Overseas Scholarship Conditions and Application Form Purpose Overseas Scholarships are to enable workers from other countries the opportunity to work in UK Departments for up to six months. Value of the Scholarship Successful candidates will be paid a grant of £1,250 per calendar month for up to 6 months and Department will be paid a consumables grant of £600 per month for the duration of the project. The Society will also reimburse the cost of return air fares and travel via the most economical route(s). Candidates must seek approval of travel costs in advance. Payment will be made direct to host institution who will administer the grant. The host institution should submit an invoice for the full amount, including reimbursement of travel expenses for the overseas scholar to the address detailed on the application form. Conditions Overseas Scholarships are open to scholars living outside the United Kingdom. The applicant must provide a statement describing how the visit to the UK, and the training, will benefit the scholar and their institution on their return. NOTE: Individuals already living, working or researching in the UK are not eligible to apply. The Terms and Conditions for all BSAC Grants and Scholarships are set out in the Standard Operational Procedures, copies of which are published on the BSAC website www.bsac.org.uk. Applicants and host institutions must read the terms and conditions before completing the application form. Successful applicants are required to submit a 500 word written report to the Secretary of the Grants Committee on completion of their project. How to apply: APPLICATIONS MUST BE: Collated into a single PDF document Submitted electronically to grants@bsac.org.uk (Postal applications may not be considered) Submitted with only the additional pages requested on the application form Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm receipt if email confirmation is not received from BSAC within 2 working days. Submission deadline: 1 November of each year. Applications are considered in April/May of the following year and applicants are notified by 31 May. Address for communication Correspondence including submission of the final reports, should be addressed to The Secretary, Grants Committee, British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Griffin House, 53 Regent Place, Birmingham, B1 3NJ Telephone: Facsimile: Email: +44 (0) 121 236 1988 +44 (0) 121 212 9822 grants@bsac.org.uk REF (OFFICE USE ONLY): Overseas Scholarship Application Form SECTION ONE [TO BE COMPLETED BY THE HOST INSTITUTION] Surname: Forename: Position held: Institution and Department: Address for Communication: Telephone No: Email (required): Please name the day-to-day supervisor from the Department: SECTION TWO [TO BE COMPLETED BY, OR ON BEHALF OF, THE PERSON TO BE SPONSORED Surname: Forename: Age: Designation: Country: Institution or Department: Address of Institution in the UK where to be based: Expected Date of Arrival: Expected Date of Departure: Letter of Recommendation from Head of Department (Please enclose) Air Fare (Cheapest Return): SECTION THREE – ATTACHMENTS Please attach the following documents: 1 Description of the project Word document, 2 A4 pages maximum, describing the proposed project. The following information must be included: 2 Title to project Introductory background Hypotheses to be tested Plan of investigation Clear outline of the training to be received Statement describing how the visit to the UK, and the training, will benefit the scholar and his/her institution on their return. Word document, maximum 1 A4 page. 3 Abridged CVs for: Overseas scholar UK sponsor Word documents, no more than 2 A4 pages for each CV, to include the last five publications by the sponsor. SECTION FOUR: DECLARATIONS SCHOLAR: I confirm that I have not received training outside my own country previously. SIGNED: PRINT NAME: DATE: SPONSOR: I/We agree to act as host to the individual named below, and sign here to confirm that we have read the Terms and Conditions. SIGNED: PRINT NAME: DATE: Updated Jan-14