Verbal/Visual Essay on Theme

Verbal/Visual Collage - Theme
You are to create a verbal-visual collage based on one key theme that is expressed in your novel.
You are to mix important QUOTES and WORDS from the novel with PICTURES, DRAWINGS, and
COLOURS to express your interpretation of the theme.
- One page 8.5 x 11 (not lined paper!)
- Minimum of 5 images
- Minimum of 3 quotes with page references
- Minimum of 3 statements of your own
- 1-2 paragraph explanation of the meaning of your visual representation
- Understanding of the content of your novel and how it relates to theme.
- Critical and Creative thinking process. Quotes and images that work with your theme.
Communication: - Images and colours reflect theme. Spelling and grammar
- Organization of images and explanation of ideas.
Each out of 5 for a TOTAL: /20 marks
Planning/Brainstorming Notes: Theme chosen: ___________________________
Possible images: _________________________________________________________________________
Possible Quotes: _________________________________________________________________________
Possible Statements:_______________________________________________________________________
Colours/Symbols that represent this theme: ____________________________________________________
Ideas for how to organize information effectively: