Taking Account of Accountability: Assessing Politics and Policy June 10 - 11, 2002 Attendees’ Contact Information Anvar Abdullaev Kennedy School of Government 21 Peabody Terrace #32 Cambridge, MA 02138 Anvar_Abdullaev@ksg03.harvard.edu Seth Andrew HGSE Ed.M. '02 204 Holden Green Cambridge, MA 02138 seth@alumni.brown.edu Ginger Adams Program Manager Operation Public Education 3701 Chestnut St. Suite 6 East Philadelphia, PA 19104 vadams@pobox.upenn.edu Christy M. Bagwell Student - Politics and Education/MA Teachers College, Columbia University 64 W. 108th St. #6D New York, NY 10025 cmbagwell@hotmail.com Robert B. Aguirre Hispanic Council for Reform & Educational Options 1017 N. Main Ave. Suite 222 San Antonio, TX 78212 rba@onr.com Dee Allen Chairperson Support Our Schools Network P.O. Box 547 Holmdel, NJ 07733 deeallen@comcast.net Julie Altshuler Co-chair Education Reform Committee Massachusetts League of Women Voters 7 Birch Hill Road Belmont, MA 02478 ajalt@bellatlantic.net Ernie Baldemor Finance and Procurement Officer UNTAET - UNV Support Unit P.O. Box 2436 Darwin NT, AUSTRALIA 0801 erniebaldemor@hotmail.com Maura O. Banta Manager, Corporate Community Relations IBM 404 Wyman St. Waltham, MA 02454 mbanta@us.ibm.com Christopher Berry University of Chicago 2226 W. Palmer St. Chicago, IL 60647 crberry@uchicago.edu Kathy Boudett Harvard Children's Initiative 26 Mt. Auburn St. Cambridge, MA 02138 kathryn_boudett@gse.harvard.edu Apt. 41 Cambridge, MA 02138 luztcazares@hotmail.com Maria Brenes Graduate Student Youth Organizing Communities, Los Angeles CA 41 Farragut Ave. #3 Somerville, MA 02144 brenesma@gse.harvard.edu Corey Chatis Harvard Graduate School of Education 14 Appian Way 321 Larsen Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 corey_chatis@gse.harvard.edu Kevin Brill Fenway High School 174 Ipswich St. Boston, MA 02215 kbrill@fenway.boston.k12.ma.us Linda Brown Director MA Charter School Resource Center 85 Devonshire St. 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 lbrown@pioneerinstitute.org Tom Buffett Carpe Datum! buffetto@gse.harvard.edu Jennifer Butler Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main St. Malden, MA 02148 jbutler@doe.mass.edu Nancy M. Cappello CT State Dept. of Education 25 Industrial Park Rd. Middletown, CT 06457 nancy.cappello@po.state.ct.us Luz T. Cazares KSG Alumnus Andrew Churchill Assistant Director UMass Center for Education Policy University of Massachusetts Amherst 813 North Pleasant St. Amherst, MA 01003-9308 achurchill@educ.umass.edu Douglas Clayton Harvard Education Publishing Group 8 Story St. 5th Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 douglas_clayton@harvard.edu Martin Connelly Chief Policy Analyst Ministry of Education, New Zealand 45-47 Pipitea St. Thorndon Wellington, NEW ZEALAND martin.connelly@minedu.govt.nz Tonya Cropper Doctoral Student Public Policy Kennedy School of Government 1 Shaler Lane Cambridge, MA 02138 tonya_cropper@ksg.harvard.edu Elizabeth DeBray Research Associate Civil Rights Project, Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn St. Suite 400 South Cambridge, MA 02138 elizabeth_debray@gse.harvard.edu Lad L. Dell Associate Dean of Admission HGSE / Occidental College 1600 Campus Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90041 ldell@post.harvard.edu Kevin Doyle President & CEO TaskStream 2424 W. 36th St. New York, NY 10018 kdoyle@taskstream.com Andrew Effrat Director University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Amherst 813 North Pleasant St. Amherst, MA 01003-9308 aeffrat@educ.umass.edu Ellyn Feerick Center for Collaborative Education 1135 Tremont St. Suite 490 Boston, MA 02120 efeerick@ccebos.org Michael Feuer Director, Center for Education National Research Council 2001 Wisconsin Ave., NW