SUBJECT: Computer Studies COURSE Integrated Computer Teaching Methods CODE EDU2134 PROGRAMME SECONDARY YEAR I ( Summer ) DURATION 45 hours NO. OF CREDITS 3 PREREQUISITES: CXC Grade 1, 2 and 3 General Proficiency or Grade 1 or 2 Technical Proficiency GCE ‘O’ Level Grade A, B and C, and other accredited Examination Bodies RATIONALE This Course is intended to examine the computer teacher’s role in a secondary school setting and to provide prospective teachers with insights and practical experiences that will enable them to improve their students’ computer skills and understanding. Teachers need to become aware of the applications of computers in education so that they can integrate their uses into the curriculum in creative as well as appropriate ways PURPOSE OF THE COURSE This course is designed to introduce computer science students to the pedagogy of teaching within their area of specialization such as: 1. To understand how computers can be used in the in instructional process for presenting information, guiding students, providing practice and Assessing students learning. 2. To understand the cognitive aspect of computer based instruction to the teaching learning process. 3. To appreciate the need for instructional planning in the teaching of computer studies. 4. To know the procedures involved in the selection and use of educational software in teaching of a subject area, and an introduction to its design. 5. Instructional Objectives This unit will explore the nature of multimedia courseware and assess the pros and cons of multimedia and hypermedia courseware in relation to linear and text-based applications. It will also provide practical hands-on experience that participants require developing and implementing instructional materials using technologies such as video, sound, animation, and multimedia CD-Rom Development using various tools such as Macromedia Director, Shockwave, Real Media, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere. Instructional Objectives Content The Concept of Methodology 1. Differentiate between the Definition of a method and terms method and a strategy strategies used in teaching computer studies 2. Identify the various methods and strategies used in teaching computer studies. Types of a method Didactic Socratic Programmed Activity Activities Review experiences as a primary/secondary school learner Critique methods observed in schools during observation exercise Research…. Internet/Textbooks Classifying methods and strategies Group Presentations Instructional Objectives 3. Discuss the characteristics of the four types of methods 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the four identified methods. 5. Explain the different factors to consider in choosing teaching methods 6. Select methods that are appropriate to the teaching of computer science content 7. Apply the various methods of teaching to the delivery of computer science content 8. Apply different techniques in teaching to the delivery of computer studies. Content Characteristics of each method Activities Advantages and Disadvantages of each method Factors to consider in choosing teaching methods Content, teacher, learner, and classroom environment Selection and use of methods Questioning, cooperative learning etc. Teacher and Student Centred Strategies 9. Explain what is meant by “ teacher centred” teaching 10. Identify teacher centred strategies 11. Explain the criteria used in selection of strategies Definition of “teacher centred teaching” Characteristics of teacher centred teaching Lecture Demonstration Concept Mapping/Building Drill and Practice Modeling Explanation Advantages and Disadvantages of each strategy Strategies for topics in a specialist area 12. Select appropriate strategies for topics in a specialist area 13. Discuss the strengths and Strengths and limitations of limitations of each each strategy strategy o Literature Review o Developing steps – narrative and diagrammatic – on how to use selected assigned strategies, o Viewing and creating videotapes on the use of different strategies. o Presentations o Group Discussion o Group Presentations Instructional Objectives 14. Relate learning theories to identified strategies 15. Explain what is meant by “ student centred” Learning 16. Identify student centred strategies 17. Explain the criteria used in selection of each strategy 18. Select appropriate strategies for topics in a specialist area 19. Discuss the strengths and limitations of each strategy 20. Relate learning theories to identified strategies Content Theoretical bases for strategies Cognitive learning theory Bandura’s social learning theory Definition of “student centred” Learning Characteristics of student centred teaching Guided /Unguided inquiry Discovery Learning Socratic questioning Open learning Computer Aided instruction Problem solving Discussion (entire class, guided or open) Experiential Learning: Dramatization, field trips, experiments, model building, work experience, case study Interactive Instruction: Cooperative learning, Forums, brainstorming, Groups ( Buzz groups, problem solving groups) debates. Advantages and Disadvantages of each strategy Strategies for topics in a specialist area Strengths and Limitations of each strategy Learning theories associated with strategies Behavioural theories Social Learning Theories Cognitive Learning Theories Interrelatedness of Activities Instructional Objectives Content strategies Activities Planning for Instructional delivery in Computer Application 21. Explain the relationship between unit and lesson planning 22. Justify the need for unit and lesson planning 23. Describe the major elements of unit and lesson plans 24. Classify objectives according to the domains of learning 25. Write instructional objectives which reflect the various domains of learning 26. Select available materials for teaching computer science o Large and small group discussion o Writing goals, Types of lesson plans general and Theory specific Practice objectives Demonstration o Classifying Review objectives Test Developing unit and Planning Instruction Outlining the pros and cons Lesson Plans of presenting subject matter in a logical and psychological sequence Explaining the principles of psychology which enhance learning in computing (Simple to complex, the repetitive expanding cycle, and spiral learning) Reasons for developing unit and lesson plans Classify and write objectives (Criteria, action and condition) General and Specific objectives Materials for teaching computer science Software, On-line tutorials, visual aids, (with specific emphasis on programming and software packages in an educational environment and the use of software packages for instructional design and delivery) Curricula for the secondary level Printed Material, Evaluate software and textbooks used in the teaching of Computer Science Textbooks, Periodicals, Manuals, Audio-visual aids 27. Adopt computer science Presentation in concepts for presentation Programming Languages in programming for educational settings languages commonly available in an educational setting. 28. Identify factors to Textbook Selection consider in textbook selection and community resources. 29. Develop suitable unit and Unit and Lesson Plans Write unit and lesson lesson plans, structure plans for micro teaching Micro-teaching sessions for Application Tools and Information Technology 30. Evaluate pupils, before Formative and Summative Micro teaching and after teaching a topic, evaluations The student teacher’s by use of readiness and peer and lecturers will mastery tests. evaluate the lesson presented. Each 31. Plan lessons to be taught Peer Teaching presentation will be to their peers within a discussed in terms of specified time strengths, weaknesses 32. Evaluation of lessons (E1 Reflective evaluations and possible ways in and E2 of a plan) which the lesson could be improved. Textbooks and References Course developers COURSE WORK 40 % Tests, Microteaching session and a major project Final Examination Weighting 60% Essay Questions