2.-Information-Pack - Centre for Public Appointments

Marine Management Organisation
Appointment of a Non-Executive Board Member
Information pack for applicants
Reference PAPPT 006/15
The closing date for the receipt of applications for these roles is:
12pm Monday 18 January 2016
Information and application packs are available in other formats
such as larger font and Braille.
If you need a different format please contact us.
Email: publicappts@defra.gsi.gov.uk
The Marine Management Organisation
What is the Marine Management Organisation?
Further information
Becoming a Marine Management Organisation Board member
Description of role
Qualities and experience required
Terms and conditions of appointment
Applying for the role
The Commissioner for Public Appointments
How to apply
Selection process
How we will handle your application
Equal opportunities
Dealing with your concerns
1. The Marine Management Organisation
We are seeking to appoint a Board member for the Marine Management Organisation
(MMO), the Government’s principal marine delivery body.
What is the Marine Management Organisation?
The MMO was created on 1 April 2010 as a statutory public body to manage the marine
area in accordance with the duties and obligations stipulated in the Marine and Coast
Access Act 2009, with the objective of contributing towards the achievement of sustainable
The MMO brings together within a single entity a number of marine management activities
from across Government. As the Government’s principal regulator, as well as its delivery
body, for English territorial waters and UK offshore marine areas (for those matters that
are not devolved), the MMO delivers functions on behalf of a number of Government
It delivers the policy interests of a wide range of Government departments and planning
authorities through its role in developing marine plans. The chief sponsor is Defra, but
sponsorship is shared with the Department for Transport (DfT), Ministry of Defence (MoD),
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Communities
and Local Government (DCLG).
The MMO has approximately 270 staff, of which over half are based in its Newcastle-uponTyne headquarters. The remainder operate out of its coastal offices.
The MMO operates in a complex delivery landscape working with other regulatory and
delivery bodies (e.g. the Environment Agency, Natural England, Joint Nature Conservation
Committee, 10 Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities and the Maritime and
Coastguard Agency). Its stakeholder base is equally complex, and navigating through the
competing and conflicting demands of groups/organisations such as fishermen, energy
companies, ports, and conservationists is extremely challenging.
The main responsibilities of the MMO are the delivery of:
marine planning – the development and implementation of marine plans in English
inshore and offshore waters, setting the standard in the UK and internationally for
planning in the marine and coastal environment, delivering the Government’s
commitment to introduce a new framework for the seas that balances conservation,
energy and other resource needs;
marine licensing – managing the environmental, navigational, human health and
other impacts of constructions, deposits and removals in the marine area (handling
enquiries and applications, determining and granting licences including for offshore
energy installations of 100MW and below, issuing Harbour Orders under the
Harbours Act 1964);
enforcement - providing transparent, accountable, proportionate, consistent and
targeted enforcement of sea fisheries, nature conservation and licensing regimes,
using the single set of enforcement powers set out in Marine and Coastal Access
Act 2009, working with other marine enforcement bodies as appropriate;
fisheries management - including licensing fishing activity, fleet capacity and
quotas under the EU Common Fisheries Policy and collecting, coordinating and
providing UK information to the European Commission; and
providing advice - for example, to developers of offshore energy installations over
100MW in size, prior to their making an application for development consent to the
Major Infrastructure Planning Unit (MIPU) in the Planning Inspectorate, and making
representations to the MIPU as an interested party during consideration of such
applications. Approving oil spill treatment products for use in responding to major
marine pollution incidents.
Further information
For further information about the Marine Management Organisation, including the Board’s
Terms of Reference and Standing Orders, you may wish to visit the MMO web site:
http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/ .
For further information on the role or the MMO Board please telephone Robert Matthews
on 0208 026 4554, alternatively e-mail: robert.matthews@defra.gsi.gov.uk .
2. Becoming a Marine Management Organisation Board
Description of role
The Board of the MMO has collective responsibility to:
provide strategic direction and leadership to the organisation, drive performance and hold
the MMO to account against its strategic and corporate plans;
ensure propriety, regularity, economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operation of the
ensure that the MMO discharges its statutory duties within the framework specified by
have a good understanding of the work of the MMO and its stakeholders;
work co-operatively and build relationships with the executive and key stakeholders, and
represent the organisation at a senior level;
provide stewardship for the public funds entrusted to the organisation.
In more detail, the Board should:
ensure that the Secretary of State is kept informed of any changes which are likely
to impact on the strategic direction of the MMO or on the attainability of its targets,
and determine the steps needed to deal with such changes;
demonstrate high standards of corporate governance at all times, operate within the
limits of its statutory authority and any delegated authority agreed with the sponsor
departments, and in accordance with any other conditions relating to the use of
public funds (including taking into account guidance issued by the sponsor
departments); and generally provide stewardship for the public funds entrusted to
the MMO;
ensure effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on operational and
strategic risk management, governance and internal control; and
appoint with the Secretary of State’s approval, a Chief Executive and, in
consultation with the Sponsorship Group, set performance objectives for the Chief
Executive which give due weight to the proper management, use and utilisation of
public resources;
work co-operatively and build relationships with the executive and key stakeholders,
and represent the MMO at a senior level;
assist the Chair in his representative role, particularly at a regional level.