Washington, DC 20007 mfeuer@nas.edu Elaine Fischhoff Assistant Attorney General Michigan Department of Attorney General 6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 1 Lansing, MI 48910 fischhoffe@michigan.gov Alison Ledger Fraser Harvard Graduate School of Education Assabet Valley Regional Voc. Tech. H.S. 19 Farmington Circle Marlborough, MA 01752 alison_fraser@gse.harvard.edu Susan Freedman President Teachers21 2345 Washington St. Newton, MA 02462 syfreedman1@aol.com Jason Freeman MPP Student Kennedy School of Government 19 Garden St. Apt. 24 Cambridge, MA 02138 jason_freeman@ksg03.harvard.edu Bob Frye School Board Member Fairfax County School Board 5514 Ivor St. Springfield, VA 22151 rfrf2000@aol.com Casey Gertzman Business Infrastucture Program Manager 5131 Avalon Dr. Wilmington, MA 01887 gertzman@alumni.princeton.edu Susan Goldsmith Director Boston University, Center for School Improvement 14 Rutland St. Cambridge, MA 02138 ssg@bu.edu David Gordon Editor Harvard Education Letter 8 Story St. 5th Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 david_gordon@harvard.edu Nora Gordon Dept. of Economics Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 ngordon@kuznets.harvard.edu Bonnie Gordon CEO Harvard Graduate School of Education 15 Glenville Ave. #7 Allston, MA 02134 gordonbo@gse.harvard.edu David Grissmer Senior Scientist RAND 1200 S. Hayes St. Arlington, VA 22202 davidg@rand.org Lynnette H. Harris Speech-language pathologist Boston Public Schools 69 Glendale St Dorchester, MA 02125 lynnetteh@earthlink.net Satoko Kishi Hesp Senior Program Associate The Boston Foundation 75 Arlington St. 10th Floor Boston, MA 02116 skh@tbf.org John Holly Principalship.com Group P.O. Box 15467 Boston, MA 02215 jhholly@earthlink.net Rebecca Holmes Director of Research and Finance Charter School Office - MA DOE 350 Main St. Malden, MA 02148 rholmes@doe.mass.edu Gwen Jordan Program Specialist The Lab at Brown University Box 1968 Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Gwen_Jordan@Brown.edu Krista Kafer The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, DC 20002 Krista.Kafer@heritage.org Kelly Kane Master's Student Harvard Graduate School of Education 6 Ash St. #205A Cronkhite Graduate Center Cambridge, MA 02138 kellykane01@hotmail.com Susan M. Kardos Research Assistant Harvard Graduate School of Education 37 Kirkland St. #201 Cambridge, MA 02138 susan_kardos@gse.harvard.edu David Kauffman Research Assistant Harvard Graduate School of Education 3 Warren Ave. Milton, MA 02186 kauffmda@gse.harvard.edu Aundrea Kelley Acting Director for Academic Policy Mass. Board of Higher Education One Ashburton Place Room 1401 Boston, MA 02108 akelley@bhe.mass.edu Joan M. Kenney Balanced Assessment Program HGSE 201 Nichols House Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138 Joan_Kenney@harvard.edu Daphne Kenyon President The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy 7 South State St. Concord, NH 03302-0897 dkenyon433@aol.com Jimmy Kim Center for Evaluation 2 Soldiers Field Park #709 Boston, MA 02163 kimja@gse.harvard.edu Akiko Kitazawa Harvard Graduate School of Education 66 Prentiss St. Cambridge, MA 02140 kitazaak@gse.harvard.edu Kevin R. Kosar Ph.D. Candidate in Politics New York University 109 N. 8th St. #1R Brooklyn, NY 11211 kkosar@sprynet.com Ellen Condliffe Lagemann The Spencer Foundation 875 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 3930 Chicago, IL 60611-1803 pres@spencer.org Julie Lane Charter School Office - MA DOE 350 Main St. 5th Floor Malden, MA 02148 jlane@doe.mass.edu Richard Lavers Education Policy Researcher Office of Senator Antonioni State House Room 109-E Boston, MA 02133 rlavers@senate.state.ma.us David L. Leal Assistant Professor The University of Texas at Austin