Held 2 October 2014 at 4.30 pm
At Wiltshire College, Trowbridge
In Attendance
Faith Butt (Chair), Amanda Burnside, David Oxenham, June Sadd,
Iain Hatt, Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality, Charlotte Corfield, Director of
Teaching and Learning, Heather Cross, Clerk to the Corporation, Kim Hunte (for
item 1/9 only)
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Helen Birchenough and Jack Wills.
Minutes of the last meeting
Minutes of the meeting held 26 June 2014 had been circulated.
The minutes of the meeting were considered and were agreed as a true record
Matters arising from the minutes
a. Free School
It was reported that the relationship was working well between the two
organisations based at the Salisbury site. It was understood that the School
had recruited 100 out of its120 pupil allocation. The teaching of psychology
was being shared with the college.
Learning and Teaching Key Performance Indicators and Risk Review – to
consider progress to date
a. Key Performance Indicators
The Key Performance Indicator document had been circulated.
Iain Hatt commented that the intention was to build from the Corporation
meeting discussions and determine what should apply for this committee.
In discussion committee members commented that the metrics proposed
were acceptable and suggested a clearer indication of the intended position
by year end would be helpful to be included. The Acting Principal
commented that the true position with teaching observations was not yet
known and it was likely there would be an apparent dip in performance in
comparison with the previously reported position. The Committee
considered that in this instance the targets therefore should be considered
to be temporary or not set in this area. It was agreed that only after window
1 there should be consideration of setting an appropriate target in relation to
teaching performance. The balanced scorecard information could be around
the confidence of the information. It was agreed that at KPI 1.2 the 80%
target should be removed as it was currently unrealistic. However the
principle of using aspirational targets where suitable was recognised as
appropriate form time to time to reflect the college’s expectation that all its
learners would succeed.
Key targets were observation grades and the volumes of staff observed.
Attendance and retention were important to be monitored.
The Committee thanked managers for the development of the targets.
b. Risk review
A risk review report had been circulated, which governors welcomed and
asked that the most significant risks be highlighted in future.
Teaching and Learning Strategy
a. Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy was heartily welcomed
by the committee. Iain Hatt explained that it had been written with staff as
the main audience and had been launched with managers the previous day.
It had been well received and the support being provided for teachers was
Governors congratulated college management on producing a clear
document to bring about change.
b. Observation of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and
Iain Hatt made some introductory comments. Managers were working on
significant change with staff in this area and he drew attention to the
proposed new robust arrangements concerning staff receiving grades 3 or
4. Learning Walks would from time to time include students. Windows for
when Walks would take place would be retained and would include those
staff who had previously missed a slot due to sickness. There was much
work being done with staff to introduce observations as a positive
experience to assist their journey of improvement.
The Committee discussed the proposed arrangements and noted the three
possible outcomes to an observation. It was understood that the process
had been out for consultation and had been accepted by unions. There was
discussion about whether flexibility for unannounced observations should be
provided but it was recognised that the new arrangements needed to be
accepted and trusted before further changes might be considered. Learning
Walks would remain unannounced.
Student Success for the 2013/14 year
A paper was tabled which gave the latest success information, updated from that
circulated at Corporation meeting.
The significant improvement in success for long level 3, 16 to 18 year olds was
noted but still required further improvement. Progress had not been made in 19+
long level 3. Long level 2 was above the national average. The Chair asked that the
data show volumes as well as percentages in future, so that the extent of an issue
was more easily understood. It was recognised that a significant amount of work
was required in GCSE performance and learners must gain the qualifications. This
was a national issue.
Functional skills performance was noted as better in English than maths and that
there were appreciable differences between male and female performance.
Targeted interventions were required.
Apprenticeship performance was discussed, with 73% achievement and Timely at
60%, which was improved, although still showing a spikey profile. Ben Allen
reported that there was a focus on the learner numbers still to be captured which
may then show overall improvement.
Admissions/Enrolment update
a. Numbers/System update
The latest available report had been circulated. A report was run every
Friday. There were 3015 ft students as at 26 Sept and there had been some
losses on the previous week. 14 to 16 is an area of growth. HE numbers
were tracking acceptably.
The Committee discussed the achievability of targets. It was recognised that
a curriculum plan with targets had not been in place previously. Further
shortfalls were anticipated. The figures for each campus were reviewed. It
was noted that numbers at Chippenham were significantly below target,
whereas Salisbury had recruited well, reflecting a significant push in
marketing effort and there had been no issues affecting recruitment.
The possible diversion of resources to address the need for further
recruitment was acknowledged.
b. Implementation of Learner Course Profile
A report on this implementation was received. Linda Westmore had been
appointed as the new Head of Student Services and Tutorial and joined the
meeting to demonstrate the system.
The learner course profile was key software for use by tutors to inform them
and others how students were progressing and anything else about their
progress such as English and maths. It gave important information about
the completion of diagnostics and other details. A late card system had also
been introduced, as attendance was such an important component towards
success. The course profile system allowed much more accurate reporting
and had the capacity to support progress and encourage students, showing
their progression. Work was being carried out to ensure usage compliance
and training for staff. The system gave powerful information in some less
obvious ways too, such as illustrating a problem to local bus companies
about the impact of their service, or to illustrate that another bus would be
well used.
The grade tracker, which was about to be introduced, was demonstrated.
The information could be viewed by students. The Committee asked
questions about how student forecasts were discussed and set with
The Committee welcomed this important development and thanked Linda
for the demonstration.
Post Inspection Action Plan
The circulated Post Inspection Action Plan was noted - and that it was not updated
from that received at last week’s Corporation meeting.
Revised Safeguarding Policy 2014
Kim Hunte attended the meeting to introduce the revised policy.
The committee welcomed the amendments which had been made to the policy
since the version reviewed by the last meeting. In discussion it was suggested that
students should not be expected to be included in the requirement for the
safeguarding team to be trained every two years. It was also suggested that the
responsibility for all those including governors had obtained the necessary
understanding of safeguarding, should be a responsibility of officers and not sit with
the Designated Safeguarding governor.
Work was being considered concerning policy on extremism and radicalisation and
reference to this should be contained in the Safeguarding policy.
With these amendments the policy was approved, and the Committee delegated to
the Chair to receive the final version for acceptance.
It was noted that safeguarding was once again a specific issue considered at
inspection under the revisions to the Ofsted inspection framework from September
Briefings for all the Corporation were being planned.
Equality and Diversity Update
The Acting Principal reported that the college was currently examining how
achievement gaps should be addressed and there was a significant amount of work
to be done to review all related policies and procedures. The College would publish
its review of equality and diversity performance as required in January, which was
an annual requirement.
Any Other Business
The Committee acknowledged the work of Ben Allen over his time at the college,
thanking him for his work and wishing him well for his future.
Date of next meeting – to consider whether the reserve date of 13 November 2014
is to be used.
A discussion took place concerning the reserve date of 13 November. The date
would continue to be reserved. The meeting on 4 December was specifically
reserved for consideration of the SAR.