Data request template / Prequestionnaire for Heads of Agencies 30 July 2008 NOTE: 1. This tool/guidance has been developed based on the experiences of the DaO Pilot countries. 2. Capacity assessment team to send out data request to Heads of Agencies - possibly through RCO. i Tool description The data request template will ideally be sent out to all agencies prior to the capacity assessment mission(s). The agencies should be able to complete the data request within 1 to 2 weeks. The data request includes - The required data to carry out the job description analysis (i.e., an overall picture of current capacities per agencies based on all job descriptions): o All job descriptions o Up to date staff list (including name, job title, grade) o Agency organigram (including reporting lines to HQ and regional hubs) - Qualitative and quantitative information on non-resident capacity - Documentation of CER key documents ii Key Data requests for Capacity Assessment: TYPE 1: Request to Heads of Agencies 1. What is your agency’s total financial investment for year xxxx in USD? How much of your agency’s financial investments / funding resides in the UNDAF or common programming tool, and outside? Investments (% of funding) UNDAF or common programming tool Outside Total 100% 2. Please provide us with a full breakdown of local structure for each resident agency (to understand current capacity) Organigram Staff count (in numbers and FTEs) Job descriptions Data on individual team members’ tenure and level Additional contractor or volunteer resources leveraged locally that may not be captured in official staff tables Total budget (Core and Non-Core) Funded/non funded programmes 3. Capacity Brought From Outside Utilized At The Country Level It would be great if you had a list of all missions conducted in the last year (e.g. Excel spreadsheet) with the following information: - Length of mission - Number of people on mission - Subject matter of mission What are the sources of capacity brought from outside that are utilized in your agency at the country level? 1. Agency HQ? If so, please describe the reporting lines from country level to HQ 2. Agency Regional Hubs? If so, please identify all regional hubs that exist and from which your agency receives support at the country level 3. Agency Resource Centers? If so, please identify all resource centers that exist and from which your agency receives support at the country level iii 4. External Partnerships? If so, please identify all major partners that your agency leverages for delivery at the country level, specifying name and type (International NGO, local government, national NGO, etc). How are the resources and capacity brought from outside defined and prioritized? Is there an overlap between the various sources? In case of resources received from Agency HQ, regional hubs or resource centers, please provide a rough estimate of the following: Average numerical size of the staff and resources towards the country office HQs In case of missions Agency Regional Hubs Agency Resource Centres How many missions How many people per mission How much time spent per person on each mission In case of out- How many people of-country involved support How much time spent per person per year B. Nature and significance of the different types of support received HQs For total support (mission + out-ofcountry) Agency Regional Hubs Agency Resource Centres Types of topics/ functions % of total support per function In case of resources received from external partnerships, please provide a rough estimate of the following: o Average number of sub-agreements per year iv o o o o Average number of people involved per sub-agreement Average time spent per person per sub-agreement Which roles/functions are played by these partners? (e.g., functional experts, administrative support, finance, HR, etc) Average percentage of total support (missions and remote) utilized per function How well are these various sources currently equipped with the necessary expertise and skills? Is out-of-country expertise available in a timely manner? How long does it typically take (from request to deployment) to obtain support? How important will these resources from outside be going forward for CER? Will any changes be expected? Please provide a rough estimate of the increase/decrease regarding out-of-country staff and human resources from implementing agencies that would be required versus the current situation. 4. Capacity differences to deliver on plans for next 1-2 years Do you have the right capacities to deliver on new projects and other work that your agency will be starting as part of the UNDAF or common programming tool? o If not, explain why not and how your capacity would need to change. Please be specific about which projects & work need change, and then about the changes needed in each case in the type and amount of capacity. UNDAF or common programming tool UNDAF or common Estimated additional staffing need outcomes programming tool outputs (number and role/level) E.g.1: 0.5 person for agriculture (specialized in husbandry) and focusing on giving technical assistance and considered a leading world class advisor E.g. 2: 2 people for education (specialized in primary education) and focusing on policy advice and considered able to advise middle level government officials 4. Information on Programmes and on "CER" plans (to understand historic capacity requirements and how these may be impacted by a joint programming approach) Please submit the following documentation ‘CER concept paper for the country– Concept paper signed by all agencies v UNDAF or common programming tool and any other documents giving overview of key programme areas of focus – UNDAF or common programming tool final document Common Operational Document (if available) Communication Strategy Joint UN Resource Mobilisation Strategy and related documents OMT action plan and updates Individual agency Country Programme Action Plans, country strategy documents and related operational plans (Country Programme Management Plans or similar documentation outlining staffing and technical support structures) Data on programme size and delivery rates in last 4 years Any major foreseen changes in programmes Assessments and studies on UN roles and functions undertaken in relation to new development aid environment Work plans for UNCT or other co-ordinating committees Common services and harmonized business practices action plan vi