Burdine 536 Dept. of Government Austin, TX 78712 dleal@buffalo.edu Richard Lemons Doctoral Fellow Harvard Graduate School of Education 14 Story St. 4th Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 lemonsri@gse.harvard.edu Kelley Lessard Researcher America's Charter School Finance Corporation 639 Granite St. Suite 310 Braintree, MA 02184 klessard@americascharter.org Anders Lewis Executive Director, Office of Standards, Academic Review and Research Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main St. Malden, MA 02148 Alewis@doe.mass.edu Lisa Lineweaver Ed.M. in School Leadership 2002 Harvard Graduate School of Education 20 Trowbridge St. #7 Cambridge, MA 02138 lineweaver@erols.com Elena Llaudet Research Associate Pioneer Institute 85 Devonshire St. 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 ellaudet@pioneerinstitute.org John Lozada Director of Community Engagement Boston Plan for Excellence 6 Beacon St. Boston, MA 02108 jlozada@bpe.org Ben Lummis Center for Collaborative Education Turning Points 1135 Tremont St. Suite 490 Boston, MA 02120 blummis@ccebos.org Anuja Master Associate Director The Pisces Foundation 345 Spear St. Suite 510 San Francisco, CA 94105 amaster@piscesfoundation.org Myrna Mateo Teacher Baltimore Public Schools 4 Crismers Ct. Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 namyrh@hotmail.com Christopher Mazzeo Senior Policy Analyst National Governors' Association 444 N. Capitol St. Suite 267 Washington, DC 20001 cmazzeo@nga.org Amy C. McGovern Lawrence Public School Committee 255 Essex St. P.O. Box 1498 Lawrence, MA 01842 Ameszly@aol.com Heather McMillan Doctoral Student Harvard Graduate School of Education 86 Verndale St. Brookline, MA 02446 Heather_McMillen@gse.harvard.edu Lisa Moellman Recent Ed.M. Grad Harvard Graduate School of Education 39 Skehan St. Suite 2 Somerville, MA 02143 lisa_wahl@post.harvard.edu Dr. Rachel Moreno Associate Professional Specialist University of Notre Dame 112 Badin (ACE) Notre Dame, IN 46556 rmoreno1@nd.edu Fred Mosteller Roger I. Lee Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Emeritus Statistics Dept., Harvard University Science Center, Rm. 604 One Oxford St. Cambridge, MA 02138 statdept@stat.harvard.edu Susan P. Nye Principal School District of Philadelphia 4901 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19139 snye@phila.k12.pa.us Lynn Olson Education Week 6935 Arlington Rd. Suite 100 Bethesda, MD 20814 lolson@epe.org Lindsay Page Associate Analyst, Education and Family Support Abt Associates, Inc. 55 Wheeler St. Cambridge, MA 02138 lindsay_page@abtassoc.com Chris Patterson Director of Education Research Texas Public Policy Foundation 8122 Datapoint Dr. Suite 326 San Antonio, TX 78250 chrispat@tppf.org Mitch Pearlstein President Center of the American Experiment 12 S. 6th St. Suite 1024 Minneapolis, MN 55402 mitch@amexp.org Lovett C. Peters Pioneer Institute 85 Devonshire St. 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 lpeters@pioneerinstitute.org Patricia Plummer Deputy to the Chancellor for Policy and Planning Mass. Board of Higher Education One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108-1696 pplummer@bhe.mass.edu John Portz Honors Program Northeastern University 1 Nightingale Hall Boston, MA 02115 j.portz@neu.edu Patricia Raichle Washington Education Association 33434 - 8th Ave S. Federal Way, WA 98003 praichle@wa.nea.org Joe Rappa Massachusetts Office of Educational Quality and Accountability Joe.Rappa@state.ma.us Sarah Reber Graduate Student Harvard University sreber@fas.harvard.edu William Craig Rice Director of Education Assessment American Academy for Liberal Education 1710 Rhode Island Ave. 4th Floor Washington, DC 20036 wrice@aale.org Janice Riddell John M. Olin Foundation 330 Madison Ave. 