Mind Mapping Mind mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics. Source: www.inspiration.com Instructions Directions: Using the following guidelines to create a Mind Map about Apartheid. 1. Start in the center with the word Apartheid and/or an image of the main topic – Apartheid. Outside research is not required. Use your textbook, your notes and notes from Cry Freedom. 2. Think about the many aspects of apartheid. Then, draw branches from the central image/topic to sub-topics about them. Next, draw sub-branches to elaborate on the topic of the branch it stems from. This helps develop and elaborate on the overall topic of the mind map. 3. Use one color for each sub-topic. Use multiple colors throughout the Mind Map. 4. Remember to use images and symbols throughout your Mind Map to represent different ideas. Your mind map must have at least 5 branches and 10 images to support the content. 5. Mind maps can be created on paper but there are many free apps/software available. (Coggle app on Google, Word, etc.) Details Details Subtopic Subtopic Subtopic APARTHEID Subtopic Subtopic Subtopic