Members are required to follow the Seven Principles of Public Life set out by the
Committee on Standards in Public Life: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-7principles-of-public-life
Qualities and experience required
A high calibre member is being sought for the Board.
To be considered for this role, candidates should be able to demonstrate strong
experience or ability in the following areas:
An ability to communicate and build relationships including negotiation; listening;
persuasion; and building partnerships
An understanding of the principles of organisational reform and driving delivery of
An understanding of governance and the strategic role of a Non-Executive Board and
the ability to use sound judgment, evidence and knowledge to provide accurate,
reasoned advice that includes an assessment of risks and identifies opportunities
An ability to anticipate and predict developments that might be in economic,
environmental, social or technological fields and may have an impact on customers,
services, communities and markets
and one of:
An understanding of management in a supply chain; pricing models; and financial
A working knowledge and understanding of one or more business areas in which the
MMO operates
Please note listing posts held or roles undertaken without explaining how these
demonstrate achievement of the advertised criteria will be insufficient to support your
Terms and conditions of appointment
Terms of Appointment
Board Members are appointed by the Secretary of State.
Period of appointment
Terms of appointment are normally for three years, with the possibility of re-appointment,
subject to satisfactory performance and attendance. No individual will serve in any one
post for more than ten years.
The appointee may resign at any time by notice in writing to the Ministers. The Ministers
may terminate the appointment under certain conditions, which will be notified to the
successful candidate on appointment.
The Board will meet at least six times a year.
Time commitment
The Non-Executive Board Member will be expected to be available to commit a minimum
of 36 days a year.
Remuneration for the Non-Executive Board Member is set at £11,804 per annum.
Your fee will be paid into your nominated bank account by BACS transfer monthly in arrears.
All remuneration relating to the appointment is taxable and PAYE in respect of income tax
and National Insurance Contributions will be deducted at source.
Legitimate travel and other expenses will be fully reimbursed in line with Defra’s travel and
subsistence policies.
Location of Office
The MMO is based at Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4
7YH. Board meetings may be held at this office or at other locations in the UK.
3. Applying for a role
The Commissioner for Public Appointments
The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates and monitors ministerial
appointments to public bodies to ensure that they are made on merit after fair and open
competition. More information about the role of the Commissioner and the Code of
Practice is available at http://publicappointmentscommissioner.independent.gov.uk/ .
For full details of the complaints process for public appointments please click on the
http://publicappointmentscommissioner.independent.gov.uk/what-wedo/complaints-and-investigations/ .
How to apply
All candidates are required to complete the following forms:
• Political Activity Questionnaire
• Diversity and Data Protection Questionnaire
• Conflicts of interest Questionnaire
• Advertising Questionnaire
Candidates should submit their CV with education, professional qualifications and
employment history and the names and contact details for two referees, together with their
statement of suitability. The statement of suitability should give evidence of strength and
depth of your ability to meet essential criteria for this role. Please provide specific
examples to demonstrate how you meet each of the criteria (max two pages please).
Your CV, statement and questionnaires should be returned by email to
publicappts@defra.gsi.gov.uk - quoting reference PAPPT 006/15 by the closing date: 12
noon on Monday 18 January 2016.
Selection process
Selection Panel
A selection panel will be convened, comprising a senior Defra official, the Chair of the
MMO (Sir Bill Callaghan), a senior official from one of the other Government departments
that sponsors the MMO (DfT, CLG or DECC) and an independent. Details will be
confirmed prior to the shortlisting meeting.
The panel will invite the candidates who best demonstrate how they meet the criteria required
for the Board member post for interview. Your statement of suitability should therefore
focus on demonstrating how you meet the criteria for the post.
Interviews will be held at Defra’s head office in London at Nobel House, 17 Smith Square,
London SW1P 3JR. The interview will last approximately 45 minutes.
Candidates will be able to claim for reasonable expenses incurred travelling to and from
interview. Additional expenses incurred because of a disability or because of caring
responsibilities may be reimbursed to enable candidates to attend the interview.
An expenses claim form will be available at the interview.
How we will handle your application
The advertisement and this application pack give details of the Board member’s role.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application, via email or post.
Candidates will be notified by letter whether or not they have been short-listed.
The proposed sift date is week commencing end of January 2016.
References will be taken up if candidates are selected for interview.
It is intended that the interviews will take place in February 2016, although that could be
subject to change.
All candidates will be notified of the progress of their application.
Equal opportunities
To ensure our public bodies better represent the communities we serve, we positively
welcome applicants from all walks of life. All public appointments are made on merit
following a fair, open and transparent process as regulated by the Office of the
Commissioner for Public Appointments.
Dealing with your concerns
For queries about your application or the recruitment process, please email