22nd Floor New York, NY 10017 jriddell@jmof.org Holly Robinson Senior Vice President Georgia Public Policy Foundation 6100 Lake Forest Drive Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30328 hrobinson@gppf.org Ian Rosenblum Assistant Program Manager Operation Public Education 3701 Chestnut St. Suite 6 East Philadelphia, PA 19104 ianr@pobox.upenn.edu Michael Rothman Director Project for School Innovation 197A Centre Street Dorchester, MA 02124 mrothman@psinnovation.org Richard Rothstein Education Columnist N.Y. Times P.O. Box 301 S. Wellfleet, MA 02663 riroth@nytimes.com Antonia Rudenstine Program Director, Building Excellent Schools Fellowship MA Charter School Resource Center 85 Devonshire St. 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 arudenstine@pioneerinstitute.org David Santoyo Lawyer Harvard Law School 24 Peabody Terrace #1901 Cambridge, MA 02138 dsantoyo@law.harvard.edu Jennifer Schimmenti Analyst Abt Associates, Inc. 55 Wheeler St. Cambridge, MA 02138 jennifer_schimmenti@abtassoc.com Rosemary Sedgwick Fenway Institute 174 Ipswich St. Boston, MA 02215 rsedgwi@fenway.boston.k12.ma.us Michael Sentance Secretary's Regional Representative U.S. Department of Education JW McCormack POCH Room 514 Boston, MA 02109 michael.sentance@ed.gov Judy Sharkey University of New Hampshire 221 University Center 400 Commercial St. Manchester, NH 03101 Judy.Sharkey@unh.edu Heidi Sickler Graduate Student Harvard Graduate School of Education 1657 Cambridge St., #1 Cambridge, MA 02138 sicklehe@gse.harvard.edu Rick Silberman Editor Journal of Education / Boston University School of Education 605 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 rsilberm@bu.edu Scott Spicer Policy Analyst National Governors' Association 444 N. Capitol St. Suite 267 Washington, DC 20001 sspicer@nga.org Mary Stafford Achievement Director Edison Schools 2288 Iverson Lane Carlton, MN 55718 mstafford@edisonschools.com Deborah L. Stapleton Visiting Fellow HGSE - The Principals' Center 8 Story St. Lower Level Cambridge, MA 02138 deborah_stapleton@gse.harvard.edu James Stergios Research Director Pioneer Institute 85 Devonshire St. 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109 jstergios@pioneerinstitute.org Megan Sullivan Assistant Professor of Humanities and Rhetoric Boston University 871 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 msullvan@acs.bu.edu Charlie Toulmin Consultant Consultant 56 Walnut St. #4 Somerville, MA 02143 ctoolbox@yahoo.com Anna Varghese The Center for Education Reform 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20036 anna@edreform.com Misty Wainwright Tech Prep Coordinator Pinelands Tech Prep Partnership 1710 Sullivan Dr. Bogalusa, LA 70427 mwainwright@lctcs.state.la.us T.J. Wallace Director Parents Advancing Choice in Education, Dayton, Ohio 6450 Sand Lake Rd Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 tj.wallace@cymi.com Katonja Webb Project Coordinator GEAR UP / UMass-Boston 666 Tremont St. #1 Boston, MA 02118 katonja@post.harvard.edu Carol Weiss Professor Harvard Graduate School of Education 6 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138 carol_weiss@harvard.edu Heather Wilson Doctoral Student University of Virginia 405 Emmett St. 265 Ruffner Hall Charlottesville, VA 22904 heather@wayson.net Melanie Winklosky Massachusetts Department of Education 350 Main St. Malden, MA 02148 mwinklosky@doe.mass.edu Rebecca Wolf Director of Accountability Charter School Office - MA DOE 350 Main St. 5th Floor Malden, MA 02148 RWolf@doe.mass.edu LeRoy Wong Education Specialist MA Department of Education 350 Main St. Malden, MA 02148 lwong@doe.mass.edu Peggy Wood Policy Analyst Mass. Board of Higher Education One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108-1696 pwood@bhe.mass.edu