belief was that proteins are more complex than DNA. What was the basis of this thinking?
(A) Proteins have a greater variety of three-dimensional forms than does DNA.
(B) Proteins have two different levels of structural organization; DNA has four.
(C) Proteins are made of 40 amino acids and DNA is made of four nucleotides.
(D) Some viruses only transmit proteins.
(E) A and B are correct.
第 7 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:生 物 科 技 系 二 年 級
目:普 通 生 物 學 (第八頁,共八頁)
46. The nitrogenous base adenine is found in all members of which group?
(A) proteins, triglycerides, and testosterone
(B) proteins, ATP, and DNA
(C) ATP, RNA, and DNA
(D) alpha glucose, ATP, and DNA
(E) proteins, carbohydrates, and ATP
47. What does the operon model attempt to explain?
(A) the coordinated control of gene expression in bacteria
(B) bacterial resistance to antibiotics
(C) how genes move between homologous regions of DNA
(D) the mechanism of viral attachment to a host cell
(E) horizontal transmission of plant viruses
48. What characteristics of electron microscopes make them most useful for studying viruses?
(A) high energy electrons with high penetrance
(B) requirement that specimens be viewed in a vacuum
(C) necessity for specimens to be dry and fixed
(D) shorter wavelengths providing higher resolution
(E) use of magnetic fields to focus electrons
49. Which enzyme was used to produce the tRNA molecule?
(A) ligase (B) transcriptase (C) a restriction enzyme (D) RNA polymerase (E) DNA polymerase
50. For mapping studies of genomes, most of which were far along before 2000, the 3-stage method
was often used. Which is the usual order in which the stages were performed, assuming some
overlap of the three?
(A) genetic map, sequencing of fragments, physical map
(B) linkage map, physical map, sequencing of fragments
(C) sequencing of entire genome, physical map, genetic map
(D) cytogenetic linkage, sequencing, physical map
(E) physical map, linkage map, sequencing
第 8 頁,共 8 頁